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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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only crap parks police are watching our t.v. what a bunch of freedom hating commies. anyway amy kramer of the tea party express is in the house tonight mitt romney is set to announce his presidential run of morrow and make it official but he still hates the u.s. constitution i'll tell you how i staged the body slam from saturday here's a hint it included a jet a mind tree and bush is there but you're pretty. and the dance parties now a global phenomenon with parties being planned for noon on saturday in solidarity and stuff on molyneux joins us to explain why dancing is such a broad appeal when say protesting maybe not so much fortunately you can always
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count on bringing people together with a message of the love olution on adam vs the man. here and adverse is the man we like to keep a close eye on the police state as you know but it appears they're keeping an eye on us too and i'm not just talking about that and i say are surveillance authorized by the patriot act and i'm not talking about the officer you may have seen at the jefferson memorial on saturday with a video camera asking tourists if they have permits for their cameras after kicking out the mainstream media cameramen they're actually watching this show i went back
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to the memorial to do an interview for someone else's you tube. here's what happened. we have a couple of you to be our viewers that would like to do a good interview with us and so the memorial bieber voices down with the below that would not be allowed here you have a program on t.v. and a britney and programs like the russians are right in there so you can. presume it's not but it's an honor for me but i just point i'm going to get outside became holy crap if freedom of speech doesn't exist for commercial enterprises there is no freedom of speech although i got to say i'm really flattered about this this is this is really amazing we are getting recognized in public by members of the parks police department and having my rights actually curtailed as a direct result i don't know i'm just flattered and grateful that they're watching hopefully they're listening and thinking too but you saw what happened last
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saturday i kind of got it and it was i also got a call today from park police lieutenant dennis both sac yes that's both sac not ball sack and for the record my last name is coke cash not kokesh but it was i got this call from temple sat with the parks police today because we disown happened to have a facebook group for the event next saturday dance party a t.v. series that now has over twenty five hundred r.c. pieces i think i might have a few more backup dancers this coming saturday then that we had all together last saturday but here's the thing he was calling me to try to tell me that parts of police is there to look out and protect our first amendment rights i don't want to exaggerate things but for him to say we want to be there to protect their first amendment rights is kind of like saying for hearing from the nazis how many jews are there in europe because we just we just want to know so we can we can
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protect their rights now don't worry it's not going to. that on saturday they're not counting beds and fema camps for dances of the jefferson memorial but the idea that parks police are somehow there to protect our rights is a bit of a laughable proposition of this point anyway i never thought we discover such a fanbase from within the police force. joining me now is amy kramer of the tea party express and we actually have met before when would she was on one of the earlier bus tours with the tea party express when i was a candidate a republican candidate for congress in new mexico at their their real rental stop great to have you in studio events for happens in you get in studio now it's good to see you so we have something in common apparently that the republican party is
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afraid of us and. the libertarian wing as well as the tea party has as its own movement with its own momentum challenging the neo conservative big government establishment republicans that seem to have hijacked our party tell us about that and how do you think that's going to play out in the few thousand top presidential primaries well i mean the tea party movement is a direct result of people being fed up and angry with both political parties but it specially the republican party because they've gotten away from their conservative base some platform their conservative principles this movement is about this core sponsibility limited government for the markets make mainly focused only on the fiscal you know responsibility part i mean the bottom line is the united states of america is on this cliff about to go over the edge about to file bankruptcy because we're spending more than we're taking then and we just can't sustain this and that's what people are concerned about is this is what i love about the tea party
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this is this is the honest grassroots message of the tea party right here. this isn't the whole lot of this isn't the by the republican party as we've seen a lot of that this is the core fiscal conservative issue coalition but there have been a lot of accusations and i want to get a chance to address this because it's they're not groundless and i saw this myself in new mexico there were people who were participate in the party activists coming around because they believed in that core message and then there were those that seem to have ulterior motives well you know what i mean that the fiscal issues those three core principles and values that i just spoke about that is what this movement is focused on you're going to have french on every side of you know any political movement and we're not going to tolerate that in we're you know of course the republican party and others are trying to co-opt the movement because they see the power of the movement you know that it's a testament to the power of the movement if it were not being as it were for the
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tea parties about the constitution well i mean it is about the constitution i mean people want to get back to our core you know they want to protect the constitution what this country a scout was founded on and in but it's as it relates to the core issues of fiscal conservatism right i mean because we have been living our lives school under school raising our families working you know doing the things that americans are used to doing and washington's been up here with our credit card just spending spending spending and now it's out of control in the american people are waking are like what's going on here i mean you don't have the authority to come out here and spend us into you know into debt this way i never thought i'd have to ask this question but looking at the presidential field from the republican party fifty thousand people. i there any real fiscal conservatives well first of all in full disclosure i have to remain completely neutral and i'm biased because tea party express has partnered with c.n.n.
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to host the first ever tea party presidential debate very exciting one a second that is september twelfth in tampa and i mean that itself is a testament to the strength of this movement look at what just what so tune in on the twelve and we'll find out who the fiscal conservatives are i mean and we believe that whoever the republican nominee and that's one thing i want to make you know clear here is that we're not here to start a third party we have two very viable parties that we need to work from within in change but i believe whoever the republican nominee is going to be they have to have the support of this movement we you know you were on the call there reporter. recently and i saw it i'm i'm a fan but i'm also a fan of what you're doing there and i'm. i really have to say when we're in court where there's really powerful moment in an interview when you say something about about defense then i think it's one of the real honorable things about the tea party breaking from what has become this corrupt mainstream conservatism so we're
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going to question defense spending. everything's on the table no sacred cows including the welfare program for the military industrial complex is eisenhower called it but at the end of your answer he went like this and he said you know you know i want to love you to. you know we have we have. no i was going to say it's it was fun being on call they are but i mean it's true we have you know everything these to be on the table there's nothing that is safe oh we're going to try to make this a little more fun for called bear. because i know because i love you even more than color i don't think i believe. i'm actually a real conservative of the reasons you know fiscal conservative you are so i don't know if you've heard we had a little dance party. last saturday and as a result it's turned into gallon an international phenomenon and we have dance parties planned all over the country for saturday at noon for people who are
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standing up for their concentrates of the first amendment and i know this is a little bit outside of the realm of the tea party but i'd like to ask you now have the stance well for yes you may but the tea party i mean we absolutely believe in the first amendment and i'll stand it all right it's. a i'm kind of. look. i. i i. i i. i. and now a warning from your friendly media watchdogs out of versus them tomorrow mitt romney the obamacare instigator in chief will make his presidential run official
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and do his best to make a mainstream media spectacle out of it as incompetent journalists are a lavish praise on this anti freedom former governor according to recent c.n.n. poll mitt romney is number two trailing another very big government republican rudy giuliani ali ron paul pulls it over for trailing sarah palin he's the only candidate of those who has declared his run for the presidency yet so in other words the c.m. polling has the number one goal and candidate it was declared as ron paul will enjoy the moment while it lasts then get back to kicking these anti-constitutional so-called republicans out of the running but let me ask you american conservative viewers do you really want mitt romney as your president let's take each one of the conservative elements piece by piece. is mitt romney best for social conservatives if abortion is morally wrong and he responsible for discouraging it
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one of the great things about our nation sally is that region title to have strong personal beliefs and we encourage other people to do the same but as a nation we recognize the right of all people to believe as they want and not to impose our beliefs on other people i believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country ok so in massachusetts but the way we did he says something else about. and you can see in my record as governor that i have consistently been pro-life every piece of legislation that dealt with life even though you were effectively pro-choice. you know that. so i'm going to say one thing and do another so the obamacare incident he was also an abortion flip flop anyway the social conservatives out of the romney camp for now are let's see so would romney be best for amy kramer's tea party express oh no i like mandates out of them and they made it work out of the manager gordon. i mean i
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know you're going to really mean it oh absolutely i am but let me tell you what kind of man it's a life for it which is this and i want to come up with. beg your pardon i like mandates what mandates are freedom made you can have it both ways all right so what we're going to do about the iraq war national security and afghanistan don't run the race the question if you were president is a switch you need to go to congress to get authorization to take military action against iran's nuclear facilities. you sit down with your attorneys and tell you what you have to do but obviously the president of states has to do what's in the best interest of the united states to protect us against a potential threat the president did that as he was planning on moving into iraq and received the authorization of congress that he needed you know we're going to the lawyers sort out what he needed to do and what he didn't need to do awesome more war government run health care and more abortions so when i ask question it i
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don't hear her but i want him a little dance party on saturday. yeah that one awkward we inserted gratuitous plug for our of it outstanding so it will you come dance with me on saturday to help us stand up for the first amendment of the constitution and i was very proud that i had a one state police class after another we had the largest state police in the history of our state so there you have it the g.o.p. front runner our favorite answered obama is a white version of obama who put hair and lies oh wait obama said he was anti-war and people believed him and it was that we didn't fall for your crap in
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two thousand and eight we're not going to do it again and i pray that the seventeen percent of the republican party who thinks you would be just as bad or think that you wouldn't be just as bad as obama come to their senses and back to real conservatism. when we come back. you may have noticed that the police officer involved in last saturday's incident was also at the eric holder interview we'll explain that and sit down with the found molyneux of freedom in a radio dot com about why dancing is bringing in so many people together thanks enjoy watching adam first man. let me get that we have an apartheid regime right.
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i think. either one well. whatever government says there keep them safe get ready because your freedom. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to prevent break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is human deal with the global mission that we see where we had a state controlled capitalism that's called session so when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. internally or the military mechanisms and do the
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work to bring justice and accountability. i have every right to know what my government and we want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of america. exceptionalism. welcome back to adam versus the ma'am now after watching the tape of what happened last saturday some of you may have noticed that the cop who picked me up and body slammed me might have looked a little bit familiar if you're following this so here we have a little interview with eric holder
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a couple weeks ago attorney general to ask him if he thought that ending the war on drugs might save some lives of police officers killed unnecessarily in the line of duty and here you see us actually if you can hear you see the officer in question of the parks department parks police making a complete ass of himself now on television again so here is the video as you see with the takedown. last saturday at the jefferson memorial here comes wait for it wait for it and down and you know louis. they can't even get sunglasses that will sort of survive a body slam i mean maybe there's not enough money going to the police force these days we've got to elect romney as president anyways so some people have seen us all night and figure this out a lot of clever people out there on the inner webs and they've even been doing some graphic juxtapositions putting these together making sure that everybody knows that
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this officer was the same one in fact some people have gone so far in seeing this as to come to the conclusion that i must have set this up i think that this guy this is this officer walk around carrying a gun at the jefferson memorial and carrying a gun here the law enforcement morial must be working in cahoots with me and the russian government or something like that crazy stuff all right but you know what you got to admit that they're really on a something there people actually coming out colony of fraud because of this well i had to tell you i am frog i set this whole thing up but let's let's get the video here ok we're going to. let's let's hold it right there pause ok so i was danson doing my thing and. here comes over trying to get me to do the robot
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and i was like i don't want to do the robot so this is where i unleashed the jet i'm ninety three and i said all right what's going to make him look really really stupid what's going to make everybody in america stop and go holy crap the police force is out of control in this country all my god we're going to stand up to this well i thought all right i'm going to use my jet i'm i'm sure powers. rockcliffe let's go again here i'm going to make him pick me up. this is all me here all me total joe minds work on this guy down the hole and post it again now it looks like i hit the floor pretty hard on the on the marble here it looks like i got cena looks like i was a little bit injured but that's not true because i actually use the force to cushion my blow i didn't actually hit the hit the hit the ground there i really i landed on a cushion of force air about half a centimeter off the ground total side a total fraud anyways or maybe maybe it was an officer with
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a personal vendetta or something like that i don't know i cam i really should and there are a lot of haters coming out still about this hate non-dance and hate none on code pink for being there or you know what i'm really glad that to members of code pink showed up last saturday because a bunch of libertarian said we're going to stand up for a first amendment. and we brought people into our cars and i'm very proud of the fact that we're building a coalition around freedom of speech freedom of bands lot of haters out there but you know i just got you know one thing to say to them because i don't really feel like i should have to answer to anybody i don't i don't want to take time away from the positive message of the love olution by spending time on people that have nothing better to do and that than hate on dancing so i think we'll just go with
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our you know what sam adams said a couple centuries ago really kind of summed it up if you love wealth better than liberty the tranquility of servitude then the animated concepts of freedom go home from us in peace we ask not your councils or arms crowds down and lick the hand which feeds you may your chains lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countryman. nother fun from over there thank you and i hope if you're watching this you will join us it's saturday on saturday at noon at the jefferson memorial for a dance party at thomas jefferson's place i just i've been really blown away
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by the amount of support that's come out for this event that people are saying this is all right you know what. protest this protest that i don't know what you want to say that we can dance let's dance and we now have over twenty five hundred people r.t. are sleeping on the facebook event we just decided that friday night at eight pm for those of you in d.c. or are coming to d.c. for this event we are going to be meeting for a pretty party at eight pm at dupont circle and it will be a chance for you to meet maybe some fellow dancers hang out it's a known in a slightly more relaxed environment than what we might see the jefferson memorial on saturday but this isn't just an outpouring of support that's coming into washington d.c. to stand up to the violations of our first amendment that are happening right here where they keep the constitution this is now not just a national but
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a global phenomenon fact fox news here reported that it's at least a national grassroots movement now and you know fox says that it has to be true right so anyways it's actually global there are solidarity parties and planned all over the world for this people say we are going to dance down the police state anyways speaking of international we've got our special guest tonight it's the thought of molyneux joining us from ontario canada stefan host of freedom a no radio dot com the most popular philosophy conversation on the internet so far they so much for joining us as we go on my big brother. outstanding stuff on. are you going to be dancing with us on saturday you know you're going to do a jig and solidarity at least in ontario absolutely i'm thinking of doing a slow dance you can leave your head on strip tease. that money to not have that stream there i think i think you could hold the entire internet hostage with that
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in fact that that would that would invoke. donate the freedom in radio dot com were released the tape but. this is an interview to say. i want to get your take on this because this is something that is i'm blown away by as i didn't plan for this but you've been following this you've seen you know our video that we put up at something like three quarters of a million views in another itself not that much but there are two other copies that have about half a million and then there are dozens of copies being repos to with hundreds of thousands why is this so compelling when all of the other violations of our rights haven't really gotten people up to dance. well i can tell you what i think i think that it is emblematic of the degree to which power is not about protection rights everyone says well we need the police to protect our persons and our property
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clearly this was the initiation of force on the part of the police for the disobedience of arbitrary and ridiculous and immature rules and so this is emblematic of everything that is wrong with the state at the moment that the status initiating force against its citizens through taxation through greg elations through the war on drugs through the war on poverty the wrong literacy all of the crap that never works this was a clear initiation of force on the part of the state it captures so much of what we're groaning and creaking under the weight of all of these laws that are hurting us and initiating force against us and incarcerating us so i think you really idea say this with a musical metaphor you struck a chord with your dancing and i think that's what people are responding to we all get the sense that this time this is tiny little set of spiderweb slowly tightening around or sinews in our muscles and we just want to break free and i think that you really encapsulates it that everybody who was there or hopefully we can dance free on saturday will see you there there are like parts police are already on top of
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this we have to watch out because they have they are coming on saturday to the jefferson memorial whipping in terms of protecting our first amendment rights so if for a dancer we have to be on our best behavior to be really safe is when they say they're going to protect their rights that's usually when they're about to you know body slam you or something like that but they're protecting your right usually means cutting back a right. but i don't really get from that ok so you would you've been following this thing online you've seen the events you've seen some of the international there's a new york they're going one for a another specific local regulation in central park that they would like to defeat if only momentarily on saturday where is this thing go on. well i think that people get deep down that the government is out of control i think that people can't do much about the debt ceiling they can't do much about the debt as a whole they can't do much about the deficit they can't do much about the war but they can get out and shake their tail feathers and that's something that people can do it's something that people are going to be interested in doing it something that gives them a chance to versus the man as the show says you know and i think that's very
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inspiring for people it's something that i can do the two bit shuffle in the face of emerging tyranny and feel like i've done a good deed for the day and i think that's a very powerful thing to offer to people but what do you think comes next what's after saturday for this this new grassroots international they are party movement. well i think that it's going to be a collective decision this is the kind of thing you cannot manage and you can't run a classically is a no controlling terri yet no control i think it's going to be very interesting to see what it's goes i think that when people get together in joy and celebration of the possibility of freedom we are not at the state where the authorities are going to crack down this isn't russia in one thousand in one nine hundred sixty this is in tiananmen square these would be the tyrannies are going to have to back down of course and people are going to see that crack in the window they're going to see that opening in the roof and i think people are just going to start swarming and i think that's going to be a way of pushing back the darkness a little bit and i think that's something to really admired and you know i just really wanted to to thank you for what you've been doing up to the scary thing to
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do and it's a very powerful thing to do and i think you've given people a real sense of personal power in the face of this increasing aggression i will thank you stefan i hope simply pointing the way to the crack is enough to kick this thing off but if this is the crack that you speak of we could see a lot of good things coming out of the dance party movement and it was thank you so much the fun it was your drug so far moer freedom and radio dot com and that's our show for that i thank you tonight adam vs the man so i got adverse of the man that pal of all guests and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always adam adam riess is the man in gadgets broadcast live as it airs at r.t. dot coms life usa on you tube this is out and over from washington d.c. tonight. he's the new kid in town and the music's on the side. for looks.


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