tv [untitled] June 2, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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atrocity unpunished soldiers are cleared of the killing of innocent civilians including children four years ago due to lack of evidence. un accuses libyan political forces on both sides of the fence of committing war crimes and it turns decision to prolong its military action for another three months. rising prices are going to energy deficit cast a shadow over european union as germany takes its first steps to get rid of nuclear power.
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are you watching r t i'm carrie johnson let's go straight to our top story now seven polish soldiers have escaped punishment over an attack on an afghan village four years ago which killed a group of civilians including children a court in warsaw ruled there was not enough proof to support the charges of war crimes while the nato soldiers blamed faulty arms critics say areas costing people's lives unforgivable. civilians killed and nato soldiers go free the same old story in afghanistan the threats and for a moment to be different polish soldiers are put on trial for deaths including a pregnant woman and a child. on the sixteenth of august two thousand and seven mortar shells that were fired by polish troops hit the afghan villages. as
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a result six people were killed and three were severely wounded but the soldiers were cleared of all charges one of the accused told r.t. it's all been a mistake we didn't see people. we were sometimes at the sites again was because. it was. something dark and it was also a problem we. agree made mel functioned taliban target by five hundred metres claims the shits but prosecutors alleged it was revenge for roadside bomb which killed another polish soldier earlier in the day experts say it's unlikely anything could go so catastrophic leigh wrong this is not logical operators of them or could not make such a serious error with such a large distance the question is did it it's a turban fire themselves or did they receive his commands from above but there is
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no doubt they were shooting at the village nearby and the defendants the commanders ordered the attack and they should be the one standing trial one to display for nobels people should be thank you maybe maybe anything. but activists while the conflict continues civilian deaths from nato bombing are inevitable i will only rise you know the longer the war goes on their war situation is so the answer is i think quite simple to withdraw troops from afghanistan. beginning of any process of stabilization of the country because the troops western troops doesn't bring stability to afghanistan just the opposite as the death toll goes up on both sides support for nato mission plummets a majority in europe say opinion polls now think the conflicts going in the wrong direction. this was already unpopular in the e.u.
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there's the hundred billion euro of course service is being cut a hole the size of our boys coming back in coffins is even worse leaving the death of civilians on punished the week of the case to stay in afghanistan even the afghan president's attorney against nato after the latest fourteen civilians were killed because lloyd delivered his strongest words yet giving a point warning and threatening war if it happens again. r.t. . u.n. panel has accused both and even leader moammar gadhafi as regime anti-government forces of war crimes and crimes against humanity investigators however noted violations by the opposition not as numerous counsels but it is based on meetings with detainees and those displaced along with thousands of pieces of supporting documentation comes as going to extend its mission for another three months jean written on all three of military and imperialism says by intervening on the side of
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rebel forces nato has made a negotiated settlement difficult to achieve. as long as nato is acting there nobody is acting on the other side and that happens i've made on their side they have no interest in trying to find a compromise but nascar is by no means alone latin america is on that line to communities and that india is on that line china is probably on that line even more silently so i mean most of the world is for a negotiated settlement because they don't want libya to descend into chaos they just don't want that and even if there is no he's going to look forward to that and there is no guarantee that the west or the nato is going to stymie those libya after the killing of the departure of the other three i don't think i mean i don't think need to can be defeated to the point of having leaving him in power but you see with your argument against that i just don't understand why people are so confident that they're going to solve the problem of libya when they're filled with all those other countries where they have the details of the regime. or russia says
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it's not going to mediate colonel gadhafi sex it amid nature's escalating pressure on the libyan leader and antiwar activists chris neither since the military campaign which has become an obsessive quest to oust gadhafi is in fact giving him a boost. we're going to keep probably keep killing civilians. living in towns and cities until you go the same trench to peter africa's he from the start was saying that the popular movement in the east of the country was a was a movement that was sponsored by the west and he used that to bolster his position the the wall has been lengthened the war has been deepened and it's actually. a strong if not stronger position now than he was when the west first got involved. other way later in the program and next in line for a bailout deepening crisis the rooster holds out the begging bowl and asks the
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rescue its crippled economy an eight billion dollars. the shock waves from japan's fukushima nuclear plant disaster reverberated loudly in germany so what's this for to make energy provides you with the nation's electricity it's still ready to pull the plug. or emmet round out what price germany and other countries might have to pay for such a bold move. germany braze is the lone voice in the e.u. to usher in a new era of known nuclear power generation as chancellor angela merkel vows to close all its reactors by two thousand and twenty two but it's already created a shortfall in alec tricity in germany which in turn is pushing up prices germany's now importing power from france and the czech republic and it's the crisis hit poorest who will pay higher electricity because. quite understand.
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you know project prices and of course. industrial goods you know already paying more for the electricity will be the. people. around thirty percent of the e.u.'s electricity comes from nuclear generation so ironically the electricity germany ends up buying will be generated nuclear power plants the majority of european countries aren't giving up their nuclear programs switzerland is phasing it out but france which has a long and successful history of nuclear power generation sees it as a solution for the future britain sweden spain and belgium are just some of the over a you countries that have nuclear capacity and on planning to get rid of it so closing down its own reactors will stop germany suffering from nuclear fallout in the event of an accident elsewhere in europe but the german green party is aiming
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high we are planning to hold europe strong to be nuclear free of the moment thirteen of twenty seven nations and european union don't have any nuclear plants so it's a lot and we want to make them get out at the time maybe thirty thousand thirty of them everything's free but are they aiming at the wrong goal the e.u. wants to generate twenty percent of it electricity using wood new by twenty twenty and also to reduce. carbon emissions nuclear power was a good way of bringing emissions down but germany will need to go back to its cold fired power stations to make up the shortfall in terms of climate. it's trying to reduce you to levels and if you switch off nuclear energy as an option and you have to call. which is a lot more. respect experts say the biggest price to pay in switching
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off power is the uncertainty of what will replace it in the short and long terms how will it affect the gas price what if biofuels grow in popularity prompting poor communities to grow fuel crops rather than food these are although one expert said it could cost three trillion euros for the whole of europe to start using green technologies here in the heart of the e.u. there is consternation that such a big decision should be taken unilaterally by germany seemingly as a panicked reaction to the perceive a disaster but the fact is europeans are all in this together if there is a nuclear accident for example in france germans won't be a new just because they're not involved in nuclear power anymore and a german shortfall in supply will mean higher electricity bills european families not just germans your edits are to brussels. but meanwhile japan's prime
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minister is now under increasing pressure to resign over his handling of the nuclear plant crisis and find out more not story on our website or to dot com. for details of the station pictures from the reactor news and analysis that's on our web site. videos. today. these are the images. after weeks of panic buying in shops and governments once again.
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cripple the economy. and the government. wants. despite some improvements in the economic situation in belarus that we've seen in the tossed seven days we can still feel here in minsk that the country this country is being gripped by the hard financial storm or now there are still empty shelves in stores around the country especially those who are meant for the imported goods there are still people queuing up at the currency exchange offices willing to buy just about any currency preferably u.s. dollars the euros now over the past month we've seen some crazy scenes in stores around the country people who treat just buying anything afraid that some of the goods my disappear from the shelves on the shelves of the stalls people at sacking the currency exchange offices because of the faith in the bill russell has decreased a great be ever since of the country first but the financial turmoil now there are
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many reasons according to experts behind this financial crisis some say this is because of the. economic policies of the past decade some say this is because the current president. tried to increase the salaries of the common population during his election complain by thirty percent winner standard come fourteenth of july the i.m.f. will decide on another stabilisation loan to belarus it is still very interesting whether minsk would be able to receive this loan given all the statements made by the country's president the arrests of the opposition leaders and other former presidential candidates which happened in december seriously irritated the european union the russian leader has been something on the warpath with the european union for the past six months or so and it is hard to say who would be able to help means to get out of from this crisis but we we clearly be seeing some people advance in this situation in the course of the next twelve days. these financial group looks at how a multi-billion dollar bailout national sovereignty as foreign banks take the reins
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of anything economies which. has a pretty. country of greece is not bankrupt the i.m.f. is bankrupt george papa dres is bankrupt who knows what money he owes some casino or some drug lord somewhere truck happen he's going to sell us reckon country for a few quid the objective of the outside forces that being the which is controlled by the us which is controlled by wall street is to simply grab all of greece's assets for pennies on the dollar. and that they should forego their sovereignty and their independence now there are just one more. congratulations you're now in significant your entire five thousand euro history just got flushed down a toilet. prosecutors in the hague say they want to shorten trial for the former bosnian serb general conrad it
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also considering combining his case with that of the former serbian leader rather than correct which has already been ongoing for more than eighteen months both men are accused of war crimes during the bosnian conflict including the last killing of around eight thousand people in tripoli it's not enough to. record about it with here before the trial and. whether his family and lawyers say his health problems would be unable to understand the. supply of the trouble. and they still have the rich says the tribunal is prejudiced against which the hague is simply doing america's bidding. the people who actually try this is a good job just so the prosecution not subject to the same rules as we accuse i mean the principle of all civilized countries legal. would be to use all those who participate in the legal process must be subject to the same laws
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or he was no one is above the fray here everybody but everybody. is a bob war album what's going through a poor example of one bring up your television. remind now sixteen people died as a result of. a u.s. plane. actually only one without a star got a look at some other news stories making headlines around the world this hour the colombian president says one of the country's top insurgent commanders doesn't catch it across the border venezuela with work or is going on most senior welcoming rebels courts since two thousand and four and i did stateside previously offered a two point five million dollar reward for his capture. arrest comes in improving relations between the two neighboring south american countries. four people are
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reported dead after at least two tornadoes swept through parts of the u.s. state of massachusetts twisters have horse extensive damage and the state of emergency has been declared by the governor thousands have been left without electricity and the region has requested the help of the national guard. another person has died and more than three hundred fifty new cases of eco action have been ported in germany six countries across the continent no cases with seventeen deaths and twelve hundred people infected because of the millions on germany initially blamed stylish compass that's provoked madrid to consider legal action. the funeral of our presidents president is to take place later on thursday he died from complications following intensive surgery five days ago in moscow what is denise looks at how the republic changed lately. he jumped
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a career in agriculture but instead and did up sewing the seeds of democracy in a newly born independent state it helped to nurture to lloyd's and then to manage to rise to the highest boost in his land but never drifting too far from his roots so they built up who was born into a family of teachers here in the smaller cars in village of god of the locals knew him personally they say he always cared about people's needs and that was key to his success as president the villagers are stunned that his left them so early moose local men generally live well into their eighty's. oh we're so sad about you know we mourn his passing the torch was first elected in two thousand and four during his presidency across the against recognition from russia managed to avoid open conflict with neighboring georgia still but its ally with the city it was attacked by georgian troops in two thousand and eight and finally stablish diplomatic ties with a number of nations around the world. seen
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worked alongside back ups he says his passing is a great loss for the team and also a personal tragedy it was like a brother for me we have very good personal relations and interest in. new ideas and new projects and i personally interviewed sergei about god and the less time we stooped i asked him what's changed in the republic with the main thing that's changed is people's mood now they are more certain about their future spoke with there's a lot of. genocide all ski artsy so who. interview with arts here has his foreign minister says after the death of the country will continue to strive for greater international recognition despite obstacles world's major powers that's come out in about ten minutes time his approval for e.
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all become a pain in the summer. and central america pacific region and some from everywhere we go every week we try to achieve some agreement with those countries to recognize a policy or to step those diplomatic relations there was always very strict and strong american position against governments of those countries not some of. you have given us all the business. care that's right time to delve into the world of business hello and are welcome to start with archie explains that the government is once again turning to the gas industry to help balance the books on its biggest tax burden on the sector will
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grow by more than seventeen billion dollars in the next three years the proposed in curse is causing concern for gas problematic sometimes voted the deputy chairman of russia's biggest company explains. the company with mixed. praise on the health of the government for or history of this operation go of the. pork project for question wolf that's a sugar high as a company controlled by the state but from the other side from the collective from the all the quantum it all for us for all the protector of. the confused what if. it was a book. that she can go to the. it seems the government has the wealth of danger of overtaxing gas from understand a bit of
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a compromise has been found that's acceptable to both sides. with one program will . be for me jim crow for me to. go with the war in the budget for the for it will put in fewer. reform program. contra you can watch the full version of that interview with chairman on monday here on r t and it will also be posted on the web site r g dot com slash business but take a look at the markets oil prices a losing ground for a gauge of u.s. manufacturing activity points at which slowdown in the sector also employment data shows the u.s. economy added fewer jobs than expected light sweet has slipped below one hundred dollars barrel and branches trading at around one hundred fourteen dollars. markets in asia tumbled off the week for us for ford said it three fears the economic
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recovery stalling toyota and nissan are down over three percent after their reported message drops in cost in the u.s. . during the start off with the heights languishing around one and a half percent for some of china's biggest p.c. maker learn of a curve is dropping over three percent and i just see it is losing over one and a half percent. and finally here in moscow there are just have lost point nine percent of the past ten minutes of thursday straight my sites will start trading shortly the figures you see on the screen right now are of wednesday's closing one begins it's lost almost one percent. looking ahead to future market trends for high from troika dialog says russia could gain from extra quiddity pumped into the global markets. there one is expect some announcements on the courts if there's any three. dollars mark or economists saying. this is actually never trouble so
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this is just only the matter of time when they announced this the first of his second source of global liquidity could be japan few weeks ago after a very bad economic statistics for several central bank of japan announced that bill be fighting a deflation so i would say the same coming few months and probably will see the growing liquidity in global markets and that will be definitely positive for commodities and for russian market as well. well russia's largest private or company look or oil says it has a war chest to expand operations both at home and they had all the companies investment patna spoke exclusively to business are. a local his investment program for about ten billion dollars and. at the moment it's one of the largest investors in russia we do have great expansion plans and we do have plans to could increase our investment in upstream in russia to stabilise production in with this idea we have a large project such as west corner to iraq that will require billions of dollars
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of new investment we also have very large investments that are required in that was based on for our gas projects we are going to be fairly expanding our production in north cusp in a north coast b. and is going to become a one of four most important areas of production growth this year we are going to eat three said less one program compared to previous year probably by about one and a half billion bills. autistic's remains the right sport for the state's efforts to attract foreign investments outside the quarter to industry and talent conjoined will invest one point one billion dollars in russia to build to cull plants. plans to build an engine plant and a factory to produce one hundred twenty thousand cars a year russia has also signed investment agreements with other order groups worth a total of five billion dollars the russian con market is rapidly recovering sales jumping thirty percent almost two million in twenty ten analysts say the state's
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twenty years ago in the largest country in the us come to certain places of. course had been tremendous going to teach began to churn. where did it take the. commission for the critic a shrewd free transport judge is free from a challenge free risk free stuart chaifetz free. the old free blog can call it video for your media projects and free media don carty dot com. they live not only next to the border of the gaza
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strip and egypt but also on the border of peace and war. they are responsible not only for themselves. but also for their loved ones. they are ready to take any risk. to. come. up. i will jump in the street on r.g.p. . the close up team has been to the golden grammarian thank you own the turning point world war two. this time party goes to the region where half of the area is occupied by a nature preserve. where the young generation transition their ancestors stamps and where the mysterious city of a deadlocks world come come republic of north or south young russia follows up on
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