tv [untitled] June 2, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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and i tell our team civilian deaths go unpunished polish soldiers are cleared over the killing of innocent afghans due to the lack of evidence to support war crimes charges. nato is implementation of the resolution on libya undermines you an authority russia's foreign minister calls on the alliance to stick to the original document or loose moscow's trust. and fear of europe's killer spreads across the world with some countries including russia banning imports over a deadly bacterial infection.
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welcome this is r.t. it's ten pm thursday evening here in moscow is kevin owen here this hour with you with our top story and seven polish soldiers have escaped punishment for carrying out a deadly attack in africa and village four years ago it killed a group of civilians among them children but of course it was the rule there was not enough proof to support charges of war crimes i was starting to push will find out people on the ground in afghanistan losing patience. civilians killed. just go free the same old story in afghanistan written for a movement to be different polish soldiers are put on trial for this including a pregnant woman and a child. on the sixteenth of august two thousand and seven mortar shells that were fired by polish troops religious. as a result six people were killed three was stabbed. good but the soldiers were
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cleared of all charges one of the accused told r.t. it's all been a big mistake but we didn't see it because. we were some pants the socks again was because. it was. something very dark and it was also a problem we've gotten a grim a function and missed its target by five hundred meters claims a shit ski but prosecutors alleged it was revenge for a roadside bomb which killed another polish soldier earlier in the day experts say it's unlikely anything could go so catastrophic leigh wrong this is not logical to . them or could not make such a serious error with such a large distance i question is did it say to themselves or did they receive this command from above but there is no doubt they were shooting at the village nearby.
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the defendant's commanders who ordered the attack and three should be the one standing trial one thing is clear for those people should be accused maybe maybe. attacks of it while the conflict continues civilian deaths from nato bombing are inevitable and will only rise you know the longer the war goes on the war situation is so the answer is i think quite simple to withdraw troops from afghanistan as beginning of any process of the position of this country because their troops western troops doesn't bring stability to afghanistan just the opposite as the death toll goes up on both sides support for nato mission plummets a majority in europe say opinion polls now think the conflicts going in the wrong direction. this was already unpopular in the e.u. there's a hundred billion euro because while service is a big. cult of horror the science of our boys coming back in coffins is even worse
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leaving the death of civilians on punished for the weak of the case to stay in afghanistan even the afghan president's turning against nato after the latest fourteen civilians were killed how many because lloyd delivered his strongest words yet giving of point warning and threatening war if it happens again don't you push your party. the way the u.n. resolution is being implemented in libya hundred mines international law that was the warning from russia's foreign minister who has called on nato to adhere to the resolution or lose moscow's trust habit has more from moscow. poor minnesota gay lover all suggested that a lack of trust was in danger of forging no which between russia and the all the cabinet members of the un security council and that's because of the way the ship to seize nato was implementing the agreed u.n. resolution number one million seventy three it was
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a photo of him on twins russia abstained and that allows a no fly zone seemings it over the libya however russian out of these days actions in libya gave beyond that are made in preventing and those guys aid and in fact now are on regime change and allegedly actively supporting the opposition and that willing of trust lavrov today suggested only escalated following the very recent visit it's about cricket president jakob zuma to tripoli and soon talking trying the case today with colonel gadhafi a visit which was then always to me to be followed by a resumption in they say strikes and today lavrov move that that growing a lack of trust could cools russia in the future to poor i think twice before agreeing to any such resolution again. typical connection everybody involved in the implementation of the resolution must show maximum responsibility for international law and the united nations keeping in mind the authority of the u.n.
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security council to say otherwise god forbid next time anything of the sort happens we will act differently because no one will take what's being said at face value things like creating a no fly zone all these statements of course come in the wake of a very recent u.n. report which the guy says it's a good glimpse of trust the team is that being committed it may be on the both sides albeit less numerous on the policy your position and of course it comes very shortly off the walls weekend's g. eight when the president medvedev agreed to send over russian envoy to benghazi to it's have suitcase exists inside but on syria minister lavrov reiterates it's moscow's position that they all staunchly a. against any attempts by the international community to force regime change within the country warning that any such change i could stabilize the country in would be catastrophic for the region however the prof did say that russia dull still supports president asked sounds to continue its tool and the state within the
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opposition within his own country i'd also encouraging our president assad to move swiftly and implements in the reforms that he's promised to see within syria elizabeth our correspondent there were let's bring into the conversation first of mark colvin now joining us from u.k. or bursting thank you for being on the program ok well the signals we've heard them coming today from the russian foreign ministers suggest that moscow's patience is running out will nato do you think listen and change the way it's sounding the libyan problem. i doubt it in a sense it is not a blank check in the way that it interprets the u.n. resolution and it's politically suicidal i think for president sarkozy of france david cameron of britain or for that matter brown not to carry through this intervention which is what it is to the end they have moved from protecting civilians which was the justification for the resolution to promoting regime change and that's turned out to be much more difficult than they expected they expected of
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me to be out of power by the end of march and right now in june around an all could report out from the un just yesterday alleging that both the rebels and gadhafi forces have committed war crimes in libya it makes it hard for nato to justify taking sides in it. well i think this is a big problem after all many of colonel gadhafi is key for shorts his minister of interior for instance allow leading the rebels if we are to believe the criticism of gadhafi regime before the fighting started these were people who were responsible for routine human rights abuses but not likely to change just because they're going to be in garcia from tripoli we know the rebels claim to have captured eight hundred african mercenaries they said in march and april now apparently they tell the u.n. they only have sixteen prisoners so what's happened to the other seven hundred eighty four. and this is rather long i think for the nato governments because they have a moral or perhaps even a legal responsibility for the way the rebels treat prisoners colonel gadhafi as we
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know is accused before the international war crimes tribunal in the hague but it would be a problem i think for the military leaders if it was thought that some of the officers on the ground had colluded with rebels who had for instance killed prisoners or portugal or disappeared prefers the what's happened to calls for a diplomatic solution here russia has been foremost in trying to push that this is be falling on deaf ears still. yes it's a problem colonel gadhafi doesn't want to leave the country that's nato's demand that he must do that and the rebels demand so both the russian mediation and that of for instance president zuma son. africa isn't really getting anywhere because of the deeply divided sides and i think really a military outcome is what moves who seeks because a compromise is left colonel gadhafi in place even for a transitional period would be a huge embarrassment in london paris and washington i could think about was going on in syria now i mean the way things be going on in libya suggests that moscow isn't at all likely to pass any resolution on things similar action in syria now
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we've heard that quite clearly i guess how likely is it that the alliance would intervene regardless of russian support well they might risk it but we have to remember that the european side of the nato alliance is really stretched in libya the amount of activity they've had over libya is much much greater plan to speak to the cost is much greater and the americans don't really want to get involved in the way that they became involved in afghanistan or in iraq so syria i think is really to be safe the other aspect is the syrian government of course could claim claim it's under attack by the allies of israel and of course unlikely to be a syria borders israel and that makes the other brewing constantly probably in conflict in the middle east part of any change in syria if nato try to intervene it would be very difficult for it i think which is not to say that there aren't voices asking for prefer some are calm and not to diversify taking the time or to be on our seats appreciated. i'm coming up this hour with me kogelo in picking up the
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load and how we look at where the better russian authorities have turned this around attempts to tackle the economic turmoil the country's plunged into right now . the news of cars the of pays its last respects to its late president's ok but gaps we look at the path he took to lead the republic to long awaited independence . russia's planned all imports of e.u. vegetables after a deadly outbreak of the e. coli bacteria although some are wondering whether the threats being overstated causing the latest mass bout of health risk hype thomas reports. it really is a question of is this the attack of the killer cucumber is or just another case of mass hysteria on an international scale this all started within the past month in germany where a new strain of e. coli bacteria was discovered about a thousand people have been killed from that strain germany came out almost immediately and said this new bacteria is coming from cucumbers from spain it's
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been more than a month and at this point time they cannot find the origin in fact germany came out and said to us brain we're sorry we did not really mean we jump the gun we don't really know where this the choli has come from other some speculation that this could all be mass hysteria and now one official in russia said this entire incident is bringing into question all of europe's food safety laws and watchdog systems in place this is what he had to say. the twenty fifth of april so it's now over a month into the crisis officials still kind of the city will cause the outbreak was the transfer function of the disease and the main thing that the situation is still under control is to discredit of the european health we're still. it is a big economic hit it's a big political hit but there's also some speculation that this could be the next big health fiasco from the pharmaceutical industry if you remember there was the bird flu the swine flu sars
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a whole strain of things that people needed to get vaccinated for needed to watch out for and so there's some speculation that this could be the next big cucumber flu if you will to give people something to scare them into getting the next big medical test now we are here at facility in moscow region with roasted cumbers we're told that these are safe and they're saying all of this over just a simple cucumber. correspondent thomas there one of the products rapidly swept through europe pleasurable exporters and losing two hundred million euros a week because people are afraid of their produce what do you think about this story is getting bigger and bigger on our fate. we're asking you tonight are you afraid of the never detected before god here is a real threat or a stunt staged for pharmaceutical companies log on to facebook dot com slash r t needs of your say.
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it without see the president of the european central bank called three shares received an international prize for his contribution to european unity meanwhile the struggling to come up with another aid package for greece even amid doubts they compare the first one i spoke to a commerce north of he told me the e.u. bank's president still nothing deserving of an award. but the basis of the euro is . misbegotten construct going back to nine hundred ninety nine. the admittance of greece and italy into the euro zone was a huge huge political mistake and it was done under pressure from its pressure from
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the banking powers and large international banks for more freedom under and so forth but the basis of stability in the euro. based on the john court has done nothing to to announce that he was simply stated to supervise the bailouts of the largest banks european banks the french in the in the german banks the leading among them who were hugely exposed to that sovereign debt some greece and other such countries and i think europe. really needs a rethink of its overall grand strategy in its economic strategy in terms of export orientation in terms of currency stability reserve the other emerging currencies such as the chinese you on the russian. and so forth because that is where the economic future lies for europe it lies in the east and no longer across the atlantic in the west the united states is in
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a deep depression it's going to be far far deeper over the next five to ten years so that is not going to be a stability perspective for europe. where the roast is desperately trying to restore its crippled economy and tackle a currency crisis right now having asked the ration economic community for a loan the government's now going with its banking gold hand to the international monetary fund the i.m.f. but i thought he selects here is yes he reports next from minsk the current political situation will make getting that money for me. a rare scene for usually car minsk people physically prevented a policeman from arresting a student who had not paid for their bus ticket many said this incident was visible . groups of escalating tension in belarus. i do want to live in this country and i'm looking to run away from here in the soviet union for the country are now living is a joke empty shelves in stores food shortages and hundreds besieging currency
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exchanges those have been the all too familiar scenes of the last month in belarus since the country plunged into financial crisis the russian ruble devalued from forward sparking people to get rid of it quickly yuri goes to a bank in central minsk every day in the hope of swapping his money for u.s. dollars and we could go he was one hundred fiftieth in the queue now he's closer to getting what he wants i have to pay for my daughter's education and i can only do so in dollars so i've been standing here for a week to buy three hundred dollars now i have a chance to do it legally this is a disgrace what's happening in the roost experts say the current financial crisis is down to the government's lame economic policies of the last decade as well as an over reliance on imported goods and foreign loans some also point to last year's presidential campaign our government tried to we increase.
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and that is sure to go a store five hundred dollars. fifty per cent. of salary as a result was. this well and since all. those it took three weeks into the crisis before the national bank of baroda was finally admitted something was wrong in the eyes of the leadership in minsk everything had been fine and when president alexander lukashenko decided to speak out he blamed everyone but his government what was asked if you see someone buying things in a store instead of working in the place pointed them with a meter click the people working hard and that's why we're in this crisis. the russian media inflates this situation. anymore with. these statements came a week after moscow agreed to provide an emergency loan from minsk summit having received these assurances the bill the russian government also turned to the
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international monetary fund asking for an eight billion dollar loan it's going to get started working to determine whether it is eligible to receive the help that many wonder if the decision is already been made especially since only a few months ago it was openly cursing brussels accusations of human rights violations in the best possible scenario minsk could receive the first one point two billion dollar loan from the you were sacked by next monday the international monetary fund is expected to deliver its decision by june the fourteenth but with all the harsh rhetoric often coming from the russian leadership it is hard to say who if any would be able to drag this country from the financial abyss let's see russia still hard to see reporting from minsk in belarus. also in the news tonight in yemen's capital fighting is raging on between government troops and armed tribesmen at least forty people were killed on wednesday according to reports peaceful protests turned violent last week but despite the escalation of battle.
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refuses to step down. latvia's parliament's related former banker andrus birgitte as president fifty three employees voted in favor of injuring a secret ballot opponent val design has become the first president in history not to be reelected for a second earlier in may's actually started dissolution of parliament after it used its power to ban a search of the home of an allegedly corrupt and. football's been so general has been fighting cancer since two thousand and nine and so called into his lawyer who claims to have documents proving that it had surgery and received chemotherapy in a serbian hospital two years ago and waiting for his trial at the hague war crimes tribunal to start with his family say he's not fit enough this is a conflict crimes during the ninety ninety five bosnian war. like president of a cause he is so good to go has been laid to rest in his home village following his death here in moscow last week a farewell ceremony in the republican capital so who was intended by thousands of
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target outside the agency to take out the made for themselves or lead to complications i think there is a mask even of how the republic. has turned. there was no missing the trolling shoulder to keep up his overpowering presence brought his whole bunch of the world stage a long way from his humble beginnings to their cause in president always kept in touch with his roots so he was born into a family of teachers here in the small applies in village of garda most locals knew him personally they say he always cared about people's needs and that was key to his success as president the villagers are stunned that his left them so early moose local men generally live well into their eighty's. as you know george off a war because they live in ruins he helped rebuild everything and we will always remember this man over the small caucasus republic struggled to get international recognition following the war against georgia in one thousand nine hundred two
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hundreds of people were killed thousands of across the us were forced to flee their homes but gosh was first elected in two thousand and four a difficult time for the republic during his presidency across games recognition from russia managed to avoid another open conflict with neighboring georgia and established diplomatic ties with several states of the iraq war where a pause in president was greeted as another guest. i personally interviewed sergei bug in the west time we spook asked him what changed in the republic. was the main thing that changed is people's mood to do it now they are more certain about their future spoke with his opposition and that feeling of stability is something sergei gonchar will always be remembered for gentle small ski r t. but today sports news could be away with you
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know about twenty minutes time including a day to forget for russia's richest athlete on the french open course find out more about that a bit later than with us but says the business next from moscow after this very quick break. for the full story we've got it from the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in indonesia she's available in hotels. resort and spa. resort and spa only come a comparable remote have been turned on real sentry in bali resort and spa sunday a beach hotel the western resort the use of doing club med bali if you tell some of the customs the resort and spa the ritz carlton hotel ground many articles of hotel four seasons hotel the sultan hotel.
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in a warm welcome to business building a world leading financial district in moscow was one of the key ambitions of the government so where better to study was quiet than with one of the established champions. over imports from the russia calling forum in the city of london. one of the key speakers the british minister of state for trade and investment lord grant predict will remain the main financial center for years to come markets will be joined by new hawks in the emerging economies such as china and russia. from school is equally optimistic indicator of moscow's becoming an international financial center is a guess. emerging as international bodies are forgotten which means certain inflation should be lower should be predictable. there should be a long term yield curve and. that's and the ruble exchange rate
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should be dictated by the market known by political intervention rush of underdeveloped financial system. unlocking moscow's potential poor legislation and a lack of financial instruments prevent cash to the pension down to insurance funds from being invested in the markets we're now working on a program which would be sure it's going to be first in the country it will be structured notes. in rubles which would actually fit most of the criteria that pension funds insurance companies and some other regulators investors have in the country and therefore would enable them to have access to a much wider set of products much wider circle on the line this is it wasn't built in a day or even a decade they have told peaks to climb but at the base of the capital forum he'll think the efforts to promote small school loans pay off in the hands. of these now
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while most of global stocks are seeing a diploma first they russia's six matters to come back at the close of the session ten point three percent respectively. point three percent positive production based on the company's crease the number of assembled trucks in the first five months of the year gazprom is. point nine percent worse than the market that's despite news a realization they supply up to seven hundred million tonnes of liquefied natural gas a year to india. russia's largest private oil company lukoil says it has a war chest to expand operations both at home and abroad they have the company's investment department spoke exclusively to business r.t. a local has a list of problems. at the moment it's one of the largest industries in russia we do have a great expansion plans and we do have plans to really increase our investment in upstream in russia to stabilize production. was this a good area we have
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a large forces such as was pointed to iraq that will require it is a new investment we also have very large investments that are required in those big stones for our gas projects we are going to be sure that spending reduction in north coast be in the north has been is going to become one of our most important areas so for our production growth this year we are going to eat three say less one program compared to previous year probably by about one of the billion bills that's all the business news for now the headlines are next on r.t. can stay with us. the books. the books.
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for. twenty years ago in the largest country in. the certain places of. the bulge in the book the dispute going to church. where did it take them. the admission is free the critic a should be free to school or church is free to make amends free risk free. free. the old free blogs just plug in video for your media
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