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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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jollity. video on demand season mine broadcasts an hour as it speeds now in the palm of your. listen. yes would you know all those hacked e-mail accounts they weren't really your all knowing government overlords gave the passwords away i'll explain just a minute the millennial generation isn't just rising it's running for office here of youth founder jerde fuller is with us tonight and also down with media benjamin as i give area of code pink who are us with the libertarian organizers of the dance rebellion from last saturday and we'll fill you want on the state of the economy it still sucks call the abuse of intellectual property by the government in tennessee and we've got more civil disobedience the brandeis high at riot and exclusive from europe with our own lucrative before we start tonight show i want to take
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a second now to thank all the active duty service members who e-mailed me and sent me facebook messages in support of this weekend's dance party at thomas jefferson i'm sorry i haven't been able to respond to each of you personally but the support is very much appreciated and right back atcha i support the troops because we'll need your discipline courage and your commitment to the constitution when it comes time to overthrow a government nonviolently of course you probably can't get cable one deployed in they'll never let you watch the show in the trial halls in iraq or afghanistan but thanks to our policy opposing whole episodes on you tube and your k.b.r. internet cafes even while the poitou a combat zone you can still watch adam vs the man. it's been reported that hackers in china have successfully swiped be counted from
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a sheet of hundreds of government officials including some senior civilian and military officials this is one problem it wasn't some will labrat hacking scheme operating out of an underground bunker somewhere in china there's no evil dude and i pad stroke on a cat note. these hackers sister use your basic run of the mill fishing with a ph scan i wouldn't say i never thought i'd see the ninety's again but while we're relieved to have gotten over boy bands in america online it seems that fishing is back for encore in case you've forgotten this ancient internet artists fairly simple see that was my wallet stolen but that's not how phishing works hate to up for you while it's for something really important i'm going to do for you sure here you go awesome. day all right that's how phishing works see fishing is asking the victim to share personal
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information under the guise of credible channels like google or someone's bank now you think that since al gore invented the inner webs decades ago that senior level government officials would at least learn how to properly operate an e-mail inbox by now but let me break this down for any government officials you know like parks police officers with a hard on for the show who might be watching tonight there was no security breach don't blame google don't start a war with china over this passwords only work when you don't give them away apparently this is been going on for months which means maybe it was deliberate we've got only time to lock up hundreds of government officials put them in solitary strip them naked let's get bradley man some company here's to the real whistleblowers.
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going to watch a movie on your roommate's netflix think again i put down the lookout remote if i were you we wouldn't want to have to call the swat teams to burst in your front door burst out of your door shoot your dogs and tase you i know maybe farfetched but instead to see the crackdown has begun well i first rolls around it will now be a crime to share or use passwords or account information that is not explicitly pay for your own name the wording of the bill is ambiguous enough to hit a criminal offenses for friends and family who cashed in on your subscription services the bill of course was championed by those lovable folks i thought are a who are perpetually suing twelve year olds and grandmas for illegal replication of information otherwise known as final sharing don't worry besides the swat team it's a pretty easy slap on the wrist if you're caught for sharing of the saw you'll only
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spend a year in a cage and twenty five hundred dollars for a fine reasonable right so what's really behind this law makers know when the internet finally kills intellectual property and they can't read it all plays on ideas they'll lose and other taxpayers no surprise this is starting in nashville where intellectual property laws helped funnel a lot of music industry profits into government. so joining us now from the front lines of the youth revolution jared fuller of young americans for liberty is with us jerry has been brought here in the occupied territory of washington d.c. to spearhead young americans for liberties and vicious project to systematize victory in the electoral arena year of youth that combined with the new young americans for liberty affiliated pac means big things for the movement in two thousand and twelve and beyond there is an old friend of mine who i actually met because he's from farmington new mexico when i was running for office tara thanks so much for joining us thanks so much what is your view your view that it's well
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it's not really yours it is you are referring to like a we're sort of tying it to a year it's sort of a jump start to kick start a fresh face for america it all begins in two thousand and twelve laying the groundwork right now we are mobilizing thousands of youth and we're not really setting an age on it just yet i mean there's no reason for us it's ok if you call it youth it is the old people say way well that's the thing that will people actually get more involved most polls and things like that people generations want to see you know their future is represented passed down through the you so we're going to mobilize identify twenty five thousand people for the network train at least a thousand for campaigns and then endorse the a while affiliated pac at least one hundred campaigns and that means big things for two thousand and twelve and there's a lot of success that we've already established to make sure this is a viable project is so this is this is of are you started you had to be a couple years ago right yeah i started with a project couple years ago and it took a little while to gain the support of enough people to associate with young
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americans for labor to have that masturbates youth effort in order to mobilize the project and that's what we were really looking for was a organization like young americans for labor to pick up the idea and sort of starting from a new where is this project in the timeline your process how are you tracking how are you getting ready for the two thousand so are big event kicks off july twenty fifth through twenty ninth that is the two thousand and eleven young americans for liberty national convention and. we'll host ten training seminars in the fall and that's where we will train at least a thousand activists and mobilize them in a campaign season the following year and during the process and we see a lot of successes of. the initial support and starting a project that's done ok so how are the candidates that you're seeing yet you're recruiting tentative people like sign ups and like to run how do you do it we're taking surveys are right now at your thought or you can find out more information about the project if you're interested in running for office or even staffing a campaign we have surveys for that and we resource you right away with candid manuals campaign information the how to run for office and what to do and what not
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to do ok but you know i will say well it is just a number anyways how are these questions how are these candidates going to be different from well i mean what we're being empowered by the internet we're taking advantage of our ability to communicate and organize and prepare and recruit camps that we would want to see in office but if they're just going to be younger versions of what we have now with some point well one of the i can't take credit for this quote but one of our initial candidates we started looking at said this in response to a newspaper that attacked him and he got a great response in return is that you could question me and criticize me because i'm young well i don't have a record of lying stealing and cheating like the establishment does and the older generation the baby boomers have passed that on to us and it's our job in an organisation like your view to make sure that we are setting a new example giving that for a space that kickstart like i said at the beginning for america and leading by
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example and the people that we endorse will reflect that to say we get on the issues and they will be properly ok now you said you're not an age limit on this but what if ron paul came in and said hey man i really want to sign up for your view with you that ya'll affiliated packie would probably get indorsement. down but down the line i can say ok i'm going to harden of ok well that's message that we would place people who've been trained by our programs in their proper regions there so although no endorsements are made right. now when they pack stars we will be able to endorse campaigns and put people young at heart and young on those campaigns so it's a little bit of both using the use of court like obama did in two thousand and eight putting them on the right campaigns and then having them go so far as a run for office and self ok so for a young person who might be watching the show tonight who's going you know i wish i could be running for office on the money on the resources on understand of the political process. are you are creating them to run for office we're recruiting them through the traditional networks and we're making phone calls what are you offering them not already rich off of it how are you what do you offer what would you what's the what's the pitch when you tell a person who's like you know i can't do i really out of the money on the experience
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how do you how do you get over some of the a lot of those psychological hurdles that might keep young people from running for office so i would respond with i'm sure they have the idea someone watching your show adam has the ideas pat they understand the philosophy of liberty pretty well the problem is the metrics and the tactics to get there that's where we come in every resource you with the training in person training the online training as well as the candidate manual so we have three forms of training to get you the tactics the how tos and once you know that how you can make the rest of it happen and then i problem solving support the young americans for liberty offers as an organization through your absolutely and i'd like to make a plug for those on out of watching out of show to pick up a copy of rules for radicals by saul alinsky something from the far left they can be leverage for liberty use their tactics against exactly thank you so much for joining us sheriff fuller of year of youth and young americans for liberty in other news the economy.
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part of the fall start and other issues the economy still sucks surprise the discombobulated headline from c n b c was jobless claims fall at less than expected so let me break it down not taking into account the countless scores of millennial not filing jobless claims current claims set at four hundred twenty two thousand as opposed to the government's anticipated number all of four hundred fifteen thousand . are on a v.p. of private payroll firm that reports are reports that only thirty eight thousand jobs were added in the past month the lowest figure since september and by the way the washington times has reported that seventy seven thousand. federal employees are actually paid more than governors with your money and oh here's another fun fact the number of government owned limousines is increased by seventy three percent during the obama administration's service according to the center for
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public integrity put simply we're each another case of i told you so as we begin our descent into the double dip recession also no more accurately as a depression all the while the feds fiddle away while the economy burns nearly half of college graduates are moving into their parents' basements while the fortunate take two or three make jobs that pay off loans for the useless college degrees they will never get to apply. hope you enjoyed that randomly inserted or to scroll through the dense part of the setter in orlando florida disobedient citizens of theirs are committing the foul and odious acts of feeding the homeless and not everyone has a magic lamp or a fairy godmother to grant them easy lives but for the city council of orlando they
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have the magic wand of just law prevent horrible crimes like this. the council voted superhit the serving of meals to groups of twenty five or more in parks and other public properties within two miles of city hall without a special permit and in april two thousand and eleven the federal eleventh district court of appeals in atlanta held the law. orlando food not bombs might not have a very good grasp on how free markets work but at least they're putting charity and civil disobedience on a practice the group bows to keep offering sustenance to the homeless in defiance of the law. when we come back we'll have a special exclusive segment from our own be on the ground in europe we've got medea benjamin five area of code pink here as well and it's not cover the prison right
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that you may have heard about at brandeis high school so you can you walk in adam groups is the matter.
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where we are. and you know. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly at least you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . well go back to adam vs the man as many of you know our very own traveling on assignment he files this report from paris where protesters from growth france and spain i mean getting down and dirty. and quietly enjoy. it. i
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am still here feels where i am where you got your. like. your friends and spanish were also occupying their squares and their major cities in order to protest the major economic failures of their government i'm sure people in the streets in france here today why are they protesting. government is doing. all of. its and we want to be found it's like one week we pick the place here. movement. it's. political system in france it sincerely direct spain spanish movement
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the move started in spain and people thought that i gave it starting in spain like we have to do something because something is coming now and it's like we have to catch it you know so we decided to come here to speak to things and to try to tantrums happening france and in europe well we are the violence but. it's not it's not it's not our fault it's our job but others have some. so they're well on this place. and the police came with gas and there was violence and they they removed all the people and some people were taken to the police station to get into the prisons but there for twenty four hours was. was was
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was was first of all i would like the media is to be harnessed about our movement and don't think of us as a as a young people want to break shops and people or whatever or make us look at who are violent or delinquents that we are not so we have to so we basically can do anything about it because when you know that all the media is in france are owned by the five biggest companies producing the same times with friends and and they have related. to the political world. i mean we can't we can't really act about it but we know it going to happen they don't they don't want to change something but we want to leave free you know just free. we want to do what we like and it couldn't be dangerous for anybody.
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but it could be. dangerous here because i'm sitting and sitting on a. i don't think it's dangerous but they think. was . was but we are here really to denounce the political system the u.n. p p s it's a right left it's the same it's. the same laws. they are against the people we know that. he or flees been there can see she been what i'm talking about you. we know they are against us we know the police are following orders it's our orders but we are the people in a democracy real democracy democracy means what the power to the people for the people to the people but we know that and we're going to push so we want to go
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we're going to be really really careful about our movement that was at first in france something about sorry there if you're for spain which is now some real revenge occasions about our rights about our constitution about our republic because as you know today's all things the only thing that we want is. our republic to to go on i think should be. here to defend our democracy in europe and all over the war. but we have to do it because we are citizens and if we don't if we don't make it our democracy. could be if only we could take it like i did big kitchen i i. was.
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you may have heard of the prison riot i mean flash nobbut ran as high school last week in san antonio texas several hundred since going together in a matter of minutes near the cafeteria during a passing period according to school district spokesman. it quickly became apparent that this could become a serious situation so administrative and two police officers of the school or italy directed students to return to classes and they refused. maybe because it wasn't close at that time heaven forbid we have a serious situation here's what it looked like the of it so had the north side independent school district has its own police department and for once i'm inclined to be a sappy traditionalist remember when schools didn't need cops. when students didn't
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disperse doctors decided to throw their weight around the age. the the. the are they not they really going about it no handcuffs just chokehold they are now trying to blame the arrests on the students per serving their right as human beings to not be violently forced into classrooms one student was even arrested on suspicion of assaulting a public servant i don't know if you've been keeping track of literacy rates or graduation rates or students who cite rates but the last thing we should be county chairs in the government schools is public servants and there's
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a special charge just assault wasn't enough. i guess to tax leeches after look out for another. so joining me now are two people you may have seen in the video that has been around a little bit on the internet of our dance party at thomas jefferson's memorial last week and i'm joined now by medea benjamin berry of code pink thank you so much for being with us really appreciate it and of course your dancing skills for sharing that with us on saturday we didn't even get started three steps we did you get a chance to show off at all so i'm looking forward to next saturday you know if it's funny we're going to riley has you want to so i don't think he gets hate mail for being a commie but i'm i am i'm getting that now from from a lot of the neoconservatives who have seen the video of us standing up for the first amendment on saturday commie oh i thought the commie pinkos cooties off me oh but it's like you guys are the only people that neo conservatives hate or
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love to hate more than libertarian constitutionalists well i don't know if that's a compliment but a lot of our people hate the libertarians because you don't like the a.p. e.p.a. they want to regulate global warming like the teachers you know like public servants. really troops within thing really don't like your some violence of government they roll your kids shouldn't be called adam vs the man it should be called adam is the mayor. is that good or bad i'm not sure i've heard people say oh larry i was the man or the man like all you i would more important have you been practicing your dancing skills do they need practice what are you for or are you trying to say radio we think our will are before we're going to want to play a clip of star audiences we're talking about from your now infamous arrest with us last saturday let's roll that. you know a lot. of free speech. and moral compass yes kids can.
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be. seen through light but they were going to say just kidding yeah really bad boy you're like this is where they fell for you i'll let you go but no and we actually planned on being arrested we were willing to risk arrest you were there like after the cop gave his warning kind of just taunting the little lady right away to set the record straight we didn't even hear the warning we weren't there to get arrested we're there to be supportive of you and your group and the rule was even ten minutes later to go to new york so certainly all the right wingers out there the move the neo cons of the leaders of the republican party like adam good for you you got those commie pinko bastards to come and support the constitution for once but it's not for once because i know there are other parts of the constitution you guys appreciate
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a lot what was the experience like oh and you go in coming to that and then the shock i mean you were obviously taken aback by this well the funny thing was is the weekend before at the when we were doing our eight pack of an eight pack. at the washington convention center we did much more stood in front of a police car i laid in the middle of the street and the kinds of things that police never touch me but i went away in the wrong place way in wrong and we had just come around thomas jefferson statue and we saw you talking the police over there and i just i was actually trying to ignore them but then so i just took me and we just kind of strolled up like that and next thing you know we were in handcuffs well you guys are obviously pros at this and did an awesome drug handling situation one play a clip of you tiger after your.
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you can't. you cannot stop them from kissing you can do it. that's when they kick the press out of the room well one of the one of the things really interesting about that clip when this whole thing just unfolded like it was scripted i mean the this is maybe that's why people are calling me a fraud now they think the whole event was staged like you know i didn't actually hit the marble on my back and get a big goose egg on my head or in their i didn't actually get choked but. they all the disco and said april fools and the guns were all plastic or something but the camper that the cop there is you start talking turns in front of you to block my camera being able to say what you said you cannot show me was brilliant well thank you very much but it's a true it was i was. there telling you to shut up they're telling you not to dance
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tell you not kids they're telling you not to do things that people do naturally and it's just not right ok but i do have to call you out for something here you're organizing this code pink you're not a woman for peace. i'm an ally i'm a be ok well you're all i mean i don't know if ally means i have to wear a pink shirt but i'm definitely when code pink is on the side of the constitution and of freedom and of liberty i'm constantly on the side of code pink so what kind of follow have you been getting from from working with the republican on this i mean are there other do you have the same sort of elements from the left big government side of things that are saying you can't do this you need it you need to obey off the already well of course you get some of that but what has stunned me is the reaction of left right a conservative greens libertarians people saying well the police obviously overreacted and the other is that's what they had seen silently as as we were
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making the point what is dancing and people are saying you know if it was a little kid started dancing you know wrestle a five year old no this is going to body slam it is ok there's too much paperwork when you're asked children you know what in mazes me also is that we do this where . i've been doing this for decades now and you know we fight protest wars we shouldn't be we protest we progress now it's totally we haven't seen and we did see we get a million people. out of it if you have a days and you guys are going to be dancing on absolute you know i have to i'm not going to be dancing i'm just going to be walking like an egyptian anyways i want to be a bedouin co-founder of coping and tiger very human rights activist also an ally code pink and that's ourself right thanks for tuning in adam vs the man police i got out of there the man i can vote i'm guessing topics and find me on these as always out of out of rhythm and passion projects five years of our life you would say and then you.


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