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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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broken below to show we look at the real headlines with none of them or see argument live in washington d.c. now it's the biggest issue facing the nation right now the debt ceiling or at least that's what congress wants you to think is the biggest issue but what about unemployment and a possible double dip for the economy then next is the global war on drugs a failure of the global commission on drug policy is saying and they're now calling for decriminalization of the obama administration has dismissed this report so what
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have the obama that once said this is a legitimate debate the next day republicans have no trust in obama on national security take a look at the defense authorization act and they want to tie his hands when it comes to the start treaty so tonight will determine how bad this bill could be for a nuclear free world and is it just me or does the media have wiener fever and no i'm not just talking about anyway here i'm talking about the crotch shot the made it onto representative anthony weiner's twitter page so why is this stupid story headline news old of in that all those issues and have some fun and are happy hour segment but first tonight's top story. jobs numbers for the month of may are coming out tomorrow and everything is pointing to a disappointing report you can add that to the home price index that was released which was found that home prices have fallen to a new low and it's looking more and more like we're headed for a double dip that's not something of a fourteen million unemployed americans want to hear when gas and food prices are rising but for some reason congress just doesn't seem to be paying any attention to
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that there are so tied up with playing politics over the debt ceiling but you have to wonder if they even care about the economy anymore join me to discuss this is sarah b. smith vice president of the young conservative coalition and from our studio in new york is erica payne founder and president of the agenda project ladies thank you both for joining me tonight now sarah i'm going to start. if you just give me one good reason why republicans are digging their heels in right now over this debt ceiling debate when there are so many other issues but i think this is the issue it is about the economy and it is about reining in government spending i mean this is a prime opportunity to make the point that if we want to keep meeting our debt obligations as well as you know becoming fiscally sustainable over the long haul we have to stop this out of control government spending the rest of the country is having to rein in their own spending it's time for the government to do so too but what about the short term i think a lot of americans are saying sure we need to balance the budget we need to get our house in order for the long haul but in the meantime they can't pay their bills
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they don't have jobs they're losing their homes and that's and the one hundred fifty economists they came out yesterday in a signing statement that said if the debt ceiling is not raising the debt ceiling is not tied to greater spending cuts than even more private sector jobs are going to so this is a very important move and this is why the republicans are digging their heels and erica what do you think of all this debt ceiling he'll digging is this really what they need to be focusing on right now. well you know i think i think that the other guest comments just so it show a fundamental lack of economic understanding kind of just the very basics of economic understanding the one hundred fifty economists that she quotes about a third of them thought that the bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires were a fiscally sound idea one of them has predicted that the dow is going to go up to thirty three thousand i'd love to see that as i'm sure a lot of americans would also so you know they like to fold this hundred fifty
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economist group out and i think if you dive into a lot of the people on that list you're going to find that there are some there are some questionable. people and that list but just back to this let's get our fiscal house in order i you know i love the hypocrisy of all of washington but as an american i am getting kind of tired of it it's very hard to now say that you basically want to dethrone on your credit card debt which is why you know what it should which is what republicans are suggesting they want to deep thought i'm largely they created with tax cuts in two wars that they decided they didn't need to pay for so you know when i decide to put something on my credit card i'm obligated to pay for it and republicans need to decide that they also need to meet their obligations and i think we can mean. right now it's that we have the revenue ok so you're going to do that id faulting on your debt is that right i mean you know he did not raise it we haven't called her brain and there's
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a lot on that are ok so and we think that you're the one who should rein in spending given that fifty percent of the debt that we currently have is because of the two words that you can listen to. romney who are weird obama is not putting forward a lot of tax cuts right now or i should say spending cuts he's not putting. responsible let me clear let's be clear and i just want to again go back to kind of the basic economics when it when the whole country is. employed and out of work there's one person who can fix that and that's the united states government you've got to jump start the economy which is where the additional spending is coming and think this out nice in these numbers that you can't punish so so how you're going to jumpstart the economy is how the government has done it already which is to extend unemployment than a little that money was pocket because that created a boom. nobody is just starting bid on any area let me go let me be right here lee
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nobody is jumpstarting the economy and nobody is creating jobs though this is a problem that i think you have to blame young. america let me try to speak their mind that bush left office we lost seven hundred fifty thousand jobs that month we are now adding jobs are we adding as many as we want obviously on the sideline and his you know i need this thing you know i can tell you that we are. not rose and when we look at the dish that republicans drive this country and and now we're going to ask those same people to decide whether or not we should be part of the credit card debt that they are largely responsible for running out i'm not sure that we're not going to congress this the lead as a rival so let's switch gears for a second erica you really mean her life for a moment here and i want to switch gears for a moment do you think that republicans are actually going to allow it to default on the debt i mean john boehner came out yesterday and suddenly he said that he wants to have this sealed and deal by the end of the month somehow i just don't believe that looking at the way the government functions you know they like to push it to
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the very edge push it to the limit make those midnight deals so is that what's going to happen again we would have a chance of that in a month they're going to figure this out. what happens around the world and you know we've got libya what is really our presence in libya right now with the middle east there are a lot of factors that can go into it but you know listen if we talk about what happens around the world and i think we're talking about the fact that if we do indeed default on our debt moody's is already saying they're going to downgrade the credit rating of the united states. this is going to have a dramatic because in ways that are going to do fold i really don't know exactly. what that's actually republicans are playing with right now and so you know if you continue to call your credit card company and say that you're not going to pay on call them every day and say you're not going to pay at some point that credit card company is going to call you and say you know what i'm going to raise your interest rate and that's exactly what's happening right now moody's has said you know you are running a serious risk here they are playing with fire i challenge you to call your credit
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card company for the next thirty days and tell them that you're not going to pay and let's see what happens to your interest rate so i want to know why are they playing with fire that i mean who are they saying there's pending cuts they would they want to. be you know at the expense of everybody else in this country that we're going to meet our debt obligations we have the ability with the tax revenue right now to meet it it's all about allocation our spending the spending program of the obama administration is too grandiose for us to also need to our budget obligations or debt obligations and our spending ok well there is it is grandiose is it is grandiose is a trillion dollar war is it is grandiose is having tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires at the lowest rate that they've been absent the great depression which states and you guys are better at it we're going to need these dead allegations and i would challenge you to go back to your party and say to your party we are going to meet our debt obligations and you're going to start telling everybody right now
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that we're going to meet them or you tell me what exactly do you really go over and give me the asians and you think oh you can play a big part of the reason that we are getting into a double dip at least until maybe we're getting into one now is that we had this stimulus right we had a round of tax cuts you had quantitative easing which sure enough we would i don't know but it also didn't immediately put us back into a double double dip excuse me it may have stabilized things for a while but now there's absolutely nothing available you can you know i don't agree with quantitate. easing but at least there was something going on now congress just isn't working on that they're not talking about short term and what needs to happen right now is going to bite them when it comes to the election well you know i think . for both parties quite frankly because we need stability business owners need to know what the government's going to do they need to feel like that they're going to mind their own business they're going to back off and let's talk about business that big business person foremost does not want the u.s. to default on its debt and now they're really being i mean the king themselves
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exactly as because the change is out there you can always get you creditors allow you to hear corridors of becoming a monster that they can't you know you know when the tea partiers are sound americans who go listen i have to balance my budget every month you guys got to do it too this is my money that's funding the government the response that goes without americans you hate your credit card gets. patriotic americans pay their credit card debt that they incurred we already have this debt the question is are we going to pay it that's the only option it's going to pay your debt or not but you're down to rein in the spending too we need to be an example and set a precedent that we're not going to keep doing this out of control spending anymore when are we going to keep our legislators accountable for what was really ready to keep them accountable i'm absolutely ready for them to actually cut a little bit from the defense budget stop fighting it all these wars and don't make the priority somehow to cut funding from a lower income americans actually needs of these government programs that need
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their heating assistance i just feel like the priorities here are all screwed up but so do you think that there is a way to get out of this without raising the debt ceiling is that even an option yeah i mean i think i think we can i think we can and especially if we do that i mean again it's reallocation of resources putting making sure that there are actually first and foremost paid. for and overpricing let me let me let me let me explain let me just explain thirty what i can share. are you really that way ition ok what you mean by reallocation is that you're going to pay the bondholders while you take money away from bad friends that that will buy us about a month so if you want to suggest it is better answer out there fighting interact that day we should keep their money back so that the bondholders can get more say you guys won't raise the debt ceiling i bet you're going to grow popular are ladies after all but i want to thank you very much for joining me and i'm sure this is something that's going to keep on going we'll be hearing
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a lot more of this thanks so much. thanks so much now still ahead on tonight's show has the drug war benefit lead failure that's a claim being made today in a report by global commission looking at drug policy one of the report's findings are some moments and g.o.p. members in the house passed a bill that causes a lot of comments for president obama's national security strategy and they not trust obama despite the fact that i don't know he killed us all of a lot about a month ago during a dive in that's not big at lawrence korb senior fellow at the center for american progress. we are in the persian. gulf and. we have the of the earth safe get ready because the freedom.
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hi guys welcome michel ancel on the obama show we've heard our guests have to sound the topics now i want to hear from our audience so just go on to you seem to video respond to our twitter profile of the questions that we've host on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long responses we will be. for. a. few minutes.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . the global war on drugs has failed with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world that's the conclusion of a new report released today from the global commission on drug policy and it's not like we haven't heard the same conclusion before but this time it's an all star panel that's willing to say that the one thousand member group consists of former presidents and prime ministers coming from mexico greece brazil people like paul volcker former chairman of the federal reserve and george shultz ronald reagan's
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very own former secretary of state now the commission calls for a move away from criminalization and towards public health that's even something that we've heard president barack obama say in the past during his presidency and recently while he's been a commander in chief. has been. ok . but i think there's an. early withdrawal of a topic for the good of. a strong. or. drugs as a public health. but the thing is the obama administration has already dismissed this report so let's ask again what's with the flip clock and if even a distinguished and high ranking panel like this can't make a dent and will anything earlier i caught up with an experience host of young turks
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university i phones first told you to think about a few statistics the war on drugs has lasted forty years it's cost one trillion dollars and i want to know if she could think of a better way that money could have been spent. i have to salute we i mean considering the fact that we're in the stuff that's it right now considering the fact that people are unemployed we could be using that money to help people that are in a tough economic situation you know instead we're wasting that money by putting nonviolent drug offenders in jail it's so ridiculous and you know i think one thing that people don't focus on enough. is the business aspect of the war on drugs ok because of the war on drugs we have all of these private prisons popping up throughout the united states since nineteen eighty-four our prison population has been overcrowded because we keep criminalizing it putting these drug offenders in jail these nonviolent drug offenders so what happens you know people with business interests say hey there's money to be made here let's create these private prisons
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and you know help the government put all these nonviolent people away and since one thousand nine hundred four there's been over two hundred private prisons created in the united states and it's so it's so stupid that we're wasting our resources our money our time on putting these nine nonviolent people in jail for like smoking a doobie california. is one of the worst offenders in that sense the supreme court has ruled that it was inhumane you know cruel and unusual punishment what they're doing to some of these prisoners because the prisons are so overcrowded but let's talk about this specific report that was released today i mean we've heard the same things that the war on drugs is a failure coming from former law enforcement officials we've heard it from people like americans for tax reform to realize that it's too expensive even though these people are conservatives as well but here we have a group of former presidents prime ministers former chairman of the federal reserve do you think that they give this gives it a little more clout. i think it does it's really interesting that they're coming
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out with this report now you know all of these former world leaders didn't say anything about the war on drugs or said very little about the war on drugs when they were actually in power and i think it's because most politicians see. the decriminalization of drugs as political suicide you know barack obama has hardly even touched the issue you know but once in a while you know hill say things like oh you know there's a debate that could be had about this he said that during a town hall meeting and the for the most part he doesn't want to waste his pool. capitol on the war on drugs he thinks that it's. a very non issue considering all the other things that are happening right now and that really angers me the obama administration is completely ignored this report and instead they're coming out with these facts and figures about how the war on drugs is working which i think is asinine considering the amount of people that have died because of this war on drugs thirty eight thousand people in mexico since two
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thousand and six because of this war on drugs is the war on drugs working i don't think so yeah the interesting thing about that too is that the obama administration not only are they ignoring this report they've actually dismissed it and said that they don't agree with it because it some of the factors that are put into it are the idea of exploring possible legalization methods in the obama administration says that putting anything else out there putting more drugs out there something that they mentally disagree with but you know other world leaders you know the u.k. as well or nobody who's currently in a position of power has so far subscribed to this report here but well you know what i think is interesting too is the fact that this is a global report i mean do you think that most americans realize when you hear about the war on drugs it's been going on here within the u.s. for the last forty years that it has global ramifications that you know the u.s. laws the black market the market that's created perhaps trickle down to other countries mexico central america being perfect examples. i don't think i don't
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think that the u.s. is thinking enough about what our war on drugs is doing especially to mexico because this war on drugs people are dying the drug cartels are able to exist because we criminalize drugs or drug users ok they're able to sell drugs illegally and they have this tremendous amount of power in mexico and we have to find a way to cripple them how do we cripple them it's by legalizing drugs you know let's start with marijuana it's so crazy that in the united states right now alcohol is legal cigarettes are legal they're not banned marijuana is illegal because of that thousands of people are dying in mexico right now and i don't think the politicians in the us are thinking about that and it just drives me crazy and by the way the obama administration argues right now they're arguing that because of the war on drugs less people are using illegal narcotics well when you look at the picture worldwide there are more than two hundred fifty million people that are
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using illegal narcotics ok regardless of banning it regardless of what you do to try to stop people from doing it regardless of how many people you put away in jail they're going to continue doing drugs ok we need to focus on rehabilitating these people we need to focus on what we can do to educate them and let them know that it's not right to use these drugs but bagging these drugs this prohibition isn't working a perfect example of something that's been successful is the campaign against bacco and cigarettes we never bats a backhoe we never ban cigarettes but the use of cigarettes has decreased dramatically and why is that is because we educate the public on how harmful it is smoking is no longer something that's popular something that people you know look forward to doing a lot of people are trying to stop smoking and it's because we educate them not throw them in jail. all right and i want to thank you very much for joining us and i mean this is an argument that a lot of people out there are making whether it's whether your stance is that you think there needs to be legalization or at least as decriminalization and make this
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a public health issue rather than a crime issue many people are saying if this war on drugs is failing it's created entirely second class of citizens it's cost a lot of lives and it costs a lot of money thanks thank you. your republican stress president obama on national security some say no all you have to do is look at the six hundred ninety billion dollar national defense authorization act that was passed in the house last thursday not only keeps the wars in afghanistan and iraq fully funded and bars the transfer of guantanamo detainees to u.s. soil but also ties the president's hands on some his administration's of biggest achievements things like the repeal of don't ask don't tell and the start treaty the start treaty not only has been seen as a huge sign of success for obama's foreign policy and the reset of relations with russia but most importantly that reduces the number of nuclear weapons in the world obama's already threatened to veto this legislation if those measures are included what is the fact that he got this far send us a larger message or is this just
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a little bit of selective protest of obama's national security policy joining me to discuss this is lawrence korb senior fellow at the center for american progress or and thanks so much for being here tonight first of all can you walk us through what's in this bill exactly that hampers or threaten start well basically there are three provisions in. georgia which they sure are the first ones that the president can't even go down to the store at all unless he probably. one hundred eighty billion dollars you know refurbishing our bill would be to. the president can't unilaterally reduce the number of nuclear weapons or change targeting without the congress and then finally says we can't get rid of the surplus weapons until two thousand and twenty three when they have really we developed the ability to make but do we really need all of this very development i mean it's a little it's a little odd you think of the fact that we just signed
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a treaty to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and now we can't implement it because people are saying that we need to build new ones i think fifteen hundred warheads this sounds like enough yeah well it's not exactly the warhead it's the ability to build the warheads well look i mean basically you see the great irony is well palmer was the first democratic president to have a significant control for you know with former soviet union or russian the united states or previously it had been all republicans you know nixon and ford and reagan and bush you know had the two bushes had done it and so they are trying to portray him as you know naive and weak on defense of this is one way which they feel that they could show or it's not going to be ratified by the senate it's going to die in a conference when the president said he would veto which we should because it's really ties us hand but then what happens if he does in fact veto it doesn't mean it starts going nowhere you know kind of a message that you know that he was there starts already been ratified so if he
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vetoes this this is a defense authorization i put my goal based on any kind of authorization or it without these measures start is done and five zero starts already got basically the president you know can go down you know to god and then they can claim no you know no you can't but he's going through it but really it sends the wrong signal to countries around the world like russia right now you guys are really serious you've made an agreement to try to reach you know to remake how to do it really undermines president obama what our position in the world. and what people think of us but you think that what's behind all of this is that republicans just don't trust obama on national security that well basically are trying to embarrass of they think that he is perceived by people in the united states this week or they're going to you know show world why you know yes and then they add up and they're saying all of us here you know it's really interesting if you talk about the provision that would make it so he can't unilaterally agree to go down to the start levels congress for some
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reason doesn't want to vote on the war in libya where he unilaterally decided to get us involved here in fact the republicans decided to hold on a vote yesterday because they were afraid that they had enough votes for it to pass how do you put back together well you know the great irony is they criticized obama for not doing anything about libya and then when he did some people both republicans and democrats yeah but we have a war coalition you should have come to watch the first so they're going to talk position because if they were the war powers thing sure playoffs he would be in the position of stopping him from doing what they told to do and in fact newt gingrich personified character you've got to do something about libya and what he did he said well you've done to mark you're going to go to the congress so they're trying to have it have it both ways but do you think that they're actually going to end up voting i mean they are certain there are certain members of congress that are pushing relentlessly for this i mean a congress really serious will have he was caught on the border i mean that's the of me power because the president will argue if they say you violates the war
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powers act of well that's a nato operation and since we ratified nato that supersedes the war powers act but at this point this thing is that obama wasn't using any money that congress had to approve at least within those first sixty days he was just taking it from the pentagon's budget but in the last twelve days now that sixty days of the war powers act is up has congress actually had to push any money that way or is it still all coming or going to be on who would do it if both houses agree chaos that defense bill would say nobody and this could be used for libya ok but basically they've already passed. the build. this fiscal year which goes through all the thirtieth of september about was passed earlier this year and so how much money are we talking about when we talk about our new no i mean our new defense authorization bill that we're going to see next year considering that one of the biggest battles right now on capitol hill of course is over budget cuts we can't even get the debt ceiling raised because all we're talking about is the need for budget cuts but has
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a defense spending actually gone up oh yeah and if you look at what the republicans on the budget committee they've cut everything else but not the basically france would get about a thirty billion dollars increase and this is pretty great charade that's being the way we're defense is theoretically cutting go what they do we just cutting down play a role but it's still well it's still is in the ground so how do you think this is going to look at the end of the day when it comes to the two thousand and twelve elections well basically i think if president obama and watching the key thing americans care about they don't worry about storage you know during the cold war this was a big thing we're always concerned about you know nuclear weapons have nuclear war how to by accident. you know libya you know they don't see their sons and daughters dying there so they go look a you got there a lot and that's what we were worried about so that's going to be key provided they get us jobs i think that's going to lead to british rule and you are almost see the waters are bouncing around that i remember lawrence thanks so much for being with.
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us still to come tonight taking pictures of trains violates the patriot act that's claim earns three officers are full time ward details on that coming out and i were asking why the mainstream media is so fascinated with a congressman who might actually do the speaker of the job give you more on a leaner gate when nick gillespie editor in chief of reason c.v.s. reason dot com joins me in just a few minutes. into the we're making use of the doodle we're going to bring justice we're going to. write you know what might. government's true if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story.


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