tv [untitled] June 2, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then he lives something else here's you some of the part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't i'm sorry but the big picture. let's not forget that we had a party right here. i think even on the well. we never got the look as they're going to keep him safe get ready for freedom.
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for. for. our it's time for tonight's all time award and tonight it goes to be a maryland transit administration apparently they need to retrain their police officers whose job it is to protect the transit system see earlier this week in baltimore a man was taking pictures and videos of the light rail train. that christopher
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fossil was then approached by three officers and luckily he left us carol take a listen to the mayor and the family three pictures. close up next to. it for all you. know to fall. through the street here. so taking pictures of trains without authorization is illegal maryland but obviously those officers were wrong but how could a trained law enforcement officer get the facts all mixed up with the improperly trained or did he just want to harass somebody and also look like an easy target take a listen as an officer tells the man why taking pictures and videos of trains is a crime too little saying. he truly says good but if you still find it still crazy high all those things require. you know should always side to take pictures but using it for personal use it
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without additional work. so why don't you have any kind posted to get a right to know here if you. so the officer actually claims that the patriot act makes it illegal for anyone to take pictures of trains and airports and if that's the case police would have to arrest nearly every single tourist in new york or washington d.c. everybody takes pictures on the subway in the metro system a lot of tourists who visit cities with transit systems get a picture on the subway let's get back to the maryland case chris from fossil was detained for nearly forty minutes then he was eventually released and after the fact that m.t.a. apologized a.c.l.u. says that this in fact isn't the first time and he has violated someone's rights in that matter and they claim that they've been working with the state agency on training these officers for over five years from the looks of it more training is definitely needed but wonder where police officers learn the taking pictures by live the patriot act maybe just maybe they're fans of former n.f.l.
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quarterback john elway you witnessed any suspicious activities you should report there with information analysis. for everything old. surveillance. planning terrorist often survey potential targets to determine its strengths and weaknesses this may include determining how well the target is protected identify what type of security measures are in place and gauge emergency response times by local police that was part of a training video that colorado officials released to help educate the public about terrorism john elway narrating it we had a few good laughs about that on the show when it first came out so maybe the maryland transit officers simply chose to take their cues from a clueless jock rather than pay any attention to the quote five years of training that they've received either way the three maryland transit administration officers are tonight's told time winners for harassing an innocent man and making the entire department look stupid for not actually knowing the law that they're hired to
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enforce. now ladies and gentlemen i think the world gone mad and actually i'm hoping it's not the entire world but whatever the disease is seems to have infected our mainstream media they have wiener fever. as we've stated the f.b.i. should be involved in the wiener story but they will not confirm anything to us that's wrong because national security is involved it's clear from the wiki leaks controversy that some very good people of compromise u.s. national security by hacking into government websites when i heard the congressman talk about his playfulness on twitter and his feistiness on twitter that may be good but sometimes it might not be what do you think of all this i mean should the congressman continue talking about this or should he move on that he did all these interviews you know we were going to rule such. will you tell me in your own words what has happened here. well i don't know for sure it seems like what happened was someone somehow got access to my twitter account and tweeted
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a joke i guess you know when your name is wiener you get some of those sometimes the longer you look at the picture especially the pixellated version the more you begin to understand why congressman weiner might not want to deny but that is a picture of him in fact the longer i look at it the more i don't want to deny that it might be a picture of me. that's right if you tried to get some real news from any of the mainstream media channels last night you were out of luck and instead you had to be subjected to non stop you know kate so what happened to our media culture and who the hell is really watching that here discuss this with me is nick gillespie and they're in chief of reason dot reason t.v. and reason thanks so much for being here thank you. just so i can you explain to me what's going on i wouldn't even be covering this honestly because i think it's so stupid i wasn't so taken aback last night when i was flipping through every single
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channel and all i saw was when are we in are we in are we are sometimes we all have days like that especially during puberty but you know part of it it's a slow news cycle right we've only got three wars and counting who knows. but secret wars were involved and we've got a debt ceiling crisis we've got an entitlement crisis we haven't had a budget for over a year and a half and probably won't have another one for two thousand and twelve so you know what are you going to talk about i do think though that this story which the new york post today called the battle of the bold choice was kind of clever you know this is the type of spectacle that fascinates people and it's you know it's somewhat lurd but i also i kind of like what h.l. mencken called the great. america i mean you know this is a fun story and i think the real reason why people follow it is because it gives it we think it gives us an insight into the prerogatives of power in the abuse of power not not even the abuse of power but something weird about power that it turns people into free and weird and i wouldn't even say it as
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a thing without either or about power quite honestly i found it really boring if you know if you look at all you know interviews that congressman weiner is out there doing they're all boring he's given the same runaround rachel maddow asked him is it you know have you ever taken a personal photo he couldn't even answer that he said well maybe it's been doctored you would know if you take it at first i thought of your job and you know what i mean this is where i don't think was going where he talked about how he couldn't say with certitude you know that's putting into a new you know another phrase like refute or whatever you see people when they're flustered they reach for a kind of shakespearean english or something to say the obvious which is that he was going to answer anything there was a interview he did with a press conference where the dana bash of c.n.n. asked him well is it your words and he refused to answer and that became somewhat interesting and again it's less about the specifics of this case but when you have a politician who is you know who trades on being transparent he's types that he's out there in social media and then when it comes back to bite him on the ass he
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can't just say you know what this isn't mine it was hacked and that's problematic and we're going to investigate he starts that and he he says the story on traverse yes but you know i just wonder do you think. people like rachel maddow people like lawrence o'donnell everyone on fox news that was covering this nonstop yesterday do you think that they really care about the story is that what they want to be talking about or is it some executive sitting in a room saying we got to run with this you know it's tough to serve and you know when you look at the entire donald trump you know the kind of operation that he was doing as a presidential run i mean i found that to stir being you know because of going on and on and on for so long it was somebody who clearly wasn't going to run who's a master showman and charlatan seem to be that sucked a lot of energy out of you know what is that was a more serious question which is who who is going to be in a for the president of the united so presidential race in two thousand and twelve
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something like this is you know it's a sideshow for sure but at least i find this one more entertaining than a lot of the drivel that the media continues to cover and think it's really important i don't know i find this one little demeaning for the media personally i can tell you what i covered on my show yesterday or the last week we've been talking about the patriot act we're talking about the war in libya war powers we're talking about the economy our talking about housing prices and yet here they are talking about this and i want to play a clip actually. every child maddow who i normally do i like her a lot and then this is where it really off like down here for me because you haven't answered a question about whether the photo is you or not you realize that now everybody thinks the photo is you and so where there's smoke there's fire there must be a real scandal here you must have been doing something creepy here. let me ask you whether or not you want to answer that question and then let me ask you what the answer to it is. let me ask you. about
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a choice that it's my show if you want to answer the negative person that i have out opposed to you and then i was on to discuss the limiter of the patriot act which is terrible on it in terms of civil liberties i mean here what i would what i would argue is i don't disagree with you that this is a this is. joe your story of news by we're ok i was going to say this is not just a joke story because of the size of the package but because it does it takes us away from arguably more important things but what i would argue is that we actually have more as we have we've we've been having more discussion about the patriot act now that we didn't during its first reauthorization and its original passage the news universe has continued to proliferate and you can get more substantive news channels like m.s.n. b.c. which is chasing after fox and c.n.n. and they you know they've traded in their hard news chops a long time ago fox's you know always ready to go with the salacious story especially if it's going to the doctor everything is a national security risk they'll o'reilly's read that wiener gate is a national security risk and the f.b.i.
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needs to somehow well you know i do think it's possible like if we enter story is true that his twitter account was hacked and he actually tweeted earlier when the when the evening that this all took place he said that my facebook account of but that is serious because if you have the accounts of the like did officials you speak with great authority and oftentimes for the republic you know somebody should be checking into that and that's you know that's that's part of the reason why i think it's really no way to live an excuse is you know every politician that says something. i want. to get what what i was going to say though is that there are more sources and more discussion of substantive issues going on and what's but that's really what has changed in the media set up or has a past what are you saying the supposition here are going on. and there's been a lot of discussion that there's not a lot of discussion are you may try to act on my show it's good you know it's not about the patriot act until romney or rather if you made a mistake and they forgot about it as well but they also voted fox business i
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actually covered that a lot of other channels do and it's not always the primetime shows and things like that also online in various newspapers and magazines so this is you know what i'm saying again it's not to say ok you know we should have wiener gate all the time you know. twenty four seven but the fact is that these kinds of silly stories have always been with us you know. i guess it was. farcical running out of time but the silly stories are always there but unfortunately they get our coverage that the war stories thanks. are is time for show and tell on tonight's program and last time we spoke about my interview with the man who is famous for leaking the pentagon papers daniel ellsberg i despite the fact that ellsberg was called a traitor at that point that is later he's considered a national hero so when comparing him to bradley manning we asked if twenty years from now we'll be calling manning a hero let's get some responses from our viewers from producer richardson
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a sente. events surrounding bradley manning in the documents he's suspected of leaking cannot be ignored by history it's become a complicated mix of national security morality personal tragedy and human freedom and a national and global scale when it's over and it's far from being over just yet how do you think history will look back on manning's actions will he be remembered as a hero a traitor or a victim and facebook beyond believe he's already a hero bill martin told us being a soldier you give up certain rights when you raise your right hand and take your oath of service and leaking secret documents is not whistleblowing it's treason i knew to hide a varian said bradley manning will be forgotten as an individual perhaps a true maybe we will take a larger type in history books on twitter open mind concluded i hope manning will be remembered as a hero because it means we've overcame that complacency with what's really been going on may take for anyone to reveal secrets documents of the us takes courage
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but that courage may not be enough to be called a hero it's the result their actions have on history itself that will determine how they will be remembered and as for bradley manning the world will be healing and debating the result. so what has been done for many years to come. as always we thank you for your responses and here's our next topic for you it was just reported that sony has been hacked yet again this time by the group the same people who gain access to p.b.s. earlier this week but this hack targeted sony pictures entertainment which is a different vision of the mega electronics company over little still managed to obtain over a million passwords that were of course on in cricket so now that it's public knowledge that sony really sucks at protecting consumer privacy could this be the company's fatal flaw tell us what you think is this the end of sony as we know it you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. oh still to come on tonight's show i respond to
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a critic upset that i was asked to blog on a website of a frequent guest on my show stick around for that and then stay with us for happy hour the chubby crybaby over at fox news glenn back doesn't have a problem with my channel and sarah palin's vacation bus got analyzed over about the fact. that we've been apart for the length of the lead. we never got the live shows live in safe get ready because of the freedom.
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hi guys welcome to shower tell me about a show we've heard our guests not to say on the topics now i want to hear from our audience because go on to you tube debate over spawn or the twitter search part of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday on the show the long response is that we like your voice be heard. for the. first. few. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you get something
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else here's the party realize that everything is ok. so i like to take a little bit of time out to respond to a blogger out there michael hill see michael about is can he go on a bike when he saw that i guess a blog at the agitator a few weeks ago now for those of you who may not know the agitator is a blog run by one of our frequent guests radley balko where he meticulously detailed the problems of this country's drug war the resulting police brutality the incarceration rate the rampant corruption in the courts and the crime labs and radley was kind enough to invite me to guest blog while he was away anybody who watches our show regularly will know these are topics that i care about but according to michael it really rankles it because of where i work r t how dare i
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have a say in what goes on in my own country i know my country where i was raised where i was educated where i work where i pay taxes were a vote and i like to think contribute to the media culture the good old us of a and you know i always find these arguments so musing from the so-called purists like this blogger because you know what should arrange all you michael if you do in fact think the police brutality the whole still traveling of civil rights in america is reaching it's scary levels as you wrote in your post and how about the fact that the american mainstream press doesn't report on any of that sure you'll hear a one off story every now and then i suppose that isolated incident but where is the same coverage that we see i don't know about protests in the middle east north africa where i would see that when americans are protesting against the wars of their government has dragged them into spend their tax dollars not at. and a lock them up for protesting that now is he questioning why the media regurgitates
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rather than questions everything the government has to say the government and of course the corporate overlords own our media that will be a little bit too much the fact that my channel is one of the only bad news where any of that can be discussed that's what should worry you not that someone dear allow me to write on their blog so your shallow critique is one i don't much care for. ok it's time for a happy hour on this thursday evening and joining me tonight is our producer jenny churchill and make us beat either in chief of reason t.v. and reason dot com thanks for joining me guys all right so i just finished one rant about someone whose critique i really don't much care for and let me go on to the next one this one's you know one of my favorites if you guys watch the show then you would know it's mr glenn beck and glenn bag fox news they've always
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taken a really big issue with the fact that bill ayers was interviewed here on our t. bill ayers following the weather underground and now we recently interviewed his wife arnie duran and this really really didn't sit well with glenn beck either but this is my favorite response as to one of the reasons why i didn't sit well with and take a listen. there's new video i'm sorry that's not it there's new video that we will post it glenn beck dot com that is from russia today from last week where she's very very clear and a russian journalist asking her all kinds of questions in english and it's all about the oppression i don't know about you but i get all warm and fuzzy inside listening to her and people like her and she is influencing the arab spring which by the way can you believe that our russian journalists questions in english good lord what is this world coming to it's like the cold war never ended you know i
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actually like glenn beck i think that he's interested in figuring out that are you know i don't i don't. really drink you know but i i like him because i think he's a genuinely interesting media figure and he's also i mean he's an autodidact and one of the reasons why i think people like watching him is because he's teaching himself and he makes a lot of mistakes and a lot of silly statements i don't understand his thing is that he acts like he's teaching that people therefore listen as if he's a real teacher well i and i you know i don't understand his take on arab spring but the warning is one of the most odious characters in american race in american history worth interviewing for sure that's the way he wanted it right you know this is my question what is one back more afraid of the fact that our he is putting her on air the fact that there might be people in america watching that sympathize with her i'm not saying i do you know that's what you find threatening and people say the same thing about who is would be talking when he's out there saying ludicrous
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things on the air and then think when you can't let people who say ridiculous things on air that's just not ok i don't disagree with you i think that's a pretty savvy take and then you know it's more that the more the merrier so whatever you know i mean and the one of the best things that he can do for or to your door or whoever to scorn them publicly because i guarantee you that that clip that showed up on his web site did pretty well for you guys. you know so we did it in a strange way i think he knows very much what he's doing i will take it if they get me but i guess it's more you know i love to talk a little crap so it works for me but i do find it interesting as to who may be acceptable you know i'm sure glenn back wasn't saying anything when we were having the muslim radicalization hearings and he was thinking back to the ira you know king's ties to the ira that wasn't a big deal just by the hypocrisy of music let's move on to something that this is actually really sad and i think you probably will have some interesting things to say about this night but in alameda california firefighters had to let
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a person drown because they say that the budget cuts that took their department last year they didn't have the proper certification or the proper gear to get into the water and here's a news clip from talking to some of them were trained to go into the water oh she tried to do that we had one we don't have that type of person that you would use to go into the water if you saw a child drowning more than seventy five feet offshore would you go in and rescue the child or not but if i was off duty you know what i would do you know your i think you're asking me my own do you wish to watch and i would have to stay within our whole season procedures because that's what's required by the department to get you i mean how sad is that is that you'd think he was off duty he would be a good samaritan he'd go any rescue worker who was drowning but because he was on duty because he had the liability of getting sued if he goes in without the proper certification then he has to let someone die before you go really fast as one say
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he's these people are human before they are a firefighter and i think it's despicable that they stood there and i know you'll have lots to say about taxes and public versus private but you know it's these people stood there and watched me and drown and not just the firefighters there were seventy five high standards who stood there for an hour and a half watching a man drown himself well you know as a former lifeguard believe it or not the spot he once could fit in through. pair of lifeguard trunks but you know the first rule of lifeguarding is that bodies is worse than the wind body so if you don't have the training and if you don't have the support you don't go away and that's harsh but that's reality more to the point though california is dead broke they have a massive incalculable it because they spend too much money and because they still own a beach house that was on m.t.v.'s summer you know spring break fling thing they own racetracks they own all sorts of crap they have head you know it isn't a lack of money it's a lack of prioritizing and that's the real problem there and to try and say ok well
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now the cops in alameda need more money so they get the certification that is missing the really the people that are the ones that decide where the money is allocated so you know that i mean the people eyes and the people of california but i mean it's the law makers are people in the cities in the city councils they choose what the priorities are what departments need to be and this is what's happening it is the police departments that are cut there not because i guarantee you that there is not a single city in california with the exception of v.a. which went into bankruptcy and cut some of the benefits for new newly hired a couple of cops virtually every city and every fire and police department in california is probably operating with more money than it was ten years ago this is not about that what it is about is you know and in places like huntington beach they recently added lifeguards to. super golden parachute pensions and health care and things like that you know a lot of homework infinitely a ton of money that is new i mean even in a fiscal crisis they got the best deal that they ever got that doesn't make sense
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to you know it's sad when people die in accidents and things like that but california is a wreck because at every level people have passed the but i think you make a good point is that they can't afford is obviously iraq if there's seventy five other people standing around they just let somebody drown and we're watching right now are made you know going to do you know you don't pay any try to help and this is so reminiscent of the man whose house. it was burning down and they let it burn to the ground because he hadn't paid his fire not sure and. you know darya i got to you know what i did all boys and i know you understand already it was four years it wasn't so far and i have the rest unfortunately you guys are we covered that story the viewers should know thanks so much sarah palin but all sarah palin sarah palin's bus got vandalized it was hilarious but time all right that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure you come back tomorrow british rapper a column will be on the show so i asked whether political ground is dying and meantime don't forget become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of
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the night's show or any other nights you can always catch all the you tube dot com slash the lower show and coming up next is adverse to the max. the world's. coolest remain you the latest in science and technology from the realm for should. we dump the future of coverage. wealthy british scientists. sometimes. market finance scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy
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