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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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with rocker live is due to make his first appearance in front of the hague tribunals serbia finds that the arrest of its former army general is still not enough for entry into the much desired club. red sky of nights no one's delight of major fire and ammunition step up in central russia sets off a chain reaction of artillery shell explosions. cucumbers turn into an apple of discord between germany and spain after millions of euros in revenues last fall when false accusations the spanish better to go was the root of the deadly repeal eat call it our break. anguish and tears replace shock and george's
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family's burying the victims of a savage police crackdown that left hundreds of other protesters in hospital sparking outrage from human rights organizations demanding an investigation. you're watching i think coming to you live from moscow i'm reading josh welcome to the program the former bosnian serb general rock a lot of just to make his first appearance in front of the hague tribunals his arrest on extradition have been touted by the e.u. as a key objective for serbia to gain membership to the club but critics believe the block will now simply widen the goalposts leaving the country still chasing the carrot on the stick. still waiting for the green light serbia's arrest an extradition of
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former bosnian serb army chief luggage was one of the key conditions for a chance to get one foot in the european union's door a potential membership could mean billions of dollars worth of grant aid and for struggling serbia it's a lifeline but what two official belgrade is a step closer to the e.u. is actually no step at all and go secure this year this is very big news this is a very courageous decision by the serbian president this is one additional step for the insurrection of serbia into the european union one day is really a no go bill so that is your. other steps remain to be taken your right to say that the rest of the political chief of croatian serbs gurn had such is still in hiding electro legislation reform engagement in regional cooperation with neighbors believe the elements will be taken into account when deciding to launch the discussion procedure with serbia because for serbian president boris tadic there is
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no task can challenging to take on in the quest for e.u. membership. a rest. in the next few weeks. this is crystal clear that the forgetting all the metro stations while officials prepare to jump through yet another hero who most wonder if the list of conditions who ever and so now we have gotten harder it was one of the serb leaders from the surprise and i am so warm for a show and then all of course some visuals are also talking about the fact that. serbia has to recognize the fact to recognize it for the province of course. as well before it can really get into the e.u. so you know and then of course somebody else is talking about the fact the serbia is. very corrupt until it stops being so corrupt and so bad you can't get into the e.u.
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so really as long as the beaches and paul were then his party the list of demands will be endless so is the union stoning and opening its doors to serbia are its condition simply a way of angling for more control in the region i think there are very few illusions people in serbia the thing that there will not be a great deal many important conditions and one cause it probably won't be as important as the establishment's of relations with costs of a will of course it will lead to another another long story where whole point about making new conditions probably won't stop recently still serbia hopes its corporation will be rewarded and continues to be a path to the e.u. door the offices of the e.u. delegation to serbia proudly display the flags of all of their member states and serbia really wants to join the group with a list of conditions for possible accession seems to be neverending and for
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official belgrade membership this is always visible and always out of reach catherine as r r t belgrade serbia want to count for you during this half hour of news the global commission on drug policy has been accused of links to the darko mafia after it issued their report calling for the legalization of certain drugs find out more. a major fire has broken out at an ammunition storage depot in central russia triggering explosions and injuring forty five two elderly people have died from heart attack said to have been bought on brought on rather by the incident military personnel have decided on local residents have been evacuated to safety that's around thirty thousand people are always where it has the details. comics bread across the central russian republic all good mostly last night when a fire broke out not to be removed the pope around eleven fifteen pm must stay simon says they cannot find intricate
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a number of explosions that would see which houses among itself the no hit shelves intended for russia's grad multiple rocket launching systems with emergency services have been doing the glazes throughout the night which is expected to rage for at least another day such as this scale as thousands of people have already been evacuated from the nearby area on the number of injured dolls continues to rise at the pools all of the fire is still no city yet known initial reports that yes the disagreements was to blame but now officially stated that could north has been the sole trigger for a blaze of this scale however they do say that human error is the most likely cause for the coolest a full investigation will be newest ones this place has been forced to control the longest week in the neighboring a central public library tower alice the military missions. over four senior by
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houses were destroyed you can see thousands of people had to be evacuated from the area and such as the explosion the high caliber rounds landed as far as three could no misses away from the actual sights all of the five four exploding this long king huge of forest fire is runs up to twelve people were injured in that particular fire and then if we look back to sue years ago in november of two thousand and nine in the very immediate bias in truth a city over the young elfs of the fly broke out of munitions. at least to a naval personnel were killed as a result of that explosion and eight servicemen so you know this explosion is not with us it's kind out of munitions depot in russia i was hibbard there. spain in may launch a legal action against germany which prematurely equated to its cucumbers as the cause of the failure break the hysteria over spanish rogers has crippled the
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country's foreign experts and cost millions of euros in just a week now while the source of infection is still under find critics believe the pharmaceutical industry may be the one to benefit from the vegetable panic some q cumbers kill that much is clear and it's also become apparent that although germany blamed spain as the source of the it's not that it's costing innocense fruit and vegetable export is around two hundred million euros a week and it would all be obvious statement sure an absolute lack of responsibility for what is happening today is a challenge to the spanish vegetable and fruit industry. calling the european health watchdog discredited russia says it had no choice but to ban all friesen vegetable imports from the entire european union a reaction brussels called disproportionate russia says it was clear from the beginning the spanish weren't playing care of. the world looks as if the
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accusations brought against the spanish cucumbers were unfounded this was always from the outset why because of spain was the source of the disease why is no one in all their sources of spin could be the disease this is a mild flu you can keep secret german health official still can see it will cause the a prick to transfer factor of the disease and most importantly the situation is under control it's a perry delicate time for the spanish economy which is teetering on the edge of needing an e.u. bailout this is decidedly not a good moment for one hundred fifty thousand tons of produce to go unsold. simply because. one person cannot all. cynics say all this is just the media whipping up its latest health hysteria in two thousand and five the united nations warned
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the world that bird flu could kill up to one hundred fifty million people in reality the seven years until the end of two thousand and ten saw three hundred three people die more recently swine flu was the killer encouraged by pharmaceutical companies european countries spend billions of dollars on unnecessary vaccines probably will see the very soon behind all of this. new declaration this from the. large pharmaceutical industry like they did with the swine flu they have something to protect people against. it's creating social across europe all these health. adversely affected economies this looks no different and germany's baseless accusations may be what finally pushes spain into bailout territory spain will now seek reparations from the relevant authorities in europe after its prime minister criticised the european commission for not
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supporting the country enough particularly after the infection was proven not to have come from spanish cucumbers spain has a titan task ahead of its repairing its reputation as a reliable exports or a freesat and vegetables all over the you position essential to its ailing economy nor at its hour to brussels and coming up in ten minutes time here on our t.v. after a year in simulated space it's the final home stretch for the man returning from mars. he's been born surprised to see. you in isolation traveling of miles a day. the men from mars are heading to. mars five hundred closer to the edge of possibility on our team. russia's anti-gay drugs chief has slammed the report in to narcotics by former
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world leaders and politicians as drugs propaganda victory even off state of the findings were designed to derail the global fight against drugs he also said report might be expressly or implicitly connected was dropped there are no words artes to her still you has the details of the un back report. the global commission on drug policy has deemed the war on drugs a failure and they are now urging contraries to consider legalizing cannabis as well as other drugs in order to accomplish two goals which they think are very important one is to undermine organized crime and the second is to protect the citizens health now they are saying that the government should start experimenting with new illegal models of regulation so they do cite an increased number of drug use like since one thousand nine hundred nine according to us a to six there has been a fanatic increase in the use of drugs production as well as the sale of drugs and it is this that they do want to address and there say the so-called repressive
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measures are not effective they say that politicians the important people should start acknowledging publicly what they have been doing so privately that the measures that have been implemented for decades really are not working now in terms of the trying to undermine organized crime they're suggesting that by legalizing drugs you're essentially opening up the market and making these drugs openly available albeit regulated and therefore bring the prices down which will hurt the businesses of the drug cartels on the part of the health of the citizens there say that the drug user should be seen as patients rather than of criminals. because our affiliate reporting there. and remember that there is more on our website r t v dot com but here's what's on the line right now. they have not saying while the have all smiles russia has become the fifth in the world in terms of super rich families and gloomy poverty statistics. also at r.t.
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dot com find out how and i'm born facebook user from the us managed to rack up over two hundred online friends. shock has given way to sorrow in georgia's families very devic terms of a brutal police crackdown on protesters on the eve of the country's independence day the incident prompted a worldwide outcry with human rights organizations demanding a thorough investigation but as sara first reports there is little hope those responsible will be punished at all. last week it's been tried she turned out to demonstrate this week his friends and family are burying him devastated and confused with no real idea what happened. the condemnation for these scenes came
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from around the world and there are now growing calls for an investigation into police actions investigation. started and i can say this is kong. because we had a situation very close to. two thousand and seven where excessive force was used thinking. restitution was now starting to get the worst. years georgia has tried to move westwards promising reforms and signing treaties that despite being king to align itself with the west this time it seems government didn't feel that they had to play by the rules. for the status talk. and are only after polish. personal on hand to witness the scenes we saw police surrounding the protesters all the
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exits of blocks they had nowhere to gave us and the rubber bullets hit. this was during the thing demonstrators took the main streets and we saw them taking down some of the protesters have taken shelter here in this and in my building that time all the glass was smashed we saw many of the people that were being led out being picked and hit with the police punch and as they exited the building they were led away handcuffed we believe you can see many of the people or old even more shockingly it would be a long time for many of the any kind of medical or legal aid. the one was running from one side to monitor all the exits recalls. i was standing on the rubber ball and my one o'clock until seven in the morning i was before dark i was called on to the hospital. the opposition to you have come under criticism for
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their part to play in the m ravening of the vents a failed snake a shape despite being offered another venue heathfield that's just the occasion for the violence that it's according to. the faces of crime this is the torture or. treatment reaches the crime and investigation should start. there is no follow up here it's just the situation after is that georgian president claims the protests this didn't want freedom the speech violence. that was certainly what they call it's. the police the. now take a look at some other stories from around the world seventy three year old man has gone on a shooting rampage in arizona in the u.s. killing five before turning the gun on himself harry how die is killed a prominent local attorney in yuma county who had represented his wife in their divorce police say the shootings were not
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a random act and all the victims were targeted. fighting in the yemeni capital has been escalating as government forces are trying to drive rebels out of the cities soldiers loyal to the president on least have the shelling on militants who support him are have one of the most powerful families in the country fighting in sanaa for two weeks after the opposition turned to violence following unsuccessful attempts to oust the president peacefully. today marks a year since six plucky volunteers set off on an unprecedented seventeen month mission to mars of course the crew never real you left earth and mars five hundred simulation is a scientific mission confined to a scale mock up of a space ship but as peter oliver reports the pressures faced by very much real. nine hundred sixty seven the space race is in full swing three men enter a secret simulation in moscow to determine the effects of long duration spaceflight
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on humans get a man might not serve was one of those who took part. in orbit the monotony it's hard i mean the regimen little things get you in the beginning we have a steady temperature all the time later the temperature was fluctuating making it incredibly uncomfortable get a man and his two crew mates spent one year in a metal box twelve meters square with no private space the mars five hundred module with its seventy two meter square living quarters as well as separate areas for conducting experiments looks like a five star hotel by comparison looking around the current experiment would be like another shot in isolation but the marriage goes never again in my life not even with the same team but i often think about other options available to other teams. one year into the mars five hundred project those on board have plenty to keep him
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occupied including a garden to allow them to grow some of their own food it's wrong to say that the current crew have an easy ride astronauts who have spent time in space for real are full of admiration for the things they're making do with out my missions for a lot of this. and i had the opportunity from the space station and actually called to the families to. telephone system. and that's possibly the hardest for them to do that's the end is in sight for the mars five hundred mission but what goes through your mind when you're on that final furlong. it's a very nervous period and it can easily burn you out during the last two weeks i was looking at my watch every five minutes to figure out how much time was left. rather tense. one year into their voyage the mars five hundred team
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a currently simulating never to journey to earth however it will be another five months before this door can be opened and they can step back into normal routine. r.t. moscow. and we're up to date time now for the business news with here. however we welcome that's right time for your business update and russia's trued largest banks are holding their annual shareholder meetings on friday. b.c.b. are discussing a blind range of issues including dividends and the election of new board of directors for details i'm joined from arena costs are all sides furball headquarters hello to you marina obvious shareholders of these two banking giants like you to be pleased with what they hear today. while shareholders are definitely have reason to be excited because of the banking sector itself last year the total profit came up to twenty point five billion dollars which is really as much as it
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made to power supply now spare by paid six point two billion dollars and the c.e.o. says that this year they could make that billion dollars the tepee which is russia second largest lender makes you believe in dollars and the dividends at the spur is expected to get double the amount it did four years ago which broke records but its share prices have not be tracking the expectations of strong profits and the central battle says that basically this year the banking sector could make up to thirty two billion dollars you know. its biggest more else is on the agenda. the t.p.m. star by car holding their annual shareholder meetings and there's a lot to talk about this burbank is expected to real like the c.e.o. germann graph or another four year term the supervisor borders on the five major
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changes one third of the seats will be set up. all right we seem to have some technical problems we'll try to return to marina as soon as possible and we still have time to have a quick look at the markets. ok. let's have a look at the price of oil was flat on friday as the deal was transcend against a basket of currencies as investors await us nonfarm payrolls data which is seen as critical in setting the stage for price directions ahead so you can see those figures on the screen light so we distributing. below one hundred dollars a barrel and brandy's at one hundred and four dollars. if you want to asia japanese nikkei finished in the red as well which has melted under the heat of the falling u.s. dollar and saying it's also done with banking stocks among the main losers they declined
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on concerns of more possible tightening of the coming long weekend as chinese regulator announced interest rate reserve requirement hikes during such holidays. as what's happening in europe european stocks seem to be steadying after a short sell off in the previous two sessions following makes showings overnight on wall street and in asia with investors likely to stay cautious ahead of the latest year's jobs report which is another important indicator of the health of the global economy. and here it more schooled the r.t.s. and the mice it's edging higher that's now investors here are also i'm data from the us throughout later in the day let's now take a look at some of the individual show moves on the mice it's the energy sector trends now in the red after you posted a one percent decline in net profit from last year all those gold is on the rise and strong metal prices the shares are also supported by reports of the company's
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outcome of the merger with one of the world's leading gold mine as pharmacy chain thirty six point six is edging more than three percent on. a multi-million dollar loan in exchange for its shares. ok and we cannot be back to our correspondents married of course over who is outside their bank head. where the shareholder meeting of two largest banks to be to be answerable and is underway summary not what is on the agenda. but as i was saying to you earlier a sperm bank will be a real life thing and c.e.o. berman grant for another four year term now there will also be discussing the privatization plans which includes our share buyback program and the supervisor board is something going major changes the seer one third of the board will be taken up by new people will be less government officials and more independent directors now d.t.p. is expected to be discussing major multibillion dollar deals with bank of moscow as
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well as a potential war with transcribe it right now both banks are currently second to develop in europe and actually sperm bank has already confirmed interest in buying clothes bank international and b two b. is considering developing its operations in vienna it is not borders to attract local customers now we also hear that sperm bank contributes a hundred and eighty billion dollars to the economy and instructed him to make it to the top fifteen products in the world in terms of its profits get out the ok morgan of course or thank you very much for this indeed. normal spanish cucumber old brussels sprouts russia will be on a diet free of european festivals until the government is sure they're free of equal light not only will this make it more difficult to find your five a day could also make them more expensive. business lasts long enough this will
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create inflationary pressures there's no question about it the question is how long this will last is this just a one off or is this a bigger problem that will last for longer. and i think this is a one off really and this should be very short because it's an actually not in anyone's interest and it's the last thing that the government wants is additional inflationary pressures. and this needs to merely to some of the local producers but remember that if you look at the national operators the national retail chains. source still very small percentage locally produced print reasons. more news for you on line authority dot com business and during the last the last time for more business stories here on our team.
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in one thousand nine hundred two dr ralph mainstreet university of pennsylvania said what if i can take the gene responsible for growth in human beings and put it into a mouse. drawn all the main risk issues post that can there is that ninety five percent of all competent scientists in these fields are working for the producer's side and only five percent are
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really again you mean the independent. there is not a lot of science that says train genic fish is unhealthy for people to consume which is what the food and drug administration looks at there is a lot of concern about the environmental impacts if the transgenic fish escapes what kind of horrible impact will it have on the rest of the fish population you don't know what this might do to us or our children or our children's children in our congress here in the united states or our legislators about the world we vote all these different laws tax laws and corporate laws what could be more important than deciding on the permanent genetic future of life on earth. could. jump be official and see how to make a sure cure my phone i pod touch from the i choose up still.


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