tv [untitled] June 3, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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but how did. you teach began a journey. where did it take. the . former general a lot it's called the war crimes and genocide charges against him that noxious as he appears at the hague tribunal but his capture doesn't appear to be speeding up in the survey is possible e.u. membership. but fiat and i mean it isn't done in a central russia has triggered explosions which of injured dozens and for thirty thousand people from their homes. russia says an international report which calls of the war on drugs a failure is playing right into the hands of the narcotics cartel.
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he with r.t. right from moscow imo reception welcome to the program. charles made his first appearance in front of the hague tribunal he didn't enter a plea because the charges against him monstrous and not just his plea hearing will now take place in a month before marcos newness of army general is indicted on eleven counts of war crimes including the murder of eight thousand muslims at a strip in it so well that it should be on the run for sixteen years and was arrested just last thursday is arrested and extradition was touted by the e.u. as a key objective for serbia to gain membership and as aunties catherine i thought about reports the e.u. dream doesn't appear to be any closer toward proving to prove his existence still waiting for the green light services arrest an extradition of former bosnian serb army chief. was. one of the key conditions for
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a chance to get one foot on the european union's door potential membership could mean billions of dollars worth of grant aid and for struggling serbia it's a lifeline but what two official belgrade is a step closer to the e.u. is actually no step at all and they go secure this year this is very big news this is a very courageous decision by the serbian president this is one additional step for the integration of serbia into the european union one day is really i no go there so that is your. other steps remain to be taken your right to say to the rest of the political chief of croatian serbs to learn how to teach it is still in hiding electro legislation reform engagement in regional cooperation with neighbors believe elements will be taking into account when deciding to lose the discussion procedure with serbia. preserving president boris tadic there is no task too
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challenging to take on and the quest for a new membership. rests. in next few weeks. for us this is a crystal clear the service of the metro stations while officials prepare to jump through yet another hero who most wonder if the list of conditions who ever and so now we have gotten harder it was one of the serb leaders from the surprise and i am so warm for a show and then all of course some visuals are also talking about the fact that. serbia has to recognize the fact the recognize its own province of course. as well before it can really get into the e.u. so you know on them or somebody else is talking about the fact that serbia is very corrupt until it stops being so corrupt and so bad you can't get into the e.u. so really as long as the target. isn't. this part of the list of demands
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will be endless so is the union stalling on opening its doors to serbia or are its conditions simply a way of angling for more control in the region i think there are very few illusions people in serbia the thing that there will not be a great deal many important conditions and probably won't be as important as the establishment's of relations with costs of all will of course it will lead to another another long story where whole point about making new conditions probably won't stop recently still serbia hopes its corporation will be rewarded and continues to be a path to the e.u. two or the officers of the e.u. delegation to serbia proudly display the flags of all of their member states and serbia really wants to join the group but the list of conditions for possible accession seems to be neverending and for official belgrade membership is always
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visible and always out of reach catarina r.t. belgrade serbia. but meantime a balkans export market says the hague tribunal doesn't need record luggage to take part in in the in the case. the tribunal doesn't need him to. be actively engaged with his own defense the trial you'll need a tribunal needs to be needs him to be sitting there for symbolic reasons he's sitting there the odium of the world is focused on him all the accusations are the wall of noise is is against of those original figures eight thousand came out and about from these are bigger that islam is side they were prepared in advance. thousands of people were hidden soldiers and drafted back into the. just forces without their families even being informed so there is certainly a great deal exaggeration in the figure here you have pictures of people people graves who were on the list in the. missing as it were and they died in previous years or there are people here again who died in previous years who are on the
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service the list of of missing presumed killed by the serbs was this tribunal you should remember is not a court it is a tribunals with all the dubious ad hoc quasi legal procedures that that involves it's the one ton of mowbray or bureaucrat where people are held for years without trial waiting for trial when they're when their word it is known in advance in fact is even worse than the guantanamo bay of europe because at least they're in the going time of day but judges know what the rules are at the hague tribunal is kangaroo court the rules are worked out as they go along and always at the expense of the serbs. you with r.t.l. are from moscow now before the intervention in libya started international companies didn't hesitate to deal with colonel gadhafi later in the program here on sci we take a look at how bankers gladly accepted could at least billions and then wasted it.
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there's a major fire right now munition storage depot in its central russia it's triggered a series of explosions and injured at least fifty seven people two elderly citizens have died from heart attacks said to have been brought on by the incident thirty thousand people made up of the military personnel and local residents have all been forced to leave the area immediately artie's or i'll assume it has details on the story. well the situation house is slightly improved at the size of the fire but it is still described as being very serious indeed of calls how they spread across the central russian region all that moved here late last night when a fire broke out at military depo at around eleven fifty pm most case time on thursday and now find installers and multiple explosions at the depot which houses amalia sultana rewarding the rocket shells east of the grounds multiple rocket launching systems thousands were evacuated from the surrounding area we do understand that some people all beginning to trickle back into the region to return
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to their homes we've received reports that dozens of people have been hospitalized and asked for medical assistance and also very soundly beaten hundred pools that some elderly people live suffered fatal heart attacks as a result of the stress calls on by xplosion but a huge effort is being undertaken by c. officials here to try and bring the blaze under control over five hundred firefighters have been battling the blaze since it took hold but it's not just the scale of what's happening is that it is expected to rage on full at least another day a mobile firefighting machinery have also now been sent to the signs along side five pricing aircraft at the cools isn't this blaze a still unknown it was initially filled with the cigarettes my existence of the blaze pacific chills now dismissed that saying that said that could not have been the sole trick of the sunshine ablaze but sadly this is not put the such place to
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happen out and i wanted to read deco in central russia only last week a similar plays at zouk place in the neighboring republic of bashed here and she years ago in november two thousand and nine another blaze happened to death in the city of leon also that neither of these two places were as serious as this current one but says sadly this is not the first time this or russia's central areas have been faced with such a place. hartley's alice would be reporting right now you can be on top of this story are just by checking us out on facebook and so we've got a full length amateur video of the inferno and instant updates on the story just log on to the facebook slash our team used to follow this and of course many other stories all in a theater. is .
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just turning ten minutes past the hour here in moscow now today marks a year since six of volunteers are sort of on a simulated mission to mars and it's been tough going after these crews are all of it now has more on the challenges they faced on the way but one year in to the mars five hundred project right now is a look at what daily life is like inside the module here in central moscow they they are simulating the way a journey to add to mars in the return journey that at the moment one year in they're currently simulating the journey back from the red planet back home to earth now most five hundred certainly unique to see the the length of time they are they spending in this isolation but it's not the first time that these type of
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experiments are taking place as i found out. nineteen sixty seven the space race is in full swing three men enter a secret simulation in moscow to determine the effects of long duration spaceflight on humans get a man might not serve was one of those who took part neatly on the sheer jury should orbit the monotony it's hard i mean the regimen little things get you in the beginning we have a steady temperature all the time later the temperature was fluctuating making it incredibly uncomfortable. to man and his two crew mates spent one year in a metal box twelve meters square with no private space the mars five hundred module with its seventy two meter square living quarters as well as separate areas for conducting experiments looks like a five star hotel by comparison it's wrong to say that the current crew have an easy ride astronauts who have spent time in space for
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a real full of admiration for the things they're making do with out my missions for another goal. and that head of the fuel from the space station we can actually call the whole top of the family's. telephone system over radio and pads possibly the hardest for them that they cannot do the end is in sight for the mars five hundred mission but what goes through your mind when you're on that final furlong. version it's a very nervous period and it can easily burn you out during the last two weeks i was looking at my watch every five minutes to figure how much time was left. of the tents for. one year into their voyage the mars five hundred team a currently simulating never ten journey to earth however it will be another five months before they still can be opened and they can step back into normality.
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locked away from the outside world for one year already must be very very stressful on those people who are inside to find out a little bit more about the mars five hundred project and that's over it is really landmark day in their journey i'm now joined by dr patrick flick from the capital science connections innovation agency thank you very much for talking to us good morning from london thank you well they spent a year in there already five months left to go how intense was the psychological pressure beyond what i think as we've just heard in this rundown to home for the psychological pressure is is really quite intense these guys have been locked away for a for a year and they still got five months to go and it's important to remember that they haven't actually had voice contacts with a control center for eleven months now and they've still got another four months before they're back in voice contact with them so the only human real human contact
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they've had is with each other during the last year and that's really quite intense so it must be very very difficult indeed certainly going to be a bonding exercise at least but of course this is a simulation it's a very realistic simulation but how close is it to the actual mission that they could take part in and manned missions on mars. you know well cause the crucial thing is that we've got gravity here on the surface of the earth so that's part of it but the psychological aspects of it i think are. paid really have to imagine themselves into the situation they've really had to convince themselves that they're doing this for real i've never done anything like this but i can't imagine that you could lock yourself away under these circumstances without in some way convincing yourself that it was real but dr fflick i could talk to you forever about this very interesting thank you very much we'll have to leave it there as dr
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patrick fuller from the founder of a good part of the capital side's connections innovation agency so one year in they still have five months left to go i'm not sure i could do that. one solos decide on. a year in isolation travelling a million miles a day. the men from mars are heading to. mars five hundred closer to the edge of possibility on our team. it's now a quarter past the hour here in moscow you with r.t. international bankers reportedly wasted billions of dollars invested by libyan leader colonel gadhafi the financial times says giants like goldman sachs were dealing with the dictator's investments when needed to plug a hole during a crisis but most of the money has been lost with what's going on in libya any repayment it seems unlikely that he's done
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a bushel has details from but it is the. western banks have been happy to invest and work with the libyan dictator while we get their fee and picking up huge sums in the process as you say france is a city general was. to make a billion dollar bets on its own shares it told could actually to make a billion dollar bets on its own shares which then lost practically all their value by last year pocketed huge sums huge fees in the process america learned that goldman sachs made a billion dollar investment for libya which then lost over ninety eight percent of its value and many of the western. have made disastrous investments for libya's national investment fund and now the interesting thing is that these banks are claiming they would have to pay any of that money back because the west's current war with libya means that gadhafi is an illegitimate ruler. parties are
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trying to push the reporting right there while the military action in libya is raising a lot of questions in the u.s. senate with some voices suggesting that american involvement is illegal that's discussed in latest edition of cross talk. about two hours time right here. russia's anti drug chief has slammed the proposition to legalize narcotics by the global commission on drug policy as propaganda victory enough says the report is designed to de way of a global fight against drugs the commission is made up of well known former statesmen politicians and businessmen. as our savior. here in russia the issue on the war on drugs is a really a big deal it has been at the forefront of domestic policy for some time now and about thirty thousand russians are documented to die each year here so it is a subject that is close to heart and so this report did not sit well with the
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russians and the drug cheats because even north and he see believes that this is just propaganda as he said he thinks it's a ploy to simply divert attention of the international community from what really has to be done. simply discussing the record of the so-called global commission we should realize that we're dealing with a global campaign on drugs promotion this campaign is directly or indirectly linked but the joint revenues amounting to about eight hundred billion dollars as far as russia's efforts are concerned even north himself had reiterated earlier this year that russia is committed to expanding the anti drug effort in afghanistan which is the source of ninety percent of drugs coming into russia now it just in two thousand and ten russia had spent seven million dollars alone so he says there's this fight will continue and here ideas are being thrown out such as perhaps a drug testing in school or replacing here with with methadone so alternative means
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of curbing this problem are also being seen now if we look at the actual reply. or they're basically suggesting that we have they have to legalize drugs in order to undermine organized crime by basically making the drugs readily available so that the prices will go down and therefore heard the revenues of this drug cartels and another point is to keep the citizens healthy intact to protect the citizens there on these grounds their suggestion is to simply legalize drugs even off also did raise the fact that a part of the paddle panel of who came up with this report includes the former u.n. secretary general kofi annan as well as the former president of brazil mexico and colombia and he said that if we look at the drug policy during the coffee announce the leadership of the u.n. it has been a failure so he doesn't think that this report i'm should be taken seriously he did dismiss it. reporting right now let's watch out some other world news headlines for you this hour and there are conflicting reports that the president of yemen has
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either been killed or wounded the government denies the president is dead but it confirms there's been an assassination attempt to position has attacked his residence killing at least four people and injuring a senior official the country's been in a state of virtual civil war since president saleh refused to step down from power three months ago. greece has agreed in principle to a second bailout package from the european union the international monetary fund the government over the debt ridden country has wrapped up negotiations over new austerity measures the tough rescue measures have sparked a nationwide protests with hundreds taking to the streets a major cuts demonstration is also expected tomorrow in athens. the european commission has criticized russia's decision to ban imported pulls from europe in the wake of the. prime minister putin meantime says that people's lives are more
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important. because you were going to shift good at them laura colleagues from the european commission say russia's decision goes it is this spirit of the w t o frankly i don't know about that because you can lose the people of the a.b.m. that's not the kind of thing that raises your spirit we are waiting for our partners to at least name the contagion as good themselves don't know what's going on we can't expose our people for the sake of some kind of spirit which i will of course review ability of our public health service decision but nevertheless we are waiting for updates from our european colleagues. spain may launch a legal action against germany for prematurely pointing out its cucumbers as the cause of the fatal break the hysteria over spanish projects has crippled the country's farmer exports and cost millions of euros a source of the infection in time it's still unclear but critics say the pharmaceutical industry may be in for a windfall from the correctable. some q.
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cumbers kill that much is clear and it's also become apparent that although germany planed spain as the source of the e-coli it's not that it's costing innocence punish brewton vegetable export is around two hundred million euros a week calling the european health watchdog discredited russia says it had no choice but to ban all fruit and vegetable imports from the entire european union a reaction brussels called disproportionate it's a very delicate time for the spanish economy which is teetering on the edge of needing an e.u. bailout this is decidedly not a good moment for one hundred fifty thousand tons of produce to go unsold. because of all the all. time.
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cynics say all this is just the media whipping up its latest health hysteria in two thousand and five the united nations warned the world that bird flu could kill up to one hundred fifty million people in reality the seven years until the end of two thousand and ten saw three hundred three people died more recently swine flu was the killer encouraged by pharmaceutical companies european countries spend billions of dollars on unnecessary vaccines probably will see very soon behind all this. from the. large pharmaceutical industry like they did with the swine flu they have something to protect people against. recall i would scream. across europe all these health scares adversely affected economies this looks no different and germany's baseless accusations may be what finally pushes spain into bailout territory spain will now seek reparations from the relevance or thorazine. in
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europe after its prime minister criticize the european commission for not supporting the country enough particularly after the infection was proven not to have come from spanish cucumbers spain has a titan task ahead of it repairing its reputation as a reliable exports or of fruits and vegetables all over the e.u. a position essential to its ailing economy nor any hearty brussels. quarter time now for the latest in the world of business with dmitri. thanks rory the markets are all heading lower following worse than expected jobs data in the u.s. this has raised yet more concerns the recovery in the world's biggest economy is stalling the uncertainty has been compounded by generally poor data in europe and asia coupled with recurring debt problems around the world now to discuss what is going wrong i'm joined by chris we for more also chris thank you so much for being
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with us so what is wrong with the global investor confidence if there is such effect today well as you say it's just we've had a series of disappointing are weaker than expected economic data points in major economies from the us europe and china and that's certainly on your mind you know expectations that the economic growth would accelerate this year so you know where we're at right now what we see in the markets is just reflecting the fact that optimism for even faster growth coming into two thousand and twelve is now giving way to a more sobering reality that we're going to we're still struggling to kind of stay just of of the positive like it's been quite a while since we last spoke about is the worst over from the crisis it seems we're coming back to the same old conversation sovereign debt problems where is the root of the problem if you say well we've plateaued i think is probably the best thing you could say i mean we see we had a very steep recovery from a very steep crisis starting in middle of weight and we've now going to reach this
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kind of plateau or shelf as it were. and it just difficult now to see what's going to take is the next leg of recovery and so grossly would love this question about the ending of the concept of easing in the u.s. this month and whether or not this third bout of easing me even be required to propel you can you forward but that's the big question mark of economists and investors are looking at saying you know what is there are there to drive this market higher nobody's really worried about. a reversal or a double digit return to recession but there's a serious question mark over what's going to drive this for is there going to be a new round of quantitative easing in the u.s. because the u.s. has had quite a lot of problems and even the ratings agencies have been reviewing credit ratings for us because of all these problems with bad debt sure but at the same time all this money would would help or would help liquidity around. yeah i think the bottom line is that given that next year is an election year if it needs it if you get it
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even though economists and agencies are very highly critical of the amount spent or wasted to say so far but i think if economic indicators start to slow down even more there than we've had in job creation slows down then i think they'll be a lot of political pressure on the fed to go for another round of quantitative easing so you know i don't expect to do quick i think will be a pullback at the at the end of this month when q e two ends to review the situation i think to make a decision in new york based on the strength of the economic indicators that what does russia stand right now because we're seeing commodity stillwell rarely go below one hundred dollars per barrel for oil for example metals are still quite expensive why isn't russia well fairing better than it is right now yeah because i think the perception of russia has changed quite a lot as you say if we go back said before the prices. rising oil would have lifted all of russian asset prices the ruble the banks for example would all be higher but
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you know investors had a very sobering reality check in the second half though a. collapse so quickly and everybody is very focused on the fact that russia is still highly vulnerable to commodities highly vulnerable to the oil price and therefore very highly vulnerable to what happens in washington and beijing more than say what happens in moscow the bottom line is that russia has not really made any material progress in transforming its economy from a resource based economy to a diversified economy that the nest. case therefore is quite weak fiscally in the budget as approving would always but that six investors i think will remain reluctant on to the action see real progress on the promise reforms and we could well be a year or at least away from the ok chris we thank you so much that was chris we've come from or else i'm speaking to business out and i'm afraid that's all we have time for this hour we will be back max now an update.
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