tv [untitled] June 3, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines today was a report on our. general recommended it to peers at the hague tribunal saying the charges against him are of noxious some experts suggest that the number killed in these massacre was fabricated. but far as an ammunition dump in central russia has triggered explosions which have injured dozens and forced thirty thousand from their homes. in russia says an international report which calls the war on drugs. is playing into the hands of the narcotics cartel.
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international news and comment live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. rock about it charles made his first appearance in front of the hague tribunal he didn't enter a plea but called the charges against him monstrous and obnoxious his plea hearing will take place in a month the fall of bosnian serb army general is indicted on eleven counts including the murder of eight thousand muslims at but it should be on the run for sixteen years and was arrested last thursday is of rest an extradition was told to go to the e.u. is a key objective for serbia to gain membership patterns are of a look at the strength of the evidence brought against him. the village of seven needs in the us and herzegovina where we are right now features prominently in the case against former bosnian serb army chief currently on trial in the hague despite the claims of eight thousand murdered men and boys here instead i meet so many of
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those who have studied those documents say that most of the reports actually concerned body parts a leg bones the femur bones and they've basically done a basic count of those they also say that there is no discernible way to determine which of those people died as a result of the balkans or if you have pictures of people. who were on the list and servants. previous years older people here again who died in previous years is on the service list of missing presumed killed by the serbs it's impossible to talk about there but inside i do not mention all of the other atrocities that took place here this is somebody needs that just a few miles out is the village of credits where bosnian muslim general nasser ordered literally wiped out the entire village throughout two years and that's it or it's tore through the region of syria but it needs to destroy at least one
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hundred fifty villages and massacring. over thirty five hundred people so the case against margaret as many here believe does seem to be somewhat biased some people in serbia believe what it is a national hero others believe he is a war criminal and should be tried for what he was responsible for but the one thing that we found most people share the one idea is that that trial should not be held by the hague tribunal and many people that we've spoken to believe that that is a bias that the hague war crimes tribunal is being used as a political tool and not a legal one very prominent cases that it has held of course concerned mostly serb general. i previously mentioned nasa or its the general many believe is responsible for equally atrocious war crimes during that time was cleared by the hague tribunal of all charges so these theories of the hague inability to be objective do seem to
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be substantiated katrina's or of what another man wanted in the hague is libyan leader colonel gaddafi but before the intervention in libya started international companies didn't hesitate to deal with him later in the program we'll take a look at how bankers gladly accepted get their fees billions and wasted it thanks guys or you'll be joining me live to discuss the story very shortly. but first as a major foreign ammunition storage depot in central russia it's triggered a series of explosions and injured fifty seven two elderly people have died from heart attacks so it had been brought on by the incident thirty thousand people made up of military personnel and local residents have been forced to leave the immediate area bodies and as he has the details. well the situation house is slightly improved at the sign solve the fire but it is still described as being very serious indeed of course how they spread across the central russian region all that moved here late last night when
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a fire broke out not hillary depo at around eleven fifty pm most a time on thursday and now five installs multiple explosions at the depot which houses amalia's all ten or even worryingly rocket shells used to be grad multiple rocket launching it systems thousands were evacuated from the surrounding area we do understand that some people all beginning to trickle back into the region and returned to their homes we proceed to pull the dozens of people have been hospitalized and all of the medical assistance and also very sound could be one hundred pools that some elderly people live suffered fatal heart attacks as a result of the stress corazon by the explosion when a huge effort is being undertaken by c. officials here to try and bring the blaze under control over five hundred firefighters have been battling the blaze since it took hold but such is the scale of what's happening is that that it is expected to rage on full at least another
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day and move all thought fighting machinery have also now been sent to the side to alongside five pricing aircraft of the coolness is that this blaze a still unknown it was initially filled with that a cigarettes might just start of the plays this officials now dismiss that saying that said that could not have been the sole trick of hassan chevrolets but se this is not the first such place to happen as not to be depo in central russia only last week a similar plays to place in the neighboring republic of bashed here and she did years ago and they then bit you thousand and nine another place happened after decades in the city of neither of these two places where as serious as this current one it says sadly this is not the first time visitor rushes central areas have been faced with such a blaze. presently very upset despite the authorities claiming the fire of being contained evacuees could not be returned to their homes until it was completely put out addressing the defense minister he added those responsible for the accident
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lost me perished in the world as it was resistant to. fires in a span of two weeks. use emerging defense minister must report who will answer for that i'm hard since certain people feel to draw conclusions we'll have to strip them of their shoulder straps. well for more on the story to be on top of the latest developments there you can check us out on facebook where we've got a full link and it's a video of the inferno and instant operates on this story just log on to facebook so i shall say news to follow this and plenty of other stories in detail. if.
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you go to the. russians and the drugs chief of the proposition to legalize some of the cultic spy the global commission on drug policy as propaganda because of the report is designed to the rail the global fight against drugs the commission is made up of well known for mistakes when politicians and businessmen at least have a say has more now from moscow here in russia the issue on the war on drugs is a really a big deal it has been at the forefront of domestic policy for some time now and about thirty thousand russians are documented to die each year here so it is a subject that is close to heart and so this report did not sit well with the russians anti drug cheats they don't even know off and he see believes that this is just propaganda as he said he thinks it's a ploy to simply divert attention of the international community from what really
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has to be done the most radioactively discussing the report of the so-called global commission we should realize that we're dealing with a global p.r. campaign on drugs promotion this campaign is directly or indirectly links with the joint revenues amounting to about eight hundred billion dollars as far as russia's efforts are concerned even north and south have reiterated earlier this year. that russia is committed to expanding be anti-drug effort in afghanistan which is the source of ninety percent of drugs coming into russia now it's just in two thousand and ten russia had spent seven million dollars alone so he says there's this fight will continue and here ideas are being thrown out such as perhaps a drug testing in school or replacing here with with methadone to alternative means of curbing this problem are also being seen now if we look at the actual report they're basically suggesting that we have be have to legalize drugs in order to undermine organized crime by basically making the drugs readily available so that
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the prices will go down and therefore hurt the revenues of these drug cartels and another point is to keep the citizens healthy intact to protect the citizens now on these grounds their suggestion is to simply legalize drugs ivanoff also did raise the fact that a part of the paddle panel of who came up with this report includes the former u.n. secretary general kofi annan as well as the former presidents of brazil mexico and colombia and he said that if we look at the drug policy we during the coffee are not leadership of the u.n. it has been a failure so he doesn't think that this report should be taken seriously he did it dismissive. and on our website artie dot com we're asking if soft drugs should be legalized let's look at how opinions are divided there right now we can see the results on the screen for keep percent of all respondents believe that it will stop drug lords from cashing in on hard drugs georgie however i think that the move will
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not affect the use of hard drugs and ten percent of it at the moment are thinking that opinion that legalizing drugs will boost their use and five percent are in favor of them all. log on to r.t. dot com so you too can join the debate and be good to hear from the. international bankers who reportedly wasted billions of dollars invested by libyan leader colonel gaddafi the financial times says giants like goldman sachs were dealing with the dictator's investments when it needed to plug a hole during the economic crisis and most of the money has been lost but with what's going on in libya any repayment seems unlikely daniel bushell has more now from berlin. western banks have been happy to. work with libyan dictator why would their feet and picking up huge sums in the process as you say francis. was. to make a billion dollar bets on its own shares it told to make
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a billion dollar bets on its own shares which then lost practically all their value by last year pocketing huge sons huge fees in the process american led the goldman sachs made a billion dollar investment for libya which then lost over ninety percent of its value and many of the western. may dissolve investments for libya's national investment fund and now the interesting thing is the these boats are claiming they would have to pay any of that money back because the west's war with libya means that gadhafi is an illegitimate ruler. and you push your reporting there want to discuss the story i'm joined live from paris by all t's financial muckraker mexico is of course the host of all of these because reports good to see you there you know that report in the financial times suggest that because we're quite happy to investigate after his money does that come as
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a surprise to you that these huge banks were would be dealing with gadhafi well what i'm hearing is that frederick new day the c.e.o. society general lloyd blankfein c.e.o. goldman sachs and tony blair of all been marked for death by liberty and assassins as a campaign to rectify libya perceived as a blatant disregard for their sovereign wealth fund and libya is experiencing what many people in america and around the world are experiencing financial rape by bankers whether it's dominic strauss kahn at the i.m.f. or whether it's lloyd blankfein or whether it's frederick you did everyone's getting financially raped by these bankers and we can only guess as to what the outcome might be of course this all goes back to two thousand and four when tony blair was in libya and doing deals with moammar gadhafi even at that time my understanding is that he was setting banks up in the west to swoop in and start to pick apart the sovereign wealth fund and of course when tony blair left number ten
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downing street it took a position with j.p. morgan he went right to j.p. morgan and he started setting libyan up for these deals immediately and they just was throwing a blood to the sharks of goldman sachs within society general swooped in and now they've all been marked for death from what i understand paybacks but libya clearly lost a lot of money here what can you explain what went wrong for libya in the light of what you just said what went right for the banks what happened. well the banks are financial terrorists and the way that they conduct their operations whether it's sub prime lending markets that they fraudulently induced you know goldman sachs is now being investigated again for more fraud more accounting fraud more criminality lloyd blankfein must be brought before congress to be questioned again for potential perjury you know they're everything that they touched they turned to some kind of act of larceny or accounting fraud and this is how they pay themselves one hundred forty billion dollars in bonuses at the end of the year in an economy
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that's collapsing as jobs are disappearing as the food stamp program increases by the way food stamps are the invention and creation administration of j.p. morgan they make money out of creating and running ghettos they make money out of financial terrorism when these markets crash they make billions hank paulson and his crew made billions on the bailout in two thousand and eight this is the way you conduct financial terrorism and all the money that obama has been spending to fight so-called terrorism elsewhere in the world he would do the world a great big favor by going down to wall street arresting the financial terrorists and throwing them in guantanamo bay and having them tortured of course because of their crimes against humanity a little audio saying that many libyans we won't be the heads of people on the plot relights of blair of course these bank executives but could libya get their money back or could the banks actually refuse to pay what they've lost. well.
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the banks have at their disposal for example right now in the united states there is talk about the debt ceiling and they want to raise the debt ceiling and people american don't want to raise the debt ceiling so what wall street is telling washington and the american people either you raise the debt ceiling or we're going to crash the stock market because they use weapons of mass financial destruction so they use the markets as a weapon and this is what they're telling people in america right now give us more debt so they can finance more speculative paths to go into more foreign countries we can load up more countries and that and of course that'll force those countries to put their folks into austerity like we're seeing in greece again lloyd blankfein c.e.o. of goldman sachs and john paulson hedge fund manager were in greece two years before the recent study measures plotting the take down of greece and the carve up of those assets and then who in the world has the balls to take these bankers down to the chopping block and frickin get rid of bomb like they did back two hundred years ago that's the only solution or about just just quickly in the light of what's
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happening in libya what next we will we see once it all settles in there whatever the outcome of the current problems there will we see all those banks then capitalizing on the island of broken country and getting their money back in june to all the resources that the day i mean what happens next when we see those banks jumping on the bandwagon in libya later. well right now they're focusing on destroying grace they're forging us focusing on destroying ireland they've already got a multi hundred billion dollar negative bets on these countries and there's you know to make billions of dollars the moody's s. and p. and fitch are in bed with these people they downgrade the debt and they're all working together they're all working as a team it's collusion it's a racket it's a racketeering so you know the banks will continue to rape and pillage economic straus god who performs financial rape as daily just that's what he it wasn't for financial rape we'd never have atomics trust god if you look at financial rape in the dictionary you'll see a picture of damage trust her that's that's what he was born to do he was groomed
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to be a financial rapist he's brilliant at it and so is lloyd blankfein so's jamie diamond and so soc gen and some of these other bankers who's going to stop or who's going to stop and write what is the odds of that who will stop them is the laura soft touch what are the international regulations you're getting very passionate about this aren't your own question who could actually stop them doing what you say they're doing i believe it was recently said when the social contract is broken that people must revolt it's up to the people revolt now or be a debt slave all right max thanks very much indeed persuasive response there an argument from mexico is a live look from paris once again of course max will be back again with a cause report here lotty thanks a lot max. the european commission has criticised russia's decision to ban imported vegetables from europe in the wake of the eco night outbreak but prime minister putin says people's lives are more important. he says she was good at the
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large colleagues from the european commission say russia's decision goes it is this spirit of the w t o frankly i didn't know about that but the cucumbers the people of the ied then that's not the kind of thing that raises your spirit well waiting for our partners to at least named a contagion as the themselves don't know what's going on we can't expose our people for the sake of some kind of spirit which will of course review the validity of our public health service decision but nevertheless we are waiting for updates from our european colleagues. on the outbreak of the eco lie bacteria has so far claimed eighteen lives most of them in germany german public health officials were quick to blame the spanish cucumbers as the source but they've now backtracked and admitted it's not clear where the outbreak originated spain says it may launch legal action against germany for that mistake and countries vegetable exports are being crippled costing millions of euros well for more on what's behind the cucumber his styria
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let's talk to anyone who's found it and chief editor of the daily belt dot com thanks very much of the for joining us here on r.t. well hysteria has quickly swept through europe and we saw the same reaction concerning bird flu and swine flu of course but this time as any is this panic justified. justified well you know who's to say medically what's justified or what's not but you know traditionally the track records associated with the various . type of. ways that various very very sad illnesses and viruses were dealt with in the past would lead one not to be too too aggressive in assuming that they'll be a whole lot different this time i don't believe that we have enough information at this time to be able to determine whether or not there's going to be a real serious break here that's going to cause serious you know human casualties beyond the numbers that we've seen to date but certainly the mainstream media is having you know their normal run at trumpeting this to be another grand hysteric situation that needs to so you dealt with seal training that's hot on the
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mainstream media what about the authorities for example the world health organization and health authorities are ave not responsible also for not dealing with this in a responsible way. well dealing with it in a responsible way i don't i don't believe that that's necessarily the true nature of the w.h.o. so so to talk about them dealing with in a responsible manner i think that's what the mainstream media's job is to try to do is to you know prop up the importance of these sorts of international organizations similar to how the i.a.e.a. was propped up by the mainstream media is to try to help find solutions for the japanese crisis w.h.o. is and has proven to be in the past a spokesperson for or spokes a spokes group for the various interests that are interested in developing one world title governance and basically the mainstream media is there is there is there and there are active propaganda machine that is at least the western mainstream media so i wouldn't expect them to do anything more than continue to trumpet these these headlines in a way that will cause more and more hysteria and drive more and more people into
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believing that these organizations like the w. h. o. are actually there to do something about it because all they're going to do is level society with more rules and more regulations are going to trumpet out there their spokespeople are going to tell everybody how concerned they are with somber faces about the situation at hand and of course more rules and likely another e.u. institution that will administer these rules is what's in the offering what about those quick to capitalize on this sort of incident of course in the past with swine flu flu the pharmaceutical companies as well as the financial consideration to who else could be the winners here. well certainly it's not the spanish farmers who are the winners that's for sure the winners here well you know if you really want to peel back the layers of the onion i look at the at the central bankers who are actually the ones who are facilitating the financing of the massive amounts the billions of dollars worth of vaccines that end up in warehouses when the actual puffery despite all this i steria turns out to be nothing more than that so you know there certainly is some victory being played here for the for the parties who
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are controlling these international world organizations and really are in the in the driver's seat pulling the strings in the mainstream media as well i have to ask the question at the end of the day why is it that we have a few old old men sitting in the in the city of london who are basically controlling all if not most of them of the mainstream media why why do we have these people controlling the central banks and printing endless reams of money that make all of the taxpayers out there through their indebted to the to the various whimsical ideas that they decide to nonsense that we find. ration of the same thing that will be many people want to take a look at a minute that there is clearly something very strange going on hand many scientists just still don't understand the source of this outbreak some are saying this could be a new made or perhaps a very rare variety we've got to consider the fact that this is very early stages as you think of going into and actually this may not be a case of scaremongering but this could really be a serious outbreak. there that very well may be the case and at this stage neither
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you nor i nor anyone else who's been voicing their opinions on this issue actually know what that actual situation will turn out to be however the one thing that we do know is that whenever these sorts of crises so to speak materialize i mean stream media is very very quick to jump on board and create maximum as we use the word over and over again here hysteria in order to generate that type of response and to looking for which is one once again which pushes pushes back into the hands of the of the organizations like the w.h.o. and the european union officials the ability to create more rules more regulations which just milk the economy even further into debt bottom line is at the end of the day all we're facing here is another one of those situations and whether or not medically it turns out to be a situation that differs from the past the past does not hold very well as a track record for what we should maybe expect in the future thanks very much indeed interest me what i have to say i mean well and chief editor of the daily bell dot com joining us live. thank you. well that brings us to very nearly twenty five minutes past the hour here in the russian capital up
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next is the business with the mitri stay with us for that live him a scam. banks will russian market center of the week in the red following worse than expected jobs growth of the u.s. on friday this raised yet more concerns the recovery in the world's biggest economy is stalling the uncertainty has been compounded by generally poor data in europe and asia coupled with recurring debt problems around the world is chris weaver's take on the problem. we've had a series of disappointing or weaker than expected economic data points in major economies from the us europe and china and that's certainly on your mind you know expectations economic growth will accelerate this year so you know where we're at right now and what we see in the markets is just reflecting the fact that optimism for even faster growth coming into two thousand and twelve is now giving way to a more sobering reality that we're going to we're still struggling to kind of stay
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just of of the positive like we have seen the discussions about the ending of the quantity of easing in the u.s. this month and whether or not this third but out of easing may even be required to propel you can't move forward but that's the big question mark that economists and investors are looking at saying you know what is there to drive this market higher . so i go to the markets now we start with commodities and brenda's home around one hundred fifteen dollars a barrel down forty cents or is light sweet is also down around sixty cents this is because of weak u.s. jobs they are profiting investors to worry about the sustainability of the u.s. economy and demand for crude oil to move now to stock markets in the u.s. and they are still there jones down half a percent as their point seven percent unemployment rate in the world's largest economy has risen to nine point one percent with you with jobs added in may for the
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past eight months and that's really running off and. serous european stock markets managed to recover by the end of the session after the greek finance ministry said a review of its implementation of reforms by the e.u. european central bank and the international monetary fund the so-called troika concluded positive correlation you see is up five percent of the close after an upgrade from citi group. in moscow stocks took a departure of the us jobs report raising all gains for the week the anthias ended friday down one point three percent of my six one and a half percent energy majors were the ones taking the biggest beating gazprom was down two point six percent for news gold there was better than the market shares were being supported by speculation about an upcoming merger with a world leading gold miners preferred shares of his burbank with the outstanding performers of the day off more than six percent on reports that the bank may convert them into ordinary shares now this could be used very quickly ahead of
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privatization. coming back to one of our main stories no more spanish cucumbers or brussels sprouts russia will be on a diet free of european vegetables and so the government is sure they are free of life not only will this make it more difficult to find your five a day but also make them more expensive. if this lasts long enough this will create inflationary pressures there's no question about it the question is how long this will last is this just a one off or is this a bigger problem that will last for longer hopefully and i think this is a one off really and this is for the very short because this naturally not in anyone's interest and it's the last thing that the government wants is additional inflationary pressure and. this nice to me later some of the local producers but remember that if you look at the national operators national retail chains their
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