tv [untitled] June 3, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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the former general peers of the hague tribunal saying the charges against him are of noxious some experts suggest the number killed in the sort of it's a massacre was fabricated. a farce an ammunition dump in central russia has triggered explosions which have injured thousands and forced thirty thousand from their homes. also argues ations are flying us histeria around the new bog that's crippled the european vegetable market gathers pace. and one year into the longest ever space flight simulation in this and i'm ok five hundred crew party takes a look at their journey to the red planet and back.
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international news in comment live from our studios here in central moscow this is our team. has made his first appearance in front of the hague tribunal he didn't enter a plea but called the charges against him monstrous and noxious he's pre-hearing will take place in a month the former bosnian serb army general is in guarded on eleven counts of war crimes including the murder of eight thousand muslims. and that it should be on the run for sixteen years and was arrested last thursday he said rest in extradition was touted by the e.u. as a key objective for serbia to gain membership katrina czar of the looks of the strength of the evidence being brought against him. so they were to. where we are right now features prominently in the. bosnian serb army chief currently on trial. in the
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hague despite the claims of eight thousand murdered men and boys here instead what i need so many of those who have studied those documents say that most of the reports actually concerning body parts the leg bones the femur bones and they've done a basic count of those they also say that there is no discernible way to determine which of those people died as a result of the war here you have pictures of people people graves who were on the list in. previous years or there are people here again who died in previous years on the list of missing presumed killed by the serbs many people that we've spoken to believe that the hate crimes tribunal is being used as a political tool and not a legal one this is that i need to just a few miles out is the village of privates where a bosnian muslim general said what it literally wiped out the entire village two
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years and that's it or it's tore through the region of seven needs destroying at least one hundred fifty villages that's what it was cleared by the hague tribunal of charges so these fears of the hague inability to be objective do seem to be substantiated. well for more insight on the balkan conflict in the crimes committed during it let's now talk. about the shoes communications director of the peace dividend trust joining me in new york thank you very much for being with us here on our to you know. that it is in the dark alongside with relevant heritage does this now mean the crimes of the balkan conflicts are resolved. actually no i wrote about a piece about this that the balkan crimes have not yet been resolved in the huffington post earlier this week one of the outstanding crimes is being committed by croatia where property return has not taken place in that former you can stop
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republic during the war the wars about to grant rights a million people were displaced included in that war a number of former serb residents in in the crane a region of croatia while bosnia and serbia were forced by the international community to restore those property rights to people who were forced out of their homes property rights to former residents in korea namely the serbs were not well have been crozier all of gaza and allow those displaced to return to those moons. one of the primary reasons i think there's been a huge focus within the international community on bosnia herzegovina and serbia the dayton accords mandated that in in bosnia herzegovina has to go to property rights be restored to all former residents prior to their war in croatia there was actually no there was no international community to make such an force met and
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sixteen years after the war there there still isn't anyone demanding that croatia recognize those pre-war property rights sixteen years after the war not only is the issue of the property concerning crew croatia but also why is it just in the dock now when obviously it was a very complicated come from. many people involved in this conflict so why does the focus on serbs. i think i think the western media has made it made a big there's been a big attention in the western media answers but i do think that there has been and i pulled against croats and bosnian bosnian muslims as well i think the crimes that were perpetrated by the serbs really were of a magnitude that really does justify the tribunals going after the serbs. and radovan kerridge. the plight of those two being apprehended behind bars the
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hope for serbia all the succession to the e.u. now we know that crozier you expected to join the e.u. in the summer of twenty thirteen there's no assurance of membership in serbia why is that at this stage well international pravin one of the things that the international community is said to serbia is that one of the requirements in order to even talk to brussels would be to hand over iraq home and right around carriage they say they have done that and it shows that international pressure does work i think that same international pressure needs to be displayed to zagreb in the croatian government and so far nothing has happened to them and i think that i think that really puts into question the european union's commitment to the you know there are a lot of nations to human rights but what about the european union's commitment to serbia i mean the creation why would it be in the interest of the e.u.
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to have these countries as part of the union. i think i mean i think you can't just you can't just look at korea crap croatia and the european union without considering that the rest of the balkans the there's a lot of trade that goes on between croatia and bosnia and serbia and serbia has a very vibrant economy i think there's a lot of the liberty in having serbia within the european union borders it is a european country it has shown that it is committed to european principles and it has paved the way now by handing over iraq home to to have those serious discussions on russell's the membership polled in croatia and the promote stability and peace and to prevent the region sliding back into bloodshed in the future. absolutely i think that i think the days of the bloodshed that we saw in the one nine hundred ninety s. in southeastern europe are over the serbs have really come
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a long way in making strides to work with the europeans work with it and work regionally within within the neighborhood i think they're very interested in reviving their economy and rebuilding the infrastructure that was destroyed during the wars well thank you very much for sharing your thoughts i know you've had a lot of experience there in the balkans in the past and thank you very much in your capacity as communications director of the peace dividend trust. for joining us and showing us your thoughts thanks for joining us. on another man wanted in the hague is libyan leader colonel gadhafi but it's financial max kaiser told me earlier the man has fallen victim to the international bankers. that is experiencing what many people in america and around the world are experiencing financial rape. later in the program we take a look at hell because gladly accepted you know these billions and wasted.
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stories still to come but first a major foreign ammunition storage depot in central russia has been raging for over twenty hours and it's triggered a series of explosions it's forced tens of thousands out of their homes and left over sixty people injured two elderly people have died from heart attacks so it has been brought on by the incident but he's on the civets has the details. well the situation house is slightly improved at the size of the fire but it is still described as being very serious indeed if calls can express across the central russian region all that moved here late last night when a fire broke out acknowledged hillary jack-o. at around eleven fifty pm moscow time on thursday and that fire then spawns multiple explosions at the depot which houses amalia saltier requiring the rocket shells used to the crowds multiple rocket launching it systems as thousands were evacuated from the surrounding area we do understand that some people all beginning to trickle back into the region and return to their homes we've received report the
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dozens of people have been hospitalized and also medical assistance and also a very soundly beaten hundred pools that some elderly people have suffered fatal heart attacks as a result of the stressful respond by the explosion when a huge effort is being undertaken by c. officials here to try and bring that lays down the control over five hundred firefighters have been filling the place since it took hold it's not just the scale of what's happening is that that it is expected to rage on full at least another day a mobile firefighting machinery have also now been sent to the sides alongside five pricing aircraft at the coolness is a displays a still unknown it was initially filled with the cigarettes might have stones of the plays this official is now dismissed that saying that said that could not have been the sole trick of the sancerre blaze but soundly this is not the first place to happen at all to the deck though in central russia only last week
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a similar plays at stake place in the neighboring republic of bashed here and to achieve years ago in the event you thousand and nine another blaze happened after decades in the city of beyond all state neither of those two places were as serious as this current one but says sadly this is not the first time this era. his central areas have been faced with such a place. and president says despite the authorities claiming that far has been contained evacuees should return to their homes until it's put out addressing the defense minister he added those responsible for the accident must be punished and the world as opposed to people for a single span of two weeks. using merge defense minister must report who will answer for that and how certain people feel to draw conclusions will have to strip them of their shoulder straps. or to keep up to date on the story you can always
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check us out on facebook go to full length amateur video of the inferno and instant updates on the story plus right from the center of the disaster pictures brought you by the drones you can just log onto facebook slash r.t. news to follow this and other stories in detail. join us there on facebook. it's going to. be. today marks a year since six volunteers set off on a simulated mission to mars and it's been tough going. in the challenges they faced
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along the way. one year in to the mars five hundred project right now a look at what they life is like inside the module here in central moscow there they are simulating their way a journey to to mars and a return journey though at the moment one year in they're currently simulating that journey back from the red planet back home to earth now mars five hundred seventy unique to to the the length of time they're spending in this isolation but it's not the first time that these type of experiments have taken place as i found out. one thousand nine hundred sixty seven the space race is in full swing three men enter a secret simulation in moscow to determine the effects of long duration spaceflight on humans get a man might not was one of those who took part. in orbit the monotony it's hard i mean the regimen little things get to you in the beginning we
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have a steady temperature all the time later the temperature was watching waiting and making it incredibly uncomfortable. to man and his two crew mates spent one year in a metal box twelve meters square with no private space the mars five hundred module with its seventy two meter square living quarters as well as separate areas for conducting experiments looks like a five star hotel by comparison it's wrong to say that the current crew have an easy ride astronauts who have spent time in space for a real full of admiration for the things they're making do with out my missions were not at all the. man that had a few of them from the space station and i call them the families. telephone system. and dad's must be the hardest kind of do the end is in sight for the mars five hundred mission but what goes through your mind when you're on that final furlong. it's
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a very nervous period and it can easily burn you out during the last two weeks i was looking at my watch every five minutes to figure out how much time was left. of the tense. one year into their voyage the mars five hundred team are currently simulating never return journey to earth however it will be another five months before this can be opened and they can step back into normal routine where locked away from the outside world for one year already and must be very very stressful on those people who are inside to find out a little bit more about the mars five hundred project and this of it is really a landmark day in their journey i'm now joined by dr patrick fuller from the capital science connections innovation agency thank you very much for talking to us good morning from london thank you well they spent a year in there already they've got five months left to go how intense was the
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psychological pressure beyond. what i think as we've just heard in this run down to home the psychological pressure is is really quite intense these guys have been locked away for over a year and they've still got five months to go and it's important to remember that they haven't actually had voice contact with the control center for eleven months now and they've still got another four months before they're back in voice contact with them so the only human real human contact they have is with each other during the last during the last year and that's really quite intense so it must be very very difficult indeed certainly going to be a bonding exercise at least but of course this is a simulation it's a very realistic simulation but how close is it to the actual mission that they could one day take part in a manned mission to mars. yeah well cause i think the crucial thing is that we've got gravity here on the surface of the earth so that's part of it but the
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psychological aspects of it i think are. they've really had to imagine themselves into the situation they've really had to convince themselves that they're doing this for real i've never done anything like this but i can't imagine that you could lock yourself away under these circumstances without in some way convincing yourself that it was real tough to feel it i could talk to you forever about this very interesting thank you very much but i have to leave it there as dr patrick fuller from me could be found a big part of the capital side's connections innovation agency so one year in they still have five months left to go i'm not sure i could do that. they've been. a year in isolation travelling a million miles a day. the men from mars are heading to.
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mars five hundred closer to the edge of possibility on our team. international bankers have reportedly wasted billions of dollars invested by libyan leader colonel gadhafi the financial times has giants like goldman sachs were dealing with the taters investments when it needed to plug a whole journey economic crisis in the money's been lost but with what's going on in libya any repayment seems unlikely. has more from burning. western banks have been happy to invest and work with the libyan dictator while we get our feet and picking up huge sums in the process as you say francis. was. to make a billion dollar bets on its own shares it told him to make a billion dollar bets all its own shares which then lost practically all their value by last year pocketed huge sums. huge fees in the process america learned that goldman sachs made
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a billion dollar investment for libya which then lost over ninety eight percent of its value and many of the western. may dissolve stress investments for libya's national investment fund now the interesting thing is that these banks are claiming they won't have to pay any of that money back because the west's current war with libya means that gadhafi is an illegitimate ruler. he's financial mark reconnects kaiser told me earlier that it's another case when markets have been used as a weapon. what i'm hearing is that fredricka today they see our society general lloyd blankfein c.e.o. of goldman sachs and tony blair have all been marked for death by liberty and assassins as a campaign to rectify what libya perceives as a blatant disregard for their sovereign wealth fund and libya is experiencing what many people in america and around the world are experiencing financial rape by
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bankers whether it's. over at the i.m.f. or whether it's lloyd blankfein or whether it's frederic who did everyone's getting financially raped by these bankers and we can only guess as to what the outcome might be of course this all goes back to two thousand and four when tony blair was in libya and doing deals with moammar gadhafi even at that time my understanding is that he was setting banks up in the west to swoop in and start to pick apart the sovereign wealth fund and of course when tony blair left number ten downing street it took a position with j.p. morgan he went right to j.p. morgan and he started setting a libyan for these deals immediately and they just was throwing blood to the sharks so goldman sachs swooped in society generale swooped in and now they've all been marked for death because they use weapons of mass financial destruction so they use the markets as a weapon and this is what they're telling people to america right now give us more debt so they can finance more spread to the pats we go into more foreign countries
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we can load up more countries and then of course that'll force those countries to put their folks into austerity like we're seeing in grace again lloyd blankfein c.e.o. of goldman sachs and john paulson hedge fund manager were in greece two years before the recent austerity measures plotting the takedown of greece and the carbrook of those assets again who in the world has the balls to take these bankers down to the chopping block and three can get rid of god like they did back two hundred years ago that's the only solution. black skies are taught a bit of learning here lotty well the military action in libya is raising a lot of questions in the u.s. senate with some voices suggesting american involvement is illegal well that's being discussed in the latest edition of cross talk is about an hour from now here on our team. the european commission has criticized russia's decision to ban imported vegetables from europe in the wake of the break but prime minister putin says people's lives are more important. if you would do it in
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a large colleagues from the european commission say russia's decision goes against the spirit of the w c o frankly i don't know about that but the cucumber is the key paper of the edam that's not the kind of thing that raises your spirits well waiting for all partners to at least name the contagion as the themselves don't know what's going on we can't expose our people for the sake of some kind of spirit which will of course review the validity of our public health service decision but nevertheless we are waiting for updates from our european colleagues. because so far claimed at least eighteen lives most of them in germany have been public health officials were quick to blame spanish cucumbers as the source but they've now backtracked and admitted it's not clear where they are going to make spain says it made legal action against germany for about this thing because exports have been crippled costing millions of euros i think a while founder and chief editor of the daily told me earlier that mainstream media contributed at the gathering hysteria. i don't believe that we have enough
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information at this time to be able to determine whether or not there's going to be a real serious cure that's going to cause serious you know human casualties beyond the numbers that we've seen to date but certainly the mainstream media is having you know their normal run at trumpeting this to be another grand hysteria situation that needs to be dealt with quickly dealing with it in a responsible way i don't i don't believe that that's necessarily the true nature of the w.h.o. so so to talk about them dealing with in a responsible manner i think that's what the mainstream media's job is to try to do is to you know prop up the importance of these sorts of international organizations similar to how the i.a.e.a. was propped up by the mainstream media is to try to help find solutions for the japanese crisis the w.h.o. is and has proven to be in the past a spokesperson for our spokes a spokes group for the various interests that are interested in developing one world type of governance and basically the mainstream media is there is there is there and there are active. to get a machine at least the western mean stream media so i wouldn't expect them to do
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anything more than continue to trumpet these these headlines in a way that will cause more and more hysteria and drive more and more people into believing that these organizations like the w. h. o. are actually there to do something about it. let's go out is coming away just five minutes from now here on r.t. first though it's the business news with the mitri. and then a warm welcome to business our team russia markets ended the we couldn't read the following worse than expected jobs in the u.s. on friday this raised yet more concerns the recovery of the world's biggest economies stalling the uncertainty has been compounded by generally poor data in europe and asia coupled with the recurring debt problems around the world here's chris weaver's take on the problem. in fact a series of disappointing are weaker than expected economic data points in major economies from the u.s. europe and china and that's certainly on your mind you know expectations that
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economic growth will accelerate this year so you know where we're at right now what we see in the markets is just reflecting the fact that some ism for even faster growth commutative has been twelve is now giving way to a more sobering reality that we're going to we're still struggling to kind of stay just above the positive like we have so you could just question about the ending of the quantity of easing in the u.s. this month and whether or not this third bout of easing may even be required to propel you can't move forward but that's the big question mark that economists and investors are looking at saying you know what is there to drive this market higher . so the stock market's now in moscow stocks took a dip after the u.s. job of raising. the are two years in the write it down one point three percent my six one and a half percent and the majors were taking the worst beating with gazprom down three point six percent what is called was slightly better than markets down point two
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percent shares were being supported by speculation about an upcoming merger with the world's leading coal miner preferred shares as burbank jumped six percent on the reports that the bank may convert ordinary shares and this could boost their liquidity i had a privatization. no more spanish cucumbers or brussels sprouts russia will be on a diet free of european vegetables until the government is sure they are free of eco like not only will this make it more difficult to find your five a day in russia it could also make them more expensive. this lasts long enough this will create inflationary pressures there's no question about it the question is how long this will last is this just a one off or is this a bigger problem that will last for longer. and i think this is a one off clearly and this should be very short because it's actually not in anyone's interest and it's the last thing that the government wants is additional
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inflationary pressures. this need stimulated film of the local producers but remember that if you look at the national operators national retail chains. still very small percentage locally pretty different reasons. for russia to lift the burden europe warns it's against w g o rules and could russia's access to the organizations. from the business and i'll go back some hours in the headlights statements. it's.
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twenty years ago in the largest country in the disappearance of. what had been meant to teach began a journey. where did it take. and nine hundred eighty two dr ralph main street university of pennsylvania said what if i can take the gene responsible for growth in human beings and put it into a mouse. on all the main risk issues was that there is a ninety five percent of all competent scientists in these fields are working
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for the producers side and only five percent are really genuinely independent. there's not a lot of science that says train genic fish is unhealthy for people to consume which is what the food and drug administration looks out there is a lot of concern about the environmental impacts if it transgenic fish escapes what kind of horrible impact will it have on the rest of the fish population don't know . what this might do to us or our children or our children's children in our congress here in the united states legislatures throughout the world we vote all these different laws tax laws and corporate laws what could be more important than deciding on the feminine genetic future of life on earth. and mission free could you take three.
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