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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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in. ireland. artist has been rebuild the future on a stronger foundation that we had before. the same time many are asking where is my job and its new jobs numbers point to a struggling economy is the white house in denial and could it be time to change the rules of how everybody plays. and. this is sharing is caring that's what chevron and former secretary of state congolese or rice are touting a new venture spreading suppose you could own the goodwill overseas but what's really motivating this and why a broad at
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a time when americans are struggling at home. and it's not just the economy president obama should worry about seems his goal to reset relations with russia may be harder than he thought but at what cost to national and global security. to be there or against their own borders they don't support them no wonder the broadcasting board of governors employees voted in the worst branch of government to work for and haven't stopped them from getting big bucks from the u.s. government joe. good evening it's friday june third eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm laurin the stor and your watching r.t. now it has been a bad week for the u.s. economy new jobs numbers revealed today the worst private sector job growth in eight months coming last month knocking unemployment rate up from nine to nine
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point one percent and according to some estimates an analyst at morgan stanley up to half of those jobs last month could have come from mcdonald's also a distressing housing report from economists earlier this week or has economists rather saying that residential real estate has essentially double dipped the u.s. debt ceiling hasn't been raised an issue. and moody's as a result issued a warning on the country's credit rating as a result and president obama today right there in the face of these dismal numbers gave a speech at a chrysler plant to celebrate the resurgence of the auto industry saying in the economy there are going to be bumps on the road to recovery but is this more than a bump is it time for a major rethinking of the u.s. economy take a look at this chart there are a lot of numbers here but what you really need to know is that that red line is unemployment in this recession and all those other lines are unemployment in every other recession that the united states has experienced so this is by far the worst
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since world war two earlier i spoke to peter schiff president of euro pacific capital he gave me his reaction to the job situation take a listen. it's dire the reason that that chart looks as bad as it is because we're not in a recession this time we're in a depression you know unfortunately we didn't lose enough jobs last because president obama still has his and you know he thinks we're on the road to recovery you know he's put us on the road to ruin now he's there you know bragging about how the government saved the auto industry they put the final nail in the coffin of the auto industry we would have a much better auto industry if we had allowed them to go through a legitimate restructuring through bankruptcy instead all we did is turn the keys over to the auto industry to the to the u.a.w. and now we're going to have a a less competitive auto industry that would have been the case had we allowed the market to do it but you know that the data that we've been getting for the last several weeks and of course today's data you know merely solidify that with
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a weak jobs numbers is that the effects of trillions in government stimulus are wearing off and the biggest or the mother of all tangled murders is now setting it up and that that is a very difficult dilemma here because the economy is already relaxing in a recession and they haven't even started tightening yet now my question then is because the obama administration seems to think that you know this is a blip but we're going down the path to recovery but is it time for a major rethinking what about for example letting china and that china wants to invest when for example the first quarter growth of six point four percent this year and some other big companies volvo's now in the hands of the chinese reports say a chinese company came to the rescue of saab was letting china invest in u.s. help. well they're already investing heavily unfortunately for the chinese they're investing in the wrong areas they're buying u.s. government bonds which is not helping us or the chinese because it's helping to
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grow our government i think that you know we do need to allow capital flow freely but what we have to do is stop borrowing all this money you mentioned earlier that one of the problems is that we haven't raised the debt ceiling that's one of the only good things out there the debt ceiling is still there unfortunately they're going to raise it we're going to go deeper into debt which means bigger problems and this is not just the economists are describing this is a sock but it's quicksand and the economy is big this is a soft patch these are the same people going to two thousand and seven said the u.s. economy had never been in better shape they didn't see this crisis coming right never understood the problems of the u.s. economy and they still don't understand them they think that government stimulus made the problems better it did it it allowed the problems to get worse well i want to ask you you know you said china is investing in the wrong place are investing in dollars china wants to use as dollars to buy u.s. companies i want to play you a little something from that if we have that sound bite from michael had been he's an economist what he had to say about why they're not able to invest in u.s.
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companies they want to reciprocate by u.s. companies u.s. wanted by china the u.s. says we will not let you know by filling station fire or refineries you can buy in america we can buy and you you can't buy in america for and take a result or pile of u.s. companies with their european takeovers or their takeover is by friendly obviously american and you china as a potential enemy and that's why the united states doesn't like china and death and are they doing it you know and cutting off their nose to spite their face. oh i think so but what was really going on is the u.s. government wants china buying treasuries they don't want to buy real assets instead do you think that's why it's the then that's why the united states do they that's why the united states doesn't let china buy u.s. companies because they need them to buy u.s. dollars absolutely plus they know as long as they're buying our debt we can always
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default we can always print money wipe it out with inflation we don't want the chinese to get their hands on our real assets but the minute the chinese figure out that this isn't just big a ponzi scheme that they're participating in that they could never actually use those dollars for the things that they want always have to do is endlessly loan them back to us at ridiculous low rates of interest and they're not going to want to play this game anymore and they're going to walk away and so will the rest of the world and then we're going to be stuck with a pile of our own worthless currency and nothing to buy with. the interesting prediction as peter schiff president of euro pacific capital now while former secretary of state congolese are right chevron and a think tank have teamed up to launch a new project to look at how to promote quote economic development livelihoods and reduce poverty worldwide this from an oil company that refused to pay an eight point six billion dollars per order pay out for poisoning ecuadorian amazon rain
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forest causing fourteen hundred people to die and this call for foreign investment on a day where as we just talked about jobs numbers are dismal and this also comes in the wake of many other difficult economic announcements so what is really going on here well are two christine for the alexander. it was billed as an initiative to promote the leadership of the united states to develop economically communities around the world. and featured former secretary of state congolese a rights partnering with chevron one of the largest oil companies in the world we can help countries to begin to build infrastructure that can attract and properly use private investment and business the development which and then produces jobs for its people while the launch was short on details there were many references to the important role the u.s. had to play in improving welfare around the globe. global welfare may not be
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something that pops into the minds of citizens around the globe when they hear the name conda lisa rice more commonly associated with supporting president george w. bush's invasions of afghanistan and iraq you don't lot another afghanistan out there you don't want the northern border of mexico to look like a state. you know yemen too as it's doing right through the civil war and become the new somalia or the to afghanistan despite a ten year presence in afghanistan it still has one of the world's highest rates of infant mortality and death in childbirth the people have this is part of a larger campaign on the part of chevron. to change may come over companies can make a difference while companies they say should to support their communities we succeed when we make a difference in people's changing people's lives is exactly what they did in this
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community in ecuador millions of gallons of toxic waste water spilled by texaco at a court ruled contributed to the deaths of fourteen hundred people texaco was later bought by chevron a judge in ecuador ordered chevron to pay nearly nine billion dollars in fines an order they ignored and a us judge supported them instead they're spending money on marketing chevron is is continuing just a scorched earth legal political. and p.r. offensive to evade accountability while people in ecuador continue to get sick people and or continue to die of oil related illness cancer this documentary rumble in the jungle examines what happened to the people who live there filmmaker greg lost says it was turned upside down then left to fend for itself just opposite their p.r. campaign in fact they impoverished and poisoning the area and the one reason it's
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or scary is that chevron were in their textbooks. and made meanwhile here in the united states people continue to suffer through an economic recession unemployment rate right now ten percent almost and figure so that nearly forty million americans are living below the poverty line the entire system for developing the welfare of the citizens under threat of dismantling by proposed cuts to social education and health care benefits. so this begs the question if the united states is really the country right now to be leading the way in development and poverty reduction around the globe in washington i'm christine for his own party. and earlier i spoke with investigative journalist greg who you saw a little bit of in that report he's gone down to ecuador to report on the chevron case there i asked him what this latest venture with congolese the right is really about in his eyes. this is nothing you would probably reduction except that what it
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has to do with is chevron's projecting its political military might now i was down in ecuador meeting with the president of ecuador and then going to the jungle. to see them it for myself i also spoke with chevron line and what happened there is that you see you see point kids poison people in hospitals all over their arms. literally. i saw scores of people just dying of oil cox it's dumped all over the place was there texaco corp which was bought by chevron a seventeen year trial took place. chevron wanted that trial in ecuador because they said it's an honest court system and now they're saying it's corrupt because the ruling went against them well i used to be a fraud investigator for the united states government and i can tell you with my years of experience in risk getting oil and power that the evidence is overwhelming
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that the poisons they don't they're toxins all over the amazon got into the water supply and didn't warn the natives of the dangers of this stuff and i met with one chief some three year old son just went swimming in a swimming hole and in the amazon bear came up but poison and so died at general take no responsibility and what they're doing is they're saying we're not going to play and by the way we want to make sure that no other nation dares to take the actions of the ecuadorans and attempts to require us to clean up the mess we have me in compensate people we have injured and killed and we're going to show you how we powerful you are because we have just bought ourselves a chief of the united states not terry the head of the united states state department and so getting. our ways but you'll see the consequences i don't know i
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never heard of using the army is a poverty reduction tool or the state department was conned lisa writes know about the poverty reduction poverty creation made but i don't see a lot of them what they did and how a seven able to get their support in order to you know lots this program that you say has no no going well about it you know how it is sad ron we all know this power i hear in their. cash it's cash under a lot condo resources paid a fortune by chevron as a board member and it's very interesting that she goes from secretary of state from sharon's board to secretary of state and then back into chevrons payroll the question is did she ever leave sharon's payroll in effect because george bush put the heat and her state department with tremendous heat on ecuador tremendous you know there were over these over these cases and tremendous heat on ecuador for
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trying to put the. put the would get some justice from the oil companies and they want to make an example of this so what they're saying is our concept of poverty reduction is to is to bring in a military chain to bring in a the secretary of state have brought us the war in iraq and in addition you have to understand the form is very unusual it's not like the u.n. development. operations it's not any known poverty reduction organization it's not a mock family they're using the c.s.i. it i asked which is the most powerful thing came in washington which is basically a kind of privatized cia operation in fact the chief of the cia's orly unit the body because they're angry kissinger. tremendous national security outfit it's basically military intelligence. the way art and that's what they're
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using for so-called poverty reduction right but no one is full except the american press. but not the press right here at our t.v. that was investigative journalist greg polaski giving us a different take on that conference today now when it comes to u.s. president barack obama's reelection campaign and foreign policy achievements he is likely to tout the reset of u.s. russia relations as a big win but as two thousand and twelve approaches and we see disagreements over missile defense as just one roadblocks in relations between the country the country is rather will this kind of real transformation be possible while helping us sort it out earlier i spoke with stephen cohen he is author and professor of russian studies at new york university is also a contributing editor at the nation magazine here is part of our conversation. it goes back to right after the soviet union ended the clinton administration in the ninety's took the view that the united states won the cold war that isn't true just historically the cold war ended before the soviet union but american policy ever
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since the ninety's it's been based on the premise that russia is a weak and defeated nation and therefore we can have a unilateral or asymmetrical relation that is we can demand of moscow where we don't have to give up and that's exactly what's happened with the reset even under obama who promised to change policy what did russia give obama for example well they gave him some corporation in the afghan war lots of american supplies now go to afghanistan through russia moscow is help the united states rein in iran's nuclear ambitions that's always been very important thing for obama's foreign policy but name once and i say this to my friends in the american political cause name one thing of any meaning other than the words that russia has gotten in return that a batch that furthers its own national security so far as i can tell nothing and there's the point the political class
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a risk understands that and that's why there's not much support for the reset in moscow ok so then why do you think that u.s. policy makers see the qualities that they're pushing as being very fair and why do you think that it's ok for them to still have that language of russia as the enemy i mean even just in a speech that paul ryan gave on american exceptionalism he said you know what would be one of world that's run by china or russia and the other two you know two of the largest investors in the united states is that really wise to do. you know every nation has its mind set and shape rights history russians have a mindset that we don't understand americans have a mindset russians don't understand i grew up in kentucky in the southern heartland of the united states and this is the way we were raised to thank you in america it was an exceptional nation that to be extent that we were involved in the world it was to lead the world or save the world or the world it's something that still
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perpetuated in our textbooks but you know in some ways it's not all that important because great leadership both in moscow and washington can supersede that only twenty years ago there was a totally unexpected breakthrough by a cold war american president reagan and a russian products were much off because they became new thinkers as. they transcended the culture and the mentality of their own countries particularly their own political classes because i don't think it's the people that are affected by this nonsense it's the political elites so the answer is the short answer is what's lacking at this moment in moscow i mean in washington and i voted for obama i'm not anti obama but once i'm lacking is leadership on the part of president obama to break with the east coast cold war move it's good we can tell russia what to do and we can demand from russia things we are not prepared to give that's a recipe for more cold war and i think that if was right that we're headed to
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a new cold war if missile defense and nato expansion don't stop so do you believe that president obama has what it takes to have the kind of leadership that you think that he needs to overcome some of these roadblocks then how can he went for example the house is controlled by republicans. because the last question is easy to answer because an american president unless it involves a treaty could make foreign policy on his or her own i mean reagan didn't have much support even in his own party for the breakthrough with gorbachev but he just believed in. embassador secretary of state went ahead and did it and obama could do it if he wanted to do it but i think because he has no people around think in a new way about russia these are all leftover from the clinton administration that obama himself me not understand the need for a new thinking but he has the power if you were to create a new russia polish there you have it maybe obama is listening that was steven
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cohen contributing editor at the nation magazine a professor of russian studies at new york university. now they have been given a bigger budget than ever this year but many in congress still complain that america's foreign broadcasters are falling on deaf ears artie's kalen ford has more on the broadcasting board of governors latest battle for the airwaves and for their funding the message public broadcasting is on the congressional chopping block. but there are more taxpayer dollars for u.s. international broadcasting then ever seven hundred sixty eight million dollars to be exact our sales pitch has obviously been very good because in the budget agreement from last week the broadcasting board of governors was actually given an additional ten million dollars to work on internet circumvention few americans have ever heard of broadcasting board of governors the agency responsible for overseeing voice of america. would have a trusted source of news for the region on the other u.s. government but if you will see us from agencies nine part time governors play
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a full time role in shaping the u.s. image abroad from our perspective we've got to target every place all the time because we think everybody has value and every country has importance former radio free europe director tom dine says nonprofit organization freedom house is a map of the world that describes beachy efforts iran russia china egypt and africa if you follow the freedom house map you'll see that i was following the map even though i didn't have it on me in my. as freedom house a stated mission is to promote democracy abroad but it's come under fire by critics who say its mission is to remove regimes that aren't friendly to the us that does broadcasting to business and civil society leaders in the muslim world is the priority today in the middle east we were seen as the aggressor the occupier and that's a hard that's a hard position to be but the day to day is also in a tough position at home senator tom coburn called it
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a quote most worthless organization and a federal government full of people who know nothing about media or foreign policy and don't employ frank the worst government agency to work for tim shamble is the union representative for b.g. employee it's like a one strike policy and you're out. and also the feeling is the v.g. has declared war against their own employees they don't support them they don't support the voice of america blocking stickley fighting on employees who leave early or make personal phone calls and political interference in the newsroom are also something shamble says he's fought against he tried to shield themselves from any kind of congressional oversight. and it's pretty been they've been able pretty much to to run the agency any way they see fit. regardless of what congress thinks there's also a battle as to whether the b.b.c. admission is to influence abramoff we have radio for your pretty liberty and i know
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now who are television. because i believe that first. are looking to influence the influential our broadcasters continue to serve as examples of professional press but at b.g. its mission is to inform. and also home to us for our own house. now the mission is what it is and we stand firm i want all else fails some say washington should do what it does best create yet another new agency it would comprise all the major public diplomacy functions of government including the state departments the peace corps and the the broadcasting board of governors it frequently brought before congress oversight hearings but they were about real structural reform they will continue spending taxpayers' money or falling on deaf ears here in fort r.t. . and earlier i spoke with author and lawyer if
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a golden juror she joined us from caracas venezuela and i was saying you know a lot of americans may not be aware that the u.s. government funds media and all these other countries but for her sitting in venezuela where that is not news to her because the u.s. funds media in venezuela i asked her what the role of the u.s. government is there. in the budget of this year of two thousand and eleven there was a special amount of money through the b.b. g. dedicated to use voice of america to broadcast pro u.s. propaganda in venezuela and so what we're seeing are really more deals made with local t.v. stations private stations such as global these yon here and it's well that's a major voice for the opposition for the any charges groups and what they do is basically retransmit voice of america reports but overall i mean that the us propaganda media like voice of america or radio marti the t.v. marti the radio free europe which actually radio free europe they had more of an
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impact than the others i mean in general you know voice of america is not a major international media but i think what also people forget is that outlets like fox news for example which are also broadcast even here in minnesota and cable and satellite have a tremendous impact in promoting u.s. propaganda and even if they're not official state department propaganda outlets they're still gras casting a point of view of the united states in promoting u.s. agenda around the world to the u.s. actually has an apparatus a media apparatus much larger than just what's out what's coordinated by the baby and this is what i think as a as a broader impact in a much more powerful impact around the world in promoting us agenda and does it have an impact though i shaping public opinion in places like venezuela because commentary of heard from people in regards to these u.s. funded operations is that people in those countries know they're u.s. funded and as a result they don't put much credence into them but yet this is something that's
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supposed to shape image abroad and we heard in that report that there's accusations that all this funding really is just funny outlets that are falling on deaf ears what have you seen to be the reality i mean i think that b.g. and i voice of america again and the radio and t.v. marti i have been complete waste of millions and millions of u.s. taxpayer dollar. i mean absolutely everybody knows that voice of america is the department of state propaganda operation but the much more powerful for example is an outage like c.n.n. which broadcasts in spanish all throughout latin america and it's a reference really of news throughout this entire region and so again it's promoting a u.s. perspective u.s. opinion u.s. agenda and obviously as per the u.s. government so i mean you know the and now that they're extending more into internet and seeing that they're allocating more fines in danger now i think that the the b.g. or u.s. state department propaganda could be have a larger impact over cyberspace than it does over the airwaves in the television ways and certainly i mean over the past few years other countries have been
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catching up and doing much better designed broadcast and of their own state apparatus than what the b.b.c. has been doing i mean yeah i think that that is it doesn't surprise me that the u.s. government is revising those operations and is looking for ways to reach a broader audience with their direct propaganda because certainly they're behind in doing so when it comes to looking at other countries and and other and initiatives such as tell a story in that america or even russia today or you know the arabians are now launching spanish language media i mean you know the u.s. is kind of behind on that but they have other outlets such as c.n.n. and fox that was author and lawyer eva golinger and now we want to take a moment because our team had a little milestone today and we want to thank our viewers so much i want to thank everybody we want to thank everybody that goes to argue you tube channel and watches our segments there because we now have more than fifty thousand subscribers on our you tube channel and with these figures we have surpassed other media
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organizations for example the new york times so here are some of the highlights what you guys found to be the most interesting or the most popular some include the wiki leaks apache helicopter video that was a story that we covered extensively and some of our interviews for it. sample with immortal technique who is a an artist with very strong political views also our coverage of the wisconsin protests earlier this year such a massive outpouring of workers and of labor strikes that was really overlooked by much of the mainstream media we were there on the ground during much of that time and covering it extensively and it obviously resonated with you as well so we want to say thank you to all of our viewers we appreciate it keep going to argue to channel we will continue to be putting more videos on there including videos that you don't see on air on our shows there are always putting it on there so you.


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