tv [untitled] June 3, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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a fundamental structural change the next while the rest of the media talks about the g.o.p. race in new hampshire we're going to tell you how those same contenders are making their way to d.c. to meet with one of the most famous religious leaders i'll give you details on who he is and why it plays a major role in the presidential campaign then connelly's arise teaming up with chevron to provide welfare and create jobs and poor countries something just doesn't sound quite right about that considering it big oil's track record around the world christine has all the details and i will ask if mainstream music has become completely devoid of politics or is that just a politics of acceptance and conformity rather than resistance we're going to speak to british rapper a call it will get invited to all that and we'll serve up our friday edition of happy hour but for now let's move on to our top story. now if you haven't heard yet the u.s. economy is in the toilet now like it's been doing so fabulously well since if you're responsible bankers made the whole thing crash in two thousand and eight but in terms of g.d.p.
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in terms of employment we were seeing some growth in the last month also load wait out jobs numbers were released today for the month of may and employers only hired fifty four thousand new workers that's the fewest in eight months and if you want to know how few that is compared to the two hundred twenty thousand new jobs on average we were being gained in the last three months or discouraged workers entered the workforce last month as well but they were turned down so that employment number rose from nine to nine point one percent and then they use six which includes the. the unemployed the discouraged the marginally attached and the underemployed that's a fifteen point eight percent that's america's real unemployment for you so the questions we keep hearing are how long it's going to take to get back to normal to reach these pre-recession levels to return america to what it once was and maybe what we really need to ask is whether that's even possible or discuss this with me is jangling to be a leo associate editor at the a lantern covering business and economics daniel thanks so much for being here tonight let's have an obviously this is not good news
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not like it was all that shocking i think a lot of people saw it coming but you know especially if we think about the fact that had a job growth been maintained that the two hundred twenty thousand jobs that we were gaining over the last three months people were still saying that it would be until twenty sixteen that we might reach normal levels now we have fifty four thousand jobs in one month what does that mean and can we ever really reach normal levels again or is this going to become normal a lot of food four thousand jobs i mean you know as you saw the employee take up and it will continue to take up as long as those job drops out of stable at one hundred fifty thousand so you know we need to see something decent at two hundred range two weeks will got a little bit about above average but that's still not until twenty sixteen or so that's still not a solution necessarily mean that's still five years that americans are going to have unemployment this high so what do you need to do to really work on that faster if you like congress is really not doing their job here congress is too busy focusing on the debt there's you busy talking about you know the budget cuts need
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to come along with raising the debt ceiling then coming up with jobs short term but i wanted to project a political philosophy right i mean some people say congress should do more of you know they should have programs that create jobs or what not other people say we need to get out of the way they've done too much harm instead of good people say the stimulus was wasteful it didn't create enough jobs back in two thousand and eight and i never was so it just depends on what you what do you say so it's probably a combination of the two i mean i don't think i think that the idea that we need to cut spending to you is probably wrong i think while the term deficit solution makes sense. events couple years ago and certainly doesn't want to shed more jobs right now but that said i think that you know less regulation no less country in relation to businesses could help a lot of businesses of complaining about things like health care or the finance reform bill or not sort of thing so you know they're getting in the way a little bit of the show going to do much to help i'm just wondering of course there are there are different political philosophies or different economic philosophies in your way of approaching it but is it a bit of a sham especially from the republican perspective if they are so serious about
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fiscal responsibility about reducing the deficit then why don't you cutting certain social programs things like child health care programs that help with children's health if you just push that stuff down the line and that's only going to make the deficit even higher a couple years you know a years down the line because you don't take care of their health care issues now and so they only get worse as the kids get older well i mean yes the politics of these things right and that's what you're seeing i mean throughout the stimulus like it was much was a good example you saw their democratic priorities right being pushed against you know economic sense and here starting to see the problem for is being pushed beyond a common sense so hopefully one day washing will see past their you know part of some we've seen to try to help the economy and. hopefully you can all hopefully that's not that's no that good for americans that's not what they want to hear it on so what is the hope mean that they just have to keep voting for the exact same people and assuming they're not going to do anything for them yeah unless they can find other candidates somehow that you know don't follow those sort of partisan benson and you really just kind of but we've you know smart things with the economy
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able to do what do you think are we going into a double dip is this going to be a recession that lasts a really long time because president obama wasn't alito heigho today at chrysler factory and he was saying you know we're still on our road to recovery we just have a few bumps in the road but is this really a bump or is this becoming a much much larger whole i think it's too early to talk fortunately i think right now certainly expect right i mean this was a target of april really as one started we started soon we're going to get it going to start a point guard words and that's what really affected the lack of hiring here now a lot of this is due to gas prices right a lot of hope. sure the problem. spreading to us demands that you saw higher so if those gas prices continue to rise what about trouble however if they start recording or even stay steady we might be ok again interested in how things turn out again what do you think americans have to say when they look at some of the facts when it comes to tax breaks because we keep hearing this argument from republicans all the time that they don't want to raise taxes on companies because if you raise taxes on a company they're not going to hire people but then you find out that twelve the
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largest corporations in this country paid negative taxes and they paid none and they even got money back from you between two thousand and eight and two thousand and ten so at some point i feel like the madness has to stop. and look at the kind of you know companies that do well in washington versus those that talk i mean small business is really where we focus these days big business does pretty well their own they don't need a whole lot of hope so i guess that's the what a lot of people would say especially what is the big complaint if they're not paying enough attention to washington now if we were to get america's manufacturing sector back up to maybe it's not what it once was but at least back up to par what do you think that america or what it is what do you think it is that americans could actually create that china would want to buy that the countries the economies that are now starting to grow up that are becoming the consumer economies but what they buy from us that they can get for cheaper that's made at home i would say a lot of the really high tech electronics i mean america does have been a fashion base it's just as what it was you know fifteen years ago we don't make
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things like clothes or anymore or things that are a lot cheaper because we're over there is a lot of expertise a lot of knowledge engineering about sort of thing where certain products the behavior makes a lot of sense for us to produce you know we make a lot of technology that you could say would make a lot of jets right would make a lot of airplanes you could say some of the biggest companies in the world. end up buying we make a lot of weapons and you could say some of the biggest bank was in the biggest defense contractors and of buying but do you think that it's time to start perhaps tailoring our interests to what we think the rest of the world needs right if the u.s. isn't going to be if it's. to be surpassed by china pretty soon as the number one economy in the world then do we start with thinking about what it is they want from us yeah and hopefully companies are i mean if you look at some of the green initiatives where you know four g. i was making a bolt about sort of thing this is you know i know it's a patient it's demanded of a country iran or just a big issue everywhere and hopefully that will because we know that americans definitely aren't demanding smaller or more efficient cars somehow but just that
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little bit hasn't been ingrained into our society just yet but it definitely doesn't look like good news and there needs to be some kind of way out of it or maybe there is and it's really hard to tell if it's going to jail thank you so much for joining us. also to come tonight the one nine hundred ninety s. the christian coalition was a major force in g.o.p. politics passports today where the former director of the group has an event in d.c. that's attracting the big name g.o.p. presidential candidates are all looking for his blessing will dive into why everybody wants to kids around fried spring in just a moment and then former secretary of state connelly's rice came to d.c. today to talk about global development the event was sponsored by a big oil company does that sound a little fishy to you archie is christine firs our ports and we come back. into it and we're going to go we're going to bring justice or. i have the right to know what my government would want to know why i pay taxes.
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but i would characterize obama as the charismatic. of american exceptionalism. you know somebody just a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't. charge. big picture. since. let's not forget that we are in apartheid museum right leg. i think. either one is well. whenever the
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take a wild guess as to who are now between dennis kucinich and john boehner you see congressman kucinich wrote a resolution to remove all u.s. troops from libya within fifteen days that vote failed the house hundred forty eight two hundred sixty five after being postponed by boehner earlier this week yeah more spineless politicians they just can't say no to another u.s. war now the week a resolution that one came from john boehner himself and his resolution is directed at the president not to deploy to establish or maintain ground troops in the country the only stipulation would be if american forces needed to be rescued and that one passed with a whopping sixty eight to one forty five you know it's really funny because the best way to make sure that there are no troops on the ground and make sure that no americans are in harm's way you'd think would be to cancel the whole damn thing to actually go after the president call him out on starting an entire war illegally but no instead republicans chose to just publicly show once again that they don't
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trust him at his word because remember obama has said since day one that there will be no boots on the ground so i call that more political posturing than actual leading so thanks a lot congress on the war it just goes on. and now where can you find all of the potential g.o.p. presidential candidates in one room and i do mean almost all of that let's just say that this weekend mitt romney tim paul n.t. jon huntsman michele bachmann rick santorum ron paul and herman cain but i'll be here in washington d.c. going put it this way they're not here for a presidential debate they're not here to let every american know where they stand on the issues now they're metaphorically here to kiss the hand of the king the king of the religious right ralph reed of the faith and freedom conference. who is this man and why do you need his blessing to get to the white house and discuss this with me is more sense or reporter and blogger for talking points memo i thank so much for being at it and for starters it tell us all about king ralph reed his
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majesty why he's so important well you've been around for a long time on the religious right he started out with the christian coalition he was there for a long time a big organizer for them sort of fell off the radar screen for a while was involved little bit made rob scandal sort of tapered his is his appeal but since then he has started this new group his faith and freedom coalition which is kind of taking the tea party idea and mixing it with the faith the old christian coalition idea which is you know sort of grassroots organizing on the ground he's got hundreds of thousands of people that make phone calls or you know it can have people on the internet he was talking today about seventeen million or you know untapped conservatives that he sort of reaching out to so these are voters that everybody is ready for president especially in a primary want to have so you come here you talk to ralph reed maybe you're get a big piece of that part and that we say we talk about the conservative right and we talk about ralph reed and his organization how conservative or he's talking about i mean is this your basics is this your anti gay marriage or anti abortion or does it go beyond that well it's pretty conservative i think something interesting
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about this particular conference today has been a lot of talk about israel and operation obama's speech about israel there's a very conservative line being taken by the candidates and the speakers at this conference about israel and palestine conflict essentially saying that you know palestinians aren't really worth dealing with right now and they just essentially just let israel do what it wants and obama has betrayed them with this talk of sixty seven borders so i think that the israel thing should have a it's been around for a while but i'm stepping up as a new a new talking point but today's event it's so bizarre that because you think that i don't know if you're a politician if you are a presidential wanna be then what you want to do is you want to go to a debate and you want to nationally publicly air your views so that the american people actually know where you stand what we think about the first. g.o.p. presidential debate could just have been about a month ago and there were five candidates there five people including outsiders like gary johnson and ron paul and so it's just so amazing what is it about this
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culture and the political culture especially that something like this event like this draws everybody to it actual debate doesn't well give us the audience that you're talking to i think you come here and you know that that fox debate you're talking about was pretty early on a lot and didn't want to jump in there fast you guys are spending money you've got to start sort of chicken stuff up right now if you're to come here now they can let their message out and just as an example you know jon huntsman came here he has got a lot of have to answer to what the conservative right he's kind of a moderate on issues like gay civil unions which he's for and climate change which he believes in and so he gave a speech to the heart evil evil thing well he talked a lot about abortion and how he didn't or shouldn't you know anti abortion governor strong record on that and then he came out and they didn't talk to reporters and just left so the situation like that he can come and give his message say what he wants to say and just kind of get out of there without having to worry about taking any sort of uncomfortable questions you might get a debate which they are they may get in a couple weeks when they go in to be in new hampshire there are how are all of you think if this conservative religious right message still is because i mean if you look at certain polls recently for the first time ever
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a majority of americans actually said that they approve of gay marriage and at some point you think that this some of this ideology has to die out this is very about this is a ballot question going on right now with the tea party being very fiscal these religious right people are still around they think they're very powerful i can say that today there was this question from tony perkins who's the head of the family research council which does another one of these giant con fabs about the religious right later in the year in october he was talking about mitch daniels who was a kind of enemy number one in the problem inside for these religious right because he talked about doing a truce on social issues and sort of putting social issues aside talk about just critical issues kind of a pure fiscal tea party message well you know he had to he didn't run for president he stepped down and today tony perkins came out and said well look at this you know it just shows. you can't you know run a campaign credibly without kind of talking about still so i think they're still pretty powerful at least they think they're still very interesting thing because maybe you can't run a campaign without doing it but apparently if we look at the way that our lawmakers
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are acting right now in terms of what they're debating right the entire conversation is surrounding the debt and tackling the debt and putting budget cuts on top of that and so i feel like they're trying to act like fiscal responsibility is the only single thing that they care about despite the fact that maybe they're passing a lot of anti-abortion legislation and cutting funding for these organizations but that's the kind of stuff that they it seems to me at least like they want to be slipping under the rug or at least when they talk to the media right well you eat i think here they're pretty proud of that record a record said john hunt going to very proud of it and talking about that conservative side i mean sort of the king of the fiscal conservative side ron paul is speaking at the royal free thing this this weekend so i think that while they may there may be some discussion of friendship away and talk mostly about this stuff which may be more. successful for a general election message right now they are totally comfortable talking about social issues they seem to be very happy with it the crowd seems happy with it so
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i'm not sure how off the radar that really is i think this is something that democrats might jump on top of an opportunity that they might seize to try to i don't know make fun of point out some of the hypocrisy why am i not hearing more about it well democrats have said right along actually that they think they can use some of this stuff. a whole bunch in two thousand and twelve steve israel talk after the publicans passed the head of the temple see past their public and passed a bill about abortion h.r. three it was really pretty stringent abortion regulation and democrats said ok this is our take it back even with women voters we can get independents back that aren't really interested in this very right wing stuff so i think that that that topic and that sort of issue is something democrats are planning on using i think you hear a lot of they just never use it well enough because as we know they really suck when it's really easy messages that you can get across in some. they don't know how to hammer it into people's heads so we have it ralph reed any other rings that potential presidential candidates in the g.o.p. have you can kiss along their way there well i'll tell you the most interesting person they're going to be here this weekend is donald trump he is not running for
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president or says he's not but maybe he is or isn't and he's here and there seems to be a lot of excitement about him showing up so i'm not sure if he's a ring that he kissed but he would if it's not fair appeal and go and hang out with him up in new york i just the other day so you know what his role is at this conference is an interesting thing to see we'll see him tonight we'll see what he has to say and we'll see. sarah palin by the way not going to be at the conference here he's on vacation she's are going to be out for the family vacation as a nation bus tour that apparently cost too much money thank you so much having worked with me. now former secretary of state condoleezza rice was in d.c. today speaking at the center for strategic and international studies about global development led by the united states and it wasn't just her presence a left a few people scratching their heads it was also the company who sponsored the event on one of the largest oil companies in the world chevron puts money behind former u.s. leaders is the message of global development really that believable christine for a cell has the story. it was billed as an initiative to promote the leadership of
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the united states to develop economically communities around the world. and featured former secretary of state consul lisa writes partnering with chevron one of the largest oil companies in the world we can help countries to begin to build infrastructure back can attract and properly use private investment and business development which then produces the jobs or its people while the launch was short on details there were many references to the important role the u.s. had to play in improving welfare around the globe. global welfare may not be something that pops into the minds of citizens around the globe when. they hear the name conda lisa rice more commonly associated with supporting president george w. bush's invasions of afghanistan and iraq you don't want another afghanistan out
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there you don't like the northern border of mexico look like they all straight. you don't want yemen to as it's doing right in the civil war and become the new somalia or the new afghanistan despite a ten year presence in afghanistan it still has one of the world's highest rates of infant mortality and death in childbirth people think this is part of a larger campaign on the part of chevron. change my colleague companies can make a difference while companies they say should to support their communities we succeed and we make a difference in people's lives changing people's lives is exactly what they did in this community in ecuador millions of gallons of toxic waste water spilled by texaco at a court ruled contributed to the deaths of fourteen hundred people texaco was later bought by chevron a judge in ecuador ordered chevron to pay nearly nine billion dollars in fines an
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order they ignored and a us judge supported them instead they're spending money on marketing chevron is continuing just a scorched earth legal into an american who would. do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government's true if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic. american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew. i'd charge the big picture.
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. right it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to a state lawmaker in tennessee representative gerald mccormick sponsored a bill that's sure to upset a lot of the residents in the volunteer state is he starting on july first it's now going to be illegal to share your username and your password to sites like netflix rhapsody and other subscription based streaming services that's right you could actually face jail time and fines for letting your friends or your boyfriend watch a movie on netflix on your account now here's how the law breaks down stealing five hundred dollars or less of entertainment would be a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of twenty five hundred dollars i mean a movie on your friend's next flick the couch probably considered stealing potential jail time that of more than five hundred be
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a felony with even half your penalties so under this new law download services they believe they're getting ripped off can go to law enforcement authorities they just press charges and that's where i have got a big problem with this law and you imagine a college student memphis who borrows a password or a friend's rhapsody account being arrested in class taken to the county jail put into a cell with real criminals and it's actually absurd the you might be asking why tennessee well i don't know about the fact that nashville is the country music capital of the world so here again we have the recording the entertainment industry's lawmakers to do their bidding now of course lawmakers in tennessee promise that nobody's going to be prosecuted for sharing a password with a family member but the way the law is written it is entirely a possibility of course they claim they're trying to stop hackers and people who send out the info to dozens of people so we've got lawmakers and in tennessee trying to write laws that are vague on issues that they're not well versed on ok go wrong this plant who just love it when an older generation tries to legislate
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technology which they clearly don't understand that then. ends up making the law so broad the you could be arrested for simply sharing your netflix password and they have to pinky swear but that's not how the law is going to be enforced and that's why the tennessee lawmakers who voted for this new law and specifically are presented mccormick who sponsored the bill are tonight's trial time winners. and now we've spoken a lot about music on the show and its potential to be political when i say political i mean it's power to educate people to move them to make them think about injustice or war or whatever problem might be in this world but in a way that everybody can enjoy because let's face it music has the power to reach millions of people and it can make politics or it did if you think of the sixty's the seventy's the eighty's be a bob dylan or public enemy or john lennon these people made statements but they also made the charts but today's most popular musicians are kind of lacking in the whole questioning of the already in the system and the global political order.
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