tv [untitled] June 3, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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in the country a lot of high local state and city taxes one the most tax states in the entire country yet there it is their next largest economy in their old bill credibly prosecutor so they are not prosperous they hear in the budget troubles of their g.d.p. there's a proposition in the i don't want to do increase taxes you have more money business isn't leaving the state because they want the highest corporate taxes in the country this is this is a problem this is your ideal vision of the world taxes are high but guess what the economy is terrible and i think first responders not being actual responders is probably pretty terrible i mean at some point what. budget cuts going back and back and back if you look at like i had analogy of the household budget i just i think it's ridiculous to compare government budget to that but if you were to do that it's like you cut back on paying your mortgage just cut out going to cut back on. me at some point you can't cut certain things you just can't keep doing it for the first time your argument is ludicrous and specious you can obviously make the same argument that it's because of the government and because of big government
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bureaucracy that the person drowned he was standing in shallow water the problem is these people had to be bought by the protocol of the fire department freni they had that he was in shallow water other people were going in there he wanted to commit suicide that's fairly shallow but it was. because they were afraid of not of not using their common sense in the fridge but with no they were afraid of of. the ramifications that might come from not following the protocol and so on a respirator kind of got rid of the if you got rid of these these stupid policies and just let people use common sense i think this guy would still go when suit. that would help obviously that was in the book just testing why the person wasn't saved because he said that's because he wasn't that's ok. my quick take on this somalia and sweden are very different sweden is spending money small. i don't see it's going to smaller audience joplin missouri residents
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are receiving help from elephants to clean up tornado damage more than a week after deadly twisters leveled the city and i'm not talking about republican elephants. i'm talking about actual elephants that's because republicans and that are helping those in need nickel and dime in those in need saying we need to cut money for grandma or the environment before we can help turn into victims so while leaving joplin high and dry the republicans rather spend money we don't have on tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires or corporate welfare for people well polluters to taxpayer subsidies it's actually not what that's actually not what eric cantor said and i think that's who you're referring to earlier said said that we would love to give money to the republican house that we would love to give money to the people in joplin but we need to get money from elsewhere that third there is
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a finite amount of money and you don't have an infinite amount of money this is finally. some place where also the money coming from it's coming where do you get it from bernie what he's going to go any kind of one for later with emergency situation what he's going to do that time is of the essence i mean even tom de lay said that you had i would really need right now of course you know the well i mean it is money there are other people and they're going to have no choice i give up my medicare down the road or are not get the assistance and even seeing me give up the bed up you know that's what republicans want to cut they want to cut your special served and i want to thank you both to both you guys all you have to say is you've got to spend more we got to spend more what do you want to cut i mean only in fantasy land are there money trees where we can go get money for everything that we need there has to be this seasons that have to be made we can't keep borrowing from the chinese every time we want to do something we have to rethink or is here and that's why i think that's not good for long term much of. a longer term more complicated problem than you know when there's an emergency as a nation because you're going to be fine there you go there and. money they don't
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have and now they have the money right now and they don't have some promise that the money will come all the time on the line this is not the money come from that's all that's not only because i don't want to cut her i can't thank you this is ten thousand how did three or not you'll be hanging on for some hair money now they don't have where we can wash the question is down the road will they have money but they have enough money worries that we want to pay them or once we're going to do you think you're going to be fine tax cut they have that conversation happening over the pay for i know the war for iraq all these people are now saying we now pay for everything and didn't really feel that they needed to do its own title to reform long term liabilities where's the democrats' plan the republicans have a plan well the progressive caucus actually has a plan too and it's and it's a good plan and you know we have our tax rates right now are lower than they've been since since the great depression since before the great depression and our tax collections and it's it's just it's really a very straightforward all you all we have to look at eisenhower the top tax rate was ninety one percent he was spending money like crazy building bridges and
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schools and hospitals and roads and the eisenhower highway system and we grew our way out of the great depression and we could sort of look at this for the california we just talked about if we have high taxes telephone or not is limited by the by the initiatives that are put in by the right wingers and therefore they they can it takes a supermajority pass tax increases and. if they don't need to pass they would have gigantic taxes not very much about the federal government which decided they didn't need to pay for. this is that ok and paul stepped in this week after saying on the sean hannity radio show that muslims should be thrown in prison if they attend a speech that rand paul doesn't like. approach people on the color of their skin or on their religion but i would take into account where they've been traveling and perhaps you might have to indirectly take into account whether or not they have been going to radical political speeches by religious leaders it wouldn't be that they are islamic but if someone is attending. speeches from someone who is
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promoting the violent overthrow of our government that's really an offense that we should be going after they should be deported or put in prison. because last week he was trying to shoot down the patriot act i guess in light of these new comments he didn't think big brother went far enough in the patriot act so that combined with peter king's hearings into american muslim communities how long until republicans just make it official bring back john adams alien and sedition acts and begin putting bloggers in jail like adams did with newspaper editors he didn't like yours and you can great liberal hopes internment camps but. what i think what i've been doing is what is right what i think what he was saying is that he might have misspoken the end of it but what he was saying is that you know if someone's going to yemen in going to listen to anwar a lot we're going to his is not maybe we should watch out for about what he said i don't think it's particularly crazy and he hasn't walked for here's the other question so what does that mean for people attending political speeches in our country and you can i sincerely be responsible for what a speaker says on the stage or you know jenny nugent said something like crazy i'm
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going to be enemies and i think in challenging it's different i didn't preface it with well he didn't say where they travel you want to take pay attention where they're traveling if you're going to listen to people that went over the other even bigger of earlier in terms of so free so if i go to france i was in a somebody that's objectionable you want to put me in prison i don't i don't want anyone in prison i don't think he's saying automatically put them in prison but you know what if you go to yemen that shows you know nor a lot we i do think the f.b.i. should be maybe paying a little closer attention to i think it's not a hit with iran filled with orders from the seekers when he's wrong and. paul was wrong on this and he was also wrong when he voted against the patriot act which protects our civil liberties this is a problem rand paul is generally very concerned it's odd because going to protect our civil just by taking away you know we're going to protect them. by keeping us safe look brand rand paul is generally consistently libertarian i said i think he was wrong in this instance and he was wrong on the patriot act i'm not really sure what explains it i'm. as jamie suggested perhaps it was the flow of odd that he was
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about i'm not going to be here to defend and i got angry think he's where he was completely wrong on that i mean the patriot act isn't necessarily i think the best piece of legislation in terms of protecting our civil liberties but that idea that spying on people protects our liberties and makes us safer is just it's completely ridiculous and even more ridiculous is the idea that if you listen to a spill in the chair of the us system i mean i'm not saying somebody doesn't it's all because he was who. is and what the bend i don't think there's are you going to jail purely for using this the idea that if you're going to listen in on where i think that we probably need a speech i just should not be the basis on which we put people in prison for your own behavior more shocking details are emerging in the republican budget proposal as you know republicans are trying to cut eight hundred thirty million dollars in food assistance programs for poor women and children the wic program half a million people will have food take it right off the table if republicans have their way but here's the kicker the eight hundred thirty million cut to food assistance could easily be recouped if the bush tax cuts for the rich were allowed
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to expire for just one week that's right just one week of bush tax cuts for the rich cost the same as food assistance to a half million women and children so how can republicans possibly justify this when i mean really when did starving women and children to let billionaires. become the american way it's nice that you call them the bush tax cuts but you might as well call them the obama democratic tax cuts because that's who last author on the show that i'm a lot of and then he was passed that he had to do this order to get unemployment to his appeal and he signed it so it's his it's his will so if that's interesting that you call it that way look the democrats could vote for it in fact they have voted for it when they voted for the war let me just get was that the republicans are now attacking no extension of the experts as i'm a bomber using it i'm saying that was one of obama's strong that was one of the his best message policies but what i'm also suggesting is that the democrats could have voted for this program when the obama's budget. it was up in the senate last week
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and in every single democrat and republican voted against obama that's logical which included this provision that's nice but they still had a vote on it it was ninety seven zero against his budget which was the biggest provision i want to get it was a procedural i mean it wasn't actually straight so now the bill here on this provision is going to have this provision included i don't understand this idea that we don't get out government subsidies to people or that you know we're going to cut back on giving out subsidies but yet we're going to give out subsidies to industries and corporations and you know it's a redistribution of wealth i mean it's the government subsidizing she has money to republicans of social government subsidizes a number of industries and number of different programs that's just a fact and that if we're going to choose to do ones that directly impact the lowest income but women and children and families that are better literally on the margins but not other industries i think is ludicrous i think if you're going to really do tax cuts are really going to budget cuts why aren't we looking at i get enough that
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that affects every american regardless of income inequality i challenge the slow method of argument you can remove taxes for we could pay for food assistance for whatever period of time that said so you want to raise taxes and that would do it you can raise taxes to one hundred percent and for a short period of time get everyone in america. because you're better because you're not it's not a good time you could argue with a tax cut in one attack it will roll back the tax rate and that's the problem is that now people decided that this is what their tax rate should be to not that this was a short term you know particularly related to the whole economic it was two words revision because it's not about what it's not it's not about what you're kicking it to is that the one you're going to talk about you know that's the challenge that i'm going to talk about it's not about your small government program it's about having a long term growth agenda here's what it's going to do is live for the bush tax cuts when we had the clinton tax levels we had a balanced budget remember maybe we should consider going for more signs that republicans love big intrusive government florida governor rick scott. me signed
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a new law that requires welfare recipients in florida undergo mandatory drug screenings before they receive any benefits if they pass the test they get reimbursed if not eighty books also if they don't pass the test their barred from receiving any benefits for a year so should we be forcing a family into starvation if someone smokes a little pot inside or is even in a room with someone who does which will flip a drug test positive and isn't this a radical invasion of privacy and isn't rick scott going to make millions more on these drug tests and his company does that our drug test you know for if we're going to try to save money somewhere it seems like a pretty good idea that maybe the government should be subsidizing someone's cocaine habit that's a good place there's no evidence that there's higher drug use and those that are on welfare than the general are saying they're ok but if you can accept government funds why not do a good catholic only put up a whole nother system of bureaucracy where we're going to now be issuing trying task administering and then reimbursing people's eighty dollars i mean could that not going to cost us any money you know what about educating once we've stripped them of their welfare go through the due process of them being able to appeal on
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these or not because if you look at where you are you get to the department just like those that are own their own and i don't know how kind of select well this is in the field if you will can be taken to anyone who's getting any government money should take going to maybe you should take a drug test before you going to be i mean i think if he drove. up and i just think it's a matter it's interesting it's the humanizing in this idea that we're going to suddenly marginalize or accuse this whole segment of population they have to prove their worthiness to get a whole nother millionaire snap to prove their worth in this without a tax and why is this in one of the virtually do. not to actually profit from entirely island i was totally used his product and the government profiting from the governor profiting from this but i do not oppose someone not getting welfare funds for subsidizing their drug i don't ever use it not it's more it's a smart responsible or there are budget cuts all around it's an economist goes on his show usually i think you know it's going to cost more in. i mean it is
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absolutely absolutely it was only drugs you're going to have you're going to have your welfare check i think that and explore what this is is a variation on the model in the mean that if you steal fifty bucks from seven eleven you're going to go to prison but if you steal fifty million dollars from the american people and you're a bank strong wall street a billionaire you're going to get a bailout or you might you might get slapped on the wrist that's that's what this is a retreat of last word for every trader as you had to prove that they are not buying anything well on that we can spend the issue it's beneficial to the drug addict it's going to provide them where they don't have cars because it's going to hurt if you last and why should not be doing last question this is quick for sarah palin suffered a debilitating case of foot mouth disease are wildly publicized bus tour across the northeast apparently she's running low on funds to keep up her celebrity lifestyle so she's on the road to collect more money and she earned a dollar for every crazy thing she said in this bus tour would be a resoundingly success should kick things off here in d.c. by saying this. all your are all your beds are going to be this loud.
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i love the smell of your mission right she then went to ellis island to rail against of all things immigration reform. and the. rest of. them. and then was in boston offer her own take on paul revere's midnight ride. the british that they were going to be taken we are. still in the end he sure is he's writing his tours through. those marines shot some bells and we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and he warned the british while he was he was gone so now the ghost tour is winding down where will she go next time sarah pac funds start to dry up. it will be eight the gulf coast where shoulder clare her
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love for black sand beaches or be not rushmore where she'll tell the press that she's present she's super excited to see rick and space on the mountain or see vernon where show reminisce about the historical monument where the slaves were freed on the plantation michele bachmann the she will go to wisconsin when she will see paul ryan announce his candidacy for the presidency of the united states he recently just gave a foreign policy speech seeming that he is considering a run and i think that the good news for america wow i think would be good news for everyone if they're palin went to my fifth grade history class and i think most people can recount most children recount the power mirrors. it's going to genius move on her part of the prejudicing her and for what for what she has everyone sort of in me will be as i started to drudge report for two days in a row was about her trip and i know that a big sony but he's getting a lot of money enough to keep going with the jokes on everyone on a family vacation the joke's on everyone else because it's wildly successful for.
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my choice d. that's why i lied zone where she is running mate donald trump might actually have a chance to win the white house so you know daniel helper. jimmy wants to thank you thank you all for being there for me. coming up after the break a daily take by what happened back in one thousand nine hundred five that could give president obama a secret weapon in the debate today. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. one well.
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whenever the government says to the keep you safe get ready because their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. thing. thirty.
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yesterday moody's investment service basically a global credit rating agency fired a shot across the bow of the united states they basically said if our lawmakers can't come together to raise the debt ceiling by next month then they'll downgrade the credit rating of our nation signaling to the rest of the world that america can't pay back its bondholders likely causing a global financial catastrophe so the clock is ticking for the speaker of the house john boehner to quit playing games and raise the damn debt ceiling but the truth is republicans could care less about the debt ceiling and the clock they care about is the one is taking away to the two thousand and twelve elections republicans have made a calculated decision that if democrats don't agree to privatizing medicare or other massive cuts and they're going to go ahead and let our nation default on our debt because they believe that in the end it will be president obama who will be blamed
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in two thousand and twelve by the voters for the economic disaster as matthew glaces reports one republican who's close to john boehner reportedly said the closed door republican budget meeting of course it's dangerous but it's dangerous for everybody especially the president at the end of the day. now and then he says at the end of the day obama will have to give it another republican piped up and said who has egg on their face if there's a sovereign debt crisis house republicans are the resident the truth is republicans are right president obama is the guy who will likely take the hit it hard nation defaults he'll become the next herbert hoover and democrats might be banished from politics for a generation of that happens and that's the exact endgame the republicans are trying for with their scorched earth strategy they'll do anything to win back the white house even if it means another great depression for the rest of us that's why republicans are playing hardball this case but what the republicans don't realize and i'm not even sure the president realizes this is that while republicans may
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have the armed with machetes in this budgetary knife fight president obama has a chainsaw and that chainsaw is a power that the office of management and budget has given to treasury secretary tim geithner back in one nine hundred eighty five there was a debate going down just like today over raising the debt ceiling and one senator from oregon bob packwood had a question so we wrote a letter to the government accountability office basically asking how and in what order our debt obligations would be paid off if congress failed to raise the debt ceiling and what he received back in response is incredible here's the letter to the honorable bob packwood chairman son of your committee on finance and sits on it you have requested our views on whether the secretary of the treasury has authority to determine the order in which obligations are to be paid should the congress fail to raise the statutory limit on the public debt or whether treasury would be forced
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to operate on a first in first out basis and here's the key part of this letter it is our conclusion that the secretary of the treasury does have the authority to choose the order in which to pay obligations of the united states. now translating that into english what that means is that treasury secretary timothy geithner has the sole authority to determine how our debt obligations are met by deciding which bills to pay and when to pay them of course doing to them on behalf of the president in fact he's already doing this we hit the debt ceiling and passed the debt ceiling back on may seventeenth and geithner is now borrowing from federal pension funds to keep our government running so if republicans really want to play hardball the president can direct tim geitner to play hardball right back at instead of cannibalizing federal pension funds he could cut into federal assistance to states whose
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republican senators and congressman are blocking a limit on the debt increase or the raising the debt ceiling baiter could basically say or he could accident president could basically say hey john boehner you don't want to raise the debt ceiling that's fine a kiss all that federal money ohio gets every day to buy we're using that money to pay off our debt no more highway funds no more medicaid funds number education funds no more not that. you're out of business or hey paul ryan i know is constant struggling financially right now but it's supposed to get a whole lot worse because we're blocking all federal grants to the states we need to pay off our debt somehow and it's a pretty simple choice really do we use existing federal funds to finance john boehner per pet project of an alternative at thirty five and jet engine or do we use the funds to pay off our debt and avoid a global militant and we use our money to help rebuild a road in paul ryan's congressional district or do we use it to assure other nations that our debt is still good i don't know about you but i'd rather live
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a few potholes deteriorate in wisconsin than let republicans bring about the next great depression. so mr president asks some of the old timers around the white house lyndon johnson took fed chairman william martin into his office and literally physically beat him up then slammed him up against the wall and then delivered his ultimatum it's time for you to do the same metaphorically at least with eric cantor in the tea party republicans in congress who want to destroy your presidency but he's throwing the credit worthiness of our great nation slamming the op against the wall by pulling all federal funding to every state whose member of congress wouldn't vote to raise the debt ceiling and then let them try to explain to vera voters why their food stamp cards don't work why their social security checks aren't arriving and the road repairs all stopped and half their schools are closing time for some hard bolster respectfully of course. coming up senior scholar
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the nice conversations with great minds and pleased to have with me an authority on wealth inequality in america is a senior scholar at the institute for policy studies here in washington d.c. as well as a co-founder of business for shared prosperity and organization that brings together business leaders to address wealth inequality in america and increase opportunities for everyone in our nation is workers several of the wealthiest people on the planet including william gates sr and george soros to advocate for taxing millionaires and billionaires and he's also co-author in several books including wealth and our commonwealth why america should tax accumulated fortunes and the book robin hood was right for questions about the effects of extreme wealth inequality in america he's the guy to talk to that's why i'm pleased to welcome
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from boston chuck collins truck welcome to the program. thanks tom great to have you with us you are the great grandson if i have my facts right ed an heir to the fortune of the nineteenth century need mobile oscar meyer and you first caught some attention when you gave an inheritance of half a million dollars to several foundations at the age of twenty six wrote that about well you know i actually grew up in detroit and so i grew up in a city that was very polarized by race and class and when i was seven there was the uprising in detroit the riots and i that kind of woke me up and i and i think that was a little see that was planted that got me interested in then just over time i began to sort of see those great inequalities how they affected people i became friends with people all across the class and respect them and that really influenced me so by the time i was in my early twenty's i decided to pass the inheritance along that i had gotten an.
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