tv [untitled] June 4, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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call themselves one of the biggest u.s. financial auntie's admits to gambling away more than a billion dollars of levy's investments that's as american moguls called off the fair game for cash scams. emergency crews step up the air firefighting efforts in russia's republic of georgia which has seen us with ten killer but destructive artillery blow. and sick you are no longer a high tech russian firm says it's bypassed i phones much touted security and is now offering to retrieve any for nation from anyone's phone for a sizable feat. ten
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am in the russian capital you're watching r t on marina joshie before the middle east uprising spread to a lady and the country became embroiled in civil war levy was a top international investor the country even had a one point three billion dollar fund with goldman sachs one of the biggest u.s. banks today the finest virtually empty the result of high risk betting and there is little feeling of guilt on steel american bankers. long before the u.s. led airstrikes against libya's moammar gadhafi the dictator and one of america's most profitable banks were first financial friends in two thousand and eight according to the wall street journal goldman sachs first could offie the chance of becoming a huge shareholder only after losing ninety eight percent of libya's one point
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three billion dollars sovereign wealth fund in just a few months they have lost a staggering percentage i don't know how you lose ninety eight percent of something it was a bet on options on european banks and energy companies stocks plunged shortly thereafter but in any case clearly they saw a gold mine and. when the fund controlled by colonel qadhafi nearly empty goldman ponied up offers to recoup losses according to the journal would be i would get five billion dollars worth of goldman shares in return for making a three point seven billion dollar investment in the securities firm libya agreed to buy the banks debt with the promise of a lucrative annual six percent return for twenty years again we knew it was about to hit into a nosedive and there they were selling them telling these libyans a piece of junk which was themselves libyan sovereign wealth fund officials are
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reportedly accusing goldman of misrepresenting investment deals and making trades without proper authorization but others proudly admit playing fast and loose with gadhafi is money american real estate and reality show tycoon donald trump boasts that he lied to and deceived the libyan leader in the past i reckon from a piece of land he paid me well for your ordinary everyday. but old year after two years i don't. know we should be doing more sort of a new job we want to use the word scrap or a screwed up now. now critics say the libyan people stand to get screwed by wall street trump's comments were very interesting in terms of the attitude that american executives and american officials have towards other countries need there to be screwed and he said it publicly and he advocated it as a policy and he did it personally due to frozen assets and financial sanctions imposed by the us europe and the united nations libya's sovereign wealth fund could
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arguably be forgotten about unless one of the world's top financial firms is held accountable to american support demanding that for years without any success duffy achieve what the american people and the american government can't or won't achieve i don't think so i think that they're going to get away with this you know big billion dollar boondoggle with libya just as they've done it with america goldman sachs is currently being investigated for playing a major role in the two thousand and eight. millions of their jobs homes and life savings while a military conflict currently divides the u.s. and libya uniting citizens of both countries is the financial game wall street has made at their expense or in upper nile artsy new york. and florida based investment
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banker bernie dorman believes western banks have used libya's helplessness to turn the country's investment fund into a toxic asset dumping ground all for a little profit. when you two percent of the world world supply you become a target the sovereign nation turns to the very target of some of the biggest investment banks worldwide but the obama administration has created a criminal investigation that is now getting the information our sources tell us they have good evidence that dacres were told that the materials they were selling to the sovereign nation funds were truly bad assets they knew they were bad assets and they were moving them or their accounts and putting them on the accounts of libya norway and iceland and that's a crime. there has announced it successfully deployed attack helicopters in libya for the first time british and french choppers are said to have attacked and destroyed a road checkpoint and raider side comes just a few days after
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a nato expanded its intervention mission in libya recent weeks have seen intensified allied stripes on the lead army the same time you had officials have accused colonel gadhafi of war crimes while saying rebels were also guilty of similar abuses speaking out american television russia's ambassador to the u.n. batali camp says media must decide its own future and that's something no intervention can force. there are indications that the start which will produce a genuine political process if you simply keep dictating things from the outside and by supporting the rebels by saying that this person has to go this person has to stay bringing somebody in announcing that some particular individual is legitimate the others on the edge of them and then you have to become to just go ahead on the country do not go to iraq in libya we don't believe as a i was trying to say that is foreign capitals determine who is willing to leave
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the country and what is happening going to happen there has to be a political pros so our idea is that there must be a cease fire as quick as possible because it can produce. there's a list of idioms i'm all going to suffer any longer. later this hour the resident asks is a college education in the u.s. really needed for the country stuck jobs crisis. i'm not going to say that the government needs to pay for it but i think young people need to wake up and look around them and say you know it's not an accident that bill gates was so. emergency crews are both storing firefighting efforts at a burning out munition depo in the central russian region of and more with additional equipment expected to arrive on saturday at least seventy six people have been injured after a major fire at a military unit set off a chain reaction of artillery shell explosions a correspondent in the region peed all over has more. initially some thirty
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thousand people that had to be of the way away from the area surrounding this munitions depo here in the republic. now we're hearing that the first of those people could be able to return to their homes but they're the lucky ones they're the ones that live further away from this facility the people living very close to the weapons depo they haven't been allowed to return to their homes they won't be able to and till this has been completely put out this fire that started the weapons keppel where lots of very powerful very explosive weapons and he was being held we're hearing one hundred fifty thousand tons of weaponry stored at this facility the explosions that took place followed me fire left many people dozens of people injured many of them requiring medical attention now it also resulted in elderly people suffering heart attacks and dying now it's believed that the shock of the explosions that were going off was what triggered those those fatal heart
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attacks that have put into perspective just how powerful some of these explosions were they were the shock waves from them were able to break windows ten kilometers away the firefighters told us he had the fire localized now this has been a huge operation involving almost a thousand fire and many fire trucks as well as them having to call in air support using helicopters and other aircraft down as these flames from the sky or this fire in the explosions that followed it has been just rocked the local area here because most of disruption to transport links trains coming to the to be canceled in place and buses puts on how they're going to transport system and also on the oil pipeline some of those that run through the area have to temporarily slow down or stop their distribution of oil or lastly to be back up and running as normal great now but this isn't the. first blaze of this campaign that we've seen it with
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solidity where. being stored in rishon tires now in here yet just last week a similar fire took place president dmitry medvedev is understandably very upset at this situation and is called for an investigation into it saying that if he discovers that anybody has proved to be negligent and that resulted in these fires and heads will roll. the world as a system to keep all fires in a span of two weeks. was emerging from the defense minister must report who will answer for the head and heart with some certain people feel to draw conclusions will have to strip them of their shoulder straps so the latest from here in asia most of the people there receiving psychological help some of them for the traumatic experience that they've gone through. peter all over reporting there well to get up to date on the story check our facebook page where we've got
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a full length cemetery a video of the inferno and instead updates on the story plus riots from the center of the disaster a pictures of broad on man drones just log on to facebook slash r.t. news. is. the former bosnian serb general has dismissed all the charges of a u.n. war crimes court during his first appearance before the tribunal lot of cold indictments against him monstrous and of noxious the former army chief has been
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charged with eleven counts of war crimes including the genocide of eight thousand muslims and nine hundred ninety five a second point hearing will take place next month lot of those arrested last thursday after sixteen years in hiding and as the trial gets underway balkans historian evolution of knowledge says there are still major questions left unanswered over exactly what happened as from. this turned their mysterious there were people killed there were people killed in battle they were people shot they were people executed it's just that the icici white saw in its words is saying well we found this many bodies we believe this will be how many bodies we will find and based on that believe and that assumption we're passing the verdict in harmony and genocide this is the crux of the problem we will use nobody's been is right mind including myself apparently the people didn't die. it's just a question of how many people died and under what circumstances we should be to basically any basics of any form or missed a geisha or the figure of eight thousand pounds from
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a red cross missing person's report filed in i believe late july nineteenth ninety five this was a list of all the people that have gone missing in the whole church in july and this is this is not a figure of violence damage figure people dead the number it could do a complete number of casualties and bosky was revised down from two hundred fifty thousand muslims alone two hundred thousand in everyone over the past decade based on hard evidence that's come up and yet the number of eight thousand missing presumed dead in serious debt has never actually been challenge officially and there should really know but there's not really been any sort of official evidence that this is actually this number is actually accurate. redlines the deputy the editor of the online magazine spike doesn't think largest trial will be just as the hague protects the interest of particular nation's civil war the notorious for being. terrible for the b.
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of atrocities for the actions that would be on the pile even the regular war. to try to meet you know long after the event we're going to calmly try to judge you of that are the standards of normal society i think is wrong we have to accept. that the civil wars happened the wrong i'm sure that there's many things that were worth very wrong with the whole essence of the war crimes tribunal is the other side to the battle for the position of the west rather than to to really give people a sense of justice or the tribe you know has no legal ground to exist and should be dissolved apps the view of one of our viewers on our online forum itself go to our website have your say on whether a general of outcomes will get a fair trial at the u.n. war crimes court or carcassi dress where you can express your opinion on the merits .
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they live not only next to the border of the guns of egypt but also on the border of peace and war. and they're responsible not only for themselves. but also for their loved ones because. they are ready to take any risk. streets. in one thousand nine hundred to dr ralph ben straight the university of pennsylvania said what if i can take the gene responsible for growth in human beings and put it into amounts. are gone all the main risk issues here is that ninety five percent of
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all competent scientists in these fields are working for the produces side and only five percent are the genuinely independent. there's not a lot of science that says transgenic fish is unhealthy for people to consume which is what the food and drug administration looks at there's a lot of concern about the environmental impacts if the transgenic fish escapes what kind of horrible impact will it have on the rest of the fish population don't know what this might do to us or our children or our children's children in our congress here in the united states or our legislatures throughout the world we vote all these different laws tax laws and corporate laws what could be more important than deciding on the permanent genetic future of life on earth.
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watching r.t. the introduction of a smartphone made a tremendous impact on the way people use mobile phones from simple e-mail to booking a holiday it can all now be down in the palm of your hand but with increased functionality comes increased vulnerability as are teasing or are the reports there are always those who are all too happy to share your passwords for products and i phone four no but you can access this information. even when i'm not making a phone call and just walking around with it every step this won't tracks my very graphical location if i don't decide to connect to the. nearby cafe my phone records start as well if i then decide to send an e-mail perhaps not in some private passwords all of that information is stored in the device itself in fact this is a treasure trove of private data that's kept there for months and sometimes even years until now you could at least protect yourself with course was
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a little hard to crack but now a company says it's hacked the defenses of the i phone four for several thousand dollars they'll hand over all the data on any protected device. so we are a force for good we don't just give the data to anyone we require people to fill in a twenty page form to say that they need it. displayed these rich sure and says many see the development as a cause for concern. for them to do this is a bad idea whatever their intentions are now they have created more about unity's for lawbreakers to access private data with. the moscow based company which specializes in breaking down security systems so far crimes have been police security services and relatives of people who died. that's what privacy concerns but crickets say if it was in them it would be somebody else. we can forget about
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the or your privacy all together whenever you go on the internet you are already revealing everything about how this is becoming that's way with using your for. the america thurlow press just one piece of advice if you do buy smartphone make sure you don't let anyone else get hold of it either and see. and always more on our website r.t. dot com let's take a look at what's lined up for you there right now a virtual space trip its final home stretch for six men returning from mars after a seventeen month mission to the red planet however the crew never really left earth. also an airless newton brad born near the crisis hit fukushima nuclear plant causes an online friends and sparking fears that children will be next to suffer birth defects in japan.
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may has revealed american employers hired the smallest number of people in eight months that's according to the latest bureau of labor statistics and with the u.s. still tightly grasped by the crisis there is increasing speculation washington will have to raise the debt ceiling but economist peter skiffs believes that will only make a bad situation worse. but we have to do is stop borrowing all this money you mentioned earlier that one of the problems is that we haven't raised the debt ceiling that's one of the only good things out there that feel it is still there unfortunately they're going to raise it we're going to go deeper into debt which means bigger problems that this is not the economists are describing this is a soft patch it's not it's quicksand and economists who think this is a soft patch these are the same people who in two thousand and seven said the u.s. economy had never been in better shape they didn't see this crisis coming right
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never understood the problems of the u.s. economy and they still don't understand them they think that government stimulus made the problems better it did it allowed the problems to get worse and our very own your president has once again hit the street this time fighting out of that's worth paying for an education when there are no jobs. with today's tough job market if they're worth spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for college education this week let's talk about that how much does college cost in poland college for free. any in this state it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. program leaves a problem. gigantic trauma and young people from all over the world are bought off on it and it needs to stop now i'm not going to say that the government needs to pay for it but i think young people need to wake up and look around them
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and say you know it's not an accident that bill gates was so self taught maybe if kids took two or three years before they went to school and had a little life experience and then had some purpose to their study might make more sense. would you still be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars even at that point i don't think so i live on one year of accounting i took undergraduate. i wrote millions of dollars on that one cause which i only paid two hundred dollars for i own a business i hire the best people i can get if you're not if you have a college if you don't have a college education don't even come to my office and apply to what you where did you go to college i went to college in texas and you use what you learned every day absolutely you think it depends on what field you're in possibly but let me tell you this without an education you just have a whole lot tougher time in life but we're also told that we all have to go otherwise we won't succeed. faster than. a choice not to go to
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uni as we call it a time around if i set needs a guy who's known to be way out of range and if you go to the top schools thing and he the rich people can afford it why is that don't do you think that would set us back over the long run in terms of what we can produce really is. i think if you look around your economy and the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is falling away and you people are seeing this in your realestate in the days to new economy i think the american people are suffering the bottom line is that most employers still think that college education is important and ultimately it's their opinion right or wrong on that matter. and i was equal to some other stories from around the world at least sixty three people have been killed so you during anti-government protests and friday human rights groups say it's been one of the bloodiest days since the revolt broke out
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eleven weeks ago the city of hama has become the latest center for protests with around one hundred thousand people gathering on the streets calling the president bashar asad to go government forces have renewed their push in towns as demonstrators demanded and the forty year old regime. germany has reported one hundred ninety nine new cases of the deadly color infection in the last two days while the death toll from the mysterious alberich has risen to nine thousand people cases of the disease have now been reported in twelve countries including the u.k. and the u.s. infecting about two thousand people initially germany wrongly blamed spanish cucumbers as a cause which sparked outrage from madrid due to the devastating impact on the country's fruit and vegetable exports. mexican soldiers have found a large buried staff of weapons that have been stockpiled by a drugs tell a cache includes mortar shells sold in sniper rifles thousands of rifle magazines
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and even two goals hideout was discovered near a branch in a northern state currently at the center of a cartel war. greece is set to receive the latest chunk of its malta billion euro bailout rescue package after european officials said. the country requirements however speculations mounting it will be more money first start now it's likely to be met with strong opposition at home or greek society has been outraged by the is terribly measures and nass of privatization program greece is not the only eurozone country struggling to stay afloat raising questions about the survival of the single currency so can they you're all right or are the debt crisis and its very existence worth the effort join artie's crossed up later today for the answers. i think we should not think so much in terms of paper with countries but more in terms of the political elite and
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doesn't sort of course a put it to put it in leader france and germany and greece warned the euro to continue and of course also the banking system that the drone banking system a french speaking system that i just lend to and being from the greek government but for a german consumer this is another it takes players this is not a very good deal with the america. they could import cheap or auto companies could import metra resources cheaper they could procreation cheaper and we we could buy the location of houses much cheaper. so they are no losing and it will be better to praise the difference in the conflicts in these terms the political elite and bankers first was to come and play experience in consumer. and.
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the. mission would be soon which brightened if you knew the band sung from finest impression is sung. for instance on t.v. dot com. in one thousand nine hundred two dr ralph minster of university of pennsylvania said what if i can take the gene responsible for growth in human beings and put it into a man's. gone all the main risk issues caused that there is a ninety five percent of all competent scientists in these fields are working for the producer side and only five percent are really genuinely independent. there's not a lot of science that says president bush is unhealthy for people to consume which
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is what the food and drug administration looks at there's a lot of concern about the environmental impacts if a transgendered fish escapes what kind of horrible impact will it have on the rest of the fish population you don't know what this might do to us or our child. for our children's children in our congress here in the united states legislatures out there will be vote all these different laws tax laws and corporate laws what can be more important then deciding on the feminine genetic future of life on earth. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from. the future coverage. wealthy british style.
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