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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report on our. old. bringing you the latest in the sun and storm surge from the last series those huge earth covered. and i get a quick check of the headlines a couple down. there was a bank goldman sachs is reported to have lost two hundred percent dollars invested by the libyan government three years ago russian punk o'grady on the investigation for its role in the wall street on a cold front that lost that's turned ring to salvage all that money invested by going to her she. needs the fun of retraining in the central russian army mission down the president is doing something which after today's closing and the sense of
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damage the looting around ninety people were injured and the elderly women died of heart attacks so today triggered by almost stretching thousands of the to me that. russia's foreign minister beliefs may set is a step closer to a ground invasion and be beyond doubt miles uses its right approach is for the first time british and french choppers at times the oracle told bragg just days after nato expanded its campaign by another three months. on end of flash malta has held a massive purge has done inside the jefferson memorial in washington d.c. claiming it's an exercise of their constitutional rights they gathered in opposition to rescind the decision upholding up honoring toensing of the slaves but by the abreast of a week across. the. uk next our special report focuses on how the ak soviet republic over all media has developed two decades after the collapse of the us
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assad. people living in this land seven thousand years ago were already making wine and shoes this world's oldest shoe was done right here in this hole in the fourth century armenia adopted christianity as its state religion i was fit for instance. in the early twentieth century armenians went through the horrors of genocide we thought of only one point five million us we killed groups move on when you broke free from the soviet union in september one thousand nine hundred ninety one what has independence brought to this ancient country. in two thousand and eight archaeologist valise gas buddy and could have rivaled armenian politicians in terms of popularity news of his discovery had spread far
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and wide throughout the world in caves in the mountains around the village of allegheny the archaeologists had found a settlement dating back to the year five thousand b.c. . it is also believed this was for among the first funds a group when we saw them it was immediately clear to us that they voted from the corporon stone age that means the people were in really living in the east coast seven thousand years ago so the communities mentoring very close contact inhabited nereus which were in the north caucasus and miss good time mia they used margaret from north to sell his own self to north of us. excavation work at the site of the ancient settlement has been going on for three years now but archaeologists are still unable to say with certainty what kind of people lived in these caves seven thousand years ago. just take a little contingency a very interesting ritual the bodies of babies under one year of age old bear
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intact but women between the ages of eleven twenty five simply chalked up to full burials. the most interesting artifact was found in the case in two thousand and eight the world's oldest shoe was dug up from a depth of just half a meter is estimated to be about six thousand years old this world's oldest shoe was very right here in this whole it was a great deal of effort to get it to the discovery of the settlement is an event of crucial importance to the small trans caucasian country armenians are proud of the long history of this land and the find reinforces their pride. in our media there are a few other handicrafts they can unite generations is not such as the making of hatch cards or tombstones. the arts has undergone little change throughout its
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thousand year history and hammer chisel and stone are all that's needed for the job a man and his grandson a working on this touch got. this do i got this i like the job. it is handed down from generation to generation. the one who taught me as my grandfather. over the course of his long life the elderly man has made scores of hatch cars nowadays he mentors his grandson in the ways of hatch car sculpting. there are millions of fight occurs here each with a different as they differ just as people do all the carving curran's are different even on some particular constructed there's a show that the world isn't perfect. each grave or monastery has its own tailor made tombstone normally it takes about a month to make one this symmetry in
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a village of norrath those is one of the oldest in armenia the long history of this caucasian country a history packed with. drama can be traced by looking at the tombstones until the seventh century garden look quite simple as that there is nothing but across the first crust of. the hash code as in the symmetry don't feature carvings although the graveyard of the small town of spin is much larger. before the quake it was a small symmetry but as you can see now it's quite big. for yourself it took some forty days to bury quake victims are tossed such a c.m. comes to the symmetry quite often he always follows the same groups in this mortal
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place as he moves from one grave to another on the sim of the seventh nine hundred eighty eight he lost nearly all of his family. it was ten forty am when the first tremor with a magnitude of seven on the ridge the scale shook spit out thirty seconds later the tiny town was no more just a pile of rubble. more than the one of the main street in a center of the town was c. and. when a quake struck there were people in every apartment out of five story houses from the phyllis's here and both sides of the road only got a huge you practically all of them fell apart if you give only ruslana was full to be seen out of the queen of one. there is a church where our tours house once was more than twenty years on there are a few reminders of that devastating earthquake. but in the cold month of december
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in one thousand nine hundred eight people around the world came to know the name of this small town in armenia aid began pouring in. from across the soviet union at that time armenia was part of it. the powerful earthquake affected all of armenia's northern areas as well as. the scale of the disaster only became apparent after several days just a handful of people had survived under the rubble the earthquake has claimed twenty five thousand lives. such as the video when the smoke cleared away three or four hours after the earthquake became clear the town had been razed to the ground where they'd begin arriving towards leaving because there were no rooms for. some of the aid came from numerous diasporas in foreign countries. this footage shows charles doesn't avoid
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a french saying it of armenian origin after a visit to devastated st tak he vowed to do his best to help armenia. so much that i was really shocked by what i saw in streetcar. i couldn't even manage in their polling scale of that disaster. because so many people were killed here look at. the french scene and set up a fund for the earthquake struck country the money was used to restore thousands of houses in spits hakon gordie's armine is second largest town to have been affected by the disaster the town's residents unveiled a monument to as novel as a token of gratitude to him here for a movie on build a monument on the twenty second of september two thousand are sure it was not what people from all over army came here who were also visitors from france. after the breakup of the soviet union in one hundred ninety one reconstruction work in
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armenian town slowed down the new houses built in the three years after the disaster made up only one fifth of those destroyed by. the earthquake. we came here on december second we were given a room on the ground floor and we still lived here most of the tenants here are refugees. and his family also lost their home in december one thousand nine hundred eighty eight they became refugees but not as a result of the earthquake it was a bloody interethnic conflict that forced them to flee. armenia is a republic situated in the trans caucuses and join the soviet union in one thousand
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nine hundred twenty two when the republic won independence in september one thousand nine hundred ninety one this was the most troubled region in the post soviet space the country was a war with neighboring azerbaijan over nagorno-karabakh. that shot the wood for the winter. was issuing i and this is our home not user my grandchildren doing their homework. is our stove it and we made it ourselves because there's no other source of reading in here it's out of your news actually his house in azerbaijan's capital of baquba was larger and more comfortable they had to leave their native city in
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a hurry already there was gunfire in the corner kind of block azerbaijanis were fleeing that area meanwhile the situation for armenians living in. azerbaijan was becoming increasingly dangerous. and when for quite a good deal for instance my husband had an aunt with a dark complexion it was easy to see that she was a median she was attacked several times on the natural. conflicts root cause stems from the one nine hundred twenty s. when azerbaijan and armenia joined the soviet union the golden age care about a territory where armenians had been a predominant population from time immemorial was placed on the other by john's control they didn't matter much you controlled nagorno-karabakh back then as soviet republics were part of an integrated country by the time bomb eventually went off and violence erupted between the two in the late one nine hundred eighty s. . of those soviet government showed signs of weakness at the start of perestroika
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when people were told they could speak up without running the risk of being imprisoned oryx a curator of the group of people across the soviet union began talking about their concerns and a millions in the golden colored work started asking questions they wanted to know why the old part of azerbaijan even though armenia was next door to a country populated by people of the same nationality and culture when you put your ward off as the girls were. but who flatly rejected yet advance demands the nagorno-karabakh be handed over to armenians control. meanwhile the first major interethnic conflict was gathering pace in the soviet union south it had been fuelled by events in the small town of some guy eight the azerbaijan's capital good will soon good massacre was the point of no return people were murdered mind you people were killed not in the going in karabakh itself but in a town situated far from not going to care about the record of the there is no war
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now but there is no peace either there is no peace treaty which on the. no wonder and i'm certainly an astrologer can understand here is nearly dead killed i was in the army then was memories of those days come to contrast and this is because. there is a map of the soviet union in go to a night of petty ends workshop as a tailor in need something colorful to rest his eyes on but the map also gives food for thought he recalls the days when everybody lived in the same country a country that later burst at the seams. this so there are now which was founded in november two thousand and while there was this editor
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found the bell or call it in there and. this and that back and i am a. nobody yet mr siri can say with any certainty when cognac from this barrel will be bottles but it has every chance of becoming a vintage brand adding to the distilleries rich collection. adds an ascent to a treasure three hundred bottles and branded me each here in the frame equality granted. the british prime minister was not alone in appreciating this brandy in soviet times a million cognac was the main symbol of the republican. many agreed that the strong beverage produced in a trans caucuses could easily compete with french cognac manufacturer is. trying to instill in the going to flavor is intense you can sense a whole bouquet of flavors vs all but it is
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a unique beverage has different stories here i can detect the flavor of our brands the sunshine of our add value and the beauty of our landscapes are good in. the production process in armenia and france is totally identical the spirits of distilled in the same way and the oak barrels look very much alike the armenians are just proud of their product as the french are of their is going out and i think that coney are just one of the most important and most recognizable brands produced in our kneeling at work that's the goal you will see the elites want to warn me as symbols. of autumn in. our ads can be seen from several stuart's van the entire history of the armenian people is links to it but it's off limits to armenians they can't reconcile themselves with the loss. of. wild kings go mad their people suffer.
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how some to good advantage of power that was given to them. secrets of big dirty money. on our. for the full scale we've got it first hand the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on r.t. . the mountains height is five thousand one hundred thirty seven meters above sea level according to the bible mount our ads was the first landmark the no a song after escaping the great flood. you know in the bible testified and it is connected with noir arc. after the doodle noir arc stopped on the peak of mind. however alamance is the main source of pain and
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suffering for armenians under the nine hundred twenty one agreements signed by soviet and turkish leaders the symbolic mountain was left on the other side of the border the mountain to the territory of turkey but still continues to be i mean seen by the way i mean people they are asked about their new identities they start with the mound at the fact that out of that is no longer in their territory also serves as a reminder of the greatest tragedy of the country's people the armenian genocide genocide is the word used in armenian to describe the policy pursued by the ottoman empire towards ethnic armenians from the late nineteenth century through to the nineteenth twenties into the in ninety eight ninety four ninety and twenty two were doing thirty years in it and we have thirty years earlier one point four million armenians. broadly at the same time turkey was the first country to officially
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recognize armenians independence in one nine hundred ninety one today turkish society is divided over the events that led to the deaths of one and a half million armenians in the early twentieth century and killer a fuse is to officially acknowledge the fact that what happened a century ago was genocide is one of the hard. there's untoward problems between two nations where the fundamental problem fundamental problem here is that. in order instead of facing its own history let's try and keep trying to deny you the very part of take issue shameful page of its own history i mean and genocide rewriting history is one of the dangerous processes in every society uncurse supported as otherwise shan at the height of the ethnic conflict over nagorno-karabakh it closed its borders to armenians the border between armenia and
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azerbaijan is likewise locked up. given airport is the main gateway to armenia travelers have little choice considering year of iran's difficult relations with neighboring countries the zs way of getting to get a van is by air with both. you have to go by here if you want to we were mean this is the only way because this country has been located throughout the post soviet period in the. course or me has land borders with georgian around but there is little cross border traffic here and therefore going by here is still of their star. nearly every plane is filled to capacity it's clearly demonstrated by flights going to russia which is now armenia's biggest economic partner one of the largest armenian diasporas is found in moscow. that is deviation is the only means of transport for amenia it's obvious that there is no other way out. that's why ugh lanes are always full of passengers.
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armenia was the world's first country centrist sanity into a state religion that was way back in the early full century a.d. for more than fifteen centuries armenians have regarded face and church as a substitute for the state. i are can work on saving human souls and preserving the nation are the two missions pursued by the armenian church today as it has been doing throughout its existence arkan we're doing our best to remedy the harm done by the genocide of armenians and eighty years of godlessness
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under lease soviet regime. fortunately the soviet campaign to stamp out the church had little impact in armenia it didn't affect the scores of ancient monasteries many of them are over a thousand years old. it's now possible to reach the top tier of ministry one of armenians oldest by cable way. is the world's longest reversible road a fifteen minute journey offers a magnificent view of a deep picturesque pool. it's just not what we are in the cabin of the toto of cableway the world's longest it links the village of avid sword to the total monastery but there's a lot of it is five thousand seven hundred fifty metres long and its highest point above ground is three hundred twenty meters watts and. when the cableway was opened in october twenty ten the hope was that it would attract foreign tourists. its
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design is unique in many ways for instance a nearly six kilometer long cable way has only three supports european specialists help to build it. this is our main electric generator to produce is five hundred thirty three kilowatts here you can see the emergency diesel generators there is the electricity fails we will turn these on and evacuate the passengers we have a great safety system in place to it most of the cable car passengers are people living in nearby villages who gets. free transport influx of foreign tourists is small for the time being but the businessmen who have invested in the ambitious projects believe that in a couple of years armenia will become a popular tourist destination. hotels and campsites are already being built around the monastery and the cable way. we need water of different
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temperatures to treat gastrointestinal diseases were destroyed as in particular if the patient is suffering from high a city of destroys the temperature of the mineral water we give him is between fifty and fifty three degrees celsius in low e. cities or cases it's from thirty to thirty five degrees. the town of jenin maclise in the mountains during the soviet years people here already knew how to attract tourists a spa similar to the celebrated karlovy valley resorts has been in operation in general for decades that it must deal with the composition of our award are doing better than that of the water it's karl over the bar in the czech republic. our water contains more arms here our answer and minerals in the. local mineral water is yet another armenian brand it is true though that it's not as famous as cognac or ancient monasteries but residents of gentlemen hope that the
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water and spa resort will be another incentive for people to visit armenia. they germinal communal water springs from the ground in those gorge pritchard's between forty five and sixty degrees or what was sold thirty minutes result from our mineral water of the. the time being only tourists from russia visit the gentleman explains. this huge bucket contains molten al-ameen it will take several hours and a production process involving a dozen phases for the allen medium to be turned into super fine for oil this plant is one of amin is leading industrial enterprises like many others it was inherited from the soviet era but like most other industrial plants he said are idle during the first years of independence that was a very difficult period for this nation to plan survival began in two thousand when it became part of iraq. been holding them up this is not the bunch was reopened
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after modernization. despite the crisis it has grown stronger with each passing year it is their actions in armenians work here together the assets are russian people. are thrown step on young represents what might be called the local dinner stick his father used to work at this plant my old and my mother and father used to work here now it's time for my brother and me i'm not a unique case and everybody here has taken the job over from their old folks. the plant is one of the most successful in the country it should come as no surprise they have russian investment and the whole of the coaxes as their markets. work through example the color of the more taro easy a little bit with good dice from herbs ago the mixture of many dyes makes the road
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loop darker it looks like serif there are fewer dollars the root of the matter produces a very beautiful red dye no chemicals around it nothing but natural components making rugs is a family business to the subtleties of this very old armenian handicraft handed down from generation to generation. because the little square means and not just a weave roll after roll but you know every color is here it is. like the elemental implants this factory has a soviet past behind it then automatic looms are brought in to make rugs quickly and in large quantities none the less ancient technologies have become popular in armenia since independence. it takes a month for the weaver to complete one square and is also a very difficult job with taking a lot of air for this reason their prices are higher than those whole machine made world so called dinner. i mean so sure a good home is seen as
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a sign of wealth. there are some ten million ethnic armenians around the world just say we're three million of them live in armenia the armenians at home believe that the worst of a country's history is a thing of the past in a van they like to say the knights are there dark is just before dawn people across armenia believe that join has already broken over that country.
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