tv [untitled] June 4, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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all. the leader in government loses a billion dollars after investing with u.s. banking days goldman sachs meaning the country's joint a huge number of american citizens are ripped off by a wall street. group we think what's happening here is a shift towards a ground operation russia's foreign minister slams nato his deployment of attack helicopters and media as a step closer to a ground invasion as the allies uses them for the first time against colonel gadhafi his forces. a fire that's been raging for almost two days in the mediation dump of central russia has been through time i was leaving around ninety injured.
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and food loose of freedom crowds dollars at washington's jefferson memorial in what they say is their constitutional right up to find more arrested for breaking a ban on dancing at the landmark a week ago. and welcome to. news live from moscow and our main story now the libyan government's sovereign wealth fund could become another casualty of the american financial the him or the goldman sachs while there is being investigated by the u.s. government for its role in two thousand and eight mortgage crisis reports have also surfaced that it's lost ninety eight percent of tripoli's money it was handling which is roughly a billion dollars three years ago but as marina fortnight reports from new york the bankers are hardly concerned. long before the u.s.
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led airstrikes against libya's moammar gadhafi the dictator and one of america's most profitable banks were financial fronts in two thousand and eight according to the wall street journal goldman sachs offered khadafi the chance of becoming a huge shareholder. only after losing ninety eight percent of libya's one point three billion dollars sovereign wealth funds in just a few months they have lost a staggering percentage i don't know how you'll lose ninety eight percent of something it was at that on options on the european banks and energy companies whose stocks plunged shortly thereafter but in any case clearly they saw a goldmine in khadafi when the fund controlled by colonel qadhafi nearly empty goldman ponied up all first to recruit losses according to the journal libya would get five billion dollars worth of goldman shares in return for making. seven
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billion dollar investment in the securities firm libya agreed to buy the banks debt with the promise of a lucrative annual six percent return for twenty years maybe knew it was about to hit into a nosedive and there they were selling them selling these libyans a piece of junk which was themselves libyan sovereign wealth fund officials are reportedly accusing goldman of misrepresenting investment deals and making trades without proper authorization but others proudly admit playing fast and loose with his money american real estate and reality show tycoon donald trump boasts that he lied to n.b.c. the libyan leader in the past i read a piece of land he paid me well for one night it can be used everywhere to israel and old europe for two years i don't get a lot of news the way and why we should be doing we sent over a new job we want to use the word scrap for a screw out of now critics say the libyan people stand to get screwed by wall
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street trance comments were very interesting in terms of the attitude that american executives and american officials have towards other countries they're there to be screwed and he said it publicly and he advocated it as a policy and he did it go. personally due to frozen assets and financial sanctions imposed by the us europe and the united nations' libya's sovereign wealth fund are you pleased forgotten about unless one of the world's top financial firms is held accountable so americans have been demanding that for years without any success. of what the american people and the american government can't or won't achieve i don't think so i think that they are going to get away with this you know big billion dollar boondoggle with libya just as they've done it with america goldman sachs is currently being investigated for playing a major role in the two thousand eight hundred child prices
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a crisis that cost americans millions of their jobs homes and life savings while a military conflict currently divides the u.s. and libya uniting citizens of both countries is the guy mantle game wall street has made at their expense. artsy new york. and florida based investment. to woman says that the banks and even deals could be a part of. it when you have two percent of the world oil supply you become a target and the sovereign nation firms have been the primary target of some of the biggest investment banks worldwide but the obama administration has created a criminal investigation that is now getting information or sources tell us they have good evidence that the bankers were told that the materials they were selling in the sovereign nation firms were truly bad assets they knew they were bad assets
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and they were moving them or their accounts and putting them on the accounts of libya and norway and iceland and that's a crime. and as american bonds troubles why so so does the country's deficit. ability of the debt ceiling being brave become more of a reality check that say the move could only mean were economic pain for the country party reports a. beta has launched its first helicopter attack striking several military targets around the product of bragger russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has denounced the deployment as a step towards a ground operation. we expressed our opinion over this escalation of the military operation we think what's happening is a shift towards a ground operation this would be very regretful because the violations of the security council resolution already taking place are more than enough to think about the attitudes towards the un's decisions so british and french choppers
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attacks they strategic oil port of bragger in the east still under the control of colonel gadhafi his forces helicopters were deployed just days after the nato extended its intervention for another three months they actually say that a significant escalation of the coalition's military operations following intensified asked right. there are indications that the start which will produce a genuine libyan political process if you simply keep dictating things from the outside by supporting the rebels by saying that this person has to go all this person has to stay bringing somebody in announcing their son a particular individual is legitimate the other is more legitimate then you have the country just become free. in libya we don't believe as i was trying to say that is foreign capitals good turn and who's going to lead the country in what is going to happen there has to be a political process so our idea is that there must be a cease fire as possible because it can produce
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a situation where civilians are more going to suffer any longer. meanwhile the u.k. foreign secretary has made a surprise visit to bin ghazi expressing support for the rebels journalist and author afshin rattansi says the fact that william hague is holding talks with one of the sides accused by some a war crimes is a disaster seems so deliberate the terms of stopping any type of seized peace process all we now know is that william hague the british foreign secretary is seated there and he's with the rebels the u.n. panel in the past few days and said that there are war crimes being committed by some of the rebels. if it ever came to an international criminal court decision i'm sure he'll be being subpoenaed. it's looking more and more like it is still with only russia and china holding any cards to play at the moment. now to the u.s. capitol where hundreds have been dancing at the jefferson memorial in order to
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exercise their first amendment rights last week r.t. america host kolker was arrested with four other protesters that they learn not for doing the same thing are she's going to stick around as more from our d.c. bureau. this is what i saw the crowd was dispersed sort of pushed out of the jefferson memorial but dozens of people really risked being arrested for just peacefully dancing at the memorial everyone had his fear that it could happen at any time to many it sounded like a joke because freedom you know the first amendment of the u.s. constitution explicitly to protect freedom of assembly and actions that symbolically express a viewpoint if those actions are not harming anybody and one could think what could be more harmless than dancing people who took part in this dance for freedom flashmob say they do want to remind of their constitutional rights which they claim are being breached recently there was a court decision specifically regarding the thomas jefferson memorial that prohibited dancing there that's what triggered the movement if you will last week
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a small group of people protested the decision we did styling and then we were told we were brutally aggressive one of them was an iraq war veteran civil rights activist adam kokesh who is a recently also has his own show on our keith just a week later thousands of people after the arrest in different cities by the way not only washington d.c. joined him and others to say no to police brutality take a listen. to everything else over all the other violations of our freedom of the trashing of the economy after everybody himself in this country under the rule of the police treats it's going to dancing that's the only freedom we have look we're going to come in and do it for people who say oh we believe in liberty would leave things that are ideals and then when it comes down to something like this in the summer divided on it sometimes really obviously for a lot of people this dance flash mob has turned into something very symbolic especially here in washington at the thomas jefferson memorial he is one of america's most reviewers founding fathers jefferson in visions of america as a great quote and part of liberty liberty which as they were saying today americans
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are getting further away from with every other court decision it's not just about dancing in a public place of course there's a lot more serious stuff many here are talking about the post nine eleven patriot act that. many of their cars to implode freedom and other a new leak introduced laws as well so there's there's think lighten up is just one symbolic drop you get a little what they see is while a shot of their rights. you can watch the full video of the dancing demonstration at the jefferson memorial for another phrase with hate. and coming up later in the program more times here i've heard say about to. find out how popular high tech device can also become or threats to individual privacy. a massive fire at an ammunition dump out in central russia has been put out after two days over eighty people were hurt while elderly women died from heart attacks
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after a series of violent explosions triggered by the blaze almost thirty thousand residents were evacuated are now returning to their homes all of of course now from the scene . thousands forced to flee from their homes as a fireball turns the night sky orange. the fire that broke out at the military munitions death on thursday night left the local population many of whom are elderly terrified and fleeing in their thousands. just suddenly there was a big and we do smashed i thought. my god give up and down and went through the night like that i'm spraying remember. god might help me stay alive. to elderly people suffered heart attacks believed to have been brought on by shock and died many of the old couldn't escape so here in what ever shelter was available to them. they mainly elders who hid in basements and were
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evacuated by rescue teams over move them to hospitals in evacuation centers no one understood what was going on so everybody took cover as best as they could. helicopters and other aircraft were used to douse the flames from above and while bomb disposal experts removed any damage ordinance authorities say the danger has passed that it will merely mystically myriad behind the ammunition warehouse the station itself has cleaned up the most of make sure the environment is see for the people living around here all the residents will be able to return to their homes by the end of the be. a local shop and several houses were looted in the chaos. fled with just the clothes on his back after an anxious wait he can now return home to check on his property was the main thing is that we do pains didn't get shattered the inside it all got messed up by the blast all the lights and curtains
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are down the furniture is all over the place the incident here coupled with a similar fire in bashkirian last week has led the president medvedev calling for a full investigation into what happened he suggested that heads will roll regardless of rank if it turns out that safety procedures weren't it here it seems the two fires in two weeks has proved to be true for too many for the president peter oliver r.t. . and you can get the latest updates on the situation in russia's republic of adversity as well as more spectacular videos of the five lost online just log on to the r.t.e. feed the previous section to check out unique footage of the area large as this service is a using planes to monitor the troubled region and you can view and even download the high definition video. on teet dot com. religion. or. three.
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three. three. three volunteer video for your media project and real guards r t. so the hague tribunal for social permission to question former bosnian serb general right good logic accused of genocide as a potential witness in their own investigation into the mass killing during his first appearance at the war crimes tribunal he called the accusations of monstrous and noxious laddish was arrested last thursday after sixteen years on the run has been charged with eleven counts of war crimes including his part in the massacre of eight thousand muslims a tribune it said during the civil war in yugoslavia however national is considered large a hero who fought for his people is transferred to the court and was seen as a key condition for said it could join the e.u. but experts say it still might not be in. those conditions don't need to be met if
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the e.u. likes you. and remain who admitted for very obvious strategic reasons and didn't meet any particular conditions at all in so doing now the real reason that serbia is outside the e.u. club as it were is that the serbian secession is province of course iraq has not been resolved that the situation still needs to be resolved and the e.u. prefers to negotiate regarding that situation whilst on its knees which is a position that we spoke of it is very familiar with those original figures eight thousand came out and about from these are bigger which islam is side they were prepared in advance. thousands of people were hidden soldiers and drafted back into the. list forces without their families even being informed so there is certainly a great deal of exaggeration in the figure the tribunal is socially justifying its existence it was set up by madeleine albright's to point an accusing finger at the serbs and so high the existence of the joining to criminal conspiracy to destroy
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the state the sort of forms the state of yugoslavia over half of the half of the adult population of serbia died some form of male population so we decided to form yugoslavia which was destroyed by the west of ours and the hague tribunal is there to create an entirely different picture it's the one time obey of europe where people are held for years without trial waiting for trial when they're when the reverse is known in advance in fact is even worse than the going to find a way of europe because at least they're in the ground some of the judges know what the rules are at the hague tribunal this kind group court the rules are worked out as they go along and always at the expense of the serbs. and for blinds. the online magazine spiked sense of what's going on and behave now is a show trial but the outcome already set in stone. i don't think there's anything. fair about this trial it's all about the whole process. i think what's what's
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happening is that the kind of the outcome is going to be in which means that already it's a bit of a show trial i think. as a result i think it's very much about bolstering the west's position making the west look like it's a free defender of justice and women are just as already been such a bad guy in this i'm not for a moment thinking that mullard that she's our wonderful human being but the crimes on all sides are not war and to pick out one side is worse than the other is a bit peculiar of the situation was much murkier there were opportunists nationalists politicians on all sides and some fairly brutal people behind them as well. and you can always find more on all the stories we're covering on our website r.t. dot com let's now take a look at all slimed up for you there right now. a pledge for know that as russia the import of fresh vegetables from all the e.u. member states finds out how to masses and cucumber has made it on to the menu of
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the top table politics i started off. and george w. bush long out of hitler discovered made it to the list of who was the people of all time published in american. movies credit rating agency has warned of a downgrade to america's aaa stages of the failure to tackle the knots of us debt warning that the risk of a default while smile while small is increasing the raging strong grade would force the u.s. to pay higher interest on its massive debt with a likely negative effect on the world economy and would also deepen its stead beyond the fourteen point three trillion dollar limit just set last month and
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economist peter schiff says this will only make about the situation worse. what we have to do is stop borrowing all this money you mentioned earlier that one of the problems is that we haven't raised the debt ceiling that's one of the only good things out there that debt ceiling is still there unfortunately they're going to raise it we're going to go deeper into debt which means bigger problems and this is not the economists are describing this is a soft patch it's not it's quicksand and the economists who think this is a soft patch these are the same people who in two thousand and seven said the u.s. economy had never been in better shape they didn't see this crisis coming right never understood the problems of the u.s. economy and they still don't understand the basic that government stimulus made the problems better it did it it allowed the problems to get worse. and december americans finding that its lowest level in eight months and our president reports in new york straight for the folks who want to find out whether it's worth paying for education if there are no jobs for the end of the line.
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with today's tough job market is it worth spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for college education this week let's talk about that i mean is known to be way out of range and if you go to the top schools thing and you the rich people can afford it why is it up do you think that would set us back over the long run in terms of what we can produce really is i think if you look around it you economy and the rich are getting rich and the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is falling away new people are seeing the senior real estate in the deed to new economy i think the american people are suffering gigantic calm and young people from all over the world are bought off on it and it needs to stop now i'm not going to say that the government needs to pay for it but i think young people need to wake up and look around them and say you know it's not an accident that bill gates
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was so self taught maybe if kids took two or three years before they went to school and had a little life experience and then had some purpose to their study might make more sense. would you still be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars even at that point i don't think so i live on one year of accounting i took undergraduate. i've earned millions of dollars on that one cause i only paid two hundred dollars for i own a business i hire the best people i can get if you're not if you have a college if you don't have a college education don't even come to my office and apply to what you where did you go to college i went to college in texas and you use what you learned every day absolutely do you think it depends on what field you're and possibly but let me tell you this without an education you just have a whole lot tougher time in life but we're also told that we all have to go otherwise we won't succeed. faster than straight i mean on. a choice not to go to putin as you call it. strong differences. it's
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a great how much does college cost in poland of. any state it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. the problem is the bottom line is that most employers still think a college education is important and ultimately it's their opinion right or wrong that matters. you know all your personal data just one click away a smartphone may be the hunters to way to store information but it's from far the safest. and discovering how the privacy of your mobile phone can become public knowledge. and what does your i phone four know about you and who can access this information. even when i'm not making a phone call and just walking around with every step this won't track my very graphical location if i don't decide to connect with
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a wife in this nearby cafe my phone records as well if i then decide to send an e-mail perhaps some private passwords all of that information is stored on a device itself and in fact this is a treasure trove of private data that's kept there for months and sometimes even years until now it could at least protect itself with passwords that were hard to crack but now a company says it's hacked the defenses of the i phone four for several thousand dollars they'll hand over all the data on any protected device. sammy we are a force for good we don't just give the data to anyone we require people to fill in a twenty page form to say that they need it. the supply of these reassurances many seated development as a cause for concern. for them to do this is a bad idea whatever their intentions are now they have created more about unity's
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for longer exist access to private data with. the moscow based company which specializes in breaking down security systems so far clients have been police security services and relatives of people who died. that's a privacy concerns the crackers say if it was in there it would be somebody else. can forget about the order of privacy we together live you go on the internet if you're really revealing everything about yourself and it's becoming that way using your for. good look at the web has just one piece of advice if you do buy a small phone and make sure you don't let anyone else get hold of it either. let's now take a look at some other news stories from around the world a leading al qaeda militants has just fortunately being killed by u.s. drone attack in pakistan. have been the subject of five million dollar reward offered by the american government following
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a few stations of his involvement in terror attacks across southeast asia but his son officials say cautionary was one of nine harvests killed in the strike. time some government troops reportedly reached the best i've seen recently actually to say security forces opened fire on protesters leaving at least six dead comes a day after dozens were killed in a violent crackdown on a massive anti-government demonstration internet services have been restored after being called to provide the opposition proposed to be fears of clashes are high. state television has released pictures of a mosque where the country's embattled president was injured in iraq at the time by insurgents ali abdullah saleh has now been given treatment in neighboring saudi arabia according to officials months of protests against the dictator have intensified with over one hundred sixty killed recently as has repeatedly backed out from internationally broke of deals to leave office but i believe that his
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departure probably country said the stage for his apartment for him will by rival. high radiation levels have been observed in the fukushima plant in japan. and he by that tsunami and earthquake two months ago the operators says it's the most innovative radiation level ever detected in the air inside the troubled number one reactor steam has also been coming from that part of the plant behind levels were detected by remote control good. and back with the headlines after a few moments followed by a guide to the russian capital moscow out statement. it
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was created to serve public interests to inform and to entertain. these days there's nothing easier than opening a new media outlet but there is nothing harder than revoking its license in case of corruption. when jasmine. san antonio weighs in trouble. probably going to involve in a community where you have one large corporation controlling the daily newspaper
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radio stations television stations a cable outlet or you tell me that that sells what democracy's the public opinion versus f.c.c. broadcast blues marching to live not only next to the border of the gaza strip and egypt but also on the border of peace and war. they are responsible not only for themselves. but also for their loved ones. they are ready to take any risk. code. book.
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