tv [untitled] June 6, 2011 5:00am-5:30am PDT
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on our cheek. down with drones thousands of pakistanis a voice anger at the scale of civilian deaths through unmanned the u.s. air strikes the americans are also sounding the alarm over the possible use of the technology on home soil. now piece over greece massive protests in athens against the nation's financial plight could be echoed by similar rallies in other european states also event furio bailing the country out. and the fate of many antigovernment activists in your remains unknown after a brutal crackdown the families are fearing they may never see their relatives again and.
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worldwide news live from moscow this is artsy on the recent show welcome to the program now the latest u.s. drone attack in a volatile northwest pakistan has killed at least eighteen people official reports claim the casualties were militants some witnesses can name civilians among the victims and as drones have become one of washington's most favored weapons americans fear the technology might soon be used to snoop a little bit closer to home is gone each account has their story. when a u.s. drone hit the house of this young man in pakistan he lost an eye both legs and three family members. these people are demanding the cia be held responsible for the deaths of their loved ones but to no avail with the use of drones comes a lack of accountability those are being operated by somebody at
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a command center in langley virginia they're watching it on video on a video screen they're pressing a button they're deciding who lives and who dies and then they go off for a weekend where they have barbecues in their suburban virginia and suburban maryland homes and who pays the price the people who are the victims of the attack is there accountability none whatsoever drones have become the symbol of america's wars wars that seem to have no state all legal boundaries we've all been over new realm of warfare a new room of. international and domestic law. used in pakistan yemen and elsewhere they have killed scores of civilians the former chief counterinsurgency strategist for the u.s. state department has estimated the drone attacks kill fifty not targeted persons for each intended target one of the things the united states kind of pretends is that we are morally superior we are better judge able to judge what is good for
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other people and therefore we are entitled to inflict our judgement on them and that we presume they will be grateful to us for it but that is not what happens ever and it's not what's happening in yemen it's not what's happening in pakistan they are furiously enraged with us washington is looking to increase the funding for drone development by seven times over the next ten years a large part of that will go towards unarmed surveillance drones the u.s. has for years been using them in another of its undeclared wars against drug traffickers in mexico the mexican government allows you. u.s. spy planes despite public discontent there's a lot of concern that the use of these drones by the u.s. government has more to do with u.s. control over mexican territory actually going out to the drug lords and winning the drug war while issues of international law and sovereignty trigger a little interest among americans the prospect of having surveillance drones spying
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all across the u.s. itself surely there are you as police agencies are asking for drones for domestic surveillance raising the alarm among those who think that could be the end of american freedoms and specially when you look at constitutional activities like free speech activities they're going to be hovering over crowds that are merely maybe protesting the war or protesting some are governmental action they'll be chilling free speech should roll be equipped with some sort of weapon so some people are saying lasers will be able to punish the students who are advocating against the government play have already been used in some instances in the united states and in two thousand servant protesters in washington d.c. noticed small objects for your head it looked like dragonflies turned out they were robo flies developed by the pentagon and the surveillance devices as america continues developing this play station mentality killing any intelligence gathering in pakistan people in fear that it needed time they could become a target of the most deadly videogame and needle hearing the last year that with
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their rapid expansion of supply growth over their own territory they could one day wake up you know to police state i'm going to check our reporting from our hearts. are now it's on our attention to that of greece where people are venting their anger against the government as it debates implementing harsher austerity measures to secure a further eight you and the international monetary fund have approved more cash and in a bid to save the country and a single currency from defaulting on its arteries i don't know for sure of course there are those are ready to go to court to stop their country footing the bill. the euros did long leave germany says top lawyer marcus kerber he's suing the german government to stop it bankrupt neighbors you can all say so you were raised. in the country you have to get rid of groups greece is no longer with a candidate the world will go worse than that of the european union the nations
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labeled in the region by some as the pigs of europe portugal ireland greece and spain must drop their currency now before they drag down other members wards kerber although athens last year raise the pension age to sixty five and could early retirement other countries believe that greek workers work less will bail you out a second time says chancellor merkel but if you want cash in future you must work longer. we can't have a common currency us some get lots of occasions i'm very lesson that won't work in the long term. the statements caused greece but they're not happy in the e.u. capital frankfurt either believing the greeks have had it too easy because if we are going to chill sixty seven it's not possible to declare why other people
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should always sixty five which are certainly not responsible for the deaths and the deficits run in portugal greece in the pit states raise the age when when the greek people retire. sorry all the people what we have to work along as well germans or wrote boiling point anger which could spill out sponsor of the streets say some experts if the problems with the euro become more bigger bigger higher and higher than it is also not excluded the german people go on the street because there's a ok we don't want to pay any more powerful greens n l suing merkel's government claiming you to keep facts about bailouts from the public people in germany i ask you do we have to pay these so we have to give answers and the answers we don't get from our government even the ruling party is revolting clothes pizza will shoes for it's all risk use since he argues leaving the eurozone is in the interests of the
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struggling countries to take a chance to say ok we get out we. have our victory structures. for money for high interest rate with some of their money and. qualify again for the maybe after ten fifteen years greece protests the euro's a straight jacket which blocks traditional ways to boost your economy like devaluing the currency or just interest rates. even greece's european commissioner says that the country's membership of the common currency is at risk unless athens takes the painful cost cutting medicine prescribed by the e.u. and the oya greeks now agree with germans who says it's out of control the question is will we states quit the euro and reorganize or bring the single cause they dealt with a new bushel r.t.
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. next payment in the greek rescue package is expected to come in july a professor of political science be relaying says that the money will do the country's economy more harm than good europe and the i.m.f. and greece to tighten its belt and war and war so there's no no way greece by itself can get out of the crisis is if you tighten your belt more and more you create a recession and if you create a recession this situation get worse and worse and it's harder and harder for you to pay back it gets i don't see how this money can restart the economy if people stand less and less at the red suggested now are those aren't there's a real danger that greece will have to back out of the euro in order to be able to do that you its currency to have more tourists to sell more products and start originally when you the euro was created left in europe was there much against it because you had a strong economy used a strong currency the dean mark germany forming
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a monetary union with weaker economies and there is a recipe for trouble. well for more on the european bailout just log on to our web site that's r t dot com you can also tell us what you think the eurozone should do we have asked if germany ever asked you rather germany should continue giving out cash to the failing economy so far most of you believe it should close its coffers and since it's in a weaker countries best interest to break free from the faltering europe if you haven't yet you still have a chance to share your opinion head over to a cartoon. spain's and other european country on the financial brink as its fruit and vegetable exports have been wiped out that's after germany wrongly blamed spanish cucumbers for the deadly encounter which is now going to have to have originated in a farm in germany itself financial analyst adrian it's how gucci believes the initial allegations could be part of a plan to drive a wedge between eurozone members when something goes wrong with it is only human
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nature to try and blame on somebody else germany did their very powerfully accusing poor innocent spanish cucumbers of being because of meat e-coli outbreak now nevertheless i think that there's probably a more subtle agenda be highly all of this that is closely related to the fact that there are increasing centrifugal forces within the european union that already made a lot of people's talk about fractures powerful break ups we just heard in the previous nodes that if greece doesn't find its way around the school its financial crisis you're looking might put a lot of the early european monetary makers of the euro very often one could even imagine but germany you know many germans and many powerful balloons are we are probably wondering why we even got themselves into iraq to begin with so i think that it's not it's it's wrong to just jump to the first obvious conclusion the world our piece of news or we'll pay because we must try and find other layers of
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truth and reasoning that might be right if. you are with are to lie from. moscow it's good to have you with us today and coming away shortly. disorder fear of renewed clashes out there israeli troops opened fire on protesters the protesters as israel blames syria for trying to divert attention from its internal crisis. and a mission towards the final front here as the new i says crew is set for an out of this world. two days left before blast here at the baikonur cosmodrome we'll bring you details on the final preparations. now in georgia i'm sure some relatives are looking for missing loved ones it's nearly two weeks now since a brutal crackdown on protesters in the capital tbilisi many opposition supporters detained by police some even before the demonstrations occurred and they haven't been seen since. some of the desperate. when the riots were the
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better georgian capital a to believe thing is that shock waves around the international community present back if only speaks of bringing what about democracy to georgia but the thing is there were witness with the years of experience both by his police operation against largely peaceful protests the even more disturbing we've been finding out that in the aftermath there been tales of aggression behind the bars of people going with a cool thing big concerns among their friends and their relatives hugely son was a member of an opposition group he was arrested as part of the crackdown a lot has issued in three days before the protests hit place she hasn't seen or heard from him since and has no idea where he is now. i was still he was it one police station so i went there and they said he had been moved to a police station in another region when i went to that one they said he wasn't there either so now he's missing i don't know why but she's not the only one with
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questions in the days leading up to the protest during and after many people have been arrested and finding all these people is proving extremely difficult in some cases we hope problems because these people are moved from one potential center to another without providing us information or of those people are so we have to. try and see visit all the detention places and find people which is absolutely. almost impossible for us in consistencies in official information and even more troubling when it comes to some of the deaths surrounding the protests days after the demonstration it kicks in drives these body was found an unreasoning fear that creates hysteria he was last seen photographed amongst those being detained the circumstances of his death remain extremely unclear there are lots of questions about these bodies because there were a searing work of information crammed inside when. people just leaving police
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beating people are them a struggle some people have been beaten so terribly. that we're even cases of this with official information proving inconsistent and chaotic attempts to establish exactly what happened to those he dies and to those still missing extremely hard in the eyes of later of the police sting in history interior they don't give us respond to these people we're sold in front of people to any information who was detained where the person was and so it was a huge mess then you'll deny stations are now working on establishing just what has been happening recently in georgia the images of violence from the protest will stick in people's minds for a long while. but this was a struggle started long before that night's looks set to continue for some time after south r.t. tbilisi. quarter past the hour here in moscow it's already troops braced for more
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violence after a day of deadly clashes with pro palestinian protesters on the syrian border at least twenty people were reportedly killed on sunday as thousands marched towards the israeli controlled heights the protesters were marking the anniversary of the one nine hundred sixty seven middle east war when it's ready security forces opened fire israel the planes the syrian regime accusing it of instigating the violence to deflect attention from problems. but democracy activist mustafa barghouti says there's only one aggressor in this conflict. but just. because i getting peacefully nonviolently of the other demanding of the same thing they're not going to see. peace the palestinians. and the palestinians now solution is that it does not preclude palestine israel is the only country in the world that is a member of the united nations that does not have
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a constitution and not declared up to now its borders because israel continues to expand and continues to annex out of people's lands and in the process they have created this long. bishan which has become now a system of segregation and. in human history israel is the oppressive. system in south africa. could not continue because the people of south africa decided to struggle against it and it will deny the right of the south africans to be from apartheid and the united states was the last to come and this will be the case here in palestine the fact that the israeli lobby is very powerful in the united states would not stop us from demanding what freedom our independence i want a democracy and the world has to accept palestinians as equal human beings to the israelis and equal human beings to everybody. you are with art see and if you missed something on our program you can always catch it at our website artsy dot
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com or there are plenty of other stories and a video is there as well here's a quick taste of what's online for you right now round up find out how george w. bush and dick cheney were listed among the five or worst people of all time they us school they were right alongside osama bin laden and it. was a one and a half thousand face book is a crush of birthday party for a sixteen year old and. after she invited them unintentionally via social network accounts. are not as good as some other international news making headlines this hour and yemen's main opposition coalition says that it will accept a transfer of power to the vice president after the president left for saudi arabia ali abdullah saleh is in saudi hospital having undergone surgery on wounds that he suffered during a rocket attack on his compound on friday it remains unclear whether saleh will actually return to again after thirty three years in power the embattled leader has
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come under severe pressure to resign. and a five u.s. soldiers are being killed in central iraq making it the deadliest day for american troops in over two years iraqi sources say the attack was that camp victory on the outskirts of baghdad the americans were at their base acting as advisors when rockets hit their living quarters it happened just months before u.s. forces withdraw from their country completely. for schools governing socialist party has lost the general election social democrats are now expected to form a majority government with the conservatives socialist leader jose socrates accepted responsibility for their feet and stood down as head of his party and you government will have to come up with a programme of cuts as a condition for an. cruise presidential runoff. a left wing former military officer has now claimed victory you promised
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a poor peruvians would share the country's mineral natural wealth and benefit from it second amik growth one over fifty one percent of the vote against the daughter of a right wing ex president. well the countdown has begun at the baikonur cosmodrome a revamped version of the soyuz spacecraft has been moved into position its ready for blast off in just a few guys it will carry three members to the international space station for a six month mission on board man's most remote outpost parties in the province she reports from right in front of the launch pad. less than two days left before blast off here at the baikonur cosmodrome and the three crew members are all in quarantine mike fossum sergei volkov and seto she thought okawa met with press family and friends today through the glass in what was their last public appearance the mood was light as they talked about what they will miss most about their comforts of home to the interface. was different foods but the thing that
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is the most is first and first vegetables and. things of course fresh fruits and vegetables are the most valuable products of yes yes but i'll miss fried potatoes the most this is a. nice as this is. going over forty scientific experiments will fill the crew's time with the i s.s. and as the on board physician cancer research will be undertaken by said toshi photo col what he did give us some insight into what that will entail when it comes to so. there is a whole new genesis to this whole grow their selves so you. can use and this is a very cool cancer now before the three leave the ground they've received some very
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fatherly advice from sarah gable cobbs father alexander himself. so you have gone so i would give is not to go straight to the illuminated to take a look outside and leave you had too much we might get space sickness sea sickness and thank you so much so straight away try to take care of yourself for the first few days you have a six month mission ahead when this crew takes off on the eight it will take them two days to dock at the i assess. lindsey cross right now in just a few minutes here in r.t. we explore the future of atomic energy which is once again being debated following japan's nuclear crisis notably coming your way after the business update with dmitri. very much for rory well despite the high oil price and a near balanced budget russia seems unable to stand capital without so the central bank says five billion dollars fled the country in may with the annual total expected to be around thirty five billion dollars and those believe it's largely
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due to unattractive interest rates in the country. and the figures for outflows in the last quarter of last year in the first five months of this year have been very discouraging of course and a little bit of a surprise it's one factor why the ruble today isn't twenty eight for the dollar and up twenty six to go when it should be at that kind of level with five hundred for the oil price i think there's some technical issues that the interest rates in russia have not been attractive so that meant that a lot of the sopranos and none financial organizations put money abroad quite sensibly as well i think also there is an element of this is just boring technical is that they need to refinance some of their foreign denominated that goes with capital flight and it's not entirely however it is disturbing and some of it is you know a lack of confidence in the political situation here and money running abroad and saying we'll wait and see what happens and better be safe than sorry. so good of
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the markets now dropping for a second day on signs of a slowdown us the mountain before this week's over it's meeting for the side production of. european stocks are mostly low on monday driven by weak economic data the german index is losing driven by a one point four percent fall in sydney on technologies they arose after a successful drug trial stock is the strongest perform on the backs of nearly three percent thank you stocks you also know across much of the rest of europe glencore international is the biggest gainer on the books see. the stick. here in moscow to the market so also because of performing well the r.t.s. is down by just a notch my six is losing half a percent second to some individual movers on the mice exchange energy majors. some of them are all snapped up point seven percent banking stocks are down though bucking the trend is known as bank after report of one hundred fifteen million dollars profit in the first quarter the merger of moscow's two stock exchanges the
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r.t.s. and the nice x is underway central bank says the alliance could be. with the inclusion of a global financial institution european bank for reconstruction and development and the international finance corporation of potential partners central bank is ready for talks but says it's premature to discuss the exact share it's easier to try to buy into the r.t.s. last summer but the move was blocked by the financial regulator now analysts say a refusal it's a national international partner could bolster the merged stock exchange. gas promise fired a warning shot to the e.u. over the hotly debated russian gas in the breeze to the block the company's c.e.o. alexei miller said the current price model does not suit its european customers that would be instead the liver and its gas to asia and it's a coconut oil still believes however that this statement is intended to spur china rather than the. i think is very much stating the obvious in the sense that
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everybody knows that sooner or later gas from will start supplying gas to china and that will be quite significant because less than half of what was now supplying to the e.u. . maybe even more see how it works out but. it's very much recreating your viewers given your slightly different color can you and it's also ahead of three. cannot wait for a missing pittsburgh where we would like to see some kind of announcement or at least preliminary agreement between russia and china on grass supplies. cash strapped by the roots can finally see the light at the end of the country has won approval for a free billion dollar learn from russia and its inflation skyrocketed by twenty percent by months forcing the government to freeze some key prices people have been desperately trying to buy foreign currency as the bell of ruble lost almost half
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its value president who is also seeking financial help from the international monetary fund editor in chief of the business new europe magazine says both russia and the i.m.f. are pushing for market reforms. in a serious crisis i mean you could argue that the crisis in the ninety one which put off. keeping tight control of the economy has finally arrived and they need money they need cash to keep keep the country afloat some have some money from russians through your a statement bank and talking to the i.m.f. but of course in both cases they come with strings attached slightly different i mean the russians are pushing for privatization whereas the i.m.f. will come with a different set of strains which will be about bureaucracy and pension reform and spending reform i think one of the interesting points is that you know in the past russia as it was subsidized. economy and when the increase in gas prices about three years ago subsidies came to an end in this crisis as
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more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is and large adults and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean thomas discovers what makes sense arctic is so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is the bones and friends of. expedition to the bottom of the earth artsy. wild kings go mad their people suffer. how some take advantage of power that was given to them. secret some big dirty money. on r.g.p. .
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