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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT

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three three. three . ladies and gentlemen this past weekend i danced what i wanted to where i wanted to thank see you no one could stop me. i know and if we continue to stick together around the issues that unite us well and can stop us tonight we've got an updated map of the worldwide pants rebellion from saturday horse crap at the jefferson memorial at a special panel still fall on nola new verses jake negative neo-con nancy delivered with man on man sexual harassment allegations and why p.t. blue takes on a new meaning the french still hate freedom a bank was foreclosed on in florida and the war on us continues in minnesota as
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young american soldiers keep dying in iraq for international banks we've got a new military industrial facepalm but you can keep smiling because you're watching at home versus the man. this past weekend i return to the jefferson memorial to stare down the police state . the police apparently have such of my challenge to a dance off and we're out in force but thanks to you all of you who made phone calls to the park police to get me released last week and all of you who reminded the men in blue costumes with guns they keep things nonviolent and to all of our wonderful backup dancers are we were victorious whether or not this means you
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effectively have freedom of control over your own body on government property is yet to be seen but wait when i talk about the government still thinks it owns you but also things you can crap on the jefferson memorial literally check this out. i want to point out the police of some sort of we have the force of departments two years older there. and one of the excuses given for the body slam and choking in the me in the ribs last week was that the police really need to maintain a common interest cold respectful environment at the jefferson memorial as you can see behind me there's a giant pile of horse crap so the government who wants to body slam and arrest people for dancing as a disturbance at the jefferson memorial field it's ok to cry on the memorial but you can't dance on it. yeah there you have it and yet i continue to be astounded by the amount of credibility the american people give our government full of hacks and
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liars every day anyway last week we did a segment on all the dance parties around the nation and around the world in support of our civil disobedience here but our list was grossly incomplete now we didn't miss too many of the american dance parties as you can see here. but our international list was very incomplete and while we threw down hard at t.v.'s place here in d.c. no body slamming ons intended and around the country the appeal of liberty remains global and dance parties were also reported in australia brazil chile a stone enough finland france germany hong kong indonesia israel ireland italy japan korea kurdistan new zealand norway poland scotland singapore spain sweden the u.k. vietnam era and there were over a dozen reported to have taken place in america's favorite hat canada so if any of you rebels out there have footage of your own dance parties from last weekend please post them to our facebook page or email them to me at adamant adam versus
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amanda todd and will make sure the revolution will be televised perhaps even the television will be revolutionized the u.s. park police and more importantly to judge bates alike remind you of thomas jefferson's thoughts that might be relevant the next time you have the urge to suppress someone's first amendment rights for the sake of convenience quote the will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government and to protect its free expression should be our first object. but the police on saturday were still to their regular anti freedom shenanigans closing the memorial just before just before we got started keeping hundreds of would be dancers from joining us there excuse a suspicious package i hope they weren't referring to. anyway there was a drug sniffing dog said i'll just for the cage and lots of motorcycle cops and horse crap they were even actively prevailing the freedom of the press there
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kicking out journalists and citizen journalists alike is the dense wound down so we saw a lot of work to do and i hope you are inspired to engage in your own acts of resistance in peaceful civil disobedience however. and that's why it's all right. well if you. are right. all right i am now going to say something that would be illegal for me to say in france find me on facebook twitter and you tube and it's a good thing we aren't in the nation of france where is illegal to promote these social networks thanks to the freedom haters in the french government yes not even freedom of speech is allowed when it comes to facebook and twitter lawmakers in france have stated they will uphold the one thousand nine hundred two decree which restricts commercial enterprises from being promoted
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a new program program sounds pretty subjective right well as christine kelly the spokesman for the call say superior field as you have said quote why give preference to facebook when there are many other social networks that are struggling for recognition really are the friends that clueless about economics and competition maybe i go with facebook because that's where the most people are and i have a basic understanding of marketing if these so-called struggling social networks have a good product they'll find a way to tap the market without government help as happened so efficiently on nine and if they spoke screw something bad enough there will be an immediate mass exodus to another site and of zucker decided to take advantage of his normal knobbly to restrict users i'd be the first leading the charge but not in government shown time and time again that it does not understand economics or free markets all over the world we have no logical people making illogical laws laws that now restrict what
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words we can and cannot say in this case in france in the name of economic fairness . so how is faris doing in america well when you compare generations not very well the government's war on youth and this regard for the rights of people too young to vote continues in hastings minnesota where vandalism has become a destination for curfews and a disturbing high tech means i've been fortunate but let's just be clear on the problem with curfews in the first place the government has no right to regulate the timing of your life and when you are allowed to be in public but the city of hastings is currently considering the installation of a screeching device that is supposedly only detectable to younger adults and children the problem according to the city and police is that the park is a frequent target of young vandals due to its lack of lighting and low visibility due to trees and other obstructions so here's a classic case of
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a government misdiagnosing a problem and then prescribing the wrong solution how much you want to bet there's a sweetheart deal for someone involved with this so instead of simply putting lights in their solution is to put in yet another government subsidized public servants one that will probably cost more than a few extra lights and penalizes a segment of the population on a biological level now i understand the need to protect property that the public has been forced to pay for the city doesn't want folks on the playground and spray painting vulgarities and park equipment reasonable enough but why not just close it to youth if you want to prevent that and hire you so the device really isn't that expensive this is pretty petty but instead of listening to the kids that have nothing better to do than engage in vandalism they're just shutting them out when i heard about this i knew that the kids involved would be far more clever than the adults and find a way around this device but i didn't realize how easy it was when asked if earplugs would neutralize the device the proprietor of whether recreational design
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who would install this thing said quote i imagine that would work yeah good one guys. so in new york city new york police department n.y.p.d. blue is taking on a whole new meaning that it blew the color blue the verb past tense all right so this is another anthony weiner joke seriously but it could be by the way we can all be relieved now that we know gate is over now that the congressman who is sending dirty pics to young ladies has finally been forced to fess up by your mainstream media diligently looking out for the issues that are important to you but i say. the congressman i guess i said one of the hundreds of congressmen who are sending inappropriate sexual pictures of people or the one who just got caught could we get we get the latest pick on screen this is. the end of weiner gate gratuitous to the shot thank you andrew by part for your hard hitting reporting i just had to show that to that to encourage all the young men out there who might be embarrassed to
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send such photos to their crushes because the standard for lewd pictures has just been lowered i think the greatest combination of winner out of this is part of judgment of what women are turned on by i don't know but ladies if you think this is hot maybe maybe i'm wrong all right so back back to the serious issue here the new york police department or sergeant nelson fernandez is filed suit against transit district number four commander deputy inspector thomas connelly. different as quote he'll call me in for no particular reason then allowed back with his feet up and he puts a pen in his mouth and starts sucking on it in a sexual manner he doesn't say a word to me he's looking at my crotch and smiling i give him a disgusted look turn around and walk out apparently there was also some inappropriate touching during patrols but what fernando said about police culture was even more damning quote i'm fed up with it everyone in the command jokes around
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why don't i take one for the team but i'm tired of that ok so a guy getting nailed by a gay commanding officer is taking one for the team and my p.t. holy crap no wonder they feel it's ok to treat the rest of us out of uniform peons like well. peelings but this does point to a serious problem because i feel sorry for all the victims of sexual abuse at hands of law enforcement who aren't in a position to fight back but if we unite against the police state maybe we can level the playing field and put some sick cops like this in their place but we have some good news here for one small victory in collier county florida a family was able to strike back against a foreclosing bank bank of america made a big mistake when they decided to foreclose on someone who had paid cash for their home and even have a mortgage or sorting things out with a drawn out legal battle a county judge ordered bank of america to pay the family's legal fees and after months of trying to collect the bank ignoring their obligation the family's
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attorney successfully foreclosed on the bank they said it was sheriff's deputies a moving truck in court orders here's their attorney todd allen on the banks reaction he was visibly shaking. so the bank finally made up thing sometimes there is justice in this world but i'm sure the money was an adequate compensation for the idea ordeal endured by the niger family but keep fighting back and maybe we won't all end up homeless on the continent our fathers conquered not that i'm of course in conquering by the way that was another pumps jefferson reference look it up all right so when we come back we'll have a special panel featuring none other than stuff on of molineaux and jake the negative neocon nancy deliberate on some foreign policy issues
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a special preview of what we're going to be doing for our poor confess episode coming up in a few weeks here and we've got your military industrial base palm and some good news from the front lines of the wrong i'll love olution stay tuned you're watching adam vs the man.
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let's not forget that we met in a park right near the. i think. the the and. we never got the shows they're going to keep him safe get ready because of the freedom. all of. you know. it. go. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes
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decisions to break through a bit so that he made who can you trust no one who is human deal with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we'd give our tea question more. internally or. do the work to bring justice or to. have the right to know what my government should do if you want to know what i. would characterize obama as the terrorism the version of american exceptionalism.
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welcome back to adam vs the man joining me in studio is jake negative neo-con deliberate negative you've got nancy gilberto and joining us. from the live streaming from ontario canada also freedom ain't radio dot com gentlemen thank you both for being with us tonight but we do now this is this is actually a really special panel because this is this is a preview of what we're going to be doing it pork festival for our our our broadcast from there but tonight we want to cover some some serious foreign policy issues and go to our military analyst as well as our philosophy analyst so i want to start with some of these reports out of afghanistan and iraq today we saw five u.s. soldiers killed in iraq the deadliest single attack this year against u.s. forces. kind of serve as a wake up. all to a lot of the american people who are like on we're still or iraq i thought all we
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had was noncombatants and it was funny i was following some of conversations on facebook about this and there are still people saying this couldn't possibly be obama's fault he's trying to end the wars and people go oh you mean trying to end the wars by as collating the number of troops there and then another story here about the army's hundred first airborne just returning from a tour in afghanistan they lost one hundred thirty one soldiers the most killed in a single deployment for the unit since vietnam with many more wounded or injured despite having plenty of veterans from the troop surge in two thousand and seven stuff on first to you what do you think this says that the american people are you there's i mean news like this is not out of the blue this comes periodically and we see things like this but these two stories today really should be a wake up call i don't see that reaction there's still a denial about who president obama is as head of the empire what does that say to you well it says that tragically american taxpayers are well trained to look at
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rhetoric rather than reality so because obama seems like a peaceful guy and got a peace prize he is going to be the lamb of all things gentle nice and wonderful but you simply have to look at the facts and the lack of clothes you go to guantanamo at the continued extension and expansion of the state into the private lives of citizens of wild overspending and of a new commitment to these wars end of a commitment to a war in libya that he didn't even get congressional approval for this man is a war monger he is a front for the military industrial complex but people are trained to look at nice words and pleasant gestures and snappy suits rather than the actual reality of what is going on in the world we have just put all a specific question for you to our military analysts because there's a quote in the story from the associated press from a captain in the airborne who said quote it's very hard to see change it was very hard to get that across to my soldiers. and this was about the fact that a lot of soldiers are feeling frustrated think that they're they're chasing ghosts
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across mountain ridges feeling frustrated by the pace of the war what is their disconnect officers to enlisted about what's going on in afghanistan yes there is a huge disconnect and one of the major reasons is that the commanding officers are set to. set forth a policy where the enlisted ranks are set to actually accomplish something on the ground with people and when they're on when it's in offices don't actually do any work well what i'm suggesting is that the officers generally speaking are removed from the day to day combat tasks that lance corporals p.f.c. sergeants privately about i got to challenge and i can hear that it's a captain saying i can't it's not a general it's not even not even field grade it we're talk in zero three here captains captains are much like any other rank they still want to come up and amongst the ranks they want to maximize the rank of act like the record of them and do yes ma'am and continue to tell the troops to do things even if it's stupid every now and again there's there's a captain or a colonel who comes out and who rejects some of those orders and more times than
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not they get a bad fit rep and they end up getting kicked out of the military i others two other big stories i want to get into here because we haven't really had a chance to cover these in last couple weeks there's been a lot going on in libya that we have been able to cover and in syria and libya we see the intervention is continuing there's some fight in congress over whether or not obama can get past the war powers act sixty day restriction thank you want to feel a sense give us a little background what if we missed last couple weeks in libya well basically what we've we've in the mainstream media a lot of things have been over overlooked regarding libya syria etc but let me try to make up a blanket statement regarding the middle east we are in the middle of what has been a long time waiting of a try part civil war within the middle east and special the arab muslim community and the tri part civil war is between the theocrats the conservative religious folks like bin ladin and i am and i was a weary the aristocrats which were mainly secular as dictators like saddam hussein and would. barak and the other folks like this. and then the third part of the
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civil war which is young globalized liberal free free minded people that want to get done with the old ways of doing things they don't want dictatorship and they simply want to be free and their have equal rights among society people that are organizing online and something and then they spoke revel writes the facebook revelation revolution is is exactly what these young people are and this try parts of war is shaping up from morocco all the way to iran and what this really means is in terms of the united states have to be very careful here because one of the big nightmares that can take and we can if we stick our hands in the middle of it we will end up being the scapegoat if things don't go wrong if we do stick our hands with it and things go right we can be here and we have to be very delicate and we're told it's a really interesting perspective i want but before we get into the details on libya i want to get the thoughts take on that. we already have and say we america already has its hands in the middle east conflicts and has for decades thereby propping up these wretched dictatorships that have lorded it over these how to people to the
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point where you know the significant majority of the population is living on two dollars or less a day america has spent billions of dollars sending out military aid to these countries american arms manufacturers sell twice the amount of arms but capita in the middle east than they do anywhere else in the world so we are already in there the reason that these dictatorships have lasted so long is because of western aid to these dictators you had tony blair who wanted to train some of these middle east dictators troops at sandhurst in england you have deals continually being made with these people so america is already in there and this is one of the reasons why america is so despised in the region because their army haters that are holding down the people still thought that's great but i have to say i'm very disappointed in you that you fell for the american imperialist rhetoric even you from canada referring to the us government's actions are something we are doing with our own lives i think my head in shame. but i would push back as the fine to the extent the united states has been involved in the middle east we are not the sole dictator in
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what has gone over these peoples right that is a typical response from somebody who has been so far who has not served in a military civilian role at great like us but the majority of my adult life in the middle east and i would say a lot of what's going on over there has to do with the culture has to do with religion has to do with the the geography lack of access to water resources we are not the only ones to blame there's a lot of variables here that's point i want to make with this but there's a disagreement here on scale of the significance or of the measure of entity that states is not is not the jesus christ and it can't be perfect so of course it's going to make mistakes but i think specifically we need to be very careful the of the iranian government has gone a great lakes to expect stand its militarism to expend power throughout the shiites in iraq and expression in syria. and it moved into hezbollah and now we've got the islamic brotherhood making arrangements with three salafi groups inside egypt the egyptian government this should scare everyone today in fact back to libya back to
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the american intervention there we're seeing a lot of kinetic military operations what's going on right now in libya and what he thinks going to come next basically what we've got is we've got rebels coming from from the sport cities and the rebels are trying to take down kentucky at the moment we're essential stalemate because what we found is that air strikes can't remove a dictatorship you need ground troops the ground troops you grew up quickly the ground troops that are going to be needed cannot come from the united states as a result of the conyers amendment that was signed last week by a overwhelming majority of four hundred four members of the house of representatives voted no on u.s. troops inside funding u.s. troops inside libya we will not be there in terms of u.s. ground troops stiff on. well i certainly agree with the correction i wasn't intending to say that this is the only us all of you know it is new york and i know me personally look but the reality is though that when when this fellow says that we are not involved well we are involved and so i am simply pointing out that removing billions of dollars worth of bonds from dictators will unleash the check
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capacity for change we all know that dictatorships don't change and so when you arm dictators you prevent change from occurring within a society to the point where it ends up being violent and so america has some responsibility as to other western countries huge are going to get it if there were quick i missed the fun egypt was nonviolent we propped up for thirty years and those people got it done nonviolently and they did it because later on it's not been a fundamental change in there has been any clinical change mubarak has been removed from power granted not at the state institutions the state institutions that need for governments are still intact and people are coming up with what i'm talking about we have to be watchful of is things outside of our control with the islamic brotherhood and with this a laffey groups that we don't have control we're going to be i think stands for here is that even with what happened in egypt a lot of the same all of darkie is in control a lot of the same the army has anywhere in the middle east it is at least the west almost as they support these dictatorships until it becomes politically unfeasible
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and then they switch to a new dictator which they will then find in the future it's not a fundamental revolution and till it totally comes from the bottom up and changes the fundamental structure of society not just replaces the new boss. it'll ruin all those of us ok well let's well it in a sense but let's let's let's let's go back to syria here because we see some of what was happening in egypt taking mean manifests in syria different violent kind of crackdown say what's your take on syria right now are we going to see the same kind of change that the people are fighting for there is syria is very scary because number one we've got massive funds coming from iran into syria we've got shiites moving into the sea. these from rural village we know would never expected that sort of thing to take place and as a result there's tensions and pressures being put on israel's borders which is making israel's tensions with the palestinians and the syrians worse if we really really need to be careful here and i think generally speaking i think it's going to happen i think that there's going to be a little bit more violence increase but at some point the u.n.
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will get involved to try to stabilize it i think that's the best case scenario it could be a worse just the second left here is to follow the last word america needs to inspire the rest of the world to democratic freedoms by instituting a few more at home and learning a few little bit less about those overseas that's the way to inspire people to freedom a man who i think we're all in agreement on that but you know i want to say about this panel here we build this as stuff on roller versus jake they give me a cut and see bill gordo and this is this is really a small preview of the kind of sparks we're going to be flying because we're going to set this up in front of a live audience at port fest lancaster new hampshire this is a couple weeks it's going to be a lot more exciting and we're going to really it's we're going to give you guys a chance to really throw down when you're on equal footing in person of the same place where they go i would like you very much get a better middle name. by then we'll maybe from the rose the night before you'll you'll have on. the phone molyneux of freedom ain't radio dot com and adam vs the man military analyst jake negative neocon ansi deliberate or.
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and when word failed there is always military industrial fix pot that's right according to rand corporation research very researcher gregory jones the iran may be a mere two months away from acquiring a nuclear device and airstrikes couldn't possibly do enough to defeat this we absolutely have to send in ground troops might be a slight conflict events this year from now. rand corporation major contractor for the military but jones stresses that stopping iran will require deploying forces on the ground because airstrikes are no longer sufficient as he says the reality is that the u.s. and israel have failed to keep iran from developing a nuclear warhead when ever it wants this from the people who told you that the war
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in iraq would be a cakewalk and pay for itself with oil when words fail there's always a military industrial base but i like to end tonight on a note of some good news we have some good news from the front lines of the ron paul love olution with our money bomb on june fifth i was happy to donate so that yesterday we raised over one million dollars for the ron paul campaign and i'm starting to figure out what electable means because electable or not electable is really a code word for if this person wins i'm not going to be able to get as much money from the government but if you want to let people please support the reelection campaign of president barack obama if you want a president who's going to honor his oath to the constitution and your freedom i urge you to support none other than congressman ron paul and that's our show for i think if you're into adam reverses the man please don't go out on versus.


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