tv [untitled] June 6, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT
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it's going it's a pleasure thanks. coming up next we have a new segment i'm reading your comments from you tube facebook and twitter as and i am going to respond in just a few of that that's in a moment and i'll ask if the news is that will give you some interesting ratings and it comes to cable media. and we. will be. safer to read it because the freedom.
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hey guys welcome to shelly's tell the obama show please pardon our guests not to say on the topics now i want to hear. just go to video response to our twitter profile of the questions that we host on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is. you know sometimes just a story and it seems so. easy to understand it and then you glimpse something else
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here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you know i'm sorry . so i'd like to take a moment to introduce a new segment on the lower show that's called you say it i read it he was my favorite part about having this platform to express my views the fact that i have amazing viewers people who are interested in the subject matter you guys are passionate hearing gaging you've got some good points well some not so good ones so i want to let you guys know that i'm listening when you comment on twitter and facebook in you tube i read what you say and i care about what you say so i'm going to take a little bit of time to respond to some of those viewer comments the good the bad and the ugly i'm going to start tonight with you to commentator armando at seven six five four on one of our videos he said quote our communist guy born in russia
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brainwashed in russian speaking fluent russian whatever off camera who hates capitalism and that's sneaked into the states to spread it communism. oh armando armando armando you know i hear this sort of commentary every day from people like you so let's just take a moment to address this as directly as possible first let me start with the fact that armando has wrong no i'm not a communist spy and no i do not hate capitalism and i can respond of the things that armada has right i will say once again as clearly as possible yes i was born in russia there is no hoax no time for a liar cover that up i alone mccloskey i'm an immigrant and i'm an american citizen i was born in russia that i moved to the united states when i was four years old i also have to speak more than one language including russian and english so i'm fluent in both languages and yes sometimes in life i use those skills to speak russian it's shocking i know now armando seems like many others are not like that
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somebody who is born out of the country be allowed to speak on american t.v. screens and comment on american issues and you know i have to say that so that i'm going to keep speaking my mind about the country i live in the country that i love and you can keep calling me a communist spy if that makes you feel better freedom of speech is sweet now let's move on to another viewer comment on our interview last friday about republican presidential candidates making their pilgrimage to kiss the ring of ralph reed the leader of the religious right be zero seven rivera or seven said on you tube wow what a couple of pathetic jackasses i see i mean i'm a catholic and i said i want a problem with the religious right but sheesh nothing but pointless bashing from these leftist pigs like the democrats and progressives don't have any skeletons in their own closets now be seven rivera thinks that my conversation with talking points memo evan make more essential is quote pointless and you know what i want to
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take to differ on that what doesn't seem pointless when an overwhelming majority of republican candidates feel the need to bend their schedule to travel all the way to washington d.c. to seek the approval of one. it isn't simply. what every single candidate feels that they have to plead and pander to the religious right to prove that they're socially conservative enough to win their endorsement and it doesn't really seem pointless considering that this powerful coalition has been able to launch an unprecedented attack on the rights of women in the last two years and the house of representatives passing redundant and oppressive bills banning federal funds going to abortion something already banned by the hyde amendment the state legislature is taking up bills to limit those abortion rights as well so be zero seven or vera i'm going believe that this topic is pointless what every major politician from the republican party no longer thinks that it's necessary to prove their convention credentials to the all powerful religious right and that's all i've got to say for tonight but there are more responses coming just tune in on wednesday. now in t.v.
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land it all comes down to the ratings the most recent back is it well worth analyzing looks like people in the eighteen to forty nine age group considered to be the most coveted age group they prefer fake news or at least liberal leaning satire over the real stuff the jon stewart host of the daily show had an all star month his ratings rose nineteen percent and the show averaged two point three million viewers a night that now means that he gets more viewers than any t.v. show on fox news with the exception of his t.v. phone emphasis bill o'reilly and fox news in fact dropped ten percent of its leadership in may and while they're still on top of the other networks c.n.n. and n.b.c. those two picked up some viewership so what's going on exactly and the rejection of conservative news or rejection of news in the opinion shows on those news networks altogether joining me to discuss this is david pacman host of the david niven show david thanks so much for joining us tonight i just want to know what's your theory on why do you think that jon stewart is just killing fox news. well it's pretty
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simple when you asked earlier if news is the news is not good it's just when you say it doesn't necessarily have to be a channel that puts news in the title and as we know from study after study did you know all the way back to two thousand and four is the earliest one i can remember people who watch more fox news actually know less about what's going on in the real world and as we saw a couple of years ago jon stewart primary news viewers actually know more about what's going on been bill o'reilly's audience so people are desperate for news they're just getting it on comedy central but do you think i mean i'm totally with you there if you look at the statistics then jon stewart's audience is normally more educated so are people just getting smarter or are there more of these people that are starting to show up or does it also have to do with the age group that we're talking about here you know more young americans that's hard graduating from high school or going to college that are turned into this show yeah there's definitely more people entering the so-called i care about politics market i mean
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you and i were i was in high school when nine eleven happened and i remember at that time i wasn't really too politically engaged but from that point forward i was more and more into politics so i think for sure there is more and more people that have kind of grown up with jon stewart is actually a smart guy who does not only an interesting show which has been fox news is a big thing that the news has to look good it has that entertain you where you're actually learning quite a bit and it's amazing really to me that a five seven jewish guy is out doing twenty four hours of big breasted blondes. i get up a good point but come on it's five seven jewish guy he's a comedian he's whole larry is he has great comedic writers and i think that's a lot more entertaining than you know just going on to watch a little bit of a rebel from people that actually take themselves seriously putting some of those big breasted a blonde i guess you could say that watch box that's where these parts they were is going at ten percent of them are leaving i'm pretty sure they're not going to end
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this n.b.c. . you know it's not clear that they're going anywhere else on the t.v. dial i mean it actually seems that more and more people are getting their news from the internet and not only that they're getting it on their own schedule it's less and less important when a t.v. show is actually live with the exception of where you can use i mean i know for me when we were live it was kind of a big deal constantly talking about it trying different things it's almost irrelevant now we get ninety percent of our audience not watching live they're watching leader and it's a pod cast it's you tube and cetera well what about the radio though you know because not only are we seeing their ratings went over also saying people like rush limbaugh who is seeing his audience disappear too so i'm wondering if this is they're becoming a bit more of a right wing thing which is are because you think that right now this is be their prime time moment you know to have high viewership because of course the incumbent as a democrat. in a sense that's true but at the same time if you take into consideration the time of year as well as the fact that we're basically right between two elections i think
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that it's a little bit expected for this to kind of be a lot of time and just mathematically if you have the most listeners and talk radio it's rush and sean hannity when there is something that makes people pay a little bit less attention it's summertime whatever and they will be affected the most when we look at the numbers though it's incredible i was just looking at talkers magazine a couple of days ago the top talk audiences you have to go to number nine eight or nine before you get to someone who's not conservative or a political before you get to a progressive host so it's still overwhelming yeah they're definitely still winning out in that regard but then how do we explain bill o'reilly success because jon stewart beat out every other host every other show on fox news except for bill o'reilly and he's neither funny nor big breasted or attractive love you know let's put it bluntly you know what as far as the press there's plenty of breasts on the o'reilly show he has this regular segment now with kimberly guilfoyle and lisa real
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i think her name is they do this legal segment they're on all the time if you look at the camera angles it's no mistake the way that they're shooting that segment i mean o'reilly has done very well for a long time his program is compelling even if you don't agree with the framing i mean i watch it not not when it's live but i regularly check out clips i want to know what's going on there you know jon stewart can't be everybody on my t.v. he's pretty high up in the numbers you got to hit the channel up button plenty of times to get it from all right jon stewart so he can't beat everybody but what he's got has been remarkable and the show really has been great recently do you think that it's a little easier for people like him and even called bear because they are comedians the entire idea is to entertain it where we still see some. of our cable news channels and still try to claim that they're fair and balanced. they are a news channel there's just struggling with a bit of that identity. yeah that's one component i mean more and more people are getting skeptical if you have the news in the name if you have to keep repeating
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that you're fair and balanced i think people will start wondering why do you have to do that jon stewart is on comedy central is doing a show which is not calling itself a news show people seem to know more about what's actually going on by watching that than by watching bill o'reilly that's what's so remarkable so i think people are increasingly cynical and i think you're absolutely right on all points that people are just not necessarily tuned into this really take yourself seriously type of news. all right i guess when i got to start writing some better jokes than david thank you so much for joining us and i thank you. also to come on tonight show us governor believes that we can pray our way to a better life here in america because the wait until you hear what he's planning of tonight still time for and stick around for happy hour and we enter a fever has reached new heights marco's the surface of the congressman and that apparently straight business of business news a warning this weekend because a lot of homosexuals were at the start celebrating gay days a lot of coverage just a few minutes. into that only with the
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mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. get some closure see the story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you saw. i'm sorry is a big. let's
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harvest time for tonight's tool time award and it goes to texas governor rick perry he there's talk of hard line conservative is going to run for president next year so he's trying to keep behind media profile and back in april as the state of texas was dealing with wildfires and a lingering drought he called for three days days of prayer asking for rain not raise a few eyebrows nearly three months later there's still a drought in texas shocker but that's not stopping barry from using the power of prayer to gain even more nationwide exposure take a look at this. person. on august sixth at reliant stadium in.
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i this is where we were i told her i. now that was part of a clip from an ad called of the response call the prayer for a nation in crisis and event is scheduled to take place in august that houston's reliant stadium how perry is working with the americans group. family association to host this event and he's calling on all forty nine other governors to join him on the website perry says that the u.s. is facing unprecedented struggles and we need to thank him for the blessings of freedom we so richly enjoy now very also as there is hope for america and we will find it on our knees. i've just not even touched that line but i think you guys get it but i do want to play another clip from the video advertising rick perry's response take a look at this part economic collapse just it's. very.
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natural disaster area. why is this happening now why isn't. this new. so the group and rick think that financial debt terrorism and natural disasters can all just be prayed away i mean really let's be honest here there are several reasons the us is in financial debt wall street got grady they drove the economy off a cliff and the taxpayers are left holding the bill we have out of control spending and endless wars which politicians in washington will end for fear of appearing weak on defense but if we follow rick perry's thinking our entire financial mess could have just been avoided by praying as a nation i mean give me a break the way to solve our problems is to hold our leaders like rick perry accountable to make them cut defense spending to stop giving tax breaks to big oil
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companies and millionaires and to stop the endless wars that's how this nation solves problems by actually doing things not just praying that china is all the sort of going to forgive all of our debt so now i'm not opposed to rick perry hosting this event this is a free country prayer makes some people feel better and i think that's great but i do think he's playing on people's emotions and a very vulnerable and vulnerable time and giving them a false hope that prayer and not political and economic reform is actually going to solve those problems so that's why rick perry its rightful time where. ok it's time for. happy hour on this monday evening and joining me tonight is r t correspondent lauren lyster and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger of black five dot net thanks for joining me guys that
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is a good weekend. you know i was really hoping over the weekend that maybe we're fever would die out we made fun of the media last week we're just giving it not coverage to this story but then today there are a few new pictures that surface from a lady. those are the pictures right there apparently we don't even know if a small guy kind of packs whatever. jim is looking at me and discuss right now but the best was that wiener that had to give a speech today like all the politicians they've been lying to everybody for weeks and the media just could not believe that this moment was actually happening to take a look. welcome back here to c.n.n. newsroom i'm brooke baldwin any second now congressman anthony weiner is expected to address members of the media from sheraton hotel in manhattan all of this comes one week after the new york democrat begin to answer some questions about a lewd picture from his twitter account and again following a breaking news that broke right here on studio and the embattled u.s.
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congressman anthony weiner is such you addressed the media shortly he will address the media in exactly one minute at least that's the plan right there we're looking at a live runs no sign of him but apparently he will be there folks just want to be totally honest it has been a surreal cast fifteen minutes as we have watched. right wing blogger andrew breitbart of big government dot com essentially taking to the stage of congressman anthony weiner's. press conference that was believed that the congressman was going to be there that this wasn't going to be some sort of stunt. or whomever to get publicity about this. he may be leaving the podium. there to be rules of order that my point is the government is the significant. my god you would think that the president of the united states was just about to make a huge announcement that they were they were the way that they were following that
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breaking news wiener is about in one minute he is going to take the stage or at least that is the plan i mean it really is a little bit more attention than we paid to some of you for being a tool but as you would have been the day for that. we actually was on i was here all of our time devoted to wiener gate and we were arrested breitbart proven correct i wrote for breitbart big piece item or editor so i'm a fan of andrew's journalism good and he really knew that the only good that he was found out to be you know right and authentic what about what he was doing i mean it's a stressful discussing it's high school girls i mean let's hope the hound decided we're going to want to go back to the fact that you just called andrew breitbart a good and a successful journalist the guy makes up and lionel is that gets a sad everything he does or the order you're just about any of the other leads to the cd i mean surely. he got it he was right what do you what do you want to journals i want to say i want to see him dr king on the last tabloid oriented then
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taking down a congressman of his chest. that we have a good idea why because breitbart does it it's a bad thing because i wasn't has you know the ability of because breitbart any critic who goes that is really even alive about the stories and then he sell that to the media so if you've already had so many stories where you blatantly lied you blatantly edited the material then why would you have any credibility just has got just curious oh so that makes the other wrong that it wasn't revised you're making it up i think you're making i go you think i mean. i mean that's the only thing that was more dramatic than all the press coverage i have to say was that press conference i mean it's awesome i am i really do have to credit him for coming clean and for i'm sorry i do i think that. i did not expect to have that picture when it comes to like two weeks later you know i know now that it is a game and he said he wouldn't and i just lost it he didn't tell the truth until he
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was still young but also by a bright boy he didn't present the course i love to try to say like you know i never actually met any of these women i only because the kind i only met along the line and then sent them photos of my whole life force. we don't know that they're in high school they were there's a bunch of us who are there who want a closure and i write one hundred one and i tried to get there by and proved building not at all but i did it so we interviewed over on this show. talking about people doing stupid things on the internet though there's a girl in germany that decided to have a house party and she decided to just a click let's make it public and if i all of my friends and guess what sixteen hundred people actually did show up take a look at this this is the scene in hamburg germany outside the house of a teen who apparently invited all these people to her party the teen marked her sixteenth birthday party a public event on facebook and when the girl realized thousands of her friends and
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their friends might show up because apparently fifteen thousand people responded well she cancelled the event but that didn't stop well wishers you know that's funny because it's so stupid and you want to say why do you do that but i also find it interesting because there are so many people to try to plan events on facebook and everyone always says if they're coming and nobody ever actually shows up that's not to any character is either lying about doing things on a go at present though from anthony weiner he takes a group called joe. oh i have to lose every conversation and she was sixteen. i was i have to say is this is why i am not on facebook ok well it is a good argument i like to say this is why i don't make parties public unfair. and i just learned how to actually use the tools on the internet for the time and let's move on to the next is i believe that you are alone on. this one really gets me go and get a day or gay days essentially. we can florida this new world where all the gays are
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welcome and it's a fun time but the florida family association so they actually paid a lot of money for some banners to go up and warn families take a look at this one hundred sixty thousand people are visiting central florida to celebrate florida family association is boycotting in a big way. spending seven thousand dollars to fly these banners for two full days near disney warning unsuspected families that quote they're about to be thrust into a crowd of thousands reveling in gay pride. as we all hear the warning unsuspecting families that they're about to be quote thrust into a crowd of thousands reveling in gay pride you can't have that stuff and you know you can only write it it's beautiful and you can't write better fiction i don't know i mean home all in favor of people having all the fun they want of the magic kingdom but i think it's fair to warn the kids that maybe there's going to be a guy you know in leather chaps with his blood and you know. you can
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see that the guy asked do you hate me i don't want to be a writer or a jury that disneyland that's pretty sure you are joining me on leashes it is new and i'm going to have both of those equal opportunities. dollars they spent on that they could have just i don't know. really got the money or you know this is our goal and all into the american dream to see what we need to know is you know your kids you should bring them to a gay day disney world and you should teach them about loving and respecting everybody for no matter you know whatever their rights are their problems with chaps with no i mean respecting the people they're thrust into i'm pretty sure that it has you know some kind of i should like their parents with somebody to produce. this holy moly. ok last one we have like thirty seconds to go but jim i know you were a little ruffled by this story today because richard glover who works or writes for the sydney morning herald said the climate change deniers should be tattooed maybe
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not stand on their forehead but it should at least be tattooed on their armor on their chest of fifty years from now maybe even twenty years from now they can be labeled as you are the people that pretended i was for you. to remember that when i was a kid there whine about the next i see now they're telling us it's global warming if they can't tell us we're going to freeze the weather the oceans are going to boil i think if you do a little bit more math before they go history it's right there at the time that she doing that's. kind of climate change global warming is that what has been wrong wrong in the. well for the data to play better than when you were a kid i'm sorry laurie but i guess we're out of time tonight so thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow alex alvarez from media will be on the show discuss why politics and sex scandals just can't seem to keep our hands off each other and meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can always catch all the you tube slash the lower
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