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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT

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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour the senior class of twenty eleven is experiencing the harsh reality of our dismal job market by the search for summer cash maybe even longer and while the attack on obamacare continues one organization who knows the field very well is joining in the fight for universal health care rights national nurses united and it's and it's nearly take i'll tell you why don't worry be happy should really be our nation saw .
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if you thought the recent job numbers were bad with the unemployment rate ticking up to nine point one percent take a look at the unemployment rate for teenagers based on last month's job numbers nearly a quarter of all sixteen to nineteen year olds looking for a job or even a summer job are unemployed in california that number is as high as thirty four percent it's no wonder though considering that people with master's degrees can't even find a job donald's or recent job fair collected over one million applications for about sixty thousand job openings and nationwide corporations only hired fifty four thousand americans in may you know your economy is screwed when sixteen year olds are competing with master's degree holding engineers or burger of burger flipping jobs but the bigger problem lies in the long term effects of youth unemployment studies have shown the students who graduate from college during a recession make an average two percent less than students who graduate during during boom time. and that pay cut persists as far as eighteen years out into their
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employment and means thousands of dollars are lost to cities graduates now some economists are proposing a solution to the pay gap a tax cut strictly for younger workers would actually this actually work or is this just more conservative jumbo about how tax cuts are cure alls it's talk more about this issue is david so conservative commentator five years contributor and federal tax practitioner and advocate david welcome back. thank you for having me on tom it's always a pleasure so how will tax cuts help the unemployment problem with their kids particular when they're competing with thirty year olds with master's degrees . well that's a very good question setting aside the competition for the same job because that's something that has to be dealt with separately and i've been calling for a complete tax abatements for income tax abatement for individuals thirty and below
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and the reason why is these individuals incidentally they would still have their social security withholdings up and paying into the system without being a burden upon the system but these individuals could stimulate their local economies additionally without the fear of taxation and such these young men and women who are graduating school or perhaps did not take the college or graduate path can go out and start businesses and really make their own communities blossom so it's an ideal situation is they've got a task well when you endeavor to start a business you have a great deal of taxation there's a payment actually if you know i've started having a business that is a that in and every single time you lose money for the first year or two you pay no taxes. well that's something else entirely like oh that's how you start a business roll with holdings are those are aware of how you start
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a business but there are expenses immediately additionally if we were not to put the income tax burden on these young men and women they could repay their student loans faster the default rate of this payment would drop percipient asli. additionally these same individuals would be exempt from this they would have to be not allowed to participate in various refundable credit spreads the credit and other items yes or you're assuming that if people get a tax cut they're going to end up with more money and yet if you look back over the last ninety years of tax history in the united states what you see is that every time taxes on working people not doesn't work this way for rich people but you know for people who more than half of their income it goes into savings for people who spend any ninety percent to one hundred percent of their income every time taxes on these people go up if you look at a minimum three year span and longer every time taxes on them go up wages go up
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every time taxes on them go down over a three year period wages go down the reason is really simple if i'm an employer and i'm paying somebody say forty thousand dollars a year and ten thousand that's going in taxes so i know that their take home is thirty thousand i know that they're willing to work for thirty thousand dollars a year if you come along and say ok we're going to give him a ten thousand dollars tax cut now they're going to take home forty thousand dollars a year i know that guy's willing to work for thirty thousand is the employer and so i'm just going to cut his wages down back down to thirty thousand and that's actually how it always happens so i mean the tax cut that originally actually leave money on the table you know for the rich people but tax cuts for working people always end up cutting salaries what wait a minute now as far as the millionaires and billionaires that you always bring up those individuals will still be paying their cap. gains both short and long term but for the younger people the thirty and below who are competing with those older
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individuals you're saying there's not going to be two sets of salaries for instance let's say an individual becomes a civil servants they're not going to have to tear salaries for the same job that wouldn't be correct additionally if an individual receives one hundred cents on the dollar they can spend that money in their local economy and that helps the delicatessen the dry cleaner all of the supporting stores and businesses because there's more money but it doesn't ever develop as well as an obviously right thing in years and no longer have garbage service no longer have have police out on the streets no longer have traffic lights that work no longer have you know i mean the taxes actually pay for things david wait a minute i understand but by disallowing the thirty and under who would be getting this tax exemption to make these refundable credits iran's by the increase in the payments of the student loans and such and perhaps by even applying
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a one hundred fifty dollars annual application fee that each under and thirty pays for the i'd bill do not believe there would be a loss at all perhaps there have been guys that you know i think i think we're going to. be in wages for those people but here let me flip this around and you're going back to a two tier system which i do know i'm not even if it goes into tears i don't believe the happen whenever taxes on working people go down so that the the amount of their take home pay goes up their employers over time will reduce the amount of money that they pay them to take on a state that's the beauty of the plan tom because it doesn't go down for everybody just the thirty and below so that he will just hire viewers on the apply for a job ok well let's talk about not interacting the labor force that because if you can if you can reduce the labor force then you're going to have more demand for labor the price of labor is going to go up right some people they'll be more weight on it. wages why don't we reduce the labor force at the i.r.s. we will not need so many governmental about another guy i thought this was
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a total labor force why don't we just just say that these social security and medicare retirement ages are no longer sixty five they're now fifty five about half of the people probably in that pit the five to sixty five traunch section of people will continue to work about half of those say hey cool i can retire or retire now and all of a sudden you've pulled ten fifteen million people out of the workforce and open opened up a whole lot of jobs for young people i don't do that. i don't think that makes financial sense however if you go back to the thirty and below they will be funding that social security administration paying in and as i said previously will not be a burden if you run a red then that government can keep its promises if you reduce that retirement age you're going to stimulate the economy you're going to increase people's wages you're getting peak increase tax collections and that it will pay for the additional people who are are who. you know it's all ok i was a sas
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a large amount that may sounds good to perhaps some of your viewing audience who just can't wait to retire earlier but i don't think it makes economic sense a variation on doing what france did when they went to the thirty five hour work week by cutting five hours of the work week but they did was they contract the labor market wages went up unemployment went down work for work for a generation i don't think france is i don't think france is the paradigm we wish to aspire to at the moment what we need to do is some basic economic housekeeping and perhaps by giving it this abatement of these young men and women it would in fact stimulate the economy it would motivate these individuals ok i got it david you're here repeating yourself and i and we're on time thank you very much for joining us tonight thank you for having me unfortunately tax cuts won't come close to solving the real problem in our economy thanks to so-called free trade most of our good jobs have already been shipped off to cheap labor countries and you want to work left in america involves that critical job skill of being able to say do
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you want fries with that. states around the nation have some homework to do before president obama's health reform was a case in full effect in two thousand and fourteen as part of the new law states was create what are called health insurance exchanges basically marketplaces where individuals looking for health insurance can pull together and find better rates for insurance plans it's similar members of congress and federal workers get their health insurance and states are required by two thousand and thirteen to prove to the federal government that they're on track to having those exchanges up and ready to go unfortunately today only about a quarter of all the states have taken steps toward creating these exchanges about a dozen republican controlled state legislatures have defeated bills to create health insurance exchanges and another thirteen states have yet to even consider the issue and to make matters worse forty three states are considering cuts to medicaid the spite the fact that president obama's health reform law expands medicaid not to mention the high unemployment is forcing more and more people onto
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government health insurance rolls to get by so well republican state lawmakers are turning their backs on the poor the sick one organization has had enough with the heartlessness and greed and the doing something about national nurses united's drying up of progressive democrats of america call for a day of action tomorrow as part of their health care not warfare campaign more about this effort is registered nurse jean ross with national nurses united jean welcome thank you for you to have here with us so tell us about the tomorrow's day of action what's what's what's going on well it's our staff nurse assembly will have about a thousand nurses out there from all over the country and they're coming to. lobby their legislators but legislators but also to explain to people what we have started right that leads from madison on and we're talking about our main street contract for america ok so the main street country playing off newt gingrich's old contract for america in the ninety's i remember it. tracking back each piece of
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legislation that he referenced in his ten points and six of that john pointed to one single piece of legislation which is basically tax cuts for rich people. tell me about your suggestion for well you know our job as a nurse's is to help heal to help mend and to keep people well and with what's going on in this country right now that's pretty much impossible because we're putting people back into a society that doesn't allow them to prevent illness in themselves and to heal themselves afterwards there are certain things that you need you need a roof over your head you need some security freedom from stress you need to be able to eat the right things to exercise properly you need to have money to live and with the way things are going with most of the money going to the top people can't do that and so not just taking care of people inside the walls of a hospital we're trying to help america heal period with the top one percent for
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that matter the four hundred richest families in america you know their own exactly what fifty percent of the nation's wealth or fifty percent of the income one of the other of which is it's it's really pretty kind of explode your head we're back to nine hundred twenty nine because the terms of these numbers. what what specific remedy i mean nurses talking about economics here what specific remedy are you suggesting or are you simply saying we have a crisis nurses we recognize this something must be done we are saying there's a crisis we recognize it we're going to do something about it actually we're going to we expect to start a movement and you know people say well why you well why not we're the most trusted occupation in the nation and there's a gallup poll done every year and we always come out at the top as the most ethical the most honest and we know why because we're there we see people at their most vulnerable while people left their most vulnerable are not as they said before just in the hospital anymore are the stories that patients tell us the stories from our
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own family member. as in friends people cannot make it in the society that we have come to make and it's time to change it is this inspired by franklin roosevelt's second bill rhodes i would say that it is it's bad and it's. well in its entirety but we're what we're trying to do is explain to our fellow nurses so that they can get the word out and talk to other people and say there is hope we were very inspired by what happened in madison we have been saying for some time it's time for people to take it to the streets it's the only thing that seems to be working you know we need statesmen nowadays we don't just need politicians and so the only way to start a movement is that somebody do it so we kind of took off from madison we found that people were very hungry for the message of you're right it is wall street stop that's where the money is it's not that we're broke the money is there to help us to heal us to make society the way it should be before we can't recognize our world
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anymore are you advocating for a return to securities transfer excise tax the tax that we had from the thirty five and sixty yes we are every time starkers border soldiers a thousandth of a penny or a tenth of a penny that's right they're not paying anything on it and look what they've done with it i mean they've caused this crisis that we've got and they've caused us to turn inward on each other and look at what they're doing there vilifying nurses and teachers and firefighters a cab drivers everybody anybody publicly this is this is a rather interesting though in the we have just a minute left here but we see all these states going after public employee unions public employees and teachers and particularly pensions only one of the going to come after nurses are of the already started they've already started in the public sector certainly but even the private they're asking us to justify our salaries well you know we're telling people you're right to be angry you shouldn't have to justify good benefits and your salary if you work hard for them and it it can't
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hurt others. you have the benefits that they shouldn't be denied either so we'll keep them thank you very much looking to need to fight for them for us and for others that's marvelous jeanne thanks so much for being with us tonight it's great to nature more than sixty five years ago president roosevelt unveiled a second bill of rights that all americans should be entitled to he said that those new rights including the right to a job with a fair wage the right to food and clothing and recreation the right for every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living the right of every businessman large and small to be free from domination by them and i believe at home or abroad i'm using roosevelt's language here the right of every family to a decent home the right to adequate health care the right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age sickness accident and unemployment and the right to a good education unfortunately after all this time it seems like roosevelt's second bill of rights is becoming harder and harder to attain and that's why it's
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important to show up tomorrow and march with national races united democrats of america to breathe new life into a second bill of rights. after the break a daily take on why america has a happiness deficit and what we can do to turn those frowns upside down. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think the plumbing the the one.
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we have the government says. her keep him safe get ready because her freedoms. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then he lives something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you don't know i'm charging them is a big issue. for . folks.
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the the it's the good the bad of the very very hyper actively ugly first
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good friend secretary robert gates speaking to marines in afghanistan yesterday gates reaffirmed his support for repeal of don't ask don't tell but as to members of the marine corps can opt out of their tour duties because gays can serve alongside them it's what lee said no he went on to say the reality is that you don't all agree with each other on your policy if you don't agree with each other on your religion you don't agree with each other on a lot of things but you still serve to get any work together and you look out for each other and that's all that matters well said sir now let's get around to implementing that repeal so. the bad north carolina stay congressman tom tilts as the republican speaker of the house in that state tell us took it upon himself at a recent political convention to rail against his state's teacher union tell us said i don't care about kids their care about classrooms and i care about their jobs their pensions. the funny thing about what kills just said is that his party just
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cut well over one hundred million in education funding in the state giving more than thirteen thousand teachers the pink slip looks like to listen to republican cohorts are the ones who really don't care about education in north carolina and the very very ugly sarah pail and zombies as we told you last week during her mega see how let's. see how much confusion i can spread in one week bus tour hailing completely botched or taken to war paul revere played in american history take a look. around. the kurdish city we're going to be taking away our arms by rebels still in the end he sure is he's right he is hard to defend those marines shot some bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free. pale and supporters immediately went to wikipedia to rewrite the paul revere page to conform to failings misunderstanding of history some users attempted to insert in the page that we hear was indeed warning british citizens
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and that he did ring a bell and set a lighted lanterns luckily the efforts of pale and real writers and blocked american history according to sarah pailin facts theory theory. are you happy cancers are you probably aren't that's because according to a new study by twenty four seven wall street that looked into the o.e.c.d. as better life index to determine what the happiest nations of the planet are the u.s. didn't even crack the top ten were not even in the top ten of happiest countries in the world the study examined quality of life things like health education housing the environment jobs community work life balance between the two and income to figure out what truly makes the nation happy so let's take a look at the five top happiest nations in the world all the way happier than we are here in the united states and as you'll see for
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a good reason at number five the netherlands ninety one percent of the people living in the netherlands say that they're satisfied with their lives the highest ranking anywhere in the world that might be because the dutch citizen spend an average seventy percent of their days not working but instead on personal care leisure activities eating and sleeping sixteen hours a day or so i do you spend every day doing this or. that number for australia seventy one percent of the citizens in the land down under trust their political institutions here in the u.s. only forty percent of us trust our government one of the lowest rating ratings in the developed world also ninety six percent of australians are polled to be in good health in the us who we spend more money on health care than any other nation on earth only eighty eight percent of americans are actually in good health looks like someone's getting gypped. and number three norway people tend to be pretty happy when they have a job and in norway a lot of people have jobs only point three four percent three and so one percent of
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the population has been out of work for more than a year as one of the best ratings in all of the o.e.c.d. the nations the us percentage of people unemployed for more than a year is eight times higher and even though they are well employed the average our region only works about twenty seven hours a week just twenty seven hours a day us we work on average thirty four hours a week that's more than one hour longer each work day. at number two our neighbor to the north canada canada has the tenth highest life expectancy in the developed world far better than the united states which is ranked twenty sixth in the world where those socialists up there are on to something here plus canada post the third highest literacy rate in the world well the u.s. ranks fourteenth so how much longer until canada has to close its southern border team americans from pouring over looking for a happier life. and at number one the happiest nation on the planet denmark for
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several years now and study after study denmark has found itself atop the list of happiest nations on earth but it comes to a sense of community denmark has the best parks in the world with ninety seven percent of the population saying they have someone other than a family member that they can count on when in need isn't that what makes happiness friends and community after all it's not having a bunch of money in your pocket because denmark not so coincidentally also has the highest income tax rate of all the o.e.c.d. de sions also in denmark women are guaranteed a full year of maternity leave if you try to plan a summer vacation to just see how just the danes do it so there you have it the top five happiest nations on the planet all of them far happier than we are here in the united states so what all these nations have in common that makes them so happy. for one universal health care when you don't have the worry about going bankrupt just because you got sick you know to worry about leaving a dead end job because you lose your health insurance and there's
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a lot more room to be happy but there's a bigger picture here a more profound reason why all these nations are happier than america and that is they all have some sort of publicly financed elections they all have told their corporate c.e.o.'s and their billionaires to get the hell out of their politics they've affirmed that their elections of belong to the commons just like their health care their education and their environment and as long as elections belong in the commons the corporations. can't buy them or at least preferred them with their deep pockets all of these happy nations though some of the highest voter turnouts in the world but here in the united states republicans are trying to kill the last vestiges of public elections by defunding the public funding of presidential elections and thanks to our supreme court decisions that have given rise to super pacs and allowed corporations to spend unlimited amounts on our elections publicly financed elections are largely extinct no way nowadays anyway
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our lawmakers now have to devote four hours a day to making phone calls and it's ending fundraisers just to accumulate enough corporate cash to run again for office next year and their corporate cash they get comes with strings attached that's why over here our policies seem to be geared toward welfare in the form of big oil subsidies big wall street bailouts and big tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires whereas over there in happier nations their policies are geared toward helping the working class the majority of people who vote through government investments in education health care and labor the happy nations spend far more of their g.d.p. on social programs than we do here in the united states so even though we seem to get a lot of enjoyment out of our badly corrupted political system and the corporate shills like sarah palin and mitt romney are doing and which team will win our corporate own politics are actually making us on happy it's the one thing standing in the way of americans finally achieving the happiness they hope for what's the point of
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being exceptional as robert ronald reagan would describe america if that exceptionality doesn't make us happy. until we fix our elections kick the corporate millionaires and billionaires out and claim once and for all that our democracy belongs to we the people but it's part of the commons and will always be stuck in the muck wondering if this is as good as it gets. that's the big picture for tonight more information the stories we covered this in our website thom hartmann dot com and r t dot com also check out our youtube page at youtube dot com slash the big picture our t.v. and you tube dot com slash tom parker and this entire shows available is a free video podcast on i tunes and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active your it.
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will. remain the latest in signs and signals from the realms. of the future. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images cloak world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule today.


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