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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2011 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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for the. international bankers and dig deeper into their pockets to inject billions of dollars into egypt's ailing economy the people there say it's unlikely to end up where it's needed. russia's envoy meets the opposition doing a mediation mission in libya aimed at putting an end to civil war. this means that council meets intensified mentis strikes on colonel gadhafi spin she also now here in the capital tripoli for more on that journey refinishing just a moment from tree place. on the final miles on earth all to you find out what's going through the minds of the international crew of space travelers head of their trip into orbit.
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international news and comment live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. international bankers are preparing to hand out a massive loan to egypt's temporary leaders just months after praising the financial growth overseen by the former regime that money is aimed at reducing the economy but the number of conditions attached to the cash is likely to weigh hard on ordinary people paula still reports some people fear that egypt's sovereignty is being sold off. as if the international monetary fund doesn't have enough on its plate it's agreed to loan three billion dollars to cairo and move critics say is absurd this is a bribe that the west is trying to give to the regime lest the new one. turns against the west but climbers insisting the money will help stabilize the
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country's finances especially now with mubarak on and the country going through a transitional period but observers say it's the same spin with only slightly different marketing these greens are being made with traditional transitional governments and these transitional governments have. become a primarily out of something is the be all regime that can cause primary use from your regime for example samir radwan the finance minister in egypt has been negotiating this law and was a mubarak appointee obama's promise in cairo a billion dollars more in loan guarantees and on top of that another billion indeed cancelation french president nicolas sarkozy is committed to g. eight to providing up to ten billion dollars in direct aid it's a commitment the west says it's making to help each actions get back on its feet the united states and the west are trying to reduce the damage caused by the revolutions v our. considerable financial
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contributions. economy and the perfect ways through the i.m.f. which is heavily influenced by the united states for. many many years the i.m.f. has been considered as an warm of american foreign. policy is this. is unstable. would could be considered is a waste of money on something that. is very shaky what's more it comes with particular strings attached. and that the deal could in fact spell trouble both of us who did. very. well and what is the worst trouble or. syria a country really loses its sovereignty so western big is really to requote.
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the regime. country but most egyptians fear is that the money will get used up long before it reaches the pockets believing it's likely to be only a small elite as well as international banks will benefit from the loans the last time the i.m.f. injected a large amount of money into egypt was twenty years ago but since then the number of rejections in living below just two dollars a day doubled in february this year the i.m.f. praised the mubarak regime as the sound fiscal management in egypt as far as libya went if the outlook for the economy remains stable but just days later mubarak was ousted and tripoli was engulfed in anti gadhafi demonstrations so it's no surprise of many say the i.m.f. rates the country the closer their country is to having of evolution highlighting just how wrong the organization from the policy r.t. to level of. russia's envoy in libya says the rebels there have been given strong
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backing to moscow's attempts to broker talks between both sides in the civil war with the main mediation role in the conflict will remain with the african union mission reports now from the region. the russian special presidential envoy become arguello is now here in leave it to try to mediate in the civil war that has lasted for months already and has already claimed many many allies including innocent civilians we seriously think that their strikes never sold with political problems and you know we said it here very clearly as long as the bloodshed continues the longer it continues the more difficult it will be to build a national reconciliation process to the civil war so we are very much in favor of building political bridges so to speak and we are ready to help that comes following president medvedev said on some an after the g.
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eight meeting in france that's colonel gadhafi has lost its legitimacy and should step down no one can predict how successful this special peace mission of the russian federation will be here in libya but one thing is clear that will definitely not be easy because of his government has repeatedly strongly rejected the possibility of the colonel qadhafi standing down while these is the major and the most important among all the radicals the russian peace mediators the rival coincides with an intensification of nature as a military activity here in libya we're actually not allowed to leave the hotel where we have stayed now in the center of tripoli but from here we can see and hear that nato has intensified its strikes on colonel gadhafi as miter arsenault here in the city just days ago the alliance extended its war against the conductor
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regime and has for the first time started to use an attack helicopter as a mission for the research foreign secretary has declared activist in the rebels in benghazi himself that they had no operation against gadhafi here in libya. last beyond christmas rush is very concerned about this saying that made his actions illegally operative into the sambo ground operation more and more this is something russia is strong to pace through and russia has always been strongly opposed to insisting on diplomatic and political means to suffer conflict. ortiz mirror financial reporting from the libyan capital tripoli. we want you all to work with your lawyer from the russian capital with twenty four hours a day still to come in the program open door policy europe debates whether opening its borders will do more harm than good in wake of the recent influx of illegal immigrants. still to come but first
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a nineteen gun salute fanfares and drums the german chancellor angela merkel's official visit to the u.s. started with a bang but behind the smiles and warm words not everything is sweet in relations between president obama and the leader he calls a trusted partner. and has more for us now from washington d.c. . angela merkel the german chancellor is being received with great palm it's her first official visit to the united states she'd been here quite a few times but this one is supposed to be special because it's official but many doubt that this is it means anything more than photo ops given that the two nations are more divided than ever on the issues of the vein hooting of gannets then iraq and levy or germany chose to withhold its support for military action really good siding with russia and china here being under a lot of pressure from the u.s. the u.k. and france germany is supported the war in afghanistan but now analysts say it's admonition contribution is unlikely to survive even the next election cycle so
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there is a rift between washington and literally not just on wars but on other policies as well germany plans to bend nuclear energy all together as opposed to the u.s. that expands its nuclear power plants on the economy germany has a completely different approach they have high taxes better wealthier traits or a plastic produce more they export more while the u.s. is head over heels in that is running a trade deficit of health a trillion dollars so on none of the issues are in germany and the u.s. on the same page really some say amid all this splendid formal reception the two leaders could have little to talk about really angle merkel when she became chancellor six years ago was expected to be very pro-american because she grew up in common is this germany and she was in many ways at the beginning of her career then with the wars in iraq and afghanistan her support of the u.s. for the u.s. policies has faded when president obama came into office the two got off to a rocky start when she refused they were in obama's two thousand and eight
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presidential speech campaigning to let him speak in front of the brandenburg gate a cold war symbol famously used as a backdrop by president john kennedy and ronald reagan some say the returned safely returned a year later by turning down merkel's invitation to help mark the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the girling wall so on the surface it's all smiles and handshakes but analysts say with the new developments in the world go all the revolutions and the wars the rift between washington and berlin is getting deeper. and there in washington in four hours from now three men will start their journey into orbit aboard a russian soyuz rocket spent five months in space carrying out hundreds of scientific experiments so as rockets are the first and very soon the only choice for manned spaceflight and in the near future they could be taking an oscar winning director on a flight of fancy avatar creator james cameron is rumored to a book one hundred fifty million dollar ticket for
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a trip to the moon in twenty fifteen over the time being go from baikonur a russian an american and a japanese astronauts into space obviously france has been finding out what drives them to head for the final frontier. it's go time for the crew of expedition twenty eight to the international space station in the final days and hours leading to blast off it's all come down to one thing for the team quarantine a whole mark of any space program. welcome to the good of the you know why is this not a cause for new. questions we have a chance to work out the chance. to a way to get ready to go fly in space. that's right. shooting pool. working out. and playing with their custom made space suits
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in a fight to retain muscle mass for the six months in zero gravity physical exercise occupies a surprising amount of time and it's difficult such. a doctor want to defy new advances in medicine using outer space of all called wanted to follow in his father alexander's footsteps as a cosmonaut but it was a secret bulk of sr only found out by flipping through application files. that you or i saw a personal file with the name sergei volkov on it but it didn't even dawn on me until i flipped the cover page and saw his picture that's my phone completely shocked and dumbfounded i genuinely never expected this to happen i feel very proud but it gave way to worry because i know the space travel is very dangerous i knew i would worry whenever he's on a space trip. for mike fossum as an american boy growing up in texas watching the moon landing paved his way to the stars and i remember you know watching that and just my mind just exploding it was some perfume months later through the schools we
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had a program where you could buy very simple little paperback books and i got to work on the first moon landing and i remember sitting in my bed reading this just history made about it i was twelve years. all the time when i pulled out a pen i wrote inside the cover of this book you know you know i have witnessed all of the things that took place in here and someday i will reach to the stars at the time he never expected it would be ross cosmos the russian space agency would be helping to take him there with a nasa about to wind up its space shuttle program cosmos may offer the only way to space now for astronauts but for tourists it also offers one of the most expensive four day vacations many of them have ever taken it costs thousands of dollars to view a launch in kazakstan but dozens have shown up to do it alexander preview nischelle who left russia for new jersey seventeen years ago wasn't going to miss out on like
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it's almost like orchid society just like. you can see where this is so it's really cool experience back in quarantine the crew don't get to see their rocket yet they're separated from loved ones by glass waiting just hours for the adventure to finally be given lindsey france r t baikonur cosmodrome has its down. well for more of the stories we're covering on there that you see on screen head to all t.v. dot com all the news and eye catching videos are always there for you is a quick look at what's online at the moment as you can call this drug has become washington's weapon of choice of broad fears melt the human body of an unmanned aircraft will soon keep people in line at home. h two o. no russian office staff could soon be forced to pay for the water they drink at work. forces are planning to do it full story for you. of course.
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european parliament strasberg has been debating a report into whether bold kerry and rumania are ready to join the area it would mean easier travel to and from those countries within the e.u. but sarah not for the british liberal democrat thinks that without internal borders within the e.u. the problem of illegal immigration cannot be solved. it's finally up to the e.u. government to decide whether those countries can join and they're meeting next week to decide but the apartment just has a role of saying whether they agree but of course there has also been migration pressures other pressures other worries about those countries joining the border free zone particularly arising from the events in north africa the arab spring which of course has been extremely welcome but one of the offshoots of. migration across the mediterranean tragically with hundreds of people dying actually in the
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med but pressures on countries like italy and greece pressures with which they should have coped better than they have put the fear is that if you don't have internal borders migrants can move north and west across the you without encountering passport. checks on the way. to join some other international news we're covering our world up very useful in chief of the post one hundred fifty million euros a very well produced by the current crisis earlier of the e.u. officials warn germany against making comments about the source of the contamination which is so far claimed twenty two lawyers mean one hundred new infections has been reported the number of people affected know that over two thousand three hundred. syrian authorities are promised a strong response after its claims that one hundred twenty policemen were killed by armed gangs in the north of the country the government said it would act with force
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and in line with the law to restore control state t.v. reports that the security forces died in an ambush in a town near the turkish border although local people have cast doubt on the claims of the twelve hundred people have died in protests against president bashar al assad since march. japan has more than doubled its estimate of the amount of radiation that leaked from the fukushima nuclear plant in the first week after the earthquake and tsunami the country's nuclear watchdog also said meltdowns took place in three reactors more quickly than earlier been believed the facility is still leaking radiation plant operator is hoping to switch it off by january although there are fears it may take longer. it's a tight job market in the u.s. at the moment especially for newcomers trying to find their way in with half of last year's graduates still employed the class of two thousand and eleven also appears to be facing a grim future and with the heavy burden of thousands of dollars of student loans and no jobs to pay them off we are entering
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a vicious circle report not has more. america is home to the world's most expensive and prestigious universities yet paying for them has created a nation where the majority sign on to lifetime payments of loans probably about sixty thousand dollars through. over like ninety thousand easy. yes i make you nervous yes that makes me terrified every american graduate is launching into a dwindling job market saddled with at least twenty four thousand dollars in student debt the that really led to great job or start a great company i'm going to be seriously in the hole according to the economic policy institute the us economy currently has one job for every five applicants meanwhile business for bankruptcy attorney cannot be live in is surging half of his clients are unemployed degree holders drowning in debt anyone going to college essentially is gambling once again from an investor's point of view right now the
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way the dollar is the way inflation is going and the way the job market is a college education just isn't a good investment and not a good return on your money even economics professors on the inside like richard wolfe say in sleeving students to banks is a disaster for americans economic viability the future of any country in the world economy these days the pens first and foremost on the probably the quantity of. crane young workers and the major institutions that produce that of the colleges and universities you're pricing them out of there today the form i no longer serves as a guaranteed cost or to prosperity for americans in the meantime the number of foreigners studying at u.s. colleges and universities has reached record highs according to the latest statistics nearly seven hundred thousand international students have flown in from
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all over the world to stay. you know where in the majority are transplanting from america's economic competitor according to the institute of international education chinese students studying in the states surged thirty percent in two thousand and nine most foreign families reportedly bypassed financial aid and pay full tuition since one nine hundred seventy eight the cost of u.s. colleges and universities has reportedly increased more than nine hundred percent while household income rose just one hundred fifty percent what you're seeing is american universities particularly the elite are happier to have foreigners who tend to pay their own way because they come from the very top of those societies. will forgo the americans from care and afforded much in the way i mean way according to the pew research center fifty seven percent of americans say college is not worth the price but with
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a widening workforce of untrained and educated many wonder what the u.s. economy will eventually be worth. r.t. new york. a russian woman is battling the court's society's attitudes to be recognized as the mother of four baby grandchildren and control to see if case stems from the fact that the children were born using her late son's sperm and sorry. this report. it was only at fifty seven that lamarr understood the true meaning of having her hands full an accomplished scientist a wife of three decades and also a devoted mother none of these roles kept her as busy as she is now her tragedy she became a grandmother only after she'd lost everything else. you know the death of my son created a hole in my life that i will never close but the birth of my grandchildren certainly
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provide some solace is god's gift to me the mar son died of cancer three years ago but before his first chemotherapy session doctors conserved his sperm with the help of surrogate mothers two sets of twins were brought into the world. the march has meant laughter his scientific career was put on hold yet lamar says they're all trifles compared to did bereavement brought about by her son's death lucian perished. it's love which is further grief but it's love nonetheless three years ago i couldn't imagine myself even smiling let alone laughing or singing songs but the little ones pulled me out of this abyss of despair. but her large family supported lamar so she has no financial or parental concerns about raising her grandchildren khamenei problem now is the reluctance of the russian state to recognize her as the moderator of this children and her deceased son as their
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father. amar has taken the issue to court with a ruling expected on wednesday to laura believes the law is in their side. according to russian law there are no limits on who can become a parent through the use of surrogate mother who of course cases like this one are still very unusual in russia that's why some registration offices are courts of rachel's me be confused and refuse to register children but the. law is different three in our favor. lamar is the third woman in russia who use the sperm of her deceased son to continue the family's lineage yet whether it is due to her age but the sheer number of children involved her story a good many russians questioning the affleck's of this kind of parenting. you would all these exercises employment comics' ultimately lead to this very ambiguous situation we can really tell the difference between a son and grandson there are so many orphans in russia so she wanted to be
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a mother she could have easily realized her maternal instincts i think ultimately it's a very selfish drive to pass your genes no matter what. but lamar couldn't care less about societal attitudes too much suffering for the loss of your only son persuaded her that there is no such thing as too many grandchildren russian law has not age caps for people who are willing to adopt children the only cabbage is that a potential parent should be at least sixteen years old or there be charges in the muskies these days difference is almost sixty years just doesn't sit easily in a country where most people become parents before they turned thirty they were raising even two kids has often been more than a handful on the boycott artsy moscow. just a few minutes from now will be talking to a pulitzer winning writer on why he believes the us is so keen to find nuclear
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weapons in iran before that it's the business of great dimitri. thanks very much bill in a warm welcome to business r c b p could be taking steps to sell its fifty percent stake in the russian venture d.m.k. v.p. to state run ross net that's according to the wall street journal the move could help the british well major save the corporation deal with russia's largest oil producer he were recently failed to buy out its russian partners in the joint venture. we had to block the deal with ross in the act now he's partners are objecting to the sale saying they will lose control over the company and the say the deal could help improve its financial situation but it may also be a blow to the company's oil output however from invest cafe independent research doubts the deal could take place at all. i do not believe that will allow for
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twenty five percent say shareholding in team came in to be sold to a strategic competitor such as rosneft ultimately moved by b.p. to negotiate a more fair valuation for a share both team k d p i think you go she says will take place but the reason why b.p. is pressing for a new this is that they're interested in developing the arctic reserves sort of rushing joint in joint venture with the next. leg of the markets now we start with and prices actually surprisingly makes light sweet the spalling seventy five cents brant is up by almost the same amount to one hundred fifteen dollars a barrel this is a opec members are gathering in vienna to review the target for oil output and also worries that the u.s. recovery underscore expectations of waiting to mount the energy some of the stock markets so we start with the united states they are trading in positive territory rebounding after a long streak of losses and tracking gains in europe alcoa is leading the gains on
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the dow it's up to. well procter and gamble's losing ground zero. stock markets in europe ended tuesday's session slightly positive was gaining on the foot c.h.m. be also quite positive in london after the company said it secured new financial agreement with its banks and utility stocks were up in germany on leading the way on the day it's. moved to russia and stocks jumped so by a hefty amount they are ts up two percent my sex one point eight percent this is on the back of rebounding oil prices and metals prices if you look at individual shares you'll see ross snapped up two point four percent that's on the speculation that it may acquire a stake in rival oil producer t m k b p o c t t v's is up to gas prom was up four and a half percent the company is negotiating gas prices with ukraine and belarus than banking stocks were also on the rise from t.v.
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up normal to six. is insults he will be back in fifteen minutes time with play next up on r.t. the headlines with. the close up team has been to the boulder grand reach thank you all the turning
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point i'm learning more to. this time archie goes to the region where half of the area is occupied by a nature preserve. where the young generation transit in their ancestors. and where the mysterious city of a good long welcome good republic good marker set young russia close up on our teeth. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china for asians are old today.


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