tv [untitled] June 7, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT
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the. main news stories this. is the out meet russian capital the i.m.f. is handing out billions of dollars to egypt's government. praising the financial growth under the previous regime and that is meant to revive the country's economy but people say it's unlikely to end when it's needed. on a mediating mission to libya russia's envoy meets the opposition in a bid to put an end to the civil war the visit comes as nato intensifies attacks on the capital tripoli the step up pressure. and is the final countdown for an
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international trio of astronauts before their trip to the stars of the russian soyuz rocket propelled into orbit from the remote baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan . and we'll have full live coverage. very soon in just over thirty minutes from now when they arrive pads and saudi arabia's nuclear ambitions are part of a. look at the business world i'll be back. with more and of course the. max keiser welcome back to the kaiser report became track of all the banking terrorists and rapists hey let's talk states here were saying he was going to thanks guys or the first headline actually has you in it. superbug goes viral with marketing war max kaiser has become
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a fringe media star thanks to the way. they go on to talk about the guerrilla warfare you know that's why america lost vietnam isn't because of the french viet cong. well they're talking about the crash j.p. morgan by silver campaign and it's interesting that this campaign has gone viral because you're not only saying like protect yourself against inflation and the currency wars that are going on against the population but it's a way to end market manipulation and the corrupt system that we have as the article points out for every dollar you take out of the physical universe of silver you impact or impart one hundred dollars of liability onto the balance sheet of financial terrorist and rapist number one j.p. morgan and jamie diamond well let's look at what has happened in the mainstream media what's going on in the mean stream media max yes so here is from c.m.d. see the biggest most mainstream of the financial news networks wall street baffled
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by slowing economy low yields trader so this is c m d c and they're interviewing peter yeah stroud was a market strategist and he says traders are panicked they think there's a great great depression but listen to what he has how he summarizes what is happening and all the sales tweaking and all the interest rates we get all over town store adjustments or else you're not going to be able to see those if we cannot get across the labor that's wrong with the rest of the planet and we can't get our productivity wobbles high enough to justify the ways already doing yes the key phrase there is and then he says that we need to get the global wages in the sink basis right that's right so he wants american wages to come down to four thousand five thousand dollars a year about where chinese wages are now that's right that's the whole goal of the global banking system and this is the whole goal of obama and the obama
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administration is to facilitate global bankers to put in place a system where global wages are at parity so that the you. average income is something like forty thousand that has to get down to four thousand that's a drop of ninety percent before there is any kind of symmetry in the global banking system and of course they want to seek parity in all the global banking laws and regulations as well to makes things like high frequency trading which goldman sachs and wall street to steal one hundred million dollars a day more available to their partners in various locations around the world yes but max this is this guy is a banker he's speaking to bankers and c. and b. c. he's being interviewed by fellow bankers and c. and b. c. and know his contempt for what look what ben bernanke is doing to help us he's cutting rates he's keeping down rates thanks to ben bernanke he says earlier in the interview but he is not houdini it's those peasants those people who are taking too
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much wages even though real wages have declined for the past thirty years in america matched by a rise in real debts by americans who cannot afford to live but also productivity gains in america have been massive over the last thirty years and who has scooped that out none of it has gone back to labor it is all gone to these very same people like peter ya and all of those other bankers on the floor of the stock exchange scooping out all of their wealth with their high frequency trading machines they blame the persons they blame the peasants and this is wherever in the world you see an occupying aristocracy you see the aristocracy blaming the persons whether they're blaming the greeks for example oh the shifty greeks don't pay their taxes this is you see the occupying bankers blaming the peasants or you see it of course throughout history whenever you've got a strong oligarch in place of course they always blame the peasants in this case
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the american peasants are being blamed for the american middle ages by the banking occupation well look at this have light from the other side of the atlantic from london forget entrepreneurs only banks can create wealth. this is an editorial from deborah or who is quoted as being one of britain's leading social and political commentators she says we must hope the banks become less sick and less mad and realize that to save themselves they must save everyone their market fundamentalists who believe in their god which is mammon and they are the gatekeepers to the mammon and they're saying that only we can allow for you to have access to god of money well ok so this woman says entrepreneur has been said so many times over the past thirty years create wealth right this minute the
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foolish government is sitting around waiting with bated breath for glamorous entrepreneurs to get on with doing just that so why are entrepreneurs being so shy she goes on to say so again thirty years ago as i said in the beginning wages have been coming down all of the productivity gains of incomes of bankers so what we've had in fact in the last thirty years is not waiting around for entrepreneurs we've had monopolies backed by the force of the government handing all of our wealth creation over to bankers the entrepreneurs have been neutered yeah exactly so her saying that let's stop sitting around waiting for them and let's have the banks save us the banks are the ones that killed us they're the ones that destroyed us and she doesn't know that to save ourselves we need to save ourselves with the banks right while this is why the banks have routes around of themselves as cloak the religious right just behavior that they're doing god's work
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they are trying to protect themselves by claiming divine right of kings or that this is how they're trying to escape the retribution well so she's also saying that basically banks can only base can create wealth because they can print money well let's go back to america and look at this headline. analysis third time's the charm whispers of q e three emerge remember so we're all being indoctrinated that only banks can create wealth so this is reuters asking micro federal reserve extend its bond purchases beyond june what until this week was a paella sky notion is suddenly fair game for market speculation well not on this show we've been saying unequivocally that q e three or the equivalent is coming you know tears ran out and of course they would let the market go through some kind of crash of some sort to frighten people and zero begging for the next q.e. and to totally annihilate their purchasing power and this is the great thing about
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propaganda and the confidence tricks used by the federal reserve and obama administration is that they get people to actually beg for their own imprisonment that's the trick we said this almost two years ago at q.e. one that there would be q.e. two and q e three and q e four and q e five but they're acting in the mainstream media like that this was considered pious guy or are only in a fringe media is what they're saying because the wealth component in the u.s. is tied to consumption you know seventy percent of the g.d.p. is consumption people wages their wealth by how much they consume they never taken a consideration that one hundred percent or i should say five hundred percent of their consumption is driven by dead accumulation it's a one dollar of debt to generate one dollar of g.d.p. thirty years ago then it got to six or seven dollars of debt to generate one dollar g.d.p. just a few years ago and then it hit the debt saturation point and we've been having this colossal total global screw up ever since and in response to the federal
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reserve has simply injected more fear out currency or debt into the system and that's causing ultimately the final solution people are just dying on the reservations and ghettos created by the federal reserve to get rid of this problem now the final two headlines. here go to our group see here everybody says everything is going to be fine in china. regrets selling his kidney to buy an i pad a seventeen year old student in providence sold one of his kidneys for twenty thousand yuan which is about three thousand dollars only to guy in i pad two now with his health getting worse the boy is feeling regret but it is too late. steve jobs develop a dialysis app for the i pad to help a poor kid out he sounds crazy right to sell his kidney for three thousand dollars to buy an i pad but why does he need to sell his kidney because somebody else probably in america needs
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a kidney and why do so many americans need kidney transplants well because to save themselves three thousand dollars they eat food that's what it's food like substances that are processed foods that have no nutritional value they cause the mountain tradition that is obesity and they or their kidneys end up exploding like ducks on a fog or our farm and then they need to go buy something because it because they save themselves a few thousand there or they have to spend another few thousand to go have some guy replace kidney out oh yes this is a global economy is that work to these become a currency that are swapped by the third world people who make gadgets in the first world who are dying from kidney failure well max here's the final headline from china china's slowdown starts with a spark now remember the man who set himself on fire in tunisia led to that uprising which has spread throughout the middle east for the well here's jim libin a resident of inner mongolia who ran a business empire encompassing supermarkets mining and transport well he just said
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himself on fire one day in april and burnt to death the reason was because that he had millions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars worth of loans but because the government of china is cracking down on inflation the article says that china is using financial to. pools to undermine inflation and rather than merely allowing interest rates to rise however i can see they're learning from the banking terrorists in america the bank of china has steadily tie into the major banks reserve requirements which now stand at twenty one percent that is effectively made credit more difficult to obtain without disturbing the nominal price of a loan a consequences that well connected borrowers primarily state owned or state controlled companies still can get abundant cheap credit while players on the private market have an increasingly tough time so this guy was paying huge interest payments every day because that he was not politically connected just like goldman sachs borrows from the fed at point zero zero one percent what everybody else even
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the semi connected banks borrow at point five percent and everybody else thirty oh it's financial discrimination so connected you know you're going to be paying a lot for the money you borrow and since the entire economy is driven runs on borrowed money and there are no jobs are no manufacturing jobs there's no way to even grow your own food or to have a job or sustain yourself and your family you have to be in debt and so the debt interest is determined by the club the cracks in the oligarchs as jim crow laws apply to interest rates but like i said about the bankers on c.m.t. see talking there that they were so bad it's the same thing going on in china they're going to be all these state connected bankers are going to be baffled about all this spontaneous combustion going on who are all these people just spontaneously combusting. you know back in the plantation days in america the plantation owners be say well it was obviously it is so we see them go. you know
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what's the point of that i mean yeah the slaves or something because they don't want to be slaves does. ok thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max ok that's going to do it for this part of the show but don't go away much more coming your way. man there are people suffering. some take advantage of power that was given to them. she crudes a good dirty money. on our keep. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realms. we've got the future covered.
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i will go back to the kaiser report. these wall street scanners that they need more attention where he thinks they serve or yes max wall street as we said is so baffling by why the economy is collapsing but i thought i had to stay on and give you some more headlines to help them help themselves lovin it well first. part of the reason why there's a death spiral of in the economy of the united states of course is the price of gasoline you know that soaring and oil prices have been soaring so let's look at this headline here max saudi arabia plans to build sixteen nuclear reactors by twenty thirty. now the reason why i point this out is they're spending one hundred billion dollars to build sixteen nuclear power plants that doesn't look good for those who believe that oil is endless book remember we made a film called peaked about the whole peak oil phenomenon and we actually went up to
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the saudi border and we talked to people on the ground in the region they told us that galois and big oil fields that he rabia like bergen in kuwait like cancer al and mexico is in rapid decline so this is proof in my opinion that the saudi oil reserves are plummeting the country is madly scrambling to replace that energy capacity with these with these reactors and if anyone thinks that the supply of oil from this fracking operation going on in texas now you see them in texas they found out that well you know all they have to do is do a little fracking by totally destroying the crust of the earth which incidentally and fill me in on the details in another city they were fracking and they cause an earthquake and they shut it down right that was in blackpool england cooling when they were doing the fracking they go in there and they fracture of the crust of the earth using hydraulic fracking fluid made out of one thousand percent carcinogenic
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sludge which they then dump into the water which you then drink to help oh all the energy companies saudi arabia is obviously not going to produce be able to produce all that oil that the international energy agency says they're going through and it all is going to be ok big squeeze of arcadia may have rigged yemen or oil exports cable. so the cable is from the u.s. state department and it turns out that oil trading firm arcadia petroleum sued by regulators just last week for allegedly manipulating us oil prices used hardball tactics in yemen to buy the country's oil exports and below market prices until authorities revamped their. sales process to break up the trading houses long standing monopoly so arcadia was using a local agent who was a tribal leader named how me and our arm are now these cables from the u.s. state department say that once they had to compete with other competitors then they
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didn't take it lightly first they started reading the process where they were offering like a dollar more per barrel of then the other competitors to drive them and scare them out of the market but the state department cables then cite a highly ranked government officials that says all our arcadia took their fear of competition further and scared away potentially more competitive bidders by threatening to kidnap their representatives i think that falls under the category of best practices something called. good booze zone on the phone and sort of their instruction manual so they threatened all kinds of murder and mayhem if they didn't get their way well the point is is that here are guys who are running our global markets whether it's the high frequency traders or this guy just using old school fun tactics and sort of mafia tactics that run all of our price discovery
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mechanisms now the classics leg breaking some slaying skull fracture this is the stuff but price discovery is made out of you know you mentioned arcadia my first thought of course was philip green's company arcadia in the u.k. they are top shops and they're being protested by u.k. uncut for price fixing market manipulation and not paying their taxes so this group of arcadia they seems to attract a lot of bell. well actually philip green i saw was in the news as well because he's advising david cameron about how to make government more efficient government is run of course on taxpayer dollars so a guy who pays no tax is advising the government. on how to spend his taxes pretty but has a lot of chutzpah you've gone to the right guy to get advice on how to run a number of or especially a guy doesn't pay the taxes a good one like i said we have the market makers around the world rigging the
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markets the prices and refusing and well basically using strong arm tactics against any competitors here's another headline analyst goldman too big to face prosecution . market maker goldman sachs apparently won't face criminal prosecution related to sales of mortgage linked securities because such a move could threaten the u.s. financial system according to brad hince an analyst at sanford c. bernstein and company the u.s. department of justice which is reviewing a senate subcommittee report that alleged goldman sachs misled clients before the financial crisis will avoid jeopardizing the fifth largest u.s. bank by assets because it's viewed as too big to fail well there's a suicide banker that's got their hand on the pen of the grenade that will blow themselves up as lloyd blankfein he says you tell me step closer and investigate more financial terrorism go put it's going to blow and that's their defense they're saying you can't investigate us because we're psychos were financial terrorists are
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like the boy in the dike and i'm not talking about these village either i'm talking about the story that came out of you know the other ones so here is the wall street guy again these are the people who are baffled by the collapsing economy so here says his quote his letter goes on to say if an alleged violation is identified during a goldman investigation we expect a reasoned response from the justice department or reasoned response is in a worst case environment we would expect it too big to fail banks such as goldman to be offered deferred prosecution agreement pay a significant fine and submit to a federal monitor in lieu of a criminal charge this is what a reasoned response looks like here's goldman sachs ok so you call it as we make them look i wish we could close the bribe voters or close to go because we broke the law goldman sachs' this little ledge we committed fraud public you could take from us so much is going to cost us we didn't feel like a minute anyway we get the money from taxpayers we put it up or so. i don't stop
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because once you've got value whatsoever what are. the party. i'm going to have a fifty euro note out of the stock people the shock people wrote i don't care it is called going to rip up i don't care. i'll take it why only issue three pull this out of my kidney so max. i guess this is what we're saying people are baffled why the economy is collapsing it's being taken by the too big to fail they've run off with the economy but they're too big to chase to bed to shoot it looks very much too big to fail there is they made a movie version of the book and they made. paulson was played by bill hurt bill hurt who i know he hangs on paris a lot and he told me personally he was ashamed to do this movie but nevertheless
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the new york times of course gives a glossy spin on this movie sorkin there is a little pimp right or i should he run amok yeah who wrote the book who glorifies these pimps himself as the model for the new york times so they write this ridiculous treatise meanwhile a book a movie like inside job the pews away the layers of the onion and a massive fraud people what. good peoples of oil will go. through well that's fringe media max because fringe will you know that it's only the mainstream media tells you what you don't need to know for hamster cage absorbs hamster really well so again max we're helping wall street here we've got to stay focused ok next headline australia g.d.p. falls most since one thousand nine hundred one australia's economy shrank in the first quarter by the most in twenty years as floods hurt exports gross domestic
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product fell one point two percent from the previous three months exports slumped eight point seven percent subtracting two point one percentage points from g.d.p. growth so massive floods climate catastrophes all over the world you have floods in australia you have then the next headline un words of food riots in developing world as drought pushes up prices and so you. see massive droughts in france france is the biggest producer of wheat in in europe kansas is the biggest producer of wheat in america they're being hit by extreme drought now. so you don't have anything to say that it's want to change and now everyone there's a ten you know thousand centers just one. for people watching the shellac pulp climate change i better to know are that it doesn't exist there's no such thing as climate churns but the over it's a stark raving mad obvious in my face but i can't possibly mention it because
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heavens for good i'm going to pay for my carbon excrement that i'm into the atmosphere that's right you suck or you're going to have to pay one way or another even if you deny it you're still going to have to pay but also it's going to be because in america in particular the mainstream media and the fringe media won't report on those stories so it's not just wall street that is baffled it's the entire economy the entire population is baffled about who what why and why is you know they think it's speculators oh the speculators destroyed my crops in a way they did because of all the money printing all the while speculation that has driven people to sell their kidneys to buy i pads or consume processed food and and consume and consume we can see we consume and soon grow still competition. did another new york times so long monkey doesn't understand if you flood the money
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with keynesian stimulus or monetary stimulus you kill competition you can have a competitive capitalist society if the top one percent can just go down to the fed and give us a trillion dollars for doing nothing and you say oh it's a moral hazard is part of the system partition to tell me paul krugman you frickin dishonest intellectual pygmy i me on this everybody says well you know if anything happens if droughts and floods keep on wiping away crops and homes and societies then humor. ingenuity those entrepreneurs that was talking about will come save the day one day so rainmakers of china struggling to cope with countries severe drought so china's weather modifying program is straining to meet demand to alleviate the worst drought for more than one hundred years so here's china who spends more than any other nation on earth were for weather modification to try to you know put water where it's going to for it to go be modifications system so every single source of cooking and try to crack it open if you're
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a putz you can modify the weather ok arrogant people look strong with you they can add ten to fifteen percent more rainfall in an area that receives a one spot it's called a well yes. but you know this the drought in china is caused by twofold technologies and speculation because it's caused by the wild money printing and and wild speculative economies we created but it also is caused by the downs which have you ordered water you know to produce energy and it also diverts water away from the rivers to the themselves are made with a really poor quality chinese drywall thereby bust anyone living in the shadow of a dam you better learn as well but that's just speculation like speculation i found out from the somebody in china told me this is the truth this made up. all right i was going to for the because reports almost as you're going to show well max i hope our little lesson from last street removes some of the bafflement from them i hope
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