tv [untitled] June 7, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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welcome to the one man that led against vs the band don't worry i'll explain we've got alex jones with us tonight escalating the fight against the t.s.a. a special panel with clark group of incentives for liberty and get to the end of you for us from civilization on rules to the love olution is derived from saul anuzis infamous rules for radicals and well lots of disappointment black boxes in cars and problems in the g.o.p. and even whole foods with their g.m.o. we've got a new report from the frontlines of the world wide web war and thanks to the national i would have a safety administration bad news for the auto industry good news for the bicycle industry and obviously that is for the economy right because but with the news
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which will never be allowed down watching the ad on the versus the man. here's a little secret that much of the g.o.p. establishment is actively plotting their ears on. hugh need youth activists in national campaigns and youth markets well the youth image motivates people youth gets the vote out old and young and the g.o.p. though the youth are frequently stifled not the ridicule by the republican establishment as we saw in two thousand and eight with relentless attacks on ron paul at the time and still today a youth fueled darkhorse of course it's well known that well cross-posting giuliani was girlishly good clean it all for making the correct assessment on our foreign
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economic woes senator obama was hard at work getting boots on the ground he turned out thousands of college age activists not just voters but people to do is legwork and those kids help to ensure his ascension into the white house luckily for the g.o.p. at least half of that problem is self correcting as of almost flowery narrative of hope and change implodes youth caught in the fall out are beginning to revolt and according to the atlantic a study at oberlin college that bastion of leftwing lunacy quote a symposium last month called oberlin based perspectives on the obama presidency noted that students don't think obama's cool anymore all those cute little quirks have become grating a public's eye professor explained and the real obama can't live up to their idea of him out of course one need only look around to see young people just aren't taking to the cause like they were last around this by his best marketing ploy is
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the cool factor just isn't sticking and without it there was a significant portion of his activist ground army who can blame the kids most didn't plan to chain themselves to a lifetime of debt most didn't plan a move in their parents' basements most didn't plan to become a statistic in the job recovery most in understand the economic policies obama campaigned on an epic it appears obama himself might not have understood them but now his closest economic advisor austin goolsbee is jumping ship as well the current state of the economy does. they have prompted some young people to study the kind of economics not totten government funded schools but through hopeful at least most of us are starting to grasp the meaning of unfunded liabilities as it relates to the debt that will be heaped on our already unconscionable forty five thousand dollars per person share of the debt doesn't matter the depressions can be very effective teaching tools and the youth will come flooding back to the g.o.p. if the leadership can just be
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a little more welcoming of candidates like ron paul and gary johnson you know the the real honest consistent fiscal conservatives who want to end the welfare program known as the military industrial complex and not impose romney care so now that the ball is in the republican court willie dropped it again here's a tip don't alienate your youth base ron paul's a republican and most of his supporters are republicans to. the now from austin texas is no than alex jones host of the alex jones radio show and enforce dot com alex thanks so much for being with us tonight and i'm good to be here are now you've been fighting against the t.s.a. the security police state for a long time especially as well as we cover on the show with a good fight in texas to get the state to stand up to the department of homeland security but we're seeing now this new twist on the technology the easy convenient
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scanning tunnels that people can just walk through and get maybe a retina scott retina scan through what's your take on this latest twist. well we predicted it well let's getting ourselves too much we didn't predict anything but almost nine years ago governor ridge did a bit of a massacre in a time a whole presentation on c.-span you're going to have to have t.s.a. federal and ministry of authorization to have a job we saw that earlier this year when the nine eleven victims of the firefighters and police will finally get medical care but if we run through a t.s.a. terror database so this is about domestic checkpoints and the federal destruction of the ninth and tenth amendment and the seizure of all infrastructure the t.s.a. now rolling out of school or put it out is this isn't a way to make what they're already doing to us a little more convenient for us i mean they're clearly comes from all of us but we exactly but it was always planned to bring in the invasive pat downs of the growth
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down to the microwave ovens show that you wouldn't accept opting in a talk about this years ago. do but trusted travelers regular travelers in the bad travelers we have close to two million americans on the secret no fly list or watch list no judge no jury they just put you on this one nine hundred eighty four list and then suddenly you can't travel or you've got to jump through hoops and i'm saying is like nazi germany where they didn't let jews and others you know have their own businesses that's what this is about you're going to have federal approval to have a job for your credit cards to work to buy and sell everything is going to be facing and dumb print to get online it's going to be the internet id system that microsoft is announcing the white house is pushing this is the acclimation conditioning center in the airports because they found that will put up with more tyranny in the airport so than condition everyone for them to roll out on the streets so yes these high tech minority report tunnels to retina scan you and
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microwave you while you walk through that's what this is all about and they are openly pushing these big mobile trucks when you go to a concert or go to a public school college where you march in and they can put you in a face scanner that decides if your line and then the computer you know drags you off to the fema camp because it says that you're lying to them it's just a new form of electronic quackery ok but also a lot of people are ready to make that leap i mean they see the progression that we've gone through so far and they see these new tunnels as as the next step but what's the immediate next step after this he said it airports we have the threat of terrorism so present it's easy to get away with this kind of crap there but what's the immediate next step after a concert is it's going to be years we're receiving consequence at concerts and other public events. yes adam what i'm telling you is i know that sounds wild because truth is stranger than fiction everything i'm telling you three years ago we had the fast system these mobile trailers from
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a homeland security press release where they're going to put you in body scanners annie and m.r.i. grain scanners to see if your line it said to go to concerts or colleges we've got t s a p s a's they put out three months ago showing them in malls and at baseball games they have announced that to have a job you don't have to have a t.s.a. approved biometric card to have insurance you have to have it to drive a car this is a total martial law seizure of the entire transportation and business and commerce infrastructure it's part of the internet ok all alex and this is go back quick question real quick for what you're doing in texas because of the fight that you've got going on now to get the texas state government to stand up to the department of homeland security is really no one are you hopeful that you're going to win that fight that this texas state government is going to stand up well we didn't win it unanimous vote in the house near unanimous in the senate but rick perry's minion the fake republican to hers killed it this right and then perry said oh well i
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supported it too bad will do her season political trouble put asked for to be on the special session and perry a week and a half into this will not put it was special session rick perry mr nafta superhighway gardasil shots on little girl jeff goldberg rip attendee he is as phony as a three dollar bill but hey he worries a kid who has a must be good so the prognosis is bad here because we have a globalist like rick perry here we have a cia black op could enter into her if the lieutenant governor you know who ran over throws of elected government a lot of brothers alex need keep up the present people the good fight really are watching from d.c. thank you for joining us tonight that was alex jones host in florida. and the alex jones radio show so we have now officially lost the battle against genetically modified crops and for the same reason so many americans are such crap bodies we
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don't pay attention what we eat now we don't even have the option of avoiding frankenfood whole foods it admitted because of the lack of labeling requirements and complex nature of dmoz even they can't keep this stuff off their shelves at least in corn and soy in canola crop derivatives which i avoid is a much as i can anyways make of the bulk of processed foods they can't keep them out now the failure here isn't remedied by government requirements on food producers but the public not paying attention and the reason that g m o's genetically modified organisms have become such a threat is that because of how the government is protecting corporations like monsanto when their modified genes pollute natural crops it's tara grinstead a national news dot com quote but fact that one of the best known purveyors of natural foods has decided to throw in the towel rather than holding the line against biotech foods means consumers will have fewer places to go in their quest to buy non genetically engineered food it's sad and disappointing but.
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in a follow up to our world wide web war story from last week when u.s. officials blame chinese hackers for going into their g.-mail accounts when they had really just given their passwords away china is firing back according to the article appearing in communist party controlled china you daily newspaper signed by yeah asia saying and outbox again and probably mangling those. identified there's a scholar's within the academy of military sciences quotes of late internet tornadoes swept across the world a massively impacting and shocking the globe behind all this lies the shadow of america faced with this for an internet war every nation military can't be tacit but is making preparations to fight the internet war the article also preprogramed china's need to maintain an internet border and internet sovereignty sounds like ex post facto excuses for the chinese crackdown on subversive information online. what
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part of world wide don't they get maybe it's the america online empire that has been worried either way on past i hope we get kind of keep the internet a government free zone but we have more disappointing news from the american government on the economic front here as well but it is good news for the bicycle industry is right it looks like we'll soon have our own little black boxes in all of our personal vehicle so the government can track you and tax you accordingly sounds pretty orwellian doesn't it. well then i guess half the news that we're covering these days is orwellian but this this is serious the device will tell the governments or anyone with a court order or anyone that they haven't to leak this information to exactly where you've been going and how fast you got there this will also allow the government to tax you by the mile and because this was done by the bureaucratic feet of the
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national highway traffic safety administration it was never even voted on by or so-called representatives in congress now convenient for the auto industry is this the obama administration shooting out their own tires the auto industry can't afford the extra burden even if not that significant of itself but just think what this will do for the used car market suddenly the value of cars without boxes go way up in value but who knows maybe this is all part of their plan to how it's right and bicycles instead of driving anyway i just never thought americans would have to turn to ice accruals to cling to a remaining shred of our freedom of movement and when we come back we'll sit down with clark gruber from students for a living kennedy and of youth for western civilization on rules for the love olution as derived from saul and he's in from his rules for radicals as well as you can update on sarah palin the future of the g.o.p. and what's wrong with the tea party say tune your watch and adam vs the man.
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now for a segment sort of fuel the flames of paranoia and libel about my secret identity as a marxist russian spy with my friends that accuracy in media let's talk about saul alinsky solo's who is a left wing union organizer one of rock obama's heaviest influences reviled by the right and feared by political opponents and alex toral activism and community organizing few names carry greater weight but are libertarians and conservatives throwing out a baby with the bathwater want to come to lewinsky seminal work rules for radicals joining us today are two liberty organizers have an end of youth for western civilization a return to the show to discuss the conservative utility of alinsky and where the right is that around clark rupert of students for the results are here to talk
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about ways in which libertarians and utilize the same tactics against our political opponents gentlemen thanks so much for being with us tonight so why is this book so powerful and why is it experiencing a resurgence now forty years after it was written. so i think the reason that we're seeing it become very popular now is because people have seen the success the left has had using the catholics and strategies that are laid out in this book we see what is done by the obama campaign and this is the playbook of how they accomplish that so i think that's why it's so popular now and the right's responded to this with a lot of fear i mean a lot of them point to this is like this is the secret master plan and you could have said well yeah it is but the point is that with a little of the counter to that those that a lot of the tactics themselves are neutral yeah but what he says i say it's actually more valuable to us than them at this point what he says in that book is he said this is a guy to take away power from the haves and give it to the have nots now if you
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look at who funds community organizers acorn before they were being less examples you had the banks like well cobia bank of america giving donations one of the latino students president of the united states so there might be in the middle linsky that the allusion about the haves and have not what it was really accomplishing but came up with some really good tactics to get there why is it taken forty years for conservatives to say and then we should be applying these and using them for own good really really forty years well i think a lot of the problem is that you know we kind of think that if they have the right ideas then they'll somehow windy and that's just not true you can't just have the right ideas you have to be organized around them and we like to say the left has bad ideas and it's true they do they get much better organized for a long time so i think people on the right who call themselves conservatives and also my fellow libertarians and finally woke up and realize we need to get organized now you're seeing that happen. in all areas of the political so it's kind of like like
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a long term you know if we don't do all that because there are the conservative and libertarian ideologies of a fierce individual ism and so maybe it's a little more we have a little reluctance to come in together but when the exploiters the moochers of leftist a lot of these unite against us we must hang together. it's not acceptable to conservatives and libertarians have a lot of misgivings about the very idea of organizing and i think both of them come from different different sources for libertarians there's this idea that well if it's coming from the state it's bad but if it's coming from a private company it's good well the problem is these days it's often hard to tell where the state. isn't right that's right and if you look at conservatives i mean conservatives like to believe that they're still in control here and that this is still fundamentally their system it's not their system i mean it's not our system it's their system i mean we have nothing to conserve if one of the things never was here all of what's going to me to this i mean if i was picking this up for the first time as a young libertarian conservative organizer say me you know give me give you the
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clintons what's what's the takeaway what are the lessons or the most successful thing the most important thing for new organizers being able to communicate within the experience of your audience keep in mind when he's writing this he's writing right after the time of the hippies in the eighty's and the weathermen underground in s.t.'s where you had this huge huge social movement and then they kind of freed it all away and richard nixon becomes press so what he's trying to figure out is why did this happen and instead of you know being what he calls rhetorical radicals take a sickly make yourself feel better you have to figure out how you can actually appeal to your audience and bring them along with you by using symbols that they already identified ok and how are you find these with organizing for students for a live report so what we do is is you have to use language to keep you in your community to understand your goals and their goals are the same thing you have to explain to them that why what you're trying to accomplish is a part of their value system you talk within their experiences that you said so we're working with college students we explain to them how they need to get
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organize on campus in order to liberty. campuses because they have lost their voice on campus this a liberal establishment the wrong thing campuses some of the around the gulf. and so we explain those things to them and also saul says that you have to you have to build a broad coalition you have to use terms that apply to everybody things about things like about liberty and equality and freedom because if you get too narrow it was a more literacy well exactly but that's how i saw it was so brilliant if you have to use terms that are broad in order to appeal to a wide audience if not it becomes factional and you just get a bunch of singles from fighting against each other so we as libertarians are far too few to get you know bogged down with petty differences so we have to eat we should unite around terms like liberty which is our favorite term that that is very broad appeal and that you can. and you can build a whole movement around i'll send my hole in there or something i heard when this
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book started research and started hearing about it a few years ago it was really meal cons that were picking it up to understand the enemy almost and then go crap there's like there's do useful knowledge near the so-called conservative big government establishing new service going to how do we understand this is that what we're what larson that we just have started last year are there any less a lot of guys are a lot of conservatives are really uncomfortable with that because one of the things you talk about the most is how relative morality in ethics and means really are and that kind of cynical attitude is foreign to a lot of conservatives a libertarian viewpoint so yes they want to believe they're just right if that's also it's good to understand the left philosophical level as well from the so that sounds like you have to have this coffee out of or you just wait it out to be that way too again it's not our system maybe it's time for us to be a bit more cynical right out sins only thanks a lot for jonah what those have been the end of you throw us in civilization and clark rooper of students for liberty on the tactics of saul alinsky is rule for radicals tactics that i think will be relevant far into the future.
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you know between how if you're planning everything inside one of the full stations of the work. the road to hell is paved with good intentions and i think that's pretty much where sarah palin's bus tour is headed her latest gaffe you know paul revere warning the british i think she's pretty much on a crash course in the morning that. the british think we're going to be keeping our arms might be a bell for the end of being here is right in his heart through. symbols maureen and bill that we were going to be here when you were going to be the great case you were in that video is already got two and
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a half million views on you tube and look i i i really overall i have sarah palin i really do i believe she's got a good heart and the right place i just don't think i don't think something is click in there well enough to ever permitted to hold the office of the presidency. this is probably another get a reality show with her name on it somewhere she's really a marker she's really made the most of robertson's to spread her brand of conservatism and so good for her but even her missteps don't hold a candle to steven kull bear bringing them to life as he did last night. was the next the british they're on their way to reload. so no one is taking mail and seriously anymore in the republican party i hope but while some are hailing paul ryan or marco rubio is the future of the g.o.p.
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i don't think any of these establishment picks can quite capture the base of the party like kentucky senator rand paul his father who i'm personally more aligned with makes him look not or by comparison to me g.o.p. voters and of ron paul isn't our presidency thousand and thirteen i hope the sun is ready to step up to the plate but we have another disappointment from the g.o.p. tonight more specifically here that the tea party in relationship to the g.o.p. because we recently had amy kramer on the show for those of you who missed that one she's the chairwoman of the tea party express and we had a nice little tea party meets dance party danced right here in the studio but recently she was quoted by fox saying whoever the republican nominee is will have to have the support of the tea party movement the entire tea party movement it just wants to see the cream rise to the top if romney is the nominee i believe that we want to defeat barack obama. but. tea partiers for romney you mean the white brock obama if the tea party stands behind anything it will mean it
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stood for nothing and therein lies the problem with with any statement here but tea party is and remains a grassroots movement it's not supposed to be a hollow vessel to garner g.o.p. support and i don't think that she speaks for the entire movement certainly not me and i was there for the very first round of tea parties there were very specific reasons why the founders washington specifically were so close to political parties in the first place the reality of course is that the party system isn't going anywhere or alex or system operates within those parameters but this doesn't negate the importance of true grassroots non partisan activism and for any to make this statement it really seems like a disservice to the greater tea party movement now as promised i said i'd explain what a one man diplomatic incident meant. the u.s. state department as of a lot of attention to russia lately including statements from michael posner our
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own assistant secretary of state for human rights perhaps it's because hillary clinton thinks the u.s. government's massive propaganda machine is losing the info war the russians have opened up an english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive as u.s. state department spokesman mark toner said in a statement on may thirtieth we know it was concern that a peaceful demonstration of russians advocating for the rights of gays and lesbians joined by international supporters was forcefully disrupted by kevin protesters in that russian security forces then detained people from both groups. well here's the disturbing part from posner about working with russia i want you to know that you have the support of barack obama's administration of secretary of state hillary clinton and of the american people and that's why we have the american people are supporting a foreign government violating human rights this is your tax money at work under obama i'm sure the russian government can be much better than ours at respecting
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free speech but now there's a little tit for tat going on which has some people referring to little old me as a man and diplomatic incident if you recall my arrest last week. barely no one in the american government stepped up to say something about this the russian government did prompting a response from carol fuller u.s. shores a the fares to the organization for security and cooperation in europe the united states thanks the russian delegation for calling to our attention the arrest of a russian today television host in washington d.c. on may twenty eighth as is well known the united states is a strong supporter of freedom of expression and as always we welcome discussion regarding that freedom in any participating state including in the united states according to press reports national park police detained russia today television
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host and political act was adam kokesh along with four other demonstrators for failing to respond to police orders to halt and authorized dance performance inside the jefferson national memorial protests in a recent u.s. court ruling upholding the national park police's regulation of a similar unauthorized demonstration inside the jefferson memorial according to these reports the national park police chief has asked the office of professional responsibility to investigate the circumstances of the arrest. by the way they don't just make this stuff up there really is an office of professional responsibility that is investigating the incident but without extremely high visibility this case will probably end as do the vote vast majority of police investigations on themselves and lead to no real accountability however i do love when they say our authorized dance performance of course we weren't even demonstrating as much as we were acting on our own accord free individuals and moving our bodies in different ways but who was carol fuller as a paid employee of the us state department to let the truth get in the way of
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a good story and that's our show for i think stern in the out of reach of the man please check out adam vs the man dot com to vote on guest and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always you can email me adam adam vs the man in catch this broadcast lives the heirs of r t dot usa and on you tube this is adam popup from washington d.c. the belly of the beast more in the home made this very moment all's good nights.
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