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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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so. safe radical freedom. will. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. for.
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welcome back to the big picture on carbon coming up in this half hour protesters fed up with the nation's failing health care system through the streets in d.c. today calling for health care or not warfare people from one of the organization organizers president across america join me on the show to explain their cause plus l. is liberalism a longtime staple in children's programming is slammed by thoughts news accused of teaching kids minds fairness equality and diversity how dare they and children are
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known to be very honest for example a group of arkansas a middle school students composed a top five worst people of all time list results for stuff. yes they we took a look at the health care in our war for. campaign carried out by national nurses united in the progressive democrats of america campaign is raising awareness about our deteriorating health care system it's bankrupting millions of americans and leaving them sick with nowhere to go and while this is going on our nation is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on endless wars in the middle east so the choice is pretty simple if we keep funding black hole wars or start making americans healthy again at a national nurses united progressive democrats of america took their message to the streets of washington d.c. it was rationed were held outside the white house congress and the u.s. chamber of commerce also and in attendance were high profile community leaders and
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lawmakers including senators bernie sanders and barbara boxer and president richard trumka for more on this day of action and where we all go from here i'm joined by three members of progressive democrats of america norman solomon john smith and tim carpenter welcome to all of you here we thank you for first of all what happened today to me are the the the big cheese of should. how do you know the swiss cheese you know today was a whole the mission of how we could actually be the key and for many of us a letter that we sent to the u.s. senate regarding the number of troops that the president will be announcing in regards to afghanistan account that we wanted to make the connection today of what that number means in real terms and how we can take those numbers and have them work for us in other words taking the money that's being spent on those troops and moving them over to the kinetic side of the economy specifically on health care so today we were always we were outside and rallied and then we went into the lobby and before they were at the chamber of commerce i'm talking to god it's also sells
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what have in the chamber we had up the last of the to the congress so you have if you have never out of the if you have never the markets to a thousand nurses you've never really experienced the protests i think the way it needs to be done in washington d.c. and thank goodness that progressive democrats not to do that today and we were able to have the nurses gather in lafayette park had to walk across the street a thousand of them. carrying signs and yelling hey chamber you can't hide we can see your greedy side they were a little the park police and the secret service d.c.'s police were a little bit perplexed at how to handle a thousand nurses lawfully walking across the street chad to get about the chamber which was wonderful it was wonderful energy and great to have p.t.a. be there and to join forces and letting folks know we're not going to we're not going to take it anymore where the resources of this country are stripped away from main street and given to wall street wall street since as you point out so often
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doing so much better than the rest of us are they way and it's not right it's not fair and it could be changed norman solomon you want a recent article she wrote about the current war psychology in the permanent work on to me is that where we're at now and how long we've been in that if so in that spot but we're ten years into it wall to wall the permanent work i mean i think of it as the sort of repetition compulsion disorder of a warfare state and really when you think about the words we've been in repeatedly for several decades but of course since nine eleven just the notion that war should never end could never end it's perpetual we're going to get the terrorists well there's always going to be among six seven eight billion people plenty of terrorists as john stockwell former cia agent said back in the eighty's if you're in search of enemies you're going to find them and really stunning to me i was in afghanistan almost two years ago on a trip to kabul how expensive it is and the human cost one million dollars for one soldier in afghanistan for one year meanwhile we don't have health care in our own
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communities and we have one hundred thousand soldiers there one hundred thousand million dollars that could be spent here you know geez a million dollars a lot of money i mean that's even like a serious cancer treatment for several people i would think well absolutely i mean it's one hundred billion dollars every year just to keep the troops in afghanistan bernie sanders today speaking in the shadow. the capital this wonderful rally with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of nurses used to stat which i think is mind blowing he pointed out that four hundred individuals in the united states have more well then one hundred fifty million individuals at the bottom half of the american income and ask the latter which is just oligarchies and it's incredible economic apartheid but those stats reflect donahue speaking of that those stats of poverty and the challenges associated with being broken being sick you were in michael
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moore's movie sicko and i'm sure that your life has changed considerably as a consequence of that you're now pretty much a full time activist of the so tell us. what you've learned from that experience and how america has changed since sicko came out. well i've learned a lot in that i've learned how to advocate perhaps more effectively with more of my friends advocating for a change that has to come out and sadly sadly the health care system has not changed such that the people who were in second couldn't just be featured again in a new sicko i'm the lucky one from the film of all the patients stories that michael moore told in that film i'm the only one whose life has significantly advanced in a positive way since that time it's totally because i've been associated with the progressive democrats i was hired by the nurses to work for them all the other people the conditions that made them perfect fodder for that film would it could still happen today i was sharing with norman who i'm proud to say as my co-chair of
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the healthcare not worth air campaign i was sharing with him the statistic that i did because it's obviously troubling to me that people still go bankrupt with insurance in this country because of health care crisis today and every single day in this nation twenty seven hundred americans will go bankrupt because of health care crisis and i wrote a blog this week called stained but blamed for the. and i want to just share just briefly from that if you can give me just a moment to do that i heard a report on n.p.r. few days ago about the i.m.f. chief who was accused of sexual assaults and so forth they talked about how the defense team will be trying to muddy up the person who accuses him of rape and they talked about the fact that the first thing they will look at with that victim is has she declared bankruptcy. just just the specter of someone having declared bankruptcy in this country has such a stain of that power on their whole lives and what people think of them it's the
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way we were raised culturally and the leading cause of bankruptcy in the united states is i guess a crisis medical crisis tim tim carpenter progressive democrats of america that's where the big that's is in the democratic party why work within the party progressive democrats of america as opposed to starting a third party of fourth party if they've already standing outside the party throwing stones. metaphorically you know what i work with and within the democratic side and outside what's unique about progressive democrats of america progress as first democrat second both inside and outside the democratic party the reality is we have achieved party system we're the insurgency we're not the democratic party where the progressives are the ones working with the progressive caucus eighty three members that are currently working right now to make sure that we get out of afghanistan are fighting for single payer who are pro the inside out so that's an important distinction we have to bring the street to work that many of the nurses have been doing in regards to single player house to come to the halls of congress that's why with bernie sanders today and the work that he's doing with
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his senate bill we have to work as progressives inside the party as an insurgency to get the party back to where you know it can be we're celebrating unfortunately a horrific anniversary forty three years since bobby kennedy was assassinated he symbolizes i think most of what progressive democrats america is about is to transform our party we're not celebrating about the kennedy today or remembering about the kennedy that wiretaps of martin luther king but the bobby kennedy that lad was the only white person that could speak tonight. dr king was assassinated or the bobby kennedy that stood with cesar chavez not the one that was in the senate hearings center just mccarthy we're about transforming the party to get back to that progressive majority that we know so much the party's about we want to get back to what harry truman promised us that's what this rally was about to get back for health care is a right that all of us have that so we work with inside and outside the party we believe in so we elect a progressive democratic majority we're not there we have a lot of work simply electing democrats isn't going to do it we have to elect progressive democrats again a progressive caucus led by road from tucson and from keith ellison of minnesota those are the folks that we're working with that are making
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a difference inside and outside our party it's a remarkable tim norman thank you all for being here tonight and thank you very much thank you talk much time between now and the twenty hold elections as one of the most crucial times for the american middle class and perhaps the history of our nation need to get out there and get active to stop the republicans anti working class agenda in its tracks agree about a new new deal to reboot the american middle class. viewer of the left wing sepsis sesame street conspiracy that's right move over n.p.r. some on the right are accusing sesame street of being a liberal propaganda outlet yes i'm talking about the sesame street when we grew up on some was raise their kids up lawyer ben shapiro is hyping up a new book that explains and examines this liberal bias viewing from the likes of the cookie monster he was the other day and sean hannity's fox news show i mean i talk i taught sue one of the guys who was at children's television workshop
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originally and he said that the whole purpose of sesame street was to cater to black and hispanic youths to quote unquote did not have reading literature and this kind of this soft bigotry of low expectations that it's automatically associate with sesame street and by the way if you go to sesame street website it's occident when you bring up your child make sure that use gender neutral language make sure that you get your boys dolls and make sure that you get your girls firetrucks. always knew something was up with bernie ben shapiro joins me now he's an attorney and the author of the new book primetime propaganda ben welcome. i think so much for having me so how many children are subverted every year by sesame street. that's really the question i think the question is why sesame street has any sort of agenda at all i mean these children's entertainment television and by the way i love the left's focus on sesame street in the book i mean it takes up all of a page and a half they're currently ignoring the vast quantities of tapes have poured onto the internet of people in hollywood claiming that yes there is discrimination against
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conservatives admitting it celebrating it and people talking about how the message shows in particularly egregious ways and everyone wants to focus on sesame street so that's fine we'll do that well you know let's let's go down the road the id rather rather travel here you write that conservatives have to overcome a presumption this is your language to overcome a presumption of incompetence cruelty and heavy evidence and a quote from you after bush's wars and torture heckuva job brownie incompetence and shock doctrine efforts like paul ryan taking apart medicare scott walker taking apart unions and rick snyder taking apart cities how can we have or have any other notion of conservatives come on really everybody who's a conservative is just evil and bigoted and everybody who's conservative who supported president bush wants to kill brown but i'm using everybody is in your language because of competence cruelty and heavy handedness tell me that that's not that's the people in the us because people on the left in hollywood are bigots period they will not hire you if they look on line and they find out that you gave
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money for example to the prop eight effort now what does that have to do with your ability to write a good show it has nothing to do with it discrimination in any form is wrong in hollywood that's the gay straight left right you should be able to work so conservative shows can make it how to twenty four to be a good. looks he a conservative they absolutely can make it but the people in position to greenlight don't greenlight conservative shows and the people in the positions make shows like twenty four are generally of the left rules are now is an exception to a massive rule ok so if there are so few others and so few conservative shows successful consider service shows and looking at the failure of at was shrugged in movie theaters do you want the government to come into the freedom fighters military and service. you know i want to think that the free market needs to first of all i think advertisers need to start recognizing that there is a demographic outside the eighteen to thirty five crowd and i think that they need to recognize there's a demographic outside the eighteen to forty nine crowd namely everybody who's fifty and above who actually has expendable income in this country everybody who actually
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has savings in this country and the fact is that programming is almost exclusively dedicated to the eighteen to thirty five eight hundred forty nine they tend to be more liberal that's the market reason why television has stayed less and we tend to be more liberal and it's the old people who are out there going hey wait a minute paul ryan give get away from my medicare i mean it's the old. look at the polls and they are to look at polls abroad matter and it's very clear that older people tend to vote republican more often than younger people i don't think that's going to happen next year. well you may think that that's going to massively change but it's not going to turn that we just had an election in which republicans won overwhelmingly if you want to say that it is going to shift next year may you know maybe you're right maybe i just want you know what i'm doing better than you know action that we just had in new york twenty six do you think that we should have quarters or affirmative action for conservatives and hope you know i don't i don't think we should of course affirmed action i just think that discrimination should should be unacceptable in hollywood i think i did but these guys are be as optimistic as you and i are these are these people who are they want to be yes they want to be money right and so if they're looking on the yards and they're looking
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at people working in their industry they're saying you know the conservative products don't make money because they don't sell doesn't that show the that the american people are rejecting conservative ideas that the first of all that's nonsense conservative products doing money can sort of product does sell because the show is a relatively conservative show most successful show in television history and the christ did incredibly well well produced film ok so that doesn't that put your argument appears that there's no place in hollywood for a conservative judge you just you just identified in say there's no place in hollywood for conservatives shows i just said that they're marginalized i mean if you pick two shows out of literally hundreds that doesn't report the presumption that there is a massive liberal bias in television which there is in by the way again when you said that everybody is focused. on the money not everybody is focused on the money i've been releasing tape all week of people saying that they have a social justice agenda when it comes to television now you know that they're proud that you're allowed to have a social justice agenda but don't claim that the market is exclusively for leftist material on television uses are you saying that conservatives are opposed to social
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justice. and saying that social justice is a buzzword i mean i think mean social justice is a whole package of policies to which conservatives generally are opposed yes wow that's that's that's that's pretty horrific i don't know just a buzzword doesn't mean anything to find social justice for me and then i'll tell you whether conservatives are opposed to it or not as a buzzword yes i know you know even in the concept of due process here it's got. to be real of course conservatives are for equal rights for all and of course conservatives are actually not i don't know when we get beyond the buzz word when ronald reagan kick known policies of the old campaign he went to philadelphia mississippi it's a little town of about a thousand people went to philadelphia mississippi to open his presidential campaign and give a speech on states' rights and you know what happened in philadelphia mississippi you have you have three or four civil rights workers murdered there it's the only reason he went there and he gave the speech on civil rights it was he kicked off his presidential campaign by saying basically he was pitching to the to the to the
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racists in the south to the. i don't know who i'm being asked to defend here or why i'm being asked to develop them i'm not a member of justice is the attitude this is of of you know this is ronald reagan this is the antithesis of social justice as is dog whistle calls to to to bigots basically but what does this have to do with anything that i'm talking about well i think that you know fighting racism is part of the social justice thing and ronald reagan opened and i'm all for fighting racism head outside of the buzzword of social justice i mean the idea the idea of social justice it's a term that is frequently used by the left and it's generally used to mean things like pro-choice it's generally used to mean things like big government is generally used to mean things like nationalized health care those are things which right wingers are opposed to if you want to put racism into the social justice basket then of course we're pros if you want but anti-racism in social justice basket than at that aspect of social justice obviously conservatives are very much for the let's let's break down the time because the term itself is that they don't really
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use the media to get content if you like the term but not the way it's been used you should reclaim it i don't know ben thank you for being with us tonight it's appreciate it thanks for having me. it's time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's the day's question sesame street a liberal propaganda outlet your choices are yes i always knew there was something wrong about britain bernie or no encouraging homosexuality is not a sesame street agenda log on to thom hartmann dot com to let us know what you think will be open till tomorrow morning. coming up we all know kids say the darndest things i do you know what a group of arkansas trains had to so. let's
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not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. even one well. we have the government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else here sees some other part of it and realized everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry is a big. fat . that would be the good of the very very middle of one directly ugly the good the
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organization full america a diverse religious group is dedicated to a number of progressive causes such as eliminating poverty curbing global warming and restoring human rights both at home and abroad but also committed to exposing paul ryan's budget for what it is people america's the ryan plan reflects iran's love of greed and contempt for the weak but you need huge tax breaks to millionaires while making deep and harmful cuts to programs that protect seniors struggling families and the middle class well said republicans even sold their religious supporters up the creek just to cater to millionaire and billionaire campaign donors but bad herman cain the republican presidential hopeful who previously put his foot his mouth by saying he's uncomfortable with the idea of plenty muslims jews added should he be elected president was asked by think progress. yesterday if you felt the same way about gays take
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a look. at this you can you recently came under fire for your comments about the chronicle you were quite clear copy of her purse to appoint. a qualified person to go here to. go wow what a reasonable answer except for the fact that cain kept talking. oh no problem with the clintons an openly gay person to go beyond the child who should be alone. of course herman cain only supports gays insofar as their defense against shari'a law i think he should stick to making pizzas and a very very ugly simple lunch after announcing his presidential run poll once he unveiled his deficit reduction plan called the better deal it politely argues that the government shouldn't perform any services that you can find i'm google he said if you can find a good or service on the internet then the federal government probably doesn't need to be doing it the post office the government printing office amtrak fannie mae
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freddie mac. all built in the time in our country and the private sector did not adequately provide those products as the longer the case. other things you can find on google private security military contractors private education construction work health care for seniors food safety kids' retirement plans so does that mean the government shouldn't be providing any of that stuff either i mean yes second part is simple and he's better deal is to require students to pledge allegiance to the flag of google every morning in their google provided schools and that's very very . close to you probably remember the classic t.v. show kids say the darndest things as opposed to back in the day by our linky. linkletter and later reprised by bill cosby but it was mostly
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a comedy show was often highlighted by poignant responses from kids who view the world are fresh inly candid and truthful way in fact before every show art linkletter said this about why he interviewed kids and why the show works take a look i've been talking to people on radio and television for nineteen years and i found that the more temperate thing in the best interview are with over eighty and with understanding and for the same reason they tell you to do without fear or favor they answer any question you want to know when they tell you the truth without fear or favor that's unlike a politician who tells you what he needs to say to get reelected that's unlike a business person who tells you what they need to say to sell a product that's unlike a religious leader who tells you what he believes based on his dog a kid is like a blank slate viewing the world with clarity and without the jaded experiences that cause most of us to shrug our shoulders and say this is the way it always always was the way it is kids will even challenge power without realizing it or the story
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about the little boy pointed out that the king wasn't wearing any clothes case in point russellville middle school in arkansas a controversy exploded at the school and it was discovered the students slipped a not so politically correct top five list into the school yearbook without their teachers noticing the list was titled the top five worst people of all time and the top three were the usual suspects adolf hitler osama bin laden and charles manson becoming in numbers four and five on the list george w. bush and dick cheney again this was a list put in the yearbook by students as you can imagine republican parents were outraged that since the yearbooks had already gone to print a little could be done about it but to put a piece of black tape over the list is something that could be easily removed and in the end someone at the school probably lose their job over this. which is a shame because as art linkletter told us kids have
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a knack of telling the truth instead of this missing what they say it we should dig a little deeper and figure out why they said it and by looking at this list they created it's clear that the students and he quoted violence and warfare with evil after all these kids historical knowledge there was the horror of war two in the hall and the holocaust and in their own lifetimes there are the horrors visited upon the united states by bin laden and the terrorist dumped on iraq and afghanistan but bush and cheney the emperors who kids see as nakedly evil whose crimes too many adults including our president refused to acknowledge and though patriotism or politics or religion may distort how our view of things works and render unimaginable the thought of a us president and vice president belong in the same list as mass murderers terrorists and psychopathic killers kids don't have that same feel for they just see things as they are and frankly the rest of us should pay closer attention to
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their observations. that's the big picture for more information on the stories we covered visit our web site at samarra dot com archie dot com also check out to you tube page you tube dot com slash the big picture our t. and youtube dot com slash and this entire show is available for free podcast. and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and show up tag your it we'll see them. in one thousand nine hundred two dr ralph minster at the university of pennsylvania said what if i can take the gene responsible for growth in human beings and put it
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into a mouse. long called a main risk issues. ninety five percent of all competent scientists in these fields are rooting for the produces side and only five percent of. g.d.p. can you mean the independent. there is not a lot of science that says transgenic fish is unhealthy for people to consume which is what the food and drug administration looks at there is a lot of concern about the environmental impacts if a transgenic fish escapes what kind of horrible impact will it have on the rest of the fish population we don't know what this might do to us or our children or our children's children in our congress here in the united states legislatures throughout the world we vote all these different laws tax laws and corporate laws what can be more import.


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