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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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sean thomas discovers what makes antarctica so special and attractive for many life in antarctica is. an. expedition to the bottom of the earth. warms up the lessons of the libyan stalemate mean it's against the u.n. action on syria which is being heavily pushed right now by the u.k. and france. the resolution against damascus is being discussed behind closed doors at the u.n. security council more details from new york coming up. also in the program russia's envoy to libya says it's clear both gadhafi is government of the opposition see talking not fighting is the only way to end the country's civil war. and britain's growing atomic appetite leads experts to worry over a possible nuclear nightmare in which terrorist target the country's energy
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facilities. hello they watching our t.v. it's eleven pm wednesday night here in moscow it's kevin zero in here with me this with our top story at the u.n. security council is taking stock of france and britain's draft resolution condemning syria's government's crackdown on demonstrations it was put forward in response to months of violent unrest against president assad's rule. is following developments for you tonight hello again i'm coming expect any final decisions being made during this meeting. hi there kevin about this meeting that you're referring to because began all fifteen members of the security council are in closed door consultations now looking over at the draft that has been presented by france and britain i draft that we know. calls for
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a condemnation against syria for the violence that has been taking place over the past few months according to reports also calls on syria to cooperate with the human rights council and urges countries not to supply weapons to damascus now of course this is a draft only that is being discussed by all fifteen members of the security council and we also know that on another note meanwhile the u.s. and its western allies are preparing a nother resolution draft resolution against syria which would reportedly expressed serious concerns over over syria's lack of cooperation with the international atomic energy agency obviously here we're seeing a one two punch that the u.s. and european countries are trying to at minute minister against syria but right now as this these consultations are taking place behind closed door the security
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council we do know that france britain and the u.s. is trying to put pressure on syria no less russia or china or voice their opposition to any action against syria. going to be the get this resolution through at. the end of the day this resolution cannot get through the security council without the approval of china and russia because they are both veto wielding members of the security council and as you mentioned both countries have said that they do not believe that security council should get involved in what is taking place in syria that it would be better for for the united nations of the security council to use more diplomatic measures and of course this in the aftermath of the resolution that was adopted against libya russia china many other countries have expressed concerns of the fact that the u.s. and its western allies over extended what was written. allowed in resolution
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of libya so we even heard a russian foreign minister sergei lavrov say in recent days that he believes that the international community should act diplomatically and swiftly but not harshly against syria take a listen. to this is because when you're. to do proposal to consider the syrian in a similar way as was applying to the libyan situation in which the security council an international community already becomes. we believe that diplomacy should be able to solving problems politically and not to create conditions for a new armed conflict we should support the process of national reconciliation on accords and constructive peacekeeping rules for neighboring streets trying to pass more and more as aleutians which will fight mean siding with one of the parties in an internal political conflict. because in what's interesting to note is that many experts have said that what is taking place in syria right now is a civil conflict and if it is
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a civil conflict then that means that there should be this approach prohibited from the international community to get involved when there is civil unrest and obviously that's an ongoing debate that's that's playing out over over the international stage but what we do know is that fifteen members of the security council right now are discussing a draft resolution that has been presented by france the u.k. ok we're fully across it with your help we'll bring your viewers the results of that over the coming hours from. new york thank you well as lot of them in paris call for this resolution against syria the unity watchdogs also launched an investigation into whether a syrian facility destroyed by israel back in two thousand and seven was in fact a nuclear site. and political activist asms of me told me the time exam just a mask is could face pressure from two different directions. but there probably might use it as a tool in order to impose sanctions so if they want to impose sanctions the justification for the sanctions will not be there mentally in which the syrian
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regime has been dealing with the uprising all with the most later but rather the atomic project there the syrians. are alleged to have been involved in this seem to be two parallel lines but somebody might have intended the from behind the scene an alternative approach so if the un security council resolution for some reason doesn't work then we can go along the other route thoughts there from azzam tamimi the director of the to because law make political force talking about the pressure being put on syria right now. how to talk to the opposition rebels and colonel gadhafi his cousin russia's envoy trying to broker a cease fire in libya says both sides want of no military way out now however fighting continues in a city of misrata where nato still dropping bombs on the capital while calling for a post the era. reports from tripoli. precious peace
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mediator. gallup has indeed visited leave to persuade warring sides to start talking his mass for that purpose opposition leaders in the libyan rebel stronghold and karzai and his cousin and closest ally in cairo as he has said to better understand both sides demands and position and following these meetings has come to the media to say that both sides and the rivals agree and understand that there is no any way to end this crisis through military actions through the war and that this conflict would only be resolved through negotiations mr america that the rebels. would be ready for the dollars. it is going to to have a clearer picture of the conditions we see. his cousin presents to the political elite in tripoli one thing is quite clear. that the current situation in libya
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cannot be resolved by military means and the countries. and the libyans can point a way through this process. with interest law states we've seen dramatic intensification of the latest strikes on the libyan capital tripoli on tuesday night launched at the most intensive strikes since the beginning of operation libyan government spokesperson has come to the journalists saying that at least the two want people have been killed in sixty strikes and we can expect even further intensification today their defense ministers of nato meeting in process and just ahead of this the secretary general rasmussen has said that he would use this opportunity to appeal to the countries to demand. contribute to the fight against gadhafi and just days ago started for the. first time using attack
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helicopters in this mission meanwhile what we are hearing from the other side of the frontline from bin ghazi from the libyan rebel waters shows us that the right balls are frustrated with natives actions and frustration is rising as they are worrying that nato is taken control over what they think is a national are prizing. that is roof a national stations in tripoli right now to bring us the latest developments as they happen coming up on the program still breaking the habit the indian cast off his car to become a successful businessman played in societies prejudice against the untouchables as well also. for the three explorers head for international space station we relive the exhilaration and excitement of the final moments just before glasgow. is put in
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international demand for all the time it reactors to face stress tests at a meeting on nuclear safety in paris in the wake of japan's disaster at fukushima which is already persuaded germany and switzerland to shut down all their nuclear plants no less the u.k. is committed to expanding its facilities and as artie's explains next there's a lot that could go wrong too. the lake district famous for its quaint villages and spectacular views it's a hillwalkers paradise but one can't help wondering if people would be quite as happy to holiday here if they knew what was right next door. right on the edge of the picture escalate distrait is sellafield nuclear plants in probably it's home to the world's biggest plutonium stockpile a waste products of civilian nuclear fuel plutonium is what
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a big deadliest substances known to man poisonous and convertible into nuclear weapons put nuclear scientists have a plan inside these buildings they take the waste plutonium and recycle it into usable nuclear fuel called mox it sounds great in theory but the reality is very different there is an existing clients approach sellafield. has been a tiny fraction of what it was supposed to do and it cost enormous amount of money cables leaked. the us destroyed to a brick industrial in paris and a white elephant the majority of the sellafield plutonium stockpile is british but managers were so confident it would work they took him from other countries promising to send it back as fuel a major customer was japan which now says it won't buy the mox. has changed the
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landscape because there is now a growing concern in japan about the whole nuclear. business in particular the business in recycle. and the purpose of what's plans of solar field was to make fuel that would be sent back to japan using japanese kitani and even before fukushima the plutonium or. processing plant field was considered one of the biggest disasters in british industrial history producing just ten percent of its planned output huge cost but that hasn't stopped government plans to build in yet another plant it could cost ten billion dollars much of it taxpayer money really of getting rid of plutonium is now with the purpose for. more expensive to produce subsidy uses to make it work and it produces nuclear waste that is much more difficult to deal with for now the stockpiles here to stay posing
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a massive security threat from the biggest. eleven is of course that still would be targeted in some way by terrorists either by crashing a craft onto the site or whatever this enormous concern about it being used by terrorists for five kilograms of this material and remember we have something something approaching one hundred tons of it five kilograms of this to make large parts of london uninhabitable for many many years so the field has been affected by global events recently in the wake of the killing of osama bin ladin five men were arrested taking photos here on suspicion of terrorist activities they were eventually released without charge but the incident highlighted the hazards of storing such a huge amount of deadly material worryingly that hasn't stopped the government plans to pour billions into a second plant nor ever its r.t. sellafield cumbria for generations in these delegates are considered unworthy of
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being the same room as. having to work side by side with yesterday's untouchables becoming women entrepreneurs these days he was pretty shrewd and one who has left tradition and society's prejudice behind. it's who wants to be a millionaire indian style and today in india more people than ever feel like they too have a shot at making it big. meet just that he's the owner of every spawn pipes a cement pipe making company worth three hundred fifty million rupees or eight million dollars so what makes him different than any other rich indian well he's exulted the lowest caste in the ancient hindu caste system also known as untouchables for centuries these people were restricted to work such as meanings to words and picking up dead animals from the streets my father my mother the. support
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of the oldest motive that we have from this frost and how we have moved the wrong route to the south of that. so just that made it his mission to get an education he worked on his business during the night and went to college during the day while just claims that he didn't feel any sort of discrimination of members of the delicate community say that this growing up of dollar millionaires and billionaires had to triumph over ingrained societal stereotypes. via a dalit was not allowed to be in the same group as a government. next to the door of the its shadow was constituting opium and it was forbidden to fall on an apple gust. jumped up says that these preconceived notions actually motivated him to succeed after completing his education jumped ups business began to grow and today he sells pipes for irrigation purposes all over western india despite his accomplishments he still troubled about his journey
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reborn through their. business to people. in this part three this is part of an abyss is a walk. from morning to evening and in this factory the millionaires themselves say it's a side effect of india's paul. see that opened up the economy to foreign investment in one thousand nine hundred one the stance down of many businesses including ones led by talents have thrived. entrepreneurs also say the government's efforts to make quotas for lower caste in schools and government jobs has helped them get an education to improve their lives even though many dollars have overcome their social casting become successful entrepreneurs most of them still live right here in the slums despite his examples of success many of them feel that the indian society is structured to keep them right where they are that is so much i belong to the. people from other customers who go nuts only wishes to study. up in
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the city. people don't get about us and don't come to see how we live but one kid of the sea go man the government should take care of them if they have less money and should give them proper education. but the millionaires believe that if they can do it then other members of their caste can to. do prison he can do a good thing just be here. using their will power to overcome the odds preassure either party india. despite the growing trust with. missile defense part of europe are falling on deaf ears russia's defense minister was speaking after a meeting with their lives in brussels. spoke with we're worried about missile defense elements being pleased to push toward twenty twenty this will certainly
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diminish russia's nuclear defense potential we are openly voicing our concerns to the u.s. and so you need to be able to achieve progress in this respect although we have a feeling that our partners simply do not heroes really the u.s. and nato claimed the missile defense system would fend off any potential attack on europe for a memorandum but russia has long been concerned about the threat to its national security something the alliance is dismissing a moscow solution of a joint system is not met with an enthusiasm nor by the kremlin also wants legal guarantees that the project will be a russia but us would refuse to. also making news around the world tonight germany's national disease control center this is the number of people infected in the cold break still rising but the worst is over infections have so far killed twenty six people left over two and a half thousand others across europe ill the e.u. is pledging to abridge ten million euro compensation for affected farmers but
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spraying which was wrongly blamed as the source in the first place is that's not enough. in the yemeni capital protesters gathered outside the vice president's headquarters to demand a transitional government the opposition wants to prevent the president returning to waffle his treatment of saudi arabia. severely hurt in an attack on his compound last week hundreds of people have been killed in protests against his rule since the beginning of the year. it must go to catch a cab just because you hand and within seconds the theory goes someone is likely to pull over however it's usually a member of the public illegally trying to make some extra cash on the side so they've always tightening up with genuine taxi drivers now say they're the ones who are said to suffer. it was a law that was meant to protect them instead it's made moscow's registered taxi drivers take to the streets. with the best will in the world there's no way i or anyone can comply. so just appearing to lose my job. we want to
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changes but not these changes the new law was written to kill small businesses like ours the new law was meant to stop legitimate taxi drivers being undercut by so-called gypsy cabs which dominate russia's big cities these are all buying it's often operated by immigrant drivers who lack local knowledge and pay no tax at the risk of large fines all drivers also playing one of a limited number of licenses paying their car. equipped with a meter and sign a written contract with every passenger in theory it should bring a market. and the law is perfect and this one might only work half of the time but at least it shows the authorities are doing something instead of nothing as in previous years. but according to the state of being in the back to god as union the law will achieve exactly the opposite of what it sets up to do here reconcile
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any contract for every trip is unworkable by making every cab including private hide cars the same color will be expensive and unnecessary. this is pure bureaucracy and instead of helping normal cabbies it will make our own competitive . he also worries that the licenses will not be distributed fairly. will remain is a two tier system a few expensive companies who can afford the licenses and the only authorized drivers who didn't obey the law carry on ignoring. the new regulations are supposed to come into force in september anyone who fails to revert just before them will be . treated as a little break out the woods nobody quite knows how the new law will work in practice but one thing is already clear as it was being designed a lot all the interested parties were consulted the ball is now back in the
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lawmakers court but will they listen. out see moscow. stories online tonight fill in our culture with some more evenings and cohen says well if you've used one of those you've been here he's also getting a lot of clicks to china confirms one of the worst kept secrets of building an aircraft carrier isn't going to be based on the heart will solve your warship. online plus our dutch girls keeping their loved ones very close but she has in fact to do make use of all one hundred fifty two of our facebook friends and the painful process took two weeks by the way. a tray of space adventures on the way to international space station the russian american and japanese crewmembers blasted off early wednesday will spend five months in orbit dozens of scientific experiments and even try to grow vegetables in the zero gravity environment i think lindsey france watch the launch because. the three men have been together for
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nearly two years prep or preparing for this trip and they've traveled all over the world preparing in different models of soyuz and getting ready for what is really this this final push into space and what they say feels almost a little bit like home as cramp is it may be the soil u.s. is something they've practiced in for so long now that it feels a little bit like old the three men say they will be taking very special items into space with them i'll be very few items a pictures of loved ones and so on to also be able to talk with their families every day that we've talked to the backup team they're very excited to watch this they say that it's something it's an amazing emotional thing to watch let's check it out.
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loud what it's like the first just shock tremendously you can really sense the power in that as it as it took off what experience tells us it will take them about eight minutes to hit orbit around the earth two days to dock now the three men when they get there will be undertaking over forty scientific experiments among them cancer research and if you bill it each actually grow food and space i will be keeping track of how they get on as well here on t.v. and also in a couple of minutes time with the cost of the war on drugs in mexico and whether washington's tough methods are doing more harm than good right now that's something we examine shortly. business is the order of the day next to. you now. thanks kevin the russian dream of developing its own hybrid car is one step closer to the construction of the first plants to produce
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a new generation of variables that started just outside st petersburg about these of course reports. this is one of the also living truckers through more one is the hatchback and the other one a coupe now these cars were first introduced back in january and there were an instant hit their company got over one hundred thousand advanced orders and if you're wondering about the price tag this car was pressured by about twelve to fifteen thousand dollars this will provide a much needed boost for the russian car industry at the moment car ownership amounts to super hundred forty cars per thousand adults in russia and that's compared to about eight hundred in america but as the economy recovers the market is growing steadily the boston consulting group says the russian core market could become the world's sixth largest by twenty twenty selling about four million cars a year this will come on the back of more important ships modernization and more
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local production if these young well below hybrid cars prove to be a success and they will definitely help russia revive its auto industry and as the country's first hybrid it will be a step forward during a call serve our business our team. in. spain with cars the joint venture between forded russian carmakers solo's has been given a terrible they've secured a two point seven billion dollar line of credit from the bank almost half the money will be invested directly into production assets and sudanese agreed a deal in february and term in production will start next year as katrina helps explain. the main goal of the joint venture is to double its market here in russia of the next five years that's a lot of that meaning you. are looking at the price that is. they could be just the right to take advantage of this exploiting my love for russia many things results
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the benefits of eating these productions maybe not i mean your keeping that response right here in russia we've put an assumption out there that by the middle of the day. the russian industry will be about four million plus which incidentally makes it the largest industry in europe and we think that we feel no opportunity to utilize that capacity and we will have capacity up to three hundred fifty thousand by two thousand and twelve the big two new cars to the russian market ford explorer and transit they're both popular models in the u.s. and european markets eventually also produce a brand new model the bay placer dance class will be a compact car and it's made a mr compete with polo and other smaller cars here in russia but we'll have to wait till two thousand and fourteen before that one comes off the production line. most of the markets now we start with the crude oil which is growing in f three steps
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the light sweet up one dollar eighty cents a brant more than one dollar two this is on the back of opec's decision to keep production levels as is well i was expecting that for prices going down before. the market stateside is still trading in negative territory continue to be shaky if the fed chairman ben bernanke is downbeat comments on the u.s. economy donal's is down after forcing weak sales states. and russia the markets matters to reverse from the red where they were trading most of the day and when say session slightly positive continued gains from tuesday for a look at individual share movements see that it's mostly due to high up oil prices that more snap in gas from again one point six a month or two percent at the close the banking sector was slightly weaker with the z.b. down in florida as. i said from the business desk for today coming up next on the headlines with carol.
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the. wealthy british style. has nothing to ratify.


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