tv [untitled] June 8, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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video on demand keys mind the old comes and says feeds now in the palm of your. question. are you ready to be school. rushed there but you everyday. ok ok it's the last time we play that clip i promise it's night we got leslie harris of the dallas forward school free education zone to tell us about unschooling will sit down with some of the victims of homeschooling to explain why dropping else could be the best thing you do for your education and we're going to help the troops think of the delta airlines tell you how to keep the government out of your facebook profile and teach you the correct procedure for pain government fines as for court order there will be no one size up to sort of adam versus the man.
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apparently some of our troops ran in some trouble on their way back from afghanistan courtesy of delta airlines and the united states government although the line there is kind of blurring it's still not enough listen to the folks here in washington d.c. so i'll just let you get this particular story straight from them i just returned from n.b.c. yesterday. on her way to a manager you know. we had a little issue with the banks this morning we had four minutes bill to your line. people pretending to be you know there's a contract states government built airlines rights. are always there for bad for you. it was
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a good steaks they claim for two or three. billed meters how much you paid to do. so how much you get it up to you not a profit over two thousand eight hundred dollars. good business model. what they wouldn't let you just bring your bag of goes on the plane as a carry on. one of the ironic of that flight was the next want to get hijacked by terrorists well as bad as flying is these days they could at least after the groping and fondling respect your right to you know blow your brains out after realizing that airline food is the only thing harder to eat than a mari's but what are you complaining about at least you were in the marines. if only you could just drive that home the back from afghanistan instead of flying and if you want to support the troops you can join the new delta boycott on
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facebook linked on my page but i'd rather just boycott find itself as much as possible ok already dogs anyway so while you were fighting for our freedoms in afghanistan the constitution we sorta uphold was still being thrashed by obama here at home as the fight for our freedoms continues in the homeland yes even with the taliban and al qaeda enter into the equation there is no greater threat to all that is american these days than the american government so the last thing our government wants to respect is your right to speak out critically as allegedly protected by the first amendment and now facebook is providing it with a new tool to crack down as wiki leaks founder julian assange himself said right here on r.t. facebook in particular. is the most appalling spying machine because it would be. he we have the world's most comprehensive database of people their
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relationships the interests of their locations communications we can talk to relatives all within the united states all accessible u.s. intelligence. because the first amendment specifically protects the right to freedom of assembly which means you can hang out with who you want the government or ference any release of information they could threaten that freedom would be in violation unless of course there's a compelling reason for the government to have that information for a criminal investigation and in which case they need a court order a warrant or subpoena which you can easily obtain from any judge with a simple bribe or blackmail but the precedent for this balance between your rights and the needs of government go back to the one nine hundred fifty eight case of the delta n w c p versus alabama and which the state wanted all of and p's membership information as the court ruled quote compel disclosure of affiliation with groups and gauged in advocacy may constitute ineffective restraint on freedom of
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association inviolable e n viability of privacy in group association may in many circumstances be indispensable to the preservation of freedom of association particularly were a group of spouses dissident beliefs the problem here is at least according to dr angle of law dot com quote facebook and twitter to be just two examples routinely provide to law enforcement not only basic subscriber information such as email addresses phone numbers and log in information but also status update histories postings friend and group listings ip logs and private or not so private messages. but expecting the courts to now step up and protect your rights at this point is kind of like expecting a rapist to work on them but at least we can put them on notice and on my facebook page under information i've posted the following privacy notice warning any person and or institution and or agent and or agency of any governmental structure
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including but not limited to the united states federal government also using or monitoring slash using this website or any of its associated websites you do not have my permission to utilize any of my profile information or any of the content contained here including but not limited to my photos and or the comments made about my photos or any other picture posted on my profile your here i notify that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing cobban steering to someone or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein the foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employees agent students already personnel under your direction or control the contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information in the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law and of course i also say that the public is open to copy anything they want in there and by the way that's not an original thing that i wrote but so i understand when you're up against the government in a situation like this the best that a warning like that can really provide is a latex thin layer of protection but who knows that may make all the difference i
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was pleased to get our website adverse amanda come to find me on facebook because i encourage you to copy this to your profile as well. joining me now is leslie harris moderator of the dallas fort worth school free education zone a progressive secular homeowner support group for the unschooled who believe in child led learning and seeking to preserve or regain the natural joy and love of learning that is inherent in all children leslie thank you so much for joining us here and i'm going to be here so. everybody is familiar with the basic concept of home schooling but what is on schooling well and schooling is like home schooling except itself director in child learning natural learning and it's based on the premise that people know what they want or need to learn when they want or need to learn it naturally. many homeschoolers try to recreate school
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at home. with the same scheduling in textbooks and worksheets the parent or guardian takes the teacher or authority figure role and makes all the decisions about what and how the child should learn right in on the unschooling in sort of the other end of the spectrum where the child chooses his or her own learning path and the parent's job is to support the child in any way possible so so much learning goes on every day life and it's so easy to grab on to that and things can be learned from everyday living cooking playing games grocery shopping walking outside going to. going to concerts reading books list goes on and a child chooses traditional traditional learning paths then we support that so you're able it's so so with your group that you have together the dallas fort worth
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area you're able to recreate those community social aspects of school without recreating the structure or the curriculum and instead letting the children determine what that is how do you keep them on pace that i'm. well. that's kind of a twofold answer but the social part everybody asks immediately you know how do you socialize your children but we we just have a social group we have a group with over three hundred families and it's a progressive secular unschooling support group. and surrounding areas we were way way way to so i can hold on hold on he said you're a secular group but i thought that homeschoolers were all you know jesus freaks who want to isolate their children just for the purpose of indoctrinating them into their cults i mean if you're not trying to brainwash your kids to be better members of the commune what's the point. well actually our group was started in
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out of frustration of not being able to find a group that was not a conservative religious through where you had to sign a statement of faith you won and it used to be that that was you know that's the dettori of homeschoolers were in groups that were religious related groups but we have over i think about two million kids homeschooled now in the united states and it's probably bad about ten percent a year ok so well aside from having to pay for the government run indoctrination centers that you're not getting the counterproductive i don't benefits of. the downsides from what are some of the legal challenges that you run into i know there are some that are federal regulations about education that are imposed on homeschoolers so some local some in the state of texas specifically but relative freedom there compared to some of the other states how do those obstacles relate to how you you are in school and you're one school of
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your three daughters so it's something that you've got some experience with you're right two of my daughters are on school the other one is. institutional school all the way. oh i how did did you get so bad you saw about one out of three we should have indoctrinated in the other two we should let figure things out for themselves how did that happen well you know i guess you are right i all three of my children were in school because unschooling means you follow the child's lead and they choose what they want to do and she chose to go to traditional school i was given the option so what are some of so what are the legal challenges that homeschoolers face or on schoolers well i you know i'm not a good one to ask about that because i'm in texas which is probably the best place in the states to homeschool or on school because in texas we're considered a private school old schoolers aren't considered private schools and the parent or
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guardian is the teacher or principal administrator or whatever and. we are not required to report to the state or register or do anything like that we do have certain you know we work wired to. follow a bonafide program of reading spelling arithmetic and good citizenship. but what if your kids don't want to learn how to read. well most of the time you know i think it's almost really difficult not to learn how to read well most children learn naturally anyway and you can introduce steps of them but you know kids learn at different paces and i know several families where the children learn to read whenever they wanted to read and they ended up loving it now the love of learning was not squashed and they ended up in you know
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following pursuits and passions and even careers where reading was you know totally necessary and it just goes along with the precept that you know children can and will learn what they need to or want to learn when they want or learn or need to learn it ok we just this is second life there but if there was a student or a child who sees this and wants to be on school how do you convince your parents to give you this opportunity wow well. you know i personally my kids came to me and they started cajoling them begging and then demanding he set free from the boundaries of school and one of them said my oldest one can't she was the first one and said mama i don't want to waste time in school i want to learn and what better argue out is that so i says be honest with your parents and a parent then ask to trust their child but it's
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a wonderful wonderful thing it's been wonderful for a family that's taught us as parents not to be controlling and respect our children it's changed our family so much for the better and for anyone who's interested in learning about it i would recommend just google unschooling and if you have can find a local support group just join matt and call call them and ask them a bunch of questions outstanding thank you so much for joining us well as leslie harris moderator of the dallas fort worth school free education zone you hear that kids and all you have to do is tell your parents i don't always time in school i want to learn all right so when we come back we'll hear a bit about homeschooling from some students and parents respect their will our guest right here in the studio as well as a tale from the present and future to still be out of the manford with the sorely products for being a medical bill entirely in the legal tender of known as the many states and you'll
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ask we'd give our tea question more. you know sometimes you see a story and the see so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't. charge is a big. welcome back to adam vs the man as promised we've got a little statement about how to pay fines he's in government impositions here we go we have a tale from the present and future dystopias a man who was charged with disorderly conduct for paying a medical bill entirely in the legal tender known as the penny according to desert
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news of salt lake city jason west went to the basin clinic in vernal on may twenty seventh for parents of pain outstanding twenty five dollars bill and yes you can now find in charge of the offense of the police taking the payment methods who have no legitimate purpose as was the excuse supplied by the arresting officer in this case you see the story goes that the man disputed this twenty five dollars bill but decided to come in and pay it so he did it with pennies and apparently because the thousands of pieces of legal tender made a bit of a mess to upset the sensitive clerk. he committed a crime glad to know cops can still come up with offenses on an arbitrary basis and you can expect more of this down the road but the fine for disorderly conduct one hundred forty dollars sounds to me like the government there will be fourteen thousand pennies richer for their troubles all right now as promised me in studio we have caylee bright caylee who was attended public and private schools and been
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home schooled and natalie been ellison wife and mother of two children that she home schools and has been homeschooled herself so thank you so much for being with us tonight so just so tell us about your experience first now you're eighteen in your also in turn at the leadership institute have were were opponents of homeschooling would say if you don't get a government indoctrination education you know you'll never get off of internship like at the leadership institute so how despite your victimization of your parents has home schooling you how did you manage to get educated enough for the leadership institute to take you want as an intern well i've always been really interested in politics and actually because of my interest i was actually involved in it can call its generation joshua and through that camp you know we learned so much about the political arena and really what to do here campaign manager and just explain everything about the political system as of now so taking from that experience you
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know i just really. i saw my political thrive grow exponentially so a little bit after that camp leadership institute emailed everyone on that list and invited us all to a school and so that's really how i got involved in the leadership and so to. metal you you also were homeschooled when you were younger and then ended up on school in your children was it something that you gave them a choice of low or no no not at all. honestly if we look maybe in a different area than you see area i probably would go to public school but i prefer homeschooling over everything because my kids are different they are both have different interbred. and. it's amazing how my son is just book smart my daughter's mechanical so therefore in theory ok and already your son home school of nursing and such and such a distinct intellectual differentiation yes i am and it's amazing how you if you
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put it forward now then there learn quicker in the future and i honestly don't have any plans on something the public school and what he does with school i started homeschooling when i was five ok and then i went to public school for junior high and then i was homeschooled again for high school and then i started college at sixteen when i was having that you go from home schooling to government school back to homeschooling sometimes it happens because of family instances or issues or something and you're forced to go back into the public sector but. it's really very simple and the transfer is very easy although you do have a bit of a problem when it comes to dealing with people ok now. for a mere experience going from what good it was or what it is where you went to school i was home schools third grade fourth grade through half of seven and
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nine. i went to a part private institution and then from tenth grade on to my senior year i was homeschooled and i also took classes which was still the majority of your education absolutely outside of the government so how do you think sets you apart from your pure eighteen they're all graduating from government run high schools and you've got this unique experience how does that set you apart. in the homeschooling really i guess unable to need to have a really great work ethic and that's mainly how i've been able to accomplish a lot do you work ok it's developed better than you did because you were self directed rather than forced to complete work yes and actually when you're home school you don't have the option of raising your hand and asking a teacher if you would like if you want an answer i mean you actually have to go out and find that yourself so that really created
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a sense of self management in my personal life so which has really been able to me to become of a part of society and really get moving on that life now so the elephant in the room for homeschooling are you guys religious. i'm religious as korean. protestant christian and how was that factored into your experience in homeschooling. you know it's just every program that has been implemented and to our home school system has really gone back to the bible i mean every every situation i guess is brought back to the basic principles on which on which the site was founded and i concur with her it is just basically you have a critical interest base is around revival and that's how i grew up however as i got older i branched out a little bit and economics. and everything so that the guest we had in the last of
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tonight's show is from a secular liberal. secular homeschooling collective group people are able to come together form a community and get some of the socialization and pooling of resources benefits of government schools without that do you think it's necessary to have a religious foundation in order to get the benefits of homeschooling or unschooling compared to government schools it's not it's not really necessary to have community type base but when i was growing up i did. absolutely you know i agree with parents not necessarily. it doesn't necessarily have to be a part of the homeschooling but it certainly is what the majority of the homeschoolers have employed and it can provide a foundation absolutely absolutely ok outstanding well so is all the time we have tonight but thank you so much for joining us for entry and i think you already that was caylee bright and natalie and alison and. on tuesday the department of education called in
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a swat team to kenneth right in stockton california when his home was raided at six am by order of yes that is a department of education that won the one both parties throw all of our tax dollars to by the way kenneth i should add i committed no crime had no criminal record but he says that after the swat team burst on his door and forcibly entered an officer grabbed him by the neck and dragged him outside in his underwear before he was cuffed him thrown in the back of a hot police car for six hours now he said later that all he wanted was the door repaired and some compensation for that i would hope people want his dignity back as well but his three children were also detained in reportedly kept in a police car for several hours. the reason for all of this abuse well originally it was reported that his a strange why if who was not even present at the time at that home had defaulted on her student loans and the department of education since released
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a statement asserting that is not the cause but no further explanation has been given simply that it was part of a criminal investigation somehow connected to the partner of education so there you have it they now have the ability to call in a swat team on you that's your government's immoral leviathan of a tax system that we and perhaps now china is paying for still perhaps some tangible good came out of this event as the department of education may have taught writes children of valuable lesson when you borrow money from dogs and fall behind they send in forster's with guns after you oh wait that's none of this was about or was it as yesterday's close a group worker shows children who learn when standards are high and results are measured but all this could be over voided a controversial scholarship created by pay pal co-founder peter thiel awarded
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twenty four candidates one hundred thousand dollars fellowship in silicon valley to pursue entrepreneurial projects instead of attending college they're all twenty or younger and will be plugged into an extensive network of high tech mentors thiel as question the value of higher education is the institution exists today also believes that the degree factory that is our current college system is about to come crashing down he told tech crunch in april that college is the next bubble in an overinflated market and propose that the rapid increase in student fees living expenses and bankruptcy laws have made it increasingly risky life investment. so while most of us won't be inventing the next facebook or pay pal trying to do this whole making a living thing from scratch might actually be before your trek to a very expensive piece of paper that may or may not get you a job stacking boxes at wal-mart the point is lots of the most successful folks out
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there got where they are by stepping outside of the confines of the classroom hard work inspiration and experimentation may perhaps be the best teacher but only one of those is effectively promoted by government schools and you guessed it the mandated labor party entrepreneurial thought requires creativity but in a coercive environment that demands uniformity how can the entrepreneur ever thrive marge's operator zuckerberg dropped out of harvard to start facebook so he's helpless certainly market to show thank you bill gates also left harvard to start microsoft and i've heard of them karl rove who will like him or not is darn good at what he does drop out of the university of utah to help build the death star henry ford who dropped out of school at fifteen and eventually revolutionized the transportation industry steve jobs mr turtleneck himself dropped out of reed to start apple and said it was quote one of the best decisions of his life michael
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dell another computer mogul dropped out of the university of texas tiger woods didn't spend his life in the classroom he was honing his golf abilities and decided to pursue them instead of an economics degree at stanford or even had a scholarship. probably a better child judgment call than his more recent. extracurriculars john mackey of whole foods dropped out of three separate schools but still managed somehow to build a massively successful business rap mogul russell simmons dropped out of city college at twenty to begin producing and a high school dropout richard branson of the virgin media empire probably doesn't regret his life decisions considering his net worth at this point marvel comics stand lead drop out of finding insufficient doodling time and of course you can forget the very most bad ass drop out of them all nicholai tesla one of the fathers of the second industrial revolution without whom you wouldn't be watching television right now and of course plenty of artists drive one out when school gets
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out of the way in whether you like their music or not these drop outs of certainly that the market with great success ever levine rule mars britney spears kind the west tom cruise john mayer dean martin oscar winner helen mirren ok. you get the point i just wish that the young are i wish the participants in fields program the best of luck and hope that they use their new superpowers of innovation for good rather than supporting the government whose indoctrination they are escaping the ideas produced by our greatest minds will have the power to break our chains or bind the human spirit to them and that's our show for tonight thanks for tuning in to adam vs the man check out adverse to the man i found but i'm guessing topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always adam adam vs the man dot com you think that this broadcast live as if there is a party dot com slash usa and this is our focus from washington.
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