tv [untitled] June 8, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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it is not a laughing matter and that his the tax is he said an unfair punishment small businesses grimace found twenty three other republicans to agree with them and sign out of the bill is co-sponsors conspicuously absent from that list of speaker john boehner the man who arguably has the most to gain from repeal the chanting bad tax it's unclear what the name of the new legislation will be here the thinking of calling it the jersey shore recovery and reinvestment act. after the break all challenged by too conservative panel is jamie weinstein and daniel helper in tonight's lone liberal. drives the world of fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions for the truth and break through it through if you have made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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action and there was a battle brewing on capitol hill today between wal-mart and wall street over debit card fees even though one side lost the real losers in the debate are you and me we don't have the lobbyists to fight for their plots. it was time for the low a liberal and i take on too conservative expert commentators on the big stories of the week on our pals and i daniel helper deputy on line editor the weekly standard and jamie weinstein deputy editor of the daily caller dot com jamie based on you guys with us let's get going here unfortunately the big news of the week was winner gate democratic congressman anthony weiner admitted after a week of lying that he did indeed send lewd photos of his junk and carried on
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internet relationships with a variety of women on facebook and twitter and though he assured everyone that these relationships never became physical if that makes anything better we're apologize in a press conference on monday but is refusing to step down a lot of the republicans are circling here's r. and c. chairman reince priebus this morning on the today show. nancy pelosi needs to do our job and be a leader of her caucus and tell anthony weiner to really hit the bricks and go home i don't think here's the problem i don't think we need to spend taxpayer dollars investigating whether or not anthony weiner the creep or not nancy pelosi debbie wasserman schultz who is obama's hand-picked leader of the democratic party to sit down with him and tell him that he needs to leave on the night so why is it that when republicans like david vitter john ensign christopher lee mark sanford newt gingrich you get the point rise of the when these guys step in it republican leadership says it's up to the constituents but why. a democrat gets in trouble
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they pounce and ask for an immediate resignation. you know look this is really pathetic what he did it's no question about that he apparently showed his previous to the to the world but it's out now just i mean it's a few hours. and barney frank who didn't leave after after sex scandals i think that he probably should resign but that's not anthony weiner's thing to do that's not what he did he take a person he is taking into account what had a person he is this is what he should say he said yes i sent those pictures it's not illegal and guess what i'm going to be sending more so you better get used to it i'm staying around i'm owning this well that's that's at least the first half of that is what he should this day want obviously and it's a case then all of the cover it's this is just like just like watergate and just like clinton for that matter the cover up is worse than the crime i've thought long and hard about this and i'm against premature resignation i think this and i think by the way that the republican party is making a huge mistake i don't know why as you said this is
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a bipartisan problem this happens to everyone everyone but it happens every party speaker and i think. it happens every party and i think there's no question that the republicans should just be quiet let the guy self-destruct he's doing a fine job without without them piling on of it my big concern is that you know the republicans were self destructing before this came along with the whole you know paul ryan let's you know blow up medicare thing and it's been off the press off the pages of the press not only that wieners wieners esther for democrat primary defense was this is a right wing conspiracy that's out to get right the primary cover up first and i think the republicans can really stand to benefit by shutting up and just saying look this wiener has no idea what he's talking about we would not be involved in something like this he did it himself and he can go out there is not as one to one suggestion if i was his political advisor right now i would look at mary what's going on here you have dominant strauss kahn who is not going to run for the president of the. rance this type of thing would increase his popularity if he was
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a politician in france and why did he leave congress moved to france to run for the presidency there he probably had the wit when he could run on this let's raise strauss kahn actually i mean if what's what he has been alleged is true there's a difference between great and what i compared i'm just saying this sex i'm just saying that that wiener would be popular in france for what he. just had for there is a case to be made that anthony weiner could use the spotlight to now it's his run for the for the major world race and york city glad he decided not to be political and be a little so i think look at the matchup in new york you can see out baldwin might jump in you have these guys he calls his daughter a pig and anthony weiner who shows as we enter another computers if we're going to be together is new york city or city ten years after the bush tax cuts our economy is in the tank at the rich have never been richer a gang of millionaires or as they call themselves patriotic billionaires have now come forward to talk about what they did with all that excess cash that they got thanks to the bush tax cuts and here's a hint they didn't create any jobs with one million or so he did nothing with the
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money just put it in the bank another million million or so he traveled more boosting probably outside the united states one million or so he bought a new boat but it was built in italy and thus didn't do anything for the u.s. economy and no other millionaire went ahead and build a dance floor in his house some small job stimulus there so considering that bush only created three million jobs and his tax cuts while bill clinton created twenty six million jobs in this tax hikes isn't it obvious ten years later that the bush tax cuts were a bad deal or was there a secret plan going out to boost the foreign yacht industry whose idea of this is if you pick your millionaires wanted to do something good with the tax refund they got they could have donated to charity they could've invested in the business created jobs they chose not to do anything with it in the other complaining they could have done what they were told that is that. we didn't have any kind of significant deficit or debt for the two hundred years of the existence of this country outside of when we fought world war i want to. world war two and the civil
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war and the revolution other than wars until ronald reagan came along and started spending like a drunken sailor and cutting to heal i guess which it was in two thousand and seven one hundred thirty billion dollars one hundred fifty billion dollars it's not like you know i got some time at the desk the devil ronald reagan came into office was under a trillion dollars when he left it was about the economy and our economy grew quite you give me a three trillion dollar credit card i'll show you how to grow an economy it's a phony growth these patriotic millionaires first of all there is a belief that that our political freedom is intrinsically tied with our economic freedom so they had they were free to do this and good for them they did it i'm not the but on a smaller scale ball rocking point on a second all are political and on a smaller scale there are people who are people families who use that extra cash to spend it and that it did create some growth now it's the average commuter we don't want to fantasy to suggest a year it's a liberal fantasy to suggest that good can back if we had the revenue if we had the
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revenue that we would then do greater things with it it's not first of all it's not true because there is the political freedom that people gain and second of all when we gain freedom by but i don't think it is usually all the confessions are just the logistics and i share those two things my you surely in dollars and jack can't control for the conditions in the conditions change we had nine eleven which was devastating to the economy we don't cut the internet bubble that busted you know and it's not true that we would necessarily break more and we lost seventy times total long term scale it's not true that if we raised more money if we raised taxes that would raise more money in a long term scale obviously it's true within a couple of years the question is are you looking for an economy that has a long term growth that's a sustainable and that creates jobs or is eisenhower there is my point is these are so i want to these are so bad why did obama in the democratic congress pass it because i think it was the cost two point standing unemployment because they're not going to have those two points that have to be made for it so if it's a right wing talking. and to say that political and economic freedom are tied
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together it is also a you know it's also a little south it's also called lucky and if you're going the right way to do you know and the only job available is working to call them for a job got it you've got to do it comes from a property you is it a central part of freedom it's a locking principle upon which the country was founded but secondly but secondly actually if you want to take john locke and extended to to through the whole era through the one lightman era there was also a recognition that many people don't have economic freedom because of the circumstances of their life are you sure that's true i'd have a lot about half of them are there's several i mean i'm a scottish development fellow myself i'm not a french elate mean i like the scottish lightman so. close to the ocean one of the threats but the second point that has to be made on this is that taxes are not why we have this fourteen trillion dollar deficit they are very small part it's the spending that is the problem it is the trillion and a half that he has been three trillion dollars in our start where the stimulus i think comes from the misallocation of funds that is the problem there are totally
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bush spending ok i'll agree with you it's the spending it's the illegal war and to get a brotherhood party that is stripped away nearly every single effective gun control over the last few decades to any american while was to gun ownership and one organization has taken notice of this al qaeda take a look at this new video by an al qaeda spokesman encouraging jihadi to purchase firearms at american gun shows and launch mumbai style attack since where they shot up that hotel the taj mahal in mumbai in india around the country. america is absolutely alone with easily obtainable firearms you can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without having to show a very difficult card so what are you waiting for. actually the hotel is called the taj thank you jane a.p. reported more than two hundred suspected terrorists were able to buy guns ease last
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year thanks to the lax gun restrictions so given our nation's revamped nearly every aspect of our life from flight in airports letting the government spy on us just to keep us safe from terrorists republicans will immediately close the terrorist gun show loophole right now that it's really a pose that it's not something that i that i strongly against however i don't think that would stop a. style attack i was just in the taj hotel a couple months ago it was a terrible attack that happened in mumbai the idea that if you close this loophole that they can't get guns they can buy them a legally even if you and if you got rid of it i can have it banned guns they're still be people that would have guns are criminals and guess what terrorists can buy from criminals because you know what they are in a worse type of purpose so the solution is for us to make sure that everybody in america has a gun in both of the gun lobby is going to take any news and try to use it to their advantage which is what you're doing here on the anti-gun lobby yes but i think this allusion ages aleutian is they go after the terrorist itself themselves you
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can make you can stop selling guns but but terrorism will still exist i do agree that we should have that background check should be even at gun shows and i have been to gun shows and they actually do quick background checks on people perhaps they should be slightly lower license or gun dealers to the guys who are showing up and saying i'm just doing a flea market thing and there's a and that's forty percent of all sales and gun shows are the guys who we say. you would i think more should do it and i think and i think they should they should cross check in on terrorists on terrorist list also but i don't think this is the solution to our problem the solution to our problem is to stop terrorism and to get rid of terrorism to win in afghanistan so be it and i rest assured we can find other people's countries you know we're not going to be part of any country we are we are improving iraq and afghanistan and that i think people of those countries might just. so sure. they certainly have a better than they had before but let me go to this when we respond to what you want your mark let me let me respond they would have died under surveillance at
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least clean five thousand people a month died under sanctions during the period before the because of our sanctions but before the so actions of us and the kurds who were massacred let's not go there you know this is going to be let's let me just point out that you said it would be better if everyone had a gun that would be better sarcastically well yeah if everyone had a gun in the streets of mumbai and those guys were coming with guns i don't think as many people would have been killed if not more people would have been i don't know because those guys were professionals and they were prepared and if you had a bunch of amateurs running around with i was in a they would have been killing i was going to i would hope i have a going to use them and how many people would you have accidentally shot when you were trying to shoot a terrorist i think it would have been a disaster remember when republicans were campaign during the two thousand and ten election and pledged to repeal and replace obamacare well after winning back the house republicans immediately repeal the health reform law but over five months in power they have yet to replace it says some freshman members of their caucus worried here's wisconsin congressman sean duffy at a recent town hall about. going from going to. your place and told me.
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during. the spring we're. all replaceable versions. of your thoughts or you know. considering the republicans can really pass whatever they want the house including paul ryan's budget to privatized medicare which they passed is very telling that they have yet to pass any sort of health reform law only to replace the one they just repealed or is it that they really had no intention of replacing obamacare because it's not fully repaired i mean the house could do this you haven't even to be repealed obamacare yet you have to have the senate on board so that's not going to i don't let's make a gesture have to send and then you have to have to pay ransom or do you have to have. my replaces look at martin feldstein i think he has a very smart plan it's called catastrophic insurance i think that's a pretty good plan but i think that you have to do one step at a time you have to repeal it and it has not yet been repealed could. but there is but there there is a proposal to repeal it that has been passed by congress by the house of representatives by the house of representatives paul ryan plan and and there has
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been no i know of paul ryan plan isn't just to repeal the paul ryan does not save expensive reforms to certain elements of the health care for health care system so that's a that's the replay no i'm saying it's a step i'm saying but they need to do more things and it's only has any purpose to replace me yeah we knew we were going to go hearings on replacement at this point when this can't even possibly happen until republicans have a majority a super majority in the senate and a president who will sign into law so let's say they did have a supermajority in the in the sun and and the house and they could pass it but with . martin feldstein as i said i think he was a harvard he's a he is a harvard economist it's a catastrophic insurance plan and i think it's quite smart i don't know why they had to discuss that more so basically everybody. i don't know what that is well it would you would you would be responsible for instance this is one version of being part of it is up to twenty percent of your income on your on your medical matter
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what you make and after that there would be a catalyst government would provide you a catastrophic plan that would go above that so there would be no emergency so if somebody isn't working at wal-mart and making fifteen thousand bucks a year twenty percent thirty percent of their income which is more than up to twenty percent they wouldn't it wouldn't be so it would be wiped out the way it works is closer to your car your car insurance so when you have you have you have to have car insurance of course and if you drive a car and when the car when there's a maintenance problem with the car you you don't you fix it yourself unless you have a catastrophic problem and then you know if you're a wrecker something more serious and you go in for i think our bodies are a little different than our own i think over know whether this is the safety net this is it that goes beyond what you what people can pay and there are there may be there may be a reasonable middle i don't know we'll see any on the wake of the winner of the episode righteous' andrew breitbart is now claiming that he knows the exact. really what women want in an interview with the daily beast. i don't know with one hundred percent confidence that this guy's
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a narcissist he was not sending photos to women to go to allow for what pleases women which is a nice kind of model or sweet nothings about how beautiful you are which is what it takes in that department so breitbart knows what it takes to please women so what exactly is what's in the republican guidebook to picking up women a half million dollar line of credit to tiffany's as long as you can keep it a secret nearly girlfriend or be with john boehner about that a night of drinks and then more drinks or see dinner with dinner with mel gibson and mel gibson we've got nikki haley who do you have to say what the republicans have nikki haley who do you have. what is that i'm saying that we have we have a very beautiful women in the republican party and i think that there's a beautiful woman in the democratic party but what does that have to do with the republican plan to pick up women we've thought of the republicans have done a good job of picking up women becoming the party or pretty of everybody get dollars that winners are pretty good to take advice from breitbart he's not the one philandering he's not the one cheating on his wife they have left far behind oh
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that's right or other times he says he's been he's happily married his wife and in california i think i think i think we can learn a thing or two from right or have to have a d.c. madam on speed dial likelihood or that's my guess of the republican state but who knows i mean i'm not daniel helper deputy online editor the weekly standard jami weinstein senior editor of the daily caller thank you both for being here thank you after the break it's a very busy day for lobbyists on capitol hill in tonight's dealy take i'll tell you why one expensive fight in senate they highlight just how dysfunctional our political institutions of the. you go through. and get.
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into it and we're nutritionism doodle to bring justice and accountability. i have the right to know what my government's doing you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize the boma as the charismatic version of american exceptionalism. is the good the bad of the very very odd nations lay ugly their good move on bad or be progressive organization the talents over five million members announced a new campaign set to begin on june twenty third called rebuild the dream purpose
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of the campaign is to shift the political debate from austerity measures to actual job creation measures as move on as executive director justin ruben said the goal here is to really change the debate and refocus it on stuff that is necessary to create jobs and make the economy work for regular people is an real it was widespread misery across the country washington is focused on closing the deficit and giving tax breaks to millionaires well said move on joins tons of other progressive organizations getting active all around the country to combat the speaker that was john boehner is right wing agenda to get out there and pick one or a few and join up the bad former democratic senator evan by the former democratic senator who decided not to run for another term last year is getting ready to walk through that infamous revolving door on capitol hill and become a lobbyist. it was reported yesterday the buy has taken a job lobbying from the u.s. chamber of commerce which explains why by seem to be interviewing for the job as
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a senator he blocked a slew of government regulations killed labor reform and killed energy reform so much for the senator representing his constituents in indiana the only cared about his constituents on k. street and the very very ugly republican congressman paul brown in a radio interview yesterday congressman brown pledged to vote against raising the debt ceiling and shrugged his shoulders at the idea that a quarter million government jobs could be lost as a result of his actions. the c.p.o. says well if we if we don't if we don't raise the debt limit it's going to put. so many people out of work i don't remember the numbers i think it's two hundred fifty thousand or something i will be put out of work with those could be government employees that are put out of work there a lot of government employees if you go found a real job. is delivering our mail making sure our food and water are safe teaching our children those are real jobs every now and again
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a republican slips up and reveals how their party really feels about working and that's very very ugly. today to lobbying giants were pitted against each other in the united states senate it was wal-mart versus wall street on the issue of debit card swipe fees besides oil barons and health insurance c.e.o.'s good luck trying to find two industries that spend more on lobbying the d.'s to heavy weights. if i can think of a good metaphor here. i. hate that's right the irresistible force wal-mart and other giant retailer and merchants that get pretty
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much whatever they want from congress up against the immovable object wall street and industry is practically untouchable the issue at hand is the sixteen billion dollars in debit card swipe fees that retail merchants have to fork over to the banks trees every year so that you and i can use plastic when we buy stuff as part of some new federal regulations set to go into effect next month these are all rages swipe fees will be reined in and kept depriving big banks of over a billion dollars a month in profit that is frankly largely revenue because with all these innovations in computers these swipe fees no longer reflect the actual cost to collect the didn't like credit card things needless to say the wall street lobby was scrambling to delay the new regulations saying small banks that are dependent on swipe fees could suffer that's why senator jon tester introduced an amendment today to delay these new regulations but on the other side of the fight retail merchants like wal-mart also have
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a powerful lobby on the hill and they're throwing their weight around to claiming that the swipe fees cripple retailers in fact there's been so much lobbying activity on cop capitol hill over this bill that senators have dubbed it the k. street full employment act and it's put lawmakers in a tough position i guess that's unlike legislation to raise the minimum wage or to prohibit for profit health insurance abuses or to cap carbon emissions or lawmakers apparently only have friends on one side of the aisle the transnational corporations so while bankers and corporations are duking it out what if this bill mean for the rest of us. not much we'll be able to use or debit cards either way it really just came down to who is going to keep footing the bill or making the profit from the cost of these transactions the retailers as they currently do or the bank stores ultimately the immovable object known as wall street was the loser in today's fight senator tester's amendment was defeated and the swipe fees will be
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cut starting next month but that's not really all that important what's important is why this bill was even on the senate calendar for today especially with all of the other problems facing the ninety nine percent of us who haven't made millions in the retail business or on wall street actually it wasn't just today actually this was this right feed bill has been a priority in fact priority number one in the senate for quite a while now you may think our senate has been hard at work trying to raise the debt ceiling and get people back to work it's actually been working on this swipe card fee all year and that's because there's a lot of corporate cash at stake and does a lot of lobbying going on behind closed doors with lots of campaign contributions being passed out rocks and expensive dinners the whole bit and this debate strikes right to the heart of what's wrong with politics in america instead of considering legislation based on the best interests of our country. congress considers
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legislation based on the highest bidder and corporate giants as the old saying goes when elephants fight the mice get trampled who knows what legislation is being pushed back on the senate calendar to handle as showdown between two lobbying power houses could be to get limit the jobs bill out for the ninety nine er's war funding or not. but one thing is clear about congress unless you're willing and able to pass millions of dollars good luck getting lawmakers to pay attention to your gripes and there's only two ways around this pay to place game one ninety nine er's and people opposed to the war could theoretically hire a high priced lobbyist like evan guy or ralph reed so there isn't much profit to be made in helping the unemployed or ending wars so that leaves option to kick the whole cohens in the under the giants out of the lobbying world of capitol hill we need campaign reform and lobbying reform now there should be only one
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irresistible force and that's the will of the people and only one immovable object or democracy. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered this is our website it's on arbonne dot com. also check out our youtube page at youtube dot com slash not big picture artie and you do you tube dot com slash mark and this entire show is available as a free podcast on i tunes and don't forget to mark receive begins with you when you show up and participate your seat in our.
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