tv [untitled] June 8, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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stepping up the pressure on libya they calls on allies to intensify war efforts to moscow insists a peaceful solution is the only option after talks with the rival sides. russia puts the brakes on efforts by countries want to take action against syria and the kremlin says could lead to a dubious start military intervention. american death row inmates are being lead free injected with animal killing drugs its human rights groups claim is tantamount to smoke. plus the culture and cuisine of the caucuses gets you closer to normal sense yet.
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they would welcome trotty world news twenty four hours a day similar goals but it's with a very different methods in bringing stability to libya a terrorist chief is calling on the coalition to get even more active and what is already an intensified campaign at the same time russia is discussing peace with both women seem on the rebels the kremlin's special envoy saying both sides that war is not the solution. for national isn't it with more. later continues bombing tripoli we've been hearing heavy strikes overnight as well as during the day this week actually the libyan capital has seen the most intensive farai since the beginning of the operation in march with nato targeting gadhafi his compound and command and control centers in an attempt to weakening the embattled
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colonel and force him out russia actually wants to see khadafi to step down moscow's envoy has visited libya and has met our position leaders here and has also . put off is closest ally and his cousin in cairo and after that has said that both sides have a mutual understanding that military actions is not an option and this conflict should only be resolved through peaceful means. nato allies are in agreement that you must go but the scene is. real simply about how to do that the alliance is general secretary rasmussen and the u.s. defense secretary robert gates are demanding more participation more help from certain members because the reality is that only eight out of twenty eight data members have joined the air raids really well the country which is not in nato sweetness preparing to send its marines to enforce. weapons and bargo and has
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agreed to extend its presence in this operation in fact the latest murmurs of discontent coming from the rubbles they. want to be sure as they say that they. stayed out of the political process in leaving national issues but we can see that they to has intensified dramatically its military efforts here in live where wow this can pain this whole operation against gadhafi is getting more and more and popular among all the sides been involved. with russia. use of europe mandating that moscow is trying to make sure. mistakes and the repeated elsewhere it's effectively blocking a draft resolution is put forward at the u.n. nuclear watchdog on the security council which are a bit pressuring the syrian regime has a very important i report says because the same kind of language is being used which led to the bombing of libya. following two hours of closed door consultations
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with the u.n. security council members france and britain did not corner nuff support that they clearly needed for this resolution that they introduced to be adopted in that resolution introduced by britain and france calls for a condemnation against the syrian government for our crackdown on anti-government protesters that has taken place over the past three months the resolution the draft resolution proposed by the u.k. and france as i mentioned also urges countries to not supply weapons to damascus it also calls on syria to comply and to work with the u.n. human rights organization now why this is a big effort on the part of these european countries to try to get the international community to clamp down on syria following three months of but as
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we've been reporting other countries veto wielding countries such as china and russia have spoken out against adopting any resolutions against syria russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin says he believes that diplomacy should be used for solving political problems not creating conditions for a new armed conflict the russian envoy said housing more and more in more resolutions puts the international community in a position where it's picking sides within an internal conflict let's take a listen to what he said during an interview with channel russia because of his concern interfering in syria fears nearly to an escalation of violence because it may be misinterpreted by destructive opposition forces who want change of power in damascus such a position will definitely lead to more bloodshed and an exclusion of violence in some quarters of the dialogue is needed and we remember that in libya it also started with defending human rights which ended up with a war led by the coalition of russia among many other countries believe. it would
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not help the situation in the middle east could possibly destabilize syria or possibly other countries and in the aftermath of what is taking place in libya a resolution being adopted back in march and some criticizing the fact that european and the us have overstepped. lines that were put out in that resolution russia and other countries are a little bit more reserved on how to act with syria choosing a more diplomatic approach in the meantime consultations at the united nations will continue again thursday morning as the u.k. and france continue campaigning for support against this draft for this draft resolution against syria. well you know i think nations wells of course of action over syria crackdowns on protesters in yemen and bahrain being seen looks will correspond to their own this washington is using the u.n. as a tool to protect its friends and punish and semi's. there is growing pressure washington
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in saudi arabia and from israel for us from the western powers somehow to get in syria maybe just from here i don't think they stand out danger as the syria syrian situation is and how a collapse of syrian government could be gender great regional instability but the other half of the middle east equally are looking and they're seeing united states . worried about human rights in syria but wait a minute western governments and bahrain and in yemen and not to mention in israel are gunning down civilians they are worried it's coming our it's about as we're in a gold standard it's a lot of across the muslim world the united nations sympathy at the security council has come as former u.s. secretary of state madeleine albright said an arm of what's far over the city and
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the u.s. is using it to. the syrian. regime syria the next target for a political but it's a very dangerous and this is not right there balances moss the united nations not supposed to be needed instigator so more diplomacy has called for the us the or i snatch. well that we're keeping across the turbulence in the arab world that's out in dot com lots more to discover as well as what we find out. why seeing the lights puts lives in danger pilots reporters surge and raise a torch is being shot in the blinding crews appearing on takeoffs and landings. also remember the birthday of one of america's problems and unity of russian monarchs peter the great and more about him r.t.
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dot com. he. was pushing ahead with efforts to create a joint european we saw the princess thing with a tech despite the new room corporation of the alliance russian officials say they emerged disappointed from the latest summit in brussels joint european missile shield are there proposed by moscow brushed aside by nato which wants its own system but one that's loosely coordinated with russia's president says in their terms approach could lead to a new arms race going twenty twenty brussels also refuses to provide legal guarantees that its shield is not directed against russia. claims the system is that so-called group states moscow is not convinced it's going to start on its own
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coffers summed up the criminal concerns. this book would we're worried about missile defense elements being placed in europe for twenty twenty this will certainly diminish russia's nuclear defense potential we are openly voicing our concerns to the u.s. and to meet all we hope to achieve progress in this respect although we have a feeling that our partners simply to know as heroes are really part of a drug designed as a cure is now being used to kill them and their cause death row is a powerful chemical used to treat epilepsy was also used to put panels to sleep and then write scripts a way subject rates to have been growing and painful death reports. if you if you where lived a few were dead we don't use the word excuse. from a dog's life to a dog's death prisoners on death row and now being killed with an animal drug plan
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to barber tools used to put pets to sleep but it's never been tested on human executions this can cause excruciating pain if something goes wrong and because we have no tests we cannot guarantee that it will get around to compare risk of not just being killed or being tortured to death jewels already been adopted in over twenty states is strictly an anesthetic and is normally just one ingredient in a lethal cocktail but in ohio it's killing alone it is not a painkiller we know that we were ill so we will show you if you add other words have some what we call p.g. if it together with that then you can be sure that there is no pain. so a drug is neither a painkiller itself their personal pension bottles produced for a danish company and back it's primarily used on humans to treat epilepsy and seizures but it's already been used in nine executions u.s.
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prisons ran out of the usual sodium thiopental after britain and italy banned exports but denmark can't do that because the new weapons made in america this is low and bricks headquarters in copenhagen despite owning a drug and opposing its misuse its process in the united states have been unsuccessful because the government there sanctions the death penalty and it's reluctant to remove pentobarbital from the market completely because it says it will do more harm than good or proper moves that this product has been for the american market for many years so we are in there is equal to limit where we can just dock the production record for the market because that would actually true. people patients who come into life threatening situations that instance to limit business indeed sales fifty million doses of printed bhardwaj will every year it claims it can't prevent death row using it as a killer because of
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a complicated supply chain but human rights groups bite people are beginning to realize that the statement there is nothing we can do you isabella see and the pharmaceutical industry can do a lot and has a responsibility not to be complicit in executions reprieved claims lundberg has the power to control who gets the drug since it does with other products but that comes at a cost at the moment bricks not budging neither a u.s. presence using a federally approved drug designed to treat people to kill instead i've been it r t copenhagen. there are more world headlines in brief this hour intelligence officials say eight o'clock a study soldiers and twelve insurgents were killed in a militant attack on a security check post an insurgent stronghold in the northwest attacking others they tested u.s. missile strike which killed twenty people there but the region is home to several
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militant groups connected to what's on the tax across the border they're going to start. the perils of the plant has suffered temporary power cuts to its reactors affected the central control rooms in rethink and radiation data couldn't be collected so that is operators says the blackout that got of that operation to cool the reactors and is investigating what caused the outages. germany has admitted that its response to the deadly e. coli outbreak wasn't good enough planing a fractured public health structure will coordinate response pretty six people have so far died from the newton strain about here and thousands of others. expect this to happen from the source of the outbreak and say it's now in the klein. well thought to explore more of the world's largest country now as we take in more russia close up.
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our expedition today brings us to one of russia's smallest regions the republic of north and central it's located in the very heart of the caucuses where the continents of europe and asia meet more than half the area is taken up with national parks and game reserves and is well known for its therapeutic freshwater springs counties will conscionable your guide to the capital. with breathtaking views across five mountain ridges and over fifty lakes this land leads to friendly open people an amazing national food gas the capital of this republic in russia it means the place that owns the caucasus and indeed it was a former fortress closing the way to the greater caucasian mountains now the first stop that we made through this region was there's also some town with
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a narrow streets and small little houses so typical of this area the city also stands on the biggest river in the caucasian region retired people that live there call themselves the surgeons and with their own language they strictly follow the traditions of their ancestors they try to do so in our very aspect of their daily lives from what to wear to what to cook watch our report to find out more. in this part of the world cooking is not considered a real man's job but it is all vanity and be if ever wanted to do with of him or dreamt of being involved in the confectionery business for as long as i can remember i always wanted to learn the secrets of a city international cuisine i wanted to help people from making good food. and none of his family supported him in the village home she shared with his mother and five brothers he left his home and moved to the city and watched his passion grow into a number of food factories. a crew bar cart and
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a city and it means abundance and everything and life develops now but we shouldn't forget around searches and we should follow our traditions that's the most important thing i believe. a certain food is based upon three points towards some of the secrets that have been handed down through the generations the forest origins these points mean much more than just simple fast food gas people saying have the round shape of this life signifies the universe in the middle is create. i says he has put three points on the table each one for three elements water birth and i am. living in the mountainous area locals try to use everything the earth gives them for the feeling they use potatoes homemade cheese and even beetroot leaves in wealthy families pies were also made with the mutton it's not just these tasty treats which have stood the test of time but also family ceremonies and
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weddings are among the most deeply held and the static traditions on answering this bridal sun is like stepping into a cultural time machine where the spirit of the south hince through the ages are woven into these delicate gowns most prized choose their own wedding dress but here they take costume ization to the highest level all girls here learn the intricate skills needed to make almost every inch of detail in those handmade gowns unique and precise in the traditions of their parents who lost women in north or south asia try to get married to wearing national wedding costume this one for example is a perfect copy of what price two hundred years ago and it looks just as good today but the detail here is handmade and it takes more than a month to get a dress like this for the big day. craft work like this runs in the blood
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of the people in north assassin from dressed in pride since used for office workers to love those costumes for the top stages in russia one of the workshops for some petersburg's prestigious marine ski or bryn bali theater is based here in one of the narrow streets of latika us. this i do belong to the russian conductor give me thirty thousand people for two years at the beginning careers but now we do everything independently and bring the finished costume to the theater. for a region enclosed by towering mountains north is that his presence is. way beyond this rural buddhist traditions the translator broad's and delight the travelers who come here our close our team continues to explore the republic of north the south sea at one of the smallest regions named russia now it is located on the north and slopes of the central caucasus and almost half of the cherry tree is situated in the mountain area and almost half of the population speak of b.s.s.
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in language now to talk more in the mystery of this language joined by meter we t.v. the house of the state university a language center thank you very much for joining me does a sense in language really differ from other group asian languages yeah it does and thank you for the world mystery you know how mystery we are the only into your appearance here in the caucasus encircled by knowing do appear in languages so that makes us feel we could know way we are the representatives of the different language families. their only armenia's in the southern caucuses that belong to this so you know who to use and if there is a significant level of academic interest of this kind would be i'm sure and it's a squad. important for the blues not only for linguistic studies it's important for all the point of view of history of politics so the language of course linguists are comparatively who is the expert the ball is interested in the
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language so it's news the language that is located between the worst and your opinion are these to do with the languages so it makes us very important from the linguistic perspective yeah ok thank you very much there was a need or we tivo the heart of the state university language century and meanwhile our team continues to bring you the latest pictures of life down here in russia's north caucuses in the republic of north this us here. there out there that many americans are still fighting on for treatments for so that we're one hundred fifty years ago the legacy of civil war divisions are still in that sense this that's worth more than fifty percent of u.s. citizens believe what mr explains why. it's a war that lives on in the united states. soldiers can be found camped out near the battlefields where forefathers once fought reenacting the civil war one hundred
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fifty years later and off these fields its legacy still runs through the country the ohio river was once considered an extension of the mason dixon line in the united states dividing north and south a division that still remains today. mostly a civil war as a war in one country what it can for those places are very nicely from there in the south there's still rebellion against the northern victors version of events and battles rage on in americans minds about what was its stake in this conflict then and now there's a lot of people here i think the civil war is still a current proper historical topic. in this town it's left the president's defensive over their right to bear arms except when there were. or here owning a gun is mandatory southerner's of the last gasp of the citizenry against a. oppressive government is to revolt. and in the very
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capital of the nation. state. residents are still fighting the federal government for full voting rights and a representation in congress the residents of the district of columbia have never had the rights that are persisted upon everyone else in this country the limits to their rights stem in part from civil war divisions that stephanie part of and before that white people never thought of blacks but scholars argue though the war may have ended slavery it was far from ending racism with washington d.c.'s large population of newly freed black citizens at the end of the war to limit their influence political elites push to curb voting rights for. everyone presidents are still fighting that legacy today. and this is what this is like.
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and the tea party protests that have swept across the u.s. every energized to rally behind state's rights reminiscent of confederate rhetoric one hundred fifty years ago when you look at source software how they line up and be there even genetic pedigree on some level going back to the states that the most these people are from it's much more aligned with the confederacy of eight hundred sixty southern vols celebrate civil war states a session but modern day civil rights activists acquitted to celebrating treason and slavery and polls show a divided country more than half of americans believe the civil war is still relevant today only a minority relegated to history or the country remains split over the cards. so while the literal reenactments of the civil war may be the most visible leftover of a war that divided the nation. left over battles are still being fought by many more in a war that lives on today or in mr r.t.
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. but leading a french new m.p. it weighs into countries in libya well that soon but first this is a korea. morning and welcome to our business part and thanks for doing that joining me the russian dream of developing its own hybrid cars is one step closer to produce a new generation of vehicles is now being built just out sightseeing because it costs or takes a test drive. this is one of the yom of your morals and it's been many truckers to more one is the hatchback and the other one a coupe now these cars were first introduced back in january and there were an instant hit the company got over one hundred thousand advanced orders and if you're wondering about the price tag this car was such a back about twelve to fifteen thousand dollars this will provide a much needed boost for the russian car industry at the moment car ownership
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amounts to two hundred forty cars per thousand adults in russia and that's compared to about eight hundred in america but as the economy recovers the market is growing steadily the boston consulting group says the russian car market could become the world's sixth largest by twenty twenty selling about four million cars a year this will come on the back of four important ships modernization and more local production if these young will be a hybrid cars proved to be a success and there will definitely help russia revive it's our industry and as the country's first hybrid it will be a step forward not all serve all business are seen. in the. top of markets are performing crude continues to rally after opec failed to agree on increasing output raising fears of supply shortages later this year a light sweet is trading at above one hundred one dollars
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a barrel and grant is around hundred eighteen dollars. in asia stocks are broadly lower the hang seng is down for the sixth day in a row airlines are suffering from high crude prices with china down around four percent worries about u.s. economic growth are weighing on japanese show as strong the yen is pushing exports lower sony is losing around two percent and is turnaround one of the hearts. and in russia the markets managed to reverse from the red work was trading most of the day and didn't wednesday said. it's likely positive continuing gains from the mistake. and so for now on the back with more business news and about forty five minutes from now john.
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mayer than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is and large adults and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean thomas discovers what makes sense arctic is so special and attractive for many wildlife in antarctica is a boat and friends of. the expedition to the bottom of the earth are seeing. the close up
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team has been to boulder graham richard thank you all the turning point i'm bringing more to. this time archie goes to the region where half of the area is occupied by a nature preserve. where the young generation transition their ancestors camps and where the mysterious city of a deadlock world come from republic of marmoset young russian khaki. they face to. this is not a production but war of. the forces that we should step in what is sure to support victory speaks they have no idea about the hardships the we face. plate one is business is it is open to new things for any army the life of a usaf is the most precious thing in the world.
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