tv [untitled] June 9, 2011 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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mine. would be soo much brighter than if you knew me by song from funds to impression. these stunts on t.v. don't come. stepping up the pressure on libya nato calls on allies to intensify war efforts but moscow insists a peaceful solution is the only option after talks with the rival sides. brussel put the brakes on efforts by countries wanting to take action against syria which the kremlin says could lead to a libya style military intervention. and american death row inmates are being briefly injected with animal killing drugs which human rights groups claim is tantamount to torture. but the culture and cuisine of the caucuses are
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to get seen close up to north to set up. its third man in moscow this is our team coming to you live on nice and now with your top story this hour fresh nato air strikes are pounding the libyan capital with witnesses reporting seven major explosions in tripoli even so the alliance is chief wants more war efforts from coalition members meanwhile russel's been discussing peace with both the regime and the rebels encouraging the rivals for negotiations are just written osuna in libya with more. nature continues bombing tripoli we've been hearing heavy strikes overnight as well as during the day this week actually the libyan capital has seen the most intensive rate since the beginning of the operation in march with nato targeting gadhafi his compound and
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command and control centers in an attempt to within the embattled colonel and force him out russia actually wants to see khadafi to step down moskos envoy has visibly and has met up with asian leaders here and has also. tough is closest ally his cousin in cairo and after that mikhail margelov has said that both sides have a mutual understanding that military actions is not an option and this conflict should only be resolved through peaceful means nato allies are in agreement that you must go the scene is. real simply it's about how to do that the alliances and general secretary rasmussen and the u.s. defense secretary robert gates are demanding more participation more help from certain members because the reality is that the only age out of twenty eight nations members have. been about the country which is not in nato sweetness preparing to send its marines to enforce. weapons in pago and has agreed to extend
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its presence in this operation in fact the latest murmurs of discontent coming from the rubbles they. want to be sure as they say that. stayed out of the political process in the case in a national issue that we can see that they to has intensified dramatically its the efforts here in the where wow this can pain this whole operation against gadhafi is getting more and more in popular demand all the sides been involved. head of france's nationalist party has told r.t. that the war in libya isn't a humanitarian issue but a mission to topple the current regime there some of what we'll hear from marine le pen later next hour. the competing outside international law we should stop talking nonsense it is no longer a tool an air exclusion say we are in a mission to bring down
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a man and regimes and in order to do say we send helicopters much more obvious he will send an army on the ground so it's no longer it's all about humanitarian issues it's about a civil war in which we take one side. now with russia concerned over abuse of the u.n. mandate in libya moscow is trying to make sure the same mistakes are not repeated elsewhere it's effectively blocking draft resolutions put forward at the u.n. nuclear watchdog i'm the security council which right are pressuring the syrian regime and i in our reports it's because the same kind of language is being used which led to the bombing of libya. following two hours of closed door consultations with the u.n. security council members france and britain did not garner enough support that they clearly needed for this resolution that they introduced to be adopted in that
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resolution introduced by britain and france calls for a condemnation against the syrian government for our crack down on anti-government protesters that has taken place over the past three months the resolution the draft resolution proposed by the u.k. and france as i mentioned also urges countries to not supply weapons to damascus it also calls on syria to comply and to work with the u.n. human rights organization now this is a big effort on the part of these european countries to try to get the international community to clamp down on syria following three months of under us but as we've been reporting other countries veto wielding countries such as china and russia have spoken out against adopting any resolutions against syria russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin says he believes that diplomacy should be used for solving political problems not creating conditions for
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a new armed conflict the russian envoy said passing more and more and more resolutions puts the international community in a position where it's picking sides within an internal conflict let's take a listen to what he said during an interview with channel russia because he said he was concerned that interfering in syria fears new leads to an escalation of violence because it may be misinterpreted by destructive opposition forces who want to change power in your mask such positions definitely lead to more bloodshed and an escalation of violence and it's important. dialogue is needed when we remember that in libya it all started with defending human rights which ended up with a world with much a collision of russia among many other countries believed. it would not help the situation in the middle east could possibly destabilize syria possibly other countries and in the aftermath of what has taken place in libya a resolution being adopted back in march and some criticizing the fact that
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european and the us have overstepped the guidelines that were put out in that resolution russia and other countries are a little bit more reserved on how to act with syria choosing a more diplomatic approach in the meantime consultations at the united nations will continue again thursday morning as the u.k. and france continue campaigning for support against this draft for this draft resolution against syria. while the united nations moles of course of action over syria crackdown on protesters in yemen and bahrain are being seemingly overlooked or correspondent eric margolis that washington is using the u.n. as a tool to protect its friends and punish its enemies. i don't think they understand i'm dangerous the sewer syrian situation isn't how it collapsed the syrian government couldn't gender or great regional stability but the other hand in the
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middle east people rarely look even to seem united states and its allies seek worried about human rights and syria but limited western backed governments and bahrain and in yemen and not to mention in israel are burning down will insist they are not the words coming out of the western powers about this or we're in a double standard it's a lot of the muslim world the united nations said to the security council has become as former u.s. secretary of state madeleine albright said an arm of us are all the city and the u.s. is using it suits us and we use the syrians. in a sudden team syrian raid and next target set up for a political group it's a very dangerous almost and this is not right that it balances was the united nations it's those that we need instigator so more diplomacy was called
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or worse the roots are i snatch. we continue to keep you across what's happening in the arab world on our website r.t. dot com more to discover there as well what we find out online for you today we'll see if i had more ross around design earth working towards getting passengers traveling at almost the speed of sound along the ground. all the remember the birthday of one of the most prominent and innovative russian monarch peter the great and learning more about him from our team. moscow is pressing ahead with efforts to create a joint european missile defense system with nato that's just like lukewarm cooperation of the alliance doesn't there's also they emerged disappointed from the latest summit in brussels the joint european missile shield idea proposed by moscow
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is being brushed aside by nato which wants its own system but one let's loosely coordinated with russia's president medvedev says nato is approach could lead to a new arms race by twenty twenty brussels also refuses to provide legal guarantees that its shield is not directed against russia nato claims the system is aimed at so-called rogue states but moscow is not convinced defense minister and interests of the called summed up the kremlin's concerns. we're worried about missile defense elements being placed in europe just for twenty twenty three this will certainly diminish russia's nuclear defense potential and we are openly voicing our concerns to the u.s. and. progress administration although we have a feeling that our partners simply do you know its heroes. there with our live from moscow still ahead for you we take you on a journey to the meeting point that's europe asia. public up north the sets here i
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do want to rustle smallest regions but it's big announcements nature and cults are about as wide today as it was a millennium ago. but the u.s. civil war that's still being fought find out why for many americans there's still a north south divide one hundred years are. coming up in our business program b.p.'s arctic ambitions have hit the skids the greatest oil firms pulling out of its high profile alliance with russia's ross snapped just six months after business desk and there was a hint of why the deal gone down corrina tell us what's going on well b.p.'s confirmed that its alliance was crossed and is effectively. the company says it's moving on to focus on other opportunities and despite the failure of their arctic venture b.p. says it remains whilst they have favorite part i hope some other deal could come through the company also said it had no intention to sell its stake and. join me in
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our business boards where we talked to some analysts about the problem and about ten minutes. a drug designed as a cure is now they used to kill on america's death row it's a powerful chemical used to treat epilepsy but it's also used to put animals to sleep human rights groups say i'm a subject inmates to a lingering and painful death after bennett. if you. were an option if you would have said we don't like the word execution from a dog's life to a dog sting prisoners on death row and now being killed with an animal drug. used to put pets to sleep but it's never been tested on human executions this can cause excruciating pain if something goes wrong and because we have no tests we cannot guarantee that it will go around to people at risk of not just being killed being
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tortured to death. already been adopted in over twenty states is strictly an anesthetic and is normally just one ingredient in a lethal cocktail but in ohio it's killing alone it's not a painkiller we know that with will so if you have other which have some what we call an effect to get over that then you can be sure that there is no pain. so that the drug is not a painkiller so that was your pension bottles produced for a danish company back it's primarily used on humans to treat epilepsy and seizures but it's already been used in nine icsa q since u.s. prisons ran out of the usual sodium thiopental after britain and italy banned exports but denmark can't do that because the new weapons are made in america this is long but it's headquarters in copenhagen despite owning a drug and opposing its misuse its protests in the united states have been
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unsuccessful as the government there sanctions the death penalty and it's for lots of derby of pens a bottle from the market completely because it says it will do more harm than good our crop of this product has been for the american market for many years so we are in there is a goal of the limit where we can just stop the production withdraw for the market because that would actually. be people patients who come in to life threatening situations that this is the limit really in business indeed the limbic cells fifty million doses of pentagon are brittle every year it claims it can't prevent death row using it as a killer because of a complicated supply chain but human rights groups don't bite people are beginning to realize that the statement there is nothing we can do is a fallacy and the pharmaceutical industry can do a lot and has a responsibility not to be complicit executions reprieve claims little break has
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the power to control who gets the drug since it does with other products but that comes at a cost at the moment when bricks not budging neither the u.s. prisons using a federally approved drug designed to treat people to kill instead i do bennett r.t. copenhagen. i quarter past the hour a look at some world news in brief for you there have been twenty family attack northwest pakistan over one hundred militants clash with soldiers at a security checkpoint and one zero stand killing eight soldiers and thought twelve insurgents were also killed it was followed by a car bomb blast in peshawar which killed four people including a child this region is home to several insurgent groups connected to multiple attacks across the border in afghanistan. transfer because human nuclear plant has suffered temporary power cuts of two of its reactors and affected their central
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control rooms and briefly meant radiation got a crude collected it was always operated as the blackout did not affect the operation to cool the reactors and is investigating what caused the outages. germany admits that his response to the deadly e. coli outbreak wasn't good enough blaming a fracture of public health structure for poor coordination twenty six people have so far died from the strain and thousands of others have been infected a number of new cases is declining but it's still not known where the outbreak began russia banned imports of fresh produce from the e.u. as a precaution and says it won't be lifted until the bacteria source is identified time to explore more of the world's largest country now as we take in more of russia close up. our expedition today brings us to one of russia's smallest regions the republic of
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north sets here it's located in the very heart of the caucuses where the continents of europe and asia meet more than half of the area's taken up with national parks and game reserves and is well known for its therapeutic freshwater springs argues medina question of what is your guide for the capital costs. it was thrust taking views across five mountain bridges and over fifty lakes this land leads to friendly open people an amazing national food ludeke of gas the capital of this republic in russian it means the place that owns the caucasus and indeed it was a form of fortress closing the way to the greater caucasian mountains now the first stop that we made through this region was this old sultan town with a narrow street and small houses still typical of this area the city also stands on the biggest favor in the caucasian region river ten people that live have called themselves assassins and with their own language they strictly hold of the traditions of their ancestors they try to do so in our very aspect of their daily
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lives from what to cook to what to wear watch our report to find out more. in this part of the world cooking is not considered a real man's job but it is all valid amby if ever wanted to do but when you. are dreamt of being involved in the confectionery business for as long as i can remember i always wanted to learn the secrets of a city international cuisine i wanted to help people through making good food. none of his family supported him in the village home he shared with his mother and five process he left his home and moved to the city and watched his passion grow into a number of food factories. i call my crew but account and the city and it means abundance in every three months develops now but we shouldn't forget our ancestors and we should follow our traditions that's the most important thing i believe. as such and food is based upon three points towards some of the secrets that have been
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handed down through the generations for a sentence these points mean much more than just simple for us to food ask people saying how the round shape of this life signifies the universe and they're all in the middle it's creator says here's. put three pies on the table each one for three elements water earth and air. living in the mountainous area locals try to use everything the earth gives them for the filling they used potatoes homemade cheese and even beetroot leaves in wealthy families pies were also made with martin it's not just these tasty treats which have stood the test of time but also family ceremonies and weddings are among the most deeply held and as static traditions on answering this bridal sun is like stepping into a cultural time machine where the spirit of the south through the ages are woven into these delicate gowns most prized choose their own wedding dress but here they
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take cost a musician to the highest level all girls here learn the intricate skills needed to make almost every inch of detail in this handmade gowns unique and precise. in the traditions of their parents most women in north says here try to get married wearing national words in costume this one for example is a perfect copy of what price was two hundred years ago and it looks just as good today the detail here is hand made and it takes more than a month to get a dress like this for the big day. skilled craftwork like this runs in the blood of the people in north or south here from trusting freud's ensues for office workers to love us costumes for the top stages in russia one of the workshops for us in petersburg's prestigious marine ski over in bali theater is based here in one of the narrow streets of latika us. belongs to the russian conductor valery
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caregiver we studied in st petersburg for two years and became hugo careers but now we can do everything independently and bring the initial cost you know to the theater there for a region enclosed by a towering mountains north is that he has presence is felt way beyond his. prudence traditions don't translate abroad and to mine to travelers who come here now to talk more on the mystery of this land i'm now joined by an english teacher alexander control pulis thank you very much for joining us so alex i've heard that you were born in london so what brought you here down to russia's north caucasus well my wife is from here so we decided to move down here and i haven't regretted it it's been a very interesting experience for me and i've learned a lot about this region which is fairly isolated actually. so living here i was unable to explore. the regions of culture and people and i find it every
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day i discover something new and interesting about it and also the. find the accused is very nice and also if you combine the kids in with nature it's even better and i had the pleasure of going to a small picnic actually up in the mountains with some friends and it was lovely there's a barbecue. and there's certain pies and music and it was it was very nice it was really very nice all right thank you very much that was an english teacher that is currently working over here in the capital city let you go cause alexander we can talk and meanwhile our team continues to bring you the latest picture of life down here in russia's north caucasus in the republic of north the south. and will continue like minister to bring you more from north a sense you know throughout the week arenas here max with the business news stay with us here on our city.
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control business report here r t will go straight to our top story this hour british petroleum has confirmed its arctic alliance with russia's rawson have effectively dead at the same time the company says it has no plans to sell its stake in its russian joint venture tank a b.p. now to talk more about this i'm joined by senior trader at eighty x. capital thank you for joining the program sir so what are the possibilities that this is the last nail in the arctic deal for b.p. . well i don't think this is going to be the last mile for b.p. b.p. was regards to rosneft i think. fairly desperate to carry out this deal to get the deal on the way despite the protestations from b.p. and their life approach rosneft they're going to the very near future and try and strike a deal i think i think b.p.
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has learned a lot in last few weeks we would have lost all the goings on with rosneft and seeing k. and has basically got to bring. back to the table and get them involved as well so this is the deal that could happen rosneft probably key for the deal to happen but. rosneft just looking at b.p. they'll look other companies out there so it's not just at all shell it's possible partners for exploration deals and you also circle ok so what lessons do you think that i mean you were talking about other companies are there any other companies apart from shell and start all you think they have teamed up with if the deal fails . well there is also exxon as well i think was no fool be very keen to get the deal done with b.p. because. everything that's been going on over the last year or so are in a fairly weak position and it's unlikely that any other company out there any other or company is likely to offer a shares for people that are offering is also i think. would be good for both
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parties b.p. needs the exploration in the arctic circle it's got interest in brazil and in the middle east and around the u.k. but the arctic circle could be massive for it and it would be a fantastic overalls and if there's well but given the situation that we see now what lessons do you think that b.p. and have learned from this saga. well. listen the. lever policies are potentially interesting. for the for a. strong learning lesson i think especially for b.p. legal so much especially b.p. and the chairman and the c.e.o. got to bring the policies into the deal otherwise the company continues its weakened position and if you carries on like this then it could be some changes to
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the top level of management and the company to the point where it's subject to a possible so you. see a trader at the capitol thanks very much for joining the program and sharing your thoughts on this issue. now let's take a look at how the markets are performing this hour crude continues to rally after opec failed to agree on increasing outputs this raised fears of supply shortages later this year light sweet is trading at one hundred dollars us per barrel brant is that around one hundred eighteen dollars the stock talk saying europe trading mixed the footsies sliding into negative the banking sector is weighing on the indices as markets await the outcome of rate setting policy meetings from the bank of england and the european central bank commerzbank down over two and a half percent and create a group called dropped over one and a half percent while the world bank of scotland fell over two percent shares of nestlé fell after barclays capital cut it to equal weight. loss and markets higher
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this out of the r.t.s. is a quarter of a percent in being black and the isaacs is up just let's look at something the page will shed some light six metal mine that came point seven percent the company has almost tripled its net profit in the first quarter of the year we ching three hundred ninety two million dollars plus allies make up over one point six percent supported by news it's close to a party off of its belorussian rival. called makers all this is also gaining that the company has secured a two point seven billion dollars credit for his joint venture with ford. russia has cut electricity supplies to belarus by half because the troubled country has not paid a fifteen million dollar bail generator into raw were reportedly stop all power transmission if the money isn't forthcoming supplies to the baltic countries have not been affected even though the levels is a tragic. this book just a little bit recently won't be delivering electricity to be elusive freeness let me
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underline because we've lost the relationship with bill and russian energy companies we want to find a way for the bit to be paid and i must add that russian electricity is not a critical part of the bill or us as energy consumption. and russia's comic market is speeding up the association of european businesses says sales jumped around fifty percent in may from a year earlier but as largest automaker after vast remains the best seller although foreign brands are accelerating fast as well sales for general motors rose eighty percent compared to just thirty percent growth of the gas. so for me this hour but we'll be back with more in about forty five minutes from now headlines are next stay with us.
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