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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2011 10:00am-10:30am PDT

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read this in the committee was neutral as a retreat. nato has no intention whatsoever to intervene in syria the alliance's secretary general attempts to walk for assurances interviews r t even as the u.n. security council debates a wrestling for against the syrian government. america's secrets on board of suspected militant targets in yemen is back on track but critics say it's just a cover to help a u.s. ally cling to power. and the use of an adult drug to execute death row inmates in the u.s. could actually be torturing them to death. and russia is enjoying
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a new wave of oil money the market is posting gains for a third straight session those oil reaches one hundred three dollars per barrel more and that's when the minister. pm here in the russian capital you're watching r t welcome to the program that the syrian regime is under pressure on two fronts the u.n. the tonic watchdog has decided to report it to the security council over its nuclear program while the council is already considering a resolution condemning the crackdown on anti-government protesters and so far russia has effectively been blocking that proposal spearheaded by france and britain are getting up organize across developments and joins me live from new york now the u.n. nuclear watchdog is bearing down hard in syria so what can we expect now.
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well right now at this point what will happen next is the u.n. security council will take this issue and now we have to remember that syria is being accused by the u.s. and its western allies of not complying with inspectors from the international atomic energy agency that want to go in visit a structure in its north east region now this alleged structure in syria we have to underscore here was destroyed by israel in two thousand and seven and before that syria maintained that it was being used for no kind of threat purposes it was it was maintained under the rules by the nonproliferation treaty which syria is a part of according to what's been reported the u.s. and its western allies believe that syria is attempting to build construct a covert. structure in the area that. specter's want to go
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to to build possibly nuclear weapons this is what is going to be discussed in the security council now if a resolution once a resolution is proposed if it is adopted syria could be slapped with sanctions obviously this is a lot of political pressure that is being placed upon syria by the u.s. and its western allies and so at this point we should mention that there was only seventeen states that voted yes to push this through from the i.a.e.a. to the security council there were six knows including china and russia and about eleven its abstentions so we see that there is a divide here by the u.s. and its european allies are are having its way in putting this through to the u.n. . draft resolution condemning government clubs demonstrations is that right thing to be passed any time soon. well we could see we could tell you that consultations
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are continuing behind closed doors security council members those consultations began a day ago when britain introduced a draft resolution that has been co-sponsored by france germany and portugal that calls for an international condemnation of the syrian government's crackdown of anti-government protesters it urges countries not to sell any weapons to damascus it also calls for an independent investigation into what has taken place in syria over the past three months but these are these consultations are ongoing because there hasn't been a consensus reached despite the aggressive campaigning that has been taking place by britain and france we do know and we have heard in the past officials from russia saying they do not support and they don't think it is in the best intentions to syria with a resolution we knew we did hear from the russian ambassador to the u.n. to tell her can i dave go saying that he believes that he should be used for
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solving political problems not creating new armed conflicts and here's a little bit of what he said to you to see. it because it was he was concerned interfering in syria for years nearly to an escalation of violence because it may be misinterpreted by destructive opposition forces who want to change of power in damascus such a position will definitely lead to more bloodshed and an escalation of violence and some. dialogue is needed we remember that in libya it also started with defending human rights which ended up with were led by the coalition. clearly this is a one two punch that is being implemented by the u.s. and its western allies pressure political pressure is mounting the un and the i.a.e.a. are clearly being used as tools and avenues to crack down on syria but as we just heard from ambassador churkin not all nations i've read that there is this much pressure is going to help the circumstance it might even exacerbate it but of
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course we will the super of yours updated on any developments as they keep place thank you very much for that our correspondents are. now as we've just heard the u.n. atomic watchdog is looking into serious alleged nuclear activities claiming a facility destroyed in two thousand and seven was an undeclared nuclear site of the lock them from the institute for democracy and cooperation says the move is intended to turn up the heat on the mask. i think what we're seeing are the western powers ratcheting up the pressure they're trying to increase their room for maneuver so in the draft resolution you have crimes against humanity you have a threat to international peace and security and in parallel you have this cranking up now of pressure from the international atomic energy authority so i think this is a way of increasing the number of cards that the west believes that it holds as far as russia is concerned i think that it's pretty obvious that russia or the russian government greatly regret not having vetoed the resolution on libya which as we can
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all see was immediately exploited. to go way beyond the terms laid down in the resolution i mean by that that the western powers immediately started to attack the libyan government and launched a war whose goal is regime change whereas obviously regime change is not included in the terms of that sort of resolution so i suspect that the russian government is as they say once bitten twice shy and i'm sure moscow is very reluctant now to get involved in to get trapped if you like for a second time in the same way. earlier nato she found spoke to my colleague and he said now and he told r.t. that the alliance will not be sending military forces to syria and he insists that in libya all of the military bases are being targeted for something some of our viewers find hard to believe. but i would like to stress that nato has no
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intention whatsoever to intervene in syria at the same time lots of critics expect that they could be the case if we see a resolution and russell saying that the fact that it's even being debated is going to cause more violence in syria. there might be some kind of intervention do you think not if the u.n. goes had it goes ahead rather and approves that resolution once again let me stress we have no intention to intervene in syria having said that i share the international condemnation of the brutal attacks against the civilian population in syria the only way forward is to accommodate. the ration of the syrian people let's look at the lack of an entry strategy into libya a u.n. resolution was laid out for a no fly zone and lots of people would consider what's happening in libya to be much more than a no fly zone actually the u.n.
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security council resolution goes beyond a no fly zone according to the u.n. security council resolution we are mandated to protect the civilian population in libya and we are not targeting individuals we believe military. targets. and of course common control centers can be used to plan and organize attacks against civilians show amount of control centers are legitimate military targets that's what i'd like to read a question to you that was written to us by one of our viewers on facebook. who's from paris france wants to know why nato is bombing metropolitan areas in libya civilians are being killed what do you say to. we do all we can to avoid civilian casualties we are in libya to protect civilians eg. interaction and this is the reason why all commanders are very very careful in
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identifying legitimate military targets. well you can see that full interview with nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen in just over an hour here on r.t. or you can watch it now i'll just head over to our web site that's our team dot com . so nato is continuing its barrage of the libyan capital with no sign there will be any let up until colonel gadhafi goes over russia which is trying to broker a cease fire between the regime and the rebels both sides want to mount a military video ruster and arab countries are showing their support for the libyan opposition by pledging more money the rebels say be need three billion dollars over the that several months to pay salaries and buy supplies would be unfreezing of libyan assets to be given to the opposition is taking longer than expected. after a break of a year of up to your america's covert war in yemen is up and running again armed drones and fighter jets have hit
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a number of suspected militant targets the increase in strikes comes as the yemeni government washington's ally is clinging on to power in the face of an uprising south wilder's from the u.s. based international action center says america is not being honest about its motives. this is just another criminal illegal absolutely it's lawlessness on such a scale hypocrisy the idea of using fighter jets and drone attacks and according to yesterday's new york times this has been going on for weeks. at the very time that the u.s. is using the un security council the international criminal court to bring charges against other countries for terrorism and it is clearly exposed in international terrorism itself in yemen and of course and sabotage teams in syria and bombing of
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libya not to mention the devastating wars in iraq and afghanistan in yemen is to protect come clean thirty three year dictatorship of salo who's now for. health reasons and saudi arabia and africa to protect his regime potentially bring him back and it's been used against a people's movement anyone that the u.s. fears is a threat to them is now being labeled as al-qaeda and its whole can seize and in terms of attacks and and bombs and drone attacks on any number of different resistance organizations. well if you missed any of the stories recovering on air you can always find it on our website again that's our team dot com and there are plenty of analysis and eye catching videos there for you and available right now degree of disappear if prestigious diploma is no longer a guarantee of a well paid job for u.s. students but it isn't guaranteed a debt will find out why it's they're trying to ease counterparts were banking on
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american education. also the landing every passenger plane ever rough for an airport that could have ended in tragedy after its pilot was blinded with a laser very often from the ground. war in north africa to moscow's ban of european vegetables the range of issues facing russian and european leaders meeting on the banks of the volga river well the traditional russia e.u. summit is being held in the city of new hundreds of kilometers from moscow and artistic uploading aggression over joins us live from there hi i got to do you know so is this summit taking place in a positive spirit. it definitely serve the spirit is positive banned on the first informal day of the summit host president dmitry medvedev is showing his guests around the ancient city of new grads on the banks of the river boulder and the cordy's about to take a cruise there the european leaders will probably be looking for
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a chink of lies about big landscape of the arab world uprisings the euro crisis is what option is most build largely around the bed of quest for reforms and modernization and some breakthrough agreements reached recently in recent months between brussels or moscow like progress on russia's all new way to treat into the world trade organization for seventeen years russia has been in membership talks with these one hundred fifty three nations. at the moment russia is the only major economy which is still outside the group that you just. last year brussels finally gave a green light to russia's w and tributes and so these these today talk finney's new knowledge will officially clear the way for russia to finally and to. also expect that all formalities will be sorted out before the end of the summer though there are still some differences remaining between brussels and most cruel like libya
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russia is against nato military intervention in libya it calls for an immediate unconditional cease fire in that country and considers the conflict as libya's domestic affair in the first place now another point of discord point of contention is america's plans to build a new and to be sold to france showed for europe washington keeps saying that it is no designs against moscow does not pose any threat to russia russian is argues that it will in fact that russia has the strategic potential and it will lead to an unbalance in forces so perhaps these summits could lead to some more constructive dialogue between the european leaders and the mosco and more mutually beneficial solutions on that could be found now another apple of discord is russia's recent ban on budget troubles from the european union that is in the wake of the deadly equal light great dave killed twenty seven people hospitalized thousands of others
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european officials harshly criticize the measure calling it a piece describing it overseas group russia in a stern accuse russel's of waiting to provide sufficient information on the source and containment of the infraction but perhaps progress could be reached here during the russia. more transparent and shows more flexibility on the shoe all right well thank you very much for that update our correspondent in my car trouble there. oh it's a sedative used to cure everything from epilepsy to in song yeah but some us states have started using a controversial drug to put people on death row into an eternal sleep or human rights campaigners say the drug inflicts a cruel and painful death on its victims and it's over bennett reports its use in executions is becoming more widespread. if you.
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were. a few would get we don't use the word excuse. from a dog's life to a dog's death prisoners on death row and now being killed with an animal drug planted bottles used to put pets to sleep but it's never been tested on human executions this can cause excruciating pain if something goes wrong and because we have no tests we cannot guarantee that it will go around to people at risk of not just being killed being tortured to death. already been adopted in over twenty states is strictly an anesthetic and is normally just one ingredient in a lethal cocktail but in ohio it's killing alone it is not a painkiller we know that will only if you are there other ways have some what we call if it together with that then you can be sure that there is no pain so a drug is neither a painkiller itself that which you plan to bottles produced for
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a danish company back it's primarily used on humans to treat epilepsy and seizures but it's already been used in nine executions u.s. prisons ran out of the usual sued in five pennsville after britain and italy banned exports but denmark can't do that because the new weapons made in america this is long breaks headquarters in copenhagen despite owning a drug and opposing its misuse its process in the united states have been unsuccessful because the government there sanctions the death penalty and is reluctant to remove pentobarbital from the market completely because it says it will do more harm than good our problem is that this product has been for the american market for many years so we are in there is it will the limit where we can just stop the production for the market because that would actually. people patients who come in to life threatening situations that food has to loom in these
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nice indeed sil's fifty million doses of pain to barbara every year it claims it can't prevent death for using it as a killer because of a complicated supply chain but human rights groups point people are beginning to realize that the statement there is nothing we can do is a fallacy and the pharmaceutical industry can do a lot and has a responsibility not to be complicit in executions reprieve claims lynbrook has the power to control who gets the drug since it does with other products but that comes at a cost at the moment not budging neither a us presence using a federally approved drug designed to treat people to kill instead. r.t. you can. call the pharmaceutical company which makes the drug as a barrister by the fact that their use for execution said it is trying to find
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a way to block sales to u.s. presence but independent journalist who's written extensively on capital punishment says it's a tactic that's likely to work history has really shown that states better really devoted a really intense prisoners to death will either way and that's truly what we're finding which is incredible search for buyable execution drug so many states and the other had. come to the fact that they have turned around and tried it under pressure. no one wants any part in it you as it accuses it is very very well know that this is going to be the end of the death penalty united states it's certainly. created a big mess for it's the interest scrambling pretty amazing ways to buy new drugs new sources that drugs to help people. and next explore the parts of russia few
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people get to discover with their close up team. today were high in the caucasus mountains and the republic of north or setia one of russia's smallest regions it literally sits on the slopes of the hills it's a ladder where meadows made melted the reverse of waterfalls the landscape is breathtaking and more than half of its area is taken up by national parks and reserves and it's well known for its there to that freshwater springs but it of course you have is your guide to the region. in this part of the world cooking is not considered a real man's job but it is all very needy and b if our wanted to do with a lot of them i dreamt of being involved in the confectionery business for as long as i can remember i always wanted to learn the secrets of a city a national cuisine i wanted to help people through making good food. none of his
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family supported him in the village home he shared with his mother and five brothers he left his home and moved to the city and watched his passion grow into a number of food factories. i call my crew but account and search and it means abundance in everything wife develops now but we shouldn't forget around searches and we should follow our traditions that's the most important thing i believe. a certain food is based upon three pies told us some of the secrets that have been handed down through the generations before a senate hearing these point is much more than to simple for us to food ask people saying have the round shape of this by thinking if i think universe of the in the middle it's creator i said here's put three points on the table each one for three elements water birth and air. living in the mountainous area locals try to use everything the earth gives them for the filling the use potatoes homemade cheese
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and even beetroot leaves in wealthy families toys were also made with martin it's not just these tasty treats which have stood the test of time but also family ceremonies and why doing so are among the most deeply howard and his static traditions on answering this bridal sun is like stepping into a cultural time machine where the spirit of the satins through the ages are woven into these delicate counts most prized choose their own wedding dress but here they take cost him to the highest level all girls here learn the intricate skills needed to make almost average inch of detail in his handmade gowns unique and precise following in the traditions of their parents who lost women in north try to get married wearing national wedding costume this one for example is a perfect copy of what prized two hundred years ago and it looks just as good today
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the detail here is hard made and it takes more than a month to get a dress like this ready for the big day. skilled craftwork like this runs in the blood of the people in north the stars here from dressing brides and to use for office workers to love fish costumes for the top stages in russia one of the workshops for some petersburg's prestigious marine ski or parin bali theater is based here in one of the narrow. streets of lady cop cars. belong to the russian conductor very good gear resurgence and peters the two years it became legal careers but now we do everything independently and bring the finished costume to the theater. for a region enclosed by towering mountains north is that his presence is felt way beyond its rural gorgeous traditions that translated broad's and delight the travelers who come here once in a question about russia close up logic of past north a sense here. and now the
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a business update with dimitri about south or a short break hungry for the full story we've got it for us the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers i'm. not sure which priests are which brightened if you knew about the song from feinstein christian. he's from startup t.v. dot com. i
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don't a warm welcome see business artsy british or major b.b.s. confirmed its arctic alliance with russia as well snapped is effectively dead at the same time the company says it has no plans to sell its stake in the russian joint venture t m k b p p's partners in the form of objectives of the proposed deal with ross knapp the company adds that it's going to focus on oil exploration outside russia however as well from e.t.s. capital says we haven't seen the end of the saga yet. i think. fairly desperate to carry out they're still trying to get a deal on the way they supply protestations from here in cape. and they're likely to approach rosneft again in the very near future and try and strike a deal i think he has learnt a lot in last few weeks we've lost all the goings on with rosneft around here in k. and has basically got to bring. a stake in seeing kate back to the table
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and get him involved as well. let's look at the markets now we start with crude oil traditionally and continuing its rally after opec failed to agree on increasing output this raises fears of supply shortages later this year light sweet is just below one hundred two dollars per barrel branches over one hundred nineteen. u.s. markets are still trading in the black there rebounding after a long streak of losses of data showing u.s. trade gap has narrowed the dow jones is up one percent nasdaq point six. in europe the session first the session is close now with a foot sea and then point eight percent one point four percent for the dax this is the positive feelings of the e.c.b. chairman. said the hinted that next month there might be a rate hike because he used the word combination strong vigilance that's always a crowd sign. and the russian rockets also close one half percent of the
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r.t.s. are nice on the back of those crude prices let's take a look at some of the individual share movements metals and l m k is up almost three percent at the close the company has always travelled it's never profit in the first quarter of the year reaching three hundred ninety two million dollars personalize a make up colleagues up but two percent supported by news it's close to acquiring half of its belorussian rival billows carly and burbank. was the biggest game out for the hoff a sense of love the if you come from a through to bankruptcy of the bank. the russian markets have been quite volatile today and says the beginning of this week overflights in the nervous news for that we're seeing come to come from the u.s. in the euro zone however this news flow is partially offset by the strength of brant we're seeing my six upcoming developed markets heading around two percent on the week against the s. and p. which was strong five percent since i've been weak and i should say the largest
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consecutive sixty dollars for the s. and p. since a temporary of two thousand and nine worth noting perhaps that in the entire history of s. and p. of the last twenty one years there have been only fourteen instances of such consecutive losses that shows that a certain technical benchmark has been hit by the market. turn up best amounts of the headlines. in some pieces but all she's available in grand hotel near a grand hotel emerald marco polo club school.


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