tv [untitled] June 9, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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with. welcome to what i'm sure will be the first of many vs the new gun show a no not that kind of gun show we've got two very special guests tonight larry pratt founder and executive director out gun owners of america i'm sure of richard mack who stood up to president clinton for your rights we got an update from the builder of meeting in st moritz from luke without skin devil dog deliberate so joins me to tell you a story from this one time at boot camp we've got the government's way to increase gun values figured out an eleven year old girl would make a better commander in chief than obama gun hypocrisy in california and a how to survive in the coming apocalypse only on adam vs the man.
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you know you've got to watch out for those armed and dangerous tweens out there but you never know when a surly tween might lose it and go with this their pellet guns but los angeles police chief charlie beck is pushing for the city to require all b.b. guns to be brightly colored so as to avoid popping a cap and little timmy does happen before this after repeated cases of police shooting toy armed children in the l.a. area interesting when you're the commentary of great smith the los angeles city councilman and l.a.p.d. officer quote if you see something that looks like it just looks like a gun you're going to shoot that's what you're trained to do in your mind doesn't have enough time to process whether it's a real gun or
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a fake gun. so the official policy of the l.a.p.d. is to just shoot anyone holding anything that looks like a gun ok so instead of changing policy or holding officers accountable or examining their training the solution is to regular a tone of these rules of engagement and it looks armed shoot it well that explains a lot maybe though it won't matter soon enough cops will know that all guns on the streets must be toys you see the fantasy in california is that a crime has been eliminated completely now worry about muggings or murder all the gang the gang members thugs and thieves and decided to just give it a rest at least one could infer this from the way that california lawmakers are to work further restricting gun rights that's right they found a disconcerting loophole it turns out that in california regular citizens are still allowed to openly carry on loaded guns in public this is what i did last time i was
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in california by the way that they say please though let me be spotted by the stupid cop with if you trigger finger like the kind that shoots teenagers with b.b. guns and that's my smith and wesson shorty forty yeah love it anyway last week lawmakers reportedly exempted themselves from the kerry bans in a vote of twenty eight to eight according to the washington times however the pleads in cali you know those not employed by the state will be restricted from legally defending themselves in this manner anthony porton teano democrats simply meant to california for the fourth district and the chief architect of assembly bill one four four released the following statement about his abridgement to the bill of rights quote this loophole should be closed you do not need a weapons of a cheeseburger or a cup of coffee. maybe the right of crime is gone people don't need a way to defend themselves in these everyday places except maybe in torrance
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california or man was rather gunpoint on tuesday just outside the coffee bean and tea leaf and other news a woman was gunned down i'll go to new mexico outside of a burger king on state speaking of new mexico back in my home state maybe our supreme court has been spending too much time in gun grabbing california possibly picking up kickbacks for old big bill richardson's thirty deals thanks to a recent ruling it will now be legal for cops to disarm a law abiding citizens of routine traffic stops this from an incident in two thousand and eight when an officer sees a firearm spotted in traffic stop without any reason to suspect that it would be used in a crime it turned out that the individual in possession of the gun who had to be convicted felon could not legally possess it but that's not the point here the issue is whether or not the police have a right to see someone's firearm without good cause even if only momentarily the state here surprise surprise ruled in favor of the state saying up cops can take people's firearms away without reasonable suspicion just as patron humanism is
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wrote for the court saying quote under such circumstances the officer could constitutionally remove the firearm from the vehicle because he possessed a reasonably based on specific and articulable facts which warranted him believing that defendant was armed and thus pose a serious and present danger to a safety quote our decision in this case which addresses a temporary separation of a farm from the occupants of a car during the duration of a traffic stop is not depend on any were quiet of particularized suspicion that an argument is inclined to use the firearm improperly so there you have it they can take away farms without actual suspicion of a crime now in new mexico there were even if you're not a gun owner cops will now have legal cover if they saw the side to disarm you because you are perceived as a threat. and now as promised a little practical advice on how to survive the coming apocalypse no i'm not
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referring to what happens when the government employment rolls take over the private sector completely or am i. michael you know. trying to avoid detection. use weapons to defend yourself. remember it's because can be stopped by believing that this is going the great. thank you of the dead to slaughter an excuse to play that but i wouldn't want to be caught with that little piece of the stupefied hordes come after us so here's my plan. this is the second swell of so my automatic shotgun.
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yes and we just want another excuse to play that clip again to ok so the threat of zombies be they caused by biological forces supernatural forces or government forces isn't really the best justification for firearms ownership but also a better night with a say a twelve under my pillow just in case anyway just for fun if you want to tell us how you would survive as on the apocalypse just make a video that includes some kind of demonstration and post it as a response to the video titled how to survive the coming zombie apocalypse only personal youtube channel at youtube dot com slash adam koch and or you can email me adam adam vs the man dot com will air the one with the most views next week so for those of you wondering that amazing zombie sign device i'm just saudi is my own twelve gauge magazine fed a russian made shotgun with an american made his still grip not unfortunately for those of you want to get your hands on one you might be paying
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a lot more for yours than i did the dea a.t.f. bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms you know not not the convenience store of your dreams is currently reviewing the sporting purposes of certain shotguns. many going to see is of little doubt but given the language of the b. a.t.f. the say the twelve is on their chopping block which is funny as sporting is not the purpose of the second amendment luckily there still remains champions of our second amendment like larry pratt and the folks at gun owners of america and while the n.r.a. has grown increasingly constable with a compromised gun culture of washington gun owners of america stands three hundred thousand member strong remains wouldn't win the battle to secure our right to defense in its entirety joining us now is founder and thirty five year executive director of gun owners of america larry pratt larry thank you so much for being with us tonight. so we ron paul the congressman ron paul from texas has come out and specifically said that gun owners of america is the only no
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compromise gun lobby in washington what does that say about the n.r.a. will he didn't say anything. there and of you know the different flows that. he. generally. if you. were within the system. he actually is in need you will get in. our view is that. you and citizen. we really accept a legitimate seal what is not legitimate gun control of the federal level is a little outside the constitution so what's to compromise on. there's nothing to fear that they have stopped so many of our liberties and it's turned we articulate and you can take him back is it any other areas of the world or thank
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you constitution you know for the americans for tax reform grover norquist they have the taxpayer protections place do you think you could have some version of that for politicians for firearms to make so that before anyone takes office directing the guns and violence of government that they've at least a garden once in their lifetime does president bother you that it least allegedly our commander in chief right now has never fired a weapon will pollutants until we. are fair enough well what do you think is the greatest threat to farms are separate coming out of the obama administration and probably not in the packet we're not watching. we're going on it as you were talking about one such groups who. really don't game and i learned we were taishan. and those
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extra districts were all in start and then they'd. come to it came right out of nazi germany and then control law and its presence in our street and to mention constitutional law. sixty but still and that's. in a way that's one of the even more constitutionally consulting. with fred rubin were so they're abusing what they can't legislate we're certainly seeking to. get those guns at it or be opposed to the pain whether it's the eight hundred thirty thousand tons a ban reentry. so. it's going to be in one rant and a little boy in the wrong hands so states are already read.
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we are seeing and the creation of crime and any willingness to commit murder i realize this sounds. and look it up back it up if we were out of the back and arms explodes side of the alien decided but instead look back to that agencies it was made it a game changer it's needed in one controlled area because right now democrats are afraid we're going to control and grizzly and seemed to probe to remove them in trouble so we're just going to start still but the we effort was to get into next building. and actually the salute using the salute getting to those guns and allowing sales to be made. legal question and in
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some cases actually illegal straw men are just a little equal of richard but you know that all of this sort of like bureaucratic wrangling actually does really great things for savvy members in the gun industry and the gun he was especially in use tells me i am so not my own sake it's well stocked in here gone oh oh they're going to make it harder to import those in the value of mine is going to go way up but let me ask you a broader question we have just a minute left here why is it that the government is so eager to restrict firearms ownership in the united states it's a mindset control freaks solution will rule you and it you believe arrogantly that you are the one to rule eclipse until everybody else do it. without saying that if you're going to pull that off you sure don't want it in a room shooting back. ok and so what's got owners of america working on right now is to lay this initiative and sells a website where people can join up and understand we're people can sign up there
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you can get a free subscription to our e-mail alerts which will let you know what we're doing up to look at it and i guess right now we're very hopeful but if you're into next week on this scandal. you know mine is going to. be the rule already play in. the little bit i didn't hear in order to make a stronger gun control and it is just standing out of every decent rating agency. and this will begins next week and absolute risk like well i'm ecstatic to know that there is someone who is not compromising my constant gun rights here in washington d.c. larry pratt thank you so much for joining us tonight. if you will you think that was larry pratt founder executive director of gun owners of america and when we come back we have this one time it will have an eleven year old girl who would make
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a better commander in chief than obama and share of richard back on the supremacy of the county sheriff states and you're watching out of versus the man. so. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. well. whenever the government says they're going to be safe get ready because of their freedoms.
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welcome back to adam vs the man are you concerned that our commander in chief has never fired a gun well don't worry because this one time at boot camp. then why did you go on my blog go. tell your account. now that i think you are right i was. like i think you're right you are right. you know jeremy work on.
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adam seriously dude the same perhaps as yesterday i just i was have to do too much for your i'm such a dork. i know it's a it's a mold it's not real of and for some let's drop it off at the white house move barry can use it could be remember who can't remember all those that were aspirants lose your favorite weapon you fired well i was in the artillery so i'm a little partial to that when i enter a howitzer big guns but my favorite honestly the market i'd seen automatic grenade launcher i mean. i don't hate and discontent going down range well i mean i love the bargain team but my favorite weapon of all because i was after i got to boot camp i was a primary marksmanship instructor rate which and i got the part of the nine hundred eleven forty five caliber pistol and that was my favorite going to sixty one more thing to go wrong it's
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a good gun but anyways this thread let me ask you have your payment is what's going to afghanistan what this time. old very old barack obama decided that he wanted to get a couple thousand new weapons to afghanistan no defense contractor involved whatsoever right and by the way it's a shotgun you know i've had a little surprise are you complaining about more guns or more equipment at all for the maries but you know when i was in civil affairs in for losing our team carried a shotgun and you know how many times we used that. c.-o. see this is another useless piece macwhich that barack obama decided he was going to give the troops they glug around more crap thank you very much old barry well maybe it says something about his lack of experience and never ever firing a weapon in his life thank you well for speaking of that i you know i got i got something to sell you know to because you know we have so much i got this i got i got some i got a little bit you know you hear of someone who might just make
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a better commander in chief and barack obama let's roll that. ok get up get it right it only. look. who this well you could see she's going to fix him a jab at everything she keeps moving through the course i am i don't read that are qualified with the m. nine he would have trouble with what she was doing the weeds of the girls and me just like i tell you what i would rather listen to that girl than i would to brock hussein obama amen all right. to preserve it. ok all right. all right all right. you may be surprised ok appalled to learn of the american government's apocryphally
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want to comes to individual firearms ownership but you shouldn't be any more surprised to hear that our growing global government that is right be you and is also actively working to strip you of your rights allegedly protected by the second amendment this is happening under the guise of the small arms treaty which is based on the promise of fighting terrorism another reason conservatives should be actively debunking the overhyped propaganda fuel threat of terrorism because it's another excuse for the government to congress eight gallons. but on the other side of this fight is the local sheriff or at least one former county sheriff who stood up to president clinton on the issue and i'm honored to be joined tonight by none other than sheriff richard mack author of the county sheriff america's last hope which explains why the american county sheriff is the supreme authority in the county and how important that is to the idea of localism and preserving individual rights sheriff mack thank you so much for being with us tonight. thank you for
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having me it's again a pleasure and even more with pleasure to. call you friend a rock all right now if the let me ask you go to the premise of your book here if the county sheriff is the ultimate law enforcement authority how does that relate to preserving gun rights and what does that say about. the present company excluded most american tourists failing at their job to stand up to the feds and defend citizens in their respective counties. well it's the bottom line it's the last line in the sand is sheriff is the ultimate law enforcement authority of his county and this is suffice it to say to to make the argument very short because of time he is the only elected by four in of the people law enforcement official in the united states and in his county therefore he used this he reigned supreme because he reports to the supreme court he is not
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a bureaucrat he answers directly to the people he ultimately our source in american government and so that's why the sheriff is the open minded already and he promised them when he took his job though he would uphold the ban protested preserve and obey the united states constitution therefore he is bound by that oh to protest the citizens' constitutional rights god given rights and when you read the bill of rights run of the you have such a bull's eye as far as government goes is the right to keep bear arms so we have any one comes in to your sheriffs county and they try to diminish or three and. the right of the people to keep and bear arms the sheriff is obligated he is duty bound to stand against that so when light during the fema fiasco of the katrina hurricane in new orleans when they start obfuscating guns weren't ordered or were
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confiscate guns with people who need them but most the sheriff would have to stand against that and interposed himself on the behalf of the people and their rights and their freedoms for i know this might sound like an outlander statement then to most people would be the logical conclusion of what you just said is that most sheriffs in america are derelict in their duty. yes they are and that's really that's the reason that i have started the c.s.p. away the constitutional sheriff and police officers association that's why i'm reaching out to all thirty one hundred sheriffs in the country i believe a lot of them are good people they just haven't got the little push they need to go over the and make sure that they all become constitutional sheriffs but a lot of sheriffs are waking up tuesday i'll be in grant county oregon and talking with the sheriff of josephine county oregon chair gilbertson and sheriff palmer
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ball are going to be needed be there they have been standing against the federal government the u.s. forest service in particular and there's lots of sheriffs now you weakness across the country sheriff mayo in my county nevada there's a couple of sheriffs and utah doing it even in maine there sheriff there bobby smith is doing a good job and there's a lot of sheriffs now that are see the truth about this and they really are grasping. the principle of it's evolved that we're talking about you know well the . local control absolutely it's certainly encouraging to hear that but there's still do you need overwriting mentality of law enforcement in america is a pretty anti-gun and a couple stats a record of gun owners of america law abiding citizens use their guns in self-defense about two and a half million times per year and kill and shoot two and a half times as many criminals as police officers even though percentage wise they kill less of the people that they draw down on so why is it more law enforcement
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officers as a whole aren't champions of gun rights and they are clearly in the best interest of public safety. well you know the modality of law enforcement nationwide really worries me and i think we've got to address some of these key issues in the police academies and where really the result is we're getting far too militarized with our local law enforcement agencies we've seen that we can much recently. governors of america really calls story and i really appreciate the information they're putting out but the problem is is that law enforcement officers of this country are not trained to keep their oath of office i find it very alarming it's one of the sad circumstances that is actually part of the politically correct destruction of what's going on in our country can you imagine a police officer who swears an oath and that doesn't keep it i wrote i write seem
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to run into them here in d.c. all the time why would i be surprised you wouldn't be surprised because you're on the frontline and this hasta this has to be something that he saw officers of this country. have the integrity absolutely absolute outstanding keep up the good work yourself you're on the front lines making sure that sheriffs in america respect the constitution and uphold their old sheriff mack thank you very much the student of the outstanding hope so all right that was fair richard back author of the county sheriff america's last hope and a great champion of real law enforcement and now oh luke without scheme has dinner with the builder of birds in switzerland where the superclass of the world are meeting to. keep them super and keep you exploited enjoy this isn't good out ski here in st moritz switzerland where the secret of an elusive goldberg group meeting will be taking place directly behind me tomorrow and u.s. british and israeli intelligence protect these elites and they have teamed up with the swiss police and military to cordon off this entire area to make sure nobody
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from outside gets a glimpse of what's happening inside here and actually even go. a special wall to make sure no photographers docking at the trees that individuals who are not only afraid of their shadows but don't want to be documented come into this private meeting to get a taste of the security here and i actually decided to try to have dinner at this hotel and this is what happened. speaking last week to english if you want to have dinner you can come in. here you do the day don't don't. don't put it in the media because you could so due to. what causes the pressure you drive and it's there the question has to be asked if these banks to corporate heads media moguls heads of state kings and queens or do anything sinister why are they protecting this place like fort knox and why are the
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people here who are trying to find out what's going on being treated like criminals because they're going to be put on a little more of that kind of. stuff just. so it would then open the people out translate i know you have to say i don't i. mean i was just. going to. what do you want from your car what is you on my id card for i told you they can get you know they can also for your id card was recently going sweets and implement it welcome to. the i have a right to have a right. turn at the right we're going to be really good ok good story to be united states we're going to. say shy and say this or so they i can't i can't i can't resist yeah i can't say no no you have to take my password yes a lot of i think and the rest. what they. tell. you it's not ok that they close down. i called the police told me the.
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private you know it's the legal. they are doing it that she did call them but i mean you had it carefully we should all. you know you feel it's not to go back you know that could mean it could all no doubt do you see how it is that it's rough but the tone of your life and i'm sure it didn't occur. to be false can you tell me i need to phone up yes you could. always you know sylvia yeah if you don't spend on phone calls. and tomorrow we'll have another special presentation from the revolution spang and hopefully we're going to chance to talk to luke redoubts he lives well well have a g.o.p. debate preview and i will explain why this trip of columbia representative eleanor holmes norton has taken a page from the coca playbook and that's our show for right thank you to thank you for tuning in to adam versus the man police figure out adam versus the man dot com to vote on guess about it find me on facebook and twitter at.
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