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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT

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wiener gate as it's come to be called just keeps getting more bizarre. for getting greener gate and casey anthony for that matter as well because a small group of people are carving out the future of the world in switzerland right now so where is the mainstream media when it comes to covering the builder bergrin. above all that will force training and educating our citizens to outcompete workers from other countries but why then mr president are workers from other countries getting american jobs and why does it appear that's the way u.s. companies seem to prefer it in america without an american workforce. and it seems
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u.s. senators really don't care either they're spending their time on resolutions to show support for israel despite all the other regions in the world and issues here at home that could use their attention instead of what's really going on here. it's friday june night four pm in washington d.c. and christine freeze out there watching our t.v. i want to start out by taking a look at what you might see if you turn on some of the mainstream cable networks here in the united states today and what the other guys are talking about take a look. wiener gate as it's come to be called just keeps getting more bizarre in my back and i mean i can't believe i'm going to get it but it hurts the democratic party if he doesn't resign casey anthony back in court if she is accused of killing
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her two year old daughter in two thousand a timer and of yesterday was harsh today was just awful sure that she was sick as much as sick of the testimony she has been so stone faced so cold so callous maybe the gig is up and maybe that's why she's crying all right now i want to tell you what they're not talking about an event that's going on right now that includes some of the top movers and shakers from around the world we're talking about high ranking politicians european royalty c.e.o.'s and central bankers and the list goes on more than one hundred people powerful people meeting in switzerland to discuss things like the global economy the war in libya and energy policy and how they might shape the future things that will actually impact you personally r.t.l. our emmett is in switzerland and has more on the goldenberg group the exclusive ski resort of sound the rich it's perfect build territory out of season and crucially
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practically deserted there are two hives of activity in town the ones the luxury hotels where around one hundred thirty of the world's most influential politicians businessmen and so friends of meeting behind closed doors and the other in a much cheaper hotel where conservative activists a determined to break that wall of secrecy they've set up what they believe is the world's first alternative media center they'd work for mainstream outlets too but that not here just not enough. western media not enough from the u.k. it's it's quite appalling a news agency has just released surveillance of this year's attendees and on the list is the chancellor of the exchequer george osborne i would have thought that makes it news other build about regular think clearly david rockefeller the editor in chief of the economist magazine the greek finance minister and the president of the world bank there really to be head this year unlike another break you know. so
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many extracts can bail in new york for alleged sex attack there has been interest from the swiss national press this year bill de burgh which is likely to lead to support big government and economic consolidation runs entirely contrary to the swiss idea of independence local government and. petritsch has run a successful campaign to that effect playing on the reported ten million euro taxpayer bill for securing the spanish builder. except that a private meeting because that's what they call themselves a private meeting the security has to be paid by the taxpayer and i think a lot of people understand that especially when the government well we don't have money for this or that and here we go and it costs a lot of money to secure this private meeting of these people the agenda is secret
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along with everything else but there's a believed to be deciding on who should replace their friend t.s.k. at the top of the i.m.f. that was so concentrating on how to save the euro which was leaked agenda show brainchild we don't want to be. but these are all the things that they actually created is a construct of. the euro is a construct of. this bill that is different from last year's spanish one securities not. a key for a start and there's no kilometer wide cordon around the hotel but secrecy still dominates with protesters saying even the swiss government doesn't know who's attending every year there are more and more activists and increasing media attention they're saying if you told us what was going on we wouldn't have to speculate. or to be somewhere it switzerland and as you just on laura's report
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there are certainly many critics of this event who say you know this is not simply about friends in high places getting together to talk current events it's wealthy and powerful people who have proven that what's discussed at this conference i had a real impact in shaping policy and history well among the critics radio host alex jones i spoke to him earlier take a listen. well we should care because over the last few decades. building burke's lives have been able to smuggle out some of the minutes of the meetings the miller group has now admitted that they covertly more than fifty years ago set up the core of the european union to be a system for private banking cartels to take over nation states to build a better group has an authoritarian agenda and hillary clinton back in the mid ninety's was fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for violating u.s. federal law for meeting with private individuals to set and discuss policy and so we should be concerned about the deliberate group because this is the group that
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has openly promoted through their surrogates and spokespeople world government so they're very authoritarian and that's why they've gone to great lengths to have a media blackout especially in the united states and europe and it's all in the last few years with the rise of the alternative media that mainstream news our corporate measure in the united states has been forced to even admit it existed just three years ago three half years ago the new york times came out and basically said that i was insane when i was in chantilly covering it and that no one was there and it didn't exist so they still sometimes say it doesn't exist but more and more they're having to admit that it does in the goteborg group has a lot of top media people there and openly has them sign agreements not to ever speak about it and then the has the washington post and others on the record been caught then going and telling their chain of newspapers not to report on it and so that's the big issue that's the problem with a bill to break it really is very close to the tiptop of the shadow government
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capstone and there are of course people who say and a lot of evidence that has in fact existed since one nine hundred fifty four i believe but alex i mean left a little further here i mean you're saying that first policy that things are being kind of at stout in these meetings that go on to change the world but at least here in the u.s. i mean we have a system that involves several branches of government you know to ensure that a bunch of rich people can get together and write and path policy so how it you know not to sound a little further how are they what's talking about with being spoken about here how is that then being translated into policy and actual chains. well you look at david rockefeller his family funded the creation of the united nations gave them the land to build the u.n. in new york the builder group is always pushing to get rid of national sovereignty and transfer to the private i.m.f. world bank private cell reserve and now we see that with president obama going along with nato the attack on libya and saying it would last days not weeks in line
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and saying his authority comes from the u.n. he doesn't need the authority of congress which to clear violation of the constitution that's similar to caesar marching estridge across the rubicon into rome or the two thousand years ago this is classical tyranny and it is it's this move globally for standardized laws that are created at the corporate level of just last week wiki leaks released documents on the north american union meetings that ban canada in two thousand and six judicial watch and sued previously and got some of the documents and they talk about stealth these are quotes stealth north american integration and then merging that with europe so this is a global corporate governance structure that's trying to transfer power out of our congress into the i.m.f. world bank world trade organization and so that's why more and more we see congress becoming really ceremonial or the schedule and i know i've read that in terms that it's very interesting in terms of the people who get invited for example
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a not very well known man back in one thousand nine hundred one was invited his name was bill clinton he of course then went on to win the presidency twice in a row so i know that there's examples like this and a lot of examples of you know skeptics who simply say that this is ralphie and powerful people who want to ensure that they remain wealthy and powerful but speak to this you know what do you think gather you know from the intelligence that you've got are some people have been there let that happen that's what they talk about regarding libya and what they talk about regarding the euro. well there's only one man who undoubtedly has multiple moles withinside has been able to predict huge deal political movements gas prices wars sometimes a year out because the build of our group is not dominating the globe but it's certainly able to steer it to a great extent more than any other power block of this corporate consortium and we happen to know their agenda this year is to continue to trigger the color revolutions of the middle east to destabilize that region and then to expand that
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the stabilization of pakistan and to try to stir something up between india and china to also circle russia russia by the way there are some chinese delegates at gulliver but there are no russians there i should add that certainly russia is separate from this this you know polar world government system that is attempting to dominate also on the agenda is web censorship trying to consolidate change the architecture of the web the cloud systems and systems where you don't have your own domains your own servers they openly are very angry about the rising free press as hillary said earlier in the year they are losing the info war they are also moving to continue to try to bankrupt the middle class in the western world because they want to make people dependent and they are threatened by upwardly mobile middle classes their agenda is also to continue to try to debase world currencies in a concerted effort to show that individual nations don't notice is bad and they
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want to try to force europe in the united states continue to quote bailouts to the big six mega banks that are really just cash payments directly to them and one of the other key issues is carbon taxes they really need to force through their carbon taxes so they can control all human activity on the globe certainly and this is a lot to keep an eye on post builders are getting with profits at the end of this week and i want to also ask you you were saying that a lot of people have denied that even went on certainly that doesn't happen anymore we're also starting to see a lot of new. media turn out for this morning more each year and even told they they get taken up on a builder bus some of the media some of the protesters. to show up there and actually see what they can gather intelligence outside of the conference what do you think this says that slowly but surely there is you know this gradual interest on what does happen behind closed doors. well it's an illustration of the awakening that's happening and also shows that the real media is supplanting the
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establishment propaganda media and truth is is rising and the hopes that powerful elites don't meet and don't try to set agendas that asinine hopes is imploding and is a big present he said last year to the council on foreign relations branch in canada he said for the first time in modern history the world is politically awakening and that's very dangerous brzezinski went on to say for the anglo-american power elite that want to continue to dominate the last to try to project and use the wealth and ingenuity of the last to try to dominate intimidate the planet and stead of all nations really working together through sovereignty through liberty for technological and cultural development so builder berg in closing is on the run they are depressed they are angry reportedly from our moles they are actually causing man at what's happening and they see that their power is slipping away because they they must operate from behind the scenes as long as they
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can do that they have a lot of power through their phantom menace but the minute that that curtain is pulled back we see the little man behind the curtain and we understand that this elite is not invincible and their system is crumbling they are on the run and there's a big protest coming up tomorrow and twelve noon there in switzerland against them as the people of europe march on elder burke and i'm sure you'll keep us posted on exactly what you find out after it all wrapped up alice don't host of the alex jones so joining us from thinking texas thanks so much and switching gears now now to some other harsh words this time by outgoing defense secretary robert gates on an organization that's been in place for six decades talking about nato north atlantic treaty organization it was formed back in one thousand forty nine of the coalition a by the united states against soviet aggression since then it has been the foundation of this country's security policy secretary gates is nato now facing
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a didn't if not dismal future. in the past i've worried openly about nato turning into a two tiered alliance between members who specialize in soft humanitarian development peacekeeping and talking missions and those conducting the hard combat missions between those willing and able to pay the price and bear the burdens of alliance commitments and those who enjoy the benefits of nato membership be they security guarantees or headquarters billets but don't want to share the risks and the costs this is no longer a hypothetical worry we are there today and it is only a step and gave point it's a multiple failures by nato regarding the wars both in afghanistan and libya half of the nato member countries right now are not even participating in the campaign in libya oh still reap the benefits of security and an alliance with those who are spending the money and the manpower on the mission well there has been some whisperings of
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a lack of purpose for nato post cold war in the past and gates' words have been some of the most blunt and harsh especially for someone in his position. moving on now to a look at the u.s. economy and not only to the state of it but how it's being perceived by americans despite a slow recovery on some fronts when asked the likeliness of the us having another great depression similar to the one in the one nine hundred thirty s. the majority of americans say yes probably take a look at this nineteen percent of american faith it's very likely and twenty nine percent say somewhat likely that's nearly half of americans who believe we will return to a time when twenty five percent of workers were unemployed banks across the country failed and millions of ordinary americans were temporarily homeless or unable to feed their families. all right so what's happening to lead people to this conclusion i'm joined here in studio by political columnist harold meyerson and harold let's talk about this i mean some frightening figures by americans and also
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today just you know in trying to come back to this to lawmakers just a few hours ago we saw right here in washington a congressman for from virginia and a senator from virginia mark warner congressman frank wolf they announced that they're going to be pushing legislation that actually rewards companies for bringing jobs that were lost back to the u.s. so i want to start off just by asking you how likely do you think this is not just that legislation will pass but that this will work well it's not clear any legislation can pass in the current congress but that said i think what this initiative addresses is the fact that it's not clear where private sector jobs are going to come from in the united states at this point and i think that's what's behind those poll figures that you cited just a moment ago for most of our major standard and poor's five hundred companies are because corporations are investing abroad they're not investing here labor is cheaper they're invest real policies in the countries we go to or whether they're
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high end countries in europe or developing countries in asia that really are welcoming to these companies and there's a great deal of automation going on within the manufacturing process here so the jobs are just not being generated and wages are totally stuck if not declining it's a bad situation so i think that kind of legislation before would have been off the table right now something like that might have a prayer certainly people look at manufacturing as an industry that sort of built this country up president obama also you know singing the same tune i know he's been trying to talk about this he's spoken several times and i have one example so we'll listen i'll get your response. i see a future where we train workers who make things here in the united states and continue a important and honorable tradition of folks working with their hands creating value. not just. shuffling paper that's part of what
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has built the american dream. so let's talk about this american dream you know especially regarding manufacturing and jobs in the u.s. what needs to happen well several things need to happen and i think the corporate model in america is a lot of the problem you take corporations which and so that ninety nine he say well we're really only responsible to our shareholders not our communities not our workers and you put that in the context of globalization well shareholder so you get a higher profit making things in china apple may be the you know parodic matic model american company right now has all of its product actually made in china not in this country so they have some tens of thousands of well paid designers and marketers here but hundreds of thousands of production workers abroad know production workers here that's a tough nut to crack i think i think we do need the kind of ideas but senator warner and congressman wolf talked about today if you look at i think the good point of comparison is germany really germany exports
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a huge amount of its product high end manufacturing paying its workers for concluding benefits three dollars for every two dollars we have here and they're able to do that by keeping the high value added manufacturing at home that's partly because of a strong german tradition is partly because they actually have work to representatives on corporate boards which i'd love to see here it's a different situation but it's working out a lot better for them and it is for us such an important example that you bring up germany they seem to kind of be on the right track still in terms of knowing how to handle unions and what to do with workers' rights and we do see in such tough times germany's economy doing pretty ok back to the u.s. and you mentioned some of these numbers before i want to point to some of the examples you gave in your writings about standard for some of the biggest companies here in america you said that thirty two percent of the income of the firms in the s. and p. index of some of these largest companies came from abroad and by two thousand and eight that figure had grown to forty eight percent so that's you know. not on time
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not even a full decade of some a really big change in terms of where the income comes from i guess i want to know from you i mean what does this say to you and more importantly what are the chances that these numbers can go back down again i mean something very hard one of the things that's fueling those numbers is the fact that you have the chinese and indian economy growing at eight nine percent every year you're not getting that growth here you're not gonna have that kind of growth that can happen in a mature economy like ours so if they want to be close to the way the markets are growing they're going to be there but again germany is a counter example because as i said germany exports to these countries we do but what we import more. i think we need to have a policy really on engendering not just jobs but decent paying jobs in this country which still exist for professionals but are quickly disappearing everywhere else and i know another thing that you wrote about you pointed to among the things that are flawed not just certain things that are going on and also the discussion that's
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being had here in the u.s. about the economy that you know instead of debating cyclical versus structural in terms of the different types of things that are going on you know for example those who argue that public spending can respond restore prosperity versus those who say you know american workers need to learn different trades you say there's something that we're missing here in the discussion well it's institutional i mean american corporations are behaving as they should if their goal is simply to reward shareholders that doesn't work in a globalized economy they're behaving as they should if they're in a place where they can get away with it well yes and you can get away with it here . in a sense the whole culture is skewed towards offshoring in this country that's a dangerous thing and millions and millions of americans are paying the price for that so i think i think if we took the workers more seriously and that requires some legislative changes i think if. we did invest more in infrastructure
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that would help. education as well but there are fundamental things about corporate fly in this country that i think are very deep and are going to be hard to address i would love to see legislation such as that suggested by our virginia legislators . that really did reward companies for creating jobs here as distinct from jobs and broader political columnist harold meyerson thanks so much for joining us thank you and just as another example of where our economy is coming up at five we will look no further than west virginia where there are marchers and miners both preparing for round two and the battle for blair mountain will have an on the ground look one of our correspondents is there i thought coming up at five pm. well among the other issues u.s. senators are focusing on an effort to remind israel and the world that the u.s. stands by israel on everything even when the president says otherwise we believe
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the borders of israel palestine should be based on the nine hundred sixty seven lines with mutually agreed swaps. this statement by the president which he has since backtracked on and it has led several u.s. senators to sponsor a resolution showing their support of israel and prime minister benjamin netanyahu with provisions like this quote where as the united states has long recognized that a return to the one nine hundred sixty seven lines would create a strategic military vulnerability for israel and greatly impede its sovereign right to defend its borders another provision in the bill where as prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu correctly stated that the one nine hundred sixty seven lines were not boundaries of peace they are the valerie's of repeated war so multiple issues both domestic and international that center senators can't seem to agree on i mean a little bit but this is one that's getting support from all sides earlier i spoke to alexander coburn he is the coeditor of counterpunch as well as
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a contributing writer to the nation magazine he told me he why he thinks several notable senators were willing to line up behind this resolution. well you saw how. netanyahu was received in the u.s. congress not so long ago he was interrupted what twenty eight times by rapturous applause that should give you a clue when the members of the u.s. congress the issue of israel funds and they think political survival they think campaign money that's it i mean the congress is fairly often by territory so this time lieberman of course has been the u.s. senator from israel prime u.s. senator from israel for many many years no surprises there because no surprises in the whole spectacle which is why i have to expect any political movement to get ever past the u.s. congress beneficial to the situation in the middle east is totally impossible but let's talk about this i mean you mentioned that a lot of these senators politicians really across the board here in the u.s.
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they do get a lot of their funding from a pack of the american israel public affairs committee there a very powerful lobby here a very powerful group but there are so many other powerful groups and lobbies here in washington why is it do you think that these politicians really really feel i mean there's got to be some other reasons ideological or whatever that they really feel the need to stand in the corner of israel time and time again well the ideology of a u.s. senator or a u.s. congressman for that matter starts with getting reelected that's ideologically very important to the politicians and they know fully well if they do not vote the way the lobby wants them to or if they contravene the lobby their political future might well be endangered and they're right there are many examples in recent u.s. political history going back to president bush sr who annoys the israel lobby and they paid a political penalty so they may be busy doing the bidding of the oil companies so
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this rail of of the of the auto companies you name it but first and foremost they know that the israeli lobby in their district really has. but i would argue that president obama even went further than george h.w. bush in terms of pushing israel a little bit in terms of especially when he talked about in a recent speech about the one thousand nine hundred sixty seven borders he's gone he's gone pretty far and a lot of people are saying that this resolution that this bill proposed is sort of a political game but this is pushing back against obama and making sure that he knows that he can't step on israel's has you mentioned the numerous standing ovations i know i just got back from europe yesterday and people there were absolutely shocked you know it's one thing for us politicians behind closed doors to support israel but to be so blatant in their support people not in this country people everywhere else were extremely shocked that the entire u.s.
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congress seems to be in this position to talk about. well. obama has been careful throughout his entire career when it really matters not to cross the lobby and in fact right before the election of two thousand and eighteen made an absolutely shameless speech to apac no as regards his statement about respecting nine hundred sixty seven borders what he effectively did in that speech was nullified the possibility of the un you know recognizing the palestinians to declare national territory i mean these are difficult times for the u.s. government obviously they have the middle east in flames they don't want to seem incredibly partial to israel but everybody knows they are they're trying to do a little bit of a dunce to maintain some appearance of independent brokers in this but they were in when when with and as they say in america when the rubber hits the road they're
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going to go with israel i had mentioned this before and we didn't exactly get to it but you know the perception in the u.s. versus the perception abroad in the u.s. and those people have come to accept this is very normal that you know as it states in the resolution that it's the duty of the united states to support israel people in other countries including you know even and and europe and the u.k. think that this is a little crazy that that especially u.s. lawmakers are so blatant in their support talk about perception as it differs here versus the rest of the world well when you look at europe i mean they could they can say well we're not we're you know the u.s. is completely impossible and try and when it came to things like gaza practical issues on the ground the e.u. is just as bad as the united states was absolutely appalling so so when you look at substance in real f. .


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