tv [untitled] June 10, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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our it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we've got a double winner the new york times and the washington post say these two newspapers set off the alarm this week they needed an army of volunteers to help them with a major project they needed citizens to help create some very important documents the release to the media yesterday and no was it another wiki leaks dump of documents pertaining to a war or a watchdog group releasing info and government waste oh no this was much much more important you see the state the state of alaska released nearly twenty four thousand pages of e-mails today from back when sarah palin was there governor that's right two major newspapers who run award after award for their hard hitting journalism decided that they needed help reading sarah palin's e-mails now both paper sent cruise to alaska to cover the major news event but they still needed that help from the public you just can't help but wonder why do they need help
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covering a non-story sarah palin quit her job sold out for fame and fortune and has spent the last two years making a living by criticizing others who cares about her e-mails why does the media continue to force coverage of the sarah palin on it and it's not just those newspapers that are going crazy over the e-mails we were treated to a three ring circus today across all the cable news channels the corners will be scouring through more than twenty four thousand pages of sarah palin's e-mails and the documents are from her term as alaska governor it's a massive document they could offer a new clues of the work of a governor sarah palin was and if she does decide to run what kind of president she might be we just saw a state official start reeling out now can you believe this twenty four thousand pages of e-mails of former alaska governor sarah palin that you know i'm surprised the networks didn't have a little clout down clocks out this morning counting down until sarah's emails were released. around one pm today let's be honest the best e-mails with any of the good
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gossip are probably being withheld anyways the state isn't releasing nearly twenty three hundred pages of those e-mails how convenient but here's my question is the media really need to provide nonstop coverage of the e-mails to prove that she's crazy. to kurdish that they were going to be taken we are. still there and making sure is. his words to. see that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free insight into russian actions for the rest of what we exchanged was the proximity of the state give you there are next door neighbors and you can actually see russia from land here in alaska explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials and well it certainly does as putin rears his head in comes into the airspace of the united states of america where do they go it's alaska. that's just
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a small little taste of sarah palin being sarah palin it's good stuff and that's why the new york times and the washington post arts and i was told i would hers for actually asking for help to cover the release of her e-mails if the media would leave her alone maybe she'd stay in alaska keep her eyes on russia full time and leave everyone else alone. as it begin taking a good hard look at the possible g.o.p. presidential candidates for joining twelve i just can't open notice one quality that almost all of them seem to have in common it's gone and no i don't mean that they have been common just because they're good christians or mormons in that romney's case i mean these people claim the god wants them to be president here's a few examples. do you know beth had to be guarded that i would bet it was no i bet but the plane was primed all of the guard was speaking through me to me through my granddaughter that this is something that i have got to at least explore both
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in the kitchen. and in the sort of. i and no. don't just know that she's actually. now michele bachmann actually recently just a week or two ago also said the same about her running for president and we've heard the same from rick santorum and his wife although that one also didn't get caught on video but seriously what gets can god back more than one candidate in a race and when that leads to one of these people undoubtedly loses are they going to blame got joining me to discuss this from our studio in new york is david pac-man host of the david paklin show david thanks so much for joining us tonight nice to have you in the studio rather than just on skype so you know first question if you were god which candidate would you back. you know here's the thing it's so pompous to me if you're if you're the type of person that believes that a god exists in the literal sense and that he is up there somewhere making day to
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day decisions why on earth would you assume he cares about the twenty twelve presidential election in a country who is delineated by lines that were just created a couple hundred years ago it's pompous to me to any politician who actually says god told them to go into iraq god told them to run it's the hated me of arrogance to me alone hello because we're an exceptional nation that has been or a dane by god you know i mean i'm totally with you there right as we hear a lot of people often say that they thank god for things they thank god for giving them strength giving them hope but to say that god wants need personally to run for president better seems really really selfish but you know have you ever heard a republican candidate use god as an excuse when it's something that isn't in their favor you know like you do you think that they believe that god wanted obama to be president that he wanted a socialist muslim in the white house. that's right this is the exact point is god
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supporting both sides of wars i mean in many cases we see both sides say god is on their side i mean i was coming in on the train today and the guy next to me stunk was that because i didn't pray hard enough to god not to sit next to someone who hadn't showered for a week i don't know i guess i just didn't pray hard enough so you're absolutely right there's no mention of anytime something bad happens or just no action happens what about the mention of god there it's completely hypocritical not to mention the last person to talk about the founding fathers and what they would have wanted in the constitution but it's pretty clear one of the things that's pretty clear is that god should have no part in elections and i think some republicans forget that well every guards to the smelly person sitting next to you i think maybe that's what we call bad karma but you know obviously the point here is that is that religion still plays a very large role in u.s. politics especially in conservative politics and we were just talking about this other day of course ralph reed had his conference here in washington d.c. and all of these g.o.p. hopefuls had to come in at least attend the conference if not speak there and
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kissed the proverbial ring to show their support but you know i think that those types of conferences also show how far we have not come because if you look at recent polling the majority of americans are now ok they support gay marriage all of our republican candidates do not so do you think that they are going to lose the young vote here or is something like gay marriage are those the issues that people are kind of willing to compromise on. well listen gay marriage it's no surprise that the field of politicians does not represent the will of the people if it did we might actually have single payer health care by now but that's not even really discussed in a serious way that would be the will of the people i was talking to jesse ventura recently and he said he has i asked him can you not really win if you run again for major office because you're kind of seen as a little bit of a crazy guy now at this point and he said you know no that's not why it's because i came out of the closet as an atheist and you're completely right religion has a huge role to play i remember in the democratic primary not long not just
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a couple years ago what's your favorite quote from the bible i mean that's the type of question and you're right we don't really seem to see much of junction from voters they just kind of think that's just part of it it's part of it part of an election campaign is what's your favorite piece of the bible yeah that's what i mean you know it's hard sometimes to talk about the will of the people because sometimes the will of the people can lead you down the wrong direction especially when there's a lot of fear hysteria and a lot of emotions that are put into play about something but let's just kind of segue from i guess national politics although rick perry might play a role in national politics too to prayer just talking about preludes take a look every perry's new campaign that has. there's worse. i can see you lying and. you can see.
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this is where we're. both with you and. all right so first texas was having they're going through a drought they had massive wildfires and rick perry called for three days of prayer to answer the entire issue now he's launched this entire campaign called the response where he is calling for national prayer and he wants governors across the country to join in but i just can't help but feel and tell me if you're with me or do you think that this is why we can't get things done in this country like we can't address the real issues that we have it's the economy or social issues because we depend on prayer as the answer. absolutely this is and i was talking about this yesterday on my show this is an insult to the founding fathers jefferson was very clear in his letter about the separation of church and state there's the first amendment and rick perry is bringing together trying to bring together all the governors of the united states to have a mass prayer day it's an insult let me put it this way how many jobs is praying to
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jesus going to create in texas i don't know that it's that it's going to be too many and every single person who's unemployed everybody who is suffering from all of the supposedly democratic and obama policies that republicans like rick perry like to criticize a mass prayer day getting tons of governors to travel around and have a mass prayer day how many jobs will that create is the question you should be ashamed of. i am no if it's necessarily in salt but i definitely think it's embarrassing but do you think he should be able to do it. he should be able to do it if that's what he wants to do an on his in this in the sense that on on his off time he's going to pray for rain or pray for whatever it is that he wants but to have a formally organized especially with the american family association involved which is involved in that in that situation if you know anything about them you know that's the last organisation that should be involved with any official politician it's an insult to voters when voters see that and they say this is how my elected
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official is spending its time. i hope that they will realise that it's absurd and vote him out. or maybe you know maybe products have to vote him out they want to thank you so much for joining us tonight thank you. are we got one more segment ahead on tonight's show we have our fireside friday and then a fan of the weight so stick around for some happy hour mantles up with a creepy i'm really enjoying this latest by a women in a shower and don't think about playing from a traffic stop because the decision from the supreme court could mean extra time behind bars i can just not. entitle me or military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability . i have every right to know what my government would want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism.
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getting somebody to see a story and it seems so sorely sleep you think you understand it and then he slips something else here's some other part of it and realized everything is ok. i'm charging bloggers a big. say . let's not forget that we have an apartheid regime right now. i think either one well. we're never government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because of the freedom.
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a very important catch up as the after seal team six conducted its raid on osama bin laden's compound in pakistan we were informed by the obama administration that no pictures of the released of his body like that shocked anyone considering the track record of this at least transparent of most promised transparent administrations ever but still after ten years after numerous wars i think people deserve to see some proof and let's face it the argument the releasing his photo would anger those in the muslim world that want to do us harm that falls flat when you think of the million other reasons that they have to hate us occupations drone strikes civilian deaths violations of their sovereignty setting their elections undying support for israel which they will never ever ever be ok with and all of the general hypocrisy that comes along with a lot of our foreign policy the list goes on and not one picture is not going to lead to any earth shattering revelations for the on the fence to harvest but it could do a lot for the sake of transparency and journalistic integrity in this country
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considering that every news outlet has been reporting on something for which we've still seen no proof so in response to the obama administration's announcement a number of media organizations filed freedom of information act requests for all sorts of materials ranging from contingency plan. of the rage through of course all photographs and all videos that were taken there now we reported to you on this show and those organizations included a.p. politico n.p.r. c.b.s. news and reuters but see the thing is that once these requests were filed the u.s. government had twenty isn't days to respond and guess what last week that deadline came and went and the government thinks that you can just let that one slide and in fact the only documented answer that we've seen came from politicos and vogel he got a letter not addressing whether the four requests to be adhered to or not but just stating that robert gates personal staff is going to be responding to it robert gates personal staff rather than a typical career for employees the ones that are meant to be nonpartisan and ones
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that are meant not to take into account any possible embarrassment but that release because they're just supposed to decide whether there's a legal basis for it or not but aside from that that's been it there's still no actual response there's definitely no release of the information or of those pictures and that is a blatant slap in the face not only to the first amendment to every single journalist in this country it's not like this administration has a problem arguing they believe in the importance of state secrets that are vital to our national security we've seen that you are of times already and that's another flip flop by the way from candidates to president obama but you just ignore the deadline like it's no big deal like the government is so above having to deal with pesky requests that's just flagrant disrespect and arrogance and they need to be held accountable for it but unfortunately the only option the news agencies have now is to sue the department of defense or the cia now i say they should go for it but so far nobody has commented on whether or not they're going to do it so now
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because our government decides to make itself above the law regardless fallen back on media organizations that probably are going to be too scared to sue the d.o.d. or the cia because that means they'll never get another leaker another lead on a story again if you ask me that's right. corruption. all right it's happy hour and it's friday and joining me this evening as archie producer jenny churchill and anthony rand as well rector of economic recent research is me economic reason t. that's what's happening right at the reason foundation. let's start we've got quite a few stories today this one is i'm not sure whether they hate this guy or whether the think that it's kind of brilliant there's a twenty year old kid in california that got arrested because he was putting this fake spyware on women's computers and he told them that if something goes wrong at
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if it doesn't seem to work then or if i'm sure what to do or try putting your laptop in your hot steam for several minutes to clean the then it isn't to tell them to look the warranty ok not ordering that big warning pops that's something and a lot of women you know when you want to put it in front of steam then where do you do that you do it in the bathroom when you're taking a shower and where you're disrobed obviously it's a little clip he's also accused of sending pop ups not just to their computers warning them their webcam needed cleaning and the way to clean them what you wish to take it to eat hot steamy environment typically a shower he say this is a webcam photo he stopped from one of his victims computers from a hot steamy bathroom. i think not you got that so don't know if that was a very scandalous but really they cared about what apparently he did have a hundreds of photos on his laptop i'm just looking for is why hundreds of women would actually think of the best way to death and we were just talking about this
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is to put it in the bathroom while you're taking a shower this is clearly a case of discrimination because anyone with half a brain would think oh maybe i wouldn't want to take my electronic device and put it near moisture so that all of it's inside school. the citizens seem to be the best way to use it but isn't the lesson here don't push it too far because he was able to take pictures without it going with steam he never would have been discovered if you had just been taking pictures without his warning label part of it but that's the true us and here yeah but you can't get them to get naked otherwise they would just be like that in front of the computer the whole time the stuff you come up with a way to get programming to be naked in front of the computer and the camera and he was brilliant this man obviously not and he's only twenty years old you know. let's move on to our next story and this one really just kind of gets me pissed off but apple is now going along with we've heard from a lot of congress members in fact that are trying to put pressure on alcohol they've now decided to van all apps that give away where dui checkpoints are but
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it's the ones that are not publicized by police because this was my big problem at this time is unlike a lot of these are publicized by the police departments they actually posted online this is public knowledge but they just don't want people giving in to like secret little tips if they're driving home drunk which i'm sure part of the idea but this is also with censorship we tell you you can't just tell people where one strike point is it's not censorship because apple is choosing to do it by themselves essential should be the government out of the. news or out that is pressured into it that's total b.s. absolutely you shouldn't have senators going and you sure shot for this but they did choose to do it of their own volition that we should be going out is doing they're censoring all the people don't want to download these apps and then i don't know if we should be are here to that the apps that are to exist were not taken down they just made a clause that they could not accept anymore but isn't this whole thing ridiculous if you really if you are sober enough to know that you have to go. and read.
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these checkpoints are is this really a problem likely really does the united states senate have to care about these are private things or drown people do you know i've woken up and like to my kids in the next morning at apparently there is a fancy feast there was made the night. for the problems like a lot of skill. this is. right you know exactly what it was like and it's it feels like it was the biggest bunch of cat food that you could walk and i was the sleepy little girl because again about me go and i think we should. because now. well this one is eft so the supreme court just ruled that apparently if you get in your car and you decide to flee the police in your car that's now considered a violent felony and that can give you up to a fifteen second come with a fifteen year mandatory minimum sentence and i think we all know what this might look like sometimes let's take a look at a clip. i'm talking all over
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a woman named betty we're driving around. here. you are very sad randy. how does he look like a violent criminal to us on a felony actually it's all going to get out there that's my hometown oh that's fantastic that's my home you know that road and i possibly nobody i know if you bet it's a little disturbing at the best part about the story though is if you actually read the opinions of the dissent schoolies said that this is a tutti frutti decision that's in the u.k. that isn't the dissent of big u.s. supreme court's decision today ferdie defining tutti frutti decision but then that was the point that he was making is that this bill is like this that this whole doing it basically who is saying that this is against some of his code of service like roberts and. that this is really as vague notion that they're basing this
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whole law that you might possibly someone could possibly be injured by a particular act but they can then deem it a violent felony that like that right there if they catch up to that person and they put her in prison for fifteen years that is absolutely ridiculous now if you then if you see somebody completely different they goes on some wild goose chase they're trying to evade the cops and they hit somebody in jail for fifteen years they're yeah if you're running people over there hell if you want something right what is you know by their house yeah my big question here is this law going to reduce the number of car chases shown on television i need to know because we're nosy a lot of show crew i love the guard told me there will be enough you know stupid criminals out there that don't read supreme court i think this is the united states of america let's talk about this last one really quickly because i just love the way that it's been covered so apparently the market awfully has been. engaged in
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a vigorous writing campaign with president obama which is only really a one way writing campaign but he's been writing him letters and now he's actually written a letter to congress thanking them for standing up to obama in terms of questioning you know the war in libya that he's gotten us involved in without ever asking for congressional approval even though i think congress is resolution of this kind of it's really we didn't do anything it doesn't put a limit on anything except for saying that we can't have any troops there but. i just think it's kind of funny ed the obama administration's response was kind of like well this is all the more reason we need to get not a guarantee that he would agree and yes i mean and no one's confirmed that this letter actually came from him but i just like that they're like we'll see this confirms that we should be there well actually you know the fact that he's crazy doesn't come from the fact that we're not fighting an illegal war isn't the sole thing one whole areas middle finger it's like the u.s.
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congress could offer you is an insane like dictator but i also think that here is there's a comedy about this and he also understands a saturday night live has finished a season and so like we would have to wait till september for them to come up with a gag like this and i think he this is comedy to the united states of america that he would because he knows what's up in congress and he understands that this is one massive middle finger to the republican party and to the democrats that are supposed to. get us out of there it's like i just think it's really sweet i like it's you know i just wonder what stationery he uses i like the idea of somebody still writing letters and i'm sure they made a great. thanks for joining me and that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure we come back on monday the tea party has a hardcore competitor in the with the part of its cleverly named after drinks we're going to speak to the founder of the to heal a party. meantime don't forget become a fan of the own show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's or any other nights you can always catch youtube dot com. mostly
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