tv [untitled] June 10, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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how's the chicken poop containing arsenic that was fed to the chickens yeah i'll do the best of my ability try to explain that one as well as how crazy our dancing rep for d.c. miss eleanor holmes norton is wait i can't explain that but we've got the i phones fuzz alert app under fire from your favorite evil status senator schumer yemen under fire from american drones and our government under fire from the chinese literally yet anyway who could i ask you to take some of us from across the pond tonight an errant butterman of the republican liberty caucus and dog vixen join me for a g.o.p. debate for you and according to a new study if you're going to be sitting down anyway you'll be
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a lot healthier if you're touching yourself while watching adam versus the man. ok so you're driving home wasted as hell and at last call grabbed the last skank at the bar major move now she's got her teeth out and you're getting the best growth ahead of your life the last thing you want is to run into a dui checkpoint right well there is an app for that ok so maybe that's not you maybe you're just someone who likes freedom of travel or appreciates your privacy or wants to travel without being stopped by the thoughts and blue costumes remember the police force does not exist to provide for the public safety but rather to control the population and raise revenue for the government dui checkpoints that
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are less efficient at stopping drunk drivers and patrolling and result in more citations and drunk driving charges are just one more piece of damning evidence against the police state. into edison smart phones to the rescue the people are fighting back against these unconstitutional try points by alerting others when they pop up so who's standing against the people senators charles schumer harry reid frank lautenberg and tom udall of new mexico ny senator they asked three smartphone makers to pull the apps blackberry caved immediately google and apple drag their heels and wednesday apple released new guidelines for the app store absolutely contained the u.i. check points that are not published by law enforcement agencies or encourage and enable drunk driving who were tempted but are they really trying to shut this down or get away with what they can without the government getting too heavy handed you can still get the wonderful application fuzz alerts for your i phone. but as
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senator schumer said quote this victory will remain only have one until the existing apps are removed from the store yeah right but the people will only be truly victorious one status election or are voted out of office or hung from the capitol with one of either entrails whichever comes first anyways here's a story for all you cubicle dwellers out there your desk job is killing you according to dr david coleman cardiologist with st louis roosevelt hospital center in new york several new studies show prolonged sitting is now being linked to increased risk of heart disease obesity diabetes cancer and even early death now the story should come as a surprise to anyone who's been noticing the effects of what was previously called just a sedentary lifestyle but apparently we have broken down more explicitly sitting. the following graphics are from the fear mongers at medical billing and coding now
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remember how many times your teachers in government run schools insisted that you sit up straight in stead of lean back funny how children will resist things that are unhealthy for them see corner them leaning back means better circulation less strain on your back or taking notes kids apparently there is something special about how sitting in particular over affects the body and see electrical activity in the leg muscles shuts off calorie burning drops to one per minute and times that help break down fat drop ninety percent after two hours of sitting good cholesterol drops twenty percent and after twenty four hours insulin which is really essential for regulating metabolism the effectiveness of it drops twenty four percent and your risk of diabetes goes up and here's the kicker bottom line people sitting jobs have twice the rate of cardiovascular disease as people standing jobs that's why i'm standing for the saying now we've known for a long time that watching television can be hazardous to your health but now we
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know how to fight it and i'm confident that anyone watching the show is at least leaning one way back on their couches hundred thirty five degrees or stretching or walking marching in place or doing jumping jacks or touching yourself. all of which were significantly more calories then just touching yourself we do have a. that's the excuse me viewers all right. all right you know what else will kill you. arsenic the f.d.a. says it's a carcinogen but i don't believe them why else would they be telling us for years
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that it's ok to feed it to chickens. for sixty years chickens in america have been fed arsenic and the f.d.a. zone studies say that arsenic in chicken meat is ok to eat. maybe that's right sort of lucius you know this one's a little light on the arsenic actually. you know but that's better but i know what you're thinking don't you wish there is a way to arsenic up your beef to don't worry the f.d.a. is is one step ahead of you you see they really can't get the full benefit of the arsenic in chickens by feeding it's of them because apparently they they poop too much of it out. i know no discussion
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well then the big all the arsenic going to waste or is it. they're not you know what they feed cows and back are you the operations. that's right cows get to eat arsenic laced chicken poop and then so do you see this is what the f.d.a. refers to as the circle of life so who is behind all this well the same folks the f.d.a. approved to distribute i grow so often xanax that's right pfizer pharmaceuticals selling you overpriced drugs that are bad for you and clint americans one great meal at a time all right i don't know if i can just. well i said so you know with a little more arsenic there yes delicious all right we've got we do have some
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serious news we'd like to cover tonight as nobel peace prize winner president barack obama is stepping up with the washington post editorial board has referred to as is pro democracy policy for the middle east chaos is breaking out in yemen president ali abdullah saleh has refused to step down after foreign on pro-democracy protesters and marcia spite pressure from saudi arabia and the united states three times presidents always agreed to step down and three times he has gone back on his offer and should know that the u.s. government is funded him and thought him very well for many years in the fight against big bad al qaeda. the problem with making nice with bullies is eventually they turn on you and more importantly once they're out of power people tend not to forget which side you are on once again our government's policies exposing that exposing we the people to the threat of blowback meanwhile the new york times reports that the united states has ramped up prone strikes in the region exploiting the new power vacuum with no one there to object now that sollars in saudi arabia
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being treated for travel rooms from his own people again consider though if the u.s. mission is to keep people from siding with al qaeda shouldn't we be more concerned with the ramifications of civilian casualties only time will tell what happens here but it will probably involve wasting your tax dollars on another unfavorable outcome for american security and so while we have some more seriousness i know friday hard to believe turns out the dalai lama is a marxist but apparently he's not honest at least according to a means that he made two hundred fifty chinese students at the university of minnesota well i guess that's good to know except that marxism is still coercive eliminates the concept of private property and its derivatives historically not exactly peaceful you know how's the whole china thing working out for tibet. i guess it's just been occupied by the wrong kind of marxists and he had to make the
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distinction about leninism because that's the bad kind of marxism the kind with the dictatorship of the proletariat led by a revolutionary vanguard party so does he think he's the good kind of marxist i thought it was marx and said religion to be the opiate of the masses i never thought the dalai lama could be so disappointing all right now in financial news usa today reports that one ratings agency in china has already declared a u.s. default on debt obligations to china whoops one president dong global credit rating company limited has made claims that by allowing the value of the u.s. dollar to erode the federal government has in fact in effect allowed pretty fault it didn't congress to say that was some kind of act of war. anyway china recently warned the united states that we are playing with fire by contemplating even any period of the thoughts and the treasury will run out of borrowing power on august
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second two thousand and eleven officially defaulting on obligations to china big government status in the beltway of course continue to fiddle away as the fire spreads refusing to cut spending as we near the deadline so to default it is theorized by many economists will cause a panic in global markets so what happens is trying to send a swat team to kick down our doors well they probably won't because at this rate it will already be their door you know all the imported from china trinkets we surround ourselves with in order to pretend we're still a prosperous country there's a trade going on here in exchange china gets american infrastructure american land and even the entire state of idaho a maybe they'll privatizers a road after they buy them we can only hope so the u.s. may not have any money but maybe we can pay the world often clinton's remote rumors are swirling via reuters that hillary clinton maybe i need to take the seat of president of the world bank in two thousand and twelve and of course word out of
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hillary land has been flat denial so far but that never means much these days one way or another i'm sure we haven't heard the last of hillary ok we're we're talking about hillary clinton now so yes that means you can stop touching yourselves. all right joining us now is luke would ask yourself we're lucky to have with us as a result of a surprise ride that saved him a train trip he is coming to us live from st moritz switzerland with an update on what has transpired at the builder board meetings going on there luke thank you for being with us tonight. he gets my friend being a good thing. things are going to be pretty intense here cops are following us around everywhere we go we're getting able to meet and harass i was threatened with deportation an arrest here just for building a billboard beating perimeter conference outside here and we are teams with them actually wrote a letter to the local parliament member who responded to the order this statement demanding police stop intimidating reporters and journalists and i actually took
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that later today and actually gave it a little you solve surge and i was able to actually film where i was never able to kill before and they actually didn't detain me or harass me at all today and the same politician is actually working with prosecutors right now here in switzerland and actually charged henry kissinger a war crimes henry kissinger is here at the billboard meeting that hillary clinton even attended before and this is just amazing developments how harlem good leaders . here in switzerland are sick and tired of this globalist elite running their country and having to see the end do you know i know that one of the thing is as you're talking about the media coverage of what's going on there this is really interesting because what we've seen with this bill the board meeting unlike it seems and the before is the kind of mainstream media coverage that it's getting and you know i want to give you a lot of credit for this because of your activism over your entire life you spent a lot of time raising the profile of the significance of what happens at these
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meetings do you take this is as some kind of accomplishment on what you can when you must be at least encouraged by the mainstream coverage of the build of our meeting. i mean it's a great thing but they're still not reporting on everything that's happening i mean they did we're going to leave agenda where they're going to be trying to attack lib dem or are they going to be picked in the new alignment and all these other decisions are good they're going to be make or near one thing they did not report is out and then an italian your argument member was beat up they had had a broken nose broken by security because he tried to enter the building alltel this is our european union our limited member we just got his nose broken and there's a lot of things that mr media's not talking about but you always get information live on the internet there's so many journalists here there's only love and care and people who just want to show you what's happening here there's pictures of david bach of color here richard perle and many other globalist better attending this meeting and there are rumors that that they're going to be working on our next president here for the united states some even suggesting that rick perry is
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getting pulled up by the builders we're going to get into that later in the show tonight but look we'll look for to get more updates through it all you have some packages that you work on for us we'll be airing those on monday thanks so much for joining us really appreciate it work stay safe all right when we come back we'll turn to you the viewer tell you what's wrong with the eleanor holmes norton get at the g.o.p. debate preview and bring you the top requests of topics from adversus the man that the serino gonzales story states to get washington out of their system. like i was the world to thier mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's predictable that sort of made who can you trust no one who occasionally deal with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sections when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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internally or new treatments do not work to bring justice or time. i hope every right to know what my government's doing you want to noise i think. i would characterize obama as the care was a minute version of american exceptionalism. and now we bring you the toughest question topic from the suggestions fate of adam vs the man. while tanks leeches enjoy the high life in the district of criminals serino gonzales is serving eight years in prison for aiding tax protesters ed and elaine brown and january two thousand and seven the browns were sense to five years
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in prison for refusing to cough up protection money so the government you know acts of age and the police eventually raided their compound notice i want to someone defies the government's orders their house becomes a compound and the couple were taken to jail by threat of force serino who happens to be an active member of iraq veterans against the war the site it's a join them in their campaign of noncompliance with government coercion young around for a few months around their home in new hampshire blogging about the day to day events and helping them with supplies. he is now currently being held prisoner some might even say a political prisoner in phoenix f.b.i. medium security for this facility despite by all standards in prison assessments he should be in a minimum security setting if you would like to write him and offer your support his addresses you can write to us reopen solace i guess this is official prison number seven six three four two that one seven nine f.c. i think it's better correctional institution three seven one one zero north forty
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fifth avenue phoenix arizona eight five zero eight six or you can email him to at free underscore reno underscore now at the find for you dot com all right as the roman empire declined it was often said give the people bread and circuses signifying that they cared for a little more so while our dollar collapses we expand our wars unemployment remains out of control and the under thirty crowd lives in a hidden economic depression our government is doing its current darndest dampest to i say that on t.v. too late to make sure the show does go on when it comes to the n.f.l. hey do you think i am some kind of tubby sean hannity want to be jock sniffer. great all right well yes. now will be quite well the heavily paid titans of the
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national football league squabble over how many more million a year they should make then the slot only man cave residents who worship them we come to find we're all paying for it a court of the national center for policy analysis reported this morning that shortly after the one thousand nine hundred three bargain agreement n.f.l. marked on an aggressive era of local expansion that included adding new teams in cities where politicians were desperate for a franchise the end result was an addition of twenty five new venues each posing an average some one hundred fifty luxury suites and between eight thousand and nine thousand premium club seats the first group of thirteen stadiums built before the n.f.l. created its loan fund to help finance new stadiums cost three point three billion dollars of which only eight hundred eighty eight million dollars or twenty seven percent was private financing stadiums in st louis oakland which was renovated not constructed for a hundred twenty eight million dollars baltimore tampa bay cleveland and cincinnati were among those built primarily with public funds now i know
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a lot of americans love football and the other is something a lot of about gorging on are requiring food and alcohol with friends on a lazy sunday all the arsenic to a degree but at the end of the day too many americans are living vicariously while we're ignoring the real challenges that the world faces watching over sysfs what he meant collide into each other while we drunkenly grunt and fart is not the action of a productive upright human being and damn sure not one that should be taxpayer subsidized . our primal desire for tribal competition is satisfied by picking a color and a symbol to cheer for all the while we relegate ourselves into suburban enclosures sometimes called man caves not a very flattering statements about the modern men but for real men the nonbelieving ends those of us whose eyes do not gloss over the side of sports center the world is our bread cave and i'll pass on the suburban freshly vacuum layer and i don't
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care about your football stadium build it without my tax dollars. all right as promised we have a preview of the g.o.p. debate coming up from c.n.n. and joining me now to talk about is craig dixon political blogger from machine smashed dot com craig thanks for being with us tonight good to be on on all right so before we get into what we're seeing in the republican field i don't know if that has anything to do with with bread and circuses probably plenty of insinuation some a fair and so all right we have a very specific concern we want to address because gary johnson my former governor in new mexico who voted for me who is and who was a near constitutional i mean only surpassed really barely in his platform by ron paul gary johnson has been excluded from the scene and paid debate why is that well as they give a lot of arbitrary reasons i mean c.n.n.
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even invited you know rudy giuliani who has said nothing about whether he's going to actually enter the race for not. seen in supplied the answer that you know gary's polling under two percent i mean but the thing is in his campaign has pointed this out at this point in the race for clinton and for jimmy carter and i think for dukakis as well they were all polling at one percent at this point and you know gary has i think quite accurately said you know this is really just a weed is a well it's kind of nice to see gary johnson taking some of the flack as as an outsider from the republican establishment the way ron paul you so now ron paul is polling very well it's almost like they can't because they're busy attacking johnson and they can't get to ron but you know a lot of the we are things like an electable which i think is now officially a republican establishment code word for our friends you know who get the benefits of the welfare program the military industrial complex or other you know big government welfare programs supported by the neo con establishment element if they
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get elected we're going to lose all those benefits but you have. a different suggestion for gary johnson i do and i know a lot of people that support ron paul supporter johnson and i think he's great on most of the issues i disagree with him on the abortion issue and there's one reason to mention that to. the debate started in south carolina very very socially conservative state not a good place for kerry to make if they view in the debates and say i'm pro-choice but really what this comes down to is you know as a political pragmatist you have to look at the system as it is not as we want to be and i think it's pretty terrible to look at it and say. you know basically c.n.n. is bringing people in based upon ratings and you know how are we actually going to select you know good citizens to represent in good government when that's the way things are really being selected but at the end of the day that's a system we have and i think kerry needs to look at ways to market himself better to be taken more seriously as
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a candidate and the thing is when you have ron and gary running for the same position you're kind of splitting forces and instead of you know what i feel like where he's he's banging his head against his barrier right now that ron did in zero eight the difference is ron had this ground army all the ground army still there but they're still behind ron for the most part so gary's just kind of this well one hope that people can get behind gary johnson least get him into this debate having that platform the idea as long as he is in the presidential race he should absolutely be in the debate but what i think if i were managing his campaign or if i one of his advisors they say look you ever want a real shot at this because the system we're dealing with he needs to go back to new mexico where he was incredibly popular absolutely true. according to polls there were polls he got twenty seven percent in a poll in february i think. i think second place ok with all that which was it was a minute i want to i want to see about romney we got romney skip if he's going to be at the c.n.n. debate next week right but he's skipping iowa and florida straw polls how is that
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possible is he finally given up can we can we hope i don't. that's the case i mean he's still leading pretty pretty well in most of the polls i mean you know mitt romney is just kind of the. kindle republican he's he's going to be around giuliani coming up in the polls now kind of scary next the pale and i mean two candidates you would think i don't think this is giuliani saya think it's like newt gingrich kind of like why are you running right now man i mean like you have an insurgent you know libertarian leaning tea party is going to be at the debate because this is you know that's going to because he wasn't the last one that's going to be really interesting to see if anybody's losing momentum now is going to rule his entire staff is jumping ship that's the worst sign for a candidate if there ever was one getting glitter dumped on me you know well that's true all right thank you very much those critics and political blogger from machine smash dot com and now you the viewer all right we'll start tonight with a comment from the tubes one fifty one commented subscribing to your channel was probably one of the most relevant things i've done on you tube oh well thanks and
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now from one of my old friends from iraq veterans against the war a fellow marine veteran with a keen understanding of economics lars xterm wrote this i want a facebook wall. most of the work done by active duty enlisted grunts is busy work that benefits absolutely no one cleaning government buildings polishing metal things practicing jungle warfare before a deployment to the desert keynesian economics says in a recession you should pay a man to dig a hole one day and philip next doesn't count if you sleep in it a writes we've also notice and passionate responses already to our gun show from yesterday on you tube i spilled my drink commented f. the second amendment by the way you can actually write a full effort on youtube nobody needs to own guns suits to search for sprout a mystery i think that's why you say he has a homemade machete launcher f. guns guns don't shoot machetes they shoot bullets which any launchers shoot
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machetes they are going to have our guns if they want machete launchers are far superior to guns they shoot machetes did i mention that well you did and thanks for the tip as soon as machetes are cheaper than bullets you know i watch the video that i think you're referring to here and as the the maker of the device and i would have said the only thing a machete sling shot is good for is distracting people and you do not exactly an effective zombie said slayer unlike my sig it's well and again from facebook broke by rights breaking news ron paul's twitter account is going to hack thousands of photos leaked to the internet show ron paul with the same woman for over fifty years that according to him if one thing and one more from the tubes wasi was thirty five commented i don't think fighting in afghanistan has anything to do with our freedoms but sure if you say so. i guess i'll have to take it easy on
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the subtle sarcasm and by e-mail i'd like to share one from someone i'll just identify for now is ben he writes this is from a former marine but we can perform for you this this particular you know this is from a former but a lot of mail from we were we get a lot of e-mail from the active duty guys too and i just want to say if there are any active duty troops watching please feel free to send in your comments anonymously you can do so but emailing adamant adam versus the men man got comics so ben writes i am a fellow marine went to iraq twice oh three in zero five and volunteered second time fully dialed into the matrix throughout my course of enlistment i was a mortuary affairs specialist which means that i recovered and possess processed all of our fallen brothers and all the innocent people that we killed over there since i've been out of the corps i've learned such unpleasant truths as the voluntary nature of our union being destroyed more than one hundred fifty years ago the reality of the military industrial complex and the boldness of the lies for
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which we risk our lives being the same age and having similar background your contributions to our nation and as as a people have forced me into introspection as to what mine need to be and that is the most satisfying kind of feedback thank you very much and the emails and comments coming now as promised eleanor holmes norton taking a page from the playbook wants to have an official national dance day let's see if she's qualified for that. this was inspired by the recent protests at the jefferson memorial our own dance party there but she's got a permit for this event and doesn't seem to get the purpose of it not to mention the fact that she didn't invite me we'll see for she's got a dance party on the mall planned and my invitation hasn't arrived yet i can explain it all right that's our show for i think for two.
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