tv [untitled] June 10, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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are you ready to rumble since it's friday it's time for the big picture on the with our panel of experts political commentators offer their takes on the week's papers story aerogel tonight other sermon conservative strategist and managing owner of for forty public relations joe madison host of the joe the black eagle madison show on sirius x.m. satellite radio which airs weekdays six to ten am eastern time on channel one twenty eight and brian darling on most of human events contributor red state dot com and big government dot com and director of government studies at the heritage foundation welcome to all of you and it was good let's get started here after. ok after ten years we can now see just how damaging the bush tax cuts are to the economy bush's tax cuts created three million jobs would crash our economy while bill clinton's tax hikes created twenty three million jobs and balanced our budget
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i guess republican presidential hopeful to move plenty didn't get the memo his new tax. the bush tax cuts on steroids costing our government nearly eight trillion dollars over ten years just to give people who make more than a million bucks a year a forty one percent tax cut and people who make more than ten million dollars a year forty six percent tax so what exactly is simple want to try to do because of the great depression or turn america into a banana republic like mexico and other. well that's i would say that plenty is definitely trying to rile up his base you know a lot of tea partiers want cuts and they like tax cuts they won't catch the government programs and you know what the recent pew poll showed that only nineteen percent of people believe that the tax cuts contributed to our debt people like tax cuts john you know and you can offset those by getting rid some programs that we don't need and billionaires and millionaires especially if i. see.
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some agrawal you know of course everybody likes to says no question about it but people also like the things the taxes pay for. but you said it he's he's sheering up is his base this is what his base wants to hear and he's out front on this and he's in front of everybody and i think that's what worked or is he running brian for vice president i think he's running for president i think let me correct you on one thing maybe you remember that bill clinton he raised taxes then he cut taxes he worked with the republican congress to cut taxes. it was thirty nine percent. and we had available you to new status existence in the bush tax cuts so president bush doesn't do that but only was enormous that was the deal in order to get it right he was part of the deal going in the room in the reason why is because he understands and i think most americans
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that own small businesses understand that if you raise taxes on those making over two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year it will destroy the economy it will do. story of the engine of our economy which is small businesses you know like in the fifty's and sixty's but i think let's be honest though and i think a little disingenuous when he said he was in the room remember when he came out of that room and he said i don't like this but i've got a president obama but i've got to do it because he had a base he needed to protect and that was the these individuals who would have been kicked under the bus and would have been without anything and of course we know that money has gone into the economy because people don't take back on the money you put in swiss bank accounts are all sure they do what they spend and what makes more sense than talking about raising taxes for the wealthy is doing what's called means testing you know the wealthy don't need medicare and everything and they don't need security you know i'm just saying that they can pay into it but they
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don't need a game that means testing things you can turn them into welfare programs they're only for your i mean what they are no no no no no no no it's easy to cut your sleep well you've already talking about a lot of the lyrics here make under two hundred thousand dollars poor is that we're saying well i'm talking about here you know if you're saying dollars if you mean salaries are regular something that we're all it's no longer a game that we're all part of and i'm talking about if you're setting aside the rich set aside the rich and say you know you don't need to you know need to receive medicare you don't need to receive social security and that everybody else which is a huge portion of the american population is still going to need to get this so we don't need to pay into it right now i don't think that everybody everybody is you know really happy we're out of that. unfortunately we can't make it through the show without talking about wiener gate a new poll shows a wide majority of voters in anthony weiner's congressional district fifty six percent actually want him to stay in office it r. and c. chairman's reince priebus is demanding his resignation. palosi needs to do our job
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and be a leader of her caucus and tell anthony weiner to really hit the bricks and go home i don't think here's the problem i don't think we need to spend taxpayer dollars investigating whether or not anthony weiner is a creep or not nancy pelosi debbie wasserman schultz who is obama's hand-picked leader of the democratic party to sit down with him and tell him that he needs to leave i don't know considering the voters and winners district spoken in this most recent poll should republicans shut their mouths about calling for winners resignation especially since republican david vitter an admitted patron of prostitutes who even ordered them up twice on the floor of the senate still sitting . i've got i love having him to me wiener is a member of congress i don't want to resign i want to hang in there keep fighting the fight in as new information comes out about more of his indiscretions i think that can only help republicans of the guys hanging in there the only damage he's doing is to his own party hang in there and also let's let's be real about this q
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it's not just republicans are asking for his resignation it's belo party members fellow democrats who are saying you should resign you split well i'm going to end up agreeing with oh. my conservative friends if you do that and i and i have the reason i do this is his constituents it's first of all it's a safe district this is what really it is a safe this is released and what you're going to have and so the point is you know you can replace this guy i mean this this was the most childish behavior of a grown man and children have no place in the united states congress and i don't care if you're republican or democrat i think you're absolutely right. he's going to be a poster boy so you think it was well i don't know look it's two different situations there and might have committed a crime well but it to you. an investigation that says you just said he might hand
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down if he committed a crime then you know you do what you have to do but i guess maybe it's my midwestern up brain and i just i just i'm not east coast new york this is i don't think this play you and i grew up with it a few hundred miles of each other and you had ohio me and michigan and yeah. we can you know i think that's. a big way brian said it's about why i mean we only have seen a little bit of what has happened and what we know it's done and when more of this comes out we're going to see that there's a lot yes getting the details new york is even knew where they do this i. will leave it at that. for the bill the louisiana state house passed a bill this week to authorize construction of a six foot statue commemorating the ten commandments to be built on the grounds of the state capital governor bobby jindal has already said he plans to sign the bill which is essentially a wrecking ball the separation of church and state even though construction will be privately funded the state will have to use taxpayer money to defend the project
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and courts as numerous groups have come forward promising to mount legal challenges to the law so can we once and for all put an end of the myth that this country was founded on judeo christian values and stop religion from creeping into our government you know if you back if i may just add to that the big debate back at the founding this country between jefferson and madison jefferson was and you can read this in their letters back and forth jefferson was terrified that religious people would end up in politics and corrupt politics madison who was a very religious guy was concerned the politicians would start giving money to churches in fact that was his first veto was to church in washington d.c. and would corrupt religion and now we've got both we deny that many of our laws are based on judeo christian values are based on yes i would say memorialized in the ten commandments and you disagree with the time camillo i don't but i would i would i would say that you know. i would say that i would agree with thomas jefferson this is natural why he said we we created this country we did not need to
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look into the musty parchment of ancient religions we look in our hearts and we find natural wargrave conniving and i do have a constitution and i think anyone who has the comparative religion knows that it's not just you know it's just not christian but no this is not judeo any comparative religion student at yale any of the universities in the theological seminars will tell you so so you can't say it in just a day or christian you have got to incorporate many of the religions of the world have some of the same basic principles and you're absolutely right i get what you're rosa was a lie or not there and that's why the founders took the position that they took because it really looked churches controlled what contradicts me one of the ten commandments said a muslim would disagree with i mean who disagrees with that shall not kill who disagrees with you it's not oh it's not
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a muslim would disagree price what are in government we disagree with we have not and try and into a wall in the united states that thou shall have no gods beyond me and if you do by the way you should be put to death but there's no need that's part of the tension and there is nothing forbidding it always and a legislature from having something to want on the ground privately funded having a monument to there's nothing that says that that can't be done and there's anything like that saying well look that's one of the gates are open so then the buddhists will want something muslims will want something and if you think you're going to put a muslim shrine of any type in the state of louisiana you can forget that that's not going to i would imagine is that this state's rights i mean you know this is a privately funded but states' rights was argued but we. time ago the same historic debate yeah you know we do every day here to write a very limited scale to you know we've had black coal i mean even. no i mean we've we've argued constitutional history issue of states' rights i mean we have
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a central government a federal government a constitution we have founders of this country who just as tom says were very afraid of. theocracies taking over our government but there's nothing in the constitution that declares the separation of church and state it's not in there i challenge you to show me in the constitution where it says the separation of church and even jefferson you said jefferson was clear on this even jefferson wrote about this o.c.a. ssion saying you know that he was for protecting them you know keeping the law from hurting them so even jefferson was not so outspoken about just protecting the state religious and there's i'm just arguing this the baby's delaware. ok speaking of speaking of which you know ben franklin left as a chooses because he was sick and tired of women being hung as witches and moved to philadelphia look at which ones resume house homeland security chairman peter king
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announced today he's holding his second hearing on the threat of muslims writ america next week in addition republican presidential hopeful herman cain the guy who most republicans think won the first debate a few weeks ago claimed on the glenn beck show that he would force muslims to take a loyalty oath before even considering hiring them for his cabinet take a look i didn't say i would appoint one because if they can prove to me they'd be a put in the constitution of the united states first be they would be a candidate just like everybody else my entire career high your good people great people regardless of their religious or and so weighted are you saying that it is the muslims have to prove there there's to be some loyalty proof yes to the constitution of the united states of america but would you do that to a catholic or would you do that no to a mormon no i wouldn't i wouldn't because there is a greater dangerous part of the muslim faith then there. he is the head of these religions so do republicans really think that muslims are dangerous sort of second
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class citizens or are they just creating bogeyman in time for the try before you tell you this is a man who is not really. i guarantee he has not read the koran and therefore he doesn't know what he's talking about excuse me the k.k.k. in this country which by the way we just did a show on is trying to gain trying to change their image was founded on what christian principle is and the greatest terrorist organization domestically that ever existed in this country and still does thank you i don't think anybody can disagree that muslim extremism is a threat to the united states there mr king destroyed you know we have muslim extremists that have committed a lot of crimes over the last ten years most notoriously in nine eleven and in many other actions that have happened he says nothing wrong with congress studying the issue and having a hearing to talk about muslim extremism these eighty six actual terrorist
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incidents in the united states in the last ten years more than half of them were done by christians. i think it's also interesting i think as a as the article on which this discussion is based also says that you know cain his camp is certainly backtracking this whole thing you know and i think it's big mistake was saying that catholics and other people don't have to claim oil to the contrary just witnessing a great making glenn beck reasonable. i do think that will make scream islam is not a problem in this country right of extremism is a problem in the united states of america and i think we're seeing the problem and i think we're really is a special problem that deserves an exceptional amount of time on the part of congress to study but look what happened on nine eleven look at what's going on in our global war on terror i mean this is a global problem that we need to look at and we need to study and understand it's a new. national security yes it is a national security issue and there's no man and eyes and that's and i speak to all
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the extremism needs to be studied and that's probably what congress should have done we're going to look at all these extremists that are out of the timothy mcveigh's of the world but i to work where harming people and state he better hope whatever well comes out is it longer than three pages we don't have any matches. should all what isolation do less than three polls show you get to be less than two thousand and. then he would then he would have signed the nine hundred sixty four civil rights bill yeah he would have signed the one hundred sixty. he would have signed the civil rights act or the voting rights act which gives him the authority and the power in the independents and the quality to do what he's doing right now what are you going to greater than thirty page bills signed me because congress passed two thousand page monstrosities they never know what's in it you and hank paulson yeah there's always my three page things give me seven hundred. eighty digital now you voted against that had a lot of pork and there's
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a little thing you know ok last question quick fire whether or not anthony weiner will stay in office after the winner fallout remains to be seen as interesting opinions original however one thing seems pretty clear he probably won't be able to run for president in the future without his explicit photos circulating around the twitter sphere besides emailing photos of your reproductive organs what are some other signs that you probably aren't cut out to be president states eight you admitted as president he won't have time to read legislation more than three pages long which is far shorter than even a typical dr seuss book or be in a previous step as governor of texas you threaten to secede from the nation you now want to be president of or see when you're first when your name is entered into google the first result is to explicitly talk about m.t.v. . my hope is that congressman weiner will hang in there make a lot of speeches become the face of democrat party because he's a funny. and i think it's entertaining for both republicans democrats and
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independents and running with that theory i hope michele bachmann becomes the. right at least i mean it's like numerous letters forty two million while he's through i mean you just got to two million bucks and who the rich. who put the money in all these this vision wanted his staff we. all ran out. there i think that perry statement about seceding from texas you know i don't see a problem with that i remind you i wouldn't mind moving to texas him to party like that and having to be a separate state no i'm just saying that i mean he said that it's because or there are some problems of america i think that that resonates with a lot of people any he wants america to be change and that's why he might throw his ring in there we've. already got if there is we should split california three three states texas into two states florida two states new york and in two states will have will have. to canada. ok i answered lady di leave margaret thatcher
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refuses to meet with you because she thinks you're nuts that's all you know. brother either serve joe madison brad darling thank you all very much great to have things after the break a daily take on how the well deserved vacation of retirement is already a distant memory for many of america's seniors. let's not forget that we are in a part right. i think. either one. or never government says they're keeping safe get ready for freedom.
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welcome to the united states of america a nation of eighty year old bricklayers that's part of time here you could retire when you were in your sixty's. in another sign of just how bad our nation is treating the working class a new study by the employee benefit research institute shows that most americans they will have to work until their late seventy's before they can think about retiring according to the study if you make roughly thirty one thousand a year which is about the average for about forty percent of americans and more than twice the minimum wage by the way you'll have to work until you're seventy six
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years old just to have a chance of retiring and i say chance because even if you do work until seventy six is still only have a fifty fifty shot at having enough money to live off of in retirement fifty fifty chance if you don't get sick if your house isn't blown away in a tornado and if your pension isn't stolen by bankers on wall street pictured as the picture is even grimmer if you earn minimum wage about twelve thousand dollars a year then get ready to work until you're eighty four years old that's right eighty four years old and again it's just to have a fifty fifty shot of retiring so you might as well work until you're ninety considering that the average life expectancy in this nation is about seventy eight years old we're basically telling americans now that they literally will work until they die how did this happen in america the wealthiest nation on the planet in large part it's because the four hundred wealthiest americans our billionaires are american all of europe's control more wealth than the bottom one hundred fifty
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million americans combined that's right four hundred people four hundred americans own more money and more stuff than one hundred fifty million other americans if it four hundred people into this t.v. studio and they'd have more wealth that all the people who live in the states of california new york florida texas illinois pennsylvania ohio michigan and let's throw kansas in there combined. and most of those people who are out wealth by america's all of us are those same people who will be working until they die what's the point of having more money in your family the most of the world's nations and right down the street you have an eighty four year old with cataracts the bad back flipping hamburgers and bottles just to survive today is that really the type of america that we have vision after nine hundred thirty two it only took thirty years just thirty years for democratic and republican presidents democratic and
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republican presidents to turn america around from a nation where people were living on tents in the streets and literally starving to death into a nation with a strong and large middle class or a family of four could survive on one paycheck and afford to own a home and a car and send their kids to college and have occasional months a year and then retire at age young enough to still enjoy life that's what progress looks like improving the quality of life for more and more people that's what we call the american dream and those democratic and republican presidents from f.d.r. to eisenhower to kennedy to nixon did it by taxing the rich at ninety one to seventy four percent and investing in infrastructure and strong social safety net but then it only took thirty years starting in one thousand nine hundred eighty with ronald reagan's election to destroy the american dream so that nowadays yet
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the plunge deep into debt just to make ends meet so that today only the lucky few can retire before they die republicans in congress say in fact we need to raise the retirement age for social security as they're making it harder for people to retire and some kind of a sign of progress it's not it's more proof that we're still going backwards to go forward we need to lower the social security and medicare retirement age in america . it's a program i call cash for geezers really simple concept you raise the tax rates on the millionaires and billionaires in america back to what they were under republican president richard nixon seventy percent and you short social security by lifting the cap so the bill gates will pay the same percentage of his income as you and i do into the social security trust fund then you drop the retirement age to fifty five that way you give biggie's arrest let them enjoy life in retirement and you also cut unemployment in half and open up the labor pool for the younger generation of americans right now are staring at
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a twenty three percent unemployment rate in fact it should tighten up the labor market enough that wages will rise which will increase tax collections which will solve the deficit problem and pay for the retirees everybody whence except the billionaires who have to pay the same tax rate as they did for most of fifty years of america and they frankly won't even notice i don't know about you it to me is republican idea of forcing americans to work until they die is unacceptable this isn't a death camp this is the united states of america let's rebuild our middle class and take care of our elderly i think cash for geezers is a great place to start. and that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website at samarra dot com and r c dot com also check out our you tube page you tube back on slashdot big picture r t u two dot com slash r. and this entire show is available as a free podcast a video podcast on i tunes and don't forget democracy begins with you when you show
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off your back and tag your it so you next week. it was created to serve the public interests to inform and to entertain. these days there's nothing easier than opening a new media outlet but there is nothing harder than revoking its license in case of corruption. stand. in front. of you can involve in a community where you have one large corporation controlling the daily newspaper
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