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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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six months after a major ethnic clashes took place in the center of moscow a new un rest is fear pouring friday's murder of a national icon and former russian colonel. we don't want to be we don't want to. look these are all the things that they actually created to prove music is a construct or do the. activists try to draw media attention to a secretive meeting some of the world's most influential figures from vanderbilt of people opened up to public speeches. and next winter games host russia secure such it is getting a major place to make sure its infrastructure and sports facilities are fit the
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paralympic athletes and spectators and disabilities. around the world and around the clock says out it's exactly six months since the russian capital was shaken by ethnic clashes triggered by the death of a football fan about your arrest is feared following friday's murder of a brashness figure head a former military commander who served time in jail for killing a chechen teenage girl police believe his killing may have been an attempt to ignite ethnic tensions. yury put down of a hugely controversial figure here in russia being a highly decorated military officer the commander of a tank regiment during the second chechen war he was stripped of all of those those
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owners following his two thousand and three conviction for the abduction and killing of an eighteen year old chechen woman he remained in prison and till late two thousand and nine when he was released on parole around twelve o'clock today here in central moscow is busy busy street in the center of of the russian capital he was gunned down just behind me there through an archway there in a courtyard of a department thought police are saying he was shot four times in the head the investigation of course now in its early stages but they've already said that they have found a car believed to have been used by the by the killers they call they found a a gun with a silencer fitted to it but vehicle was partially burnt out and they are saying that the driver of that car was of slavic ethnicity and they will be taking us more information on that as soon as they get it no. lawyer has said there is no way in his opinion this was
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a revenge killing for the for the crime he committed in chechnya he believes that this is as do investigators that this is a crime to speak committed to incite hatred in the country which is taking into account down or personality and his history the investigation is not ruling out that his murder may have been a probation and there's also no evidence that one or none of the ethnic group was behind the killing. but don't know it was viewed in some circles in russia in some nationalist groups in far right groups as a hero an iconic figure for what he did during the chechen war no we have to wait and see if there will be any response from those organizations have to be any protests but yes it does appear that this has what we're hearing from the best gaiters and from the gunnels lawyer that this had been done to provoke a reaction from most of those troops and to incite ethnic tensions in the country. we got yesterday had an unlikely alliance.
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for a look at how the orthodox jews in new york are joining the chorus of palestinians mourning the end state of israel. must join our close up team or a journey to one of the rest of the political process caucasus mysterious and secure. the gulf is daughter has followed those suits against the french president nicolas sarkozy and nato for intentionally killing four members of her family april's military strike comes as western countries have pledged one billion dollars to the rebels in libya. and starts going to rock tripoli as an unnamed nato official claimed they are the ones now concerned about the g eight summit target nato has long insisted that only he change is not an objective of the miniature peroration. record it's called ernest an example coburn says the west clearly doesn't want to expand sentiment in the process. the other
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day the international crisis group which is the independent fairly reasonable group of. diplomats and so forth said that they entire nato exercise where it's being conducted is ensuring that prolongation or what is a comedian internationally illegal enterprise. is making it far more difficult to have any settlement which is obviously true but he is just a symbol is to see the collusion of the international criminal court which the day after the accelerated their race last tuesday immediately came forward with these new accusations of his crimes against humanity and international rape program which has been denounced as almost certainly untrue by amnesty international just now but what it really is is testament to the futility of the entire military operation it's clear that the the rebels have no military cloak whatsoever but i decoration
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on the nato enterprise which is to overthrow the government of libya. website i think dot com we're asking how you think that this deadlock should be resolved so far over sixty percent. more. than one people said. thanks to you well talk a sense think that ground forces on the situation want let's say it's just the u.n. should send peacekeepers. shrouded in secrecy and invite more meetings wells that meet as underground switzerland or. korea has attracted strong protests conspiracy theories. on the meter. exclusive ski resort of sam rich june is perfect build territory out of season and crucially practically deserted
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there are two hives of activity in town the ones the luxury hotels where around one hundred thirty of the world's most influential politicians businessmen and sovereigns are meeting behind closed doors and the other in a much cheaper hotel where concerned activists are determined to break that wall of secrecy down they'd set up what they believe is the world's first alternative media center they'd work for mainstream outlets too but they're not here just not enough . western media not enough from the u.k. it's it's quite appalling a serious news agency is just really sad names of this year's attendees and on the list is the chancellor of the exchequer george osborne i would have thought that makes it news other build about regulus include david rockefeller the editor in chief of the economist magazine the greek finance minister and the president of the
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world bank all rumored to be here this year unlike another regular former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn on bail in new york for alleged sex attack there has been interest from the swiss national press this year bill de burgh which is widely believed to support big government and economic consolidation runs entirely contrary to the swiss idea of independence local government and. manfred petritsch has run a successful campaign to that effect playing on the reported ten million euro taxpayer bill for securing the spanish bill that we accept that a private meeting because that's what they call themselves a private meeting the security has to be paid by the taxpayer and i think a lot of people understand that especially when the government we don't have money for this or that and here we go and it costs a lot of money to secure this private meeting of these people the agenda is secret
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along with everything else but buildable is it believed to be deciding on who should replace their friend d s k at the top of the i.m.f. that also concentrating on how to save the euro which was leaked agendas show their brainchild don't want to be don't want to be. but these are all the things that they actually created is a construct of. the euro is a construct of the this we're still there is different from last year's spanish one securities much larry. the first starts and there's no kilometer wide cordon around the hotel but secrecy still dominates with protesters say even this with government he's attending every year there are more and more activists and increasing media attention they're saying if you told us what was going on we wouldn't have to speculate. or it. will keep you updated on the
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build a big meeting on our twitter feed she tweets that an attorney a member of the european parliament was assaulted trying to sneak into the hotel and conference is taking place. on the school to stay on top of the militants. intercept. the conflict between israelis and palestinians in the middle east to show a peaceful resolution but in new york there's a group of ultra-orthodox jews devoted to the palestinian struggle as i discovered believe an end to the state of israel is the in solution. every rally. every demonstration. every opportunity to voice opposition. because it is. a particular course of orthodox jews joins forces with the loud wire of palestinian
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supporters. the collective voice is otherwise known as notorious ultra traditional jews and religiously opposed to the creation and existence of israel. once it is it has latched itself was not terrible painful movement of zionism which is the ideology behind the state of israel and it is my japanese reform game and according to rabbi dovid weiss jews were exiled from the land of israel because of their sins to worshippers believe restoration of the land should only happen with the coming of the messiah and told them we don't. have any sovereignty. of the land according to work or to israel and zionism are in direct conflict with the torah they campaign for israel to be dismantled and the holy land returned to arabs who originally
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occupied it you're sure you can best be understood within the confines of east williamsburg brooklyn which comprises the largest community of orthodox jews in the us an inclusive neighborhood dressed in traditional modest clothing defined by large families of up to twelve kids hear you speak yiddish it kosher three times a day and display no flag of support for israel rabbi dovid feldman says activism plays a strong role in the religious life of new tory courted jews and this includes meeting with leaders of muslim countries no problem. it would choose the composed. respect. to have a serious problem with occupation which we happen to agree with. an agreement that has raised eyebrows members of natori karts i have spoken several times with the
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iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad who they call a peace loving leader were the publicly praised turkish officials and even traveled to the country last year visiting injured activists following the israeli greed on the gaza flotilla. that very often overseas demonstrations against israel have turned violent from london and montreal to the middle east a bloody and bruising backlash has transpired critics have classified the tory party jews as extremists and israel supporters deem them as traitors even here in new york city though it's not like your. rabbi weiss is familiar with the dangers that surround carter ready to go live through this it is very it's not easy a life devoted to their feet even if it means facing contempt every step of the way
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. archie new york. but a strong pro israel lobby in the u.s. is leading some critics to say washington is not a fair broker in the middle east peace process. the columns section on our website . they've not found writes about why some u.s. senators are in the presence of bombs they just call them state solution. if. you. determined wheelchair user crossing brushes east and west as reached his part of this nation. on the caution on his journey from the stock middle of april since then he braved around eleven thousand kilometers hitchhiking with. what the hardships which included falling into
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a ditch examiner says happy to have made new friends while raising awareness of disability issues it's also the goal set by the paralympic games to be held in twenty fourteen and sundry and as artie's these reports city record ever welcomed the stable death rates from around the world. is it easy for a man in a wheelchair to travel to sochi a tough question for the mayor and his aides as the city's preparing to host the two thousand and fourteen winter paralympics he asked russia's paralympic champion to inspect cheez newly built airport. and actually later this place is one of the few airports in russia that has lived a device that helps the civil passengers can board the plane through the city however there is user required attention and i'm sure they'll be there. all newly built ice rink steady and. are equipped in accordance with strict paralympic
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standards but in the city itself with its aging infrastructure still a lot has to be done to comply sochi sidewalks shops and restaurants are also undergoing massive construction to comply with strict standards so that nowhere is off limits and even though competition such as ice hockey and alpine skiing will be held far from the city center thanks to the games she will be more accessible for people with disabilities living a lasting legacy for locals and visitors alike russia's paralympic squad topped the overall standings at the vancouver two thousand and ten winter games with thirty eight medals twelve gold silver and sixteen bronze we spoke with russia's paralympic champion. as he was preparing for the three week training in sochi. we're proud russia will be hosting the paralympics it's good when the games are being held at home. and it's a great responsibility we just can't move. the first paralympic test of skiing and
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biathlon will be held as early as next year drawing unprecedented international attention to the small russian town so for most people here it's a chance to show their hospitality to the special guests creating new confortable barrier free environment the first of its kind in russia and also a great opportunity to see the russian paralympic team in action does belong r t sochi. well that all the stories we're covering are always available for you online at r.t. dot com as well as blogs unique video clips expert analysis as a few write founder smashing luxury cars at the ivy carpark and using metal bars to make explosives the first such point in a capital class. and other thoughts and sound of the gaps between law school washington russian girls and that of the great plan was to.
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sony pictures confirmed this week with almost forty thousand users falling victim to personal data loss calling a major cyber attack on the company's website the resident has taken to the streets of new york to ask the public about the potential victims of hackers. so many intend out even the f.b.i. it seems like no one is safe from hackers these days are these cyberpunk heroes or belittle this week let's talk about that. they are heroes because they console. everything they are they are from all of the security systems so what if a robber a bank robber is technically. proficient enough to get into
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a bank does that make him a hero to. the police department goes into certain things and the government goes into certain things probably i would put that on the same level as i would someone who goes in and hacks into a site they're not supposed to be on their heart which are fighting for some kind of illogical points and harkness were just doing illegal activities. i think just to make. really open the lens to things that should be i don't have that much of a problem is that it's so subjective though why are we in trusting thieves essentially with making that kind of a judgment call. these that's a strong word well they're going to invade people's an information good or bad for the good or bad will if you're if you're going on in your taking a lot of credit card numbers and credit card accounts and that type of thing and you're using that information again her private citizens. i don't think that's
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a good thing have you ever had your personal information had i actually yeah you know and i felt. so violated and trying to control the information i had it's just. it's awful feeling oh i think it's going to get worse much worse because i have five daughters ranging from twenty three down to twelve years old and they're yet you know they don't think anything's ever going to happen to them and they're out there with all of it and even though the warnings from parents. they're the next generation so if you caught them putting stuff out there you're like don't put that out there this is still phone numbers yeah how do you think hackers are villains or heroes the bottom line is if you have information that it database players can figure out a potential target. a second brief look at some other headlines from around the world in yemen the thousands gathered on streets across the country and we caught the presence on
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a sunday at the saudi arabia he was supposed to seek medical treatment for the injuries we see as pump out of the tight straits is a time of transition. since the beginning of the year hundreds of people have been killed protests against israel. nominations are closing for the head of the international monetary fund a french finance minister christine lagarde. of central bank has quit a contest for the first and only the mexican. constant. in the nation of climate if elected will become the first woman to head the opener it's sixty five year history. traffic in chile and brazil has been brought to a standstill by the. eruption in south america is also trying to make you quite plain totemism most americans operations after more than three hundred flights were
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canceled. for instance say the eruption is expected to end in the coming days. for a russian close up series this time the team travels to north setter. yes christian churches are dakota prosperity and the like there is an ancient acropolis is the city of the dead ok go to the studio site since. the gods but it's not the starts don't look and see that drives the records away there's a lot of caution as. we continue our exploration of the north as such in a republic and this time we'll visit a unique historical area the village of guard govs or ask the locals call it here the city of town it's now the cemetery has almost one hundred asian stone cripps
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where people that lived in this area buried their loved ones along with their belongings and now this valley stretches for over sixteen kilometers and is the real open air museum for his thirty as they say this land helps them imagine life down here four hundred years ago meanwhile day to day life continues in this area along size this images of the past now watch our report to find out more three hours drive through the dangerous sneakin road here in the mountains and talk to troops what it's worth there are a lot of different legends and myths around this area in the past locals try to avoid going to the city of dance they say anyone who dares to get in will never get out alive and even now there are hardly any tourists around this place which might be more to the difficulty of getting him rather than any death curse.
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indeed times of the plague many people with no one left to bernie them would come to the crypt and wait for the damn priest mansion about the city of the dance at the beginning of the fourteenth century the ancestors of the sangean. sounds a little down on the five mountain ridges but the land was so expansive they were forced to choose the windiest and most unserviceable place to build a cemetery these days the area now provides a huge opportunity for archaeologists items found at the cemetery have been treat both professionals and local homages these days the surrounding area may once again be a lawyer with agriculture and opportunity but it's been deserted by people in search of a different lifestyle. for local search and actual voters there this is a devastating fact he has built his own hydro power plants that provides him and his family with how interesting but he doesn't know who will inherit his legacy
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movie for the idea was born i ten years ago and it took me several years to build it from scratch i used everything i could possibly find i call my bench in a free flow wheel but what i see now is that people are leaving half of our village left in less than ten years thanks john believes that the only thing that can we vest this situation is the creation of the necessary infrastructure new roads new jobs and new opportunities to start people leaving young people may be attracted to the bright lights of the cities that are loath to say they're leaving behind a truly unique point of fashion they learned up north of that here if they're rounded by mountains and health and while driving along with no job it wanted a family run into a church or if wal-mart landing into the theory bothered you would let his tech real live to live hand says that this monastery the highest situated in russia
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connects the past and the present the church was only build some six years ago but it stands nanto where the dates back to the sixteenth century actually were during the epiphany is a liberation over ten thousand people come. here for local christians this place is unique maybe because of history cation nobody knows after spending several hours hand it really feels like this mountainous area marries the cost with the prisons and if you listen hard enough you can only stand a few fathers and sons singing their songs by the phone there are gaps in the republic of north the south sam has also kept the memories of the times when this place was famous for the construction of a such a defensive towers and all the ruins of those buildings can still be seen on the slopes of the mountains that surround this area and the biggest remaining telework is over fifteen meters high now to talk more on the historical importance of this
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area for such i'm now joined by a local residents that you know not to go thank you very much for joining us so that you now tell us why do locals still consider this place as a special area well the place is really spectacular and nearby this beautiful landscape here is the city of their dad's people still value people still respected . many tombs in those tombs people buried to hold true patients of one family and every family had each own up to and what kind of interesting objects roof fall into that you know of the were found at the cemetery well i think the most unforseen thing here is just so-called boats because in many cases the remains of dead people were found in wooden blocks even in the biggest reverse it's impossible to sail here so right people very that boats
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it's you know it is you know nobody knows it's a secret for everybody so all right thank you very much that was that in the us you give a local resident meanwhile our team continues to bring you the latest picture of lloyd down here in russia's north caucasus. in the republic of north or south yes. i doubt it back with a recap of our top stories in just a couple of minutes time thanks for saying. the.
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wild kings go man there are people suffering. god how some think advantage of power that was given to them. the secrets of big dirty money. on our king. one stream cascading from mountain slopes the view is midsomer much of. this beauty brings death at a speed of more than two hundred kilometers from. the step to the i'm a launch on our cheek. wealthy british style.


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