tv [untitled] June 11, 2011 6:01am-6:30am EDT
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by from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching r t with me and he said now way it's two pm here in the russian capital seven pm in tokyo japan and it's exactly three months since the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit the country calls and widespread destruction and leaving some sixteen thousand people dead the nuclear crisis that followed shows no sign of abating as radiation continues to leak forcing tens of thousands of evacuees into crowded shelters our correspondent sean thomas is in tokyo where anger over the situation is spilling onto the streets . of course it is the three months after they got a standing earthquake and tsunami which rocked to japan and devastated the fukushima region of course creating the nuclear disaster at the tepco daiichi power plant where we now know that three reactors have melted down and possibly melted throughout today is a very interesting day out of tepco headquarters in central tokyo thousands of
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people have gathered so much in support of nuclear power believe it or not and thousands more who are walking the streets in organized protests carrying signs and banners and shouting out slogans and through loudspeakers against nuclear power showing that there needs to be alternative sources of energy of all of this of course in front of the tepco headquarters the company responsible for the daiichi power plant one of the reasons why this is important is that within the past week a new information has come out saying that tepco at the initial phases of the disaster lied about the amount of radiation those coming in and tried to downplay the situation saying that the radiation levels were not as bad as there could possibly be a meltdown then of course this past week it was revealed that they cut those numbers off in a half in fact and that the amount of radiation was much much larger also coming to light is that the nuclear fuel not only melted down but possibly melted through the inner containment vessels and into the eye. stainless steel linings which is
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a much much more serious problem one thing that people are worried about is the amount of radioactive water that is in the area this is the beginning of the rainy season and people are worried that with the more rain that radioactive water will then spill out in the flood in the area causing more contamination also people are very angry about the children there are schools which are contaminated as well right now kids are exposed to higher levels of radiation than they ever have been in the past and they have to stay inside in sealed buildings without the ability to play outside it's also very hot that the possible existence and just like they are angry about this attack one person from the prime minister sharon has actually resigned saying that he will not subject his grandchild of se asia it is a kind of goes this is a with the ministers with their own children to jack themselves to these higher levels of radiation of course our goal is in archie crews to go into the fukushima zone and we're going to go in with some cleanup crews in see how that process is going right now but from tokyo sean thomas our team. here is our tease still ahead
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this hour hackers seen as heroes criminals. they can see. everything they are they are all from the pros all the security systems we have people in the big apple how they feel about cyber attacks becoming more and more frequent. buster on our close a team on a journey to one of the most beautiful locations in russia's caucuses the mysterious meaning of the day. but first some members of the u.s. congress have reportedly received a letter from colonel gadhafi saying he is ready to negotiate a cease fire that was sent to city of the letter has not been confirmed meanwhile nato airstrikes continue to rock tripoli it comes as gadhafi is daughter filed a lawsuit against the french president nicolas sarkozy and nato for intentionally killing four members of her family in military strike earlier an unnamed alliance official claimed that the alliance now considers colonel gadhafi of the jet in the
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target but nato has long insisted that regime change is not an objective of the military operation ever more to speak more about that we're joined now by mark aman who's modern history professor at the university of oxford thanks for being with us for us off back in april gadhafi wrote a similar letter to president obama is this reported second letter to congress a sign of total desperation here. no necessarily cut off his obviously under pressure. by nature but he also has in the us congress a resolution was passed critical all watch president obama should stop it. there is division in washington well perhaps in the west in general inside nature. in this reported lander gadaffi says he's ready for ceasefire talks it's a thought if it's authentic do you think the u.s. will actually go for that. it's very difficult paul. the u.s.
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and its major allies britain france to accept any kind of ceasefire with colonel gadhafi because they have repeatedly said that any settlement can only follow is leaving office leaving power on the other hand we have signs that in fact there are fact channels between gadhafi and the rebels some of the rebel leaders who were in discussions with the nato leaders last week have said that they also talked with some and some. have a problem that is in charge of the bombing of the politics on the ground in the bench will be decided by libyans who are not necessarily the nato leaders would like so you don't think the congress would go for something like that even if it would stop the blood sad. mr ahmed can you hear me well it's a good oh. he's trying to really play a public relations or is saying who are the people who are. i want to have
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a cease fire i want him because he's pushing in a sense trying to put the onus on the nato leaders now at first the nato leaders could sneak there at any pressure from the little country that would be a pressure this rachel and that as this bombing campaign. should be far more more involved use up more more money in the school since public opinion in countries like britain france by no means are supportive of this campaign and i think the leaders expected that also of course to leave the store who would all be over if you don't. have kids that is daughter has filed war crimes charges against nato and france for killing her family members of president do you think we'll ever see nicolas sarkozy per se held accountable for something like that. it's highly improbable put it mildly a big problem has been the western leaders who talk about an end to impunity supporting international justice all governments all the literally just subject but we have seen from the kosovo campaign in ninety nine onwards
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a complete willingness of the western leaders check them souls all their officials to investigation let alone prosecution or conviction so i think anybody who thinks the french courts will have a court where chief magistrate local doctors will focus years on trial. with wishful thinking on the part for the school i spoke to nato chief on thursday and he said that the alliance is not targeting individuals at the same time we get reports of civilian casualties every week also when this began it was a missile to protect civilians and now we have a high ranking official from nato saying that gadhafi is in fact a legitimate target he also told us on thursday that nato will not intervene in syria do you think we can believe what mr rasmussen tells us. there's a big problem isn't there we do sometimes feel with the hi will. very sorry we seem to have it on video from you for now mark live from us via
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broadband from oxford thanks for that. well our web site r t v dot com we're asking you how you think libya's deadlock should be resolved so far more than sixty percent think nato should withdraw admitting that example has one fewer people fourteen percent say think should continue as they are until the conflict eventually eleven percent think ground forces will resolve the situation and amount of our viewers suggest to you when she said peace keepers and split libya into the line let us know what you think at r t dr. shrouded in secrecy and invite only meeting of the world's political and financial elite is underway in switzerland the annual gathering of the builder group has attracted strong protests to numerous conspiracy theories argues laura m. it has been following the meeting. opposition to the build up a group meeting here in switzerland has brought together parties and special interest groups from across the spectrum of political beliefs and it's not just
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this west people have come from further afield germany austria the u.k. and even the u.s. to try to report on just two objects in person to this group of powerful people meeting in secret we've also heard reports of alternative media journalists being threatened with deportation by police and other low level harassment among the protesters is switzerland's youngest member of parliament for the people's party he came up here to fight for transparency here's what he told me people have a right to know what's happening in this affair at the house what's happening at the builder burke meeting people wants to know what to do. who is what after four plans for the future and i'm here for more transparency the agenda of the building remains secret until long after the meetings over build about what just make an educated guess about what's being discussed this year saving the euro
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a builder burge invention deciding the new head of the international monetary fund to replace that infamous colleague dominic strauss kahn and of course the events of the arab spring which notable build birdwatchers accuse the group of exacerbating into a bloody war to try and hike up the oil price veterans with politician domini benteke told me it's obscene that such things should be discussed here on neutral swiss soil and he's called on his government to arrests henry kissinger for war crimes for. doing now in libya and probably also in. iran i don't know and i can accept that as a neutral. connection such people discuss about war in my country it's a place you freedom. literally chief some accuse the builder berger's of masterminding the financial crisis and given the dire economic fates of the last to
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build about host countries greece and spain some fear for the future independence known e.u. member switzerland and we think that there is a danger that because they are meeting in switzerland they want to get rid of the last stumbling block in this whole european union you know it's like an island which is in their way you know that we have to erect democracy that we are not in the union that we're not in the euro and maybe we are afraid that they're trying to destroy this pressure is mounting on the build a better group on saturday as the swiss people's party the young socialists and other activists descend on the resort town to try and draw the world's attention to what they see as nefarious undemocratic meddling in the face of the world's institutions. parties laura i met there will keep you updated on the building burke meeting on our twitter feed she tweets that far from crew is the only international
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news channel that. as mainstream media seems to be ignoring the. arts to underscore kong to stay on top of developments building for the meeting. a determined wheelchair user making a crossing from russian to west has reached its final destination moscow examiner carson began his dirty from glad you've all stuck in the middle of april since then braved around eleven thousand kilometers by heads hiking with his electric powered wheelchair this type of hardship which included falling into a ditch alexander says he's happy to have made new friends on raising awareness about disability issues that's also the goal set by the paralympic games to be held in twenty fourteen in sochi and as our. reports the city have begun preparing a welcome for disabled athletes from around the world. is it easy for a man in a wheelchair to travel to sochi a tough question for the mayor and his aides as the city's preparing to host the
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two thousand and fourteen winter paralympics the russia's paralympic champion inspects newly built airport. i actually like to this place is one of the few airports in russia that has lived a device that helps disabled passengers to board the plane throughout the city however there are issues that require attention but i'm sure they'll be dealt with . all newly built ice rink steady. are equipped in accordance with stricter olympic standards but in the city itself with its aging infrastructure still the lot has to be done to comply so she sidewalks shops and restaurants are also undergoing massive construction to comply with strict standards so that no where is off limits and even though competitions such as. skiing will be held. from the city center things to the games will be more accessible for people with disabilities living in lusting legacy for locals and visitors alike russia's
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paralympic squad topped the overall standings at the vancouver two thousand and ten winter games with thirty eight medals twelve gold silver and sixteen bronze we spoke with russia's paralympic champion. as he was preparing for the three week training in sochi. were proud that russia will be hosting the paralympics it's good when the games are being held at home but on the other hand it's a great responsibility we just can't lose. the first paralympic test event in skiing and biathlon will be held as early as next year drawing unprecedented international attention to the small russian town so for most people here it's a chance to show their hospitality to the special guests creating a comfortable barrier free environment the first of its kind in russia and also a great opportunity to see the russian paralympic team in action. r t sochi. well all the stories we're covering are always available for you online at our dot
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com expose blogs new video clips of expert analysis here's what they're free but here's what's there for you right now that's crazy four months in the military and national icon shut down in moscow. was vandals smash luxury cars out of the car park and last count using metal bars stone made explosives the first such rampage in the capital all the details are team. spanish police say they have arrested three suspected hackers believed to be part of an international network behind cyber attacks on corporate and government websites around the world sony playstation has allegedly fallen victim to one of their recent attacks that led to a personal data loss for millions of subscribers the residential has taken to the
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streets of new york to ask the public about being potential victims of hackers. sony intend out even the f.b.i. it seems like no one is safe from hackers these days i these cyber punks heroes or villains this week let's talk about that technically speaking they are heroes because they can sold. everything they are they are our from all over security systems but what if a robber a bank robber is technically. proficient enough to get into a bank does that make him a hero to. really made movies about the police department goes into certain things in the government goes into certain things probably i would put that on the same level as i would someone who goes in and into a site they're not supposed to be on their house because whichever five think fossil kind of it illogical. because we're just doing illegal activities.
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things just to make. careers if it's done really to open the lens to things that should be oh. i don't have that much of a problem is that it's so subjective though why are we entrusting thieves essentially with making that kind of a judgment call. these that's a strong word well they're going to take in people's him information good move for the good or bad will if you're if you're going in and you're taking a lot of credit card numbers and credit card accounts and doing that type of thing and you're using that information again hurt private citizens and i don't think that's a good thing have you ever had your personal information and i have actually yeah you know and i felt. so violated and trying to control the information and stuff like that it's just. it's an awful feeling oh i think it's going to get worse much worse because i have five daughters ranging from twenty
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three down to twelve years old and they're you know they don't think anything's ever going to happen to them and they're out there with all of it and even though the warnings from parents they're the next generation so have you have you caught them putting stuff out there and you're like don't put that out there addresses cell phone numbers yeah whether you think hackers are villains or heroes the bottom line is if you have information in a database someplace consider yourself a potential target. coming up to twenty minutes past the hour let's take a look at some world news in brief nominations are closing head of the international monetary fund the french finance minister christine lagarde looking set to take the top top one of her made rivals the head of the central bank the contest for the post now only the mexican bank governor augustine carstens european domination i.m.f. . if elected the guard will be the first woman to head the organization in its
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sixty five year history. at least forty people have been killed in massive floods sweeping central and southern china the disaster has also displaced tens of thousands destroying houses and infrastructure across the region among the stranded were children trapped in a school surrounded by water triggered by toronto rainfall the floods followed the worst drought china has seen in decades. time now for our russia close up series where this time the team travels to north korea. christian churches agricultural prosperity and a magnificent acropolis known as the city of baghdad so we look into one of the most mysterious sights in southern russia the village of darkness but it's not the locations dark legacy that drives the locals away. discovers. we continue
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our exploration of the north as such in a republic and this time will visit a unique historical area the village of dar govs or as the locals call it here the city of dad's no the cemetery has almost one hundred asian stone cripps where people that lived in this area buried their loved ones along with their belongings and now this valley stretches for over sixteen kilometers and it's a real open air museum for a sentience they say this land helps them imagine live down here four hundred years ago meanwhile day to day life continues in this area along size this images of the past now watch our report to find out more three hours drive through a dangerous sneaking road hidden in the mountains and tough trip but it's worth it there are a lot of different legends and myths around this area in the past locals try. void going to the city of doubt as they say anyone who dares to get in will never get
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out alive and even now there are hardly any tourists around this place which might be more to the difficulty of getting hair or rather than any death curse. in the times of the plague many people with no one left to bernie them would come to the crypt and wait for their dance first mansion about the city of the dant dates back to the beginning of the fourteenth century the ancestors of the sangean sounds well down on the five mountain ridges but the land was so expensive they were forced to choose the windiest and most unserviceable place to build a cemetery these days the area now provides a huge opportunity for archaeologists items found at the cemetery have been treated both professionals and local homages these days the surrounding area may once again be a law if with agriculture and opportunity but it's being deserted by people in search
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of a different lifestyle. for a local ascension vasya this is a devastating fact he has built his own hydro power plants that provides him and his family with how interesting but he doesn't know who will inherit his legacy movie for the idea was born i did ten years ago but it took me several years to build it from scratch i used everything i could possibly find i call my bench in a free flow wheel but what i see now is that people are leaving half of our village left in less than ten years thanks john believes that the only thing that can reverse this situation is the creation of the necessary infrastructure new roads new jobs and new opportunities to stop people leaving young people may be attracted to the bright lights of the c.t.'s but locals say they're leaving behind. surely you need party to flush the land up north of here if they're rounded by mountains
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and hills and while driving along this no one can certainly run into a church or a small mob blundering into the theory father gouda gay who loved his thick real life to live hand says that this monastery behind situated in russia connects the past and the present the church was only build some six years ago but it stands me in time where the dates back to the sixteenth century actually worked during the epiphany celebrations a return thousand people come here for local christians this place is unique maybe because of its location nobody knows after spending several hours hand it really feels like this mountainous area marries the past with the present and if you listen hard enough you can only handle a few father suppose such singing their songs by the fire there are gaps in the republic of north the south has also kept the memories of the times when this place
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was famous for the construction of defensive towers now the ruins of those buildings can still be seen on the slopes of the mountains that surround this area and the biggest remaining tell word is over fifteen meters high now to talk more on the historical importance of this area for such and i'm now joined by a local residents. thank you very much for joining us so that in and tell us why do locals still consider this place as a special area well the place is really spectacular and nearby this beautiful landscape here is the city of dad's people still value people still respected. many tombs in those tombs people buried behold two invasions of one family and every family had each own to it and what kind of interesting objects were found that you know of that were found at the cemetery. well i think the most name for
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same thing here is this the so-called boats because in many cases the remains of dead people were found in. blocks even in the biggest reverse it's impossible to sail here so why people buried in that boats it's no easy no nobody knows it's a secret for everybody still all right thank you very much that was that of a local resident meanwhile our team continues to bring you the latest picture of life down here in russia's north caucasus in the republic of north. that wraps up our main news block i'll be back with a recap of our top stories after a short break.
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setting a new direction for a new country. saluting the stand on washington. white stream cascading from mountain slopes the view is mesmerizing. mother's beauty brings deaths at a speed of more than two hundred kilometers from. step to the i'm a launch on auntie. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on. to a substantial degree and one form or another socialism has spread the shadow of the regimentation over most of the nations of europe and the shadow is an approaching a little different. to the early twenty first century
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military bases the network of military bases all around the world forms leaving the empire that the united states is trying to build that's astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million or more than two hundred fifty thousand u.s. troops stationed on these bases all around the world. we don't apologise bases in america we don't have any british base we don't have any korean base we don't have any french bases or you know we just all american bases in. there are the noises our norms of those involved to us at all because they're all bases but for other people it's almost like a cancer here for these people. since the into world war two the space is so big. we're here to provide
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a safe and secure environment for everybody. the questions you know pinkos you get everything you needed. to you live from moscow our headlines three months since the deadly earthquake hit japan and crippled the fukushima power plant and still no end in sight of the country's radioactive. protesters telco are holding mass demonstrations against the country's nuclear. activists trying to draw media attention to a secretive meeting of some of the world's most influential figures they want to build a group to be opened up to public scrutiny at this year's gathering remains unknown but speculate.
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