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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2011 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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week's top stories on our t.v. nato launches its heaviest the most punishing is strikes on the libyan capital killing dozens as the rebels complain the alliance is ignoring the real front meanwhile the chorus of international condemnation over syria. an american warship docked in the south in ukraine to take part in the the war games something the russian foreign ministry is completely not happy about. that even just austerity measures are exchanged to continue.
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the day that marks the birth of modern russia celebrating the country's declaration of sovereignty and its first free election which led to the historic form of this something. this is r.t. it's ten pm now here in moscow when i was kevin in with our news review of the week for you and first libyan rebel fighters on the mediterranean front line of trying to retake the major oil port of zawiya not far from the capital tripoli at least one hundred members of gadhafi forces and fifty rebels have reportedly been killed in fierce fighting near the offensive marks a breakthrough for the opposition from the port by artillery fire and intensive shelling from pro-government troops about three months ago he dances prompted the closure of a key supply route from. rebel leaders have complained that nato airstrikes aimed
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at supporting their military efforts are focused too heavily on tripoli rather than on frontlines in misrata and that's leading to even more civilian casualties as artie's griffen often are. that. certainly has been within a hair's breath of death but doctors have performed any a miracle and the young girl is back home with her family she took her mother's pills to kill herself. if someone wants to kill me and bill to do it myself. but who wants to kill the teenager so most native city tripoli has been under constant bombardment by nato forces for three months day and night forms have been falling on the city with a population of around a million no one can ever say when or where the next one would land. this week in the most intensive a radio ad there has been sixty major air strikes in just ten hours attacks against
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civilians must stop gadhafi must go and the libyan people deserve to determine their own future nato has frequently claimed success and the military operation is supposed to protect civilians but the libyan government has repeatedly protested that innocent civilians happen among the dad the claims have not been independently verified but one thing is clear since march nineteenth the life would normally be and has changed forever son was mother will never forget the day when her daughter preferred death to his new life my girl told me before that she thought death is a good thing and i ran to her room that day she was lying on the floor there was smoke everywhere could only see what happened but i realized immediately he was something terrible this is not fair they told us they want a no fly zone they never said they were going to be honest he promised to protect us but instead they scariest talking about who they are of a bucket of saddam's father is more precise and it was the world no longer needs
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nato and we try to live our lives well new storage wars and always intervenes in other countries problems we're tired of war our patience is running out let us just live our life nato has just prolonged its operation and leave it all september that means people here face months more terror from the skies well of nato as well i'm supposed to targets gadhafi his military arsenal actually landed here in this district it didn't destroy the colonel's compound but it's almost damaged the lives of one family as you can see the building has quickly been repaired now the question is whether the people will ever recover. r t tripoli. amid ever increasing claims of civilian casualties in libya many know question humanitarian goals of your lives in an interview with the nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen earlier this week my colleague and it's the now i asked him to clarify how the coalition defines a legitimate target. actually the u.n.
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security council resolution goes beyond a no fly zone according to the u.n. security council resolution we are mandated to protect the civilian population in libya taking all necessary measures and that's exactly what we're doing right now i just want to clarify for some of our viewers who have seen homes bombs are they've seen civilian buildings blown to pieces does daffy in a car on a phone or in a hospital on a phone constitute a command center for your purposes when you say any. i would like to stress that we are not targeting individuals we legitimity military. targets. and of course command and control centers can be used to plan and organize against civilians show amount of control centers are legitimate military targets. while you can find out how the nato chief will gather challenging
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questions over libya in a full interview see it's been shown to get in twenty minutes time was also streaming whenever you'd like to see it on our website. tensions are also peaking in syria government troops have stalled the rebel movement called a ton of just said oh so go with tanks the military helicopters the army has entered the city a lot of the quote cleanse it of rebel groups which killed at least a hundred twenty police officers last week meanwhile this is britain and france is still pushing for a un resolution condemning the brutal crackdown against anti-government activists in syria russia which opposes any attempts to intervene in the syrian conflict is said about the move let's talk more about this with us radio host and peace activist roe showed one is joining us now on the right things to say that the u.n. resolution of syria sort of france and britain as i just mentioned there are strongly pushing for russia and china as they also just mentioned said they never
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support a move. that had powers till now the further push their agenda over the. moment an imperialist agenda rather than lukas is syria or libya or bahrain or egypt or tunisia or the region at large what does it work here is an attempt under carter of the imperial powers to prevent and to in fact overwhelm the armed uprising that is generalized to the region specific to syria and you have to keep in mind that this coach person for likud netanyahu has stated explicitly indeed knesset the israeli regime prefers bashar assad to the resistance to him because bashar assad like his progress. notwithstanding need attention and part of these very reason the united states to undermine sovereignty and independence in syria polluted with them every critical instance and the bashar al assad regime is not different in that respect it's a repressive regime every time however there is
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a general uprising against these repressive regime is there not been a closet leader openly supported by imperialism who is seeking to control the out. in syria as in libya in libya gender is not dissimilar because initially the uprising against gadhafi who plays in the town or restaurant who funded part of the workers in keeping with the uprising in egypt and in tunisia it's important to point out to conduct the backbone in an hour. and that was the opportunity or seized as such by nato and the imperial powers to launch in general intervention using the as a pretext as they had saddam hussein in iraq but their agenda is to carve up the country and seize it spoil even as in syria and inject interest in subjugate the population and prevent a popular and mass uprising that seems radical social and political. project
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out. of syria again what you make of the timing of the the news like you saw this week you would have told me what still closing in on syria brought up did it again the issue of that facility that was bought by israel back in two thousand and seven confusion over what it was they say was a nuclear facility there saying syria that doesn't provide enough information about it seemed a satisfaction none the less i'm sorry about the timing of it coming at the same time as other pressure last week willie putting further pressure of damascus from a different direction but still hitting the button of pressure isn't it. united states has used a clue to uranium tactical nuclear weapons to route the region in iraq in afghanistan and now and syria designed est israel has four hundred hydrogen bomb bearing mess around which the united states can use applies with up to date missile and. nuclear supplied equipment to the israeli state they use this.
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ship of the decision distribution of nuclear capacity in the region as a pretext for him. linda invention the monopoly on nuclear weapons is that of the united states and israeli state they use these weapons and they menace the world with them on a constant basis this is nothing but imperial propaganda. and syria we try to make is solve the urn example in zionist reach on behalf of us imperialism then as now that's the agenda for a large numbers of snow the issue but libya now i did not report that the. rebels are saying that the nato bombed sort of the wrong place nato is concentrating on aaa they should be the front lines in another place they aren't getting the help they need why is that they're getting. the united states is spending two million dollars a day in a billion and a half dollars just been handed to these so-called rebels usually the leadership of
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these rebels how do you file his stars the twenty here are part of the central intelligence agency and cia and the and say yes hijack this uprising initially against gadhafi and it is a complete some board that. opposition is a group now that is being funded and armed by the nato powers and the united states their objective is to carve up live into several countries and seizes forty four point two billion barrels of oil reserves that's what the objective is to sixty imperial war that obama is raging in the region and it is a genocidal war in all its features the target is the population at large not nearly enough the region will probably show when u.s. radios and peace activists are pretty clear about what he thinks is going on in the world thank you for being on to give us your thoughts as i think i've been pretty sure that now the american guided missile warship the u.s.s. boxer a sailed into the black same ready for war games with the ukrainian navy but its
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presence so close to russia's southern border is drawing criticism from moscow that's one question is an integral part of nato as proposed missile defense shield which says creates more threats that is dresses i think the next year is asking reports. this warship the u.s.s. monterey carries a high tech and sophisticated and to marseille system called ages and indeed according to the plan of the pentagon worked out several years ago that ships of the u.s.s. monterey's class could be moved to the black sea coast in case of an escalating conflict we understand that the u.s.s. monterey was moved from the american coast to the minute a rainy and as part of the new missile defense shield in europe worked out by the obama administration in two thousand and nine but the question which raises eyebrows in the russian foreign ministry and that was published in the statement earlier on sunday that there is as long as there is no violent conflict in the
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black sea region why is the ship the u.s.s. monterey docks in the desert harbor to take part in the nato war games it is especially bewildering given the fact that all the previous seabreeze war games in odessa have seen only small u.s. u.s. ships take part in these war games the russian foreign ministry says that this. the fact that the u.s.s. monterey is now in the black sea region is in fact a threat to the russian national security and in some way a violation of the agreements reached between washington in moscow and moscow over the new missile defense plan in a europe the initial plan of the george w. bush administration of missile defense shield in europe was scrapped by the obama administration in two thousand and nine and you plan it was proposed and agreed between russia and nato but what we've seen so far what we've been seeing recently described by the russian foreign ministry and many experts as
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a situation when words do not match actions now first we've had american patriot missiles dispatched in the polish town of wrong now we've heard furthermore plans of building radio location stations in romania and turkey and in poland so all this . according to the russian foreign ministry is not something discussed between presidents between different obama between russia and nato so clearly the war of words continues and it is interesting to see whether there will be any reaction on the latest statement by the russian foreign ministry published on sunday so that the concerns raised by the statement and the direct accusation of washington of not keeping its promise and not trying to build a collective security system in europe together and doing it only in one way order . is correspondent in ukraine election bringing us up to date coming up in a few minutes tonight on r.t. with me kevin now in one woman's fight for her son's family
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a grandmother and the legal guardian of a made some children launches a crusade against russian law and social attitudes find out if you succeed in just a couple of minutes we've got a story. first as european officials ready the next slice of greece's bailout the european central bank and the german government are arguing over how to get private investors to contribute just one year after the first payment the next stage comes with conditions calling on athens to implement even stricter austerity measures. in greece where protests against the cuts have not relented. place to spain the place the child of the day by day we seem to think of building a the last year they kill me with these conditions for the spell of money and the struggle for you looking for that's a campaign as we fight to display like a theme i think we'll have the advantage if police is going to be able to continue existing international bailout money now all this on the back of because the police last week it said sixteen percent of the fleet what pulls i currently have to jump
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to a head cutlass life and see the main fans around me this is why people have been gathering ever make a late at such a test against the state all states measure that we're joined tonight by as many cases. i'd like to be in the heading point now these people state measures to be. all they gang up and it will be only a fix they're going to have this is going to make matters worse for the past year greece is facing a source of disaster it's honest there is a program on scene before which has only results in the south of the ration of living starters are on an extreme rise in unemployment. and. they're on a very deep recession and the new program the new medium term program they're proposing now that's going to it's going to make things worse because a privatization program which is not just private is risk completely new it's
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completely losing public companies utilities and assets and the only thing we're going to see is even more employment and even more direction of living standards it's a question of misleading you think again i think that greece being part of the euro zone is a contributing factor to the problem that the euro zone is like a financial monetary straitjacket it's completely rational when you put countries with different activity levels different country competitiveness levels in the same money michael. in finding out about the feeling in germany and there are some people who think that they'd like to be here as they want to get. the euros did long leave germany says top lawyer marcus kerber he's suing the german government to stop. paying crop neighbors you cannot say so you. tell the country you have to get rid of these is no longer worth
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a candidate. member of the union the nation's labeled in the region by some as the peaks of europe portugal ireland greece and spain most of the currency now before they drag down other members wards kerber although athens last year raised the pension age to sixty five and could early retirement other countries believe that greek workers work less. will bail you out a second time says chancellor merkel as if you want cash in future you must work longer for statements caused greece but they're not happy in the e.u.'s cash capital frankfurt either believing the greeks have had it too easy because if we are going to jail sixty seven it's not possible to declare why other people should sixty eight fifty nine which are certainly not responsible for the
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deaths and the deficits run in portugal greece it states raise the age when when the greek people retire. sorry all three people what we have to work along as well germans or wrote boiling point anger which could spill out onto the streets the powerful greens and else suing merkel's government claiming it did facts about bailouts from the public people in germany i ask you do we have to pay it is so we have to give answers and the answers we don't get from our government even the ruling party's revolting close pizza will she's fighting all rescues since he argues leaving the eurozone is in the interests of the struggling countries to take the chance to say ok we get out we. solve our problems we have our victory structures those who gave money for high interest rate with some
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of their money. and. can qualify again for the world maybe after ten fifteen years greece protests the euro's a straight jacket which blocks traditional ways to boost your economy like devaluing the currency or adjusting interest rates even greece's european commissioner says that the country's membership of the common currency is at risk on this athens takes the painful cost cutting medicine prescribed by the e.u. and the i.m.f. greeks now agree with germans who say that out of control the question is will weak states quit the euro and reorganize. and bring the single currency down with the new bushel party. now two story of a russian grandmother who's attempts to keep the memory of her late son alive landed her a legal and moral controversy of his exam the boy who's got the story for you. it
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was only after fifty seven that lamar understood the true meaning of having her hands full an accomplished scientist a wife of three decades and also a devoted mother now of these roles kept her as busy as she is now her tragedy she became a grandmother only after she'd lost everything else. you know the death of my son created a hole in my life that i will never close but the birth of my grandchildren certainly provide some solace is god's gift to me the mar son died of cancer three years ago but before his first chemotherapy session doctors conserve his sperm but the health of surrogate mothers two sets of twins were brought into the world. the march has been full after her scientific career was put on hold yet lamar says they're all trifles compared to degree reeve meant brought about by her son's death. it's
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love which is fed by grief but it's love nonetheless three years ago i couldn't imagine myself even smiling let alone laughing or singing songs but the little ones pulled me out of this abyss of despair but her large family support lamar says she has no financial up around til concerns about raising her grandchildren the main problem now is the reluctance of the russian state to recognize her as the martyr of these children and her deceased son as their father. the lord believes the law is on their side. according to russian law there are no limits on who can become a parent through the use of surrogates motherhood's of course cases like this one are still very unusual in russia as for summary destruction offices or courts officials may be confused and refuse to greatest are children of the law is definitely in our favor. summer is the third woman in russia who used the sperm of
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her deceased son to continue the family's lineage yet whether it is due to her age or the sheer number of children involved her story a good many russians questioning the affix of this kind of parenting that you would . decide is employing mechanics ultimately lead to this very ambiguous situation we can really tell the difference between a son and a grandson there are so many orphans in russia so she wanted to be a mother she could have easily realized her maternal instincts i think ultimately it's a very selfish drive to pass your genes no matter what. problem are couldn't care less about societal attitudes too much suffering for the loss of your only son persuaded her that there is no such thing as too many grandchildren russian law has no age cap people are willing to adopt children the only cab it is that a potential parent could be a police extending the years older than the child in law muskies this age
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difference is almost sixty years this doesn't sit easily in a country where most people become parents before they trained thirty they were raising even two kids in more than a handful of the boycott artsy. but the first about was fear in moscow and around russia today as the country marks twenty one years since it declared its sovereignty just one year later it held its first free elections which resulted in victory for the reformist president boris yeltsin shortly afterwards the soviet union collapsed as r.t.c. go corroding of reports even today memories of the bumpy road to democracy is so fresh in many people's minds. june twelve nineteen ninety one millions voted to make boris yeltsin russia's first president a watershed moment in the country's history. this was the first free election ever in russia the day after we left behind a totalitarian state and had
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a new job of building a democratic society that respected the rights of its people by the time the election took place the soviet union had less than a year to live but no one knew how it would disintegrate its fifteen republics began to declare sovereignty one by one while staying a part of the u.s.s.r. provoking unrest and even armed conflict and moscow two leaders also competed against each other we feel god which i was the head of the soviet union was chosen by communist functionary for a sales and was in charge of new sovereign russia and promised reform but calling for an open election yeltsin challenged the authority of the communist party over russia. with this victory in the election yeltsin through the you can stand up to the communists establishment in an open and public manner he did not cut back room deals or try and protest with his victory ensured that the soviet union could break out with bad karma conflict. unlike former soviet
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leaders yeltsin campaign like a democratic politician meeting electorate and delivering stump speeches at factories and town squares. his rallies attracted hundreds of thousands while the lection night came we were hopeful would win but we still weren't sure after all it was the communist party that counted the votes but soon enough the results became clear boris yeltsin defeated the communists candidate handily with more than half of the votes. when he led the resistance their father in a coup later that summer his popularity peaked but over the next decade. fields and among russians dwindled as the country went through difficult reforms surveys show that as the anniversary of the election approached to remember and even fewer care it's been good i don't have emotions about it i did vote for yeltsin man but i'm far less political now. from these i voted but i can tell you these are all just
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politicians games they have nothing to do with me. it's not surprising that those who lived through the difficult times do not want to celebrate this occasion but hopefully the next generation will truly appreciate the historic significance of this moment and of yeltsin as of now russia's first president himself remains unappreciated with only one in five saying to have a positive attitude towards him many outside of russia said at the even today it's the well kristie is not perfect and some inside the country side of a still yearn for the soviet union but one thing is very hard to argue against as a result of these changes twenty years ago russians are wealthier have more personal and political freedoms eager i'd never see moscow. looking ahead in just a few minutes tonight we posted sharp questions to the nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen about the controversial current campaign in libya it's the subject of our interview with the sport ahead this out here on r.t.
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from moscow with me kevin i mean this sunday evening the twelfth of june was now coming up to twenty eight minutes past ten am. more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is and. and
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people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization. thomas discovers . is so special and attractive for many. and friends of. extradition to the bottom of the earth. wealthy british style. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy. the global financial headline news to report. the official anti allocation. touch from the.


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