tv [untitled] June 12, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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we stop stories on our team dozens killed in the libyan capital as nato embarks on the most intense bombing raids yet while there's been heavy fighting as rebels renew attacks on the oil port city of zawiya and syria tension is building as the government continues that severe crackdown on the opposition. a u.s. navy vessel in the black sea sparks outrage from moscow and claims it's a prelude to the planned nato missile defense shield for europe. forgiving others their debts proves too much for one german lawyer who is set to sue his government for handing out cash to failing euro zone economies while the nations
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that have received it cashed out the prospect of further austerity measures draws protesters onto the streets. and the reaching pointing. at even just to make his case in exchange to continue paying out money. russia is marking the self celebrating the country's declaration of sovereignty and its first free elections north of the definitive end of the soviet union. six am in moscow i met treasure bring you today's top stories in the look back at the week's news here on r t fierce fighting continues in the libyan city of misrata where rebels using heavy artillery ramped up their bombardment of khadafi forces
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pro-government troops respond. with heavy shelling killing at least six and wounding sixteen others here fighting comes amid insurgent fresh attempts to retake as a we are another major oil port and earlier a battle out of four left thirty dead and shut down a key supply route in egypt meanwhile injured in tripoli the capital little kid after you over a chess game with the president of the world chess federation declared he has no intention of stepping down as the notion of reports it's the ordinary people who are bearing the brunt of the fight or. someone has been whipping the hasbro thought that. the doctors have informed any a miracle and the young girl is back home with her family she took her mother's pills to kill herself. if someone wants to kill me and bill to do it myself. but who wants to cuba teenager summers native city tripoli has been under constant bombardment by nato forces for three months day and night forms have been falling
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on the city with a population of around a million no one can ever say when or where the next one would land. this week in the most intensive air raids yet there have been sixty eight airstrikes in just ten hours attacks against civilians must stop gadhafi must go and the libyan people deserve to determine their own future nato has frequently claimed success in the military operations supposed to protect civilians but the libyan government has repeatedly protested the innocent civilians have been among the. aquarium's have not been independently verified but one thing is clear since march nineteenth the life wouldn't really be ins has changed forever son was mother will never forget the day when her daughter preferred death to this new life my girl told me before that she thought death as it gets thing and i entered her room that day she was lying on the floor there was smoke everywhere could hardly see what happened but i
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realized immediately she was something terrible this is not fair they told us they want a no fly zone they never said they were going to almost a promise to protect us but instead they scare us talking about who they are your son is father is more precise and the world no longer needs nato and we try to live our lives we'll need our starts wars and always into religion other countries problems we're tired of war our patience is running out let us just live our life has just prolonged its operation and leave it all september that means people here face months more terror from the skies well of late as opposed to targets could duffus military arsenal actually landed here in this district it didn't destroy the colonel's compound but it's almost damaged the lives of one family as you can see the building has quickly been repaired now the question is whether the people will ever recover now if not. truthfully. turning now to syria where
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forces loyal to president assad have reportedly gain control over the rebel held town of just sure the attack was meant to quote cleanse the town of armed rebel groups that have killed one hundred twenty police officers last week meanwhile britain and france still push for a un resolution condemning the crackdown against anti-government activists in syria russia which opposes any attempts to intervene in the conflict says it won't act to move arab world observers believe some countries try to manipulate the u.n. to attempt to benefit from the conflict. the united nations this. is is merely an international organization working to promote the interests of its most powerful members notably the united states britain and a source who was through all this concerned also from so in other countries in the european union because just as they are considering cracking down on the syrian government they have not considered cracking down on the government of bahrain or
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other or each of the point in time when there was also and. what is happening in syria is simultaneously in almost all countries in the middle east and north africa . internal problems all countries have internal problems no doubt about it and there is a genuine desire on the part of many people in syria no doubt to get rid of its very fossilized government but there is also external interference notably from the united states and from britain and from france to take advantage of these internal problems. a u.s. warship has sailed to ukraine for a joint military exercise in the black sea a rival of the u.s.s. monterey has already raised concerns and moscow or he's like sarah shares the reports. this american warship the u.s.s. monterey carries a high tech and sophisticated and to my style system called ages and indeed according to the plan of the pentagon worked out several years ago that ships of
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the u.s.s. monterey's class could be moved to the black sea coast in case of an escalating conflict we understand that the u.s.s. monterey was moved from the american coast to the mediterranean as part of the new missile defense shield in europe worked out by the obama administration in two thousand and nine but the question which raises eyebrows in the russian foreign ministry and that was published in the statement earlier on sunday that there is as long as there is no violent conflict in the black sea region why is the ship the u.s.s. monterey docks in the desert harbor to take part in the nato war games it is especially bewildering given the fact that all the previous seabreeze war games in order have seen only small u.s. u.s. ships take part in these war games of the russian foreign ministry says that this. the fact that the u.s.s. monterrey is now in the black sea region is in fact
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a threat to the russian national security and in some way a violation of the agreements reached between washington in moscow and moscow over the new missile defense plan in europe the initial plan of the george w. bush administration of missile defense shield in europe was scrapped by the obama administration in two thousand and nine and you plan was proposed and agreed between russia and nato but what we've seen so far what we've been seeing recently described by the russian foreign ministry and many experts as a situation when words do not match actions now first we've had american patriot missiles dispatched in the polish town off more on now we've heard furthermore plans of building radio location stations in romania and turkey and in poland so all. all this according to the russian foreign ministry is not something discussed between president obama between russia and nato so clearly the war of words continues and it is interesting to see whether there will be any reaction on the
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latest statement by the russian foreign ministry published on sunday without the concerns raised by the statement and the direct accusation of washing bill of not keeping its promise and not trying to build a collective security system in europe together and doing it only in one way order . stay with us here on r t coming your way in a few minutes one woman's fight for her dead son's family all the controversy surrounding her grandmother's attempts to become the legal guardian of her dead son's children who are born to sordid mothers power for thirty die we'll explain all about me a couple of minutes to us. some say the u.s. is ratcheting up its unmanned attack drone program and with fears of a play station mentality replacing morals when it comes to warfare. before we go to that european officials are close to giving a second rescue package to deeply indebted greece the european central bank and germany's government are seeking ways to involve private investors in the bell out
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of an attempt to have a crisis the greek government's revealed a series of deep cuts triggering demonstrations across the country. more from athens. we're here on syntagma square you can see just how many people attend to the price. they pay something you can. imagine that being put paid by the government that would be speaking to people. building three they've already had a very very they say that the government having anything by that they would be need . a lot of pensions on the street from a neighbor. and they. say that people simply take think that way i think that that might be the case and that happens in a very contentious it will have to be implemented if they continue i think the
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international bailout money now this comes on the back of the relief we say that six percent of the out and kill that's still being pulled the feed the feds it may have been twenty four year old father but he's begun to some of the younger people here they say they're coming out and they're really fighting. right but. we should blame. them. but the people of this doesn't have to do anything. but they can't and that's why we came here to tell them that they are. saving gas. prices. right. meanwhile in germany the source of much of the bailout cash there is
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a growing anger at what's seen as paying off other people stats multiple lawsuits have been launched against the government one by the powerful green party who claimed chancellor merkel concealed information about the bailout this comes as one of the country's top lawyers files a suit to stop the bundestag from jolting out any more cash or he's only a bushel has more from. the euros did long leave germany says top lawyer because he's suing the german government to still. bankrupt neighbors you cannot say that you were able to lease all the country you have to get rid of greece greece is no longer. going to live with members of the union the nation's labelled in the region as the peaks of europe portugal greece and spain most of the currency now before they drag down all the members. with.
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a raise the pension age to sixty five and could early retirement other countries believe that greek workers bookless. will bail you out a second time says chancellor merkel but if you want cash in future you must work longer the statements caused rule ring greece but they're not happy in the e.u.'s cash capital frankfurt either believing the greeks have had it too easy of course if we are going to chill sixty seven it's not particularly yeah why other people should go with sixty fifty which are certainly not responsible for the debts and deficits running portugal greece in the pic states raise the age when when the greek people retire. sorry all three people well we have to work along as well germans or wrote boiling point anger which could spill out onto the streets
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the powerful greens n l suing merkel's government claiming it hid facts about bailouts from the public people in germany i ask you we have to pay these so we have to give answers and the answers we don't get from our government even the ruling party's revolting close pizza will she's fighting all rescues since he argues leaving the eurozone is in the interests of the struggling countries take one chance to say ok we get out we. have our structures. for money for high interest rate some of their money and they can qualify again for the euro maybe after ten fifteen years greece protests the euro's a straight jacket which blocks traditional ways to boost your economy like devaluing the currency or adjusting interest rates even greece's european
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commissioner says that the country's membership of the common currency is a risk unless athens takes the painful cost cutting medicine prescribed by the e.u. and the. greig's no agree with germans who say that it's out of control the question is will week states quit the euro and reorganize. and bring the single cause the bell with the new bush will see in. part of the story of a russian grandmother who's attempts to keep the memory of her late son alive had landed her in a bit of legal and moral controversy where he's oksana boyko house details. it was only at fifty seven that lamar understood the true meaning of having her hands full and accomplished scientist a wife of three decades and also a devoted mother none of these roles kept her as busy as she is now her tragedy she became a grandmother only after she'd lost everything else because you know the death of
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my son created a hole in my life that i will never close but the birth of my grandchildren certainly provide some solace is god's gift to me the mar son died of cancer three years ago but before his first chemotherapy session doctors conserved his sperm with the help of surrogate mothers two sets of twins were brought into the world. the marriage has meant laughter his scientific career was put on hold yet lamar says they're all trifles compared to did to reve men brought a gold for her son's death you should perish. it's love which is for grief but it's love number less three years ago i couldn't imagine myself even smiling let alone laughing or singing songs of the little ones out of this abyss of despair. but there are large families support lamar's says she has no financial or parental concerns about raising her grandchildren the main problem now is the reluctance of
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the russian state to recognize her as the modern of this children and her deceased son as their father. the lord believes the law is in their side. of. according to russian law there are no limits on who can become a peer in through the use of surrogate mother who of course cases like this one are still very unusual in russia that's why some religious tradition offices are core to facials me be confused and refuse to register children of the law is definitely in our a fever that maher is the third woman in russia who use the sperm of her deceased son to continue the family's lineage yet whether it is due to her age or the share number of children involved her story a good many russians questioning the affix of this kind of parenting or that you would. take sides employing mechanics ultimately lead to this very ambiguous situation we can really tell the difference between a son and
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a grandson there are so many orphans in russia so she wanted to be a mother she could have easily realized her maternal instincts i think ultimately it's a very selfish drive to pass your genes no matter what. become couldn't care less about societal attitudes too much suffering for the loss of your only son persuaded her that there's no such thing as too many grandchildren russian law has no age cap people are willing to adopt children the only cabinet is that a potential parent should be at least sixteen years older than the child in the muskies these days difference is almost sixty years it doesn't sit easily in a country where most people become parents before they turned thirty they were raising even two kids is often been more than a handful it's not going to artsy moscow. this week the u.s. launched a number of airstrikes including unmanned drone attacks in pakistan in yemen
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american says the targets were militants but unofficial reports suggest there were also many more civilian casualties that admitted or he's going to takes a look at the morality behind robotic attacks being increasingly called into question. this was so bad when the us drone hit the house of this young man in pakistan he lost an eye both legs and three family members. these people are demanding the cia be held responsible for the deaths of their loved ones but to no avail with the use of drones comes a lack of accountability those are being operated by somebody at a command center in langley virginia they're watching it on video on a video screen they're pressing a button they're deciding who lives and who dies and then they go off for a weekend where they have barbecues in their suburban virginia and suburban maryland homes and who pays the price the people who are the victims of the attack is there accountability none whatsoever drones have become the symbol of america's undeclared wars wars that seem to have no state all the legal boundaries we've all
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been over a new round of warfare a new room or. international and domestic law. used in pakistan yemen and elsewhere they have killed scores of civilians the former chief counterinsurgency strategist for the u.s. state department has estimated the drone attacks kill fifty non targeted persons for each intended target but one of the things the united states kind of pretends is that we are morally superior we are better just able to judge what is good for other people and therefore we are entitled to inflict our judgement on them and that we presume they will be grateful to us for it but that is not what happens ever and that's not what's happening in yemen it's not what's happening in pakistan they are furiously and rage with us washington is looking to increase the funding food room development by seven times over the next ten years
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a large part of that will go towards on our surveillance drones the u.s. has for years been using them in another of its undeclared wars against drug traffickers in mexico the mexican government allows you. u.s. spy planes despite public discontent there's a lot of concern that the use of these drones by the u.s. government has more to do with u.s. control over mexican territory actually going out to the drug lords and winning the drug war while issues of international law and sovereignty trigger little interest among americans the prospect of having surveillance drones spying all across the u.s. itself surely does you as police agencies are asking for drones for domestic surveillance raising the alarm among those who think that could be the end of american freedoms and specially when you when you look at constitutional at him is like free speech activities are going to be hovering over crowds that are merely maybe protesting the war or protesting some or governmental action they'll be chilling free speech should roll be equipped with some sort of weapon so can and some people are saying
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lasers will be able to punish those who are advocating against the government play have already been used in some instances in the united states and in two thousand and seven protesters in washington d.c. noticed small objects floating overhead it looked like bragging turned out they were robo flies developed by the pentagon now surveillance devices as america continues developing this play station mentality killing at intelligence gathering in pakistan people the fear that it may be time they could become a target of the most deadly videogame and meeting here in the last year that with their rapid expansion of supply drones of their own territory they could one day wake up you know intimate police state i'm going to check our reporting from washington. and check out our t. dot com for more perspectives including one from u.s. radio host alex jones who thinks abuse of drone technology could lead to a terminator style warfare waged by robots all that online for you plus crowded
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space the international space station's pads three new residents doubling the number of humans currently in orbit to come by the international crew will perform a unique research including attempts to find a cancer here also be expecting a farewell this. from nasa as atlantis shuttle the last flight of u.s. space shuttle program. top brass top secret we follow the clandestine gathering of the world's power brokers dr who want to cover what's actually cooked up behind closed doors at the builder brings this and plenty more just a click away. today now to some other stories making headlines across the globe in the wake of japan's fukushima crisis italy is holding a referendum on whether the country should revive its atomic energy ambitions plans to restart the country's nuclear program by two thousand and fourteen were shelled due to safety concerns after the japanese incident germany recently took the decision to phase out nuclear power completely by twenty twenty two switzerland has opted for a similar route. fairest clashes broke out in southern turkey sunday after results
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showed a kurdish independence party had won seats in the country's general election celebrations turned violent and police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowds turkey's prime minister tayyip aragon was returned to power for a third term getting slightly more than fifty percent of the vote his ruling justice and development party fell short of gaining enough seats to call for referendum on a new constitution. fairly in this news bloc there's a festive atmosphere here in moscow and around russia as the country marks twenty one years since declaring sovereignty and impressive fireworks display lit up the night sky at the capitol the day also marks russia's first free elections that resulted in victory for a former president boris yeltsin back in one thousand nine hundred one trophy after war the soviet union collapsed as are he reports even today memories of the bumpy road to democracy are still fresh in people's minds. june twelve nineteen
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ninety one millions voted to make glorious feel to russia's first president a watershed moment and a country's history but this was the first free election in russia and they also we left behind a totalitarian state and had a new job of building a democratic society that respected the rights of its people by the time the election took place the soviet union had less than a year to live but no one knew how it would disintegrate its fifteen republics began to declare sovereignty one by one while staying a part of the us the saw provoking unrest and even conflict and more two leaders also competed against each other we killed gorbachev was the head of the soviet union chosen by communists functionary boris yeltsin was in charge of news over in russia and promised reform but calling for an open election yeltsin challenged the authority of the communist party over. russia. with this victory in the election
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yeltsin prove that you can stand up to the communist establishment in an open and public manner he did not cut back room deals or try and protest with this victory ensure that the soviet union could break up without armed conflict. unlike former soviet leaders yeltsin campaign like a democratic politician meeting the electorate and delivering stump speeches at factories and in town squares. his rallies attracted hundreds of thousands when the election night came we were hopeful with when but we still weren't sure after all it was the communist party that counted the votes but soon enough the result became clear for a sealed and defeated the communists candidate handily with more than half of the votes. when he led the resistance their father in a coup laid out some of his popularity peaked but over the next decade the support
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fields and among russians dwindled as the country went through difficult reforms surveys showed that as the anniversary of bill action approached to remember and even fewer care. i don't have any emotions about it i did vote for you all to man but i'm far less political now. i voted but i can tell you these are all just politicians games they have nothing to do with me. it's not surprising that those who lived through the difficult times did not want to celebrate this occasion but hopefully the next generation will truly appreciate the historic significance of this moment and give yeltsin as of now russia's first president himself remains on appreciated with only one in five saying to have a positive attitude towards him many outside of russia said of the even today it's about christie is not perfect and some inside the country so do they still yearn for the soviet union but one thing is very hard to argue against as a result of these changes twenty years ago russians are wealthier have more
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human regimentation over most of the nations of europe. and the shadow is encouraging upon all. of the early twenty first century military bases the network of military bases all around the forms believe empire that the united states is trying to build it's astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million more than two hundred fifty thousand u.s. troops stationed on these bases all around us. we don't have power bases in america we don't have any british base we don't have any korean base we don't have any french bases or you know we just all american bases in and can cross our bases of i think are the noises i would north as it doesn't bother us at all because they're our bases but for other people it's almost like a cancer here for them speed. since the end of world war two the spaces.
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