tv [untitled] June 13, 2011 4:01am-4:31am EDT
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in taiwan multis available in the landis typee who turns. the how it pulls a hotel to be sure it's in twenty hotels hotels will show his the groom's photo the show would hotel and some will do mysti typee hotel kuvasz photo photo saloon hotel resort evergreens the old hotel toilet the grand victoria hotel gloria prince photo hope springs resort and spa tai toon hotel royal cheap and ambassador hotel on. the west into the evergreen close a hotel in thailand to eat london's hotel time ambassador type the hotel full points and how it prints or turn the splendid hotel in touch with the hotel and touch your room the photo of
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a good girl how an international house flooded to change every green lol he told. kilometers away from reactor number one in the radiation levels are much higher then they are deemed to be safe i'm sure. and coming up we have all the details. male plans to expand its air strikes the media's northwest wild card uses a high profile chess game to reiterate his reluctance to leave the country plus. we enter it we are the winner we is this new media hype over the scandalous case of an american senator clinton racy pictures of himself sparks concerns that the u.s. is letting gossip overshadow real news.
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this is r.t. coming to live from moscow with the marina joshie radioactive material has been. tax it in seawater around japan's fukushima plant was concentration levels two hundred forty times higher than safe limits scientists warned that the elements strontium is highly dangerous to humans as a ten accumulate in bones and is believed to cost cancer thomas has been to a city to measure radiation levels. were eighty kilometers away and the radiation levels in this area in many many places in many instances are much higher or really close because if you look at a map of where a city is in relation to the actual nuclear facility plant number one where a lot of that radiation. from the winds are bringing that radiation in the. city and the rain in the wind is blowing the radiation in this direction so we were
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at a spot where the radiation levels or one thousand times what is considered to be a safe dose is so very very dangerous levels and so scientists that we are working with today. different universities are working together on projects to try to figure out ways to use a simple methods to actually clean that radiation up and these guys actually i can assure you. are working to be can't contaminate the soil right now. and as you can see these two men are wearing any protective clothing that the scientists are so one of the concerns is that you can actually have one spot which it's only thirty times in the accepted normal levels and then you go to another spot which is just a metre away and it can jump to five hundred to a thousand times depending on where rain water and mud have collected one of the concerns of course is that grass is a good. filter for nuclear radio active material and are drawn
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to grassy places when they go to those areas they could actually be absorbing more radiation from the grasses well so what's interesting is this area that we're in right now is considered a safe area it is not considered a mandatory evacuation area but authorities are looking into to see whether it should be considered evacuation or at least hotspots within the city should be back you waited because of these very very high micro places. that's if you will where the radiation is just up the charts. john thomas there folks seem a nuclear crisis has also sound shock waves through the world's motor industry as rumors cause potential buyers to lose face in japanese cars reports suggest that contaminated vehicles are finding their way into the european market are just like sears ascii has more. oh has been contemplating a change of hardcore for months a fan of japanese vehicles she wanted to upgrade her off roader when you were model
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but her car dealing friend said it was not the right time they're still here but the us could also yeah i was told privately that all new japanese cars are radioactive because of the fukushima disaster this shipment was supposedly blocked by the authorities at adesa but unofficial dealers bribed them and got those cars onto the streets officials at the ports left off our question of whether there had been any contaminated cars here after the japanese fallout these off roaders worship then before the fukushima disaster in japan and even they were checked for radiation or thirty's claim there's absolutely no chance of contaminated making their way onto the ukrainian territory is that these guys arrived to us transiting through greek and turkish ports if anything was wrong it would have been spotted there in the first place but it was still double check any biological threat. however ecologists say these checks may not be enough to determine radiation
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drawing is a radioactive particles are very small and. they can be found in fields just radiators inside small that's why it's very difficult to detect them with regular geiger counters of the disposal of the customs units experts say the sale of contaminated steel is not something new for ukraine these shorts were filmed inside the chernobyl exclusion zone several years ago scavengers stealing contaminated radiators from the ghost town of one costs around twenty dollars on the black market tens of thousands have been removed from the radioactive particles may be small but are still gravely dangerous a person subjected to them for a lengthy period can experience various lung diseases and even cancer so use the temptation to buy. nice cars too hard to resist experts advise turning to professionals to check whether it is safe. from
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a just. in ukraine. well it's here to ask it has been reporting from the site consider the world's worst nuclear disaster but many fear that a meltdown it could take its place and check out the once prosperous soviet city of three pets near the turnout will power plants to see how it looks now alexi made a special report from there marking disaster is twenty fifth anniversary and it's available on our website arts and dot com in the documentary section. sounds have been out on the streets of athens in protest against the second round of austerity measures debated in the greek parliament people don't want new taxes or wage cuts but with al down the country will not receive international bailout money r.t. sarah ferguson is an athens. syntagma square and you can see just how many people. in the protests by the name call them until they see again
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very few measures that have been put paid by the government that would be speaking to people here and they say that the sanctions really been building for a year they've already been. very very measured they say that the government haven't really keep anything by that and they would need. a lot of attention almost three. and a great. day and try to raise some income by raising that. people simply think that way but it's certainly things that that might be the case and that they me that package of a very few measures will have to be implemented if greece wants to continue the thing the international bailout money now this comes on the back of the relief love that stated sixty percent of the going for both out of the euro as stepping forward . the fever fans that have been twenty four year olds out there what we've spoken to some of the younger people here they say i bet coming out because i really i think they're right to make this country what we should call them lone result and
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the system that the dogs are going to use but the people of good use them doesn't come into anything with the. bud situation the look on the game and that's why we came here to tell them that they are incapable or put so you beat us and you want don't. go away may cover elections now and that may get a new government but we shall pass and people improve on your the but the. what many people are saying is that we're paying them that price is running in price very freely they gave the child that i now know five and then you can sleep here. well our to sarah first continues to track developments in greece for you so check out our a twitter feed in our latest tweet she says a general strike is planned for wednesday and the protesters she spoke with tell
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her they are determined to gather a huge crowd so follow us on twitter at r.t. underscore. if you. believe. police in the us of closed an investigation into the so-called sexting case that's dominated national headlines for over two weeks a senator tweeted. teenager with a racy photo of himself since then the story has overshadowed the world news with some media putting it ahead of the war in libya and raging violence in syria
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artie's gun and she can look where the american media is priorities lie but he doesn't know if the american media can't get enough of anthony weiner's crotch shot the married u.s. congressman had sent this loot photo to a young woman via twitter a story made a perfectly sex scandal thing with a shameless cover up this is a twitter hoax a prank that was done i'm the victim of this poor girls the victim of a subsequent embarrassing come fashion last friday night i tweeted a photograph of myself that i intended to send as a direct message as part of a joke to a woman in seattle once i realize i posted to twitter i panicked i took it down and said that i had been hacked and of course it careful apology i'm deeply sorry for the pain this is caused my wife huma. and our family. it seemed anthony weiner's indiscretion overshadowed all other news in america winners winner and we are the
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winner is this you that we dated for a few months like almost ten years ago to the point when even comedians for whom the congressman's quite sure it has become a bottomless source of inspiration point how distracted american news media can be your. and your stories. that have been blocked by this recent scandal on a more serious note many people think the only way to get ratings this is to lead and constantly churn and cover these types of lascivious stories that really don't have any bearing on people's lives whether or not it's a private issue that has affected nobody but the people involved the media pressure is so high that it has become a trend in america to make deeply personal apologies on camera but everybody who has been hurt. you know that. the same goes for celebrities like tiger woods' extramarital affairs made headlines for months and
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i'm deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior i engaged in the apologies seem to fuel the gossip industry even more when politicians stage and i do use this word stage these apology kind of sessions they are very likely responding to their public relations. advisors their lawyers etc etc i mean in the networks american media companies love it because again it generates even more scandal american television lives off don't take charlie sheen cielo hand with our analyst miles courts and now we are at the least this endless and all these scandals have to do with private matters but the bill they knew seemed to such an extent that many hands where the same as they were placed actually means in america i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . still to come on the program and israeli sentiment gathers steam and you are an
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activist a mandatory ban imports of products from the occupied palestinian territories. plus we need a car crash victim had made a hero it will tear journey from the far east to moscow in a bid to draw attention to the daily challenges faced by disabled people. colonel gadhafi has said he will not leave libya despite mounting pressure he used a chess game against the visiting president of the world chess federation to reinforce his defiance meanwhile nato made its move announcing plans to expand military strikes in libya and gadhafi forces in the northwestern part of the country there were reports that rebels seized the city of zawiya just thirty kilometers from the capital tripoli but those flames were later the nine billion dollars u.s. radio. those and peace activists well showmance as that the west has hijacked enough pricing to serve its own interests. the united states is spending two
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million dollars a day and a billion and a half dollars just been handed to these so-called rebels usually the leadership of these rebels how do you follow his star as a twenty year operative of the central intelligence agency the cia and they. hijack this uprising initially against gadhafi and it is a complete subordinate. position is a group now that is being funded and armed by the nato powers the united states their objective is to carve out a living into several countries and diseases forty four point two billion barrels of oil reserves that's what the objective is it's the sixty imperial war that obama is waging in the region and it is a genocidal war in all its features the target is the population at large not merely because off the regime. in syria president asad forces have reportedly taken over the rebel held town of gore meanwhile pressure is mounting on syria with britain and france pushing a draft u.n.
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resolution that russia and china who oppose any attempts to intervene in the syrian conflict have said they won't back the move however arab world observer adding answer buki believes the west is using the u.n. to benefit from the country's civil conflict. the united nations. is is merely an international organization working to promote the interests of its most powerful members notably the united states britain sort of the western world is concerned also from so in other countries in the european union because just as they are appropriate considering cracking down on the syrian government they have not considered cracking down on the governments of bahrain or other or egypt point in time when there was also in. what is happening in syria and simultaneously in almost all countries in the middle east and in north africa. we flexed internal problems all countries have internal problems no doubt about it and there is a genuine desire on the part of many people in syria no doubt to get rid of its
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very fossilised government but there is also external interference notably from the united states and from britain and from france to take advantage of these internal problems. europe russia and the us could all become safer places once nato ceases to exist so military contributor in the wake of us to fan secretary's recent bleak assessment of the alliances future here's a taster of the latest video blog find it online at r.t. dot com. if european nato allies wore expecting their farwell hugging and kissing from the departing u.s. secretary of defense robert gates they should have known better instead he delivered point blank parting shot at all year opinion nato allies it was probably one of the most blazing critique coming from the pentagon chief in fact i believe
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that it had a hidden agenda to use the former cia chief and his experience to deliver a black op on its european partners far as afghanistan and libya is concerned indeed robert gates had a point first time raise the issue about their reliability of the nato alliance as soon as he assumed his post four years ago when he surprised the kratz in brussels when he called them. to be on a par with the united states forces regarding the accounting sujan see skill and experience if anything and that's gates was probably too polite so robert gates to close that final chapter to the loan of or do you figure all four nato association that could be one of the most significant input on the new security architecture for the united states europe
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and russia. and all the latest news features and analysis lined out for you and our website that's the sky can you read the dots will be laid to rest in moscow with massive protests expected later in the day. to find out more about the controversy surrounding the disgraced colonel all the coverage along with expert opinions and your bottom line right now. an american anti-missile war ship has sailed into the black sea ready for war. but russia says its presence close to the country's southern border threatens national security follow the dispute by logging onto our t.v. dot com. there is growing anti israeli feeling in europe with calls and e.u. and u.s. governments to stop ignoring the occupation of palestinian land and politicians
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remain silent activists rally to draw attention to the plight of the palestinian people daniel bushell has more from brussels. a day of rage against israel thousands call for the boycott of israeli goods over its continued expansion of palestinian land a jewish demonstrates a says enough is enough. american leaders do nothing this the e.u. does nothing the repeated un resolutions have ruled israeli settlements illegal. activists won't be european union to call the main exports of the occupied territories and fruits they full of human barricades it's a use a ploy depose still pink goods getting through. israel's carmel brand market settlement produce and pockets to profit but pine forces can move in their citizens are committing war crimes under the geneva convention public pressure is bearing
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fruit it's a lease biggest grosser co-ops. food grown in the occupied territories the world's largest security firm g four s. has stopped work with these really check points on the west bank admitting it breached human rights shareholders forced belgium's dicksee a bank to sell its israel arm over a million euro loans to settlements activists next target is the firm laying links between certain months and jerusalem e.u. transport giant veolia protesters are also seeking to file charges on the international law against israel over its construction of settlements which the authorities are investigating belgian police will pass these complaints on to the courts judges must rule if firms who buy food from occupied palestinian land are complicit in war crimes irish m.e.p. paul murphy will join girls of fla tiller the biggest yet to raise awareness of the
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situation knowing activists were killed by israeli commandos when a similar operation was stopped in international waters last year murphy feel things have got so bad he's ready to risk his life hopefully people and kills this time as they were last time by the israeli military forces. that brings the world's attention to this issue move say experts force politicians and business to act to public opinion change your mind before they were thinking that israel was address by the body today public opinion really capacity to challenge and international institution the european station and the un and also. the last time such a campaign was mobilized internationally was against the south african apartheid regime israel may have powerful allies but opposition in europe to its policies is
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growing to the. israel's blockade of gaza is not only damaging to the area but to israel itself says that you high representative for foreign affairs are these exclusive interview with baroness catherine ashton is coming your way in about ten minutes time but first here's a preview. we're very consistent in saying what needs to happen is that the israelis need to open the borders with the love people and goods to move freely now i recognize the importance of the security situation for israel we've always done that but it seems to me a position that's not tenable you have the inability to get the economy moving in gaza and one of the things i've been saying to the israelis for some time is it's in their interest to see economic growth and development to go also lots of small businesses you know that could really do well lots of people who want jobs eighty percent of people in gaza receive food aid so many young people who don't have
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a future and part of the answer to that part of making sure that we have security is giving them that future and that means allowing in and out the products the goods were girls that could actually. support its own economy. now a brief look at some other headlines across the globe now all the big clashes have erupted in turkey following recent parliamentary elections thousands of supporters of the procurators party which won just six percent of the vote clashed with police officers thought to disperse stone throwing protesters fifty percent of the votes went to ruling prime minister tayyip erdogan on why he's party still failed to gain the parliamentary majority required to ensure constitutional change. some flights have resumed in australia after earlier disruption from an ash plume that left over fifty thousand passengers stranded fears remain bad the mechanic ash can severely
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damage aircraft and riddance. the chilean eruption happened over a week ago and has forced air traffic in several south american countries to come to a standstill. nature's beauty as dangers explored in our special report today will look into the enormous power of an avalanche here's a taste of what's just over an hour away from now. one stream cascading from mountain slopes the view is mist mirage. but this beauty brings down at a speed of more than two hundred kilometers. stepping down along. despite being confined to a wheelchair for over ten years one russian hero hasn't left that hole in bat he covered eleven thousand kilometers right across russia with an electric buggy to draw attention to the plight of the sable people are met the man in person.
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alexander's top speed is not much more then walking pace it's been more than a decade since the accident which put him in a loop chair driving the other car was america's consul general in the device stock elijah's the trunk and that's where the problems began as a diplomat american douglas kent could claim immunity officials back in washington refused to waive his rights so alexander had no chance of getting redress for the evil to a scot free but i will keep on seeking justice. alexander tells me he's been fighting for compensation ever since to pay for his specialist care and medical expenses so long after the original accident it's important to him to keep his case in the public eye he has just finished and marathon of marathon proportions riding his electric buggy eleven thousand kilometers from his home to moscow and it's been
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a journey of discovery the ocean. i was most surprised by the decency and generosity of our people i never expected such help that just imagine every set of stairs demands for people here to get me up and you're the best despite all the obstacles he came in i did a hard job for some many people along the way i'll still go to the kremlin tell them how we live it but alexander is not the complainant find a strongly believes that no matter what the odds everyone's destiny is in their own hands the people he's met have certainly heard his call but it's the people in power in washington who really need to listen and act. hearty moscow. brings up that here in r.t. i'll be back shortly here with an update of the headlines.
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