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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2011 6:01pm-6:31pm EDT

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in japan r t discovers radiation levels far in excess of the legal limit even outside the exclusion zone surrounding the stricken fukushima daiichi nuclear plant . eighty kilometers away from reactor number one in cupertino city radiation levels are much higher then or deemed to be safe from short term pretty quickly and coming up we have all the details. colonel gadhafi pledges he'll never leave libya as he faces off against a chess grandmaster in the devastated capital tripoli meanwhile nato steps up its offensive and declares its expanding operations against the libyan government but a fact finding mission on the ground is questioning alliance meant. there with patients there who had moves that looked like they came from specialized weapons
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and so the issue of exactly what weapons are being used here is also of great importance. the pentagon says it can't find six point six billion dollars of its money meant for reconstruction in iraq even after a lengthy investigation. two am in moscow i matras are good to have you with us here on r t our top story a highly toxic radioactive material has been detected in groundwater and seawater samples near the fukushima nuclear facility in japan the element strong has been found in concentrations two hundred times the safety limit and can lead to bone cancer and leukemia meanwhile japan's health and labor ministry says the number of workers exposed to dangerous levels of radiation has risen to eight thomases in fukushima city with more. here we're eighty kilometers away and the radiation
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levels in this area in many many places in many instances are much higher. are really close because if you look at a map of where fukushima city is in relation to the actual nuclear facility that's plant number one where a lot of that radiation. when eating from the winds are bringing that radiation in to shima city and the rain and the wind is blowing the radiation in this direction so we were at a spot where the radiation levels were one thousand times what is considered to be a safe dosage so. very very dangerous levels and so scientists so that we're working with today from different universities are working together on projects to try to figure out ways to use a simple methods to actually clean that radiation up and these guys actually. are working to the can contaminate the soil right now. and as you can see the two
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gentlemen are wearing any protective clothing clothing but the scientists are so one of the concerns is that you can actually have one spot which is only thirty times in the accepted normal levels and then you go to another spot which is just a metre away and it can jump to five hundred to a thousand times depending on where rain water and mud have collected one of the concerns of course is that grass is you can see filter for nuclear ready active material and are drawn to grassy places when they go to those areas they could actually be absorbing more radiation from the grasses well so what's interesting is this area that we're in right now is considered a safe area it is not considered a mandatory evacuation area but authorities are looking into to see whether it should be considered evacuation area where at least hotspots within the city should be back you waited because of the that was a hot spot if you will where the radiation is just off the charts. radioactive
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particles from the fukushima power plant have already reached u.s. shores and we'll be seeing genetic mutations in marine life with any year according to arnold gundersen an energy adviser at fairwinds associates corporation specializing in environmental and nuclear safety well we're already seeing particles in tokyo how particle means radioactive particles are really small thinner than that they are under your hair in tokyo in all throughout the fukushima prefecture and interestingly were also seen him on the west coast of the united states so airborne radiation it lodges in your lungs your g.i. tract is certainly in japan and on the west coast the the oceans are still becoming more or contaminated not less and i think over the next year or so you'll see the big fish that unit in the salmon. because this will work its way up the food chain i think you'll see more and more radiation being detected in the top of the food
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chain fish as well that woods hole prominent research institute has said that the pacific ocean now is ten times more contaminated then was the the ocean well the seas near chernobyl at the peak of the accident so the oceans are worse now than after chernobyl. the fukushima nuclear crisis has also sent shock waves through the japanese motor industry amid speculation that contaminated vehicles can be headed out to the world's car market potential buyers are now thinking twice before making their way to japanese auto show rooms as artie's alexei reports. oh has been contemplating a change of hardcore for months a fan of japanese vehicles she wanted to upgrade her off roader when you were model but her car dealing friend said it was not the right time but the yeah i was told privately that all new japanese cars are radioactive because of the fukushima
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disaster the shipment was supposedly blocked by the authorities at adesa harbor but unofficial dealers bribed them and got those cars on to the streets officials at the ports left of our question whether there had been any contaminated cars here after the japanese fallout these off roaders worship then before the fukushima disaster in japan and even they were checked for radiation or forages claim there's absolutely no chance of contaminated we know of making their way onto the territory these guys arrived to us transiting through greek and turkish ports if anything was wrong it would have been spotted there in the first place but it was to double check all vehicles for any biological threat. however ecologists say these checks may not be enough to determine radiation by news of the radioactive particles are very small and can disperse all around the vehicle they can be found in fields just radiators inside small parts that's why it's very difficult to detect them with
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regular geiger counters and the disposal of the customs units experts say the sale of contaminated steel is not something new for ukraine these shorts were filmed inside the chernobyl exclusion zone several years ago scavengers stealing contaminated radiators from the ghost town of one costs around twenty dollars on the black market tens of thousands have been removed from the zone. these contaminated metal can be recycled and used for a new thing from rails to vehicles without losing its radioactivity but usually it's used for making industrial pipes and ukraine is known as. one of the leaders in my production of radioactive particles may be small but are still gravely dangerous a person subjected to them for a lengthy period can experience various lung diseases and even cancer so yes the temptation to buy any japanese car is too hard to resist experts advise turning to professionals to check whether it is safe let's see russians to see reporting from
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a just and each office in ukraine. you're watching r t live from our moscow studios here is what's ahead this hour. with the media craze in the united states surrounding a congressman sex scandal questions are being raised over whether news outlets are focusing too much on gossip. and we talked with a russian man left with permanent disability when the u.s. consul general legibly ran him down in the russian city of lot of austar more of that coming up. first though germany in the united arab emirates are the latest countries to recognize the rebel leadership as the sole representatives of the libyan people this comes as the u.s. steps up pressure on countries to reject the government of colonel moammar gadhafi the opposition is also reporting significant progress seizing two western mountain cities after months of all of being under siege almost a hundred procrit off the forces were killed in fighting with insurgents seizing military hardware meanwhile in tripoli over
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a chess game with the president of the world chess federation colonel gadhafi himself announced he had no intention of stepping down despite nato as readiness to ratchet up military options. former u.s. congresswoman and presidential candidate cynthia mckinney is on a fact finding mission to libya now to see how tripoli is dealing with a constant nato bombardment she says she has expert evidence that depleted uranium is being used there. i understood that what i was hearing from the u.s. press was laden with propaganda of course we know that the pentagon has something called perception management and so they are in the business of utilizing the mighty wurlitzer which is the they're the propaganda and they do use that to affect the way people think about what they're doing and that's exactly what is been happening here in ne with nato and so i thought i would come here with
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a delegation of journalists from across the united states including one journalist also from south africa so that we could understand the truth and then tell the truth to the people yesterday. a university was hit alpha university which was formerly known as master university two out of tory at that university were hit and i had the opportunity to speak with the dean of the political science department and he was literally shaking with anger he was so angry at what had happened to his campus to his university and i visited a high hospital there was one patient who could not tell his story because he was still in shock there were patients there who had moves that looked like they came from very specialized weapons and so the issue of exactly what weapons are being used here is also of great importance and i was able to speak with
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a person in the united states who is a depleted uranium specialist a former geophysicist at. lawrence livermore a laboratory and she told me that if there was a metallic taste of the dust in our mouths then more than likely it was depleted uranium so i did a brief survey of those with me because one day there were eighty nine blasts and yes the response that i kept was that there was a metallic taste. the pentagon has recently been forced to admit it doesn't know where six point six billion u.s. dollars said for iraq has gone when it was supposed to be part of a massive reconstruction program following the war a former both a bush administration official and author of the book america's failure in iraq
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michael o'brien says the phones were missing under general petraeus is watch. all of this stuff was going on while david petraeus was the commander of the multinational security transition command in iraq four men sticky in zero four and zero five and this is the same period of time that one hundred ninety thousand a k forty seven and nine millimeter pistol pistols purchased by the us government for the iraqi army national police disappeared i also want to say that i have a personal friend i will mention his name who was a very senior u.s. american finance and budget official during this period of time and he told me that when david petraeus was there there was no accountability at all for american money and that david petraeus continued to spend the iraqi money six months after the c.p.a. the coalition provisional authority had been shut down in june of zero four. rick
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young from voice of russia radio believes iraq has a legal right to the cash i would say they probably have some legal claim to that money and a legitimate claim to go to court the u.s. has already said that it took those the money from the oil that from those from the oil fields they've already taken that money they seized it in the sanctions against of hussein's iraq so the money is legitimately the iraqis the question is again if the u.s. government can find the money they'll have to come up with it some way so my feeling is that. they do have some claim to this money some legal claim and it's going to take some time to want to the courts which have records they choose to go through probably international courts to get this money back police in the u.s. have closed an investigation into the so-called sexting case that's dominated national headlines for over two weeks a married congressman's aerated tweeted a racy photo of himself triggering a media rush that overshadowed world news including the war in libya and violence
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in syria or he's got it she looks at priorities in the u.s. media but he doesn't know we the american media can't get enough of anthony weiner's crotch shot the mayor it's us congressman had sent this lewd photo to a young woman via twitter and that's already made a perfect effect of the end of thing with the she was a cover up this is a twitter hoax prank that was done on the victim of this poor girl's the victim in a subsequent embarrassing fashion last friday night i tweeted a photograph of myself that i intended to send as a direct message as part of a joke to a woman in seattle once i realize i posted to twitter i panicked i took it down and said that i had been hacked and of course it tears well paula g. i am deeply sorry for the pain this is caused by white film and our family. it seemed as any winners in this question overshadowed all other news in america winners when or if we are the winner is this you we dated for
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a few months like almost ten years ago to the harrowing twenty even comedians for whom the congressman's heart sure does become a bottomless source of inspiration was how he described the american history making thank you both for us. thank you of course. that have been blocked by this recent scandal on a more serious note many people think the only way to get ratings this is to lead and constantly churn and cover these types of lascivious stories that really don't have any bearing on people's lives whether or not it's a private issue that has affected nobody except the media pressure is so high that it has become a trend in america to make me please personal apologies on camera and everybody who has been hurt. no. the same goes for celebrities like tiger woods extramarital affairs made headlines for months i am
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deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior i engaged in the apologies seem to fuel the gossip industry even more when politicians stage and i do use this word staged these apology kind of because they are very likely responding to their public relations. advisers their lawyers etc etc i mean in the networks american media companies love it because again it generates even more scandal american television lives off and don't take charlie sheen lindsay lohan with her analyst miles cts a nigger and now we're the list is endless and all these handles have to do with private matters but they bill the news environment to such an extent that many hands either got sick as were placed actually using america i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . despite being confined to a wheelchair for more than
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a decade it hasn't held back one man's determination he's covered eleven thousand kilometers right across russia on a mobility scooter and it's drawing attention to the plight of the disabled or his diarrhea push kovel want to meet up alexander's top speed is not much more than walking pace it's been more than a decade since the accident which put him in a wheelchair driving the other car was america's consul general in the device stoke elijah's the trunk and that's where the problems began as a diplomat and merican douglas kent could claim immunity officials back in washington refused to waive his rights so alexander had no chance of getting redress historical that he walked away scot free but i will keep seeking justice. alexander tells me he's been fighting for compensation ever since to pay for his specialise. can and medical expenses so long after the original accident it's important to him to keep his case in the public eye he has just finished and
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marathon of marathon proportions riding his electric buggy eleven thousand kilometers from his home to moscow and it's been a journey of discovery the abortion dual i was most surprised by the decency and generosity of our people i never expected such help just imagine every set of stairs demands for people to get me out that. despite all the obstacles he the right to the heart of russia many people along the way asked to go to the kremlin tell them how we live but alexander is not the complete inclined to strongly believes that no matter what the odds everyone's destiny is in their own hands the people he's met have certainly heard his call but it's the people in power in washington who really need to listen and act. r.t. moscow. there is news here on our team will be back with a summary of our stories in about ten minutes stay with us up next our exclusive interview with a firsthand perspective on in you foreign policy. thank
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you very much miss ashley you said the heart of what you're doing me beer is to resolve conflict why was the e.u. not asked to mediate in libya well i think the u.n.
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is playing exactly the role that it should play and. the u.n. special envoy is as you know frequently in tripoli and benghazi is working with the people of libya but also for the national partners role has been very much to support him and to work with the african union with the arab league with the organization islamic conference and with our partners like russia and turkey to think about how we move forward and conflict and some people start to think about the country of the future on a visit to bin guys in may you said that you had much people who would be leading into the future what gives you the ground to say that what i said was that i've met people who clearly had at their heart the future of libya people who are thinking about the kind of what the needs to be done reconstruction getting the economy moving again the support they're going to need on board of management reform of the police to be people who will be part of that. big dialogue that used to take place
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what the new government of libya looks like is for the people of libya to decide but here are people who despite all of the troubles despite the difficulties are really trying to think through and i pay tribute to them for doing the search and they have been discussions about the possibility that gadhafi could go but it's an if it's a large if one of the big challenges and questions is how to make sure that for the people of libya the way in which he goes sure of that departure is a fundamental part of moving forward that's for them to decide in conjunction as i said with the role of the u.n. special envoy at what stage will be expect nato to cease fire in libya well nato has been in discussion of course about its future role and i was at nato this week to discuss the role of the european union in our humanitarian aid in our support for the people on the ground and in opening the office which i did recently
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in bengal the role of the forces of nato is determined by the security council resolution and their job is to protect civilians so until there is clear determination evidence the civilians are safe they will have to stay there and that's again tied up to what happens with kind of gadhafi and his decision to allow his country to move forward in the way that clear people want the european council said that the russian presidential meditator to libya is a focal point for a political transition there what status does the e.u. court mr maher gallop well what we've been saying to president medvedev and to form and so love for office is important that russia is able to play its part in trying to find a solution so the role of the mediator from russia is to work alongside others who are busy trying to find a way through i think the significant element of this is making sure that it's also
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linked back to the u.n. . so we have confidence in our communications between different people but it's very good to see russia engage it's very good to see it being d.h. are trying to help to get as you said you consider an aid for to live together as an inappropriate response to the plight of the people there want to ease and appropriate response in your opinion were very consistent in saying what needs to happen is that the israelis need to open the borders with guards or and the love people and goods to move freely now i recognize the importance of the security situation for israel we've always done that but it seems to me a position that's not tenable you have the inability to get the economy moving and one of the things i've been saying to the israelis for some time is it's in their interest to see economic growth and development goals are lots of small businesses you know that could really do well lots of people who want jobs eighty percent of people in gaza receive food aid so many young people who don't have
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a future and part of the answer to that part of making sure that we have security is giving them that future and that means allowing in and out the products the goods were girls that could actually sell and support its own economy but these really settlement building continues in the west bank despite the position of the european union what more can be done well we're concerned about we've always said that settlements are illegal under international law we've made that clear we do believe that we have to try and get back to talks same points of the quartet in which russia plays a big part in the hope of a meeting soon to try and lay some of the groundwork that would enable the parties to come back to talks because in the end that's going to be the solution miss ashton you were in belgrade when. was arrested and shortly before that you announced an extra billion euro was available for partners under the neighborhood policy what better coincidence you were in belgrade when it was arrested yes it was
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a cohen. i had the privilege of talking with. the president and with the deputy prime minister and those and gauged in the action and although i never doubted the president thought it was very keen to try and find a law to see justice. i think that the expectation they were finding on that particular day was not was not there it was good to be that it was good to be able to congratulate the authorities and to see how people reacted to that across the world of being a real indication of closure but also of saying that no matter how long it takes justice will be done recession thank you for taking time for this interview we very much appreciate pleasure i threw.
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one stream cascading from mountain slopes you is mr march. this beauty brings at a speed of more than two hundred kilometers per. step along. mission. critical free. free. free. free. free. and free blog mediocre for your media project free video done to our teeth dot com . to a substantial degree and one form or another socialism has spread the shadow of human regimentation over most of the nations of europe and the shadow is i'm
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approaching up on all the birds. of the early twenty first century military bases the network of military bases all around the former stimulus empire that the united states is trying to build that's astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million or more than two hundred fifty thousand u.s. troops stationed on these bases all around the world. we don't have power bases in america we don't have any british base we don't have any korean base we don't have any french bases or you know we just all american bases in. the noise is what noise and doesn't bother us at all because they're all bases but for other people it's almost like a cancer here for these people. since the end of world war two the spaces i've been . working here to
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provide a safe and secure environment for everybody. the questions they have thing else you get everything you need. more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization. so special and attractive for many life is you live in the flood zone. expedition to the bottom of the earth. more news today violence is once again flared up.


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