tv [untitled] June 13, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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i am. told. so we're about two and a half years of the obama presidency in there are still americans yes americans calling for four more years but all of a spell it might be called for tonight will be looking at some of the funders of obama's reelection because they're the ones who want to keep profiting from them or is misery of the rest of us affected by obama's policies of oh you i don't feel like celebrating independence day this year we've got a police state how they how one oath keeper would survive the zombie apocalypse they don't they don't build over with liberals he answered molyneux joins me to explain bitcoins but if you like to pore over the details of a sick murder of a little girl in a hopeless at times of finding justice you probably shouldn't be watching adam vs
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the man. in the. president's iraq how much will she say hussein and obama you might know him as the champion of the little guy beacon of hope and change and friend of wall street well it's in surprise anyone really except maybe a few liberal let me also have another econ homework to know the goldman sachs was obama's second largest donor in two thousand and eight that's investment they ever made is the largest donor source by the way was the university of california you know that institution filled with liberal while letting those who haven't done their economy work but the new york times reported that obama's fighting to his
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bailout beneficiary bodies back for another round in two thousand and twelve two weeks before announcing his reelection campaign the president met with two dozen wall street executives many of them prior donors in the white house to congratulate himself on the false recovery or maybe it was to congratulate each other on their sick. sessile pillaging of the american people it remains to be seen if the bailout class will stick with the old boss or throw their weight behind a new one you see as well as obama's service corporate sponsors he's kind of worn out is effect of this you see if you were a wall street executive who wanted the federal reserve to keep throwing of scene amounts of money away the only candidate better than obama would be mitt the hair romney care meet the new boss same as the old boss obama's going to have to fight to retain the youth vote as well as the span of vote which is why he's visiting puerto rico tomorrow which will be the first time since j.f.k. that a sitting u.s.
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president has been to puerto rico why because even though they are u.s. citizens as residents of our little colony unless they live in the mainland puerto ricans can't vote civil unrest has been growing recently there is they've been hit by obama nomics too and i hope there will be some protests to report on later this week but with obama's approval rating sinking fast after a brief bin ladin bombed capturing that vote will be crucial if you want to get reelected in two thousand and twelve and with the surging expanded population might end up being an ace of a sleeve but fortunately even in puerto rico the people watching obama know they don't have much in common with the campaign donors will be visiting. independence day i hate it when people refer to it as fourth of july is fast approaching but i don't really feel like celebrating this here but i like a good little american i've always done my patriotic are for independence they passed even when in the most challenging circumstances. this yes is my civil
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affairs team in solutia independence day two thousand and four believe it or not yeah that that's me and this is our translator iraqi man who was so eager to serve his employers that he was willing to dress up in patriotic are himself but. nowadays like a lot of combat vets i try to spend independence day as far away from fireworks as possible but if you ask me it's time to take back independence day here's a little song i've posted on our personal you tube channel at youtube dot com slash adam coca. hi this is adam kokesh in washington d.c. district of criminals order on the potomac the seat of the empire home to the most appraised tax parasites our nation has ever known but there is nothing more anti-american in the world today than the american government i am proud to be
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a traitor and a patriot i'm a patient because i love my country not only the people in my hand and culture contained within our arbitrary government borders but what makes a true american patriot is a belief in the ideal of america as a free country and inherent faith in the self evident truths that our nation was founded on it's two thousand and eleven and the true patriot is still a scarce figure brave hated school. in america today the patriot is a traitor to a government that is a proven benami of freedom. the anniversary of our independence is approaching it is time to take it back the founders never intended the fourth of july to be more pipeline nationalism and petty indulgences if you think everything is hunky dory in america where red white and blue want to depend say and celebrate the illusion of
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freedoms that americans pretend to enjoy if you feel as i feel that america is a shadow of what it could be a nation on the precipice even then i ask you to join me in making this independence day a chance to reclaim. what it means to be american what it means to be a patriot if you want to do something about getting those freedoms back where black on independence day instead and tell people why tell them what you would do to make america better but first please help spread the word and invite others to join us in the simple act of defiance by inviting your friends to the facebook event linked in the description of this video and don't wait until independent state i invite you to make your own videos how and why you will be celebrating on the fourth and how we can restore the american ideal. maybe next year we'll actually have something we're celebrating. so there are some reasons you might not feel like
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celebrating independence day this year the newfound irrelevance of the bill of rights the mounting casualties of the police state obama's destruction of the oh the economy. your own petty grievances but whatever it is that motivates you to make america better please join me in this effort because we don't hang together we will continue to hang separately. lloyd. i think mike you. break your face. as a person how does a person who salary we are paid who should be able this is slave this or are for the rights allegedly protected by the first amendment is all too typical of american law enforcement today so welcome to the adam vs the man police state update so the f.b.i.
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decided that while it had a pretty good thing going with this whole patriot act the ill its duties of population control and tax extract were still too difficult under current policy so instead of using the legal channels and getting any kind of approval from the legal powers they just did what most government forces do simply grant themselves more power the two thousand and eleven update to the domestic investigations and operations guide makes a few tweaks to your privacy rights first regarding undocumented searches previously the f.b.i. was required to open for all inquiries whenever databases public or commercial were used to search for data on an individual or. not of your go to the f.b.i. general counsel valerie approach me she said it was too cumbersome to require it and so open formal inquiries before running quick checks those pesky procedures who need someone they're just there to protect your rights anyways all right so
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moving on to lie detector tests as they said traditionally these would require an actual preliminary basis for a case with suspected wrongdoing but none of the will or now lie detector test will be administered to potential informants as well all right trash searches you know when they go through your garbage looking for incriminating evidence things to blackmail you with who knows same rules as lie detector tests now the f.b.i. doesn't need you to be suspected of anything anymore they can just start digging through your trash if they decide you might make a good informant you know this is see if there's anything good they can try to blackmail you with. now you have to shred your trash to protect yourself from the f.b.i. all right then there's the infamous surveillance squads yes those ones and again under current rules potential informants can only be followed once for
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a limited duration as if that wasn't bad enough but not to worry they can now do it once of all times just to see if you know if you're a good fit for whatever it is the f.b.i. is trying to manipulate people into doing now but not to worry citizen if you have nothing to hide or you have nothing to fear all right new self created powers seem to work for the f.c.c. and the a.t.f. so why not the f.b.i. . as always the premise for convincing you to give up your rights is fear and the government is hard at work at all levels to make sure that you are afraid of everything they can convince you to need protection from including your neighbors and the band era county sheriff's office down in texas they want to remind you that if you see something say something in fact they want so far less there is a is the issue a warning to citizens to alert them to a growing presence of a sovereign citizens movement you know free people be aware of the free people they
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will make you want comfortable that you are a wage slave now this is part of a much broader demonization of what they're calling the sovereign citizens movement but really it's part of a more broad attempt to control people anyways according to captain charlie hicks the county has quote domestic terrorism right at their doorstep the sovereign citizens movement is based around the idea of federal invalidity and refutation of the fourteenth amendment they are very serious in their beliefs and very serious when they do go to violence will kill you and our new york minute amazing that this takedown so-called of two were for real and now apparently i don't know maybe it's working or maybe it's not but they think that they can convince texans to be afraid of new yorkers to all right it may have seemed like a little more than a hypocritical annoyance when you saw that local five zero casualty doing fifty five in a thirty five without
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a siren on or the time you got to making that illegal u. turn to get that to the donut shop a little faster and i apologize for the male pronouns there we know that female police officers can be just as abusive but no matter where you go some members of the police force believe themselves to be members of a privilege class unfortunately there's a lot of your covenants to back up that claim oh rather. a lot of legal precedent that actually effectively makes cops a privileged class all right this time the legal protection granted cops has gone too far today former bay area rapid transit officer johns mesereau walks free in prison for only a year after fatally shooting twenty two year old oscar grant in the back execution style a new year's day in two thousand and nine he told the court he thought he'd fired his taser and didn't intend to shoot grant you probably have seen this but i'll
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remind you and let this footage speak for itself. the man was down on his chest and in the back by and police officer standing right over him he was sentenced to only two years but under terms of good conduct he only had to serve one now can't wholly blame the government here the jury did have the well not quite final say but they acquitted the officer of the more serious charge of second degree murder but the judge made the sentencing decision and to me this kind of action hurts a little more than three hundred sixty five days in the clink for someone your tax dollars hired to what was it again who would who serve and protect perhaps this travesty of justice goes to show that like any other protection racket or streaking
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the state protects its own but we have some good news here in washington d.c. residents are organizing and fighting back remember this little incident. very well i called to follow up with the man metro transit authority police today about the investigation they said it was still ongoing but the people of the district of columbia watch the footage and have concluded their investigation and are not waiting for the bureaucracy to respond to demand accountability there's an organizing means of are going on at this and coffee box and cafe in the conference room at seven one four georgia avenue at six thirty pm please be there if you can and if you want to get more details about that check out my facebook page but by the way i also called to follow up with the parks police about their investigation about the dancing incident at the jefferson memorial apparently being the victim of the brutality itself doesn't qualify you to get any information as you are formally
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the complainant so i'll be filing some paperwork and staying on top of this one too but we know that the real accountability for the police state will never come from within the police force so when we come back we'll have how and both keeper would survive a zombie apocalypse so on all those afraid of maine radio dr explain a bit coin's will have a short preview on the g.o.p. debate coming up tonight stay tuned you watch an adam vs the man. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. on the well. whenever the government says they are safe get ready because of their freedom.
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a little contest just to have some fun about how you would survive a zombie apocalypse and expect it was a video contest and you know i was kind of surprised that we got any serious entries that was really glad of the response that we did and it before we get to the winner or at least favorite entries so far we don't really put a time limit on this one i want to share an e-mail from chris why in florida who writes adam don't be ridiculous we all know that the zombies will have an inalienable human or zombie rights that will protect them from harm unless they try to dance in washington d.c. they will probably be held under a special section of disability insurance that we as taxpayers will have to foot the bill for but as long as they don't tax their wiener to anyone what more harm can they do to the country if they give them the right to vote democrats would be almost a lock for next term i say almost because hillary is still a viable candidate sincerely scared for the future chris from plantation florida of
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course thanks for writing but without any further ado i'd like to show you how an oath keeper would survive the zombie apocalypse this courtesy of brian frank an old keeper from gaffney south carolina enjoy. ok i stand with you this is i survived the apocalypse. thanks. thanks. when i run out of dallas or thanks after i killed all those dummies found out the big twelve all the food all the grain all the cows i have survived great result in beetroot dot com. i thank you sarah really appreciate the support there now as you know the building meeting has just concluded in st moritz switzerland and our
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own luke would ask has been on the ground covering that but first i just want to mention because there's a relationship here with the manipulation of the global political systems particularly in the united states as we see so many of the world's super class coming together for the secretive meeting there has been some speculation regarding rick perry jumping into the republican presidential race as the selectee of the builder burgs if you know we could ever know that for sure but it's important to note that rick perry i'm self the current republican governor of texas was originally a democrat it's all karl rove told him that he'd be better off as a republican before becoming george bush's lieutenant governor in texas is now the longest serving current serving governor in the united states and many people been speculating him as a builder or candidate for the u.s. presidency because he has the right kind of malleability. thirst for power and
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willingness to succumb to the suggestions of people that can put them in a position of power but i also want to report that there was a swiss member of parliament who tried to confront those at the building meeting it was dominic basic and he was bravely on his way into the building meeting at the hotel it's a more switzerland when he was turned away by security a lot of people expected some more of a confrontation there but it was the first time that an actual elected official representing those of us outside of the builder club going in and attempting to be a part of it or to be represented at this important meeting he was turned away but the fact that he was there represents so much awareness that has been raised about the significance of the build of meetings in the past year or so for everybody who's going to part of that including our own luke read out who brings us this next piece thank you for the work that you've been doing and i hope that there's even
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greater transparency from what happens at these meetings in the future. this is a good ascii in st moritz switzerland covering the builder group and things are getting pretty ridiculous here on paper groban used to come up for a surprise at the comma i don't have to something you know you have don't stop to come out of that stuff don't touch my camera i'm very very little i thought the camera right when you say a minute before because it's that american we have no problems at all which we have any more rights. it's up it's a problem. we can speak normally normally only but this is this has to be documented for legal for. numerous not so for men to do it has to be documented in a court of law you can stay focused on this site in the yellow corn and then you say here is a to police to stay here ok. ok then you don't go to
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fight. i say one time. at a time and we go into office and then you say you know if you want to violate my rights and then you stay not in this area us ok if you want to do a lovely boy right in this town to become a is ok you're going to stand. by and you do what you got to do i'll do what i got to do not only that they try to arrest me for filming here the police have also blocked off an entire public street set up more walls arrested two people called in a bomb threat and are now confiscating people's video cameras. so what happens to you guys when you meet their cops already the security guys over at the docks and they were stopped running and she seen yeah so we start running it too so they stopped and we should do is show them our id carts and all the stuff that you know . and touch my balls and all the things you know really
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nice and my for. and don't have his id card so that you can use a camera. also clever enough to draw. the card with a photo shoot and hide it so they didn't able to find it so we have everything what's the agenda for the two thousand and eleven build a bird group meeting has been leaked and the most powerful and influential people will be discussing ways to escalate tensions in libya taking in the new i.m.f. head and trying to figure out a way to control the internet i wonder why they would want to. control the internet that you're watching this video on. the internet has been abuzz with a new alternative currency bitcoins the army now to help understand what they are and really what they represent in the resistance to the federal reserve system is
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to find molyneux host of freedom in radio dot com stefan thanks for joining us tonight thank you i know this is a pretty broad topic and something really difficult to get your head around but i'm really glad that we've got you uniquely have the philosophical the economic and the technology perspective to really get a handle on this thing you know and. so i can you know because it's a digital currency created in two thousand and nine really just starting to take off now gone through some of the fluctuations of of currencies that we've seen in traditional government imposed currencies. how does this work how do our bit let's start from the basics how are bitcoins created. well because it's a created through the application of resources so you've got computer resources you've got electricity so basically what happens if you attempt to solve algorithms for the for the bitcoin problem there is sort of mathematical problem for the profile of what and if you solve it at the right time you get if you get points so
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just it's called mining because it's similar to the way you would mind go if you are applying results from your computer and your household or your office and that generates that coins and they're never going to be more than twenty one million bit prions because every time you get going to get created it takes a step forward to reducing the amount so you start now with fifty bitcoins after a certain amount get created you only get twenty five and someone so ask the community grows that is using that coins the bit quite an amount of gross sleeping with a lot of money but you know the price is sort of stable but you're not actually creating anything of value you're taking tricity and computer processing resources that are of value and creating something that is technically of no value. that's entirely correct this is not a resource based currency is not backed by gold or silver or anything like that so you're entirely correct about that which has its pluses and minuses ok because i because when i first heard of this i was thinking why not have it as a credit system that anybody could plug into the same way in the sense that nasa had computers crunching you know anybody could plug into nasa to crunch seti data
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in order to help out with that project there could be some. central hub that is benefiting from this and then you're actually creating credits of something of value no one knows who remember there's no central hub debate going this is one of the things that differentiates it from most other from the currency it's pure peer to peer like usenet or anything like that there's no central place where it can be monitored or controlled like napster of or shut down or pillaged or taken over or investigated or anything like that so it's it's a completely distributive currency system and that's one of the reasons why you don't have a central place that is controlling the creation but it's people who are interested in getting bitcoins you can even buy them or you can trade for them or or you can devote your computer to creating that was so it was kind of launched from this algorithm but what stops people from counterfeiting that. well there's a number of counterfeiting measures that are put in there i won't bore everyone with the technical details i just had an interview about with a fellow about this on my channel that the you tube dot com forward slash demand
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radio but basically it's and it's encrypted and there's a lot of failsafe mechanisms in there to prevent counterfeiting so every time you buy something from someone that information goes out to everyone in the network automatically and so you can't reuse the coin somewhere else it's a very powerful system and it's a really ingenious system it's a beautiful thing that has been created in my opinion i think it's just one of those old and useless so it is reasonably secure and it seems like it is genuinely pioneering in terms of creating digital currency but it's missing a couple essential elements to make it really viable as an alternative currency to say challenge what we have as existing mediums of exchange and people who barter or god forbid use federal reserve notes right well no you see it's just another form of currency so for instance you could have a currency that's backed by gold but that's going to be very expensive you've got to buy the gold you've got to store the gold and if the government doesn't like it it can come and take it out as it did with the liberty dollar so if you're going to
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have a resource based currency like gold or silver what it's going to be is more expensive this currency has zero transaction costs and zero overhead this is what i have heard so far so is this the future is this going to bring down the dollar and the federal reserve system i think is a very powerful and interesting content i don't think it will be used for huge transactions in the future but given that they're only going to be twenty one million bitcoins ever if it captures even one percent of the online marketplace over the next few years each bitcoin could be worth thousands and thousands of dollars they've already gone from a few pennies to twenty to thirty dollars over the six month so they really are gaining in value it's seems to me like this is kind of a temporary thing that only exists because it's competing with another currency that's backed by nothing with the u.s. dollar this is simply a more efficient version of having something that is secure and backed by i don't know if you had to. you've got to remember adam this is not politically driven this is not let's prove moore says i was in a and it's right. the growth of it is heavily controlled and that's the opposite it
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could be a currency and it's gaining in value rather than losing in value which is enormously different for and from any other kind of government run currency well we're happy to support anything that is challenging the monopoly of the federal reserve system as a medium of exchange so fine thank you for joining us tonight. that was to follow the host of freedom a radio dot com and tonight a quick reminder that the second republican debate kicks off in the land of live free or die or after two thousand and eight do they have to change the new hampshire not to live free or die bold anyways michele bachmann newt gingrich and mitt romney step into the fray tonight joining tim palencia rick santorum former federal reserve government cain you know the pizza guy who used to run the federal reserve bank and of course last but not least texas congressman ron paul of course i'd like to remind you all that c.n.n. refused to allow former new mexico governor former governor gary johnson into this wide open debate the two term governor who left with a budget surplus of one billion dollars was told by c.n.n. that is probably.
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