tv [untitled] June 13, 2011 9:31pm-10:01pm EDT
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thirty am in moscow the zero two you headlines colonel gadhafi pledges he'll never leave libya as he faces off against a chess grandmaster in the devastated capital tripoli meanwhile nato steps up its offensive and declares its expanding operations against the libyan government but an independent fact finding mission on the ground is questioning the alliances methods the delegation claims to have evidence suggesting depleted uranium missiles may have been used in the lions air strikes. in japan already discovers radiation levels far exceeding the legal limit even outside the exclusion zone surrounding the stricken fukushima daiichi nuclear plant traces of the elements strontium said
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because bone cancer and leukemia have also been found in high concentration levels near the plant. the pentagon says it can't find six point six billion dollars of money meant for iraq reconstruction even after a lengthy investigation officials in baghdad threatened legal action to claim the funds that come from the country's seen these assets and oil well. coming up when thrill seeking turns deadly with unstoppable force of nature special report next. the koehler peninsula in russia's north home to the q.b. massive mountain range this is the cold and windy bolshoi's would pass the snow here between one and a half and four meters deep avalanche safety specialists are probing the snow structure on one of the slopes.
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the top layer of snow drifts on a slope is unstable and skis could trigger an avalanche shift attention those of you who are keen to scull mountain peaks please be careful. some avalanches a wet others a dry it all depends on the snow's composition the speed of avalanches varies between seventy and four hundred kilometers an hour man can do nothing in the face of tons of snow rushing down to such a velocity. and yet people do live in the mountains they study avalanches to be able to protect themselves from the beaches skiers and snowboarders tempt fate by taking to the mountain slopes. in this weather station in the q.b. massive is situations close to the town of one hundred fifty kilometers north of
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the arctic circle it is one of the instruments of the avalanche safety service it records dozens of readings several times a day snow and ground temperatures wind direction solar activity and precipitation all those factors affect the snow and its structure the station staff uses them as the basis for political reform casts concerning avalanches. what triggers a sudden movement of snow in the mountains resulting in a formidable natural disaster. finding the answer to that question is the job of scientists to some petersburg's hydra me to relaunch a cool university. one of the factors triggering an avalanche is nothing unusual the operation. even at very low temperature. in the top of the snow escapes into the air. but as it settles on large snowflakes into us. as
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a result snow in the lower turns into large round crystals. just makes the top most slide over the ground pellets. the only way to fight is to get them to move before they begin sliding down. whenever a weather forecast points to snow instability. to prevent the risk of a. blocked ski boots are closed in the area was cordoned off. computer system control movement gas is fed into a bell suspended from a helicopter an operator then triggers a spark in the belt on the gas explodes the shockwave triggers an avalanche.
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this method is widely used in the foothills of the caucasus close to the city of sochi russia's most popular ski resort is situated here. in the world are prone to avalanches and all of them are affected by our launches every single one. slope is avalanche prone if it is steeper than fifteen to twenty degrees. the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics is to take place here in new ski lifts are being built trails are being prepared the downhill routes varying complexity some are just right for budding skiers others pose a challenge to professional sportsmen. the caucasus mountains occupy an area about
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the same size of an average european country. provided with all the necessary facilities take up a small part of the slopes so far it is only possible to reach most of the mountain tops by helicopter going downhill where nobody. his set foot is the ambition of many skiers and snowboarders there is a special term for this costly form of entertainment kelly skiing. to get their wish her well being is what every free rider aspires to it just takes your breath away to ride down the slope after a helicopter. flies he says some out of the way knock in the mountains.
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once we've left the helicopter we have to test the snow. so what this means is well we make it picks to see the pattern of snow fall in the last few weeks. if we see that there's a danger of an avalanche happening that day then we just pack up straightaway and go home when the situation is just right though we follow this route down the mountain. or the wilds of the route the better the smooth short you have so many different routes lying ahead of you so you can choose whichever way you want to go down the mountain pending on the level of skiing your experience and just how good you are. studying and forecasting avalanches is a complicated process with many phases any forecast supplied by the weather station
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can never be certain accurate conclusions are made only after testing the snow cover at a particular point. one layer of the snow is compact the other is loose you can see it is fluffy. but you see if i touch this with my finger it is almost uniform i'm going to see how thick it is. twenty five centimeters of snow drift. snow drift is the lead that moves with the wind from one location to another this type of snow has the weakest bond with the lower layers. when somebody comes to the slope they see such snow but they don't know what it is like underneath it may be packed case it is not to interest what if it is unstable down there you just step on the snow and it slides away from you. if the snow's temperature structure and density are all measured by the specialists to see how the layers bond together they handle the readings right on the spot. the
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test demonstrates that the top layer of the snow drift on the slope is unstable so it may start sliding when skiis or snowboarders ride over it which could then trigger an avalanche so now we're going to designate the area as hazardous and closed to the public. attention of those of you who are keen to scull mountain peaks please be careful according to the avalanche safety center a heightened alert has been declared for the next two days because of an avalanche hazard. or is a ski resort within the arctic circle originally it was meant as a place where the people of the town of killed lost could spend their vacations today tourists from across the country come to visit. we were going there for ten days but trouble struck on the second. memories of what happened then are so vivid in young's mind that it seems as though
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it were just yesterday but in fact several years have passed since the accident in many ways that incident changed his life. but if you look at the slope from below you will see a clearing between the trees it is there because frequent avalanches sweep away trees standing in their path i did not know at the time that the slope was avalanche prone. none of the people who came to that slope could even imagine the outcome. free riders make a special point of looking for wild slopes to ride over virgin snow. for the past ten years you have guinea clipper cough has taken groups of free
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riders from the city of you to the mom i pass on the southern shore of lake baikal . the lake lanier could screech in is the world's largest body of fresh water locals call it to see it is fifteen hundred meters deep in place its. will cover part of the distance over the ice of lake baikal then it will be several kilometers of a winding path in the mountains another ten kilometers along a stream gorge. you could say the place is in the wilderness there isn't any electricity or a decent road that can only be reached either by snowmobile or on foot. on the way to its destination the group registers with the local rescue service. an official of the service and rescue party takes note of its roots the number of
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people involved and approximate date of the group's return if the group fails to turn up on time rescue teams will undergo a search and rescue operation like all other groups of this kind this one is briefed before it continues its journey. i wish to formally warn you of possible avalanches in the mountains you should be on alert especially after lunch time when warmer weather normally causes snow falls also a storm alert has been declared for tomorrow northwesterly winds of up to twenty meters a second. a member of the rescue services joins the clip because the group they go as far as the foothills where the road ends they then cover ten kilometers across low hills with an all terrain vehicle. but before taking a ride from the slopes the group needs to hike up hill on force as no motor vehicles can get up such an implied.
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we're heading toward slopes hidden from the sun because that's where pax knows likely to be able to fortify me. you may begin moving any time now that's why i will go skiing on the shady side close to the forests the snow still holds on. despite the long haul the group of free riders managed to scale the mountain and go downhill on the first day before sunset.
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military base is a network of military bases all around the former something new empire that the united states is trying to insist on issue most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million more than two hundred fifty thousand u.s. troops stationed on these bases all around the. we don't have bases in america we don't have any british base we don't have any korean base we don't have any french bases you know we just all american bases. because they're all bases but for other people it's almost like a cancer here for these people. to. work here to provide a safe and secure environment for everybody. the
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questions they have thing else you get everything you need. for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. and the mission free cretaceous and free transport chargers free. range ones three risk free studio types free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects for free media. dot com. within the arctic circle is russia's northernmost point a group of skiing in the mountains has been hit by. rescuers of the regional rescue
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services receive request for assistance they do not know how long it will take them to reach the scene a lot depends on distance the terrain and weather conditions they have vivid memories of what happened to a group of skiers from some peaches but a few years ago. it is one of those who know all too well the full force of an avalanche feels like. as i approached the edge to get ready for the descent. i was knocked over with such force that my gloves and hat in the shuttle and everything became unfastened. i sensed i was tumbling down at top speed with an enormous mass of something pressing on me it was like being under a stamping press cannot say how long all that lasted through i was told the avalanche was on the move for only four or five seconds but to me it seemed like an
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eternity with enormous blocks of snow and ice reduce everything in their path to smithereens they sweep away trees and destroy buildings at one point i felt as if i was literally bending over backwards with the stress on my spine was so great i thought my back would be broken. then my head was out of the snow. i think my lungs had filled up with snow and i strained to cough it up i remember feeling afterwards that my chest had become lighter to sit. yann was dug up by a companion who had not been caught up in the avalanche rescuers found three more men buried under the snow they were dead quite often it takes several days to find victims buried in an avalanche for me to long proops they used to dig into the snow this is the only method to find a free rider unless he has a radio beacon on it. when the probe hits something soft it's clear that it's
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a victim the sound produced by the probe in that case is also helpful so we begin digging right there in then. félix eva is a doctor with the local rescue team he always joins the team on duty when they go to help avalanche victims his eight kilogram kit contains all the necessary equipment on site reanimation though in practice he rarely needs it according to statistics if victims are stuck in an avalanche to fifteen minutes their chances of survival a fifty percent any longer and there is a sharp drop in the chances of survival. we haven't recovered a buried survivor from an avalanche around here in the past ten years. intense preparations for the winter olympics have cut the number of urgency lopes in the vicinity of. the freeriding the results rescuers will be hard put to recall
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the last time they dealt with avalanche related incidents. and ten ice to counter the snow on the mountain slopes the visible part of what is otherwise covered with snow the weather stations days or is continuously supplied to an online computer of the resorts avalanche control. the station measures snow depth temperature humidity we characteristics solar radiation and atmospheric pressure. and more allow us to forecast avalanches put you. in. the zone looking pipes on mountaintops a part of the results of a safety system. failing to so-called shelters booths containing gas cylinders with oxygen propane. no ok everything's in order here for shelter oxygen and propane is fed to an empty
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avalanche come through special pipes and operators sets off the gas mixture by pressing a button. in the old days all resorts use guns or mortars to fight avalanches they would be brought to a slope and fired at a designated target nowadays they're gradually falling into disuse. we have resolved the problem by taking on purely ecological systems used elsewhere in the world. cup they don't damage the ground either in summer or in winter. they simply remove the snow whenever we want to get rid of it or get on. a computer at the avalanche control service receive signals from automatic weather stations twenty four hours a day irrespective of weather conditions the figures are then analyzed. if
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necessary the operator uses the same computer to set a small avalanche in motion which cannot do any harm. which as we say any slate compose an avalanche has a. avalanches make even the most unlikely places that. police skiing enthusiastic take every possible precaution but they can never be fully guaranteed against being caught in an avalanche. of them is that when you get on the fresh snow it's already under stress but you make things worse by adding your weight to it on top of venice or you cutting the snow with your skis and only a combined myself an avalanche. normally the going will do the job himself of testing the snow and if he senses the possibility of an avalanche he might deliberately force the snow to get moving. if the it's a boy if you cut into the snow in front of me that doesn't mean it won't snap
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behind he's trudel first break up front little crack behind you to you no matter whether you've done the cutting or somebody else has done it for you if you know what it is what it. scientists in some pieces of research the peculiarities of the mountains ice and snow there is also surprising as it turns out an ice rupture generates a radio wave the can be located. i mean the most interesting thing about it is that radio frequency emissions take place shortly before sharing. this means it's possible to focused as well as record. this can be done if only for a short time before just an hour or so you. experiments for the snow by the scientists have also demonstrated that during at an avalanche two emits radio waves . here tonight that is that radio missions are generated by small snow crystals
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rubbing against one another as a reserve and pointing to the existence of radio frequency radiation even in the visible range these people have seen light coming from not time avalanches were going. for the time being it is possible to focused avalanches only a few seconds ahead special radio receivers they used for the purpose. mounted on my on the southern side of lake baikal is known for its fluffy snow it is light soft and powdery freeriding fans need to demonstrate highly professional skills in such conditions otherwise one uncertain move may land you waist deep in the snow along the untamed slopes of fault with the numerous risks for the novice.
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there you can see a large area covered with snow there were lots of trees there five years ago a big avalanche in december swept away everything in its way. places a constant reminder of the threat posed by avalanches. free riders from neighboring towns have built cabins in the foothills of mount my they spend weekends here there is nothing inside apart from stoves tables and makeshift beds the cabins are almost buried in snow which makes them look like big snow drifts with smoking chimneys before they get to the mountaintop free ride to
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spend a good deal of time scrambling along with skis on their backs. yes you may not like it here if you enjoy sliding down hill you're unlikely to enjoy going uphill on foot completely nor are you likely to be very keen to stoke the coals in the stove even during the night here you can leave without wearing snowshoes to cope with it you really need to love it this landscape this forest this weather and this permanent snow fall.
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