tv [untitled] June 13, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am PDT
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because of the appeals to get everything you needed. if you just joined us from watching nightly live from moscow these are the top stories the looming fuel crisis in libya sparks anger against nail military action tankers are regularly targeted in the alliances ongoing airstrikes to neutralize colonel gadhafi forces. israel faces an energy shortage as it did threatens to rethink the gas supply investigators are looking into allegations that a deal signed by mubarak's regime fails to meet national interests. japan says six
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more workers out of the human employer plans have been exposed to radiation during the official total to eight meanwhile scientists warn that levels of determination for the area are higher than those following the task. and in terms dispute between russia nato over the u.s. plans anti-missile to fans shield in europe is seeing little progress r.t. caught up with dr hughes of but from the federation of american scientists who believes it will take both sides to make the system work. the world florence on missile defense has been calling on for quite some time now the thing russian being wise with washington saying we need powerful interceptors against a potential attack from some dangerous state that usually named iran or north korea also saying why do you need interceptors for weapons that those rogue states don't
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have what we do so it's against russia the russians view america's missile defense plan as an attempt to punish that very precious parity principle that was said in the start treaty and now the federation of american scientists come up with a report that looks seem to russia's concerns and i'm joined by use a lot from that very thread of aeration thank you very much for joining me dr but thank you very much for that so from what i understand russians are not against us they are against the more advanced and the more people wise could you expand on that. we started to study a couple of months ago to look into the technical side of what might be behind russia's concerns so there's an art in the west has been russia is ideologically opposed to middle missile defense so that they're more concerned with the bases in poland and romania but we want to see if there's something besides that perhaps poland and romania are here for influence but we wanted to see if there's actual
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technical concerns and what we what we found. the phrase a dr of approach to missile defense is broken up into two parts number one and number two where the low. potency interceptors the block long interceptors are online and phases three and four were the higher speed interceptors will be brought online and our analysis shows if the system is reconfigured a little bit but it will have some ability against russian i.c.b.m. so there is some. jim a concern from from the russian side as to the technical ability in principle off the system being able to intercept russian i.c.b.m. i'd like to explain to viewers so they have got the missile defense plan that we are talking about and that is now for discussion it is the four stage plan and the two phases of wage they have and they think envision the installation of this and three into separate from the lower capability the last two phases of more
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capability and it is the last two phases that thought the russians and in the report you argue that the u.s. doesn't really need the last two phases could you expand on that in fact. it's sort of a paradox because. even neither of the first phases nor the second phases would really have an ability against rogue state i.c.b.m.'s anybody who can make. a list of missiles can also put decoys on the missiles to overcome the differences you can put for instance inflatable bloom's that appear to the radar sensors into the. imaging sensors on the intercept vehicle as warhead so you overwhelm the system so it's easy to defeat the system and you won't be getting anything extra by going to the higher potency interceptors the block through interceptors which are due to come online after twenty eighteen so neither the first two phases nor the
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second two phases will have much inherent ability. against. the rogue state threat i want to add to what you're saying and i read an excerpt from the report and it's their decision to proceed with space three and four of the feet and that's the well resulting in apparent paradox it says defenses that will provide little or no actual combat effectiveness but with technical and quantity of uncertainties that will cost conscious russian plan is to treat them as if they might work and try. i could react by increasing their stockpiles and or blocking teaching you play our instructions ways the united states this in turn will have far ranging implications for global security so the report in the report you make two very important points a that the effectiveness of the interceptors is arguable from a scientific point of view and b. that this could push the russians and possibly the chinese to try and restore some
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kind of balance by arming themselves more of these things but those arguments can be could be discarded by decision makers in washington as well apparently they have already. it's sort of a puzzle because the system itself has never actually been tested under realistic conditions so it's never actually been you know for instance the missiles that incorporate countermeasures and decoys it's never really been tested against that the timing test has always been known to the intercept team so the intercept team knows exactly the trajectory that. that the missile is incoming on and they know the exact timing so of course in the case of north korea or iran that will not be the case furthermore most seriously perhaps the most of the system is based on ships now these ships have never been tested in rough weather in fact when. the u.s. a run ninety three satellite was being intercepted
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a few years back it was called off for a couple of days because the weather was too rough for the for the cruisers so this is a known weakness in the system and you know from the planners side they have to see perhaps there will be some technological surprise in the future maybe they'll be many more interceptors maybe they'll be a different administration so from the military planners in china and russia they have to pretend or plan for the worst pretend like the system works where is it can be easily overcome and has never been realistically. yes the russians have been quite persistent in forgiveness and in saying ok if it's not against us let's do it together let's build a defense shield together in europe but response that. the response again has always been a polite no play no you know they are told yes we will cooperate but not on equal terms what do you make money well. you know i think it's been in some ways
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it's a natural response because. it's hard to get full cooperation when russia is not officially part of nato but i would say even both in the u.s. and in russia the people asking for cooperation before you do. the most important thing is to make sure the system works you know you don't want to cooperate on something that can easily be defeated by iran or north korea it's important to understand that these intercepts of the missile occur in space so there's no air resistance there so you can spread out any kind of balloons shards of metal and all of these things travel with the warhead in space because there's no resistance so you're. can deceive the defenses very simply so i would say before all the political people asking for cooperation. go too far this
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should be a study of whether this system can in fact work in real combat conditions not in a very rigid test as it's been conducted today but still you know you see in the report you touch upon a technical aspect for russia's concerns but from what i've been covering from what i understand the more important part of precious frustration over america its missile defense is that refusal to say yes to thought for a shame on a fourth term and. do you think. that should be part of the discussion. surely it should be part of the discussion and it should but you know if there is a priority first you get a system that works and then you cooperate on it so i think there's a time for cooperation but before that perhaps we can get maybe make it work together you know yeah exactly so we could get the technical people in russia together with the technical people in the us and we can all brainstorm on ideas but
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but that's not happening so you know there's various people have proposed different systems that might work. and my team my colleague has proposed a drone base system so you'd have drones circling around north korea for instance and this wouldn't be a threat to russia of course because it's located around north korea and when they see a missile being launched they were captured before it releases its warhead in space then they could home in on the hot exhaust coming out of the you know the boosting missile it's called the boost phase defense but apparently it's not been picked up by the pentagon and it's not being studied by anybody else so i think we need to get the technical people to cooperate once the good system is there then we can get the political people perhaps to cooperate. there is an opinion that there is this hawkish mentality that flourished under the bush administration pushing for more
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defense spending and many say it continues. east think that a costly missile defense program arguable effectiveness could be pushed forward by this kind of hawkish mentality rather than clean security grounds. i mean surely there is inertia in the system when the bush plan was first discarded by president obama when he came into power there was a lot of hope that the new system would be more agreeable to the russians but now that we have actual number. if you look at the congressional research service reports it would be four hundred forty interceptors based on forty three ships now these are mobile platforms and that is part of the problem so instead of being less of a concern going from the bush administration to the obama administration the. this has raised all sorts of red flags in. the new system.
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there's something interesting i've read. the house defense bill and it finds and mandated to administration to conduct a study on the technical and operational feasibility of space based interceptors that's from one of the papers here space based interceptors that sounds an awful lot like reagan's. plans to the american physical society conclude it was a hoax but nonetheless billions of dollars were spent on research he thinks that the current self defense program also could turn into the hole where money goes and disappears despite what the scientists are saying well space based differences have been proven to be not a feasible idea because you would need so many interceptors and these would be in orbit now people have an idea that things are stationary in orbit they're not in low earth orbit they're moving very fast so they're not over any one region for very long and the consequence of that is that you need many many many interceptors
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and for instance a whole you can create a hole in the defenses by just shooting a prior missile to get the local interceptors to intercept and then for the future you have a big hole in your defense that you can. that you can use to send a missile through so scientists know that why are they spending money on it and i think as far as i know there is not actually money being spent right now on developing it but there is no defense to lotteries that there's. buddying the concept they're not actually building it as far as i know at the moment but it's definitely proven proven to be a non feasible idea and it's not just the american physical society various x. officers technical officers of the air force and u.s. air force have also looked into it and shown that it's it's overly expensive and it's very easy to defeat again thank you thank you very much. for the.
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seeing from the streets of canada. chunk operations or the day. the looming fuel prices in the b.s. parts anger against military action tankers are regularly targeted then the alliance is ongoing airstrikes to neutralize colonel gadhafi forces. israel faces an energy shortage as egypt threatens to rethink the gas supply investigators are looking into allegations that the deal signed by mubarak's regime fails to meet the interests. of pants a six more workers at the fukushima nuclear plants have been exposed to radiation bringing the official told to eight meanwhile scientists warned that the levels of contamination in the area are higher and those following her novel task.
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force of data here andrew and another russian football manager could bite the dust we're hearing that's right. could be the next to do the same with. job firmly on the line with details just stuff that gets. hello there thanks for watching the sport and this is what is coming up over the next few minutes when all be sacked eric boss a group hall is handed the ultimatum by changing media rounds and kids hero. class from the brink and be very fired from the set down again show will free to songs or to win his second title a queen. and jubilant homecoming champions dallas returned to texas after that n.b.a.
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triumph. terex new coach who says he shocked by the club's threats will be sacked if his side during winter night they are third from boston and the russian premier league and travel to just above them a little ride less than five months ago on an eighteen month deal but in a statement on the club's website terry president and chechen leader and son could veer off said enough is enough and insists while it will be sacked if he does not get three points the saving adding the dutchman had the opportunity to sign a new place when he arrived but chose not to. fall in love again is this evening manager's locker might see face but now it's examining jenny to play roscoe bean and detained in our moscow well in boulder top post at last go that incapacity that place both inside korea while league leaders t.-a still moscow welcomes second prize and the angie's new signing though but few jack won't be playing in tonight's game although he will be there to watch either twenty four year old midfielder
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signed from dutch giants pearce beyond yesterday on a four year deal he won't start training with angie until july. so to scout with a chance to put it. between themselves and angie at the top of the table this evening and spread the appetite ahead of tonight's action let's have a quick. last friday. of eric it is. live . live.
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midfielder was speaking at a charity event in siberia following russia's recent polish for with cameroon in a friendly. for everyone wants to qualify for euro two really twelve first all the players do and of course i will finance because ukraine and poland are close to russia and we will work hard to achieve this but let's wait until september and october frankly we're not playing in the best at the moment but we're still among the leaders of the group tough questions with message only ireland and head and the police at the european finals will be decided in these measures. i mean russia could do with a pep talk from formula one sebastian vettel after just coming second at the canadian grand prix he's been training with the new york red bull soccer and their former arsenal star t.r.e. on rain either side are currently on top of the major league soccer's eastern conference no small thanks to to henri he's been banging them in with seven goals
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from eleven matches but despite his magic touch he still don't like to be bethel's help on the training pitch and hopes the appearance of red bull's f one star will inspire the pace to win some silverware. that's all you want you want to win and i would sooner we didn't really missing your soul you know i mean him around and he's going to bring us a bit of luck to win something and force you know we're full on being successful. and we're trying to follow the example guys to see come over here and see what they do is the first time i actually had an. idea with their professional players on the on the field and it's amazing you know it's small things that you probably don't see from the outside but how they move and how quickly. you know within one two steps compared to me obviously or just the whole before. now there is just one final warm up tournament left before wimbledon starts next week russia's top tennis
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player is one of the over among the stars competing at least all she plays britain's heather watson this afternoon and says it will be a crucial few days before the third grand slam of the year gets underway. it is an important tournament you always want to play few matches before you you had into the grand slams especially since we didn't have a long break after the french open then i didn't get the chance to play in the tournament on the grass so. differently. because it's a good preparation for. you know already you know trying to focus and build. my game so i can perform the best they can the next also i want to try to play good tennis this week as well but also playing is serena williams it's her first tournament since damaging a ligament in her foot after celebrating her fourth wimbledon siva last year that injury in turn lead to blood clots on her lungs which she has made
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a full recovery and saw her sister venus win her game against it yesterday it's arenas turn today. on a former world number one like to get back out on call. a wonderful role in girls. seem quite worked out. maybe try to play another a bit. i don't usually warm up tournaments before when muslim males will figure i can play in about a year so maybe i. will probably smart for me to play a world tour and where better to play them a nice more affluent year before. we have to release the results. well britain's number one and being mary has had the perfect preparation he claimed his second queen's title in three years coming from a set down to be free to tsonga it took him six six three the second one went with murray easily gaining a hand in that i break and maintained his momentum to break the french in the fifth
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game and even had a cheek to tease his opponent there with the between the legs where that the net then held on to the set and the match six four to be the light of the home crowd so . for frank murray throwing down the coolant to his opponents as the grass court season approaches its climax. next week. it was an unbelievable week for me started off not playing great but just by my way through the last two matches were so much. i think on behalf of. chris and everyone who runs it's it's everyone that came out. i hope not many of your bosses saw you on the t.v. today. i think so much for coming along as an unbelievable atmosphere really really enjoyed it today. finally over in the states n.b.a. champions and dallas mavericks have been. coming off the beach in miami to claim the title for the first time i touched down in tallahassee that plane was given i
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moved the gun salute and then they were greeted by hundreds of fans only mark the band walked off first followed by finals m.v.p. to stay the night with have a celebration per right have been revealed command has pledged to pay for it himself as the city of dallas has a thirty two million dollars budget gap. so these the school for the moment we've got more a bit later on that excites the sport it's there but. hungry for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get the cuban voice face to face with the news makers.
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