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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT

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market. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on. the fisher thin crust. spicy or mild oh spicy well we sure learned a lot about their personal tastes but pizza pies aside what about the real issues and one hundred six along to get their. girls. were strewn with burn commuters resignation as for the reserve chairman mr bernanke you all complied with our request and the hacker group anonymous and other activists are taking on the federal reserve and big banks today but as i went actually listening and will it be enough to change the system. need to need to damaged our city destroyed our
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life they told us they want to save people is that the way to seize the people tell me. well nato is fueling anger from the libyan civilians of they're supposed to be protecting so just what is it that what is it like to live in wartime limbo artie's on the ground that will bring you before the report. welcome back it's tuesday june fourteenth i'm lucy kept up in washington d.c. and you're watching our t.v. . now yesterday was the second time that this country got a chance to glimpse some of the men and one woman who say they can do a much better job than obama as president of the united states so how do the g.o.p. hopefuls spare and c.n.n. do a good job of keeping them on track now keep in mind that it was a recent c.n.n. poll that showed that forty eight percent of americans believe that another great depression may hit in the next year or so it was probably safe to assume that
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c.n.n. asked the most hard hitting syria's most important questions right let's take a look. well those are johnny cash oh it's really tough coke or pepsi coke leno conan. probably one of blackberry or i phone blackberry blackberry it is deep dish for thin crust. spicy mild oh spicy guess what the stores are american idol american idol maybe we'll have to have an american idol contest saying. i'm sorry what unemployment just went up past nine point one percent cap of all unemployed americans have been out of work for at least six months if not more forty four million americans are in food stamps to us home sales have dropped six point three trillion dollars since the housing crisis began and if it is printing dollars like twenty paper and we're asking the next potential president of the united states about pizza well joining me now to make sense of this debate is heather simran and completely mispronouncing that's
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a letter to sir most thorough she's a conservative political commentator and strategist as well as air campaign founder of the agenda project in our new york studio ladies thank you so much for taking the time to us speak with us how they're all start with you. as a conservative american these are potentially the men and the woman that stand in line to lead this country what do you make of the debate did you hear what you wanted to hear from them what i think it was great that it started off with a concentration on jobs which as a conservative home usa poll recently showed that conservatives think that their own candidates have not been focusing on enough and congressional republicans have not been focusing on not they're getting the medicare plan and they're saying we like that idea that's been suggested by ryan but there's not enough focus on jobs so even though your lead in made the. statement that there was a lot of fluff there was also a lot of substance and they start off with substance of against it but i mean i do have to make a point before they got to the foreign policy stuff which is also pretty important this day and age we talked about abortion and gay marriage and all the hot button
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social issues that i thought were better of left in the two thousand and four presidential campaign but erica what did you make of the debate and what did you hear and what did you wish you heard. oh i have i'm. crestor crust and it's just these are all snow. which is all and so some of those dangerous many hours old spice to me is going to be a little bit boring because essentially republicans are basically on just talking and seems like they're directed master strategist karl rove. and they're going to focus on attacking obama but i mean should choose the should the reason be about attacking each other or should we talk about the solutions that this country needs i mean i heard you know a lot about taxes are bad the obama plan is bad but i didn't hear a lot of serious details about how these candidates are going to lift us out of the economic state that we're in let's remember the format was quite strange that they
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have thirty second responses and most of these candidates do not speak and speak in very second sound bite was it. also these were not all the candidates we still have other candidates are probably going to emerge and as we've seen also people are still waiting for chris christie or rick perry or a paul ryan to appear because none of these candidates seem to be able to defeat obama so we're just at the bare beginning of a campaign season there's a lot more that's going to happen and they did the best they could but they had an america what do you think should we take any of the folks on the stage seriously could we be seeing the next nominee there or is it more about the folks who have been left off of this past debate. well. just real. political insiders. are trying to decide which finds its way back and which finds. not and so that was where i think the shock and was there and we had people who were going to do with
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a certain be catalyzed process. of what you really site yesterday. a lot of the money people are going to start is all they really care about the state where and how they're what do you think of romney's performance i mean in some ways he almost let the other guys go at it he had bachmann talk about a looming the e.p.a. and he made ron paul make the points about you know withdrawing all the troops immediately and sort of got to stand back and but these other folks dominate with a more i guess not i don't know if you say fringe you perspectives but the less mainstream perspective did he succeed in making himself look these seem like the front runner well no doubt polls seem to show that he the front runner people think that he is most electable now do most people trust him that's the big question that was broached a little bit last night john king tried to throw a wrench in everything by saying used to be you know pro abortion and now you're pro-life and i was like we don't really want to talk about that right now but the
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reality is that the american people or at least the republicans are kind of wondering whether mitt romney can be trusted and that's why i think michele bachmann was a star last night because she has a proven track record of being consistently conservative and the other ones aren't as center waiting and twenty is also really conservative but. he is this news so it's hard you know it's hard for people to really get excited about somebody who is so boring and erica has a democratic strategist would romney be an ideal candidate would that be a really easy for the democrats to sort of point out all the inconsistency is in trying to defeat or would that be a serious challenge. i think running to be a tough talker can have a. chance of being trustworthy and it will be side by side that we consistently see from conservatives it is interesting to take take on the exact wrong track as you are trying to fix our economic situation and when you look back and you say well hostage situation right now out of the first place tax cuts second
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bush tax cuts that we can't work and so i now have a chance of being trustworthy and you can certainly trust them to cut medicare down as far as they can possibly get with our voted out of office and we can trust them to continue to get tax breaks to billionaires as they've got already while we continue to buy a car and a structure and our roads our bridges and those kinds of things we need to go to a stronger economy while we watch them crumble so that if you're a small number of people can get our tax cuts. i mean how do i see you shaking your head right well obviously there are no democrats but it's not on the ground you know they were all agreed the republicans on last night's debate that we need to make some cuts and that's not easy to do i don't like making any cuts in my budget i like the status quo and you have americans at a crossroads we have to make some cuts and i think republicans have some great ideas on the table but democrats don't the president does not and we need to make
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some quick hard decisions in order to see our economy restored we all agree that we have to. tell you how i don't know that it is that hard to just chant to me or you all of these don't seem to think it's that hard decision to change to go to eighty. eight and last my three years and you know one thing you know i was saying no no one saying that i mean five year old dylan is going to be cut off here talking about this new jersey crime. you saw exactly how bad it was going to be quickly so when you say what a hard decisions about medicare let's just do what you're saying is why go. all right. you're going to hold more than a million are serious. we have right now as to. why they're saying stop i think the best moments last night in the bay it was herman cain who said this is not about us this is about the future of our grandchildren the days of the future and we're not
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talking about a six year old women in medicare we're talking about getting people who are now in their fifty's money to set aside to buy their own health insurance and that's so much better isn't going to go you know it'll just interrupt for a minute i want both of you guys to have your say but i want to go want to time but but what about this idea of you know sort of taking the privatized road to everything does that really pan out i mean we keep these in the republican party we keep talking about this trickle down theory that you know if the rich are allowed to or the wealthy americans the business creators are allowed to perform at will then somehow all of those benefits will trickle down if we have you know medicare that that's. health care that that somehow comes out of private funding that somehow this will be taken care of the society but haven't we seen that the government does need to step in and help the weaker americans because those benefits have been trickle down yet there is a role for government but it is far smaller than the big government that we've come
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to rely upon and we've become we've come to rely on at our peril it doesn't do us very good meat it does not do a very good job of taking care of us and so we find we are feeding into a system that is broken and most americans i believe would rather have the money themselves to make choices good choices and for those who don't have the money we take care of those people no one is arguing that everyone phones for themselves and the weak die that it's not what the republicans are all about. if i can turn to you i mean if we if we go by that line of thinking let's just say the fema issue was brought up at the debate yesterday if you were living in new orleans and there was god forbid another katrina would you feel comfortable with private private industry stepping in to help you as opposed to the federal government or the state. i think i. always does and public sector entities you know there are some business is so to speak that are just not
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profitable it is not profitable to provide health insurance for my i am not in the year old grandmother or you know that is not a profitable business and so if you try and put it into the private sector where there is solely a profit so private business is too much to take care of my grandmother before she passed away with a job that it is to me is how to make profits. it is more than what you stand and see my grandmother in two thousand dollars worth of medical care the private businesses are going to get a great trick i say they can take actually record hours so when i get out what are things i watch turned over to the top five things that you. taking here growing up and how they are if i can ask you i mean we're talking about making serious decisions in this country serious fiscal choices to set this country on a better fiscal path i haven't heard any of the candidates talk about lowering the military budget or defense spending which is also huge what's your take on that and
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do you wish that they be targeting that isn't as easily as social security or medicare or medicaid i believe that there's pork everywhere that can be cut i do know though that conservatives definitely want to tread lightly when it comes to our military because they don't want to see their actions or to be misconstrued as being against the fence of our nation which is number one priority defense of our nation and that is not to say that you know the wars that we're involved in that we should continue being involved in them or that you know i want it to be about whether they're justified or not the fact is if we were in them we had a complete and complete it well and so that's why i think going into that is kind of a thorny issue because of what we're doing right now we don't want to get this message that we're anti-military because we're definitely not we're pro defend its military presence that is not before but even if that leads us into. i'm of the mind and when you saw and you saw some of that debate last night you saw a ron paul who is definitely more conservative when it comes to getting involved in foreign affairs he pretty much said you know he'd like to get us out of everything
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and not be the savior of country so there is debate among the republican candidates and they going to see that more and more especially with ron paul definitely is the lone ranger a lot of times on these issues right and eric a very quickly i'll give you the last word i would like to bring up just when we're talking about security. i have a hard sell it to security. chiefs here. and there's no way we can pull more secure and make sure it. is funded a our security that. is protected because what are. people well a lot of issues to discuss fortunately or fortunately depending on who you ask i think they'll be a lot more debates as well thank you both so much for taking time to speak with you those who are there certain of the conservative political commentator and strategist as well as erica payne founder of the agenda project all right well governments multinational corporations and global institutions all seem to be
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losing the battle against computer hackers and the u.s. senate yesterday joining the international monetary fund sony as well as google and the growing list of hacking victims but also growing as a number of so-called hacktivists which is the anonymous corrupt collector of say that they're simply trying to hold corrupt officials accountable now in their latest campaign dubbed operation of our state rebellion anonymous once federal reserve chairman ben bernanke you to resign over what they say are economic crimes against the american people so are these guys villains or just the pseudo robin hood's of cyberspace laurie harvest of the resident dot net to the streets of the big apple to find out. so many intend even the f.b.i. it seems like no one is safe from hackers these days i do however punks heroes or villains this week let's talk about that. they are heroes because. everything they are they are a product of the security systems so what if a robber or
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a bank robber is technically a. professional enough to get into a bank does that make him a hero to. the police department goes into certain things and the government goes into certain things probably i would put that on the same level as i would someone who goes in and hacks into a site they're not supposed to be on their harvest which are five things kind of the logical points and harkness were just doing illegal activities. just. done really to open the lens to things that should be i don't have that much of a problem is that it's so subjective though why are we in trusting thieves essentially making that kind of a judgment call. these that's a strong word well they're going to take in people simply information good or bad for the good or bad well if you're if you're going in in your taking a lot of credit card numbers and credit card accounts and doing that type of thing
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. you're using that information again her private citizens and i don't think that's a good thing have you ever had your personal information had i have actually yeah you know and i felt. so violated and trying to control the information that it's just. it's awful feeling oh i think it's going to get worse much worse because i have five daughters ranging from twenty three down to twelve years old and they're yet you know they don't think anything's ever going to happen to them and they're out there with all of it even though the warnings from here. since they're the next generation so have you have you caught them putting stuff out there you like don't put that out there addresses cell phone numbers yeah whether you think hackers are villains or heroes the bottom line is if you have information in a database someplace consider yourself a potential target. all
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right well joining me now for more from our los angeles studio is nomi prins journalist and senior fellow at demos she's also the author of this book it takes a pillage and i think tale of power to seek and untold trillions now we great to have you back on this program now and before we get to the broader economic picture here are these protests they were supposed to be a new revolution of sorts you know regular americans banding together with hackers to create change where the the government our leaders failed and they had like four people turn out what's your take. you know that's part of the bigger problem that we don't have. a centralized kind of kind of understanding of exactly how. it works like anonymous an am status and stuff have been trying to put forth which is that there was a crime committed against. the united states population whether it whether they are democrats republicans liberal conservative doesn't matter but basically there was
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a movement of wealth from. really the people individuals up into the banking institutions and the vigils that run them and sort of the contingent that has the most power and influence from wall street up through washington through the fed through the treasury department and so forth and i think the problem is the connection or the understanding that connection how what happened in washington the decisions that were made during the economic crisis period of financial crisis period of the fall of two thousand and eight and since then really have impacted and been the actual cause behind a lot of the job loss and the foreclosure issues and the lending problems that have the phone the rest of the population it's there is still a disconnect and and there are groups that are trying to make that clear but when it comes in to getting those people in the streets who then have that clear understanding of what is going on and how it has impacted them how they have the power to perhaps change that at least make their voices heard against that that's
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where there's still a growing movement and it isn't the kind of thousands of people you see in the streets for example in certain countries in europe or what we saw in the middle east and you know it's interesting because you talked about some of the decisions that were made when when the financial crisis that happened then of course we all saw the republican debate that took place last night and before they got to their very exciting hot button issues of abortion and gay marriage and pizza crusts and i phones they did talk a lot about economics and i found one one interesting point made by a new great gingrich i think we have that sound bite a little of. i think we can play that right now the congress this year this next week i want to repeal the frank bill go to repeal the sarbanes actually bill to start creating jobs right now because for those fourteen million americans this is a depression now now no i mean what's your reaction to that because it seems to me that what we're saying here is the regulation is responsible for the current dire financial situation and yet wasn't it the lack of regulation that led to this whole
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mess. yeah absolutely that that's such a twisting of what happened it was it was the lack of regulation it was the repeal initially of the glass steagall act in one thousand nine hundred nine which allow banks to basically play on all sides of the table to take in invest to take in individual deposits to provide loans at egregious conditions to homeowners and to borrowers to basically package up those loans that they've been given out into another part of the back in trade against them and and have hedge funds and private equity funds and other banks throughout the world leverage the assets they created on the back of these loans from individuals all of that happened because of the deregulation of the financial system and so for for newt gingrich you or anyone and this is still an issue that's not clearly understood by many democrats and sort of a bipartisan disconnect to say that it's an issue with regulation not being.
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regulation being too much and not enough and not understanding what exactly the banking system did to the rest of the country will be a point from which you can't really fix anything so it's miscommunication it's a disconnect you can't fix anything from there he is right there is an economic depression going on in this country that he is correct about but it's certainly not because there's been too much regulation or because the dot frank bill brings in more regulation because the dodd frank bill is a very very very weak bill that doesn't do anything to really really slap the financial system back into place to bring back last eagle to break up the too big to fail banks or to take back from them all of the trillions of dollars that was given in subsidies in order to have them float while the rest of the economy is sinking i know you mentioned that the democrats are necessarily any better on this issue than the republicans and as a former goldman sachs employee executive i want to see. these investment banks see a difference in the two parties or are they sort of hedging their bets and getting
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in close as they can with whoever's in power regardless of the are or the deal at the end of their name. yeah the investment banks more so as years go by and have more money and more lobbying power and more influence really pick the side that's going to be more that they deem will be the most powerful so whether it was the democrat side when obama was running for president and when goldman sachs was his number two contributor to his candidacy for a corporate perspective or what will be happening in the next election period in two thousand and twelve what wall street will do a poll will do is figure out where they think they can put the most money to get back the most influence they don't care whether the person is republican or democrat what they care is who's going to win and who's going to be in power and how they can influence that power well it's a dog eat dog is active doesn't matter as a dog eat dog world and i hope you'll be back on to help our viewers figure out whom to vote for and how to get out of this mess because it's certainly seems like the parties aren't really really looking out for the actual people there was no
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reprints journalist and author of it takes a pillage now as media tells the world to appear for a post put off the air a coalition bombs continue to blitz the libyan capital critics say that nato tactics are punishing civilians who happen to live in government controlled areas you know fuel sections of lead to long lines at gas stations that stretch for miles now it's a scenario that's been made much worse tankers become a regular target for airstrikes or he's marine for notional reports on the civilians who've been caught up in the brutal conflict. it's may have some of the largest oil reserves on the planet but these days labor is also god some of the longest queues at his pastoral stations international sanctions imposed on them battled colonels regime to not include a few and bargo at majors targeting tanka laura's if this part of the fuel might be used by gadhafi is military forces with roads closed factories at a stop and foreign workers long since gone from the war stricken country live is
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facing its worst and injury crisis ever the new reality is ordinarily been drivers now spend vast amounts of time queuing for few months ago this became a common leader in the l.h. country people have been lining up to fill up their cars even days but this line is a little different compared to most the gas station at the end of life here is women only and barker is a universe to student and has volunteered here to help organize the crisis she stamps a few russian boots which allow individuals thirty five liters a week she believes it's a great idea to have women only stations. all asian in fact women have too many things to do they don't fight each other while queuing and never should enjoy the year is now in doing so we're able to serve up to nine hundred cars a day for the lot of the alchemy this line is longer others are even longer petrels
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to cheaper than water here just a few cents for litter it's just that is often in short supply. if there is no fuel we have two large cars and returned and. it could be days. women only gas stations is one of many innovations supposed to ease people's lives in the country and cares there are also special plans for ambulances and police cars. on the needle surrounded us but we should move on. we try to do our best to help people get by if we give up will die and see the love of those seeking to oust colonel gadhafi they have been hoping the hardships will incite people to rise up against their leader but instead it only seems to be fueling people's hatred towards what they feel is western imperialism and. nato damaged our city destroyed our life they told us they want to save people is that the way to seize the people
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tell me this is just a cry and. while the warring sides try to find their way out of months of devastation conflict ordinary people are looking for a way to just leave the every day lives dreaming about times when these nightmare would be with a distant memory. tripoli. well former u.s. congresswoman and former presidential candidates and their mckinney went to libya on a non-governmental fact finding mission to see exactly what's going on the ground she believes that the bombardment of libyan cities and other measures taken by nato are causing massive civilian casualties are she is maria for national service sat down with her and here's what she had to say. libya could become somalia one in the reaction of the people to. the possibility of foreign ground troops here i don't think that is going to be
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anything that is welcome by anything anyone other than the libyan nato allies who are called the rebels why is nato bombing universities why of a bombing compounds where people gathered to express their joy and love and concern for their leader i don't know why nato is choosing these targets but these are civilian targets and when civilian targets are beyond that we have criminal activity we are seeing here is a kind of collective punishment as well where nato is preventing. shipments of fuel and food and medicine to come in this is a nato policy and this is also a policy of collective punishment this is targeting the civilian population and whenever you target a civilian population you're committing
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a crime when i go back to the states i'm going to try and aspect question why why is this happening certainly it is not for humanitarian reasons because what is being caused by nato is a humanitarian catastrophe and they have said. colonel gadhafi is a legitimate target this murder and i don't think that there's anywhere that murder is permitted this is targeted assassination this is an extrajudicial killing. this goes against international law international humanitarian law international human rights life every aspect of it of the law and so now has nato become a murder machine. and strong words from congresswoman mckinney you can watch that vote.


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