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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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on a larger scheme to brainwash americans a liberal agenda i figured it out and if you couldn't bother to think to get back things you can back. into it only a military mechanism can do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. get us some better see the story and it seems so sorely sleep you think you understand it and then he lives something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you saw you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. says.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think even when the well. we never government says they're going to keep you safe get ready for freedom. for five ft. five.
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all right it's time for show and tell on tonight's program last time we discussed leon panetta is shift to become the secretary of defense we want to know if you thought his leadership would lead to any real cuts coming from the pentagon let's go to producer richardson essentially to find out what our viewers have to say. we defense representing half of all federal discretionary spending it looks like an overweight sitting duck for budget cutters we wanted to know if you felt leon panetta might really succeed at cutting pentagon costs and actually not surprisingly regardie of our viewers believe nothing will change i knew two blue
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low told us the pentagon will only show cuts with the right hand holding more of the left tom barrett called it smoke and mirrors he said panetta would never be considered if this mission was to cut spending first morgan said any real cuts at the pentagon you can't be serious then there's hourly riza who believes there will be in just enough cuts to fake a campaign move well think about this there's no way the u.s. can continue to fight wars on multiple fronts and do it after a proposed four hundred billion dollars drop in military budget too many people have jobs on the line and like other government branches no one seems able or even willing to adjust any downsizing so maybe this is just more toothless rhetoric after all. as always we thank you for your responses and here's our next topic for you we just spoke about last night's g.o.p. debate what was and what wasn't included so i want to know what you think what question was left out and what should have been asked of the republican candidates you can respond with on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your isp. that
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just might make it on air. now when you watch some of the most popular television shows do you feel like you're being brainwashed to conform to a liberal agenda and the argument we hear from conservatives regarding hollywood and even the news all the time that there's a liberal bias now there's a book that tells the story of quotes how television has been used over the past sixty years by hollywood writers producers actors and executives to promote their liberal ideals to push the envelope on social and political issues and it's shaped america and their own leftist image those are the words of author ben shapiro and these are just a few of his main targets shows like sesame street that seventy's show the mary tyler moore show and glee. let me see what are simply just there's something now gee i wonder what this could be her don't tell me don't tell me are still kind of soft and fluffy why.
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oh ok. well religion either. i have to say this but you're not allowed to ask that when someone find a job. against the law i want to call it. it doesn't matter if you love him or capital. just put your. so is there any truth to open rights and how do you get so many hollywood insiders to open up here discuss this with me is ben shapiro author of the book primetime propaganda the true hollywood story of how the left over in your t.v. ben thanks so much for being here and much for having me now ok so obviously we showed a few examples here we have the sesame street the mary tyler moore show the single successful career woman that seventy's show you get
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a bunch of stoners and lena now you have the gay character that's singing about how you were born this way i understand how you could you can try to say that obviously there's a liberal undertones there but hey that's like right those are some of the people in this country that what's so wrong with representing that why do you think that there is some kind of deeper agenda that's needed to brainwash everyone you know there is a deeper agenda sometimes active sometimes passive people who i spoke to in hollywood admitted that yes we are trying to message our shows very often sometimes unconsciously in hollywood is a liberal echo chamber everybody tends to think the same way they tend to hire their friends they tend to hire people to hang out with and that's understandable look i'm not saying that a person of the right to. what they're doing i am saying that they should try and open up the industry a little bit because they also admitted to me that there is active discrimination in hollywood against people based on their political persuasion which would be just as wrong as as discrimination based on any other characteristic that makes no difference here ability to write so i think that that's that's the case that i make in primetime propaganda essentially but do you think there are any conservative
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examples out there if you look at movies if you look at t.v. shows if you look at the torture you know i know there are you get into any color and you look at the fact that i have the u.s. army partnering with movies like x.-men they're actually you know sponsoring them that basically is selling war to kids and telling them it's just like being a mutant you know i believe there are plenty examples on the island many x. men is hardly a person i really like the movie but it also happens to be not particularly right wing take on politics and you know the whole thing is a phobia. certainly many people in life through the messages of x. men but if you wouldn't talk about specific examples so it's easy to pick one counterexample the question is how many are there on the other side and you know you can pick maybe twenty four from modern day and maybe the cosby show from the eighty's but it's a once in a while there's a concern of you know you know the leave it to beaver is every typical day days and i think you have the has the nuclear family involved in it and now you have shows like modern family that just show you. you know changing. the ok so this is this is
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one of the things that people on the left tend to say about television is there's much more reflective a mirror of american society than transformative of american society i think it is great because you have left i mean people people on the left tend to think that because they live in liberal areas and so it does reflect their lives i mean it is reflecting what they see around them in washington d.c. or new york or san francisco or los angeles or you could birmingham alabama that's clearly bored transformative of what's going on there so i'm not saying they're lying i'm not saying what they believe isn't true is just true of their specific segments of the population for a group of people who don't believe in materialism they're. truly merely radical a good idea there. is the thing is that people like watching it you go to rural. areas i mean these are some of the top rated shows from decades of present day their hits their evil grandchildren so you're to scare the people are going to i don't know mr ouattara to think that maybe life can be like it is in the city no i would no i think that's the point that i'm making with regard to the shows is that there isn't
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a lot of choice on television there really is not i mean if you have you know if you buy whatever satellite or some kind of package you have hundreds of channels this is something that you would agree with they're all controlled by six major corporations. to choose from what he wants for his they're all going to get in there on their own casket i mean one of the things they talk about in primetime propaganda is the fact that so much of television programming is no narrowcast of specific segments of the population is not broadcast to a broad swath of the population you can have a successful show that's geared toward a very specific so that's why when you watch eight hundred channels how many channels do you actually watch course fifteen and already did you get it right what would have the choice there is they versity in terms of the audience is being targeted there's not a lot of diversity in terms of the political viewpoint being presented and that's the real problem with scripted television the people who are in the executive positions in the creative positions in the production positions are all of one political mindset and this is why by the way they focus very heavily on the eighteen to forty nine crowd i mean this is this is really the crux of the matter when you get right down to it the argument that they make you can just turn the channel and if you don't like it turn off the t.v.
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but no one's going to turn off the t.v. everybody likes entertaining content and i don't know what i'm going to turn out the very few and i don't encourage people to boycott i just don't see the big problem is here i guess this is where you and i are are not on the same pages as we're going to three hundred politically not of the same page it sounds to me like conservatives are a little bitter that people in hollywood happen to be more left leaning and more liberal and what i'm bitter about is the discrimination in hollywood which is very obvious and very clear and i'm also bitter frankly of conservatives for abandoning the playing field when it comes to the entertainment sphere i mean it's really allowed the left to take over the line if you want it i mean. you know i'm from california from los angeles there's a lot of it is who you know that's involved there too but there's a lot of how much money you have floating around here you know and after. i think that you made a good point there that if conservatives actually were to not abandon hollywood if they were to try harder if they wanted to push for certain success there then they could but i think it's interesting too that you've said before that you think that reality t.v. that isn't scripted happens to be a little bit more conservative than liberal can you explain that i do think that it
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is a response to the liberalism of scripts and if you look at a show with american idol the basic principle of american idol is open competition your background really does not make much of a difference in how well we are liberals not competitive but only a concerted liberals are competitive to a point i think they win it because there's a certain point where affirmative action case and at least affirmative action gets even tyler you know winking and kissing all the young girls on american idol considered to be conservative you know i mean that's who they know obviously know there's a liberal layering there but i think that it's more of an end. this really comes down to the crux of it which is that if you look at entertainment as a whole virtually all of it has liberal layering on it and american idol just happens you one of the more conservative shows it's not a perfect conservative show by any means i think if you look at t.v. and you look at t.v. shows like american idol you see some conservative layering you'll see some liberal layering right it will be hey is this is where flight is going to be as a whole it's one of the last by i want to ask you lastly to you how did you get so many people to actually talk to you because i've definitely heard some critique that people said to you misrepresented yourself that you didn't tell them you had a political agenda when you were doing the interview it's not my responsibility to
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tell them exactly what my political my politics are it's relevant to the actual question being asked and you know it seems to me that they really did or that if they'd known i was conservative lied to me you know they thought who i was i was they told me the truth the fact is there's only do they are going to put out a book that's called propaganda for your own conservative propaganda and i think that makes sense maybe only look they talk to me because my last name is shapiro and because it was harvard law school and he assumed that i was a liberal i never said that i was a conservative i never said to them i was a liberal i told me exactly what the book was about there was no lying that went on the tape recorder was in front of them everything was done with permission and the question is the same question regardless of who asks it great i'm happy you care about it thank you so much for joining us in a place of the for having me. all right still to come when governor gives a very different. going to count in the bible the bank his face a draconian budget cuts we're going to tell you who it is in our school find segment and on tap into happy hour parts of her brain will be disliking the latest number of face with users and a new great potato chip commercial takes a stab at the dominant strauss kahn and today we're going to touch on all of that and want to leave. it up sometimes
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you see a story and it seems so easy to understand it and then a glimpse something else you hear see some of the part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . the earlier. the you and the. fuck fuck fuck fuck.
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let's not forget that we live in an apartheid regime right. i think. one hundred twelve. whenever the government says they're very safe get ready because of the freedom.
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all right it's time for tonight's tools on war and tonight he goes to a governor who has a tendency of relying on a higher power when it comes to fixing the problems in his state just a short while back we told you but texas governor rick perry turned to god to help the people of texas when they were facing wildfires and droughts one other issue facing his state is the economy and just like the rest of the nation they're suffering too but an interview back in may on james robinson's life today program it seems like perry even thinks that our current faltering economy is a glimmer of hope if you will for our country to return to its biblical foundations and progress posted this clip from perry's interview and i think in america the. from time to time we have to go through some difficult times and and i think we're
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going through those difficult economic times for a purpose of the to bring us back to those biblical principles. you know you don't spend all the money you you you you work hard for those those six years and you could have that seventh year in the warehouse to take you through the hard times and and not spending all of our money you know asking for pharaoh to give everything to everybody and to take care of folks because at the end of the day. it's slavery and we become slaves to government. there is just so much and i'm going to clip that is so wrong i don't even know where to begin first of all the reference that he made to the pharaoh's definitely a biblical reference however as thing progress also pointed out today he may ingle the story a little bit in fact he actually just compared the u.s.
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government to a slave master but to make matters even worse perry is desperately pandering to people space by comparing his not so popular budget plan to the hardships suffered by the israelites in the bible which i find kind of pathetic encouraging people to needlessly suffer because of your poor and destructive policy choices and then comparing that to these your life is well that's just about as low as it gets and speaking of poor policy choices take a look at what perry is proposing to cut public schools will suffer a seven point eight billion dollar loss ninety seven thousand teachers and numbers of school staff are going to be laid off and ninety three hundred government workers are also going to be handed pink slips by the way the texas house ways and means committee allowed a tax break for anybody who wants to buy a yacht over two hundred fifty thousand dollars so let's be honest if you propose legislation that would screw over a good portion of your state's increase people suffering during a hard time then you probably come up with some absurd godly reason to right edge because like he called on texans do pray for rain perry wants to be able to get
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away with passing these measures without taking any heat from the public so just say this if your debt is god's way of bringing taxes back to biblical principles well you know what rick perry this move might work on a few of your constituents but thankfully some people actually listen to the crazy stuff that you say and realize that you're simply using god for political gain not sure what source of perry actually believes any of this crap or if he's saying it simply to evade responsibility for his actions so for hiding behind the bible when it comes to his state financial troubles governor rick perry is tonight's guilty. ok time for happy hour and joining me tonight is our two producer jenny churchill and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger at black five dot net. thanks again for joining me al of happy hour. we know.
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so we were talking about this tracy morgan thing the other day on our show i am sure you know he went on this whole homophobic rant that anything going crazy over and well if you aren't caught up with the story let's play a clip to catch you up. morgan said there is no way a woman could love and have sexual desire for another woman that's just a woman pretending because she hates and passing that man he went on to save his son was gay he better come home and talk to him like a man and not here he makes a gay high pitched voice or he would pull out a knife and stand that little and word to death. tracy morgan said at a comedy show and a lot of people were upset and so that was just c.n.n. recounting what happened and i think one of the audience members but he's been facing a lot of flack for it and so now it turns out that he's working with glad to make a p.s.a.
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you know. well i think what he said is wrong it's despicable and it's good he will come out and how to you know apologize or be held accountable for something like that i just feel like that's always the easy way out is not really how does the work but the gay people and the law and they'll know that but they like me right just like congressman wiener we're talking about as you say i'm sorry i was sending pictures of you know my thing to everybody into all these young girls and calling them but i'm just going to rehab for it and i'll make it all ok i think we came up with a great idea this morning that we really should open an inappropriate text or rehab because i think that we could get a lot of clients i mean money from people who have a lot of good friends. i would be embarrassed if i was gay by them allowing them to do this is obviously a big if you don't say something like that out loud in public on purpose and then just walk it back and say well no i want to be confusing i love gay people it's just so ridiculous to go in one week from someone saying things like that to the biggest fan and nobody's buying it he looks like a good book. and he's doing the same thing that michael vick did when he worked
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with the humane society it doesn't really get you anywhere everyone sees you for what you are and it's just really transfer brad should be embarrassed yeah you guys don't believe in redemption you know i'm not redemption for rick perry but give him some rights ok now this is something that's kind of interesting for the internet age you know facebook has been just growing exponentially i think they have something like on a seven hundred million users worldwide now but it just turns out that last month the bear apparently six million americans actually activated their facebook account so is this the beginning of the end i say good for them with all of the ridiculous privacy concerns that they spoke has been putting out there i think it's about time we will stand up and say you know i don't actually need you you're stupid website i mean recently they started the facial recognition thing which i think is super scary and i immediately activated that but it's it's just insane i mean they're right after the show i don't know necessarily go on facebook so now that she
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catches up with the rest of the world we're going to go out and kill all this and she's never going to see pictures of the grandkids or. for martin you know i mean obviously not presented see me again but i know it's not written by you sorry to say i don't i think that you know you get fed up with the fact that everything that you do can be seen by the way even if you don't want it to that information is being sold to advertisers you know they don't like the fact that now if you ever want to get a job what you get on facebook and you may have been younger back to bite you with drinking pictures of every college student yeah that stuff is problematic. the real issue is that the default is no privacy that you are not informed and that you have to go in and change it to make things private is the real problem it's nice that facebook and google are being unmasked for the data mining privacy destroying evil weasels that they are. well i don't think. losing any sleep over it probably still a billionaire. let's move on to see this is this is so hilarious but so wrong
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obviously everybody has forgotten all about dominic strauss kahn scandal because we are a gate happened but if you're a member of the i.m.f. is has been accused of attempting to rape a maid in a hotel and now there's a greek chip company that actually decided to play on this so take a look. if you see. somebody. i don't know is that is that inappropriate or is that all a good new book i don't understand how you want to joke about it that is a bit too soon after the book but i don't think there's even attempted rape i thought there was clear d.n.a. involved with this so i think it was pretty mean this is going to have i'm joking about it this board exam i'll go ahead and if i do i mean the greeks have no logs
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for t.s.k. and they're really really upset at the i'm out because of us already measures and i think that's i mean this commercial is going over really really well and pretty well for tape ok i know that but i don't track my previous meeting at all is that even though it plays upon this you know sad events waste obviously was tragic for this woman it's just has a lot of political and i don't think you know if the car didn't come to stop him and dragged him out then we're ok i would like i was trying to get on the. action with the. i want some a lot of physical abuse ok that's just as you love violence so there you go right you want to i personally can't wait for the s.k. themed law and order episode because you know it's coming and how that is for sure coming out early they're really on top. of their stuff and liner and you have to give them that one. this one is just kind of interesting i think you're going to have to have
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a lot to say about this sharon new book coming out that's been put out by two men who are both fathers and they wrote it together and it's called the art of roughhousing and it's a new parenting guide and well let's listen to a clip of one of the authors so you can explain a little bit of it myself but that's of course cohen says. there is an art to horse play it's the subject of his new book and he says it makes kids mark and joyful so first of all i'm going to put an eye out. so dominic strauss kahn is going to say i read the book and it's a whole. life. you know this is rough housing this book is embarrassing i'm embarrassed i'm actually embarrassed to stand here and say that there that this book is going to sell and that people in america need a guidebook only though they do have was. trying new neighborhood in alexandria where these people put their kids in these kind of games with strollers
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and never touch the ground or therefore they were croc's these people really seriously probably do need to be taught that their kids can touch dirt you know they can play the holes in their lives like that this book is about like bring a mattress in your living room so your child can jump off the couch play with me. let me let me read to you from what the book says as ultra simple diagrams for a thief because pillow fight or a round of human cannonball and they urge you to obey the law and the dictates of common sense if at all times if this is not evidence for my theory of the what's the case then that is america i asked was if a cage i mean with you there you need a diagram for a call if i please with that's just the same people who run those moonbuggy rest that stuff don't let their kids put this in the kids i have these organized little events kids that need that stuff your parents have to be told to knock the kid's room a little bit so they're not sissies we have a. well i have to say i do on one level sympathize with the authors because they
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were saying that kids are just sitting around playing video games and parents need to get involved but i just think it's so sad and that reporter in that clip was just i mean that if you. don't know why do something difficult when you bring the really good point. greg comes to you would be the back make you just sit around playing video games the fact that you know parents aren't home anymore so sure there's just not enough of this face to face personal interaction going on anymore but later in the clip she's really concerned that someone might get who bruised earth scratch because that's just for a real danger to miss fire guys thanks for joining me tonight. thanks for tuning in and make sure that you come back tomorrow join sanchez and kato be back on the show to get more in-depth about the f.b.i. is in new orleans guidelines that we told you about yesterday and meantime don't forget to become a fan of a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all at you tube dot com slash the long show from coast interviews as well as the shell in its entirety next
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is an immersive that. a charmer in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture of.
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me he. says.


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