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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2011 8:30am-9:00am PDT

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thank you. welcome back you're with r.t. like most recapping our top stories and the greek prime minister is preparing to announce major changes to his cabinet in the next few hours it follows a day of violence which saw police fired tear gas and thousands of angry protesters are furious over harsh cutbacks been considered to secure yet another international aid package. prague is pulling out of helping america's european missile defense shield by refusing to host facilities. around it confirms to russia it has
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no plans to possess a nuclear weapon this coming during a key summit of asian leaders. u.s. drone attacks allegedly killed scores of civilians in yemen while the u.k. readies helicopters and commandos action in the rest of country. now iran is promising transparency and constructive interaction with the un's nuclear watchdog a few days ago the e.u.'s foreign policy chief baroness ashton called on iran to prove its peaceful atomic intentions as during an exclusive interview with us here at c i mean i'll talk to iran's envoy to the international atomic energy agency ali asghar soltanieh thank you for joining us today the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has told the press in astana the president recognizes the importance of talks for resolving tension around your nuclear program is it does it not does it mark a more positive phase in your talks with the i.a.e.a.
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can you. well it's a pleasure to talk to you i just want to reiterate that for the last eight years ago. on three seed in the corporation we die a year about five thousand man the inspection has been made and not every day unsolved a version has been found to military purposes and this is a clear we love parents you know of course negotiation we have always welcomed negotiation and respect and of course without any precondition. regarding the comment interview with the r t. and i am rather disappointed because this sort of various statements. ignoring their fact there are a house clearly mation that there is no evidence of diversion and. reports clearly even the last of the for sure all of these with activities and every gram of uranium and therefore this called
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a twenty four hours cameras and inspectors he is going to. somehow misleading. to recall that i arrange in vienna are taking the ambassadors and leaving their different groups including they invited the ambassadors of e.u. both from angry and also special representative of lady ashton in vienna. a to join us all together when we visited nine thousand. in addition to inspectors they will have opportunity to see the realities on the ground and unfortunately. prevented good embassadors of the e.u. join our southern vast of those to go there so mr carney forgive me for interrupting so you're disappointed with the statements from catherine ashtown the ashton the e.u. high representative on foreign and security policy but you're saying that iran is being proactive and arms wide open for allowing the i.a.e.a. into your country to inspect your nuclear facilities would it come to catherine
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ashton she told us here at r.t. that iran has three thousand four hundred kilos of low enriched uranium which doesn't really have much purpose if you're not going to use it in a military program what is it for. i cannot go to italy v.j. i think they should read again the reports of director general by a noted fact that we have given the design information questionnaire about all this specific ation of now the facilities and the p one type. that these are designed in fact to produce loyally cheered any on which could be using power but as a test they cannot produce material for. let's say been great for developing nuclear weapons therefore technically we do respect his kind of a state when it has no justification and also as you are well aware after being very disappointed with. russia us and france not
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concluding or not being ready to produce fuel for their research reactor which is in desperate need for producing radio as a thought for can. we do apologise there having a few technical difficulties there here on our t.v. we are speaking to ali asghar soltanieh the iranian envoy to the international atomic energy agency and as as we were saying though today we have some major developments coming from where this major shanghai cooperation organization summit was taking place the iranian president with energy out it told the russian president dmitri motivator for the iran has no plans to develop nuclear weapons and and looks forward to a more open policy a transparent policy with the west and the i.a.e.a. in it discussing its nuclear agenda and of course some more details on that on our website that is our dot com so we are working to reestablish the connection here
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with with the earliest got a small tiny the iranian envoy to the i.a.e.a. will go will be back with with you in just a few moments to stay with us. well .
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just. about see it live from moscow i'm a researcher i apologies for just as untenable difficulties moments ago grassley talking to. the iranian envoy to the i.a.e.a. sorry about the technical difficulties difficulties got some thanks for joining us again i'm curious to ask you for years now that the u.s. has been employing various forms of covert intelligence operations to gather information on iran's nuclear program this one story operatives taking bricks out of buildings and then replacing them a quipped with radiation senses that we were aware of any such measures. not at all i can just refer you to divvy poor solve the i.a.e.a. which i have almost every day continuous inspection to be twenty four hours cameras
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working this kind of allegations have been raised during the last eight years i just want to recall you and ask your distinguished viewers to go to the event site and see these words of parching military side navvies our military side many allegations was raised by united states and i approved after an investigation taking samples and early to go process that all these allegations are baseless in fact before coming to vienna i was in charge of escorting all the inspectors and i was with them in this military size that it was proof that this allegation had no basis is a really unfortunate after eight years they are repeating these boring stories one thing is clear that we do not have any program for nuclear weapons we are fully cooperating we die as they said on. the most robust inspection in the history of why forty five thousand mandy's patients have found no evidence of diversion of
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nuclear material to prohibited purposes and the statement or claim by lady action we do respect i categorically reject and you cannot find any sort of question even by the i.a.e.a. in all the reports over the last eight years about he'll reach went there in that as including these four thousand kilograms also what they were as she was referring to and this is merely for low enriched to be using the future for of course a power plant such as they should type which need less than five percent and for twenty percent produce up to feel roughly fifty kilograms which we need of course about one hundred twenty kilograms in order to produce the fuel at the same amount that our musical journey finally enough can you please let me jump in here you're saying that ultimately the allegations by catherine ashton. the e.u. high representative on foreign and security policy you're saying accusations are baseless but if i can just turn the attention to the relationship the often tenuous
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relationship between israel and iran if israel joined the n.p.t. the national nuclear nonproliferation treaty how would this influence iran's behavior would you be perhaps in a stronger position to ease robberies about your own program. of course serious international concern ease only nonparty to n.p.t. in the middle east is the israelis that have violated the all the international laws only. in fact in the i.a.e.a. in eighty's when i was also at that time in basad or because of their violation. in fact army take against the iraqi reactor israel was suspended problem religion writer membership and we in new york last year i was there for one month i'm very pleased that the final declaration adopted by consensus call israel to promptly join n.p.t. and would destroy all kevin believe his amp with everything on the diy said was of
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course we are strongly urging for universality of n.p.t. we know that any p.t. has discrimination in a hurry didn't it but this is the only number of regime treaty that is close to getting or sell it and we are supporting it in fact iran was the only country participating last year in new york at the highest level our president was the head of delegation shows that we are really seriously for nonprofessional disarmament and last week in fact i just came back from tehran today we had two days international conference and of course we had to legations from russia countries even americans a european countries were participating but we're talking scholars for disarmament and nonproliferation and last year we had also the same we are forced to are working together with our like minded friends for their wars free from nuclear weapon i miss the time and they say you are work you are working together with the international community here but let's talk about how how the international
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community has been lobbying punishment on iran obama's national security adviser thomas e. delegate on the side of weeks ago quote the us will continue its aggressive sanctions policy against iran for the foreseeable future all these sanctions effective and are they justified. i just can tell you very simply because of time constraints i have explained the thought olinda i board of governors and in fact in many meetings in different countries when i have had the opportunity to talk to the parliamentarians all intellectuals for five legal reasons the security council resolution has do not have any legal basis and it could be implemented this is for sure and of course we have already said that these kind of we do not have any additional activities towards military purposes and they reach without all activities are fully under the i.s.f. got therefore i categorically reject any allegation on this one and we are
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continuing our work with the i.a.e.a. and of course that was the study called mistake getting united nations involved in the e.u. matters which is technically technical organization but as soon as of course this is the engagement is a stop in new york it will create a new chapter of corporative and what i meant as we have done in the past of course we have taken even a step beyond our legal obligation as you know where voluntarily applying additional protocol for twenty years then you see she was sent to new york then that a parliament passed a law and asked the government to suspend is application therefore let's hold an advice all including europeans and western countries it correctly be to understand a legitimate right do not put the pressure because the pressure would not have at all i assure you that none of these sanctions have had any impact on enrichment i think you can check and be fair to. you would be if i have information reports of
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a director general or even last week presented for all member states that the activities of their retirement have successfully been increased and promoted without any problem therefore to sanction have not been able to effect in richmond what has. some sort of sanctions unfortunately which is very very cheap and unfortunate now they are targeting passenger planes and not giving the gas related passenger plays creating difficulty for patients whether it's on either some or some of the sanctions poised to stop a certain amount of weapons being imported into iran and other sanctions are barring some iranian banks from dealing with international potential clients but if i may if i may when you continue to say that iran is working very much open dominant in a transparent what transparent way with the i.a.e.a. and the international community and here we have today are we going to try and say that he wants a more transparent and open relationship with the west what is it specifically
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specifically that you can bring to the table to diffuse the growing tension around your nuclear program where he simply we will continue without any interruption but we are very disappointed with secret because of sanctions we have not made any decision hasty decision and on contrary you continue to be fully committed to n.p.t. our years spectators are and will be without any difficulty able to access to all our nuclear activities and in some occasions even we have invited represented of different countries to be president as a sort of maximum transparency we will continue to do so and we have said in the last letter of our vice president and head of atomic energy to director general he said in a very late at a very crystal clear that if the agency follow its obligations under the work plan with alethea except using it broadly and the respect that modality it means close down allegations or called american laptop then there of course if there are any
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question is of sort of allegation of military don't measure what about any question ambiguity we are fully prepared to answer questions of the move in the n.b.c. is would you with. your method to prove. unquestionably that iran does not have a nuclear weapons program by allowing inspectors unfettered access to all of their nuclear facilities. we have said repeatedly do not have nuclear option in defense doctrine we are against said our supreme leader last year in tehran international conference and on disarmament are not be afraid and clearly said informed the whole world and declared that their nuclear weapon and depends on mass destruction are at legia sleep forbidden we are against it and we are mobilizing all known and i movement for even five working hard towards the moment of nuclear weapons and that is the policy idea to malaysia and i assure you i doubt you have had their one
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hundred percent transparency on place in any if you study of the i.a.e.a. and you cannot find any place in good imports of director general questioning our enrichment activities that is why i was very disappointed. when i know to you said in the r.t. interview we have the radiation had such a claim therefore i hope that the. advisers of green correctly deformation from the i.a.e.a. had of course the presently there where a lot more of them actually joined me and other in about. the beginning of this year and out this kind of let's say claim or in fact the less they are on them they're technically based their statement will not happen if i may for i finally just for a moment here's a forgive me for interrupting and i'm sure the international cannot be. sure sure and says that iran does not have a nuclear weapons program but of course or certainly washington d.c. capitol hill very big they keep asking does iran have a nuclear weapons program or did well house or on had
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a nuclear weapons program in the past we know the u.s. defense intelligence holds that iran develop a nuclear program to respond to a threat from iraq but after the international coalition invaded iraq your program was discontinued so it's true what was previously a nuclear weapons program in iran you know it is their parents out there said a unique opportunity you're talking to a person who has been involved for the last years talking. hours and hundred hours of spector's i categorically reject any of these allegations and inspectors and the head of the department of law you have brought some of these allegations and we approved for them that there was where these allegations were baseless we had not have any program for nuclear weapons and as i said that is so-called american allegations american laptop allegations had no justification and it is just says some fires to say that those allegations that was supposed they were supposed to be
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presented to iran and america has enough yet to deliver on mr brown the higher she criticizes united states preventing that if you gauge and but vendée showed none of those material had any sort of collapse again shared and therefore be proven one hundred seventeen pages need prove that all these allegations were forced and fabricated as i said i repeat again we are fully prepared to remove any question whatsoever but through the i.a.e.a. within different in a technical manner without any political motivation and we need more than ever to die a call technique called professional environment and the sooner the better united nations security council should stop engagement and these political infact the rhetorical statements by you here and there just complicate the situation therefore my advice is let die you have to do is job or now of course director general should also do is professional work not to put pressure on iran based on united nations
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security council resolution and ask for suspension or additional protocol because it won't work mr. tony the iranian envoy to the i.a.e.a. the international atomic energy agency it's been a pleasure talking to you live from brianna thank you very much leisure talking to you thank you very much so now time for sports with matushka here on alt. more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean combs discovers what makes antarctica so special and instructive for many wildlife in antarctica is a place if you live in the front of the. expedition to the bottom of the earth are three.
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hello and welcome to the schools and r.t.m. let's go straight to russian football where ruth who it was the biggest football name to put down roots about five months later his stand here is absent technology is over the dutchman received orders to see his side to go down go down to a last minute goal at the last night's seven million was the guilty man heading home the opponents free kick who have been handed an ultimatum so evil in this game will go by chechen president charles uncut bit of despite signing in one thousand month deal with the club at the start of the year but the tasting victory just three out of thirteen league games the forty eight year old is leaving terry currently fourteen placing the table right of all the relegation zone. now of the other round of the table things are looking rosy for say a scholar the most quality of our loan at the top following comprehensive three no window but also on tuesday extra swede for the other battles that both sides have
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been joint top heading into tuesday's game boxes didn't have to wait so long to seize the initiative the aim for brazil involved the logs pleasing he suffered through for one meal with just five minutes all the cloak their house would double they had gone to dr before good health all warmed up blasting home with her leg. simply as a spectator this is an aid to the contras throughout and really could have won by half a dozen goals but three mil was how it would finish the icing on the cake coming could see over along a boy who made the most of sergei ignatiev it just blocked free kick. and current champions in need have now taken over second spot from on shia after the thumb thrust of four kneel on home soil for different players on target for the holders including i see you on the friday after kickoff league cup score a done then there was another one six minutes from half time on carry on shovels
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who steve finished off a great move midway through the second half for three nails and that means fourth would usually arrive in injury time through early. adults or on tuesday spartak moscow were held to a disappointing one one drawing problems to look at my t.v. moved after the following a three one victory over start acknowledging really sort of pulled off a surprise victory over lying kurbaan and the want play softball and also wins for being and secrets that are of the day. in tennis carolyn was knocking and overall a doll have considered top it will go then while kim clijsters will have to miss the grandstand of the season having failed to recover from a food to injury world number two has again hurt her foot the right food this time of the unicef open in the netherlands earlier this week because of time you so good with her previously injured her ankle at her cousin's wedding clijsters competed in the french open bottles knocked out in the second round. now
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a grueling golf test awaits the lead field at the one hundred and eleven viewas open which tees off at the congressional gold club on thursday. previews the second major of the year which three time winner tiger woods will miss for the press time since one nine hundred ninety four. there hasn't been an outright dominant force in golf since the steady decline of former world number one tiger woods over the past two years several players did get to try on the crown with martin kaymer among those taken a turn is the highest goal for a good number to leave westwood had to separate runs as the world's best before luke donald took over the top spot in me westwards best finish of the us open came in two thousand and eight when he placed third behind woods in rocco mediate adding the spotlight shining brightest on world number one donald cook the englishman is still aware of the potential pitfalls of overconfidence it's dangerous to go and
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expect too much and come to it all expecting to win but i expect to do i know i can do and obviously the goal is always to have a chance on sunday and to contend and you know i've been doing a lot lately and there's no reason why i can't do it this week defending champion graeme mcdowell meanwhile already showed he can get it done under major pressure and northern ireland native prefer early as the game to speak for itself in this tournament and beyond i thought it all might for us open media and i've done it everything just this is my last but it's our before to see off on thursday and you know i'm really happy that it's all done because i really want to start looking forward to the rest of my career and what i want to achieve for the rest of my career and while the thirty one year old won a major title for his first ever p.g.a. tour when phil mickelson it sat and watched overtime crack in the tournament over the years lefty holds the record for the most second place finishes interim and history will find the fourth time major champion who will turn forty one during the
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first round believes he knows the adjustments needed to be made just as when i was trying to win my first major championship if if you focused so much on the result of the focus so much are winning sometimes you get your own way and so i'm trying not to think about winning as as much. try to it joy the challenge that lies ahead if recent history is any indication the past winners have a slim choose to repeat their tired old words with a brand new g.o.p. looking likely to emerge from the one hundred fifty six million field eight out of the last ten would have been first time champions for different continents and those at the top of the ranks hardly have a better opportunity to serve their dominance over the game when this congressional golf course holds the third u.s. open in its history uganda gorski car team and another highlight this week will see either boston of ankara win it all in the n.h.l.
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the stanley cup will be awarded to even team in bank of early on wednesday evening after the decisive game seven can accept never thought of before all the while the last time the bruins claimed the title was back in one nine hundred seventy two maybe the rangers in the finals. over to the upcoming european women's basketball championships where there will be two notable exclusions from the russian roster on the back or a result that have been cut out of the ultimate scored which had to be reduced from sixteen to fourteen players ahead of the tournaments just first group game in poland will biggest slovakia on saturday. i find the release of the team is enough to fly to new brigade only for victory ladies don't divide matches into friendlies or qualifiers they just work to be a conscience and to be very and i'm sure that every single player of mine. and that was a supporter now joined again later for more action and results coming up after this
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as the latter state of r.t. hungry for the full story we've got it for us the biggest issues get the cuban voice face to face with the news makers on our team.
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