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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT

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i love the people who provide that even want to be fair. to you but. we report from the front line in athens as police said thousands of protesters furious at cutbacks so greece can qualify for more international aid also. pulls out from european missile defense plan saying that it wants a bigger role in this project all details in just a couple of minutes. iran confirms to russia its total renouncement of nuclear weapons at a summit of asian leaders here join me for the details later in the program. the way to bring the deadly superiority to yemen u.s.
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drones allegedly kill schools of civilians as the u.k. readies helicopters and to send to the rest of. international news in comment live from our studios here in central moscow this is greece boiling point with police firing tear gas at crowds of angry protesters thousands of demonstrators are trying to block access to the parliament building where the government is discussing more cutbacks to secure further rescue loans. reports now from inside the clashes in athens. the clashes between the police and the protesters still going to be some of the hands of the states need to head to take out buildings fired in the crowd you can see the destruction is being taught alongside claire that was killed in a time. people hit one thing that actually was going to go to the name of the place
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trying to find out that violence still breaking out you know if i see be not still by a lot of the people on the streets he's the next he protested but with the gas must tell they really don't want anyone still that it's been said that the people who took the high and mighty provoking the play of people still missing back on the central state even though you can't take us to link sets off by the place they turned out to protest against the proposal started by says they're i guess about the economic situation that's been happening that called and they want it and. what we have they really didn't want the protests turned violent till the end but you can just see the chaos happening haled in pakistan right at this very moment that is absolutely tales of the state the police all over the place we were nicer than where the takeouts of think that so i can tell you it's not a pleasant experience he absolutely cannot break the numbers of people who could
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remember well really quite daring and. people. to state that they can get them in the favorite the nazis. getting old it's a place of love the might still a say. they can say right now that the police need to get a gun fight possibly that's going to be another round of take up somebody to beat up with a gun the people that really get stuff into the crowd. to try to. oh yeah they did you know the maybe i let it go to set up a bit of a got i thought it was right. it was. a one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero hour. well that was sarah firth reporting from the greek capital well there are plenty of ways to update yourself on what's happening there in athens you can head to twitter. under school home with first hand details along with links to the
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latest analysis videos and pictures. one of the british m.e.p. nigel farrar she is a renowned euro skeptic let's hear what he has to say about banks benefiting from the system of bailouts at the moment and of course the situation there in greece mr ferrars thanks very much indeed for joining us live in brussels i've got a report here from the financial times in front of me saying that bank chiefs average pay in the u.s. and europe let thirty six percent last year to nine point seven million dollars and one banker is reportedly to avert something like twenty one million dollars last year what do you make of the bankers cashing in on the economic crisis at the moment. well i'm all for people making money i mean making money is good but not a visit at the expense of everybody else and part of what we're seeing this afternoon is we're seeing a country like greece becoming engulfed in a financial and democratic tragedy one of the reasons that everybody is so
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determined to keep greece in the euro is so that the banks don't have to take a serious hit on their faulty lending policies so there's something has gone seriously wrong with the banking system it's almost as if there's a whole other holy alliance of politicians and bankers versus ordinary people and i'm sure that's what the people on the streets of athens today feel like but the regulators are clearly failing on a why should these bankers be allowed to get away with this i mean surely a lot of that anger we're seeing in greece is directed to those sort of people we're talking about right now well look from alan greenspan through the united kingdom and most of western europe in the late one nine hundred ninety s. we tore up much of the banking regulation that we've had for the previous seventy years and traditional lending rate ceo's what out of the window when the whole thing went belly up in two thousand and eight the response from the european union and from other governments was we had to do whatever was necessary to prop up these banks and to keep them in business and we're now beginning i think to pay the price
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for that don't think the banking crisis is over i suspect that it's hardly begun and in many cases it might have been better to do what iceland did and say look these bags go bust these people lose their jobs these people lose their money that's unfortunate but that's life and i suspect we're going to regret keeping the banks afloat and imprisoning countries like greece inside a currency union which they're just not suited you are an m.e.p. in brussels many people be saying to you look it's your responsibility you've got to protect the people's rights here why are you reading the riot act to these bankers. well i am afraid that it is not just the bankers you know because it's the politicians in the first place that change the rules for the bankers and it's the politicians that are propping up the bankers and i have been trying with president van remploy with president barroso with all the people that lead the you i have been trying now for four years in question after question and speech after speech
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i've been saying to them what is plan b. isn't it time we had received that greece portugal arland are not suited to the euro zone isn't it better that we that they come out they get their own currencies back they have a devaluation and then of course some of the banks have to take a hit but they won't hear of it here because as far as they're concerned in brussels the euro the economic and monetary union is a political project they see it as a stepping stone to the united states of europe and they're not prepared to admit they've got it horribly wrong and for that frankly they couldn't care less if tens of millions of people across europe lose their jobs that doesn't matter to the european commission provided they can maintain the euro and keep propping up the banks if they can that really are sorry to interrupt they carry on living in your probably describing is a fantasy land surely reality will eventually hit and will we possibly see
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a collapse of the eurozone the euro itself and presumably that's what you yourself want to see isn't it. well look i don't think the euro's a good idea but i also do not want to see violence on the streets and people getting hurt and i don't want to see the euro break up in a disorderly manner but frankly if they go on saying there is no plan b. if they go on trying to keep these countries trapped inside the euro then i'm afraid we are headed for a very sticky end indeed and in the end i think financially what will bring this down in the end isn't just the greek economy or the portuguese or the irish in the end what's going to bring this down is the european central bank itself an organization that all the member states have put money into and the point at which greece defaults and it's coming it could come within the next couple of weeks in my opinion the point at which greece defaults you will see the european central bank itself effectively will be bust because they've used all this money buying up
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effectively their own bad debt and then when the hat goes round i just can't see countries like finland countries like the netherlands putting money in so we could be fairly close to the whole thing busting but so i don't so i have for what if it does collapse in the way you're saying what happens i mean you're talking earlier and we've heard all the see that greece have talked about dropping the euro and going back to its own original currency but just how easy is that transition when we got country countries already in debt i mean is that really the answer to revert back to those old currencies again well the greek prime minister who just resigned mr power and said there is no alternative to the austerity package and staying in the euro the sort of sado monetarism that he's trying to impose upon the greek people without the benefits of devaluation there is always at alternative and whilst i accept that a greek default and a return to the drachma would mean a very big substantial devaluation for greece and it would mean many of these banks
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taking serious hits and it would question the viability of the european central bank it so. of it is better sometimes in life to face up to the fact that you've done something that is wrong that is fundamentally out of kilter that the greek and german economies could never be together in an economic and monetary union and i do not think that we should put another hundred ten billion euros into bailing out greece a year after we did it the last time around all we're doing is pouring good money after bad it's time to face up to reality and take the hit why are you concerned you're a british m.e.p. there britain isn't in the euro zone it's not really your problem is it what it is because we help will we help with all the bail out so british taxpayers are are are involved with the portuguese bailout with the irish bailout and with the greek bailout through our membership of the international monetary fund so whatever happens this does affect british people as an m.e.p. you know i'm linking arms with politicians from other parts of other parties and
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countries who are saying the same thing let's get rid of this your own nonsense it was bound to fail it is now causing civil disorder on the streets of greece the level of which frankly is very worrying and very frightening and it's time for change are you concerned about the same sort of civil disorder perhaps occurring in britain. what i think this i think if you rob people of their democratic rights if you take away from them their ability to determine their future by hand by who they vote for and who becomes their prime minister and frankly that's happened in greece it doesn't matter whether pap and ryo or somebody else is the pm all the while they're trapped in the euro and taking orders from the european commission as to what they must tax and what they must spend i think if you take that away from people then the only alternative they're left with is civil disobedience is civil disorder it is deeply deeply worrying we need a good dose of democracy both in greece in britain and everywhere else and if we do
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that will prevent these things from her and just briefly do you think from. what we're seeing there in europe your stance the party obviously that wants to get britain out of europe do you think you're scoring more political support now on points bearing in mind with what we're seeing at the moment how do you feel about your party your position at the moment well can i draw a parallel and that is the true finns party led by t.-mo sony has been a colleague of ours here in the european parliament they in the recent finnish general election went from four percent of the previous election to nineteen percent in the recent election but only one and a half points away from winning the finish general election all a ticket of no bailouts let's get out of the euro let's get our democracy back let's take back control of our lives and i think the u.k. for the truth for the freedom party in holland for many many of these political parties you are about to see substantial change knowledge of good to talk to you good to hear what you have to say thank you very much indeed for joining us live
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there from brussels. well coming up this egypt's freedom to press the country's military rulers tower over the revolution that toppled president mubarak made on occasions of army abuses sparking anger among citizens. a story sort of calm but first u.s. missile defense plans for europe has suffered a setback prague is now refusing to take part in the system czech officials say they're not happy with washington's offer. reports. prague wants a bigger role in this project the project of the european missile defense shield we understand that the initial plan mensah that only a preventive missile detection system would have been placed in the czech republic while major other major components of the system like the radar station or the missile anti-missile complexes in poland were meant to be placed in other countries like turkey romania there was an initial plan by the bush administration which was
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scrapped by the obama administration when he came to office in two thousand and nine the bush plan seriously irritated mosco with many claiming that this plan was directed against russia the obama plan the plan seemed to be much better seem to be much more convenient for all sides in that but in the past several years we've seen lots of contradictions between the words in the actions and mosco is still pretty much unhappy about the way this project is being carried out saying that on many occasions washington does something without the consent so the initial plan of a united joint defense system in europe is not working out so far with the statements by president reagan saying that in fact there are no legal guarantees that this system would not be used against russia because the rogue states which this missile defense system should be protecting europe from do not have the missiles which the system is intended for those missiles only and are in possession of russia so clearly all this makes great serious concerns in mosco and the war of
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words continuous we are waiting for some comments to come from washington certainly but experts are now trying to guess whether this turnaround the fact that the czech republic wants to withdraw from this is somehow related to moscow's continuous voice of discontent on that issue. iran says it has no plans to possess nuclear weapons during talks with russia a key summit of asian countries they've been meeting with leaders which focused on tackling the raft of economic and security issues which face them syria reports now from the summit. along the meeting between russian president dmitri medvedev and iran it was a closed door meeting however afterwards foreign minister sergei lavrov did come out and said that. did confirm to president medvedev that iran is in total renouncement of plans to possess nuclear weapons now this is important because the nuclear powered nonproliferation has been a major topic here at the summit as well as the controversial nuclear program of
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iran and also discussed at that meeting is the. plan of iran to to get rid of the u.n. sanctions because the u.s. has really grooving to be a hurdle in its bid for membership into d.s.t.o. but aside from iran president get it also met with the leader of a stud and here they had discussed of course the a drug situation in the country which is threatening the security of russia as well as a potential business deals between the two countries big deals apparently because russia is a willing to contribute a lot to the rebuilding of the country believe they did touch on a whole range of important issues that are happening in the world today as expected they had been a very vocal about the situation in north africa and the middle east and they have come up with an official statement which does reflect what they have been saying all along that the international. involvement in those parts of the world really have to adhere to international law particularly in libya they are calling for the
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troops there are calling for nato in particular to adhere to the u.n. resolution one hundred seventy three and one nine hundred seventy that had allowed for the no fly zone over libya they do not agree with further military involvement in such situations also foreign minister lavrov had issued a statement on syria saying that russia has not and will not change its position on the matter and that to russia will be against. on the syria security in the region that was at the top of the agenda of the persons of afghanistan and here has been a very important it has brought a lot of issues to the table i've got a status here as a guest and they want to be observer to the c.e.o. one of the key issues is the post nato future of the country that members do believe that the stability of afghanistan is essential to stability. and also of
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course topping that agenda with regard to afghanistan is the drug situation this is very important for russia and they have all acknowledged that they have to come up with a common strategy in dealing with this president the head of reiterating again and again how important this is for russia let's hear what he had to say on the matter . afghanistan. can be. a country which is hugely important. to corporation. and also they have made a statement on the fact that a unilateral missile defense system is going to be a threat to international security by unilateral decision made by one country or by one group at the last but not the least india and pakistan have explicitly expressed their intent to become full members and it is hoped that by joining the
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c.e.o. this will ease the a rather tense relationship between the two countries. reporting that iran is promising transparency and constructive interaction with the un's nuclear watchdog a few days ago policy chief baroness ashton called to give evidence of its peaceful intentions an exclusive interview for. the international atomic energy agency insisted that iran has nothing to prove. many allegations was raised by the united states and i approved of the investigation taking samples and added to go process that all these allegations are baseless in fact before coming to the u.n. i was in charge of escorting all the inspectors and i was with them in this when it is size that it was would prove that this allegation had no basis is every unfortunately after eight years the only painting is boring the stories one thing is clear that we do not have any program for nuclear weapons we are fully
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cooperating with as a said unprecedented the most robust inspection in the history of order five thousand mandy's have found no evidence of diversion of nuclear material to prove we did purposes and the statement or claim by lady ocean with due respect i categorically reject well a full interview with iran's nuclear and void to the un will be here on r.t. for in about ten minutes from now. the west is weighing in to yemen's ongoing unrest with deadly force officials in the troubled country say u.s. drone strikes have killed over one hundred people including civilians in the past two weeks one of the u.k.'s preparing attack helicopters and commando squads for possible action there in yemen what is your image has more on this from london. they are becoming more and more involved saying all the time we don't want to get any more involved in the conflict in yemen any more involved in libya than we can help it any more involved in the middle east as a region as a whole apaches attack helicopters we've seen them in in general. in iraq and
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afghanistan and of course most recently in libya where involvement was seen as a mox escalation in the involvement of u.k. and french nato troops very low flying so the likelihood of casualties is much increased. presence there and it does need like an escalation of involvement again as we've said so many times about libya the legality of this is extremely. we are seeing u.s. drone attacks increasing numbers of u.s. drone attacks in yemen and the reasoning for that is that according to u.s. forces is taking advantage of what's going in going on that and moving into this power vacuum which is being created since president saleh left and went to saudi arabia for medical treatment moving into that helping the activity taking advantage of general civil unrest to grab more support more territory the reason for the u.s.
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paying these drone attacks that's how it's justifying it but of course that power vacuum works both ways interestingly the u.s. forces the military forces used to cool it with presence to attack and when intelligence kind of these kinds of territorial issues but now the u.s. can easily say that there's no authorities with with whom to cooperate the government is essentially not in operation anymore so if they if they wanted to one would have thought that they could just go ahead and they like and of course we've now seeing president obama. use cia drones our cia drones will have a much wider much. lection of targets that they can. see we've also heard reports from a deputy provincial governor in yemen saying that one hundred people have been killed in drone attacks just in the last month and that many of them were. what appear to be innocent civilians and then of course the last thing is this secret cia base for drones that we hear is being built in the persian gulf region we're getting reports of that all the time and that is in case the yemeni government
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falls to al qaeda and al qaeda no longer permit these drone attacks in the country they need a base with which from from which to fly there is really very much more involved in terms of both the u.s. and the u.k. . in london egypt strive for democracy seeing thousands of arrests media censorship in a state of emergency since replacing president mubarak is not one of gypsies were hoping for after the fabric revolution but left hundreds many no wonder whether the process was worth pursuing as we were if a notion that reports from cairo. egypt never sleeps the eighteen day uprising that ousted president mubarak has woken up the hell nation this has become a common scene here and this to. amnesty international estimates at least eight hundred forty people were killed and more than six thousand wounded during the
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protests that forced a tyrant to step down but even in a barak free country the resume for fear and frustration. right his brother was among fifteen young men killed in the violent really just drive but his cairo just weeks after the revolution egyptian christians and muslims clashed following reports that a young christian woman was kidnapped and held in a coptic church after she married a muslim and converted to islam but even though he was a christian coptic it wasn't a muslim that killed read his brother. an army sniper shot my brother dead the bullet went through his forehead and it came out on the side and i saw it that no one here has a weapon like this on the soldiers that it's hard to grasp what happened. rather blames the army for taking the life of his younger brother and the revolution from giving the army so much power. and as. we expected the army to intervene to protect
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people just don't mind answering but instead they started to kill people themselves who didn't expect that at all that the people of egypt didn't expect many things they didn't expect the economy to collapse they didn't imagine the path to a free and democratic society would be such a bloody and painful one they just wanted to free from dictatorship and didn't expect it all to find themselves under get another one in military one the power in egypt now since mubarak is out rest firmly in the hands of the military chief of staff. they were sitting literally in the pentagon war room when the twitter revolution started and they are running the show there has been no displacement about military power but this is a washington installed as i call it in my book full spectrum dominance totalitarian democracy the people who stood on deaf ears where we do bill and the regime that oppressed them for more than three decades was going how pharaoh as they call the
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dictator would soon finally face justice for what he's done but months on the revolutionary euphoria has gone as well and people are asking themselves was that really was the hundreds of victims and did they really get a better country in. egypt is at the crossroads it could go towards chaos or democracy the worst scenario would be the army continues to rule in the country sinks into blood from a civil war it's up to the people to decide. months since the free it shook the whole arab world it's clear the revolution may now be a part of history but the fight is far from over. to bring us up to date for the moment informants tell us about the summary of our main news stories in the meantime business news is next with kareena.
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welcome to business both here in r.t. thanks for joining me russia is still struggling with a debilitating effects of the global economic crisis but expects its economy to fully recover by next year meanwhile prime minister putin says the country's already aiming at fulfilling bigger plans. we have two fools and ambitious goals for the next two you can need to make russia one of the five largest economies of the world and as for g.d.p. per capita to increase this figure from nineteen point seven thousand dollars to move them thirty five thousand people person but to do this we need to double productivity in the known real material high tech sectors three or four fold. let's take a look at how the markets are performing or there's a near one hundred dollars per barrel as us supplies for more than expected concerns about rising demand are supporting the price of the american petroleum institute reported decline in us in the tories for the last week limiting games though is news that u.s. retail sales are not as bad as expected. and u.s.
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stocks are falling as investors become increasingly concerned about the worsening debt crisis in greece both the dow jones and nasdaq are losing over a percent markets are also affected by a report on manufacturing in new york that came in well below forecasts suggesting more weakness in u.s. factory production. here also markets closed in the red on wednesday with both king indexes like they lower the r.t.s. last point three percent in the my six was down less than a quarter of a percent now let's have a look at some of the individual share moves energy majors were mostly lower. last more than a percent and rosner finished point nine percent in the bread electricity sector into raw was higher on reports about the company's possible cooperation with china's. russian financial corporation. has boosted its net profit by thirty percent to one hundred two million dollars in the.


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