tv [untitled] June 15, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT
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because the free love these people have provided they didn't want to be found because they cut the t.v. but. we report from the front line in athens as police fired tear gas at thousands of protesters furious at harsher cutbacks so greece can qualify for more international also this. pulls out from a just european missile defense plan say that it wants a bigger role in this project all details in just a couple of minutes. iran confirms to russia its total renouncement of plans to pursue nuclear weapons at a summit of asian leaders here join me for the details later in the program. the way to bring the deadly superiority to yemen u.s.
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drones allegedly kill schools of civilians as the u.k. readies helicopters and to send to the rest of. internationalising common life from last two years here in central moscow this is our team greece is boiling point with police firing tear gas at crowds of protesters thousands of demonstrators are trying to block access to the parliament building where the government is discussing more cut backs to secure further rescue learns. reports from inside the clashes there in athens. but the clashes between the police and the protest is still going on the families have fled the state. building. fired in the crowd you can see this touching things out along the sides
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larry that was filled and they tell. people hey i'm wondering exactly what's going to go to the name of the place trying to find the file that violence still breaking out no if i see be not stopped by a lot of the people on the streets he's the nice people just implied with the gas must tell they really don't want anyone to film that it's been said that the people who took the high tea provoking the police people still missing back on the central state even though you can't take us to link sets off by the place they turned out to take time to get these protests to start he made it there i guess about the economic situation that's been happening that culture and they want it to end but we have the thing. that can find it till the end and you can see the chaos happening hail in pakistan right at this very moment that is absolute chaos of the state the police all over the place rice a sense of where the takeouts is think that's all i can tell you it's not
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a pleasant experience you absolutely can't upgrade the numbers of people who could . carry. out people. to stay where they live. many people really know seesawing. place about that might kill a player. they can see right now then the police we didn't play footsie does going to be another round of take up something that happened a. few things i want to sell now filming. something for you still filming rain. right now you still filming ok. girl may see right now it's very hard to tell because even the protesters head they want to see this to say just what. happening all the feeds right now we got the five bad eggs you got the cake got five yeah you
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got it you got that. by now the phrase has. another thing at the moment a large number of these people are actually prevail you cannot believe you can see them during the black heat of phones and never once people try to stop it still may . and it got leaked to the guy you got right was me you get beat up the right. as we see the prices at the police still classy out the bay but very hard to briefly below the people who provide he doesn't even want to be filming has he caught the debugger. well that's how it was sarah furthur reporter in the capital well sarah still updating twitter stream with details from inside the street protests there were underscored questions providing first details in the links to the latest analysis video.
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we're now and you're a skeptic in british euro m.p. knowledge of for saving the banks is why politicians a so determined to bail out greece and keep it in the eurozone. one of the reasons that everybody is so determined to keep greece in the euro is so that the banks don't have to take a serious hit on their faulty lending policies so there's something has gone seriously wrong with the banking system it's almost as if there's a holy alliance of politicians and bankers versus ordinary people i'm sure that's what the people on the streets of athens today feel like don't think the banking crisis is over i suspect but it's hardly begun and in many cases it might have been better to do what iceland did and say look these bags go bust these people lose their jobs these people lose their money that's how i'm fortunate about life and i suspect we're going to regret keeping the banks afloat and imprisoning countries like greece inside a currency union which they're just not suited. for coming up or this hour here in
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r t egypt's freedom to press the country's military rulers of the revolution that toppled president barack amid allegations of army abuse is sparking anger among citizens. u.s. missile defense plans for europe has suffered a setback prague is now refusing to take part in the system check official say they're not happy with washington's offers like she had a chef ski now reports. prague wants a bigger role in this project the project of the european missile defense shield we understand that the initial plan mensah that only a preventive missile detection system would have been placed in the czech republic while major other major components of the system like the radar station or the missile anti-missile complexes in poland were meant to be placed in other countries like turkey romania there was an initial plan by the bush administration which was scrapped by the obama administration when he came to office in two thousand and
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nine the bush plan seriously irritated mosco with many claiming that this plan was directed against russia the obama plan the plan seemed to be much better seemed to be much more convenient for all sides in that but in the past several years we've seen lots of contradictions between the words and the actions and mosco is still pretty much unhappy about the way this project is being carried out saying that on many occasions washington does something without the consent so the initial plan of a united joint defense system in europe is not working out so far with the statements by president reagan saying that in fact there are no legal guarantees that this system would not be used against russia because the rogue states which at this missile defense system should be protecting europe from do not have the missiles which the system is intended for those missiles only are in possession of russia so clearly all this makes great serious concerns in moscow and the war of words continuous we are waiting for some comments to come from washington certainly
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but experts are now trying to guess whether this turnaround of the fact that the czech republic wants to withdraw from this project is somehow related to moscow's continuous voice of discontent on that issue. well let's go live to prague now and talk to young to my she's from the czech humanist movement thanks very much indeed for joining us there in prague on your web cam now you've followed progs involvement in the missile defense plan for years you and i have been talking about this too over the last couple of years now why is the czech republic pulling out now. well it's really difficult to say right now we only have information from one source from one press conference so maybe you will see more of your own the following few days right now we can only speculate what's behind this. from the information that i've read and seen is that the u.s. reevaluated. the whole plan and decided to. make it part of of a broader nato project and. there is no big important role in this new
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plan for the czech republic and therefore the czech republic feels that the role that it should play in this new plan is not adequate and it would want to bigger role and therefore it pulls out yes he wants a bigger role so it's actually a little premature to celebrate isn't it because apparently the czech officials have said that they want this bigger role in this missile defense system do you think that's going to be quite near in the future i mean what is it they're exactly looking for do you think is it perhaps some sort of lucrative side to this is about money or is it really about defense. well it seems hard to say i would say or there is some aspect related to money for sure i think. this project was initially estimated to cost somewhere around four billion u.s. dollars from u.s. taxpayers money and that's a lot of money that would go to four or five military corporations more slee that
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would build this project for the u.s. military now the plan has somehow changed and now it should involve more media countries but still there the amount of money would have i think remain in the same area in the same general area and so we're talking about a lot of money and it's possible that the czech minister of defense or the czech government wants a bigger piece of the my ass so you think your campaigning will have to continue then in the future. well i think will continue for as long as you cakes because from the polls that we've seen throughout the years it's clear that the czech people don't want such a thing here in this country we feel that this will actually undermine the security of both the czech republic and europe as a continent and so we think that it's completely contradictory to play such a such a system here in europe if some would say that the czech republic will be undermining nato by not being part of some form of missile defense system because obviously it's a part of the nato alliance and it's got to be part of a defense system with nato as a net. well i believe that there's a better way for
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a true security not only for europe but for the entire world and that is building on the international institutions that we have already in place mostly the united nations this project goes completely. aside of united nations it completely ignores this very important institution it only relies on on this military organization called nato and i believe that is that is not going to make the world safer on the contrary it's going to increase tensions with china and it's already made a lot of mess with their relations with russia and and it's not making the world safer it's actually making the international relations worse than they are with the auto i mean what's the argument is that there is making the world safer particularly europe because the argument is that this european missile defense system is supposed to be protecting europe from perceived tax from iran and north korea is that not a justified argument well those are claim that have been made claims that have been
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made but i believe they're completely groundless it's clear that if the if for example north korea would decide to attack united states it would certainly not aim across europe it would it would fire the missiles eastwards if iran would have such a capability i'm not sure if it would but it doesn't have such a capability now so we're talking about some theoretical threat while in reality we do have some real threats so why don't we deal with the real threat why do we focus on some hypothetical threat i believe it's much much more important to focus on a real threat that exist right now what all those threats that you put forward as your argument what are your real threats the real threat for for example is that this system without incorporating russia without talking to also other world super powers like china like india or the following a superpower is that will be the biggest world economies in the. it is really going
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to make a lot of tensions on the global scale and so it should be wise and just start thinking about about building security mechanisms and structures that will include all the big superpowers not just some younger mass joining us live from prague on your webcam thanks very much for your time here on r.t. thank you. iran says it has no plans to possess nuclear weapons a country of just been talking about with in that interview the officials in iran say that during talks with russia a key summit of asian countries there saying that they do not pose any threats in terms of a nuclear weapon they've just wrapped up their meeting with leaders which focused on tackling the raft of economic and security issues which currently face them and that's our senior reports now from that summit. on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization summit russian president dmitri medvedev had sat down with . a closed door meeting and according to
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a foreign minister for all that important statement had been made at that meeting. confirming to dmitri medvedev it's total renouncement to assess a nuclear weapons and important statement to be made at a time when there's a lot of international pressure on iran in this regard now russia had also raised the possibility of a more constructive cooperation between iran and the nations referring to the five permanent members of the u.n. security council plus germany as well as the importance of increasing transparency between iran and the international atomic energy agency now a side of from the issue of a new its nuclear program a nuclear nonproliferation iran had also said that it is willing to work with. iran is seeking full membership. in the sanctions against it is proving to be a hurdle so it seems that iran is willing to work on this in order to clear the
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path for full membership to this group now aside from the president had also sat down with the president of afghanistan hamid karzai and as expected topping that meeting is to the issue of a drug trafficking drug production in afghanistan of course a very big a security issue for russia where ninety percent of the drugs in the country comes from afghanistan so russia willing to stand by there in terms of investment in helping rebuild. afghanistan. and its partnership with you can be. as far as i understand members agree with is a country which is hugely important to security of all states the syria has always been. an organization. but agreed. with different countries now as for the main a summit itself b s c o had to produce a declaration at the end of it and they had come up with
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a common approach. to the situation in the middle east north africa and as expected that they had to just set officially what they have been echoing for some time now the national community's involvement in libya in particular should adhere to the international law specifically the un security council resolution one thousand seven hundred seventy three which authorized the no fly zone and with regard to syria russian foreign minister sergey lavrov had issued a separate a statement saying that russia will not change its position that it is still against any military involvement in the country and it will not support any proposal you have resolution syria for the s.c. it also made a statement on missile defenses. that they do the last roll of missile defense system meaning made by one country or one through on the matter is going to be dangerous threat to international stability and they have also said that members of
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the s c o must adhere to a clear nonproliferation treaty so we'll get asked a variety of important topics having been discussing agreed upon at the shanghai cooperation organization summit. reporting there well full exclusive interview with the roles nuclear envoy to the international atomic energy agency will be here in just over an hour from now. the west is weighing in to yemen's ongoing unrest with deadly force officials in the troubled country say u.s. drone strikes have killed over one hundred people including civilians in the past two weeks now the u.k. is preparing attack helicopters and commandos squads for possible action. on this. they are becoming more and more involved saying all the time we don't want to get any more involved in the conflict in yemen any more involved in libya than we can help it any more involved in the middle east as a region as a whole apaches attack helicopters we've seen them in in general. in iraq and afghanistan and of course most recently in libya where involvement was seen as
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a marked escalation in the involvement of u.k. and french nato troops very low flying so the likelihood of casualties is much increased. presence there and it does like an escalation of involvement again as we've said so many times about libya the legality of this is extremely clear we are seeing u.s. drone attacks increasing numbers of u.s. drone attacks in yemen and the reasoning for that is. according to u.s. forces is taking advantage of what's going in going on moving into this power vacuum which is being created since president saleh left and went to saudi arabia for medical treatment moving into that being the activity taking advantage of general civil unrest to grab more support more territory the reason for the u.s. paying these drone attacks that's how it's justifying it but of course that power vacuum works both ways interestingly the u.s.
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forces the military forces used to cooperate with the president on who to attack and when intelligence kind of these kinds of territorial issues but now the u.s. can easily say that there's no authorities with with whom to cooperate the government is essentially not in operation anymore so if they if they wanted to one would have thought that they could just go ahead where they like and of course we've now seeing president obama ok the cia drains our cia drones we'll have a much more you really miss much. of targets that they can. we've also heard reports from a deputy provincial governor in yemen saying that one hundred thirty people have been killed in drone attacks just in the last month and that many of them were. what appear to be innocent civilians and then of course the last thing is this secret cia base that we hear is being built in the persian gulf region we're getting reports of that all the time and that is in case the yemeni government
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falls to al qaeda and al qaeda no longer permit these drone attacks in the country they need a base. from which to fly they really are very much more involved in terms of both the u.s. and the u.k. . reporting there from london while other news from around the world the world the pakistani intelligence at least fifteen alleged insurgents have been killed in the u.s. drone attack in northwest pakistan a series of strikes targeted the suspected militant compound near the main town in pakistan's south was it a stand tribal area the region is known for helping many taliban insurgents who frequently carry out attacks against the government forces. syria is calling on refugees who fled to turkey to return to the term burned and after the army moved in to crush the groups the government says it's regained control and will continue to pursue what it calls the remnants of turner's groups eight thousand people left the town and the now in refugee camps on the turkish border series of months of brutal crackdowns and protests to try to force the president to quit. suicide car
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bombers struck a north east afghanistan near a governor's building killing seven including police officers the taliban's admitted the a turk which targeted the french ambassador and a military convoy a separate attack occurred at almost the same time south of the capital when a rocket was fired on a police training center vice president an interior minister were there but there were no reported injuries. egypt's drive for democracy acing fell's of arrests media censorship a state of emergency since replacing president mubarak but what egyptians were hoping for after the for every revolution that hundreds dead well you know what there was a price worth paying that's refreshing reports now from cairo. egypt never sleeps the eighteen day uprising that ousted president mubarak has woken up the hell nation this has become a common scene here and this to. amnesty international estimates at least eight
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hundred forty people were killed and more than six thousand wounded during the protests that forced a tyrant to step down but even in a barrack free country the resume for fear and frustration. read his brother was among fifteen young men killed in the violent religious strife that his cairo just weeks after the revolution egyptian christians and muslims clashed following reports that a young christian woman was kidnapped and held in a coptic church after she married a muslim and converted to islam but even then he was a christian coptic it wasn't a muslim that killed read his brother lemon as an army sniper showed my brother dead the bullet went through his forehead and it came out on the other side and i saw it that no one here has a weapon like this on a soldier's do it's hard to grasp what happened. rather blames the army for taking the life of his younger brother and the revolution from giving the army so much
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power. and as. we expected the army to intervene to protect people to stop my lens but instead they started to kill people themselves who didn't expect that at all that the people of egypt didn't expect many things they didn't expect the economy to collapse they didn't imagine the path to a free and democratic society would be such a bloody and painful one they just wanted to free from dictatorship and didn't expect it all to find themselves under get another one in military one the power in egypt now since mubarak is out rest firmly in the hands of the military chiefs of staff. they were sitting in literally in the pentagon war room when the twitter revolution started and they are running the show there has been old displacement about military power but this is a washington installed as i call it in my book full spectrum dominance totalitarian
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democracy the people who stood on deaf ears where we do bill and the regime that oppress them for more than three decades was going how pharaoh as they call the dictator would soon finally face justice for what he's done but most on the revolutionary euphoria has got as well and people are asking themselves was that really was the hundreds of victims and did they really get a better country in. egypt is at the crossroads it could go towards chaos or democracy the worst scenario would be of the army continues to rule in the country sinks into blood from a civil war it's up to the people to decide. months since the free it shook the arab world it's clear the revolution may now be a part of history but the fight is far from over narration ocean our tea. party will be exploring a network of u.s. military bases which spanned the whole world that will be our special report for
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you that will be after the business update with kareena stay with us for that. hello welcome to business here in r.t. thanks for joining me this hour russia still struggling with a debilitating effects of the global economic crisis but expects its economy to fully recover by next year meanwhile prime minister putin says the country's already amy at fulfilling bigger plans. we have two fools an ambitious goals for the next decade to make russia one of the five largest economies of the world and as for g.d.p. per capita to increase this figure from nineteen point seven thousand dollars to move. but to do this we need to double productivity in the known real material high tech sectors three or. let's take a look at how the markets are doing or those near one hundred dollars per barrel as us supplies for more than expected concerns about rising demand supporting the
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price as the american petroleum institute reports a decline in u.s. interest for the last week limiting gains though it's news that u.s. retail sales are not as bad as expected more and that u.s. stocks continue to fall as investors are concerned about the worsening debt crisis in greece both the dow jones and nasdaq aloose are losing over half a percent the price of consumer goods rose in may as the cost of food clothing autos and housing all exhilarated offsetting the first drop in energy prices in eleven months here in russia markets close in the red on wednesday with both key indexes slightly lower the r.t.s. last point three percent of them isaacs was down around point two percent now let's have a look at some of the individual share moves energy majors will mostly lower gas from last more than a percent finish point nine percent in the red in the electricity sector into raw was higher on reports about the company's the company's possible cooperation with chinese from china. and russia from national corp a of cases my has boosted its net
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profit by thirty percent to one hundred twenty two million dollars in the first quarter of two thousand and eleven the company says the results reflected stronger income growth from its. oil operations sistema all of the wide range of companies including controlling stakes in russian top mobile operator. and oil company. and that's it for this hour but don't forget you can always log on to our website r.t. dot com slash business from all starts. to
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a substantial degree and one form or another socialism has spread the shadow of human regimentation over most of the nations of europe and the shadow is an approaching liberty. to leave early twenty first century military bases a network of military bases all around the forms of the movement empire that the united states is trying to do that's astonishing most americans have no idea there are more than a quarter of a million more than two hundred fifty thousand u.s. troops stationed on these bases all around the.
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