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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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all of the. hotels. in the region country club savoy sure to find this piece of the first book. let's go eager to coach. the love the people who never even want to. see but. we report from the front lawn enough. of thousands of protesters furious. so greece can qualify for more international they also. brought. european missile defense. wants a bigger role in this project all details in just a couple of minutes. iraq confirms to russia its total renouncement of plastic and nuclear weapons at a summit are they should leaders here join me for the details later in the program
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. the way to bring the deadly air superiority to yemen u.s. drones allegedly kill schools of civilians as the u.k. readies helicopters and to send to the rest of. international news and comment live for most of us here in central moscow this is. the greek prime minister is promising a major reshuffle of the cabinet george proper and he's even ready to quit if whoever takes charge continues the program is that came after a day of protests that left eighteen injured. reports now from inside those clashes in athens. between the police and the protesters still going to be.
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the states need to head to a guy building in the crowd. to such things alone to such clarity that it will take time. people have one thing to most get a hold of the name of the place trying to find that violence still breaking out nobody fights still i love the people of the c.c.c. nice people just didn't like the cosmos and they really don't want anyone still that has been sent by the people who have the highest provoking the police people still moving back into the central state even though you can't take us to link sets off by the place they turned out to protest against the protests to start and i said there i go about the economic situation that's been happening that caused him they would attempt to kill me had the same place at the time fired it till the end but you can still happening hail cadmus right at this very moment that is absolutely pails of the state the police the face to face
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a sense of whether to take out something that's all i can tell you is not a pleasant experience any kind of break the numbers of people who could. really put. people. to take. a pretty nutty so. close to place some other. places. you can see right there the police need to put up something that's going to be enough around to take up such a. thing i want to sell nuffield. something i still selling rainbow. premise to filming like a. girl in the street right now it's very hard to sell the kids even the places.
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they want to see this is a different happening all the feeds right out you got to find it but a you've got to. you've got to go. find the phrase that's. the other thing at the moment a large number of these people are actually proving making the police people see them during the dry heat of phones a man who once he tried to stop us from a. guy got right up we. got out we beat the price out of police still classy that the good god to greet them i love the people who provided me didn't even want to see phil because they caught the sea but. i was there for pouring there from the capital and sarah is still facing. the detail from inside the street protests there in athens worked on the school and then she's performing first time details of the events to the. video and.
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we know that you're a skeptic on british european nodule for us is that saving the banks is why politicians are so determined to bail out greece and keep it in the euro zone. one of the reasons that everybody is so determined to keep greece in the euro is so that the banks don't have to take a serious hit on their faulty lending policies so there's something has gone seriously wrong with the banking system it's almost as if it was the other holy alliance of politicians and bankers versus ordinary people i'm sure that's what the people on the streets of athens today feel like don't think the banking crisis is over i suspect but it's hard and in many cases it might have been better to do what iceland and say look these banks go bust these people lose their jobs these people lose their money that's unfortunate about life and i suspect we're going to regret keeping the banks afloat and imprisoning countries like greece inside
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a currency union which they're just not suited. for. the way for you this from a barber looms over the unrest in yemen. stepping up their military involvement in the. country. let's look to the heavens now for a few minutes the bright summer full moon is slowly disappearing into darkness and much of the world is the longest lunar eclipse in a decade gets underway and. is watching the skies in moscow. and you see much where you are at the moment. at the moment look up into the moscow sky there's been a few clouds the vision of the moon hasn't been so great but if you can see that we've seen it in and out of the clouds it's glowing bright red color and if you do look up at the moment and see that don't be alarmed what you're seeing is a lunar eclipse and it's the first full lunar events in the screen since the year
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two thousand so what is actually happening why is the moon glowing red well usually the moon that you see glowing white is a reflection of the sun's rays but so worth it to lie right now is right. come between the sun and the moon blocking out most of the sun's rays getting to the moon the rays that you can see getting to the moon are the red rays most of the blue ones. giving in red color at the moment for the next hour and a half hours the sun's shadow covers the earth's shadow covers the moon all around the earth throughout search south america australia up into asia and europe and africa people will be able to see this eclipse the one place that people won't be able to see it unfortunately is north america because it's daytime there at the moment but for the next hour and a half if you have the chance to grab some binoculars or a telescope you'll be able to see a lot more detail on the earth's. surface one of the big craters and seas that are
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put on the moon surface a lot more than you usually be able to see to see the end of this hour and a half of our stuff will soar back in the fourth century b.c. as the sun's as the earth's curved shadow lose the moon he saw all that time ago and gave some of the first proof that perhaps earth is in fact a sphere not flat unfortunately for you bill stuck in the studio you're going to have to wait quite a while the next solar eclipse is going to be in two thousand and eighteen so unfortunately you have to wait for that yes but i want to stay in the studio until that time. i have a quick look out the window i hope in about twenty minutes from now and see if you have a look at the developments. in the meantime thanks very much for that update tom but in their. main news u.s. missile defense plans for europe. prague is now refusing to take part in the system
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officials say they're not happy with washington's offer as alexian a chef. prague wants that bigger role in this project the project of the european missile defense shield we understand that the initial plan mensah that only a preventive missile detection system would have been placed in the czech republic while major other major components of the system like the raider station or the missile anti-missile complexes in poland were meant to be placed in other countries like turkey romania it was an initial plan by the bush administration which was scrapped by the obama administration when he came to office in two thousand and nine the bush plan seriously irritated mosco with many claiming that this plan was directed against russia the obama plan the plan seems to be much better seem to be much more convenient for all sides in that but in the past several years we've seen lots of contradictions between the words in the actions and mosco is still pretty much unhappy about the way this project is being carried out saying that on many
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occasions washington does something without the consent so the initial plan of a united joint defense system in europe is not working out so far with the statements by president reagan saying that in fact there are no legal guarantees that this system would not be used against russia because the rogue states which this missile defense system should be protecting europe from do not have the missiles which the system is intended for those missiles only are in possession of russia so clearly all this makes great serious concerns in mosco and the war of words continuous we are waiting for some comments to come from washington certainly but experts are now trying to guess whether this turnaround but the fact that the czech republic wants to withdraw from this broad is somehow related to moscow's continuous voice of discontent on that issue. and. has been. for years he thinks the project will only fuel international tension unless it
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involves keep power players like russia and china. but check people don't want such a thing here in this country we feel that this we're actually undermining the security of the czech republic and europe as a continent and so we think that it's completely contradictory to place a socialist system here in europe this system without incorporating russia without talking to us who are doing it world superpower this way china. india or the following a simple piracy that will be the biggest world economies in the in years is really going to make a lot of tension on the global scale and so it we should be wise and just start thinking about building security mechanisms and structures that will include all of the superpowers not just some. russia's envoy to nato has told r.t. that the missile defense project seems more of a threat than a reassurance of peace because of course you do the security of an individual or
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state consists of two parts the first is the guarantee given by law by the state the other part is simply mentored by a person's actions to provide his or her own security the same applies to us the more real guarantees we get from our partner the less will do to provide security and vice versa i believe the missile defense project in the way it's presented now is very provocative and unjust it can be useful and fear only of russia gets to participate in it on equal terms with other states. the west is weighing into yemen's ongoing unrest with deadly force officials in the troubled country say u.s. drone strikes have killed over one hundred people including civilians in the past two weeks now the u.k. is preparing to attack helicopters and commando squads for possible action in yemen what is your image has more on this from london. they are becoming more and more involved saying all the time but we don't want to get any more involved in the
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conflict in yemen any more involved in libya than we can help it any more involved in the middle east as a region as a whole apaches attack helicopters we've seen them in in general. in iraq and in afghanistan and of course most recently in libya where involvement was seen as a marked escalation in the involvement of u.k. and french nato troops very low flying so the likelihood of casualties is much increased. presence there and it does look like an escalation of involvement again as we said so many times about libya the legality of this is extremely clear we are seeing u.s. drone attacks increasing numbers of u.s. drone attacks in in yemen and the reasoning for that is that according to u.s. forces is taking advantage of what's going on moving into this power vacuum which is being created since president left and went to saudi arabia for medical treatment moving into that hoping activity taking advantage of general civil unrest
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to grab more support more and more territory the reason for the u.s. paying these drone attacks that's how it's justifying it but of course that power vacuum works both ways interestingly the u.s. forces the military forces used to corporate with presence on who to attack and when intelligence kind of these kinds of territorial issues but now the u.s. can easily say that there's no authorities with with whom to cooperate the government is essentially not in operation anymore so if they if they wanted to one would have thought that they could just go ahead where they like and of course we've now seeing president obama ok the use of cia drains our cia agents who have a much more you really miss much. lection of targets that they can. and we've also heard reports from a deputy provincial governor in yemen saying that one hundred thirty people have been killed in drone attacks just in the last month and that many of them were. what appear to be innocent civilians and then of course the last thing is this secret cia base for drones that we hear is being built in the persian gulf region
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we're getting reports about all the time that is in case the yemeni government pulls. permits these drone attacks in the country they need a base with which from which to fly they really are very much more involved in terms of both the u.s. and the u.k. . in london well the british m.p. jeremy corbin joins me now from london to give us his reaction to those developments thanks very much indeed for being with us here latino would protect attack helicopters and even commandos reportedly being prepared for possible deployment there in yemen are we looking at a potential libya start intervention in. the numbers at the moment in the area of far too small for libya start of intervention as you put it i believe. for quite large helicopters some apache attack helicopters that are stationed on
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two british ships off the coast they were. apparently for the evacuation of british nationals here in yemen from their thought to be about five hundred but clearly they could be used to something else and with the upping of the u.s. role now that presence is safely out of yemen as far as the us are concerned they can essentially do what they like as your package explained and so i'm concerned that this might be leading into yet another military by britain in the region would that not be justified though when we hear that the power vacuum in yemen is supposedly giving al qaeda a chance to take power would that not be a very good argument in comparison to libya and syria or for intervention. i believe nothing that will strengthen the hand and promote. a western intervention in yemen particularly as the west has supported presence for all these years sold
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him large numbers of arms and weaponry and now seem to be opposing him in order to try and create some of the settlement i think the western role should be to try and promote a political dialogue between the various factions which is not impossible to achieve that and try to bring about some kind of resolution and peace there as the west goes in with our. starts forming on behalf of. who then i think then that will make the situation markedly worse yemen has huge poverty and social issues it's the poorest country in the region it's a median age a population is less than eighty and it has the greatest social discrepancies of any country in the whole region of the last thing it needs is more bombing what it needs is peace what it needs is people coming together and it needs overseas aid to help it develop its historical reason why to get involved in yemen i mean obviously used to control part of yemen maybe wants to gain ground over of
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a country that is becoming unstable. well britain has its hand in the past in just about every country in the region yemen in particular was a the south of yemen which was a major british. naval base until independence carrying the country was then split by the cold war and there was the coming together but for many in the south it was seen as a takeover by them so any government or political unity that emerges asked to bring together all of the fractions and all of the interests across the yemen i cannot believe that syria i drove a liking to bring this about and in their haste to be involved the u.s. looked to me like they are in danger of making all the mistakes they made in afghanistan. and they rushed in as part of the cold war armed anyone that offered to fight on their behalf and thus was born the taliban what about the u.k.
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get involved as you're very outspoken about foreign intervention military intervention from part politically can afford to get involved in yet another conflict and also financially at this time. well the british forces are at a very high degree of stretch at the moment they have obviously a big involvement in afghanistan they have an involvement in libya and they have involvements in other places. i can't see that britain is in a position to send large numbers of planes ships and certainly not troops into yemen. or whether there would be any public support on this i really doubt the public opposition to the war in iraq is huge there is huge opposition to the continued presence in afghanistan not a support for the rapid withdrawal of british forces from afghanistan i don't think the public would wear the idea that going to yemen is yet another theatre of war would be a good idea how much reaction from the public at the moment over libya when the u.k. is now saying there's no time limit for its operations what's the reaction from the
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media in the public about that operation there libya. the public it becoming more and more skeptical about libya the government presented it as a humanitarian exercise on behalf of the united nations to enforce a no fly zone that no fly zone involved in those five thousand and more bombing sorties over libya special forces apparently are operating in libya the foreign secretary went to the last week and i asked him a straight question in parliament on tuesday or said will he finally admit that we are intervening on behalf of the opposition in libya and that this is an attempt at regime change and still persists to this narrative that this is some kind of u.n. humanitarian operation particle becoming increasingly skeptical about this increasingly nervous we're involved for oil and i think we should not. involve either of those things and i think regionally it is an understanding of peace but in understanding the grief of poverty and oppression that so many people
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have for so long they're not looking for western intervention they're looking for their own salvation jeremy corbin live in london thank you very much indeed for sharing your thoughts thank you. well that brings us now to very nearly twenty one minutes past the hour twenty one minutes past eleven o'clock at night here in moscow and time for a few minutes of sky gazing now let's bring you live pictures of the moon taking center stage over much of the planet right now and this is the view at the moment we see from south africa the shots of the eclipse occurring there is the longest lunar eclipse in more than a decade and we're heading towards totality when the full eclipse is in effect just about everywhere is going to see the earth obscure the sun's light the midsummer moon apart from north america because the moon doesn't completely disappear them the sun's obviously much larger in the sunlight skips around but it leaves the full moon copper red color. these are shots as i say from south africa it's
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a little cloudy here in moscow at the moment but we are getting some glimpses of it here the spectacle could last or should last for about an hour and a half so if it's not clear the way you want to take a look. i urge you to do so because it'll be your last chance until july two thousand and eighteen. back to other news this hour iran says it has no plans to possess nuclear weapons during talks with russia a key summit of asian countries they've just wrapped up their meeting with leaders which focus on tackling the wrath of economic and security issues which face them and syria has this report now from the summit. on the sidelines of the a shanghai cooperation organization summit russian president dmitry medvedev had sat down with iraq's mahmoud ahmadinejad in a closed door meeting and according to a foreign minister sergei love for all that important statement had been made at that meeting i'm awkward about it which i've confirming to dmitri medvedev it's
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total renouncement defiance of assessing nuclear weapons reports statement to be made at a time when there's a lot of international pressure on iran in this regard now russia had also raise the possibility of a more constructive cooperation between iran and be a five plus one nations or for it to be a five permanent members of the u.s. security council plus germany as well as the importance of increasing transparency between iran and the international atomic energy agency now us side or from the issue of a new its nuclear program a nuclear nonproliferation iran had also said that it is willing to work with se or members in it lifting a leader u.n. sanction iran is seeking full membership at the c.e.o. and that the sanctions against it is proving to be a hurdle so it seems that iran is willing to work on this in order to clear the path for full membership into this group now aside from where the leader of iraq president medvedev had also sat down with the president of afghanistan hamid karzai and as expected topping that meeting is to the issue of the drug trafficking and
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that drug production in afghanistan of course a very big a security issue for russia where ninety percent of the drugs in the country comes from afghanistan so russia willing to stand by if god has to bear in terms of investments in helping to rebuild the country to. afghanistan. and its partnership with. as far as i understand. is a country which usually impacts. states and yes syria has always been. an organization. with different countries who asked for the main a summit itself b s c o had to produce a declaration not beat them to it and they had come up with a common approach of composition to the situation in the middle east and north africa and as expected that they had to just set officially what they have been
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echoing for some time now the beach national communities involvement it libya in particular should adhere to the international law specifically the un security council resolution one thousand seven hundred seventy three which authorized the no fly zone and with regard to syria russian foreign minister sergei lavrov had issued a separate a statement saying that russia will not change its position that it is still against any military involvement in the country and it will not support any proposal you have resolutely should syria for the a c. it also made a statement on the missile defense system of it said that they do the last roll missile defense system it meaning what decision made by one country or one group on the matter is going to be dangerous threats to what international stability and they have also said that members of the s c o must adhere to a nuclear nonproliferation treaty so would get a pass rush past a variety of important topics having been discuss agreed upon at the shanghai
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cooperation organization summit cheap cross talk takes all new slippery business of the world all producing call telling a few minutes in the meantime we've got this sales business with kareena stay with us. who are welcome to it because the sports of the us is still struggling with a debilitating effects of a global economic crisis that expects its economy to fully recover by next year we were prime minister putin says the country's already fulfilling bigger plans. next you can make russia one of the five largest economies of the world and g.d.p. per capita to increase this for you from nineteen point seven five thousand dollars to move them food for instance you can't listen to do this we need to double productivity. material high tech suit three. now is take a look at how the markets are performing oil is near one hundred dollars
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a barrel as the u.s. supplies for more than expected concerns about rising demand are supporting the price of the american petroleum institute reports a decline in u.s. invent stories for the last week limiting gains though it's the news that u.s. retail sales are not as bad as expected turning to u.s. stocks they continue to fall as investors are concerned about the worsening debt crisis in greece both the dow jones on the nasdaq losing over one and a half percent this hour the price of consumer goods rose in a as the cost of food clothing autos and housing all excel are rated offsetting the first drop in energy prices in eleven months and your stock markets fell sharply on wednesday as investor sentiment is weighed by concerns over greece banks in greece were among the biggest decliners and shares of national bank of greece dropped seven point eight percent of those of banks and nearly seven percent here in russia markets close in the red as well of one state both with both candidates is
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slightly lower the r.t.s. was point three percent and i'm isaac's was down around point two percent now looking at some of the individual share moves we see energy majors mostly lower gas from last more than a percent at ross now just point nine percent in the red and i would just say the sector into raw was a reports about the company's possible cooperation with chinese from same. person financial corp n f k sistema has boosted its net profit by person to. sent to one hundred and two million dollars in the first quarter of two thousand and eleven the company says the results reflect its strong that income growth from its core assets and oil peroration its systemic owns a wide range of companies including controlling stakes and rawson top mobile operator m.t.'s and all company question after. so for me in the business team here on our team will be back tomorrow with more business news so join us then meanwhile
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thanks michel thanks for watching. one stream can skidding from mountain slopes the view is mismanaging. the modest beauty brings death at a speed of more than two hundred kilometers. the.


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